#(he still wants to own atem at cards tho')
chaoscheebs · 1 year
So, consider: a stunning reversal on the whole awkward-ass Yami Yugi-Anzu date, i.e. Atem setting up an outing with Seto and then peace-ing the fuck out, enjoy your date, Yugi.
Yugi, bless his heart, tries so hard to fake not being the one in charge of the body.  Jacket draped on the shoulders like a cape?  Check.  THE PHARAOH VOICE(tm)? Check.  Project (false) confidence like a boss?  Check!
He almost gets away with it.  There are small tells, of course, but it’s not like Seto’s ever really talked to either of them much outside of card games; how could he tell Atem isn’t quite that prone to sass, or to show glimmers of anger (mostly on behalf of others) quite so readily?  Hell, how would he know Atem isn’t half as much into cute things as Yugi, or that the way the body dresses is 100% Yugi, pseudo-capes aside?
The jig is up, eventually, because Yugi literally physically cannot keep up The Pharaoh Voice(tm) because honestly, it starts hurting to do after a while, and has to admit that, sorry, his other self is Just Not Into You Like That, Seto.  And then Yugi, dear, sweet Yugi, does the one Cardinal Sin that Seto can’t stand: he sympathizes with him.
It hurts, doesn’t it, he asks.  To be ignored by someone you try your best to reach out to, to gain acknowledgement from?  It’s even worse when you’re only seen as a weak meat puppet for the person that person really wants to be with, you know.  But you still want to duel with someone today, yes?  Then Yugi will be your opponent, Seto.  And even if you never reach out back for him, he’ll make sure you acknowledge his skill as a duelist.
Fast forward, card games happen, Yugi wins--not him and his other self, Yugi--and Seto’s like “well, fuck me” internally, because he is Realizing Things and does not how to deal with it.
(Later, at home, this conversation effectively happens:
Mokuba: So, how was your ~*~date~*~, big brother~? Seto: *grabs briefcase of cards, looking haunted* Yugi’s hot. Mokuba: What?  O.o Seto: *starts going through cards, looking for better card synergies for deck, still looking haunted* Yugi’s hot.)
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Finally. It's done. 180 episodes of a 12 y/o series yes.
Once again, Darkness was a sort of underwhelming character with cards that were way to fucking broken. His goal of losing everyone's identity ti merge with it sounds a bit similar to the Light of Destruction (while Kagemaru's and Yubel's goals were clearly different). I still think we needed more buildup.
What was interesting is that he is the only one who manages to snatch away Yubel from Judai (which must have been a bit scary considering they are literally one soul).
Yubel's powers are what protected Judai from Darkness' mind control and what allowed him to materialize Neos in times of need. We suddenly see this guy who gains control of them and even makes them attack Judai (tho 0 ATK points so joke's on Darkness)
(Can I say I love Yubel's snarkiness towards Judai? Seems like purging the Light out of them made them a much more likeable character, we don't see their obssession anymore and looks more like the protector they are meant to be).
Just last post I had said i loved the continuity of Johan not disappearing into Darkness because Fujiwara said he and Judai could not join it. Well they spat it right back at me 1 episode later with Johan effectively joining the darkness (thx pals). But well it was nice to see everyone pulling through the darkness.
The graduation ceremony and party had me almost in tears. It does give off the sense of letting go of childhood and growing up. Asuka even said it, Judai took a bit of their childhood with them, even as Johan said Judai changed the most (and you weren't there to see him duel a damn monkey, my child).
But it was a bit painful that Judai wasn't there, so he didn't say goodbye to any of them (like the whole cast was there to see you mate wayd).
And when you think about how Judai started off wanting to become the King of Games, to completely changing his goal to become a bridge between spirits and humans (cough like my rainbow child cough). It just puts into perspectice how much Judai has grown, switching from purely personal ambitions to dedicating his life to help others.
Also, did i know the final episodes were his duel vs Yugi? Yes. Did that stop me from fangirling like my life depended on it? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT.
This duel was just pure golden fanservice and idgaf it wrapped it up perfectly. Both super skilled duelists, taking each others' ace cards out. AND THEN FUCKING ATEM SHOWS UP AND SUMMONS SLIFER LIKE HOLY SHIT ON A STICK.
I want to point out I would have loved to see who won but I think YuGiOh is not about to put one protagonist over the other. Each are meant to be viewed as the best within their universe and that's it.
(That being said Slither did have more ATK points than Neos and Judai promised to grow more and face him again so sounds like Yugi won. Then again Judai said Gotcha which he never said when he lost but maybe is just his newfound love for dueling talking).
All in all I enjoyed these series a lot. It dealt with human growth in a more down to earth way than DM did. It also dealt with human problems much more darker than DM ever did and that came as a shocker to me but made me love it even more. I feel like Judai is a much more relatable protagonist, he doesn't have that air of invincibility that someone like Atem had (except for maybe in Waking the Dragons when Yugi is taken by the Orichalchos).
He started off as a kid who just wanted to have fun and reach his own selfish goal. He grew through trials and sacrifices, he collapsed emotionally and mentally, he had to learn to stand up again, to think about others. And ultimately that made him lose a part of hinself which he ultimately recovers. I fucking loved all his character growth. I know some say the cast of GX is underused (and I agree like seriously in 1 season I learned to care more about Jim, O'Brien and Johan than Asuka, Sho or Kenzan), you can't possibly expect every character in a 20 min episode anime to have the growth Judai's did. That's why he is the protagonist.
I can now confidently say thay whoever hates on GX or Judai either didn't watch it at all, watched just the dub or didn't get to season 3. I get it it's hard to like a series when you have to endure 100 meh episodes before you get to the good stuff but it's worth it. Or you could read the synopsis of s1 and s2 (or have someone tell you about them) and then watch s3 and s4. Because, as kind of indifferent as I feel towards s1 and s2 (specially s1) you do need the context they provide SPECIALLY of Judai's personality or you would never motice the change and growth and he just becomes a Yusei who is just badass all the way and that's it.
(I will definitely watch season 3 and 4 again...the other two ehm....yeah)
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millennium-puzzle · 4 years
FUCK YEAH WE ARE GETTING THE DARKNESSSHIPPING EPISODES, i already saw them in italian so i think i won't have to much shit to say but if watching them in the dub was such a ride i can't wait the original
No matter what crimes did Malik is still adorable and that's why he deserves instant redemption
Everytime the Ring and the Rod are used they gets some fucking new OP bullshit plot-convenient AND plot-breaking power that is never going to be used ever again
Takahashi, refusing to give his fantasy lore some fucking consistency since '96
Shout out to that animator that makes Mai extra thicc
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Holy shit i thought the "say what you want before the darkness fills your mouth" would have come later??
