#(five stop overthinking ur existence for one second challenge)
I should find a job.
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jaeknightorbats · 5 years
Tunnel Caprica [M]
Pairings: Baekhyun x Sehun (SeBaek) 
Ratings: NC-17
Genre/AUs: Smut, dark romance, slice of life
Description: It was a normal day for convenience store worker Byun Baekhyun when Sehun—a wealthy looking man—entered the store, only getting overdosed by drugs afterwards.  It was the encounter that would change Baekhyun’s life. It was the encounter that introduced him to a world that should never exist in this already problematic world. 
Warnings: Graphic sexual content, substance use, drug overdose, alcohol, and strong language
Chapters: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (NEW!)
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Synopsis: Tunnel Caprica connects two cities under the huge and long mountain ranges of the country Ioca [a-yo-ka], making it one of the longest tunnels in the world with a distance of nearly 40 kilometers. However, people choose to drive the 3-hour long pass than driving through the tunnel, because driving through the tunnel can be claustrophobic—an hour drive with nothing but repeating images of the never ending tunnel. But through the tunnel also hides the entrance to another world that Baekhyun is yet to find out.
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Part 1
Word count: 3.9k
Just a single response—a single response that could make everything better.
Or could make matters worse.
It had not been long since his girlfriend replied—five hours outmost. But five hours felt like a day to him. Getting used to quick replies, it’s making him crazy as to why he wasn’t getting any response even after sending her messages and giving her calls.
She’s mad.
He couldn’t help but think, and it’s making him weak. He doesn’t like anyone getting mad at him, especially if it was her.
He stopped typing. He shouldn’t bother her, she’s at work. He shouldn’t annoy her. She must be annoyed. He wasn’t at work—it was his rest day, leaving him alone with his thoughts and his phone. Nothing worse than that—overthinking.
He dug his face on to his phone, praying to the gods to make a miracle for him.
He waited, and he waited. Still got no response.
Maybe staring at the screen would make a difference. He stared at every icon he could see, scrolled from side to side.
Why am I lying to myself?
Nearly 30, he was, but he could be still naïve at times. He was a high school dropout with divorced parents.
What divorce? They have no money for such things, his parents only lived separately, and things were too confusing for him. He ran away from his home at the age of 17, and started to find ways he could live on his own. Things never worked out for him, still broke at the age of twenty-nine. He’s renting a small, cheap apartment, and he had a third-hand car that needed constant maintenance. He worked at a convenience store near where he was staying, only a 15 to 20-minute walk.
Byun Baekhyun considered himself as a good-for-nothing, and was only working to survive. The only thing that was making him somewhat happy was his girlfriend’s affection. Now, the person giving what he wanted was mad at him.
He took a deep, hopeless breath as he dropped his head down to his table from where he was sitting. At the brink of losing hope, his heart jumped when his forehead felt the vibration of the table coming from his phone.
He didn’t check from who it was, and immediately clicked the notification and read the message.
Disappointed, he was, when the text message was from his carrier, reminding him that his phone bill’s due was approaching.
This girl, now this. His grip to his phone loosen, feeling weak—he could hear his heart beating. He felt like he was losing his mind.
A picture of his wallet flashed through his head, remembering exactly how much money he still had before his next pay. $43.05.
His phone bill usually cost $45.
He didn’t want to double check his wallet, it was too heartbreaking for him. He recently spent most of his money buying his girlfriend a nice dinner and a new phone—a phone she didn’t like that’s why they’re in a fight. She wanted an iPhone. He couldn’t afford such phone. He himself was sticking to his 3-year-old phone. As long as he could send his girlfriend a message, he was fine with any phone.
He pressed his eyes closed, thinking what should he do to pay his dues and to make his girl happy. His feet couldn’t stop tapping—he couldn’t think of a solution.
“Money can’t buy happiness?” he muttered to himself. “Bullshit.”
He stood up from his chair, threw his phone to the sofa just to release some stress—even a tiny bit. He needed a break.
He started walking circles in his small place, thinking of different things how to earn enough money to, at least, pay the bills.
