#ck season 2 episode 8
danielslaw · 2 years
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So... who thought it was a good idea to bring Vincent Gerrard back?
It's been three days since the finale aired and I'm still trying to figure out why the show did that non-cliffhanger with Gerrard. Did they really believe viewers would want to spend the entire hiatus thinking about all the horrible things that will be said to Chimney, Hen, Buck, Eddie and Ravi under this 100 year-old-dude's leadership?
I mean seriously, he was the WORST captain in the history of 9-1-1 with his racist and bigoted ass and why didn't the LAFD fire him after what he did to Chimney and Hen? It's truly baffling for the show to think anyone who watched the Hen and Chimney Begins episodes in season 2 would want to watch the beloved characters of the 118 be subjected to his f~ckery in season 8.
What was the goal here because it doesn't make any sense? This is supposed to be a TV show not an Alfred Hitchcock movie or an Agatha Christie novel. Can TM please get back to the business of the show and stop trying to recreate movies, stop doing drama for the sake of drama and shock value just because he thinks it'll be good (it won't be and it hasn't been; for proof see episodes 7x7 and 7x9 for his ridiculous recreation of the movie "Vertigo" because it was BS and it assassinated Eddie's character) and start back focusing on the main cast and the emergencies? At this point, the show has lost it's essence and it kind of feels like they'll never get it back.
I miss the way the show was in seasons 2, 3 and 4. The rest has been a cluster f~ck.
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cjbolan · 3 months
Finished HOTD Season 2 Episode 2. Lots of thoughts . Mainly about Alicent…
1) Alicent shows a tendency to start f*cking Ser Criston Cole when she should be comforting her mourning children.
2) I thought in the last scene for a second Alicent was going to show Aegon real affection for the first time . But nope she instead turns away from Aegon in his greatest time of need and instead f*cks Cole. Confirming again what a terrible mother she is. Truly incapable of making her son feel loved.
3) This episode is the first time I think Alicent showed her daughter Helaena real affection.
4) I think Aegon does know about his mom’s secret affair and is going to blackmail her with his knowledge of it.
5) Aegon may be an idiot but I am again so glad to see him stand up to his mom and granddad for treating him like crap his entire childhood.
6) The battle between the two brothers was so sad.
7) Whether or not Daemon told Blood and Cheese to kill a child, I still think Daemon wanted that. The way he denies the accusations sounds so bland and unconvincing, he could be lying. I’m with you Rhaenyra; I don’t believe him either.
8) Several characters express regret for their actions , but I think only Ser Arryk shows genuine regret.
9) Anyone else think Jahaerys’ head was going to fall off during the funeral procession ?
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Rewriting the last 2 seasons of mlp:fim, cause I'm bored and I need to get my ideas out.
I warn you: This is a collection of cluttered ideas, so don't expect it to be perfect o anything XD
Story of season 8 rewrite:
Instead of there being a School of Friendship, have the Student 6 be assigned to study under one of the Mane 6. 
Twilight Sparkle does what she did in the show and asks each of the different leaders to send a student to study, learn, and live with them. The student paired with each Mane Six member is:
Strength (Rockhoof) – Honesty (Applejack) – Yona (?)
Healing (Mage Meadowbrook) – Kindness (Fluttershy) – Sandbar (?)
Hope (Somnambula) – Laughter (Pinkie Pie) – Silverstream (Enthusiasm)
Beauty (Mistmane) – Generosity (Rarity) – Ocellus (Change)
Bravery (Flash Magnus) – Loyalty (Rainbow Dash) – Smolder (?)
Sorcery (Star Swirl the Bearded) – Magic (Twilight Sparkle) – Gallus (?)
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I believe that this makes more sense than a school.
Give the two villains of the season (Cozy Glow and Chancellor Neighsay) actual reasons/backstories for the way they act and what they do.
Give Cozy Glow a more believable motivation. In the original finale, Cozy's motivation for stealing the magic of Equestria is... I forgot honesty, lol.
A more believable motivation could be that Cozy feels neglected and overlooked by the other ponies, specifically unicorns, and she wants to screw with everyone by creating a level playing field (disregarding how it'll fuck up everyone in Equestria).
For the Chancellor, let's say that he recalls all of the times throughout the series where ponykind had been attacked or come into conflict with other creatures, etc. That's a more believable motivation.
Season 8 finale: 
I actually don't know how to write this in a way for it to make more sense, I just know that these specific plot points need to happen in the episode:
The Mane Six are put out of commission in order for the Student Six to be revealed to have a connection to the Elements of Harmony 
Cozy is revealed to have a connection to Tirek in some way. And we actually learn her backstory.
The Mane Six talk to Tirek and learn more about his past, and he mentions Scorpan of course
Chancellor Neighsay gets a realistic redemption, but after learning his backstory of course
Cozy Glow is sent away, not to Tartarus, but to stay with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence in the Crystal Empire to learn how to be good and get whatever the f*ck help she needs XD 
At the end of the story the Mane Six are praising their individual students and are happy that they have the same connection to the Elements and each other that they do. 
Story of season 9:
In order to understand what happens next, I highly recommend that you watch these videos by DrWolf001 on YouTube. These videos were the ones that inspired all of this:
ok, here we go!