It's pre-battle instead.......
Bakura stop flirting it won't save you from ass-wopping
Bakura's aggressively smile when he is about to get annihilated by Slifer, i don't know if it's cute or creepy
Also YM recognizing YB was asleep since that duel is oddly funny to me
Like, it's true, Bakura spent a good chunk of BC sleeping, let him rest
Still thinking Ishizu saw both her parents die before her own eyes
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Bakura mocking Malik for killing his own dad maybe seems a dick move at first but it really makes sense after you discover that Bakura never had a father his is past life due him being an child orphan and not only that; Bakura also specifically mocked Atem by dragging his dad's corpse
Bakura simply doesn't give half-shit about fatherhood and only see it as a way to rub the salt in the wound
And that's the 477447646352th reason on why YB and YM would have got along if it wasn't for the hostile setting
"Somehow i thought he (SHADI) was the resurrection of the Pharaoh's soul and that he killed my father"
But it kind makes his previous criminal actions more understable, he actually wanted to kill Shadi,,,,,, ok
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TK, promoting selfcest since YB's "it feels amazing inside you landlord ;)"
Keh! How amusing! Do your worst
Me @YM
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man Malik really deserves better, he is getting so much crap since YM showed up
We are back to Bakura's "what is def mode?" zone
Just like YM i, too, wish i could use my spell cards whenever i want
Yugi and Atem being literal soulmates in Yuge Hotel is still funny to me btw
YM after explaining the "eaten by darkness" thing: Let's do this, Bakura!
YB after listening the "eaten by darkness" thing: Let's do this, Malik!
Even the repetitive dialogue confirms they are meant to be
"Don't be afraid of God, Bakura!"
"Shut up!"
Yami "evil genious that sleept way too much in this arc" Bakura: i'm going to do a pro gamer move that no one will ever expect, i will snatch Ra from his hand >:)))))))))))
Meanwhile Mai chilling on beach and making sand castles with her fri-
Yugi is way more interested in finding YY's memories than YY (can't blame him tho, if a ghost lived in my head i too would like to know who the hell he is)
Yugi: maybe your memories are actually hidden in this maze? Are we sure this room really is your in the first place?
Atem: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,speaking of duels i can't lose, i will win Battle City aibou :) and open the door myself pls don't kick me out landlord
ALSO I'm disappointed that their handshake here isn't as cute as in the ita dub (surprisling)
Here is just
Yugi: i'll fight for you!
Atem: great
Wow such enthusiasm for those lost memories
Why the hell Bakura used Multible Destruction and lost that many life points if he had Dark Designator all along???????
Is this "Bakura is dumb for no reason" time??
Bakura's strategy is already just "i waste all my LP until i win", don't worse it make it worse
The next ep's titled ONE TURN KILL, chkcgkhchc badass title i guess
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What I assume Yugioh is about based on having seen like less than 20 episodes of it
Because I used to do this every time I started reading a new Jojo part, just to see how much I got right and how much I got wrong. I don’t think anything will ever top “Rohan Kishibe is a high schooler who draws Chris Hart-esque anime art and thinks he’s a pro mangaka and his stand, Killer Queens, is made of bees, but maybe this will at least be slightly amusing. (Also I know it’s kinda late for this but listen, they still haven’t even gotten to Yami’s backstory, I still have genuinely no fucking clue what the actual overall plot of Yugioh is)
Anyway so here are the characters
Yuugi Mutotutotototuto
No for real tho is it Moto or Mutou someone explain this to me please
Looks like he’s 10 but is actually 15 and very short, which is relatable
Sunshine goth
So fucking nice and good and loves his friends
I think uh... I think he’s like mixed race and that’s why his hair is like that? Not that that makes literally any sense whatsoever but I feel like I remember someone saying something like that
I think he’s like the reincarnation of an ancient pharaoh, or maybe just his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-whatever-grandson
Was able to solve the Millennium Puzzle because of this and also probably because he’s good at games idk
The pure-hearted chosen one who can win every battle even if he’s at a disadvantage because he Believes in the Heart of the Cards. Still don’t know what the fuck that even means but I support him so much
Just a perfect boy
I’m willing to bet a large portion of the fandom thinks he’s a boring protagonist. I say this entirely based on the fact that he is a genuinely nice and optimistic person and god knows fandoms can’t handle characters who aren’t assholes
If you talk shit about Yugi I will show up at your house and eat all of your Yugioh cards. This is non-negotiable
Yami Yugi
The ghost of a pharaoh who was just Really Good At Games and maybe some sort of god or something idk. But I guess maybe he has amnesia?
His real name is Atem but nobody calls him that
Also my son now I love him so much I would die for him thanks
Anyway he lives in the Millennium Puzzle and occasionally possesses Yugi’s body and SOMEHOW this completely changes Yugi’s eye shape, makes his hair even MORE complicated and also makes him taller.
A fucking sadistic bitch
But like a good one though. Like I think he’s a good guy, he just needs to learn to Chill The Fuck Out For Once In His Goddamn Life. It’s ok though Yugi will teach him about the power of friendship and then it’ll be fine
Apparently kills people in the manga, which I guess would make him my legally allotted one (1) irredeemable murderboy I’m allowed to stan
Died tragically and violently after he... uh... he uh... he got framed for cheating at go? Anyway so that’s why his ghost lives in the Millennium Puzzle because I guess maybe he wants revenge or something??
In the most bizarre anti-bullying aesop I have EVER seen, whenever someone wrongs Yuugi or his friends Yami will show up and completely fucking eviscerate them
Just loves games so much, doesn’t matter what game it is or who he’s playing with or why, he will play any game anywhere anytime and will probably send someone into a coma in the process
In conclusion I’d die for him thanks for coming to my TED talk
Seto Kaiba
The antagonist, I guess
Had green hair but then they took it away. Why did they do that
Very mean, I do not like him. I guess he probably has a tragic backstory and Is Actually A Nice Guy Deep Down™ but I still don’t like him
Like a bazillionaire because he owns Kaibacorp. I have no idea what they do. Maybe they manufacture duel disks? Which are like these things you wear on your arm so you can put cards on it. Like a little table for your arm. I don’t know why this is necessary or special but everyone has one
Obsessed with Yami because he is So Good At Games that Kaiba thinks he’s his true rival or some shit idek
Technically could be compared to Akira Touya but I don’t want to because Akira is a very nice and good boy and Kaiba is at best an Ochi
Joey Jounouchi
Yugi’s bff and for some reason the only one of the Crewgi I ever hear anything about so I’m just going to assume this means he is plot relevant somehow
He is the delinquent who picks up stray kittens in the rain
Looks like an asshole but actually a decent dude
Has the exact same fucking backstory as Dio Brando, but like, isn’t an absolute garbage boy, unlike Dio
Was in a gang when he was a kid, a gang with yo-yos. Except in the manga it wasn’t yo-yos, I forgot what it was. Knives? Or maybe hockey sticks? Maybe hockey sticks with knives taped to them??
