#like. the current ones are great. but the original one could make me cry
haveyouplayedthisgame · 11 months
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No Man's Sky
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hang the moon ◦ l.f
-going through the ages of time with felix, from when you told him you were pregnant to seeing him braid your baby's hair.
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@feelikecinderella I hope you like it it isn't something I usually write, but I adored writing it so thank you so so much for the request ♡
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Paring ◦ Dad!Lee Felix x Pregnant!Reader
Words ◦ 4,506(this was originally supposed to be 1,000 words 💀)
Genre ◦ Fluff, Dad!Lixie headcanons, MY FIRST REQUEST MWAHAHA.
Warnings ◦ Felix being the sweetest man in the whole world, super unrealistic ngl, descriptions about pain, crying, reader being kinda moody, sexual content but its literally like two lines and it just says that you give him head and him giving you an orgasm no details at all, felix being hot asf, felix being a model father, a few big bad fuck words, I'm 19 i dont know how pregnancy works so bear with me babes💀, I know their has to be at LEAST 12 spelling errors, not edited (forgive me I have no time) uhhh nothing else I don't think
A/N ◦ I love this so much it was so cute and I stand by the fact if my husband isn't like this with kids I'm not having one (also is anybody else traumatized by their present absent dads my dad was always in my life and I love him to death great father terrible husband never did anything to help my mom out which makes me really scared to have kids can anyone relate?) I just want to apologize in advance for my rambling tendency please forgive me 🙏 Also this isn't in actual bullet point because Tumblr is stupid.
~cookiecreates 🍪
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Mommy-to-be!Reader who gets that feeling all mothers get when another body is currently being knitted together inside them. The month you missed your period also helped with the suspicion, but the three pregnancy tests with two thick pink lines screaming at you really confirm your hypotheses that you are indeed pregnant, and it is 100% Felixes.
Mommy-to-be!Reader who is first overwhelmed by all the thoughts that have gathered in your head—the preparations, the options—if you want to keep the baby or not, what are you going to do if he doesn't want to? Oh no, you didn't think about what you would do if he didn't want to keep the baby. How would he react? Your overwhelm quickly changed to an anxiety that bubbled in your stomach when you thought of all the possible outcomes of what could happen to your relationship because of one simple accident. No matter how secure your relationship with Felix is, it's terrifying to think that he might leave, seeing his dreams of being an idol as more important than being a dad.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who was just sitting on the couch fiddling with his computer, when you walk in with your tear-stained face and trembling hands, he immediately goes to comfort mode. "What is it, darling whats w-" he stops in his tracks, seeing the test in your hands and definitely seeing the thick pink lines that tell him you're pregnant...
Daddy-to-be!Felix whose immediate reaction is to gather you up in his arms and twirl you around in the air, overwhelmed by a feeling of unadulterated joy. His whole face is lit up like a Christmas tree, really making his sunshine title shine through.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who can’t really believe it, “Your pregnant.” “Apparently” “Oh my gosh, we're pregnant.” “I don't think that's how that works.” You chuckle, still in mild denial. “Oh yeah, it is part of my DNA is currently inside of you.” He stops, really letting it sink in. “Holy shit, we're going to have a baby! You don't think either of you has ever smiled so big in your lives. 
Daddy-to-be!Felix who goes and tells the group the next day, too ecstatic to keep it to himself.
Uncle-to-be!Group who congratulates the hell out you and Felix, promising to take care of the baby any time you two need a babysitter. Cue spontaneous gift-giving as well; one day you find a stroller on your front porch from Chan, a box of baby clothes from Han, and a diaper bag from Minho, all on the same day.
Uncle-to-be!Chan who promises to spoil the hell out of your little sunshine, letting Felix rant about all his fantasies, how he's going to be the best dad, how you're going to be a wonderful mom, how he's going to buy her the cutest clothes, and how- Chan loves Felix, but he stopped listening after the 25th compliment about how wonderful you are doing with your pregnancy.
Mommy-to-be!Reader who figures out that Han's girlfriend, your best friend, is also pregnant, so you won't have to deal with your pregnancy alone, while Felix is understanding and supportive; he is a guy after all, and some things like how your boobs hurt and are oddly getting bigger, he just won't understand, and that's okay because at least you have a friend who you can rant about your boobies too.
Mommy-to-be!Reader who promises not to tell anyone about Han's girlfriend's pregnancy. Due to her request, she and Han have already agreed that they are planning a very big event to tell the boys, and she doesn't want it to be spoiled because of your loose lips.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who's so gentle with you, even during the days when your bump is so little, it's almost nonexistent, always asking if you're okay or if you need some food, water, or if the baby is okay? Is she hungry? Maybe thirsty? You have to remind him that the baby is nothing more than a gathering of cells right now and can't partially talk.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who guarantees that your baby is a girl and no amount of convincing can persuade him he's definitely projecting.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who would refuse to let you get up from nuzzling his face in your practically flat stomach. "Felix, I have to pee." "Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom?" He looks up from your tummy with big boba eyes. You deadpan. "Yeah, okay, you're right. You've got this." Basically, giving you little praise hand emojis🙌, even though his worried eyes stare you down all the way to the bathroom. 
Daddy-to-be!Felix who sends 'how are my girls doing' texts every day at practice, "You know, you don't actually know if it's a girl or not." "I have a feeling."
Daddy-to-be!Felix who treasures you even as you sob into his chest about your nightmares from the Euphoria TikToks you've watched about parents whose relationships crumbled because of having a baby, he dusts kisses over your face, whispering promise after promise on your skin that no matter what relationship won't crumble, this baby is going to make your relationship stronger, closer, better. He loves you too much, just like how he would love you if you were a worm and how he would kiss the prettiest person in the room with the choice between you or the prettiest person in the room because the prettiest person in the room is you (all true conversations you've had in between sobbing sessions).
Daddy-to-be!Felix who deals with all your shit with a smile on his face because he understands how hard it is to carry a fuckabigillion pound baby in your belly, so if you feel like yelling at him because he's home late, then crying in his arms because you regret yelling at him, begging him for forgiveness, he'll do both gladly. Not the forgiveness part; he doesn't forgive you because you didn't need it; he was never mad at you in the first place.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who starts getting concerned when your belly starts getting bigger at a faster rate than the average rate of time that one's belly gets bigger.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who shuts down every accusation that he's been doing research on your pregnancy and that he just happened to know the statistics about rates in which baby bumps grow (what can you say, he's a smart guy🤷)
Daddy-to-be!Felix who makes you promise to tell him all the days that your ultrasounds are on so he can make sure everything with you and his little princess is okay, especially since your bump is getting so big so fast, which he just happened to know and definitely did not do research about.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who gives you the best princess treatment all the time without fail. You don't like your nails; the money is on the counter for a new pair. You want to go shopping for maternity clothes because your jeans are starting to get too tight; he's at the door with his card and a big smile on his face, practically skipping out the door to give you the best day of your life. You want him to hold your bags as you walk around the mall, spending his money on anything you think looks even remotely cute; he'll do it with a sparkle in his eye. Your feet hurt from walking all day with this watermelon-sized child in your stomach; he'll lean down on his knees and stay there, rubbing your feet for hours. No matter what, even if he's exhausted from practice, his girls come first. Which ties into...
