#(eating the termites)
nbc hannibal au where everything is the same except hannibal has a tumblr blog called i-cook-and-eat-rude-people and nobody questions or reports it because they think its just another gimmick blog
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cuubism · 8 months
well it's taken 2000+ pages but brandon sanderson finally gave me exactly what i didn't know i wanted all along: a toxic codependent friend group that took over the world
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daily-slugplush · 3 months
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day 96: so sorry for not posting the last two days have museum picture
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Hi! I’m really sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you had any Aegon x Helaena x Aemond hcs? They circle my mind all day everyday lol!!
not a bother at all, I would never give up an opportunity to talk about our holy trifecta, as they plauge my mind day in and day out. so here are my Helaegond HC's (most of these are very soft and domestic and have no particular order)
Aemond got dragged into their relationship when Aegon noticed how glum he and hel were after the betrothal and wedding. he hoped letting them be together would make everything easier. it did. what he didn't know what just how much he could love his siblings. it doesn't take them long to realize maybe a three headed dragon was better than a two headed one, so to speak.
Aegon is needy as all hell. when it comes to receiving affections, he needs touch and quality time and words of affirmation, he needs it all the love and his siblings are so willing to give it him. Helaena likes to dote on him, whereas Aemond will 'give in' to his whining and begging (he secretly loves it, he's just an ass to the untrained eye)
Aemond is the most distant when it comes to receiving affections, which his brother and sister will not allow. they find he enjoys quality time the most, but touch is not unwelcome, and they make sure he feels welcome to ask for attention. its an ongoing battle to get that boy to allow himself attention, but they're armed, ready, and down for a challange.
Helaena likes gifts, body doubling, and quality times but in the nuerodivergent ways. gifts could mean giving her boys a pretty rock or a random trinket she found, or being given a new insect or oddity. quality time could be one of her boys heads in her lap as she talked about her latest favorite bug. she does like touch, just at certain times and in certain ways.
the boys keep every gift she gives them and makes sure to put them somewhere that she can see so she knows they care about them. they will also go to great lengths to fetch her bugs.
they are mischeivious, Aegon and Helaena more than Aemond, but he'll play along. they're always exploring the secret passage ways, stealing snacks from the kitchen, or escaping to Flea Bottom cause they're bored. Aemond is the voice of reason and uses his "mommy's favorite" privileges to get them out of trouble.
Aegon and Helaena share a room as they are officially betrothed, but Aemond always sneaks in during the night. Aegon needs to be spooned... by both of them, so he's always squeezed in the middle. he tends to use Helaena as a pillow, while altching onto his brothers arms as they wrap around his middle. Helaena likes to play with the boys's hair as they fall asleep, muttering feather light words that serve as a bit of a lullaby. Aemond, who is perpetually on guard (the other two try and make him less tense, but its to little avail most times) is the last to fall asleep, only after he's sure his siblings are safe and sound in their dreams. he's the one who holds the three together, literally, taking hold of both his brother and sister in a gentle but still vice grip, safely tucked under the covers.
Aegon and Aemond take turns being the insecure sibling. Aegon always doubts himself, his ability to love and be loved, to not let his drinking get out of hand again, that he can be a good brother. Aemond worries he is not enough, that he is invading Aegon and Helaena's marriage, that he was destined to be the second choice, that he will always be behind the others, that his scars are ugly. Helaena is always good at pulling them out of their heads, but so are the boys, at least the one not currently spiralling. those are the nights they stay up late, tangled together in a heap, bathed in moonlight. its not always words that are needed, just softness. other nights they will go over each and every one of their siblings perfectections and perfect imperfections, until all their minds are at ease.
Helaena loves going to Flea Bottom, more than either of her brothers could ever imagine. she loves the colors and the sounds and the vibe of all the people bustling around. she's someone who can see the art and divinity in just about anything, so going to see bustling marketplaces, nude shows, and crowded pleasure houses always leaves her with something philosophical to say that throws the boys through a loop. finding out their sweet sister was not so innocent or naive as she always most to view her was quite a surprise. its even better for her cause she has two guard dogs for brothers who make sure her visit goes undisturbed.
they will evade their duties for a day to go out on dragonback to find somewhere to hide away and have a day in the sun. they typically find a soft prairie to land in and lay out in the grass together until it gets late. they end up playing childish games like tag (normally Aegon starts that game, typically by annoying Aemond) or hide and seek.
most of the public has a sneakign suspicion that something is going on between the three, cause Aemond is always a tad too close to the couple than what is considered "normal" for a brother to be. for example, instead of taking his own seat at an event, he will sit with the pair or stand right behind them, giving them little space. Aegon always seems a little too touchy, too eager to hang off his brother or reach for her hand. Helaena is similar, allowing both of them inter her space when prior to truly falling for aegon, and aegon for her (as their was resentment after the forced betrothal, though not for each other, it took time for them to truly take to one another), she would barely allow anyone as close to her as she allowed the two of them. no one says anything though, for different reasons. many suspect and/or fear they will be a repeat of Aegon the Conquorer and his sister wives, which they are easily amused by.
there mother most likely knows, but also doesn't say anything. she knows if she tries to put a stop to it, they will only double down. if she supports it, they might become even more of a disaster. there's a silent agreement that no one says anything, for all of their sakes.