Trying his best
That isn’t his real name. I forgot what his real name is. I tried really hard to remember it but I couldn’t so now his name is Chadhotep
An Egyptian priest, not sure if he’s somebody’s reincarnation or immortal or a time traveler or just a regular guy who has Been Doing This For Generations
Has the Millennium Key, which presumably goes to the Millennium Lock and grants the user the power of fucking Shugo Chara whatever
Not really sure who’s side he’s on tbh
I feel like... he’s what Avdol could have been if Araki had gone more for the “badass pyromancer Egyptian fortune teller” thing like he had in chapter 1 instead of him being a constantly distressed mom friend. Not that this is a criticism of Avdol!! I love Avdol so much, he’s perfect, however I feel like Chadhotep could be like... an alternate Avdol I guess
I think he’s like Knuckles but instead of guarding the Master Emerald he guards the Millennium Items?
Haven’t actually seen him in like 10 episodes since Yami like... fuckin... imprisoned him in his mind palace for all eternity or some shit, is he ok?
Mokona Modoki
Kaiba’s little brother?????????
I guess he has like an Emporio Alniño thing going on?
Why is he here. He’s a child. Tell him to go home
I bet he’s supposed to be like 5 and speaks like a 15 year old because nobody knows how to write kids. That or he only looks like he’s 5 and is actually like 14
I don’t know anything about him but Kaiba is a bad role model
Thief King Bakura
I don’t actually know much about this guy because he hasn’t showed up yet but I think he’s the other antagonist?
Presumably the ghost of Yami’s ancient political rival, lives in the... what even is that. The fucking like. The Millennium Tambourine I guess
You know in Death Note when it’s revealed that there’s a whole orphanage full of L clones training to become the next Batman or whatever? He looks like he escaped from there
Presumably wants to steal all the Millennium Items so he can summon Shenron or vore god or some shit. I don’t actually know what all the others are but I’m going to assume there are 7 in total because that’s how magic item sets in anime work
Ok I know I made a Knuckles joke already but this dude legit looks more like a Sonic character than absolutely anyone else so far
And that’s everything I know about Yugioh, thanks. In case it isn’t obvious I took benadryl today and I haven’t been more than 60% awake since then
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littleyugi · 7 years
l loooove your blog! and l hope you don't mind me asking what your top 3 duells are? also there is no need to give a long answer if you don't want to of course ;D l'd would mind reading it tho but only do it if you want to :P
Heck ya I don’t mind!
3. Yami Yugi vs. Yugi
Of course this duel is up near the top, but it’s a GREAT ending for the series. And it just has all the components of a good duel for the show - it emphasizes the end goals for the two Yugis (Yugi had to learn independence and Yami Yugi had to learn to lose while fighting his hardest), the cards played had major symbolism in connection with the show (Yugi stopping Monster Reborn from being played indicating that spirits need to pass on when their time has come), and of course exciting duel play (Yugi fucking destroying all three Egyptian God Cards).
2. Pandora/Arkana vs. Yami Yugi + Yugi vs. Possessed!Jonouchi
I’m gonna cheat here and place these two as tied for second, because I love them both a lot.
Pandora/Arkana vs. Yami Yugi
I’m kind of surprised how much I love this particular duel, but I think it’s because it’s around the time the audience gets a sense of a larger connection between Atem and the Dark Magician (and the Dark Magician’s connection to Dark Magician Girl). In other words, this duel ends up being foreshadowing for the relationship between these three (Atem, Mahad, and Mana) in the Egyptian Arc, despite still being quite awhile from this point. Getting to rewatch it in hindsight - it’s like watching these three finally find their way back to each other.
And Dark Magician’s sacrifice never fails to hit me right in the kokoro.
Also, I just think the duel is particularly exciting because of how evenly matched Pandora and Atem were (pretty clearly emphasized when they literally had the same moves to attack each other and revive their magicians near the beginning). Although the reason for Pandora’s downfall was a little on the nose (the whole not respecting his cards wasn’t very subtle lol), it felt a lot less like a single point that Atem was able to turn the duel around in his favor to win (like, say, drawing chain destruction to keep exodia from being summoned) but setting up moments throughout the duel that slowly lead to Pandora’s defeat which made it a lot more satisfying.
Possessed!Jonouchi vs. Yugi
The duel itself isn’t exactly top tier amazing on its own but this makes sense - the point of this duel wasn’t really to win the duel with flashy moves but to win against the struggles happening outside of it. And that’s what I liked about it - the goal of the duel wasn’t simply to reduce the opponent’s lifepoints to 0 but to strike a very careful balance between fighting on to snap Jonouchi out of his possession while keeping both players alive to the end.
So as a result, Jonouchi’s and Yugi’s main character struggles for this arc are brought to the forefront. Both Jonouchi and Yugi are coming to terms with the need to be independent of Yami Yugi - Jonouchi setting himself up as a rival (in a much more healthy way than Kaiba does) while Yugi spends a lot of time accepting that he and Yami Yugi won’t stay together forever. In terms of the duel, Yugi fights to prove his capability to be strong for his friends without Yami Yugi and Jonouchi fights to find the internal strength to break through Marik’s brainwashing through his memories (i.e. looking at everything his learned up to that point and finding his identity). And both of them supported each other to achieve these goals by…fighting each other. It’s quite an interesting set up.
(I could talk for 17 more paragraphs but I’ll mercifully end this here lol)
1. Yami Marik vs. Yami Yugi
Honestly, I really like all of Yami Marik’s duels because I love him as a villain. Sometimes it’s just interesting to watch the embodiment of chaos and bloodlust wreak havoc - but most importantly how we got from point A to point Z, since he didn’t just fly out of the womb looking to kill a man. Yu-Gi-Oh! has a few main themes, and one of them is the idea of “another self”. In this duel, we got to see Marik having to overcome the dark part of himself (with the help of Rishid - which illustrates another theme of Yu-Gi-Oh! - support through love) that manifested after years of…just having been constantly dealt a horrible hand in life, so to speak.
And speaking of support, Yami Yugi’s win was achieved because so many people came together to help Yami Yugi and normal Marik. Of course, there was Yugi + friends with moral support, but also Kaiba’s card which he gave to Yami Yugi because Ishizu convinced him so her brother would have a better chance of being saved. And as mentioned, Rishid coming to the rescue at the end to give Marik one hell of a motivational speech. The interwoven love and care for people played such a large part in this duel, and it’s really heartwarming for such a dark duel.