Everything that happened in the season 9 premiere happens, the only difference being that Grogar is the REAL Grogar, not Discord in disguise.
Oh, and… a very special guest shows up at the school. 
Everyone in the room, the Mane Six, Spike, the Pillars, Celestia and Luna, the Student Six, everyone else is in utter shock at who it is: 
Scorpan, Tirek's younger brother, carrying a staff made from the Tree of Harmony! 
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Following episodes:
Scorpan has made his reappearance to the characters. The Pillars and the Royal Sisters are ecstatic to see their old friend, especially Starswirl. Scorpan asks Celestia if the dragon egg he gave her hatched yet, and everyone is shocked. Scorpan meets Spike, and explains himself: 
When Starswirl and Scorpan first became friends, Scorpan was carrying Spike's egg with him. He explains that he found it by itself, and wanted to find it a home. He asked Starswirl to take care of it, but he refused, since he had more important things to do. Starswirl instead gave it to Celestia and Luna to use as a test, similar to Twilight Sparkle's test in the School for Gifted Unicorns. After the Pillars sacrificed themselves to stop the Pony of Shadows, Scorpan went back to his homeland. His brother was in Tartarus, and his friends were gone, so he had no reason to stay. 
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Many years have passed, and Celestia still couldn't open the egg. She didn't know why, since she was a powerful alicorn. So when she built her school, she created the egg as the final test. (Even if a Unicorn couldn't open the egg, they wouldn't be judged on that alone.)
Scorpan explains what inspired him to come back to Equestria: His magical staff, which was made out of a branch from the Tree of Harmony, alerted him to the fact that more creatures were now connected to the Tree, so he came there to see. Scorpan meets them all, but is confused about something: There are only six elements for the Mane Six and the Student Six. 
Scorpan demands to see the Tree of Harmony, and storms off with the others following him.
Scorpan sees that the Tree is destroyed, but he is still trying to find something. The others are confused, but Scorpan says that it's "nothing". They leave, except for Spike.
Spike asks Scorpan where he found his egg, and Scorpan says he "doesn't remember". Spike is disappointed of course, but eventually says that he's accepted it. Scorpan starts asking Spike about his life with the ponies and all that jazz, and after hearing Spike talk, he realizes that Spike is exactly like him: 
He's the only non-pony member of his group of friends, he has a closer relationship with the main element (Twilight Sparkle) similar to how Scorpan had a closer relationship with the main element in his day (Starswirl), and even though he feels out of place sometimes, he's accepted his life and his duties to help his friends. Scorpan tells Spike that he believes he's the 7th Element. 
Tolerance (Scorpan) – Acceptance (Spike) – (?) (?)
Who is under Spike? That remains to be seen... meaning idk
Spike tells him that it's impossible, as when the ponies found the Elements, they only found 6. Scorpan tells him that only those that are connected to the Elements can find them. Scorpan and Spike search the Castle of the Two Sisters, but can't find the missing element anywhere. Scorpan asks Spike to try to remember if he's ever taken it or even seen it, and Spike remembers:
In the episode Secret of My Excess, when Spike was going through his greed-induced puberty, he was taking random things and hoarding them in the library. One was an orb that he found in the Castle of the Two Sisters. 
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But after Spike had turned back to normal, he had returned all of the items he took. Spike didn't know what the orb was, so he just kept it in the basement. 
And then… the library was destroyed by Tirek. So the entrance to the basement was lost underground. So Scorpan and Spike start digging, or they find a way to teleport down there, idk
They find the orb in the basement, and Spike tries to get it to transform into a jewel. Scorpan says that it can only transform in the presence of the other Elements. 
That's all I've come up with. Feel free to add, suggest, or rewrite something, please 😅
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sunreys · 5 months
As much as I love the netflix shadow and bone and I really enjoyed watching it, let's be so fucking for real: it's not a good adaptation.
Season 1 was not a bad start. Like yeah you can have your complaints about certain acting choices and cgi and whatever (it is a Netflix show let's keep our expectations,,,,,level) but it was not that bad! It was fun, it was pretty faithful to the characters! In terms of book adaptations, it's honestly up there in quality. Season 2, though.