Daddy-to-be!Felix who demands time off. Demands it or he's done, leaving the team. (He's not actually going to, but he needs to let the company know he's not going to take their shit). His girls always come first. Reluctantly, they agree that he can take a 4-week break while you are pregnant and a 6-month leave after the baby comes. He glares at them before realizing that that's a pretty good chunk of time, but he's relentless, folding his arms in front of his chest, "and I get to leave whenever they need me." "I don't know about that." Daddy Bear mode activated. The woman trembles, looking at him. "Okay," she mutters reluctantly. Back into teddy bear mode. "Thank you so much. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day." He turns and walks away like he didn't just make this lady shit her pants. (i highly doubt this is actually how this works but idrc this is called a fanFICTION for a reason )
Daddy-to-be!Felix who doesn't mind one bit doing the dishes and sweeping the floor as long as he sees you safe and sound in your bed, snoring away with your legs stuffed between a fluffy pillow.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who went with you to one of your ultrasounds, and ended up with only 10 minutes to get ready before a photoshoot. He had never felt so many glares in one room. Newsflash: It was worth it, even though they had to rearrange the whole schedule just for him. Han sent him a smile, knowing exactly how he felt.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who gets the worst cuteness aggression as you waddle around.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who just holds you when you burst into tears, feeling so useless as you cry from the pain, not knowing what to do when you start balling because the weight of holding a baby beginning to be too much to bear, so he just holds you, not being able to keep the tears that swarm his vision at bay, especially when he holds your bump, feeling how heavy it is just for him; he couldn't even imagine how heavy it is to carry that around inside of you.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who calls his mom right after just to thank her for going through all the shit of baring a child because he sees how hard it is for you and literally can't believe women all around the world have been going through that for all of time, it genuinely baffles him, he trips out about it for a hot minute.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who takes it up as his personal mission to make you feel like the prettiest woman on the planet when you're with him, especially since he can tell you feel insecure with all the changes your body is making. He sees them, notices them, he doesn't mind them at all, what he minds is how much they are hurting you and he just can't have that. Let's just say the amount of kisses and orgasms he has given you in the past 6 hours makes you feel like the hottest bitch in the world for about 4 weeks after.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who convinces you not to do a gender reveal because he wants it to be a surprise, you are hesitant because you don't like not knowing which gender to buy certain clothes, but you know you currently have a closet full of both baby boy and baby girl clothes because of ✨princess treatment ✨and with a black card and pregnancy hormones, all the clothes at the mall looked cute. What can you say? You're just a girl. 🤷
Daddy-to-be!Felix whose biggest fear is that he's going to be away when you have the baby, and he's not going to be able to comfort you through the most memorable and painful time of your life. It quite literally brings tears to his eyes. You comfort him, telling him that it's okay even if he isn't there. You know he loves you, and you wouldn't mind, but he reminds you constantly, "I don't care if it's in the middle of a concert, a fansign, a meeting that determines my whole entire future; your water breaks, I run."
Daddy-to-be!Felix who is so relieved that your water breaks in the middle of the night when he's home, where you can screech as loud as you can to attempt to get his attention. 
Daddy-to-be!Felix who jumped up from bed so quick, grabbing you and leading you down the stairs, racked with guilt that he couldn't pick you up because A) he literally can't, and B) he's too terrified, he'll fall and hurt you.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who if all the anxiety he has ever experienced in his entire life could be multiplied and put in his body, it would still be so minuscule compared to the way he's freaking the FUCK out right now, but he still tries to calm himself down, and be sober-minded for you.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who when you get to the hospital, they have got him FUCKED UP to think he's ever leaving you. Holding your hand through it all, a part of him has to be on you the entire time. It doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep; he's an idol. Not sleeping is what he does.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who falls in love with you all over again, seeing you push through all the pain—admiring your strength and dedication— he loves you so much and makes sure you know, even in some of the most inconvenient times.  “Big push,” the nurse calls out from under you. “I love you so much, baby, so fucking much, holy shit.” He kisses your hand. “Shut up, Felix, please.” You scream, your body vibrating with pain. “Yes ma'am, shutting up right now.”
 Daddy-to-be!Felix who praises you constantly, “You're doing so well, baby.” "Keep pushing; do you see that, you're almost done?” "I'm so fuckin' proud of you, darling." "The only reason I'm going to see my beautiful baby is because of you. Do you know how much I admire you? I literally can't find the words." “SHUT UP.”
 Daddy-to-be!Felix who lets you hold onto him while you go through all the contractions, digging your nails into his skin, drawing blood, "Ow baby," "sorry," "it's okay, I understand." You obviously are not very sorry, cause two seconds later you're digging deeper into his wounds.
Dad!Felix who is just as ecstatic about them telling him it's a boy as he would be if they were telling him it was a girl, he just has to change his dreams about brushing his little girl's hair to teaching his little boy how to tie a tie (which he is very bad at, but for him, he will attempt to learn).
Dad!Felix who never knew that you could love somebody so deeply without ever even knowing them, but when he holds your little ball of sunshine in his arms and feels their heartbeats intertwining, it all seems so much more real. He has your eyes. His nose, your hands, his toes—he sees bits and pieces of the two of you in every breath he takes. He has just met your baby, and yet he immediately feels like he would burn the whole world down for him.
Dad!Felix who panics when you suddenly start having even more contractions.
Dad!Felix who breaks down in tears when they hand him your second baby, a little girl, whose freckles dust across her cheeks just like his. If he thought he was feeling happy before knowing he gets to experience the best of both worlds at the same time, makes his already bursting heart about 10 times its size. 
Dad!Felix who is sobbing happy tears, a smile plastered on his face as he cuts the umbilical cords off of both his little balls of sunshine, never thinking he would be so excited to do something in his life. 
Dad!Felix who at this point is so surprised that he hasn't had a heart attack with the amount of scares he has gotten in the past 12 hours, especially when his heart jumps out of his chest, as the doctor informs the both of you that you need to be stitched up from where you tore, you are mostly confused because you didn't know you tore. It must have blended in with the excruciating pain that was firing from all areas of your body. "What does that mean? Is she okay? Is she going to die? Is she-"
Dad!Felix who is literally going to pass out because he actually thinks you're going to die.
Dad!Felix who feels real fuckin stupid when the nurses just chuckle and tell him you're not going to die, your vagina ripped while giving birth, that it happens quite often; they just need to sew you up.
Dad!Felix who watches them like a hawk as they sew you up, making sure that they aren’t messing anything up.
Dad!Felix who literally refuses to let you do anything for at least 3 months after your birth, researching the hell out of what can ease your pain, forcing you into bed rest while he takes care of the kids, giving you massages for your aching muscles, pouring you warm baths with rose petals when your stitching hurts or itches, he's so kind and attentive, hating seeing you in pain.
Dad!Felix who is so eager to do anything; getting up when the babies are crying, changing diapers, giving bottles, singing the babies to sleep…
Dad!Felix who loves to sing the babies with his deep calming voice, knowing it puts them to sleep instantly. 
Dad!Felix who loves to eat you out when he finally puts the twins to bed about just as much, noticed the way you were looking at him as he was singing in that deep, sexy voice. 
Dad!Felix who goes right back to the kids 30 minutes later when your moans wake them up.  
Dad!Felix who just can't get over how awesome it is to see how different your babies are, not just in gender but in personality as well.
Dad!Felix who literally despises having the babies cry, does anything he can to stop it, not because it's annoying him, but because it hurts him to know his little angels are sad.
Dad!Felix who will cook dinner with both babies held carefully in his arms—something that seems atomically impossible, but he figures it out.
Dad!Felix who sees the guilt bubbling up on your face, rushing it away with gentle kisses and soft reassurances, ushering you away with a smile. “I know you're tired and hurting. Go take a nap, love, and I'll wake you up when dinner is done.”
Mom!Reader who wakes up from her nap, sees the house cleaned, the dishes done, the babies fed, and put to bed with a steaming meal in front of you, you are more than happy to suck him to the heavens after. Hey, everything's 50/50, right? 
Mom!Reader who begs Felix to get the babies because she can hear them crying through the baby monitor.
Dad!Felix who does it without a second thought. Never once complaining about how you guys could count the amount of sleep you have gotten combined on just one of your hands, he understood the twins were ornery—having a bad case of colic—so to calm them down, he sings to them just like he always does.