As for the duel itself, while the entire arc is pretty much an intense clash of the gods, this battle is particularly brought to the forefront here as a way to wrap this clash up. Not too much to say except it was hella exciting haha
Some honorable mentions:
Yugi vs. Kaiba in DSOD, Mai vs. Yami Yugi, ALL of Yami Marik’s duels, Yami Yugi vs. Kaiba in Duelist Kingdom, Yami Yugi vs. Marik as the mime and Kajiki/Mako vs. Jonouchi.
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terraaurea · 8 years
DSOD Differences between ENG and JP
These are just my observations from watching the DSOD movie in English twice, then once in Japanese (Here’s where I watched the sub, so credit the fan subber! Also remember to support the official release of the JP with subs when it is fully available! -- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3pKUWJ9VACyR2RueEN0ZS15R0k/view ). Feel free to add stuff/your own thoughts. I don’t know Japanese, so I’m going off the fan-sub. 
·         Yugi's not like "I wish I could have told him what he meant to me" he's just like "we're in our own worlds now..."
·         Omfg the short bully guy has a REALLY DEEP VOICE I love it
·         and he's like to Aigami "Well, you are CUTE..."
·         He's like "I'm gonna make you famous...the theme this time around...IS PAIN HAHA"
·         I forgot that Kaiba calls Atem ‘Yugi’ in the JP
·         "Leaving Yugi behind like a COWARD and vanishing without a trace made it difficult to track you down..." (In the Cathedral)
·         ORE NO TAURN
·         I forgot that the music from the jp is pretty cool--very orchestral--rather than GUITAR RIFFS
·         Already makes more sense with the duels—they mention sacrificing monsters more often thank god
·         The mirror absorbs neo 3 blue eyes whatshisfuck and sends it back at Kaiba. It doesn't deflect it and then send a new attack like the dub implies
·         Kaiba doesn't mention any coiffed hair but says "I even replicated his provoking personality"
·         Jounouchi, you're fired! Instead of NO CLOWNING AROUND
·         More explanation about the Plana/Planners--ok so 7 items found, Pharoah goes back home, and it opens up that new dimension where they've gotta keep the order or something like that
·         They want to get rid of the old world to make room for a new order? And they gotta eradicate evil?
·         "We've been waiting for you" instead of "You've graced us with yer presence sIR"
·         Still has the "Ok but it took Yugi 8 years..." "Yeah, but Yugi has the brain of a child" KAIBA SAVAGE
·         Kaiba's jp voice is so much more intimidating just a reminder
·         "Even though I didn't register my deck or duel disk anywhere, you still knew where I was. You're quite the control freak, aren't you?" - Diva
·         "I hate dangerous murderers like you, you see...so I think I'll need to erase you from this dimension." -Diva, with gun at back
·         They're actually talking about the connection between consciousnesses. Which relates to that 2 chapter prequel manga (Transcend Game).
·         Diva's like "Kaiba, you know all about the human consciousness, don't you? Everything done in this world is done by the unconscious mind...all of which are linked together...even you, the dictator of this city, are powerless to control the consciousnessesses of all of Domino…let alone the world."
·         I’m not going to bother spelling consciousness right anymore
·         Because Kaiba had to use the consciousnessess of all the children combined playing his VR prototype to catapult himself up into the afterlife the first time in the manga
·         So to keep everything in order you need those links to be balanced, too.
·         It’s in the ENG too but if you watch the children that Diva summons are all connected with these golden darting lines and now that makes more sense THX
·         He's borrowing the power of other people's consciousnesses (all those children) in order to have enough energy to wield his powers by using the cube
·         So in the other dimension that he sends the gunman, the gunman is no longer connected to the consciousnesses of everyone else in the world anymore
·         In the JP then too Diva explains that he is using the power of the Plana, but also the Plana's Mind, which makes the control of his consciousness (and by extension the links to everyone else) 7x stronger than everyone else's
·         Instead of saying "NOT SO FAST/etc." when he's not disappearing into the other dimension, Kaiba goes "DON'T WORRY, MOKUBA” BIG BRO IS HERE FOR U AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT
·         So the reason why the power didn't send Kaiba to the other dimension is because his ego is SO INFLATED and thus his consciousness and intellect are so great that he's on par with Diva's Plana Mind
·         With his duel disk connected to his brain--which if you remember is connected to that Cloud Network--he's got enough connections with other consciousnesses in the cloud to combat Diva's powers??? I think
·         "Kisama no TURN..." sounds so cool like damn
·         JP also explains why he can summon shittons of blue eyes
·         JP explains the spell cards better
·         I think they left out the monster noises/screams in the ENG? Someone should confirm that for me
·         "I was the one who had to bury Yugi, no, Atem inside of me. His ghost continues to wander in my unfulfilled consciousness. Yugi!" – Kaiba
·         The eng music slightly is based off the jp music but with 10x more guitar riffs and zero chill
·         As for why the fuck he could summon Obelisk—in the JPDiva says there's residual energy left in that place due to it being where the Pharaoh left the world, and that Kaiba must have picked up on it. And Diva says that Obelisk is only a servant to the pharaoh. I think Diva missed that whole Battle City thing tho and doesn't realize that other people were wielding the god cards too
·         Still got "IT'S NOT A MONSTER. IT'S A GOD."
·         No "I NEED TISSUEEEEES" thx
·         Still got "Pharaoh can't come back if we get rid of his vessel" gotta kill Yugi
·         The big duel tournie takes place at Kaibaland
·         To put the puzzle back together quickly he needed his machine to be in space to utilize zero gravity—still extra
·         "Enough of the boring Flattery. // My Apologies, Mr. Kaiba" No "I'm programed to remind you of your genius" darn
·         Yugi says he's keeping the Dark Magician in his deck and is like "I wonder what Aigami's gonna use in his deck" instead of "You got me out of a lot of jams!" Suggesting Yugi actually knows how to fucking build a deck wow shocker
·         Shadi was supposed to collect all 7 items so he could send Pharaoh back to deadland and Yugi was a necessary vessel that had to have been chosen to help the Pharaoh get there out of the puzzle and shit
·         Yugi shares a consciousness wavelength with the Plana people because welp he let the pharaoh live in his bod
·         Instead of Joey just losing his memories in the dimension it's more him struggling to find out what's real and what's fake because he also can’t trust his own memories. And the idea is that he's not connected to the consciousness of the rest of the world so he's only seeing what he has ever seen. But if he does forget things then he does lose everything because he's relying solely on his own consciousness
·         Shadi's eng voice is VERY similar to his jp voice nice
·         Diva asks about rulers and how they aren't afraid because they have everything and never have anything taken from them. And so Shadi is like "Yeah but then they take everyone from others"--makes sense given that Diva tries to control everything so that he loses nothing. No talk about how easily manipulated children are like in the ENG. Just talk about power/loss/fear and loss/loss and fear
·         Shadi says an evil thing lives in the ring and has already chosen a master, and that you have to surpass a trial to be able to wear it. Obviously that doesn't end well for him.