This whole show has been compared to a crack fic, and I second that---its not really the grishaverse. It's like someone's six of crows/shadow and bone crossover fic. Meaning we're smashing together two stories that are each already full of so much content on their own that it would be hard to do it all justice in an 8 episode netflix series. Even harder when you're combining 2 books, random storylines we pulled out of our asses, and scenes from soc and ck that had no business being there. I understand why they did this: six of crows is much more popular than shadow and bone, and the people at netflix wanted to get the most money possible from this. Alas, this hinders the story of the show so so much. For all it's flaws, there is so much good shit in the shadow and bone trilogy. There is SO MUCH that is so interesting, so poignant, so fun, etc etc that we entirely skipped past and cut out because we jammed so much other shit in there that had no reason to be. We skipped almost the entire plot of book 2! And while there's stuff in there that certainly drags on and could be cut, why did we cut out Alina and Mal's time in hiding? The Darkling finding them and everything else with Sturmhond? All the political shit that goes down with Vasily? Alina's struggle with being seen as a saint, her genuine struggle with being plagued by the Darkling? The reveal that Vasily was a fucking idiot and led the Darkling and the Fjerdans to the capital? The CHURCH SCENE??? WHITE HAIRED ALINA??? And that's just book 2! And then we get the canon divergence. Now I'll admit, I was slightly curious to see where they were gonna take this plot. However, if it was gonna go how they seemed to be setting it up, it would've been disappointing. I'm not a fan of stories where after the big climax the female lead loses her magic powers in favor of some peaceful life as a housewife or whatever. However, I loved the way the shadow and bone books ended. It was set up and foreshadowed that using merzost would have a cost. Alina willingly chose that cost to save mal, to have her happily ever after and her normal life which is what she always wanted. To prove the Darkling wrong. That's the important thing. Instead I guess mal goes "damn I know u literally brought me back from the dead but I'm gonna break up with u now bc I hate destiny I guess". And it seems as though the show was planning to have a storyline where Alina deals with having the Darklings power and struggles with whether or not she should succumb to the Darklings ideals or whatever. Which sounds like an interesting plot right? But guess what? WEVE ALREADY SEEN THAT SHIT IN THE BOOKS. IF THE SHOW ACTUALLY SHOWED US WHAT HAPPENED IN THE BOOKS WE WOULDVE HAD ALINA STRUGGLING WITH HER LITTLE VILLAIN ARC INSTEAD OF WHATEVER TF WE WERE HEADING TOWARDS AT THE END OF SEASON 2.
Anyways. Netflix execs get ur shit together and start greenlighting adaptations that fans of the original material---who you are literally appealing to by making this adaptation in the first place---will actually enjoy.
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
Nettles is not cut out but she's not going to be in S2 cause they're slowing a lot the series. Season 2 won't have Gullet's battle and the take of King Landing either, cause Daemon is going to be at Harrenhal, except when he ots with Mysaria Blood and Cheese in King Landing, but that happens in episode 1, after that he's the whole season at Harrenhal, and only by the end of ep 7 will meet Oscar Tully and Nyra is reaching him there in episode 8. It means they're not concluding the season with the take of King Landing, but much earlier, so it does make sense that Nettles is pushed to S3, cause she plays major role in Gullet's battle, Maidenpool arc and Daemon's plotline and nothing of this is happening in S2. About the sowing, they can show that white guy trying to claim Sheepstealer and fails, so after that Sheepstealer is going to be wild dragon around and Nettles will claim him not cause of the sowing but because is finding him randomly, feeding him cause she has no afraid and Sheepstealer will choose her as her rider. They can show that in S3, before she joins first Jace and later Daemon. I also think that considering they're purposely slowing down the series, season 3 will have Gullet and King Landing and S4 Maidenpool, God's eye and the conclusion of the Dance. 4 seasons as George wanted.
I agree that she hasn’t been cut from the show, but if she’s cut from this season, slowing things down still isn’t a good excuse. Not when they have time to include every other dragonseed, expand their plots, and create pointless plots for a random character that is a show creation (who shouldn’t even be there).
Nettles isn’t your run-of-the-mill character. She might be a secondary character, but she’s equally if not more important than Addam(who they are making too big of a deal about when his claiming of Seasmoke was not that remarkable). She’s way more important than Ulf and Hugh who are allegedly getting additional scenes even though they could’ve been combined since they serve the same purpose.
There is no good excuse to cut her from season two. Yes, the Battle of the Gullet doesn’t happen until s3, and Silver Denys is there, but she’s there before the battle like all the rest of the dragonseeds that are being included.
They don’t have to show her claiming Sheepstealer (yes it does take her a while to claim him), but they can show her visiting and observing him.
Or just show how her life is as a homeless orphan and how she longs for a better life. The bottom line is that there are plenty of ways in which they could include her this season. Hell, this show has no problem making sh*t up for irrelevant’s so they can definitely find something for Netty to do.
The only reason why she could potentially be cut from this season is misogynoir and the show not considering her series player in comparison to her male and/or white counterparts. At this point, it’s whatever and the show obviously is going to do what they want, but I’m not buying these arguments and I’m sick of this fandom acting as if she’s irrelevant or what is being done is okay. It’s not.
Nettles is a final girl. She’s in every version of the dance where plenty of others who are being included in this season are not. The narrative doesn’t make sense without her, but no one gives a f*ck.
They say it’s fine that she’s cut, racebent, replaced, whatever because she doesn’t look like them. No disrespect anon, but it is absolutely heartbreaking to see what is happening. Nettles is an amazing important character and she shouldn’t be pushed back another season when everyone else is being included.
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rietveldbrothers · 2 years
the problem w/ SAB s2
i finished the season about 30 minutes ago, so here are some thoughts
Heavy Heavy Heavy Spoilers under the Cut for all 8 episodes of Shadow and Bone season 2 as well as TGT, SOC and KOS duology. 