Mom!Reader who panics hearing such a deep voice over the baby monitor. In a fit of half-asleep—panic-induced—sleep deprivation run into the baby's room, ready to kill somebody if needed, but your heart melts instead when you meet Felix holding your sniffling twins, rocking them carefully in his arms. Tears pool in your eyes seeing the way his face glew with pure love; even though he looked exhausted, even though there were deep bags under his eyes and spit up on his shirt, no matter how hard life was, at least you know that with Felix, you’d never regret it, not even for a minute.
Dad!Felix who looks up, surprised to see you in the doorway. "Hi baby," he whispers. "Go back to bed, darling. I've got this." You look at him like he hung the moon, and for you, he would. 
Dad!Felix who is the most patient father any child could ever ask for. (I will never get over this. Definitely the type of dad who would help clean up the milk and not just yell because it was spilled)
Dad!Felix who would rather die than yell at his kids, is definitely the gentlest parent known to man.
Dad!Felix who dresses your angels like the next Louis Vuitton ambassadors, "Really, Felix, our four-month-old babies do not need a Louis blazer and jumpsuit." "Who says?” he shrugs. “Um, me, because they're 4 months old.” You enunciate every syllable as though you were talking to one of the babies in question. “Do they even sell this in stores?" “Um, no, I had it custom-made, duh." "Oh my gosh," you facepalm, not before facepalming a little harder, pulling out a Louis pair of sunglasses and a Louis purse just small enough to fit tiny hands. ”You bought the baby a Louis purse?" "Of course, my princess can be without a bag. Look deeper; there's something for mommy in there too.” You pull out a Louis Vuitton diaper bag. 🤦
Dad!Felix who has never really liked confrontation, but when a paparazzi accidentally bumped into you holding the twins because he was trying to take pictures of the group; he almost killed him, saw red, got so close to using those Taekwondo skills he spent years practicing. The team was the only reason he didn't rip someone's head off. Bangchan's glare would have been enough, but yours, his, and the whole group were enough for the man's face to go red and curl into himself, definitely regretting all of his life choices.
Dad!Felix who's the type of father who wants to protect his little angels from the world, is literally willing to glue pillows to all areas of the house so that they will never get hurt. You stare at him blankly, wondering if he's serious.
He is.
Dad!Felix who gets genuinely disappointed that you obviously oppose, so instead he baby-proofs the ever-loving shit out of the house, sharp objects gone, all corners covered, outlets concealed.
Dad!Felix who if anyone were to talk about his family online, would not be silent, would go into a fit of rage, aggressively typing on his phone, getting ready to post a long paragraph on his story that you or his team would have to keep him from sending because, you know, his job or whatever, speaking of job…
Dad!Felix who knows he has to leave for work eventually, and his 6-month hiatus from the group was not permanent. A lot of tears are shed as he holds you and your beautiful babies, knowing he isn’t going to be able to see them for a whole 3 months while they start their tour. He can't bear thinking that he might miss such pivotal moments as the first rollover, the first steps, the first word. He can see his little munchkins' lives flashing right before his eyes as he looks at the packed suitcase in the corner. “Felix, we are going to be fine, I promise." “Are you sure?? I can leave the group; I would leave them for you; I promise I would; you just say the word and I'm gone; we can buy a house in the suburbs-” You giggle, overwhelmed with admiration for his dedication to your family, “Don't be silly, Lix. I know you love your job and your team, plus we wouldn't be able to afford a house without you working." He sighs, knowing you are right. “Fine,” he mutters, holding you all close. “Just promise to call me every single day, okay?”
Dad!Felix who gets up early enough in the morning to feed the kids and get them dressed, trying to spend as much quality time with them as possible before he has to leave. 
Mom!Reader who, being the mom you are, still freaks out when you wake up, scared Felix is going to miss his plane. While you're putting your son's shoes on, you run into the room and say, “Come on, lix-” You stop dead in your tracks, seeing him beaming while brushing your little girl's hair, humming a sweet melody as the paddle goes smoothly through her locks. She looks up at him like he hung the moon, and for her, he would. Your bad mood dissipates as you remember why you got into any of this in the first place. Everything is going to be fine. You're going to be fine. Felix looks up, feeling your presence. He smiles wider. "Do you like it, momma?" He asks, clearly proud of his work. She smiles toothless and full of glee. You take her in your arms, spinning her around. "Well, of course, I like it. Did Daddy do this for you, baby?" She spits out gobbly gook, which you nod your head at, acting like she just recited pie.
Dad!Felix who brushes the little girl's hair every day before work without fail, even looks up tutorials on YouTube about different strategic hairstyles. He's terrible at them. Doesn't stop your heart from melting into a puddle on the floor while he's attempting French braids, though.
Dad!Felix who proposes to you a few years later, so he can have your two beautiful babies standing beside him as he proposes: his little princess in a cute white dress holding a bouquet of picked flowers, and your little prince in an adorable little tux holding a heart of chocolates. Everything is just so perfect, you'd be a certified idiot not to say yes (not that you were ever considering it).
Husband!Felix who when you finally get married, agrees that your baby boy is going to be the one who walks you down the aisle with your little girl being his best wo'man', right beside Hyunjin and all his other members, of course.
Extra for the ones who endured my rambling 
Mom!Reader+Hans girlfriend who had a baby boy the same day that you had your little girl. When you found out the good news, you immediately started planning for the wedding, knowing this couldn't be anything other than fate, already thinking about ship names and wedding dresses.
Dad!Felix+Han who glare at the two, Felix not liking the idea of his perfect princess being anywhere near the male species, Han not liking the idea of his girlfriend cuddling with someone that isn't him. But eventually, Felix eases on his glare, his heart melting as you giggle about the color of the bouquet.
Last but not least
Husband!Felix who will always love the way his family looks at him, like he hung the moon because, for them, he would.
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©CookieCreates (posted: June, 19th 2024) All rights reserved. Do not translate, copy, or claim my works as yours! I only post on this platform so if any of my works are elsewhere, report and notify me immediately.
~ I'm probably going to redo this one day so if you have anything you would like to add/change please let me know :))
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bambi-slxt · 3 months
🤍𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 ~ 𝐩𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞🤍
𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞
word count: 1.6k
genres/tropes: second chance, romance, lovers to strangers to...?
warnings: smut, gaslighting, dumbification, slight degredation if you squint, nothing super hardcore.
pt one , pt two
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Chris stood above me now - that was new. I’d watched him grow over the years, of course, but we hadn't been this physically close in ages, and now I tilted my head upwards to meet his gaze. I felt small and charged with anxious energy. His hands felt tougher than I remembered, though not unpleasant. His chest…god, his chest. It radiated warmth and all I wanted to do was sink into him like the old days and- 
“You okay?”
His soft drawl gathered all my senses and attention back to him–Chris had a way of doing that, zeroing my focus to a singular point (usually him). I realized my thumbs were gliding slowly across the back of his hands.
“Yeah,” I replied, taking the traitorous appendages and shoving them behind me so as not to cause any more trouble. “Yeah, I’m good.” I stepped away from him and into the room I used to call home. 
His bed, unmade like always, but this time with new sheets - “Mm…blue,” I commented, sinking into the mattress, “how original.”
Chris cocked his brow. “That's me. Mister Original.”
“Hey, um…” I pulled my feet up under myself, crossing my legs and trying desperately to ground my heart to my body, as currently she attempted unmanned flight. “You said you needed me? Are you okay?”
He sighed, crossing the room to settle in his gaming chair. Flakes of faux leather coating fluttered to the ground - Chris had owned that chair longer than he’d known me. 
I looked to his eyes, shaking a feathering of my hair from my field of vision. “Chris?”
“I jus’...couldn’t do it. Anymore.” He wouldn’t look at me. I waited in the quiet - I didn’t even have to try to stop breathing. “The whole, you know…not talking thing.”
I nodded. “I missed you too.” Tears stung my eyes. Don’t cry. Don’t you dare cry.
Chris’s monitor glowed faintly, the LEDs behind it pulsing color like a heartbeat. “Come here, ma,” he murmured, his voice warm and soft.