·         3 items are for justice, 3 have evil presences inside them, millennium puzzle has both
·         Shadi says that there will be a young boy that will become the vessel for the pharaoh, and then says that he's the same as them (the Plana children--meaning he's probably just got strong connection powers or whatever/spiritual powers)
·         "Oh, did he finally croak? You guys are an eyesore" -Yami!Bakura
·         "I'm going to paint this world in darkness" – Yami!Bakura
·         Diva doesn't know that Bakura doesn't have evil dickmix in his blood anymore
·         "But...I killed someone very special to you, didn't I?" -Bakura. No "I also lost someone very important to me that day..." though obvs his dad is dead AF
·         Joey was able to come out of the dimension because his bonds with his buds surpass dimensions--which is fucking intense given that going to a different dimension is supposed to prevent that in the first place friendship is sTRONG
·         No "My cardio stinks", just "Bakura-kun..."
·         Kaiba's under the impression that the afterlife is still connected to the puzzle--sorry Kaiba
·         He really wants to resurrect pharaoh to face him again welp
·         Also Mokuba isn't like "HEY YUGI, LOOKIN GOOD!" He's like "Hey Yugi! We've already got the game shop covered for you!" So that's nice. No worries about G-PA getting snatched in the meantime
·         Diva says even with Kaiba's tech it's impossible for them to go into another dimension (inside of the cube to get the puzzle piece)--obvs Kaiba's not gonna be havin that later...
·         Your body is a flesh prison for your soul and when you die it's free but until then you're stuck in flesh prison and even when you win murderous wars and fight needlessly you are still in yer flesh prison.
·         So through Kaiba's duel disk he wants to allow people to go beyond the flesh prison to eliminate language/barriers/need for fighting/etc.
·         So it's a lot more than just "PLAY MY CHILDREN'S CARD GAME"
·         he legit says flesh prison
·         Shadi's always been able to go through dimensions as a priest of the Pharaoh?
·         Shit. "Yugi, I'll remind you, that you're just a vessel! -Kaiba
·         "It looks like you won't summon the pharaoh...until I duel you into submission!" Ok kaiba
·         No lemons being sour jokes
·         No "You really hate dragons...don't you?"
·         Kaiba does have a very dramatic line about Deep Eyes coming to live from the blue abyss
·         "No you gotta let him go" but "This is the reality...he's no longer in there..." Yugi's like "I've accepted it and you gotta accept it" but nah
·         But yeah the idea was to open a new dimension and drag the world into it with the 8th millennium item (cube).
·         But, if you bring it into a dark world like Diva was going to, it would only bring the chosen ones into the new dimension, eliminating everyone else
·         Still says "Kaiba, why? // Because of him. Yugi (the pharaoh)"
·         Still has "Call him." But also has "Call him to you."
·         Yugi just says "Draw...I'm sorry...everyone..." because there's no heart of the cards bullshit in the jp. So Yugi is convinced that he's failed instead of hoping in cards
·         No epic music when Atem comes back so it's definitely more unsettling. Kind of underwhelming but makes it weightless. Which I can appreciate because it's basically like "Diva literally has so little power that there doesn't even need to be epic music because Yami just wipes the fucking floor with him"
·         Instead of saying "DID HE ASK ABOUT ME?" Joey says "I saw him too!" And Yugi goes "I knew it!" So Atem did pay him a visit to get him to come out of the weird dimension. That’s cool
·         "So he did really come here then, Yugi." - Kaiba
·         "I had all but given up, Kaiba. But you still believed."
·         "I don't know about that. Farewell, Yugi. You were indeed a proud duelist." - Kaiba
·         So instead of being like "I got my thing with the pharaoh, bitch. And you got yours." it's more like hey we saved the world together, and I recognize you as a good, strong dude. We can be 'friends' now…in Kaiba's own way
·         "Kaiba, I really have to thank you." -Yugi
·         Mokuba’s like "Are you sure you want to do this?"And Kaiba says, "Once this is completed. It will create a new type of duel as we know it."Then Mokuba does say that this new prototype using the dimension emulator (different than the VR used earlier) is too dangerous.
·         Kaiba isn't like "I leave everything to you...Mokuba..." He's like "Watch over everything while I'm away." Implying he plans on coming back.
·         Thus this version of the movie is definitely less "KAIBA HAS NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! BATTLE PHARAOH ANYWAY" It's a lot more that he develops even further in his technological goals. So he still wants to battle the pharaoh but he's using him more as a guinea pig for testing his transdimensional duel system rather than saying "fuck everything I'm gonna go duel dead people ANYWAY BECAUSE I'M AN EGOTISTICAL ASS” tho maybe he still wants some pharaoh dick who knows
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the-cryptographer · 8 years
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Yay! I did the thing! Below the cut you can find some silly answers and silly ms paint artwork~ It’s been forever since I’ve drawn and even more forever since I’ve drawn anime, so everything sucks but be kind, okay~
1. Favourite Character
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This guy!!! I remember liking him immediately when I first watched in gradeschool, so he’s a longtime fave. I wish I remembered the basis for my affinity all those years ago, but it’s been lost to the tides of time. Now I kind of think about how his character works on two levels for me:
(1) On a kind of surface level, he’s just really fun to watch. His voice and his dialogue. The comedic expressions. The stupid accent in the dub. He’s temperamental and hammy. And, unlike a lot of the other characters, when he’s upset or unhappy, he’s generally driven towards being more active rather than being more passive - so instead of introspective scenes where he’s retreating into himself, you get all these scenes where he goes out and starts doing really dumb shit. He’s one of the few characters I pretty much universally enjoy watching for the theatrical value.
(2) And on a kind of deeper level, I just find him really inspirational. He’s far from a flawless character - there are so many ways he acts recklessly and makes mistakes, so many ways he can be grating and even cruel, and so many things he’s really not that good at. But he’s just so resilient and determined and such an aggressively good friend to Yuugi. I think especially with all the darker subtext in the manga, you can see the really bad places he’s come from, and how he’s been met with so much failure along the way - but he’s made it so far~ I wish we could all fall and get back on our feet as easily as Jounouchi.
