#(hey yall meet merlins sister lydia
brogueinoxfords · 7 years
continued from x
“……….who th’ fuck says that when their family just fuckin’ died?!” It’s not what he means to say when he opens his mouth, but in the pain and cloud of grief, his brain to mouth filter seems to be gone. “ ‘couldn’t be bothered’? Y’ know what? Fuck you, lady. I ain’t gonna stand here an’ listen t’ y’ disrespect ‘im. I might not be family by blood, but I’m apparently more family to ‘im than you ever was.” To Eggsy’s embarrassment, his lower lip trembles a little, eyes filling with tears he fights to hold back. “He was my world. Don’t talk about him like he was nothin’.”
“Who are you to dictate what precisely, it means to be family? Morgan Campbell lied to our faces for thirty years, and when he finally does die, doing something stupidly dangerous no doubt, he expects me to be content with a young little brat like you taking /our family things/?”
The woman was tall, and did resemble Merlin, with her strong nose and severe countenance. But in her eyes was a mixture of sadness and rage. “He wasn’t ever around and never could tell us anything and then goes off somewhere to get himself murdered.” She seethed, gripping onto her folders and papers tightly.
“My younger brother thought helping people was the right thing to do, and now he’s gone and you get what remains of him! A whelp from the slums of England he was most likely fucking!” Her nails were digging into the envelope that she practically threw at him, the sneer on her face seeming to tighten with pain.
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