I’ll be honest. I think if I take my feelings on the source material out of the question, I really enjoyed the season. I know my friend and my sister who haven’t read the books really liked it. So theres that for one. I’ve said a handful of times that I dont mind if they change plot points as long as the bones stay true, and that remains true, the problem is, that they DID change the bones. for TGT:
To be honest, I was really alright with pretty much all of the changes up until the aftermath of the darkling/the folds defeat. Look. I know a lot of people want Alina to keep her powers at the end of TGT, its one of the most common complaints I see, and to be completely transparent, I too thought that when I first read the book when I was much younger than I am now. But I KNOW and I think you do too deep down, that she has to in order for the book to say what it is meaning to say. The entire lesson of the grisha trilogy is that power corrupts. Is that if you go against the laws of nature, if you push the boundaries of what is natural, of that power, that there will be consequences. And we see that to a point in the show right, we see that the darkling faces consequences for his use of merzost, and we see right at the end that Alina’s power has been corrupted presumably by her own use of merzost to bring Mal back. But this doesn’t quite work right. Because the whole point, is that Alina gave up her power knowingly, that she chose it because even though she loved her power, she loved Mal more. And she RECOGNIZED the path that pursing that power was leading her down, and she didn’t want that. So she accepted the consequences willingly, and took Mal and they led a happy peaceful life. so her a) not losing her power, b) sending mal away to be sturmhond (we’ll get there in a minute) and c) staying with Nikolai, just totally goes against what the story Bardugo was trying to tell was.
So WHY did they make these changes? I think so they could have more seasons. So that they could do KOS and include Alina (and Mal). By replacing David(rip)’s role in the triumvirate with Alina, they allow her to be present in the KOS plot. So I suspect (or maybe I just deeply hope) we will see Alina lose her power and fake her death (with Mal) within the area of the plot that should have been held by David. But again, this doesn’t really work right? Because David, being the one to work w/ Nikolai on his inventions is directly impacting the plot, and David’s death, after he and Genya are married, has a different impact both on her and on the audience. and on ZOYA, whos whole Garden scene is much less meaningful if the death she’s just endured is a fake one (presumably in this case Alina). Now I realize they’re probably goign totally off book now, but Nikolai and David’s inventions were integral to that plot, and Zoya’s garden is a big big big part of the BONES of the KOS duology. So… what now. I dont know.
Mal going off to work as Sturmhond just feels lazy in a way. They needed to keep Alina active in the plot for future seasons, and couldn’t rationalize him staying if he wasn’t with her (which is BS but I digress) and it also gives them an easy way to connect the two sides of the story by having Inej on the ship with him.
Which brings me to the THE CROWS
I went into it not expecting much from the crows storyline. I really didn’t. And until the very last moments I was starting to think that they weren’t going to do the jurda parem/ice court saga at all. But they clearly are. So. Here are my overall thoughts:
Not sure what the hells,they’re going to do since they used most of the plot points from CK in this. I mean, the whole takedown of Pekka, and the plague, and even a knock off slat fight and a knock off kanej bathroom scene. I mean really, the two best scenes in the entire GRISHAVERSE and they ruin them like that??? uhg. AND INEJ LEFT!!! Like the ice court heist requires her… and the OG jesper is a fabrikator reveal is so good, and now we have established relationship wesper? and I just dont know how any of that is gonna make any sense at all, and it just seems like they took all the best parts of SOC/CK and just… ruined them. Which, whatever, like I said, I didn’t have super high hopes, but its just they’ve now worked their way through most of the character arcs (particularly for Kaz and Inej) for the crows during that duology so like what now, ya know? I dunno.
Also pretty disappointing to see Inej without her own ship. But, I digress. I thought the whole shadow killing sword side plot was a bit contrived, and unncessary, could have spent that time building up Tamadia better, or dropping more hints about Zoyalai. Or… about a million and one other things.
I thought that by far the best part of the season was Nikolai. He was, far more than anyone else, the most true to his book character and character arc. I thought Paddy did an excellent job. He was the highlight for me 100%.
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calisources · 2 years
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base icons are 230x130 in order to be use for any type of icon template.
the icons are already sharpened, as well brightened due to the show being very dark.
Thomas Ian Griffith (b. 1962 ) is of Welsh and Irish ancestry.
remember to reblog if you save/use. credit somewhere if you save.
these base icons are free.  consider donating to  paypal or buy me a coffee through ko-fi. it truly helps me a lot.    
psa: while TIG is in his early sixties, his karate is portrayed to be older. there is also a few icons of flashbacks to his Karate Kid Part III appearance.
warnings: blood, wounds, swords. i mean terry is his own warning.
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chaand-jalne-laga · 5 months
Hi. I had an exam on 28th and I had promised my mother that I won't write anything before that. So. Now. Come. Let'z begin :)
1.) So. Now is the time for their sweet re-union. Badshah & Deva. Deva fishes out a harmonica and starts playing 'their' melody which is also an instrumental of the titular song.
2.) Badshah, instantly, recognizes the tune and starts running towards its source, Deva as well comes down running towards him while playing it, with tears rolling down his eyes.
3.) Ok. So. Now. Badshah is doing nakhre. He wants to have a race to a tree at the hilltop. Deva mocks Badshah of his old age and inability to run at full speed. He warns him not to cheat and to start running only at the count of three. (Tho he himself breaks the rules in the next moment. Lol.)
4.) They are about to reach the hilltop and Deva realizes he is loosing, so, he takes a long-ass high jump and lands on the tree, altho the camera could not hide the actuality of the scene but theek hai itna toh chalta hai.
5.) Deva is hanging down a branch and is gloating of his victory but the branch breaks off and he falls down the hill to the-waterfall?-lake?-water body. Whatever.
