#(he’s still Rejet’s Golden boy)
yuikomorii · 1 year
Ayato is slowly turning into the new “Yui” (she still gets hate too but yk less than other years) of the Diabolik Lovers fandom and I really thought the fandom was healing -jokes on me-
The way they complain about Ayato being too caring now inducing that he’s turning into a simp reminds me of the same people who complained about Yui for not fighting back and calling her weak for that. Let’s just let everyone enjoy whatever characters they want WITHOUT TRYING TO RUIN THEIR FUN ‼️
Also, why did Ayato even get so hated anyway? He was always one of the least horrible ones and right now, after all his development, I don’t find anything so unlikeable about him. He tries to see the good in others despite having such a past full of suffering. If I hear anyone say “because he’s too caring/dumb/immature” I will riot because why would it be bad to be caring with your girlfriend? He isn’t even as immature as people say. Isn’t this the same guy who took responsibility for things that were none of his business but he did so just to help others?
And don’t get me started on the fact he isn’t dumb at all. He’s an idiot because he’s uneducated but his brain power is above average. I played Reiji’s route awhile now and there was this chapter where Reiji helped Yui study for her math test but only after a timeskip she managed to get a right result while in Ayato’s after story, there was the same scene but with different characters and Ayato was able to learn very fast after Yui explained to him and even she found that amazing about him because he started getting all answers right. After I got interested in young blood, I came to the conclusion that he was the only Sakamaki brother who found something suspicious about the ceremony and planned to investigate it. I recall a few other moments but I’m curious to hear if you got a favourite one.
I hope this ask wasn’t too long ;w; I tried to fit my thoughts in but it’s ok if you don’t have time to answer it soon ^^
// So many languages in this word, but you decided to speak FACTS!
The reasons why some people start hating on certain characters, are incredibly embarrassing. Just tell me you didn’t pay attention to the story, without actually telling me that you didn’t pay attention to the story.
They had previously complained about him being too bratty and arrogant, but now that his true side has been revealed, they are still dissatisfied since he is not the "edgy and complex" vampire boyfriend they wanted him to be. Do you like such characters? Good for you but only because you have a preference towards those, doesn’t mean you should tell others how much their bias sucks… it’s just so uncalled??
As you said, something I have always found admirable about Ayato is his ability to be pure-hearted, despite his background. I can’t say anyone got much love yet… Beatrix was strict but she canonically loved both of her children, Christa was mentally ill and had her crazy episodes but it was shown that she still loved and cared for Subaru, and then there’s Cordelia, who truly didn’t show or feel any sort of love towards any of her children. In DF, I’m sure she regretted her actions but saying that she loved Ayato, Kanato and Laito would be an exaggeration. It’s no surprise that the triplets turned out so twisted when they didn’t get a taste of affection or kindness AT ALL. And Ayato’s side goes beyond that, since he literally was the piñata of so many characters.
In YB, he was used as bait, betrayed, and brutally knocked down by ghouls, as well as beaten up to the point of almost getting killed.
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In Ayato’s character book, it was confirmed that Cordelia threw him in the lake every time he didn’t study. He had several near-death experiences as a result of her, and she frequently whipped and beat him up.
In the DF prologue, Carla and Shin sent the wolves to especially attack Ayato, not Yui, but Ayato thought they were going after her, so he sacrificed himself for her and used himself as shield so as she wouldn’t get hurt. He got severely injured that in some routes it takes a lot of time until he wakes up from the coma.
In Kino’s LE route, he burns Ayato alive and beats him up afterwards.
Last but not least, he got the Adam curse when he was a child and that’s so painful because it basically means drowning in a state of despair and insanity, until getting to taste something similar to that fig.
final YB chapter
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Didn’t count the emotional and mental abuse but the physical one was INSANE. Despite so much torture, even if some of his actions were wrong too, most of the time he continued to value his life and to be empathetic and forgiving to those who mistreated him.
Let's not forget that we're talking about vampires here, who will always be more wicked than humans because, although not inherently evil, they still have a predator instinct, but what's truly fascinating about Ayato's character is that he has such a good soul in spite of learning from an early age that there is no kindness in this world. It's no surprise that Karlheinz was taken aback.
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Moreover, I thought everyone was aware that Ayato isn’t actually stupid?? A bunch of his dumb moments are merely used for generating laughter and they’re not meant to be taken seriously. People also need to understand that the Japanese audience loves this kind of characters. They consider him an idiot in the affectionate way, because the lack of knowledge and gullibility make him endearing in their eyes. They don’t think of him as a genuine idiot. After all, nobody would like a character who’s completely dense.