I untangled my limbs, slipped off the bed, and walked towards him carefully, as if he would disappear at any moment. Chris parted his knees for me while his hands, large and gentle, settled on my waist. The touch stopped me and there I stood before him, holding his wrists like I couldn’t choose whether to make him release me or guide his hands elsewhere. “I’m here,” I said quietly. Chris sat forward and dipped his head to my stomach, pressing his shower-fluffed hair against my top–I couldn’t help but card my fingers through his hair. It all felt so natural, like I was made with singular purpose and this was it. “I’m here.”
His arms snaked my waist and, once met and entangled behind my back, rested on my hips. “Come here,” he said again, tugging me down. His lap.
My heart tripped over itself. I turned and landed on his thigh while my hands flew to his chest. “Chris!”
He grinned and I felt his breath wash over my exposed chest. Should have worn a t-shirt. Goosebumps peppered my skin as I wrapped my arms around his neck, purely to stabilize myself. 
“Hi, kid.”
“How are you?”
What the actual f- “Good.”
“How are you?”
Chris looked me up and down. “Pretty great, honestly.”
“Shut up,” I snorted, pushing away from him and standing once more. “Why did you…call me, to talk to me again? Did you really miss me that badly?” I asked sardonically, pacing to the far end of his room.
“Yes,” he said simply, elbows on his knees as he looked at me.
“Then why not earlier, Chris?” My chest began to clench. “Why not on my birthday, or when Nana died, or when I ended up in the hospital, or-”
“You could have called me at any point in the past year when I might have needed you, and the first time I hear from you is late at night because you miss me?”
“You know that I-”
“I know that you stopped caring about me,” I hissed, my words tumbling out almost faster than I could think of them, “And I know that you still don’t.” 
And then came the crying. My knees gave out and I fell into his bed, biting my lip until I drew blood to keep those fucking tears at bay. They fell undeterred as my body hiccuped for air, chest constricting to push out the pain of my heart and flinging itself wide open to suck the oxygen from the room. 
“Fuck,” I heard him mutter, and he began to move, to do something, what it was I didn’t know, didn’t care, I just wanted this to be over, over, over…
The mattress sank to the side of me. Chris was there. “G-go away,” I sniffled, knowing I would be laughing at the absurdity of it all if I didn’t feel so…
“No.” Chris’s body pressed against me and in the dark room his hand found mine, balled up underneath my neck. He held my fists, running his thumb over the ridges of my knuckles. “Please don’t cry,” he murmured, “Please don’t cry.”
“F-fuck-ck you,” I said. I didn’t move.
He chuckled, shifting to let his other arm free. “Someone’s feisty.” I felt his fingers on my scalp, felt them find their old, familiar rhythm, felt them trace the cowlick on the side of my head, felt them tunnel under swaths of hair. 
“You make-hic-me feel lik-ke s-shit,” I stuttered, wrapping my hand around one of his fingers. 
“I’m sor-ry, ba-by,” Chris whispered slowly, as if to let each syllable sink into my shoulder skin. “I don’t mean to.”
“I…m-missed-d you.”
He sighed softly, flexing his arm around me tighter. “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry, babygirl.”
My eyes stung and my head pounded from the pain of crying. “Make-make it-t st-stop, please…”
“Make it stop?” he hummed.
“I d-don’t wanna c…cry anymore,” I said, holding tightly to him. His skin turned white under my grip.
Chris shifted and the mattress dipped further under his weight. “Look at me, baby.”
He chuckled. “Come on,” Chris said, guiding my chin gently upwards with his knuckle, “Lemme see those pretty eyes.”
“But I’m crying.” I sniffled, trying to dry my eyes. I felt the remaining tears pooling on my cheeks, and I wondered briefly if my irises sparkled.
“I know. Don’t cry, baby, please,” he murmured earnestly, using his thumbs to pull the tears from my face, reaching back to tug a discarded tank top up to my nose to wipe the snot away, “It’ll break my heart. You know I can’t handle that.” Chris grinned, a little sheepishly, as though trying to coax a smile out of me.
And fuck me but it worked. “Shut up. You’re so stupid.” I shook my head, lips involuntarily pulled into the smile he wanted to see, and tugged my face from his hands, but…I held eye contact with Chris anyway. 
His smile never wavered, and I couldn't help but mirror his expression when he said, “I know.” 
We sat like that for a while, but whether hours or seconds passed wasn’t for me to know. Thoughts filled the cosmos of my mind - what-if’s, the consequences of different actions, the weight and magnitude that accompanied my next movement, whatever that might be. It felt like my higher mind gave up control of the body it inhabited and passed the diadem of leadership to the instincts, base and animalistic, that lived at the back of my skull. I stared into Christopher’s icy blue eyes and a galaxy of sin swirled behind my own watery irises. 
I wanted him to need me.
I needed him to want me.
My chest rose, lungs filling with air because of him. My heart thumped, swelling and contracting because Chris sat in front of me. My neurons whispered across the matter of my brain because he asked them to. I wet my lips. 
He broke our eye contact and fixed his gaze on my mouth. A splintered second of time, everything from supernovas to quarks coming to a halt.
Should we?
We’ll never know if we don’t.
Kiss me.
“Come here.”
Chris’s hand came up to my cheek–or did mine reach for his?–and our lips molded together…just like they were always meant to.
The spinning elliptical of stars in my mind exploded into a flurry of light and sound and color and my ribcage squeezed around my heart and lungs and my breath turned to panting and Chris’s other hand held the ridge of skin just above my hip and I gripped his shirt to pull him into me. If I could have opened my body I would have, if only to give him somewhere to rest.
He pushed me onto the bed, slowly, keeping my body from falling, always in contact with his own, don’t go anywhere, stay with me, I’m right here, don’t leave this bed until the universe dies…
“Let me…” Chris mumbled against my lips, his voice rumbling through my teeth and gums and tongue and soul.
“Let you what?” I whispered back as my hand spanned his shoulder blade and pulled him impossibly, painfully, desperately closer.
“I want to love you.” His grip on my body was tight, tensed with apologies, full of regret and longing.
“Love me then.”
“Please.” Chris sucked in my bottom lip and tongued the puffy ridge.
“Love me.”
“Let me take care of you.” Swiping his tongue into my mouth, Chris ran the tip over my own, groaning somewhere from deep in his stomach.
“Take care of me.” He tore his mouth from mine and sunk his teeth into my neck, marring my skin as a mewl echoed out of my throat. “More,” I whimpered. Chris’s fingers dug into my skin, and I arched my hips into his own. “More.” His arms flexed around my body. I would bruise in the morning, if the sun ever rose again. But here, in the dark, bruises were just shadows. “More.”
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bambi's notes: hi! hope you like it! i'm working on other stuff for you guys - you gotta know how much i enjoy writing for you and knowing that my fics are even a small part of your day, it really is so special to me. drink your water and eat a snack!!!!
tags: @pinksturniolo @st7rnioioss @cindylcuwho @slutsformatt @st7rnioioss @slutsformatt
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vigilxnte-shit · 27 days
join the tuna team!