6.) And, now, we get a glimpse of his trauma getting triggered due to him going underwater. We see the impact of the trauma has been huge on him too, by the line as well as the way, he says it, "Haan haan tu jeeta aur......main haar gaya."
7.) We, along with Badshah, get a glimpse of his tortured past. He(Badshah) tries to sooth and comfort him but Deva brushes it off by saying that this was the reward for trying to bring a smile on someone's face, he continues, the wounds have healed but the pain is still there.
8.) And, we are instantly taken to that certain someone who, he was talking about, moments ago. Mujhariya ji? Or? Bhojariya ji? They didn't keep track of that name. (¬_¬)
9.) Tara has. Oh. Hi Tara. So. Tara has returned home but she kept searching for Badshah, the whole day, as it is night time now. She has badgered (-Bho/Mu-)jhariya ji the whole day, he is exasperated and tells her to not disturb him as he has no knowledge of the person, who has bought Badshah.
10.) So. We hear someone shouting at the top of their lungs, asking for their 'accounts ki file' and we see Baba throw- Oh. Hi Baba. Long time no see. Hope you are fin-i think not. Did you too find something strange in Baba's behavior? Like. Wasn't he, a self-centered, stuck up 'Sehgal' all those years back? Yeh kab se Tara ki baat manne lage? Something's wrong with him, i think. Whatever.
11.) So. Tara hands him those yellow flowers from the gardens of their ex-house. Lol. Ex-house. And Baba calms down, considerably.
12.) We see Tara leaves Baba inside the room and goes to clean the now-broken expensive lamp of her chachi. Chachi warns her to tell off her Baba to be careful with the things of this house as it is their house(Chacha and Chachi's). Btw, what's with Chachi's over make-up and heavy saree? She didn't go anywhere? Did she? No? Then why the over dressing? Lol. Whatever.
13.) Oh. So. Chachi takes rent from these two. To give them space in 'their' house. To give shelter to their OWN big brother? Like? Blood related BIG BRO? Wow. Just wow. And, she orders Tara to give her additional five thousand along with the monthly rent, for the loss of that goddamn lamp. Chachi, be grateful that she has the grace to give that money, had i been at her place, i would have given you a tight slap. Now. Shut the f*ck up Chachi. You understand? STFU CHACHI.
Not-so-fun Fact : Why are all the Chacha's and Chachi's of the ITV universe doing the GREAT wrong deed / the GREAT injustice? First Arnav's chachaji and now these idiots (also chachas and chachis)? Like? Wtf is wrong with them? Whatever.
14.) Aha. See? I told you. Baba is ill, y'all.
15.) Tara pleads chachi to -understandably- show some mercy to her father but chachi backfires.
16.) Oh. So. I was right again. Chacha and chachi are going for a party thrown by some 'maaldaar investor'. Lol. What was with that shitty woofing at the end. Lol. Whatever.
17.) Hold on, y'all. Let me take a water break.
*takes a two minute time-out*
*returns back* Ok. Let's resume.
18.) Papa is ill. But brother is still the same. Asshole. You noticed how papa has softened towards Tara now? I actually feel sad for Tara. This poor little kid lost so much so soon. And, now she is the one taking care of her ill father and reckless brother. Because Rohan has to get paid to look after his ill papa for ONE FREAKING DAY. Humphf. Shit-hole of a brother.
Not-so-Fun Fact : They highlighted his gold gleaming ring and the watch on his left hand when he asked about his return gift for 'papa-sitting' which means Tara was the only one who gave those to him or at least she was the one to pay the bill. My poor little baby Tara.
LoOoOol. Again, that Sehgal Promise. Bro, the last time you gave your 'Sehgal Promise', you almost traumatized Tara. Just spare her with that shit-ass of a promise of yours and take care of your father, you jobless leech.
19.) Tara has been made part of the event today night, which is probably, being hosted by Deva and he can't wait to start on his revenge, the moment he was waiting for, for the last fifteen years.
20.) Lol. Deva is in love. Yeah. Kind of. The man has everything around him which keeps reminding him of Tara. He really loves her, actually. Had kind of fallen for her all those years back. It's just he has this misunderstanding that Tara had the heart to betray him so when he comes to know the truth he will actually end up taking revenge from those accused Sehgals for his and Tara's tortured past.
21.) Ok. So. Deva in black. His car in red. (Tara in red. Lol. I saw in the thumb nail.)
22.) Ok. So. Wow. The entry. Both of them together. In the chand's light. That? Was? So? Freaking? Beautiful? Like? Wtf?
P.S. : So. Yeah. As I said. I am loving this show. The ending scene was perfect. It was so goddamn beautiful. Wow. Everything was perfect. Deva in black, Tara in red. Btw it was kinda surprising that Tara's chacha-chachi were in black while she in red(You know how it goes in some shows. The whole family is given the same color combination.) But it is also fitting because both of them are the black shadows in Tara's life while Deva, also in black, was given a see-through shirt underneath the coat, so I guess it was to show that he won't be completely black, like, black in the surface but his love for Tara would also be very much visible, just like his own skin is. Whatever. I over-analyzed the thing which did not need any analyzing. Lol. Whatever. Ok. Bye. God bless you.
