#(i assume it changed on steam idk i play on xbox)
haveyouplayedthisgame · 11 months
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No Man's Sky
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my-jds-blog · 3 years
May 9, 2021 Sunday
Okay, so today is Mother’s Day and I am tired. I just spent the last 5 and a half hours outside grilling and then I brought my stuff inside and was nice enough to wash the dishes, even the ones that weren’t mine. I just want to lay in bed now and do nothing for the rest of the night. I think ima just watch some tv for the rest of the night.
So yesterday evening there was no change at all. Jorge never hung out with me or said a word to me until I was already halfway through my nightly routine and then he only talked to me for a little bit before he went back to his Xbox and I continued with my routine. This morning I woke up at like 8:30 which is when he woke up to leave for work and then I did my morning routine, combed my hair, and then I got dressed and took care of the babies before leaving to go see my mom and help her with her facial. I don’t remember if I said this yesterday or not, but on Monday she has to perform a facial for an interview so she asked me to refresh her and critique her. She actually did well, she just needs to remember to cleanse the face with sponges first and then apply the cleanser to her hands before she applies it. She should also remember to ask questions like “how’s the steam? How’s the temperature? And, how’s the pressure?” If she remembers all of that she should ace the interview. They already told her they like her vibe, now she just has to perform for them.
After that I came back home because I thought Jorge was gonna want me to go to the store with him to buy the ingredients we need for the bbq today, but when I got home he had already gone to the store and had all the stuff sitting on the counter! I’m surprised he went without me! Yesterday I told him we should go to the store because if we wait until Sunday it’ll be PACKED, but he never answered (another form of him ignoring me yesterday) so I said to myself “oh well, it’s not my mom that wants the bbq so i don’t care). So today when I saw he went without me I told him “I’m surprised you went to the store without me” and he said “yeah cuz I didn’t know how long you’d be and it’ll get packed the later in the day it gets, and I was already out so I just went” (he was working this morning). He was playing Halo during this so he asked me what was i going to do so I told him I guess I’ll just play Animal Crossing until he’s ready to start cooking and he said okay so that’s what I did. After I finished playing Animal Crossing though I was feeling a little sleepy since I didn’t get enough sleep so I walked over to jorge’s desk and told him I wanna take a nap and he said okay so then I told him to wake me up when it’s time to start cooking and he said okay so I went to bed and fell asleep right away. It was an hour nap I got in before he came over to wake me up. Surprisingly I actually felt good. Most of the time when I wake up from a nap I feel groggy and my eyes feel even worse than they did before, but this time I woke up feeling great. We didn’t get started cooking right away though because I read through the instruction manual of the grill to find out what the recommended grilling temperatures are for different meats and there was none of that info in there 🙄 so then I googled how to cook all the different types of meat he bought on that type of grill and took screen shots of all the info. After that we finally went outside to start cooking and by then it was 2:45 so we were half an hour behind now from when we were supposed to start cooking because he wanted to start @ 3, but it takes 45 minutes to heat up this grill when you’re using it for the first time ever so now we’re not gonna be able to start until at least 3:30. I don’t remember what time it was when we did start cooking finally, but I know we didn’t finish cooking until about 7:15. So that’s about 4 and a half hours outside grilling and then we ate outside too because his mom wanted to eat outdoors today so in total I was outside for 5 and a half hours straight today.
I also got invited to a wedding while I was out there. Esmeralda and Jose came over with their family and while we were cooking she invited us to the wedding and asked us what we would like to be in charge of. Not “would you like to be in charge of something?” But “what do you want to be in charge of?” Thankfully though she assigned us the drinks so all we have to do is provide that. Just a couple liters of soda, some packages of water bottles, and some teas and lemonades should be enough to satisfy everyone. It’s supposed to be about 100 people she said, but she also said we don’t have to worry about supplying ALL the drinks. Idk what that means, but that’s what she said 🤷🏽‍♀️. I thought it was going to be at the church in pahokee since that’s where Ashley got baptized, but she said they found a church in Wellington that has a Spanish speaking pastor and the reception was going to be at the royal palm beach civic center because it’s only 4 minutes away from their house. I’m assuming it’s near Denny’s because Denny’s address is Civic Center Way. We’ll see how it goes though. She told me I could be a bridesmaid if I wanted to be but I told her I would dress in burgundy like the rest of the family instead. She was fine with that. I might have to go shopping though because I’m not sure if I have burgundy clothes. I know I have wine colored clothes, but do wine and burgundy look the same? I’ll have to ask. Not until the wedding gets closer though.
That’s it for tonight. I wanna lay down and relax. Tomorrow does start the first of my last 3 days of school 😁 and before school I need to look into signing up for the chemical peel class because I believe it starts June 28 and I haven’t looked into it yet, and I still need to file my taxes. Tomorrow makes it exactly one week that I have left to file it and I haven’t done anything with it.
Until next time,
P.S. we’ll see how the writing goes for the next few days cuz now that school is starting again I might not have time to write
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