2. Runner Up Character
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Put-upon Egyptian Cult Leader!! Who I don’t believe I talk about enough.
He’s an exciting villain, imo!! He puts Yuugi & co in a lot of tight spots, and in a lot of ways didn’t seem to leave the story on the same page as them, but he comes through his arc just devastatingly sympathetic in my mind. I think it’s easy to sympathise with the way he’s at war with himself and his lot in life.
There’s kind of a lot of exciting attributes collected around him too - mind control and alternate personalities, Tomb Keeper politics and Rare Hunter politics, an uneasy partnership with the big bad of the series, and a really poorly established relationship with his brother Rishid that switches between master-subordinate, patient-caretaker, and older-and-younger siblings.
On a personal level though, I appreciate the way he’s willful and clever and lazy and manipulative and NEVER STOPS LYING. I appreciate how much he fights and loses hope and is renewed in his fight against his more insane tendencies. I appreciate that he doesn’t seem to develop genuine fondness for the protags so much as come to realise they’re his way out of this mess and pragmatically follow through on it. And I appreciate how he’s revealed to be fiercely caring towards his siblings in spite of all faults. And it feels so real and tender and angry and human, I even temporarily forget how awful he’s been mere hours before.
Admittedly, I don’t exactly have a clear picture of his fanon existence and what I’d like from it. Especially since I’m not super into the thiefship scene. I’d kind of like to read more about him though. Especially about him and his siblings, or him and Ryou, or him and Yuugi.
3. Favourite Protagonist
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Cutie baby~
I guess... Yuugi and I... are maybe... kind of... alike? I’m like a tall, shitty version of him, lmao.
He is a passive pacifist sweetheart with too much self-doubt in his heart and too much porn under his mattress. I like how he grows into himself in the series and learns to be more assertive - but remains the calm, friendly, and trusting person he always was.
4. Favourite Villain
I guess this would be Malik again? Who even counts as a villain in ygo? All of them get redeemed.
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I’m just gonna say Kaiba. Kaiba’s tried to kill enough of the protags to be a villain, lol. He’s weaseled his way into a central role in the series tho~ Mr. Popular~
I think I’ve talked quite a bit about why I like Kaiba - but he’s just so damaged and so weak and so strong. He builds death theme parks and shuts down weapons production. Compared to us average humans, he’s more capable of doing good and more capable of doing evil both. Also I project onto him like a mofo.
5. Favourite Yami
I guess this would also be Malik again - Malik’s disturbing split personality.
Naw, tho~ My new favourite Yami is Yami!Isis. All bow down to the cold, all-seeing Priestess.
6. Favourite Series
Season Zero. Or idk, I still have to watch Season Zero but I love manga Season Zero so I assume. Um, the manga? Or am I just supposed to say DM? I still haven’t gotten to watching GX at length but I will.
7. Favourite Arc
Season Zero
A different game every week. Mundane school life in Japan spiced up with pyromania. lots of character focus. Thug life. But I already kind of answered this for the last question.
Maybe Duellist Kingdom?
I like the duels in DK a lot - I know they didn’t follow the rules, but they’re kind of snappy and satisfying. And it has a lot of my favourite Seto moments and Mai moments. And I like the straightforwardness in the arc’s setup, the goals of the characters, and how it built up to the finals. I feel like there’s not a dull moment building up to the confrontation with Pegasus from the meeting with Seto before the castle - the way Atem lost to Seto, and then Seto getting his soul pilfered, and Tristan and the others climbing around the castle, and the Atem-Mai and Jou-Keith duels were some of the better ones in the series.
But my cracky id loves DOMA?
It’s stupid and I know it’s stupid. But the silly villains. REAL MONSTERS. Mai having PTSD complications. Roadtrip in the USA. All the polarshipping. stfu - I can like DOMA if I want to like DOMA.
8+9. Favourite Quote & Runner Up Quote
I am so bad at remembering quotes. I mean, you can’t beat the Yuujou pun, I guess.
I suppose I like the speech Anzu gave Kaiba during DK, about the chip of life, and how Yuugi saved him. I don’t like Anzu’s speech in the dub, but for some reason Kaiba snapping back at her What do you have? with ‘I have all that I need!’ has really stuck with me - I have no idea why(??) But I even used that line in a fic.
I also like when Jounouchi goes on the date with Fake-Virtual-World!Mai. “Anywhere’s fine, so long as it’s with you.” Aww~
I’m not sure any of these are my favourite favourite, but I liked them all.
10. Funniest Moment of the Series
When Kaiba dropped a key into the ocean and somehow Jounouchi didn’t die, lmao
Okay, for reals tho, I’m not sure. But it was funny when Jounouchi almost fell off the balcony in Duellist Kingdom. And the potato song. And when Jounouchi called Kaiba on the phone and Otogi did the Kaiba imitation during DOMA. And when Kaiba and Mai got into a street race - NEVER FORGET!
11. Scariest Moment of the Series
OMG. When Bakura as Honda confronted Yuugi about giving up his wish, and Yuugi tearfully admits his wish was to have friends. Raw. Terrifying. I died.
Okay, again for reals. I guess that’s my admission that the series never managed to make me really fear for the characters. There are times when I scare myself thinking about how empty Kaiba must feel at times though.
12. Favourite Moment Overall
*plays Mystical Refpanel* “Jounouchi-kun… Daisuki da.”
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13. Runner Up Moment
Mai giving Jounouchi the entry card during DK.
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Mai’s so elegant. But, geez, this must have taken a lot out of her. She just lost her own duel - was just crying herself - has never really had friends before by her own admission. She does this with such seeming ease but she’s really putting herself out on a line here - and Jounouchi probably even doesn’t understand that - but he does all the right things anyhow <3
Yes all my favourite moments are people being nice to Jounouchi - shut up!
Other runner up moments are Rishid’s speech to Malik at the end of Battle City. Kaiba sacrificing Obelisk to summon the Blue Eyes during his duel with Isis. And I also like the very end of Duellist Kindgom and how Mai gets last minute invited on the helicopter ride. Which leads nicely into the next question.
14. Favourite Romantic Ship
Mai and Jounouchi are my favourite proto-romance in the series. Jounouchi and Kaiba are my favourite duo in the series for interesting and revealing character moments. All together they make the greatest ship of bad decisions ever invented.
15. Favourite Platonic Ship
There aren’t many things I only ship platonically. And for things I ship romantically and platonically – there are a ton. But shout-out goes to MaiKai for being the platonic bros of my OTP. I told you - NEVER FORGET that time they got into a street race.