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prettyflyshyguy · 5 months
F*ck it I had a little skim, S5 is a season that wasn't overly 'monstery' compared to the early seasons but I settled on some specific eps to perhaps glance at (only if you want to though!!! I totally get the disenchantment and wound up listing more here than I meant to) (the 'for fun's' are obvs subjective but there's certain scenes that might trigger doodle ideas)
Ep 1 sorta settles some fallout from the S4 finale. Might not be interesting but lays out some context.
Ep 2 not 'monstery' per se but might tickle a particular itch if you possess it
Ep 5+7 for fun?
Ep 8 for fun and an importantish reveal
Ep 9 is fun
Ep 10 is one of the bigger episodes for S5's overarching story
Ep 11 was one I quite liked personally
Ep 14 was one I also quite liked
Ep 15+17 might brush lightly against a particular itch
Eps 18 onwards head off the "f*ck destiny" journey, but for specifics 19 is a personal fave and latter half of 21 introduces one of my fave dudes
Again, wound up with a longer list than I thought, but I also totally understand the meh-ness after the Heaven plot! Hopefully there's something on this list that works for you
Anon we gotta cover a few things here
1) seriously have my swear card you can say Fuck
2) you are a local legend for providing me with this list and i am very gratefull!! You are my personal hero
3) you can't just say "this might spark a doodle idea" and leave me hanging like this like wtf
You can send me doodle ideas (cannot guarantee I'll do them but I love a good bit you know me)
I'll absolutely kick off s5 with e1 cause I always need the closure but I think it will be where the cherry picking starts, for my sanity. I'm not strong enough nor have the time to watch everything to completeness (NOT WHEN I WANT TO REWATCH OLDER EPS LMAO)
I trust you understand My Brand (tm) if you've been following my journey so I trust your recs!
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danielslaw · 2 years
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Hello @krisbrenet and thank you for the ask.
I'm not sure why but I couldn't respond to the actual ask, so I took a screenshot of it.
I agree with you, T*mmy is UNPLEASANT and IMO, he's an asshat. He's a racist and a bigot and I don't like him at all. Therefore, I wish his role would have remained as originally intended so he would have been gone after 7x6 but for whatever reason, TM turned him into another one of Buck’s lackluster love interests and Buck's still on the hamster wheel repeating the same relationship mistakes. At this point, it all seems like more delay tactics to keep veiwers watching but I'm tired of the "will they, won't they" with Buck and Eddie. It's been 6 years and I'm not a fan of pining. No shade to those who are but it shouldn't take another 1, 2 or 3 years to get them to the point where they're ready to be in a relationship. It's a TV show not real life and I want to see them growing and moving forward instead of their same old wash, rinse and repeat actions.
I stopped watching live after 7x4 but I did watch the finale when it aired and I live blogged but I wish I hadn't since it was a HUGE WASTE OF MY TIME. I fast-forward through the scenes with T*mmy and Buck, Eddie and Marisol and those with Eddie and that doppelganger Kim because I refuse to sit through them during live viewings because those scenes were ridiculous.
I'm still pissed at the way they handled Eddie’s and Eddie’s and Chris' storylines about Shannon and I wish TM would let her R.I.P. and stop rehashing those season 2 arcs. Eddie should have dealt with his grief in season 6 since they didn't give him anything else to do. Also, it was evident they edited more scenes of them out since the scene of them talking in Chris' room wasn't included.
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Then bringing the Diaz parents back so they can just take him to El Paso was asinine and it's like the writer's have no idea of the things that happened in the past. Eddie DIDN'T WANT CHRIS STAYING WITH THEM and he said it in 4x14 during the will reveal but apparently TM or someone wants the audience to forget that fact since it hasn't been discussed in three years 🙄. When did Eddie identify Helena's part of the problem? Oh, that's right he didn't and just like all the other unseen parent redemptions, she magically got one like the Buckleys, Sang Han and Shannon did with that inconsistent retconned f~ckery.
Season 7 was a cluster f~ck and it ended on the same notes as season 6 did, underwhelming, exhausting and frustrating.
I still haven't decided if I'll watch season 8 and if I do, I'll treat it like I did season 5... I'll watch it whenever I get ready after the episodes air that way I can fast-forward through the stuff I don't want to see.
Thanks again for the ask and have a great day.
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My thoughts on the season 1 finale for Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai
Warning!!! There will be spoilers so be sure and watch the show up until the end if you haven't already!
I'm super happy with how season 1 wrapped up but it...definitely wasn't what I was expecting, lets just say that... and I have lots of questions, thoughts, and just random tidbits I really liked so I thought I'd pile them all into one big post (I may make a second one if it gets too long I'll see where my brain goes).
First of all:
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I love that Henchman #2 (or whatever his number was haha I can't remember) showed up at the end with Gaptooth and thought "oh their going to play a really big part in the finale!" and the he just proceeded to go "f*ck this sh*t I'm out" like that one vine of the guy jumping into the water and I can't even with him 🤣
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Claw is a queen, need I say more? I am sad she ended up dying she was my fave (even though I figured she and the others would since that is typical for Gremlins in the movies to all perish by the end). But I can't help but wonder in this scene when she's looking up at Riley and telling her fellow brethren to kill him, if she'll somehow come back in season 2 for revenge? I think it was confirmed by Joe Dante or someone working on the original Gremlins movies that Stripe was essentially "reincarnated" as Mohawk (someone correct me if I'm wrong on this!) so it's definitely possible, Claw might even get reincarnated into Stripe somehow. They gave her such a fun personality I really hope she does return! (same for that one Gremlin that can sing really good I'm curious as to why the creators made her stand out so much).