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ever wanted to join a discord server full of people who share your love for one specific, depressed, hot martial artist with a lot of catholic guilt? do you have other interests such as baldur's gate 3 and musical theatre? if so, the tuna team is the place for you!
the tuna team began with the intention of a server where daredevil writers could unite to share our writing, beta read for each other, and just talk about our favorite blind lawyer/vigilante. since then, it has morphed into a place where we all talk to each other about our lives, share pictures of pets, and scream into the void about everything we love.
the tuna team welcomes anyone of any age (well, any age 18 and over), religion, gender, etc. etc. and we would love to have you! if you want to join, message me your discord username and i'll send you a friend request!
be advised that the server is 18+ and although we love charlie and his characters, we do NOT allow speculation on his personal life. we ask that anyone who joins be respectful of others' pronouns, identity, and boundaries- specifics on this are available upon request!
members of the tuna team:
here is a brief introduction to each current member of the tuna team! i am relatively new to interacting with the DD fandom (i've been a fan since 2022, but only just recently started talking with other fans online) and am frankly stunned that so many cool, talented, amazing writers who i look up to are in this server. everyone in here is inspiring and supportive, and contributes to the great vibe we have going in the server!
vienna @vigilxnte-shit: hi, as you may have noticed, this is me. i'm the owner of the server, i'm mostly here to write, talk about husband!matt, and send pictures of my cat, coconut.
brooklyn @jazerno: brooke is my irl best friend and roommate, as well as coconut's technical legal mother. brooke originally joined to be a moderator, but has since fallen for frank castle, as one tends to do.
mar @mar-thewriter: mar is a very good friend of mine who i met via another server of people i love. mar doesn't talk much here, but is a great moderator who i love dearly.
mads @madschiavelique: mads is the one who made our gorgeous get roles channel and is our coding genius. they are the ones to thank for
leg @a-leg-without-fear: leg is hysterical and our resident emoji artist. she has created all of our emoji in the server and also the lovely art featured above, as well as countless other fun works!
yuna @yarrystyleeza: yuna is the sweetest person you will ever meet and fun fact: tuna team comes from her name! yuna always has the best headcanons and her oc, madilyn, is DARLING.
sapph aka sunshine @sunflowersandsapphires: sapph is the mama of our server, she is sunshine incarnate and always has the best writing prompts + blesses our eyes with her pets!
hira aka robin @amphitrite-5: hira is a very soft and kind soul who regularly makes everyone's day with her kind words. she's also one of our best gamers and doesn't like to sleep (though really, none of us do)
via @zomtart: via is the #1 frank castle character defender and i have no choice but to respect that. they're hilarious and we love having them in the server!
i cant find mariam's tumblr: i was scrolling through mariam's messages and literally fighting the urge to laugh in the office. mariam is hysterical and our representative elektra fan.
eclipse @ecxlipse: eclipse is the baby of our server (i think) but has sent us plenty of gorgeous art and wonderful matt headcanons, and they always have the best contributions to our conversations!
crys @what-i-call-men: crys is responsible for several of the best, spiciest headcanons that have come about on the server. they also have sent the best photo of themselves wearing a DD mask.
zena @coxology101: zena is a busy bee and running her own server, but when we do hear from them, we get some of the best thoughts and BTS dardevil pictures.
ivy @catholicguiltboi: ivy is hysterical and has blessed is with photos of their son, yoshi (who i think is a lizard but i am not very smart).
pasta @pastafossa: my jaw dropped when i saw pasta wanted to join. they contribute so much laughter, many great ideas, and the best advice to the server and we are thrilled they're here.
sybil @gracethyomen: brooke and i have spent several nights since the server started laughing in our apartment over something sybil has said. they are genuinely one of the funniest people ever.
shiori @shiorimakibawrites: shiori has blessed us with some of the best matt thoughts time and time again. like pasta, their name is so recognizable to me that i was genuinely shocked when they asked to join, but i'm so grateful they did!
bella @bellaxgiornata: you'll be sick of hearing this but i genuinely could not believe bella wanted to join the server. in my eyes, she is like the taylor swift of the daredevil fandom (and for clarity's sake, that is the highest compliment i can give). in the server she constantly has the best ideas and is always so supportive of everything we all write.
lindsay @shouldbestudying41: much like bella, this is someone who i very much look up to and respect in the daredevil community. having her in the server is a blessing and they are insanely good at time management- i'm incredibly amazed by their ability to juggle so much at one time!
we also have a couple without blogs; aspen and paris. they are good irl friends of mine who don't say much, but are a joy to have in the server anyway :)
divider on top by @sister-lucifer
tuna team art by @a-leg-without-fear
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gnomewithalaptop · 2 months
I'm still too distracted to write so here have a list of YJ-cast centric fics that make me froth at the mouth
Kon-centric recs:
I Want It That Way (1990s Tim/Kon) by WynterSky / @wynterstars -- A revamped, 90s-style Superboy origin story with added Lex Luthor AND a lil bit of 90s Robin for spice and flavor. Honestly, this whole series is so elite -- goes hard with the Superboy mythos + angst PLUS the third fic leans hard into the secret identity shenanigans in a way that'd make Miraculous Ladybug jealous. The first fic splits its attention between Tim and Kon, but the latter two are solidly Kon-centric
one plus one (easy math) by connerdrakewayne / @comphetkoncass -- Cassandra Cain and Kon go to a gala together. I'm always a sucker for a good Cass + Kon friendship. This one's very short and sweet, and it gets the job done -- 10/10 would read again
a timeline can be a haunted house by connerdrakewayne -- post-universal reset Kon angst + terrible coping mechanisms! This one goes so hard I read it three times. Tbh this author has an excellent handle on Kon as a character in general, so I honestly recommend just checking out their whole fic stash
Tim-centric recs:
Top 10 Secret Identity Fails by @havendance -- Tim's new English teacher is his on-again-off-again superhero teamup Helena Bertinelli (aka the Huntress). This one's just fun, okay -- the whole thing reads like it could be straight out of Tim's 1993 solo run, plus I love the dynamic between him and Helena. Overall just a very cool vibe
only the dead stay 17 forever by Sky_Dust (couldn't find their tumblr sorry) -- Listen, I've really been restraining myself here, because I realize my love for time-travel bullshit is not universal, but I genuinely couldn't not include this one. This bad boy is a Tim-centric time-loop featuring a seriously unhinged Tim -- definitely a darker tone, but I can't stop rereading it
Bart-centric recs:
reflections on respawning: a gamer's uncertainty by merils / @mamawasatesttube -- Bart has a hard conversation about his death and subsequent resurrection (feat. Kon) man, I just vibe with this one so hard. It's such a thoughtful take on Bart's more contemplative side, while still managing to keep his personality intact
the backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun by @kermit-coded -- trans/gnc impulse my beloved <3 also we get some funky Max & Bart bonding, made much rawer and more real by the fact that it's the 90s and nobody knows what they're doing. Again, feels like it's straight out of Bart's solo series
Cassie-centric recs:
you and I, we are more than just this armor by @suzukiblu -- KonCassie bonding + gender feels. They're both so trans in this, and the author does a great job of really digging deep into their complicated feelings (both about gender and about each other)
(also PLEASE somebody give me more Cassie-centric fic recs I'm literally begging you)
Team recs
I'm all yours but you're all mine by suzukiblu -- Poly Core 4 Soulmates AU! Essentially, everybody gets their 'soulmark'/soulmate-identifier (not really, but the best word) right when Kon wakes up in his pod, and because Superboy hasn't really made his big splash yet, they misidentify their soulmate as Superman; this is an issue mainly because 1) they're all 14-15 and Superman is roughly 30-ish, and 2) by the time this fic takes place, Superman is pretty verifiably dead. Currently in-progress, but this is such an interesting and fun take on the usual soulmates trope. I pinky promise you won't regret reading it
Love, Not Loved series by @popsunner -- hoooomygod this series makes me cry literally every time I read it, it's genuinely one of the most realistic representations of grief I've seen on AO3. Basically explores the general fucked-up-edness of pretty much the whole YJ Core 4 Squad dying one by one, with each fic focusing on a different funeral (complete with survivor's guilt, regular guilt, and just plain old complicated feelings). We get Cassie feels, we get Tim feels, we get Bart + Kon feels -- it's the whole shebang. Don't worry -- there's a happy ending eventually, but you def gotta work for it. This series beat me up and stole my lunch money and I'd happily do it all over again
Lost the Last Piece of Me by InsaneTrollLogic / @last01standing -- YJ Core 4 Animorphs AU! I'm sad to say I've never read the original Animorphs series, but every single Animorphs AU I've ever read has been such high quality. Unsurprisingly (I love this author, okay), this fic is no exception to that rule. Solid alien-invasion plot, character driven, and the world-building is explained well enough that even a newbie like me can understand (feat. some TimKon, but it's not the main focus)
Ikonoclast by anantipodean (couldn't find a tumblr) -- Tim and Kon get sent to an alternate reality that's almost (but not quite) like their own. This one's just fun for me -- I love the TimBart buildup and the worldbuilding on the other Earth is a funky time. Also, the other universe's Tim is goth and absolutely cannot stand mainstream-reality Tim, and I find that extremely funny for some reason
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iamjacksragingboner · 9 months
Gross Childhood Best Friend Soap - Alternate Endings
Word count: 1.3K
Warnings: Some angst but like you'll live, you don't end up with Soap though you're rejecting him like that's the whole thing
Part One: You can find part one with the original, happy ending here. Please read that one first so you're up to speed with the context to these other endings.