Baekhyun never turned his head so fast when he saw his phone screen flashed from his peripheral view, hearing the vibration from the sofa. His feet dragged him fast towards the sofa and his hand grabbed the phone.
Disappointed again, it was from his friend, Park Chanyeol.
Im coming 2 ur place.
Baekhyun felt so pissed. He was hoping it was from someone better—his girlfriend. “I don’t need you to come,” he muttered to his phone.
Subsequently, a rapid knuckle impatiently knocked on Baekhyun’s door. It paused for a quick while, then started knocking again.
Baekhyun already knew who it was. He stomped his way to the door to stop the noise.
The grin on Chanyeol’s face faded, cocking his brow after he saw Baekhyun. “What’s with the face?” He made his way into Baekhyun’s place without permission and went straight to Baekhyun’s living room.
Baekhyun followed Chanyeol with a glare as he closed the door. “What are you doing here?”
What a stupid question—Baekhyun realized immediately. Chanyeol only visited Baekhyun for one thing, and one thing only—sniff drugs.
“I’m telling you, bro. You should break up with Yuri. She’s just using you,” Chanyeol said as he was pulling out his cheap snuff set from his jacket, placing it on the glass coffee table afterwards.
Chanyeol already knew what was bothering his friend, especially when Baekhyun made a face like what he was wearing. Nothing else bothered Baekhyun but women. Sometimes, Chanyeol knew Baekhyun doesn’t know how to straighten his priorities just for the sake of a woman.
But Baekhyun doesn’t like anyone minding his own business, so Chanyeol only watched him be stupid.
Baekhyun ignored him, and changed the topic. “Hey, when are you going to take home your shot. It’s taking a lot of space on my fridge.” He only had a mini fridge, it could only fit a few drinks and few foods.
“For as long as I don’t need it,” Chanyeol blatantly replied. “I don’t want my mom seeing that, she’ll start asking questions.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You already said that.”
Chanyeol still lived with his parents since he spent a lot of his money on the things he liked to snort.
Baekhyun pulled a chair on the dining table, and watched his friend do his thing.
Chanyeol carefully released a portion of his powered drug from a tiny airless balloon on Baekhyun’s table. Chanyeol pulled his wallet out and took a card to collect the scattered powder on the table and made a thin line with it. He licked the remaining powder that was on his card. Then, took his already-rolled-up bill from his kit. His nose made a loud noise as he snorted the powder. He twitched both sides of his nose and sniffed again, just to make sure his brain received that well. His eyes slightly became watery from the mild burning sensation that went through his nose. He cleaned the white dust excess on the table with his finger and brushed his gums with it—every bit counted.
Chanyeol sighed, satisfied, as he rested his head on the sofa.
“What was that?” Baekhyun asked.
Baekhyun was still a traditional man. Drugs never interest Baekhyun. He’s tried a pot, but it was never for him. He’s seen people around him done it, and he didn’t like what it did to them. Besides, these substances cost too much.
“By the way,” Chanyeol lifted his head up and pointed at Baekhyun, “I told boss you’re gonna take my shift tonight.”
Chanyeol also worked at the same convenience store, that’s where they met each other.
Baekhyun reacted, “What?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you. I have some business tonight.” Chanyeol winked mischievously—obviously planning something sketchy.
Baekhyun thought he’d have his rest day for himself.
Then, Baekhyun remembered his bills and his girlfriend.
Maybe he needed that shift.
“Breaking news: Kang Sunmi filed a divorce. The fifteen year old allegedly—“
Snapping fingers diverted Baekhyun’s attention from the television back to his manager who was in front of him. The manager pointed his pen to Baekhyun and said, “That news will stay for a while, customers don’t.”
Baekhyun nodded lazily.
It was past 3AM. He was on his second cup of coffee but he still felt drowsy, his eyes wanted to close itself. He’s not used to night shifts unlike Chanyeol, who could do any shift at any time of the day. Baekhyun still had an 11AM shift after his shift at 4AM. He’ll have less time for sleep, but a little more money for him. He needed every cent.