I feel like there’s a lot to work with here though. High society. Introversion and the desire for isolation. Rigidity vs flexibility. Maturity and competence vs pettiness and complete and utter stupidity. Mai beta testing Legendary Heroes. Mai giving Kaiba ‘grown-up’ advice. Learning to trust. They will be drinking buddies. They must become drinking buddies.
16. Runner Up Ship
Honda & Otogi & Serenity.
I like them taking the train together in the manga, but it’s mostly an anime ship. I enjoy watching Otogi and Honda fighting each other for Serenity’s attention and getting completely wrapped up in each other in the process, lol. There’s a level of transparency to it that I find amusing. And it’s sweet the way they all move in to cover each others’ backs during the duel with Oota. They have their missteps, but it makes things feel rewarding when they come through for each other in the end. And, lol, this moment-
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In the context of a romantic ship, Honda’s so romantically idealistic and Serenity’s so naively unindulgent - they’re both very stubborn in their own way, but I feel like Otogi is capable of bringing in the realism to mediate that situation. I think my headcanons are heavily influenced by this writer’s work. Even outside of a romantic context though, I want them to be an adventurous trio of friends, lol. I hope they all grow up and manage it in the future~
17. Another Runner Up Ship
Second runner up could be so many things, but this stands out as something I want to see more of - and also have a drawing:
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Mai & Vivian.
Okay. But seriously. I want Great Wall of China fataleshipping adventures. I want them to be super catty friends. Please give me more of Mai postcanon female friends and femslash.
18. Favourite Monster
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Dark Necrofear!
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I talked about most of the cards in this post, but I’ll refresh your memory. (I haven’t made it far in Reshef, but Duel Links has left me feeling more or less the same regarding favourite cards.)
19. Runner Up Monster
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AU where Kisara is the Happy Queen of the Duel Monsters parallel universe, and Kaibaman is her dimension hopping servant.
20. Favourite Spell
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One of these two.
21. Favourite Trap
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Hahaha. Fuck Kaiba >:(
22. Design Your Own Character
No. I drew Asuka from GX instead.
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23. Design Your Own Monster
I’ll do it one of these days~ But not today~
24. Favourite DSoD Moment
Idk, when Yuugi told Kaiba off? When Otogi and his dad showed up? When Jounouchi wrote his initials on his Duel Disk? When Honda and Yuugi rode a motorcycle and went to save Jounouchi? When Jounouchi and Honda rode a bike to school?
25. Favourite New Character in DSoD
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But Shadi also gets points here for being different enough that I can imagine him as a new character.
26. Least Favourite New Character
27. DSoD Could Have Done _____ Better
Lots of stuff but I’m not in the mood rn. I liked the film overall.
28. Favourite New Card From DSoD
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OMG! That’s the end of the meme! It took forever, right? But thank you if you read all this way <3
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shionuzukis · 8 years
❤, 💀, ♂♀, ☯, ☒, 💑, 🍁, 🐍, 👍 👊 💋 🌟 ♞ 💬 💞 📺 🎮 ♬ 🎵 🎶 ✍ 🍊 🐧 🌼 ☁ 👏 🔃 👯 :D
youre a gem, pal!!! bless u.
❤: judai is quite literally the only option. jounouchi is a pretty close second, though!
💀: either yami bakura or vector. both are just pre hysterical to watch. the animation on vector in particular is soooo good. they manage to have him emote so strongly even as a barian and the whole not having a mouth thing!!!
♂♀: excluding judai or jou, my fave boy would have to be manjoume or jack. best girl is yuzu, though. asuka, anzu, and aki are all real close to my heart, too. and oh god, carly, too!! and rio, too. i love like all the ygo gals a real lot.
☯: kenzan bc i also have DINO DNA. jk but really pegasus bc he i also like to drink juice out of wine glasses while i watch cartoons on my private island that i bought with card game money.
☒: ahh, i feel bad, but probably most of yuma’s friend group that isn’t plot relevant. like cathy and tokunosuke. the show did incredibly little with them, and honestly they could get kind of annoying. its pretty disappointing how much i tend to like the little protagonist friend groups. : (
💑: manjoume/judai otp, man. but, also, yugi/jounouchi is super cute, and i love anzu/mai. pretty much any combination of team 5ds is also so good in my book, especially if you throw carly into the mix. it’s really tough to just give brotps, too, since i also ship pretty much any combination i can think of lmao.
🍁: the cute ones lmao. 
🐍: hmm, that’s tough...maybe black rose dragon?
👍: aki’s!!! 
👊: the only decks i own are a couple my sibling bought me based off of yugi’s in dm. i like his battle city one a lot!! id really like to have one based around xyz though!!
💋: pretty much any bit of dialogue from gx’s more goofy moments. stuff like when that ridiculous rich submarine guy dueled judai and was like boy, i want to open an underwater card game school!!! or judai trying to un-brainwash manjoume and throwing his flithy-ass coat at him and being like i’VE SEEN YOU WIPE SOY SAUCE ON IT. just silly stuff like that. its the best.
🌟: johan being all im gonna summon that rainbow dragon but lol nah he doesn’t actually have it. its absolutely ridiculous and basically when i decided i love johan. also anytime vector ja-jyans.
♞: AKI’S FIRST DUEL IN THE FORTUNE CUP IS LIKE MY LIFE. but also ceremonial duel, judai vs. yubel, and yuma and astral’s last duel are sooo good. vector vs. yuma in sargasso is great, too. MISAWA VS. THE TIGER LADY IN GX’S FIRST SEASON ALSO GIVES ME LIFE BC misawa is just so damn into that and im so happy they get to meet again in the third season. ;___;
💬: subbed all the way. i never really watched ygo when it was airing on american tv as a kid, so i don’t have any nostalgia for it. dm is mostly watchable from i’ve heard, but the severe alterations made to gx and 5ds is more than enough to keep me away. also, so many of the name changes are just so unnecessary?? and confusing??? 
💞: gx is my absolute favorite, then zexal, and then dm, 5ds, and arc v all nice and cozy together in third. i love them all so so much, though.
📺: i still havent seen any of the movies!! i was holding off on bbt until my sibling and i finished 5ds, but we’re slooow. and i just never got around to pyramid of light.
🎮: ive only ever played a little of one the gx tag force games, so uhh...
♬: BRAVING!!!!! BRAVING IS THE ONLY YGO OPENING THAT MATTERS!!! i like setsubou no freesia from zexal quite a bit too in terms of endings.
🎵: ;___; ive never really listened to ygo osts. theres a few songs i know i really like from 5ds, though. idk their names, but i think i started hearing them around the dark signers arc.
🎶: never really watched any!