A/N: As I was writing the end of the Gross Childhood Best Friend Soap fic, I briefly had the thought to make the reader reject Soap, like bitch oh my god have some self worth you don't need to immediately forgive him for being a dick to you.
Anyway, this alternate ending could go one of two ways.
The Immediate Rejection.
“Why don’tcha come back to mine with me, bonnie,” Johnny coos, and for a moment you almost accept his offer.
Sure, the boy you’d spent way too many years pining over and never gave you the time of day finally paying attention to you was great, in theory, but it only took a second of reminiscing to think better of it.
This boy was the reason you spent so many nights walking home alone, cursing yourself for falling for his shallow promises spoken by sugar sweet lips again and again.
"Ah, no. Thanks Johnny, but I'm not interested." It comes out dry, but you hope it gets the point across. He had missed his window of opportunity years ago.
Johnny laughs and jostles your shoulder. "Come on, lass. Just a night! Doesn't have tae mean anythin'. I've missed ye."
You hold strong to your word, as attractive as Johnny is, and always has been, you know you're better than that. "Really Johnny, I'm not in the mood."
His hand skirts up your thigh and you groan internally at his inability to take the neon-coloured hint. "I bet I can change that for ye."
Swallowing your pride, you lean into Johnny and cup a hand to whisper into his ear "I have like three STD's at the moment, dude. I don't think you wanna bump uglies with me currently."
It was a silly lie, but you knew it would be more than enough to get the message through his relatively thick skull. You were right, of course, because as you pulled back to take a look at the expression on his face, you had to fight not to burst into laughter.
Johnny looked as though he'd sucked on a lemon but was trying not to let it show. He'd pulled back from you by at least a foot as well, and kept his hands firmly clasped in his lap. "Ah," he said, and cleared his throat. "Well. Good to know."
Silence. You wondered how long it would take Johnny to get up and scout out a different lady, as you were sure he would after this.
As it turns out, it took a grand total of a minute and a half for him to get up, bid his adieus and walk out of the bar, promising he'd call you soon, and wishing you all the best with your... things.
You downed the rest of your drink with a wicked grin stretching across your cheeks and walked merrily home.
2. The Gradual Realisation of Self Worth.
He only comes to you when he needs you.
Only gives you affection when he knows it'll benefit him.
Leaves you cold and alone in bed.
Tells you you're beautiful, says he loves you, but only when you're actively serving him. Patching his wounds. Sending him care packages. Buying him drinks. Always giving, but never receiving.
The bed is so cold.
You curl in on yourself night after night, but you never cry. You are convinced that surely, one day he will return your affection. One day he'll prove you right and show that he has changed, has given up on his shallow promises. You ignore the voice in your head that tells you he hasn't.
You spent so long trying to fix him, put so much time into trying to make him a better person, telling him to eat better, to keep his room clean, teaching him to cook, teaching this man the bare minimum, only to get nothing in return.
He didn't love you, and at this point you weren’t even sure if you liked him. Did you like him, or did you like the comfort of having someone that could hold you, if he wanted to. There was never a guarantee.
You fixed him, but you didn't get to reap the benefits of your own hard work. You fixed him so he could go an fuck over the next person a little less.
You start rejecting his advances, ignoring his texts asking you to come over for a quick fuck. You stop sending him care packages with home made food and letters telling him about how you've been since he was home. You don't answer the door when he knocks. Quitting him cold turkey.
Eventually, he stops texting, stops calling, doesn't throw rocks at your window.
There is silence; a breath of fresh air.
You bump into him at a bar a few months later. You make polite small talk, and he flashes you that grin that pulled you in the first time, but it falls flat and slips from his face. You move away from the hand that caresses your waist.
"Let's get out of here," he bends down to whisper in your ear, "come back to mine, I've missed ye, bonnie." Johnny's hand creeps up your face, a wolf-like grin stretches and snarls across his cheeks.
Your face turns stony, ashen. "Leave me alone, John."
His grin falters at the omission of his nickname, the name you had always called him. In all your years of knowing each other, not once had you called him John.
"Bonnie," Johnny starts, concern flicking over his face. What a joke. He chooses to care now, when he's at risk of losing his quick fuck.
"Don't call me that," your voice is sharp, cutting through the pollution he's breathed on you for so long. "Do not speak to me as if you've ever given more than two shits about me, because I know for a fact the only thing you see me as is a hole to shove your dick in."
You had passed the point of mourning over what could have been, of what you wanted this 'relationship' to be. You were only capable of feeling anger and distain towards the man before you.
"Now, lass, there's no need for ye think that," Johnny rubs your arm in an attempt of comfort that came all too late. "yer more than that to me, I promise."
I promise.
I promise.
I promise.
"Fuck you and your promises, John," you spit, slapping his hand away from you, creating distance between you, because as far as you're concerned, he lost the privilege of touching you long ago. "You're always promising things, but you never mean any of it, do you?"
Johnny stays quiet, his mouth hanging ajar and his hand hovering in midair, as if he's shocked that his actions suddenly have consequences.
"I have tried for so long to continue to see the good in you, to believe that if I just tried a little harder, you'd actually want to pay attention to me, but I look back on that decision to try and I just feel so... stupid! So utterly stupid for not seeing you for what you are, John. Look I want to wish you the best in your future relationships but honestly I think I'd much prefer if you went and choked to death on a bag of dicks."
As much as you thought it would be cathartic to say even a quarter of what you felt Johnny needed to hear, it honestly wasn't. Johnny was silent as you picked up your things and left the bar. He at least had enough of a brain to not call you, but part of you wished he did. The part of you that still hoped the Johnny you grew up with was in there.
You hugged your arms to your chest and kicked the rocks on the pavement as you walked home alone. Again. You went to bed alone. Again. But it felt better.
Johnny wasn't coming back, and you were glad.
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illvmiimoved · 1 year
Just Helping You Sleep.
Miguel O’Hara x AFAB reader (GN pronouns)
TAGS/INCLUDED: Lactation (not really nsfw though) * Dad!Miguel * Miguel is super smitten * if he’s Spider-Man is up to you * fluff * au where he had Gabriella normally so she isn’t literally dead
A/N: this is my first ever tumblr post so please have mercy LOL. What a first post am I right gang? Anyways happy reading ❤️
New account cause I screwed up 😭
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Miguel has had one thing on his mind lately.
Your tits.
It was weird as hell, considering the situation, but it was true. He couldn’t get those damn things out of his head no matter how hard he tried.
He’d be busy at work, then boom. Titty thoughts.
You’d had his baby recently, which didn’t help (and was also the cause of the recent boob thought influxes). The baby was a beautiful girl and light of Miguel’s life, Gabriella.
You were breastfeeding Gabri, which was the main cause. You not only exposed them more often, but it also made your boobs larger than they were originally.
Miguel was honestly pretty ashamed of getting horny of you merely feeding your child, but here he was.
One day, Miguel was sitting on the couch, watching the news with a beer in one hand and Gabriella in the other. She was snug against him and content, ‘till she began crying.
You had raced over to get her, cooing things like “Oh no, what’s wrong, baby?” And “Are Papa’s stupid news stories boring you to tears, my poor thing?”