Less than an hour left.
There weren't many people at the store, so he was pissed off at his boss for being such an uptight motherfucker.
He couldn’t wait for his shift to end, he missed his bed. But he missed his girlfriend, Yuri, a lot more. She was still ignoring Baekhyun’s call and messages, making him miserable. He didn’t know how to make her notice him again.
I’ll pay her a visit after my shift. I’ll be there before breakfast, before she leaves for work. She’ll be surprised, see my effort and sincerity, he thought.
The idea washed away his sleepiness in a snap. He got excited to see Yuri’s face again. Baekhyun hoped she would forgive him and give him a kiss or hug.
His brain cells started to work actively, thinking of what things he should say.
How should I apologize?
Thinking of what he should do.
Should I text her first or knock straight away at her door?
Should I buy her a chocolate?
No, maybe hotcakes. She loves hotcakes.
He was alone with his thoughts, distracted by the challenges of love.
The bell on the top of the door rang when somebody pushed it open.
It woke Baekhyun up from his thoughts, his instinct greeted the customer who got in. “Good evening.” He, then, realized it was already early in the morning. He corrected himself, “Morning, sir.”
They were trained to greet anyone who came in the store.
Baekhyun watched the tall man take big steps as the man walked in, not even turning his head to Baekhyun’s direction. The tall man vanished from Baekhyun’s sight as he passed by the tall shelves.
Baekhyun had seen different types of people enter the store when he took night shifts on some occasions. There were people in pajamas buying food for breakfast, or maybe for their late night snack. Guards, drivers, and night shift employees buying coffee. Normal looking families who were on a trip buying snacks. Bunch of drunk teenagers wearing cropped tops and/or bomber jackets who came from a party buying cigarettes, or water for their friend who kept throwing up. People of any age wearing tacky clothes who were obviously on drugs—he could tell it from their teeth—buying lighters. Some people looked dangerous, he dared not to judge the things they buy, but they were usually alcohol and cigarettes. And, some men buy condoms.
But Baekhyun had never seen a person walk wearing sunglasses. Who wears sunglasses late at night?
What was also striking was the man was wearing an obviously expensive black coat. It was beautiful how vivid the color was; it was the blackest of the black he had ever seen. If the man came from a party, it must be a fancy one, might be a ball, or a fancy wedding of a multi-millionaire. Baekhyun thought the man was lost. The man should have asked his butler or driver to buy things for him.
A pair of heels started to echo his ears—it got louder as it got closer.
Of course, he has matching Italian shoes.
Even the most decent shoes don’t make a sharp sound like that.
Baekhyun turned his head to the man’s direction as the man got closer to the counter.
The man stopped in front of Baekhyun, still holding on to his items. He slightly lifted his head and scanned his eyes around the top shelves that were behind Baekhyun.
Baekhyun noticed the man was wearing a high-end brand of sunglasses. The way the light reflected on the black frame and on the black lenses, it was something else. His skin glowed as the light met his face, showing his healthy and almost poreless skin.
“Do you have anything besides Jack Daniels?” the man started to speak.
Baekhyun turned around and scanned the shelves himself. He knew the man was looking for something hard. “We have Johnnie Walker. Red, black, and double black.”
He rarely drank such expensive alcohol, but he enjoyed the scotch he recommended when he tasted it.
The man scoffed. “I’d take the bourbon.”
Baekhyun nodded and stretched his arm to reach the box of Jack Daniels.
The man placed his item on the counter. Baekhyun scanned the box, and the cotton balls that the man placed.
“Is that all?”
The man looked down at the front of the counter, turned his head from left to right, searching for something. He finally reached for something that caught his interest. He lightly threw the item on the counter
“That’d be all,” he said as he revealed a part of his side body under his coat, reaching his back pocket for his wallet.
“$27.14,” said Baekhyun after scanning the box of condoms—the ultra-thin one.
The man took another item in front of the counter the moment it caught his attention.
