#(feel free to interact ofc! or even use this as a reference for something idk)
aventurine-official · 3 months
A luxury of few~
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Aventurine is quiet as he stands on one of the lower balconies in Golden Hour, overlooking the streets below, bustling and filled with people.
The gambler supposes Golden Hour may be his favourite dreamscape in Penacony, as many others would agree. It feels warm here, and the abundant festivities almost always find a way to distract the blonde from whatever is troubling his thoughts.
Almost. Almost, because dreams are meant for the lucky few who have the luxury of being able to escape reality. Although Aventurine would argue himself lucky indeed, such a trivial luxury is unfortunately not one he has the possibility of partaking in.
Even in a place like Golden Hour, the gambler can never escape what he truly is, nor the past that haunts him. He will never be simply “Aventurine”, for erasing a part of oneself is quite a difficult task indeed.
His eyes skate across the scenery in a meek attempt to distract himself, to allow himself to get swept away by the hustle and bustle of the place, to lose himself in the music and parties and neon lights.
His gaze rests on a young couple of women, one about a foot shorter than the other. The taller one must make some sort of joke, because the shorter woman’s face twists up into a smile and Aventurine swears he can hear the echo of soft laughter.
He can’t explain the feeling he gets while he watches the couple, the shorter woman pulling in the other for a kiss, and he would chastise himself for intruding on such a private moment— but the pull of pure joy emanating from the couple is far too tempting.
The taller woman pulls the shorter woman into her arms, and they stand together, swaying softly from side to side.
Something about the gesture makes Aventurine’s breath hitch, and his chest constrict. He looks away immediately, fixing his eyes on the slot machines not much further away.
The gambler can’t help but reassure himself that he must be familiar with the gesture, and that it must remind him of someone… but in the end, it seems to be quite the opposite.
As much as the blonde would love to say that he can relate to the feeling of pure, unadulterated love shared between two people, just as the two women share bliss in each other’s company, the truth would be far from the illusion.
It’s been so long since Aventurine has last been held that the memory of such a sensation has long since faded away… but he yearns for it nonetheless, wants so badly—
There’s a hole in Aventurine’s heart, and the grand spectacles in Golden Hour and endless thrills of Penacony can only do so much to fill it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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About me!
Hello everyone! 
Some basics about me: 
My name is Ace 
I use she/they pronouns, but I’m cool with being referred to as pretty much anything other than “man” (and insults ofc), so like “bro”, “dude”, “queen”, whatever works for you. 
I’m bisexual! As a fanfiction writer, this comes in handy imo because I can write for both girl groups and boy groups romantically.
My sun sign is Libra, my moon sign is Virgo, and my rising is Sagittarius.
In case you couldn’t already tell from some of my writing, I live in the US. I’d prefer not to share any other information about my location, though.
I’m a college student. I’m working on my Bachelor’s, but I haven’t picked a major yet. (So yeah, be warned that I can’t get stuff out super fast all the time.)
My hobbies
Idk if this counts as a hobby, but I am obviously a kpop fan. I’ve been into kpop for a surprisingly short amount of time in comparison to some of the other writers on here (since late summer/early fall of 2021). 
I absolutely love music and any art related to music-- singing, instruments, both contemporary and classical dance, and I’m learning how to produce songs (I actually got into this because of skz lol). 
There’s just one issue: I’m terrible at all of those things. I’m definitely built for mental activities, not physical ones. My voice is pretty terrible, too. I have a guitar and a piano, but I still live at home, so the amount of noise I can make is limited, so I haven’t gotten too much practice on either of those things yet. 
I love reading and writing! Yes, even outside of fanfiction. I stick to YA and fantasy novels for the most part, but that’s not a hard and fast rule. I don’t read as much as I would like to though since I struggle with motivation (mental health tings lol). 
Other than that, I enjoy baking, journaling, astrology, Dungeons and Dragons, attempting to learn languages, and ofc being lazy sometimes and just watching TV.  
The groups I like!
My favorite groups are Stray Kids and Seventeen!
I tend to like groups that have some role in producing their songs, seem like people I could vibe with, and show support for causes I support (ie, LGBTQ+ rights, addressing racial injustice, women’s rights, animal welfare, etc.) 