Aegon calls Helaena 'laena' whereas Aemond calls her 'hel". Aegon typically gets shortened to 'aeg' and Aemond to just 'aem' but if Aegon wants to annoy him he'll call him 'aemy' (he has a death wish possibly)
they all use pet names, but mostly Aegon. he loves to see 'laena smile over being called his dearest wife or love or queen. he likes seeing Aemond fluster over being called sweetheart. Helaena also uses pet names, typically simple things like love and dear. Aemond uses titles as petnames, cause the power dynamic gets him going, "sweet brother" "sweet sister" "my king" "my queen".
the boys being very doting and sweet during her pregnancy, wanting nothing more than to serve her every beck and call. both boys being absolute disasters when Helaena was delivering the babes, pacing her corridor when she kicked them out and holding her hands faithfully when she requests them, both scared shitless.
taking care of the kids is honestly their idea of bonding and strengthening their relationship. adding more little bodies to their cuddle pile at night. getting to bathe the kids together or struggling to make it through a meal without a mess. one of the three reading to both their siblings and their kids until they fall asleep. being parents is so fulfilling and doing it together makes them feel more connected.
Helaena having both her boys on a leash. they both essentially serve her willingly.
Aegon is sweet on his siblings, not always as brash as some would expect of him. he likes to hold Helaena's hand, just cause, or to kiss Aemonds eye when they're in private. he's not against a hug either, longing for intimate closeness that isn't sex.
the boys are experts in bugs cause they love listening to their site talk, so they've just picked up knowledge as times gone on.
when nervous or upset or stressed and on their own at the time, they tend to run their fingers over their wedding scars (they did it themselves without a Maester to help or advise them, and it was a bit of a heart of the moment sort of thing, so they accidently cut a bit to deep or too long, leaving them with distinct scarring between them). Aegon tends to pick at his lip where a little white scar hangs off the edge of his lip, ever so slightly raised. Helaena rubs at curve of her thumb and forefinger where her skin shines in the light. Aemond traces the length of the scar on his palm, back and forth, back and forth. they remember they have each other.
Aegon doesn't like to read but likes being read to. Hel and Aemond are always willing to read to him.
Hel likes to dance and her boys make sure to always indulge her. Aegon's not the best dancer. but the childish air of laughter is always worth it. Aemond certainly less clumsy, but stiff as a bored, which typically turns to playful teasing and childish arguing between him and Aegon.
Aemonds very protective and a bit possessive of his siblings, which gives them scary dog privileges (if he was scary in canon, he's terrifying with them as a throuple).
vaugely erotic sword training in the courtyard between Aemond and Aegon, Hel watching from the grass with her spider friend.
[spice below the cut cause I'm in the mood and have concepts I need to dump out of my head for my own well being]
Sex is frequent amongst them, especially as time passes and they become a strongly woven throuple. Aegon is forever eager, ready to be whatever he's needed to be; submissive, dominant, something in between. he just wants to touch and feel pleasure. Helaena is more reserved, but not against it at all, finding it to be a very sensual and emotional thing that is sacred to her and her brothers. Aemond is again, insecure that he's an intruder, but with a little bit of guidance, finds his confidence.
there is worry of bastards, but that only leads to the discussion of true valyrian marriage between the three of them. lets just say sexy blood rituals comense.
Aegon is easily the most skilled, so for the first couple times he's typically taking a guiding role. he knows all the little tips and tricks to getting his siblings off. he's also the most mouthy and uses his teeth a lot, especially when it comes to his brother. he's softer with their sister and lets himself be commanded around, service dom style. willing to get his hand (and mouth) messy.
Helaana is like a feather, light and soft, fluttering against her brother's skin, making them squirm with ease. she's also really good at dirty talk, but in such a regal and delicate manner. she can be quite bossy, but her boys are well behaved so it normally doesn't take much to get them to listen.
once Aemond is confident in his position he is very... mission focused. he's the one who tends to put Aegon on his back and really cultivates that needy subby side in him that Helaena had only began to uncover by the time he joined the pair. definitely the physically strongest of them all with a whole hell of a lot of stamina. he can take Hel and Aegon a few times before tucking out.
Aegon's loud as hell, gripping the sheets and not holding back a single sound. Hel's a bit quieter, but not silent. Aemond's gotta have all the right buttons pushed to hear a sound out of him (aegon see's this as a challenge)
Aegon cries every time they have sex. its just sorta his thing. its a big emotional release so he always ends up a little teary eyed.
aftercare typically consists of a nice long bath and cuddles.