Baekhyun scanned a small bottle of lubricant. “$38.54”
The man initially took a hundred-dollar bill out from his wallet but he put it back. He extended his arm, slightly revealing a shiny silver watch under his sleeve, and gave three 20s instead.
The man looked at Baekhyun and said, “Keep the change.”
Baekhyun's eyes slightly widened, his lips curved upward. He couldn’t be happier, he needed every cent of money he could get.
It must be his lucky day.
“Thank you, sir!”
The man cocked both of his brows as a response while he put the smaller items inside his coat and carried the bourbon by the hand. Then, Baekhyun watched the man leave the store.
Baekhyun couldn’t stop grinning as he put the change on his wallet after he cashed in the payment.
“That was a nice watch,” he muttered to himself. It was like love at first sight when he saw the man’s watch. It was still at the back of his head.
Baekhyun looked at the store’s watch.
Ten minutes left before 4:00.
He started to fix his things at the staff room. Removed his tacky uniform under his white shirt, and wore a cozy jacket. He bid his goodbyes to his co-worker and manager and left the store at 4:05AM.
Cold wind blew on his face, making him shiver. He dug both of his hands on the pocket of his jacket, and started to walk across the almost empty parking lot.
He couldn’t spot a single person around. Few vehicles, yes. It was still early. The area of the city he’s in wasn’t exactly the busiest.
Baekhyun put a smile on his face. “I’m gonna buy hotcakes. I’m gonna see Yuri.” He felt excited. He tried to paint the look on Yuri’s face when she saw him at the front of her doors.
“We’re gonna have breakf—“
A long honk of a car distracted Baekhyun from walking. He turned his head where he heard the noise, but he couldn’t see anything—it was too dark, and the parking lot was too huge.
He turned around, checking if other people were around. But he was alone.
It was still honking, it wouldn’t stop. There was panic in Baekhyun’s eyes, his heart started to pound hard, he was nervous. Other parked cars seemed peaceful. His eyes searched everywhere, but he seriously couldn’t see anything. He started to walk hesitantly where the loud beep was coming from, he was unsure.
Baekhyun’s ears rang and felt deaf after the vehicle stopped honking. But he was still worried. His feet wouldn’t move, his mind went blank, his ears still ringing.
Then, a tiny, orange light suddenly emerged from his sight from where he was walking to. The light was from inside a car. He could see tiny silhouettes in it.
He started to walk forward, but still hesitant. He turned his head from left to right to check if there were other people besides him. He was still alone.
The light got closer and closer as he walked nearer.
A loud screech of a woman alarmed Baekhyun, putting him to a stop.
Baekhyun ran as fast as he could to the light, to the woman’s voice who cried for help. He saw the woman looking in his direction. Baekhyun was having a hard time to breathe because of the cold wind blowing against him, but he ran faster after he saw an unconscious man next to the woman.
Baekhyun panted heavily when he finally reached the vehicle. Him and the woman looked at one another with panic in their eyes.
“HELP!” The woman cried while she was shaking the man on his shoulders.
Baekhyun shifted his look to the man—it was the man who tipped him earlier. He was unconscious.
Baekhyun opened the door. “What happened?!”
The woman was in a state of panic, she didn’t know what to say. She was only worried for the man.
“Have you called 911?”
The woman blinked. “Are you fucking crazy?!”
Baekhyun looked around the vehicle. He saw a spoon, an elastic band, a syringe, a dust of power, and cotton balls. Baekhyun suddenly noticed the man had his sleeve rolled up.
“He fucking OD’ed?!” He concluded after he saw the things around them. The man got overdosed by some drug.
The woman didn’t know what to say. Her eyes were shaking—she was unsure if she should trust the man.
“You must call 911, or he’ll die!” exclaimed Baekhyun.
“No, no, no. Please don’t call them!” the woman begged.
Baekhyun knew if they called 911, they'd go to jail after he regained his consciousness because they were doing illegal drugs.
“Fuck,” Baekhyun cursed, he knew the woman won’t change her mind—he had met a lot of people on drugs, so, he somewhat understood. He removed his jacket, dropped both his bag and jacket on the concrete.
