#(hes the blue speech bubble if it isnt clear)
sesamenom · 11 months
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what ship would bear either of you, indeed?
inspired by this post by @aureentuluva70
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readingclubstuck · 5 years
Section 14 image descriptions
Full page descriptions for all pages in section 14 with flashing images under the cut! Warnings for ableism, including the r slur, urophobia, and torture in this post. Trigger warnings by page for this section are in [link: this] post!
3259: In a future settled askance of the present...
A blue beam lances through the sky, cutting off the head of the frog atop the frog temple.
3262: A missile flies through the sky, leaving a trail of smoke.
Panel 2: WV flies through the air as the result of an explosion; Serenity blinks rapidly.
Panel 3: WV lands on his butt, his cans scattering everywhere. The pumpkin lands opening-down on his head like a hat with a FLOP.
Panel 4: AR’s crosshairs focus on WV.
3264: AR looks to the side.
Panel 2: PM lunges with a sword, her hat flying off.
3265: WV seems to panic, waving his meterstick-knife and frantically flailing back and forth. AR thrashes on the ground beneath PM, who holds him down on her knees. Serenity blinks frantically
3271: Jade begins to tilt back and forth, her eyes narrowed. She leans forward just a bit, then the JENGA logo flashes and she topples asleep, sending all of her items everywhere. Fertilizer gets all over and the squiddles land on her head.
3287: Jade turns around as Bec appears in a flash of green.
Narration: OH NO BUSTED.
The jig is up.
3288: Bec flashes and turns into a Bec-shaped cutout of Jade’s room, which then expands and takes over the whole image so Jade is standing alone on her bed.
Narration: You are returned to your bedroom without the rest of your loot. You doubt you'll have time to go back and get it. You guess you have inadvertently left your own time capsule there for whatever party may find it in the future. Lucky bastards!
3300: Dave types on his phone as Jade tries to place the cruxtruder. The wires on the floor flash red.
TG: hey wait
GG: these darn birds are in the way!
GG: what are they doing in your apartment anyway!!!
GG: also they are adorable
TG: i always keep birds in here its sort of my thing
GG: ohhhhhhh
GG: kind of like all those silly naked puppets are your bros thing?
TG: no no thats irony this is like
TG: sincere honest to god psychosis
TG: im training to be a lame gothy supervillain
GG: also i think i cant put it down because of the wires on the floor.....
TG: ok
TG: well maybe you should take the opportunity to put it somewhere that isnt stone cold r******d
GG: i wish i played more games
GG: this is hard!!!!
TG: no its not
GG: :P
3307: The loading screen is a map of the Incipisphere, with Skaia in the middle and a set of gates leading to the Land of Wind and Shade, Prospit by Skaia, and Derse far away from it. Then another set of gates and a planet appear, and we zoom in on it.
We travel across a glimmering sea with yellow flashing clouds raining colorful water into the sea, and white islands between. The words LAND OF LIGHT AND RAIN appear.
We zoom past this sea from a different angle, then see a larger one of these islands, with pink ruins and bricks set into it, along with
Rose stands in the rain, her headband, eyes, and squid symbol flashing.
We see what remains of Zazzerpan’s statue in the sand, then focus on Rose and zoom out to see her house in the land.
3332: Have a look around, Rose.
Rose scampers up the stairs from the roof into the observatory.
Panel 2: Rose looks out the window of the observatory, where light is shining in.
3333: You have much to discover.
Rose presses her hands against the glass and stares out into the flashing light beyond.
3334: John: Go over the river and through the woods.
John stands in front of the trees holding a wrinklefucker. Orange light flashes on him.
3335: A little salamander village, with three panicking salamanders. There are various imps, and a copper giclops, a large creature with one eye, an underbite, and spikes; plus two tar basilisks, black six-legged lizards with large mouths and forked tongues. All the underlings are dressed in jester clothes. One tar basilisk is breathing fire and has lit several roofs on fire.
3337: the toilet falls through the ceiling and hits the top of the cruxtruder and falls to the floor with a SLOP, scattering water everywhere. A small red exclamation point appears above Dave’s head. The cruxtruder now reads a countdown at 4:13.
3338: Dave looks agitated, posisbly shouting, as he types on his iPhone. Various crows have settled on the toilet. The kernelsprite has risen above the cruxtruder, flashing orange, black, and white.
TG: this is the worst shitting thing ive ever seen
TG: the thing that just happened
GG: hi dave!!!!
TG: jesus
TG: and the worst thing is
TG: all that juice i drank
TG: i mean
TG: you just HAD TO FIGURE all that juice was going to come back to haunt me
TG: like frankensteins incontinent fucking ghost
TG: it was like
TG: chekhovs juice
GG: hehehe what??
TG: let me be perfectly clear
TG: what i am trying to say is
TG: its like fucking christmas up in my bladder here
TG: and where do i find my toilet
TG: oh look here it is
TG: amputated in my room
TG: gagged with a towel like a fucking prison hostage
TG: and now the cruxploder is counting down
TG: 4 hours oh i guess thats not that bad
GG: 4 hours until what?
TG: what
TG: oh god
TG: are you asleep
3346: Jade’s cursor puts the dead crow, sword and all, into the kernelsprite, which flashes and covers the room in orange.
3347: Dave shouts at the kernelsprite, which floats above the cruxtruder, now the image of a bird head with a sword through it. The crows in the apartment fidget.
TG: wow awesome
TG: so now i guess instead having of a wise or helpful spirit guide sprite thing
TG: im stuck with this brainless feathery asshole
GG: what do you mean i just brought the cute birdie back to life!!!
GG: isnt he great?
TG: we need to wake you up
TG: youre not very logical like this
TG: kind of dumb really
GG: gosh im SOOOO SOOOORRY!!!!!!!!
GG: i was tired!
TG: yeah but come on you sleep like 20 hours a day
GG: well you are out of luck.....
GG: i will wake up when im good and ready!
3350: WV and AR sit on rocks with the cookalizer and refrigerator, Serenity blinking on the head of WV who is eating broccoli and lettuce. AR is eating a steak and some kind of poultry. The little happy fruits vibrate at the bottom of the screen. Each carapacian has a can of Tab, and the squiddle tangle buddies are sitting by AR. There is a pumpkin in the background.
3351: PM approaches WV and AR from behind, having left the station.
Panel 2: A speech bubble above AR’s head contains PM and the tangle buddy squiddles rapidly flashing.
Panel 3: AR’s hand approaches the squiddles.
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