It’s true that he’s impulsive and uneducated, which leads to him making dumb choices but I agree that his brain works faster sometimes than the one of other characters.
One of my favorite scenes is the one in which he eavesdropped on Cordelia, hearing that she only gave Karl children for attention, and he was the only Sakamaki who rapidly succeeded in connecting all of the dots, regarding all of Karl's victims and him being the root of all evil, which was the best revelation reaction in DL. I also enjoyed how, while all of his brothers rushed to kill Karlheinz (except for Laito, who had no battle scene in his route), Ayato was the only one who was like, "I won't kill you because I'd lead your plan to success in that case," and he only killed him after Karl wanted to harm Yui. If you haven't played DF, I recommend saving Ayato's route for last because it provides the most satisfaction.
Don't be concerned about the length! I believe I wrote a lot as well haha, but that's because your ask was so interesting to read! You made some excellent points, and I'm glad you're one of those people that can comprehend a character! 🥹🩷
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faeiapalette · 2 years
This situation has already become a bit tense and despite that, i still want to give my opinion about this because I CAN'T TAKE ITTT—
The truth is, i don't support either ‘side’.
On the one hand, what you mention is true about how some put Ayato on a golden throne where he does nothing and is 'perfect', and i personally don't like that because i mean, then you missed the whole point, bro.
Literally the plot of More Blood was that Yui began to idealize an image of Ayato that was not him.
Why say something like "Ayato-kun wouldn't do something like that!" when yes? even i, as an Ayato fan, recognize it, because i feel that when you want to appreciate something you should do it for what it is and not just for the part you want/want it to be. It's okay to question some things your favorite does, people.
Reject that Ayato possesses his claws like any other character would be to deny him in some way. It doesn't matter if he is the more good, approachable, ‘human’ and cutest —all this said by Satoi— of all the diaboys.
Ayato is sweet, sensitive, funny, loyal, brave among other things; but it's also true that he can be VERY angry, selfish, arrogant, self-centered, dumb... and kind of an idiot, but that's okay! ♡ because in the end it's what makes Ayato... Ayato.
I even make fun of Ayato by calling him my 'pendejo favorito'. /srs
I'm not going to get upset just because someone doesn't like something i do. I don't like Kanato or Shu, and i don't see why someone should throw ugly comments at me because of that, you know?
even if you said —it's an example—: “Ayato doesn't have traumas, that's why he's the most normal lol” like someone i read, most likely i would say something like what a fooool and go on with my life. There's no need to get violent.
And, i also agree in that sense that some say that "Ayato's Route is the only true one", when— then... why would there be the possibility of choosing other boys? It doesn't have much sense, right?
But that's another point i want to get to.
Ayato is the protagonist. He is the main hero.
And it's not because i'm saying it! says Rejet, Satoi and half the japanese community. To deny it would also be like covering the sun with a finger on your part, because he has always been there and it is a fact, there is always a boy who is the main one in all otomes. As everything.
And because of his role, that means he's more connected to the main story and the heroine than the other guys. And it makes sense, Satoi loves Ayato and Ayayui, even mentioned that Ayato and their concept was the first to see the light of day. They have always been the main couple; even in the anime!
I don't know how to explain it—? but they work really well, they have a very nice chemistry and in general, it almost seems as if they were created to be together ♡ even when they are not a couple, Yui loves Ayato a lot and he even helps her in some routes that are not his with her boy, like Kanato and Laito ones.
But that DOESN'T mean the other guys aren't important, not at all. They can be the demon king as well as Ayato in his destined routes and ALL routes are canon in their own universe. They are all important and interesting.
Honorable mention: as an Ayato fan too... i don't think his route in LE has been ‘that’ bad. Definitely being booed so much in his Route was something terrible... but in terms of story, CGA, character development —by Ayato and Yui— it was pretty good. Maybe it's not the best, but it's not the worst either.
Thanks for reading, have a nice day!
Thank you for the opinion 😳! Another calm and reasonable one in a pot full of venoms - that i’m discarding bc i out of patience to deal with people who let their anger blinded them - i must say. Trivial matter, i do love how you could be both reserved, rational and (bubbly? Lovingly?) expressing your love for your oshi. You got him a nickname too! 😆 (i’m still struggling to find mine haha.) Good for you girl, good for you.
About the latter parts, i don’t really have much to say. There’re paragraphs that i agree with, and statements that i don’t. Though i still respect your opinion nonetheless. Last part, indeed! The route makes senses to me in a logical way. That way, it doesn’t appear “bad” to me either. And… that’s it. Have a great day too!
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