The groups that I casually stan are Tomorrow x Together, Oneus, Ateez, Xdinary Heroes, Twice, Itzy, Mamamoo, Dreamcatcher, Blackpink, (G)-Idle, Kep1er, and IVE.
Some groups that I’ve been wanting to get into are BTS, Wei, WJSN, fromis_9, Purple Kiss, Loona, IZ*ONE, Pixy, Gfriend/Viviz, Billlie, Day6, A.C.E, BTOB, and The Boyz.
I wouldn’t say I really have biases, there are just certain members that catch my attention the most when I’m getting into a group (ie, Bang Chan from Stray Kids or Vernon from Seventeen), but as I get to know a group better, I like them all equally.      
Important notes!
I don’t really have any DNI rules right now. Like, I don’t want terrible people on my blog, but I don’t think there’s anything I can do to stop them from reading my stuff so
Feel free to ask me anything! Just know that I have boundaries and will interact with your asks accordingly. If I don’t answer an ask, it’s probably just because it’s something I’m not comfortable talking about. 
Be warned: I swear quite a bit, and a lot of my work can be heavily suggestive.
HOWEVER, I do not write straight-up smut. I’d say my sort of work should be rated something along the lines of TV-14, some of my work is definitely for mature audiences, but not necessarily 18+
For information on tags, check out the tag directory 
Before requesting anything, please read my request/blog rules
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yo-namine · 5 years
So I’ve been keeping a list of everything I want in KH3, and since we’re closing in on the release date, I’ll just go ahead and share it.
Under a cut because it’s, uh.... kinda long.
Things I Want and Feel Like I Can Reasonably Expect:
Kairi getting a decent character arc/being allowed to contribute to the main plot in some way/generally catching up with the boys in terms of character development
Anything about the keyblade being a curse or a general friendship/life ruiner
Kairi and Lea having a brother/sister-like relationship, where they trade jabs all the time but are also super protective of one another
Destiny Trio sharing a paopu. Or all the trios + Naminé splitting one.
Just seeing more of the Destiny Trio’s relationship dynamics in general? We really haven’t seen these three interact all that much since KH1.
Sora and Roxas bonding
Anyone being impressed with Aqua’s keyblade skills/anything acknowledging that Aqua is metal as fuck
Sora or Kairi (or even Riku) bringing up the paopu drawing in the Secret Place
Sora and Kairi having A Moment that gets crashed by Donald and Goofy
Disney worlds being more than just filler. Like rather than just go somewhere and reenact some scenes from the movie and leave, Sora and co. actually learn story-relevant stuff that they can apply or reference later. Based on some of the trailers, I’m pretty optimistic about this one.
More explorable/interactive environments. I feel like KH1 did really well with this, and we never quite got that back in the later games (save maybe DDD). I want to do more than just wander from cutscene to cutscene with a few mob battles thrown in.
Sora being aware of Ven or Roxas speaking/acting through him, maybe even purposefully letting them do this from time to time.
Things I Want and Probably Won’t Get but Whatever, a Girl Can Dream:
Battle gimmick where Sora can tap into Ven/Roxas/Xion’s abilities
Ghost Trio interactions. I know the novels aren’t canon, but it’d be great to see something acknowledging that Riku, Axel, and Naminé have worked together in the past (even if it was very briefly in the games).
Sora and Kairi jokingly calling Riku “Master,” or them taking the piss out of Riku in general (lovingly, ofc).
Naminé’s ability to “shatter” hearts coming into play somehow. Or any of her abilities, really, but that’s an interesting one that she really only used once, and I’d like to see if that could work into “freeing” everyone from Sora’s heart.
Sora taking Kairi to Neverland to fly
There was a brief period between CoM and KH2 where Kairi forgot Sora due to Naminé’s memory shenanigans, so... Maybe she could empathize with Lea when he realizes he’s also forgotten a friend?
Powerline summon
Since Repliku’s coming back, I’d really like to see a scene between him and Naminé.
Xion and Naminé getting to talk. Maybe Xion thanking Naminé for keeping Roxas safe (“”””safe””””)?