He stepped up to their high SUV and searched for the recliner lever of the man’s seat. But he couldn’t find it. “Where’s it?! How do you recline this fucking seat?!” Baekhyun yelled at the woman.
The woman jumped in panic, “Fuck.” She pulled something behind the seat of the man she was with to recline the seat.
Baekhyun lent his face to the man’s face to feel and listen if he was breathing. He wasn’t. “Fuck.”
“Don’t fucking die on me, Sehun,” the woman begged, pulling her hair. Her eyes began to tear up.
Baekhyun held the man’s face upward. He’s going to perform CPR.
He had his face close to the man, then the woman spoke. “What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Do you want him to fucking die?!”
Baekhyun exhaled all the air from his lungs and passed it to the man. He pumped his chest with both of his hands intertwined.
No response.
Baekhyun performed another around. He gave air, pumped the man’s chest.
Still, no response.
Baekhyun performed another, and another, and another round.
“Fucking shit. Don’t die on us, man.” He kept pumping his chest, sweat was breaking on his forehead despite the chilly climate.
The man wasn’t breathing.
Then, Baekhyun remembered his friend, Chanyeol. He remembered that he had Chanyeol’s adrenaline shot in his fridge.
Baekhyun carried the man on his shoulders and transferred him to the back of the car.
“What are you doing?!” The woman freaked out, confused. She followed them behind the car.
“Keep giving him CPR. I have something in my place that might help.”
Baekhyun went in front of the car, fixed the seat, and started driving. He drove as fast as he could to his place, he had the hazard lights on, he didn’t stop at any red light, he kept honking the car on every car that was on his way. Every second counted. The man could die at any moment.
They reached his place in 3 minutes.
Baekhyun carried the man on his shoulders and ran as fast as he could to his door steps.
Baekhyun’s eyes widened. His keys were in his bag.
He left his bag in the parking lot.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This isn’t happening,” he muttered to himself.
“What? What’s happening?!” The woman freaked out while she held the man’s face behind Baekhyun’s back, trying to wake the unconscious man.
“Fuck,” Baekhyun panicked. He didn’t want to let the woman know. She’d make him freak out more if she knew.
Baekhyun searched his pockets. He was starting to feel the weight of the man on his shoulders. Baekhyun gulped. Then, he felt the bulk in one of his pockets. It was his wallet. He remembered he had a spare key in his wallet.
He immediately took his wallet and searched for the key inside his wallet.
It was the biggest relief of his life when he felt the cold brass meet his finger. It was his key.
He opened the door, then carefully placed the man in his living room.
“Keep giving him CPR,” he ordered the woman as he ran as fast as he could to his mini fridge, and took a package on the top shelf.
He ran back to the man. His hands were shaking. He had read the instruction of how to use the shot countless times when he had nothing to do with his time and when he attempted to throw it away because it took a lot of space. Chanyeol had also told him how to use the shot once or twice just in case Chanyeol got overdosed himself. But Baekhyun still read it, just in case he read it wrong before.
But he was shaking, his head couldn’t think straight. There was an unconscious man in front of him.
“Fuck this shit.”
He’ll have to trust his memory.
He opened the package, and there was a tiny bottle that came with a huge syringe in it.
“Rip his shirt open,” Baekhyun commanded the woman as he tried to inject the 6-inch needle to the bottle with his shaky hands.
Baekhyun breathed heavily. He held his hand high over his head with the syringe, focused on the man’s chest. He had to inject the shot hard enough to get through his ribcage to his heart—to make his heart pump again with the adrenaline shot.
Baekhyun’s breath got heavier and heavier by the second.
Just a single response.
Baekhyun held his breath and stabbed the man with the needle.
A single response that could make everything better.
The man arose from his position, making a loud noise as he inhaled every air his lungs could get as he came back to life.
In a shaky voice, breathing rapidly, the man cursed, “Fuck.”
Or could make matters worse.
To be continued...
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J/N: Send notes, reblog. Follow me on twitter @/jaeandbats for updates
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Tunnel Caprica: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (NEW!)
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