You swooped the little girl from his arms, and popped your shirt open in record time to feed her. Miguel nearly dropped his beer.
You noticed his staring and asked if he was alright, and he just said something akin to “Yeah, Gabi’s just so cute when she eats.” Which was true, just not the reason he was staring so intently.
The second a drop of milk dribbled down your boob and down towards your torso, Miguel began to sweat in his wife-beater and had to literally leave the room.
Miguel has caught himself having extremely weird thoughts as of late. A lot of the time, he realizes he’s actually envious of his 3 month old daughter for being able to be that up close and personal with your chest.
Another one is when that drip of milk dribbled down your chest, he had to actually stop himself from swiping a finger under it to catch it on the pad of his finger, and taste it.
He had absolutely no idea what was happening.
He currently was sat on yours and his shared bed, doing some work on his iPad. His glasses were sliding down the bridge of his nose, so he pushes them up. You walk in from just finally getting your daughter down, palming your boobs uncomfortably and looking around the room.
He looks up from his tablet, “What’s wrong, querido?”
“I can’t find that stupid breast pump, and Gabriella didn’t empty me before she fell asleep. It fuckin’ hurts.”
He saves his work before shutting his tablet off, getting up from his spot to help you look around for the pump to alleviate your pain.
You sigh exhaustedly, “I swear to god if it’s in her room and I have to go in there and risk waking her up-“
Miguel sits back on the bed when he can’t find it and for some reason, his mind decided that yeah, this was a great thing to blurt out;
“Do you want me to help?”
You stop what you’re doing and turn to look at him comically slowly. You stare at him, “Eh?”
Miguel pales in the face when he realizes what he actually just fucking said, what he suggested.
“I just meant- uhm- Amor I didn’t mean-“
He shut up before he could make things worse than he already had.
You walk over and sit on the edge of the bed, staring at him, “Did you… are you suggesting you drink me dry?”
Miguel lets out a loud groan, “Don’t say it like that, cariño!” He covers his face with his hands.
You just snicker and crawl up to your spot on the bed. You shrug, “We can give it a shot. I don’t see why not. I won’t be able to sleep like this.”
“Are you serious?” He whips his head up to stare at you. His gaze only grows more shocked when you slip your shirt off, over your head.
You lean back and rest your head on the pillow. Miguel could see you really were tired, so he decided to just dive right in, crude as that sounds.
He leant down and latched on, and hoooolllllyyy shit man. It felt so good. It was unbelievable. He’d fantasized about this for weeks on end, and it was finally happening.
Hell, the milk was perfect too. It was in his top 5 beverages for sure. Not because it was from his beautiful and lovely spouse who he loves more than anything, his beautiful and lovely spouse who could breathe and he would propose to you all over again.
You let out a long breath from the relief and tangle your fingers in his hair. He lets out a low groan at the action.
He reaches one of his hands up to squeeze at the breast he wasn’t sucking, and it fucking dribbled out milk. He could have came on the spot. He immediately unlatched from you to catch it on his tongue.
He switches to the other breast, pretty confident he had emptied your other one. He lets out a loud groan against you when you tug his hair slightly. You let out a sigh yourself. It was super pleasant, having a big hunky man sucking you dry.
Miguel kept on working, focused on mostly helping you get to sleep. Sure he was getting unbelievably horny, but he knew you really just wanted your rest. Having a tiny baby who clung to you like Gabriella did was exhausting.
He pulls back and uses his big hands to feel your breasts, making sure they’re empty enough to let you get some comfortable sleep. Once he’s sure they are, he looks up at you with a lovey dovey smile. You hold back a snicker as you raise a thumb to wipe away the remaining milk around his mouth.
“All better?” He asks. You could feel his excitement pressed up against you under the covers and he noticed. He shook his head and pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t worry about it, Hermosa. It’ll go away. Just get your sleep, Mhm?”
You nod sleepily and cuddle against his side. He lets your head rest on his shoulder as he pulls the cover over both of you.
He looks at you with the sweetest gaze, “You’re so beautiful.”
You smile tiredly at him and press a kiss to his cheek, then lay your head back on his shoulder. You felt yourself drifting off to sleep, not as uncomfortable as before.
He mumbles,
“You will let me do that during sex though, right?”
You burst out in giggles, nodding and kissing him.
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A/N: this was my first tumblr post ever so please give feedback if you want!! Thanks so much for reading ❤️
+ I did use spanishdict for the Spanish nicknames Miguel used, please lmk if I used them wrong or anything so I can fix them !
(the normal shit, don’t copy or redistribute this pretty please)
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franklinfinley · 2 months
Hey! I'm Franklin, he/they. First year student at Naranja Academy, but I've been through several Gym Circuts for 7 years at this point. The school year's just started, but things are already looking up! I'm a ghost and fire type specialist, as well as a general Drowzee/Hypno specialist LOL
Koraidon: a strange form of Cyclizar given to me by my friend Arven, originally owned by his mother Professor Sada. He doesn't battle, morseso acts as a riding mount and food-stealer >:P
Lullay: my service Hypno and first partner Pokemon. We've been a duo for 14 years now! She doesn't primarily battle, she mostly helps with my anxiety and insomnia. She steps up for defense if we need it, though.
Tabasco: my Skeledirge and chosen starter for Naranja Academy! He's a little scrapper and eager to prove himself in a fight, and just as eager to sit back, sing his little songs, and eat all my oranges. Little orange heathen even as he grows up
Sparky: my Luxray! He's a bundle of energy and a reckless battler. He loves nothing more than getting to flaunt his stuff and also wail and cry and flail his fists on the ground when he loses
Sushi: my Curly Tatsugiri, and an odd quiet fellow. He likes splashing water on the other teammates for funny pranks and curling up in my collar or hair. That being said, he is a FIERCE battler. Honestly kinda scary with what he can pull off from such a tiny body...
Arthur: my Beartic! He's very polite with me and the team, but fierce when it comes to defense. It might take a while for him to warm up to any of my friends...
Strawberry Lemonade: my shiny Amped-Up Toxtricity, who i rescued from the wild as a Shadow variant. She's clingy and packs a MEGA punch, currently working through a bit of trauma regarding an awful ex-trainer. She's getting better every day :D
Montez: my Garchomp, and just what you'd expect from such a feared creature. She's the meanest of the group and always first to volunteer for a fight. She swings hard and fights to kill. I'm currently working to make her more tame and willing to be calm.
Things at Naranja are going great! My friend Nemona has shown me all the ropes, and I feel like I'm gonna have a good few years here. This might just be my Yelling About Things blog. So if you're into that thing feel free to tag along!
Heallo this is the in character blog i have for my self insert!! I follow from my main @yatgb
Be prepared for Main Character And Mary Sue Shenanigans, and dont be afraid to ask abt stuff he mentions in posts!! I plan to have this going as a whole thing with arcs and all that, basically going through all of scarvi's plot, including DLC down the line. This WAS gonna be an art-based askblog but i dont rlly have the time for one of those :( but ill be posting story snippets later down the lind!
Pelipper Mail is on as long as its something small, he wont accept like new pokemon or money or anything. Think like what youd get from a mystery gift :D Magic Anons are off!
Also, dont take everything Franklin says at face-value. He's got a loong history, and some secrets to hide. There's a chance he could be lying about some stuff ',:) expect a well meaning but unreliable narrator
That being said, I like to do my own worldbuilding so whenever he goes into biology details dont look too hard into it. We're havin fun here. I also don't plan on doing any multiverse shenanigans. This is a self contained story about an oc thats very dear to me :D so just go with the flow. I might interact with other blogs as long as its feasible they could on Rotomblr connected through a multiverse.
Other character interaction is encouraged, as well has sentient pokemon except Legendaries! He has his own lore with a lot of legends it would be a little wack
Here's what he looks like! With Lullay!