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Also, I'm glad Snout survived! He doesn't seem too pleased to be a mogwai again but I'm glad he's ok, he's so cute! I do think it's interesting he (and another gremlin I'll mention later) made it, I wonder if the creators have plans for him in season 2...
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(Wow having a knife in your mouth makes you look really cool even if you don't have any hands)
So Riley died??? I put the question marks because yes, he did get turned into a cockroach and cut in half (REALLY rough way to go) but if you go back and watch this scene, do you notice anything strange?
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This mogwai he ate back in episode 8 wasn't with the people he consumed with pearl magic. All the gremlins got turned back into mogwai, but I didn't see this little guy anywhere with them. I was WAY too lazy to grab screenshots of all the mogwai at the end, but if you go back and look I swear I didn't see him anywhere. I bring this up for a couple of reasons. The "fourth rule" is that if you eat a mogwai you live forever right? Well, he never spit this guy back out, so shouldn't he still technically be able to live forever, regardless of what happens to him? And this mogwai looks so different than the others, and has a little tuft of fur with a white stripe on his head. Interesting that this is the mogwai he ended up eating... Wishful thinking I suppose, I'd just really love for him to come back. He was such a good villain!
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I'm glad Grandpa and Nuwa came back! Sam's Grandpa was such a fun character and Gizmo missing Nuwa was making me sad ;-;
Also I love that the Wing family essentially adopted Elle at the end it was really sweet. And it was nice Gizmo got to stay though after all that happened, I'm genuinely shocked Nuwa would let him?? Like yeah I know the show is a prequel and Sam is the old shopkeeper in the first movie, so naturally they'd have to end up together. But still!
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And finally: Yaaaaaay one Gremlin survived! I'm so happy this is essentially the Brain Gremlin from the second movie, he was my favorite character in that one and I'm glad they left him as a cliffhanger for season 2. He's still got a slightly evil side to him but as he explained to Elle, he isn't quite as chaotic as his brothers and sisters are. I wonder what his plans will be for season 2?
That's all folks, may make a follow up post to this one if anything else comes to mind!
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ineffable-opinions · 10 months
What Did You Eat Yesterday (season 2)
Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (2023)
Ongoing review: Love. Rating: 8/10 so far.
What I liked:
The post-de@th arrangement episode
Shiro san’s mother inviting KenjiShiro to share grave in the name of cost minimization.
Kenji’s reaction to this.
The way he changes the address from oka-san to oka-sama. How he asked Shiro to take his mother’s side in this imagined family feud. Kenji now is the man I wish to marry. Where can I find such a husband! I love Shiro’s confusion upon seeing Kenji’s reaction.
Side note: Why the f*ck is Shiro not inviting Kenji to join his household? What is he waiting for? I know real people don’t follow BL logic and that KenjiShiro don’t think of their relationship to be of a settled happily-ever-after type. But still! I don’t think Kenji’s family would object or ask for the other way around.
3. Shiro being thrown off guard by propriety and informality.
Shiro babe, you can offer financial assistance to your parents but don’t give it in one go, unless they ask. Don’t make it obvious, filial-piety coat it. Tell them this is what little you can do to show your gratitude for having raised you. You can also send them money in installments: the money you gave them already is going into making it possible for them to save and afford this for themselves. You can also win lotteries. Strike that, that’s too Gu Hai. For those who didn’t get that: HaiLouyin, in the danmei novel Addicted, indirectly fulfils filial piety by arranging random lucky draws that gets Bai Hanqi, who refuses to accept money, a lot of consumer durables.
4. Shiro apologizing for having let his parents mistreat Kenji. Kenji’s maturity despite his sadness on the matter.
5. Kenji is probably one of the most femme characters: he reflects so much of traditional femininity.
Barbershop drama
Barbershop owner and wife pretending to be civil for the sake of their child.
This is such a protective thing that parents do.
2. Owner’s wife’s decision to divorce once her daughter gets into uni and to leave the barbershop.
I am not a big fan of people springing well-thought-out decisions on others. I also believe that people can change, and that can be for good. That marriage ended with owner’s infidelity; the band-aid had to come off someday.
3. The ikemen hairdresser’s straight forward attitude and the customers who seem to appreciate it.
4. His girlfriend
I am not very happy with her choosing to leave him. This kind of self-sacrificial letting go really doesn’t suit a BL character, does it? Aren’t you supposed to fight for your love? Also, if the ikemen is able to let her go so easily, maybe it’s not worth it. But then he kept her stuff untouched. Also, she looks so good, such a scholarly beauty.
5. I love how the ikemen love drama.
Much water has flown through the drain
This is so anti-Great Indian Kitchen (2021).
GIK is a Malayalam drama movie that holds a mirror to sexism in praxis in Malayali household. Drain water appears prominently in GIK.