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avionvadion · 9 months
Ah, we finally have it. The holy Trinity of Doctor Who horror.
“Are you my mummy?”
“Hey, who turned out the lights?”
And now…
“My arms are too long.”
Though I’ll never forget the absolutely terrifying-
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kaaaaaaarf · 2 months
I was born sorry. When does it end?
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cycle-hit · 8 months
here is your reward for your valiant efforts
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WOAG!!!! WOAHHHH!!!!! KITTY CAT I FUCKIGN LOVE KITTY CATS WOOOOOOOOOO here is ur own reward for kitty cat. tis mine own cat(s) of kitty(s)
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theyre both stuck in the same pose permanently forever
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onlyplatonicirl · 4 months
i like how your fanfic shows how horrible of a parent ink would realistically be
I’m glad :)
That’s something I try to go kind of in depth on in this fanfiction, which is taking a lot of the more “non canon” aspects of character interpretations (Ink being a parent, Error/Ink as a relationship, Fresh and PJ having a friendship, yadda yadda) and I kinda turn them on their head a bit and subvert expectations and try to see how those tropes would realistically work with the characters while keeping them actually IN CHARACTER.
Error/Ink in the tags? Oops jumpscare it’s not really an errink fic cuz they “break-up” (to put it lightly) in chapter 4 and basically hate each other for the rest of the 200,000 words. It’s not a shipping story it’s a tragedy looking into an aroace trying to better understand how other people work for his own slightly selfish motives and a man who is so desperate for company and attention after being alone for DECADES that he becomes nearly dependent on the emotional validation of the one person that actually seems to remotely give a shit about him.
And also realistically, the multiverse would not approve of them even being friends in any capacity. It’s always slightly pissed me off when I’ve read fanfic and Ink’s like “guys me and error are friends/dating/whatever” and everyone else is like “ok.” Wdym you aren’t gonna start WWIII. It’s an inevitable (har har) failure doomed from the start.
(Something I also enjoy a out this story is that with minor tweaking you can read the whole thing as them just being close friends - the “romance” is not a crucial part, but it does help emphasize character development with what I’m trying to write.)
So along the lines of trying to keep the characters realistic, yes ink would be a shit parent. Not on purpose and not because he doesn’t care, but because he just as a person with his horrid memory and low emotional tolerance/processing would just not be good for raising kids. Plus, he’s always traveling for his “job”, rarely would he actually stay at home for longer than a day. He treats his house like a fun sims project, free plot of land to build a crazy house for fun. He didn’t design it for much more than that, he’s not living in it full time after all.
Plus that fucked up both his kids. PJ’s become callous and wary around anyone he doesn’t know that well mostly due to having to figure things out and deal with things on their own. (Council. He doesn’t like them.) He’s nearly had to raise himself age 8 onward since Ink wasn’t much help. He just wanders the multiverse by himself. Unlike gray, who’s a total shut-in nervous wreck who barely leaves his room u less dragged by the ankle. PJ’s basically had to raise Gray as well. Neither of them have ever met Error (aside from PJ’s “birth” and a brief run-in on another occasion in which no words were spoken and that lasted maybe thirty seconds before Error ran away in terror).
I cant Write so many essays on these guys do not try me HAHAHA
Tldr I’m mentally ill about character development and emotional depth exploration
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pocket-notebook · 1 year
Found a screenshot on my phone from who knows how long ago, and my tin can of a brain immediately thought to put Him in it
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Screenshot I was talking about below
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markthemannequin · 7 months
With the amount of people tryna eat you there might as well be a termite infestation
(Can I be 🐊 anon please?^^)
Hadn't thought o' that.. Yer' pro'lly right, too!
Now I just gotta figure out how ta' deal with 'em accordin'ly—
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eumillipes · 2 years
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The shitter
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splenda-kun · 3 days
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My bugs have fully infested my brain once again
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vanweezer · 3 days
the termites i think want to eat my cds. honestly i dont fucking care anymore. take my jonas brothers self titled dual disc bonus jonas edition digipak i do not even care
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neverkayzat · 1 year
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This is for @augusteofarles from their fic The Art of Scraping Through!
Chapter seven physically and emotionally changed me as a person. Thank you :)
Also, if you want to know more details about this photo, I did a giant post about it haha. There's so much. Find it here!
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mecharose · 1 month
i would commit unspeakable felonies to have a relationship with a single person on this earth where they take care of me instead of the other way around
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re-dracula · 2 years
Have you heard of the alpha male kings be eating spiders meme? It reminds me of Renfield
I have not and I am TOO SCARED TO GOOGLE IT.
They... are eating.... spiders? creepy crawly spiders? putting the eight legged arachnids.... in the mouths? right in there????
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