For that matter, Kairi and Naminé getting to have a conversation that lasts more than 5 seconds would be great.
Yuna meeting Tidus
I want the Seasalt Trio to get back together, but I’d kind of like to see them have some trust issues with one another at first because they didn’t exactly part on good terms...
Anything indicating that Roxas Does Not Like Riku and is probably going to hold a grudge for a while, lol.
Riku considering his future as a keyblade master and the possibility of taking on apprentices.
Sora bringing up meeting Santa Claus to Riku. Bonus if Riku’s annoyed by it because they’ve evidently had the same conversation a billion times before.
We got to see how Roxas came under the Organization in Days, so... It’d be neat to see how that happened to Naminé, too.
DiZ/Ansem owes Naminé an apology. If Riku and Roxas got one, she should get one too.
I kind of want some Destiny Trio drama? Like not a love triangle obviously or anything stupid like that, and nothing quite as big and serious as the Wayfinder and Seasalt Trios’ drama, but I’d kind of like to see some conflict between Kairi and either of the boys. idk, we’ve just seen so much conflict and resolution between Sora and Riku that ultimately made their relationship that much stronger, and I’d like to see Kairi get something similar.
Flashbacks to Eraqus raising/training the Wayfinder Trio (especially when Aqua and Terra were kids)
I STILL wanna know how Triton knew about the keyblade
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julianncs-blog · 7 years
hi all i’m jen, pst + she/her, and i’m super excited to write with everyone!!
ARIANA GRANDE? no ⏤ JULIANNA MARINO, the CISFEMALE is TWENTY-TWO and was born with a GOLD soul, and still has a GOLD soul. i would describe her as SANGUINE + SINCERE, yet COMPASSIONATE + CREDULOUS. JULIANNA spends her time as a FILM MAKER and has lived in seattle for 4 YEARS.
forewarning: my first time... playing someone so genuine and considerate! so i’m gonna try my best ofc  
raised in suburban washington, julianna is currently a recent graduate of the university of washington and a waitress at the golden tap. when referring to herself, however, she is a film maker. she’s a huge fan of searching for the best in every person, almost exasperatingly considerate, and always genuine. 
daughter of grey souls – – – basically the reason why she tries hard to be respectful of everyone! 
o yeah call her julia/julies/whatever nickname idc 
she goes around extending an offer of kindness to everyone, whether that’s a sandwich to someone hungry or a flower and thoughtful note to the neighbor she’d seen crying earlier in the day, even people that perhaps don’t quite deserve it. everything is a decision. she chooses to look on the bright side. she chooses to believe in people. maybe it isn’t so much of a decision anymore that she’s an honest person, or that she cares a lot, and maybe it isn’t the smartest way to function, but it’s her choice.
much of her time is taken up by waitressing for a steady income. the golden tap isn’t her favorite place, given the restrictions, but the tips are great and there really isn’t much to complain about. most of her free time is spent working on her next film, whether that’s scoping out locations, writing the script, or just trying to make more connections, so that she actually has a chance of getting somewhere. 
just to be clear, she’s not uwu, innocent, v sweet! 
i think her interactions will lie more along a bit of excitement for the topic + dry humor? if that makes any sense! idk she’s nice but not nice, nice, y’know?? sje just has a big heart
allergic to dogs
has two betta fish, possibly named shrek and donkey! maybe shrek and mr. robot
parkour is life! was life until she grew out of it, but she does love american ninja warrior!
possible connections
roommates – continuation from college?? a random craigslist/FB group match + would love multiple because that’s fun and also realistic 
a character that’s grounded that’s willing to bring her back down to earth/suggest against her poor decisions (as in trusting the wrong people) – maybe best friends?
or separately, best friends
fake friends/someone that’s using jules honestly i’m here 4 screwing her over let’s do it!
bad influence yes! 
cousins – just a nice familial connection or maybe their family’s kind of arrogant and doesn’t like julia’s family, so tension!
coworkers – she’s a waitress at the golden tap, maybe they like each other, maybe they don’t, but have to see one another often 
exes if you can see them having dated 
something having to do with the film maker aspect - maybe ur muse is an actor? 
feel free 2 hit me up with anything you might see fit as well
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