✍: ahhh, i have like weird standards, so i havent read a lot of ygo fic, but there was one fubuki/ryo one i read on ao3 that was quite cute!
🍊: i havent really read any ygo doujin either lmao.
🐧: i find the abridged stuff to be a bit frustrating in how it bleeds over into just regular ygo, but ngl, i have a fondness for like the duelist kingdom arc in it.
🌼: i collect ygo keychains.....so i have a lot of those.........forty-two of them to be exact...... i have a really ugly atem figure and a dark magician one that my sibling got me for christmas! and i have the atem figma, and the kotobukiya jounouchi. i have the yami bakura and pharaoh atem ones on pre-order too lmao.
👏: one time i played with my best friend and sibling. we were all really bad, but it was fun! ngl, tho, id love to get deeper into it.... 
🔃: i actually cant think of anyone tbh! once i love a ygo, i always love a ygo. i guess i got more frustrated with kotori as zexal went on? but that was less her character itself and more the narrative...
👯: ahh, not really! i do rly enjoy getting to talk ygo tho lmao. watching 5ds with my sibling is a lot of fun, too!!
0 notes
the-cryptographer · 8 years
Yeah, yeah~ I know everybody and their mother did a DSoD reaction post, but I wanna do one too. I’m writing this without reading the reaction posts I have bookmarked, so my reaction is pure (or purer anyway). I’ll go read the others afterwards~
- Okay, I didn’t realise that Joey was in the dogsuit for the benefit of working at a stand at the mall owned by OTOGI and MR CLOWN. In retrospect, I love the inclusion of the dogsuit and I need fic about the awful situation that is Joey working with Otogi and Otogi’s dad - why has nobody mentioned this before?!?
- I liked Anzu, and how she’s getting to go abroad, and I’m glad they kept her and Yuugi’s relationship at the mildly flirty level and didn’t step too far into uncomfortable peachship hell on top of all the Atem issues. Also is she avoiding meeting Yuugi in front of the gameshop bc grandpa’s a perv? bc I would be.
- I ended up having ship feels I wasn’t expecting - mostly of the Honda/Jou (riding on the bike together at the beginning, crying together at the graduation speech), Honda/Yuugi (motorbiking together to go find Jou, u.u), and Bakura/Jou variety. Really Bakura and Joey hanging out together was great and sweet, and I wish more and more that I didn’t cut Bakura out of the friendship crew so often for sake of paring down my narratives.
- Also Bakura’s flashbacks were very clever. In general I thought the way they tied Diva and Sera’s backstory in with Shadi’s and Bakura’s was interesting and relatively well done.
- Where Shadi is concerned, so... he is a modern reincarnation of Shada, and then he was a ghost after the Ring Spirit killed him? Also I was thinking he would be using the Millennium Scales to weigh that man’s soul instead of using the Cube. I was disappointed he didn’t, but then I wondered if the implication was he was the master of the Key in life, but death allowed him access to the Scales. It was interesting, nonetheless.
- That was probably the only good thing about Diva and Sera though. Diva was just really rushed and contrived and flat and OMG SERA?! Another mild-mannered young woman that just wants to save her brother from the darkness but her own hands are tied. We had that character already, except Isis was actually well-written and fleshed out and WE DID NOT NEED A CONDENSED, CRAPPY REWRITE OF HER. I’m not sure how they could have introduced and handled all these new characters well in the first place but, idk, it needed to be better imo.
- Mani was fine tho. Mani was great.
- Mokuba was cute. And he acts fast to try and secure the puzzle. And he interrogates people and admits he’s a liar. I was not expecting to be so on-board with adorable, well-adjusted Mokuba but, I admit, I really ended up liking him.
- JOUNOUCHI. I do feel like he got regulated to a very weak role in the movie, but I loved all his moments. And he initialed and wrote ‘version 2′ on his own duel disk, and had Honda fix it for him, and threatened to beat ppl up and I love him. It’s too bad there was never a follow-up on his search for a new duel disk but, still, so much love for all the Jou moments.
- YUUGI! Friggin putting Kaiba in his place bc we gotta fight to save Bakura. He’s just so calm and mature, and pensive but willing to act. Yuugi is truely a top-tier protag.
- KAIBA!!! He was so hilariously lacking in chill. Everything he did. Everything he said. ‘You must really hate dragons.’ ffff-asfghjkl;  What a loser. Stopping traffic in the middle of the city. So he can stand in the rain and snark at Yuugi and invite him to duel and fly off in a helicopter. I do feel like the dub shafted him, and made his motivations, and his character, look a whole lot simpler than they were. I feel like if you’re not doing a critical reading of the movie, it’s easy to say he’s really only doing this bc he needs to duel Atem. But I also feel like anybody with even the slightest knowledge of what grief and denial look like will see it written all over Kaiba in the movie - silly dub or not. Kaiba’s a wreck and the fact that he’s willing to bear his own loses for Yuugi’s sake should be enough of a clue that he’s a wreck about things that aren’t just not being the best at card games. So, I wish they had done better to preserve some of his dialogue, but the dialogue he ended up with made me laugh, so~
- Also Kaiba and his pain simulations, jfc. Everybody getting knocked back and beat up bc of his technology. And there’s the moment where he belatedly and very stoically asks Yuugi if he’s okay, like it’s only just occurred to him that not everybody is a raging masochist who gets off on this crap. Stop him. No but, in all seriousness, it was rather overkill on the amount of Yuugi and the others getting over-dramatically knocked over while playing Duel Monsters.
- This card game isn’t making sense. How are these characters getting multiple attack stages per turn and then also setting trap cards imbetween???
- And yeah - the Atem moments. I’m glad he came through for Jou, Yuugi, and Kaiba, each in their own turn. It was really sweet~
- (I do kind of feel like he stole Yuugi’s thunder again a little bit, though. Still better than in the series proper, but still I wish for more Yuugi solo victories a tiny bit~ Also why wasn’t he using the Silent Magician deck?!)
- Mahaad cameo!! I lost my shit it was so amazing!
- Jou’s wary and pissed off look when he and Yuugi and the others meet up with Kaiba in the end. I know nothing was said, but nothing needed to be said. A+
- I thought it was kind of a shame we didn’t actually hear the contents of Yuugi’s graduation speech. Why was he giving a speech anyhow. Yuugi’s got shitty grades in the manga, he’s not valedictorian. Maybe it would just be a tragedy to have the King of Games not give a speech.
- Beyond that, I can kind of point out places I think the setup and plot were clumsy or poorly contained and poorly informed and poorly paced in the context of the film. But, idk, I don’t go to Yugioh to nitpick on those kinds of things. I’m there for the characters 100% and overall I enjoyed them.
- I had a good time :)
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