2. Shiro’s past - being weak/cheap uke! Aka simp. Kenji feeling jealous.
3. Kenji not being Shiro’s type.
Kenji’s care and attention winning Shiro’s heart. This is the greatest BL trope – that there is someone who treats so well you’ll love them regardless of everything else. Kindness wins!
4. Shiro having treated Kenji with sincerity from Day 1 as seen from the recollection of the first meal he prepared for Kenji.
KenjiShiro is the closest thing to an arranged marriage couple, not the western romance trope bullshit. The proper, south-Asian kind. Sometimes people marry people who are not their type but treat them with sincerity and affection befitting a spouse.
5. Shiro admitting that Kenji is his boyfriend.
6. More than that the simulation!
The cousin one got me crackling like nothing else. That’s the go-to lie that couples, including straight ones, tell their nosy ‘well-wishers’, especially landlords, where I live.
Main CP & secondary CP going to shrine together.
Cherry Magic! 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii (2020) did this before.
2. Shiro praying! The household happiness charm!
This happened contemporaneously with I Can’t Reach You (2023) with charm drama involving teenagers.
3. Shiro having never done this with friends or at night.
4. Kenji wanting to party at Nichome and Daisaku X Gilbert CP turning him down.
Ten years since they last visited Nichome! This is some relationship flexing, saying we are an old-married couple without actually saying it.
5. Discussing parents and single kids.
Filial piety pain.
6. Building with a history. “I’ll eat in bedroom,” was the funniest.
Kenji thinking that Shiro was contributing more to the rent. Shiro, please stop being so-so. Add Kenji to your household already.
Wataru kun
He toes the line between the BL’s classic bishonen Gilbert and someone suffering histrionic personality disorder. This could be intentional; I don’t know for sure since I haven’t read the manga. If not, then screenwriter, director, actor or all can be held responsible for it.
This is a BL. Characters like him are supposed to feel at home here and find the right partner too. This has been achieved. So, this is less of a criticism and more of a praise. 
Aside: Turns out post-death arrangements are cheaper in Japan even without purchasing power parity adjustments. If it was not for my desire to be buried under Mimusops elengi flowers…
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
Is it just me or does daemon not even have a dialogue with his daughters? well, when they are children he speaks at least a couple of words but later (episodes 8 and 10) he practically doesn't speak a word, a dialogue with either of them, seriously, they really treat rhaena and baela like random extras, I feel sorry for those who like them both and are hoping for something better for them in season 2 because the chances of that happening are 1%, the season will only have 8 eps and I doubt the writers care about them at least a little to give each one a complete sentence, rhaena, baela and helaena... three characters that no one seems to care about in hotd writers
It’s not just you. The last time he talked to them was in episode 6🫠 It pisses me off to no end when I think about itand it pisses me off even more when people try to say it's okay how Baels and Rhaena are portrayed😊
Anyone who feels that way or feels that Team Black is one big happy family sincerely f*ck you, those girls are depicted in a stereotypical manner and the fact that you don’t want to acknowledge that and would rather spout your bs for your stale white ship is one of the many reasons why this fandom says you people are racist c*nts.
Anyway, I will say that I going to keep hope alive that Daemon just talks to them(the bar really is in hell) for like a minute in the upcoming season, but yeah it’s bad.
They are treated like window dressing and to add insult to injury they cut/edited some of their scenes(Daemon hugging the girls and Baela talking with granny about wanting to be like her parents)🤦🏽‍♀️ You would think that Daemon was their stepfather or something because he doesn’t acknowledge them at all🫠
I don’t talk about it a lot, but I agree Helaena’s characterization is off too. There is a way better way to communicate that she’s a dreamer than what they are doing. It’s a half baked attempt at best at worst it comes off insensitive.
I’m going to leave it there because I’m starting to feel like this again when it comes to this dumba** show
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lilithspade · 2 years
Spoilers for The Bad Batch season 2 episodes 7 & 8
79’s still exist!! I thought for sure it would’ve been gone by now. And then Dave gives us more precious clone boys to love only to kill them 😭 this tendency is killing me one clone at a time!
And we got Chuchi fighting for our boys! I knew she would do that and always wondered what happened to her after order 66 because she isn’t there on the original trilogy. I guess we’ll find out soon, but it worries me A LOT!!! Like, girl… just run away to be a rebel with Rex before you end up dead please!
And Echo just decides to do just that without a heads up like… WFT?! Now I’m even more worried about my baby boy! You can’t kill him Dave. I dare you! We’ll riot!
Rex look good on his new clothes and there’s Omega wearing that cute poncho in the Senate and meeting Bail too. She’s definitely going to join the rebellion eventually.
Burtoni really doesn’t give a f*ck to anyone but herself huh. She just gives off those vibes. And is too old to care about anyone’s opinion.
And of course Palps would let Rampart take the fall and manipulate everything to blame the clones too. Like… you wanted them to be blindly loyal and now you’re blaming them for being exactly what you wanted?! I hate Palps with all my being and I’m not sorry!! 😡 Also, it’s not like the Storm troopers will be any better with how corrupt the whole operation will be.🙄
Now I’m just waiting to see when the heck Rex is going to find out about Cody, and what will happen to Chuchi, Echo and Cody during the time period between this and Rebels even if I’m terrified to find out 😰.
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