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barrenclan · 5 months
unsure if this has been said before but please let me get what i want (the deftones vers specifically) feels very fitting for pinepaw or maybe even rainhaze. the family guys who are almost foils to each other when they're both going through a messy rough time 🤝
I really like this suggestion, because Morrissey is my current voiceclaim for Pinepaw so he's very Smiths-coded in my mind.
Haven't had a dream in a long time See, the life I've had Could make a good man bad
So for once in my life Let me get what I want Lord knows it would be the last time Lord knows it would be the first time
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Oh my friend, British men screeching is just about my favorite musical styling.
Want land in the valley There's pieces of you breaking off (Pieces of you breaking off)
Big money's in the basin, you don't come back without it He's killing with abandon to get over the mountain Got darkest rum from Mama, seething in the liver Blood disease from Papi, poisoning the river
Friends on the Other Side works pretty well for Ranger, at the very least his attitude. Rainhaze's deal came from desperation rather than greed, but I do like things that speak to his thoughtless self-centeredness and hero complex.
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That's a Rainhaze song if I ever heard one!
Stuck in the middle of a forest made of Flesh and bones and they're all scared of A lost little boy who has lost his heart Fear's not enough, they have to Tear him apart
Follow the scent of iron sinking Deeper into corpses rotting But they can't hear you talk, talk, talk About every little thing
And the Hound Is humming you A lie, a lullaby
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Ohh, yeah... I can see it.
I wonder who I'd be If all these bad things Didn't happen to me
I must be The Virgin Mary To create a son Who will suffer so much <- the sloug.......
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The tone of the song is pretty light, but I can see the lyrics working! Especially drawing parallels between the original great destruction and the current onslaught.
Oh god, come quickly The execution of all things Let's start with the bears and the air And mountains, rivers and streams Then we'll murder what matters to you And move on to your neighbors and kids Crush all hopes of happiness with disease 'Cause of what you did
And lastly, you're all alone with nothing left but sleep But sleep never comes to you It's the guilt and forever wakefulness of the weak It's just you and me
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Ah, that musical is on my watchlist but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I've heard pretty good things, though!
I roar! And you cry! I'm the reason You run and hide!
You better leave your hopes behind No one's gonna stop him You better hope he's out of sight Or you're doomed to be a victim
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Objectively wild pull, but I do love Johnny Cash, and his voice reminds me a lot of what Mallowstar's would be like. I like this song a lot with him. :,]
Well, I won't back down, no I won't back down You can stand me up at the gates of Hell But I won't back down
Well, I know what's right, I got just one life In a world that keeps on pushin' me around But I stand my ground and I won't back down <- wahh mallowstar...
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I'd definitely this has big Slugpelt energy.
Dear, I fear we're facing a problem You love me no longer, I know And maybe there is nothing That I can do to make you do Mama tells me I shouldn't bother
Lately I have desperately pondered, Spent my nights awake and I wonder What I could have done in another way To make you stay
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It's a pretty good song!
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YAY Queen song! This is interesting; I can see it very well with characters that are still a spoiler to talk about.
So much ado, my lover So many games we played Through every fleeted summer Through every precious day
All dead, all dead All the dreams we had And I wonder why I still live on All dead, all dead And alone, I'm spared My sweeter half instead All dead and gone
Damn I ran out of video links
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"I was so scared what a life without you looked like" (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader)
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Warnings/Topics: The three A's(Angst, Anger, absence of good grammar)
A/N: This was originally a pt 2 to one of my previous Miguel O'hara works, but I am currently in kinda a mood so it took on it's own form. It can be seen as a pt two or completely separately though.
WC: 650-ish
“How are you doing?” Miguel barely peeked his head through your bedroom door, still very cautious after your fight.
He found you on your side of the bed, his copy of The Great Gatsby in your hands. Except in this universe, Daisy was written to be a brunette, not a blonde. And Gatsby was shot on a stairwell, not in his pool. A couple  of the small changes you had come to learn while living in this universe. 
“I’m fine,” You closed your eyes and shut the book. The tone of your voice still radiated that you were mad, mad at him. 
“I was gonna make some dinner? Maybe your favorite?” He asked, daring to take a couple more steps further into the room. 
A  room that was practically identical to your old one that no longer existed. 
It was hard to tell though. You could tell Miguel had taken his time putting it together. Tracking down everything, even the same sheets you had. It was a cheap cotton-polyester mix that lined your mattress. One that had originally been dyed slightly pink after being washed with Gabriella’s red soccer jersey. Miguel had even gotten the pilling pillow cases right. They were almost indistinguishable from the ones that had most likely been swallowed up into the black hole that destroyed your universe. 
“Mi amor?” He calls to you, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“Make whatever you want for dinner,” You sighed rolling your fingers over the sheets, “I’m not hungry,”
“Maybe we could try a new restaurant?” He asked with a little bit of hope in his voice, “Maybe it would bring back your appetite?”
He knew you hadn’t eaten since the day before. Worse, he knew you knew that you hadn’t eaten since then either. 
“You know it won’t,” You replied looking up at him, and suddenly he could tell you weren’t talking about dinner. 
“Mi amor-”
“Don’t call me that,” Something about his expectant tone struck a nerve with you.
Miguel furrowed his brow, your nature catching him off guard. 
You stick your finger at him, “Don’t you dare call me that!” You hissed at him, sitting up in your spot, “I should’ve been stronger. I should’ve said something sooner. I should’ve protected her more,”
“What? What are you talking about?” He asked you, but you weren’t having any of it.
Your fingers running through your hair frantically, “But I was so scared what a life without you looked like I was willing to accept a copy of the person I had fallen in love with,” You wanted to cry as the thoughts fell from your lips but the anger stopped the tears from falling, “I didn’t know who I was- who I am without him. So I grabbed onto the closest thing I could, which was you. I really believed you were him for a while, and even when I didn’t- I believed we could still have the same life as before. But then everything collapsed and I lost her. And now, I don’t know who I am without her, but there’s no getting her back,”
You looked at him with an almost-dazed expression of grief. He could tell there was not getting you back. Not that you were ever his. 
He walked over to you, putting his hands on your shoulders. His colossal palms dwarfing your shoulders. 
“Miguel, I will never forgive what you did. You made me lose my only daughter, my only child for some self-serving dream,” You looked up at him, “But I will never forgive myself for allowing you to do that,”
You closed your eyes gently, thinking about what your old life could’ve been like. Imagining your home now without your husband. Gabriella starting second grade. She would be a straight-A student like always, but she would’ve still insisted you read to her every night like her dad did. You would probably had to of pick up a second or third job being a single parent trying to make Gabriella’s soccer dreams come true, but it would’ve been worth it. To feel her in your life one more time, it would’ve been worth it.
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abloomingsunflower · 9 months
Meet Snowflake!
[E.L.A oc's go brrrr-..]
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[I haven't introduced her yet so- I'm doing it now. This is her official design because I wasn't sure about the old one-]
Basic information:
Snowflake is Albedo's adopted daughter, who apparently can control winter. But she can't control her ice power very well, which results in little accidents to happen often. Hope is training her.
She's 18 years old, a month younger than Lux, 5'6 ft tall and enjoys reading Marvel comics.
Snow is a menace to society/aff
She is Lux's non-blood related long lost twin/j/nsrs
Snowflake is a descendant of Quetzalcoatl, the deity of war. Corr.Nightmare tried to kill her once he found out about her existence. The girl fought back as best she could but was quickly overpowered. Luckily she was saved from "an mysterious winged lady".
Now Snowflake is striving to control her power better and learn more about her ancestor.
(Fun fact: Her real name is Estelle. Snowflake is just a nickname.)
It's unknown who her parents are or where they are. But Snow never bothered to find that out.
"They abandoned me, whoever they are. Valid reason or not, I'm better off without them right? I'm sure they must've thought the same. My life is fine as it is, I already have an amazing adoptive father."
Snowflake is actually a part of Quetzalcoatl's soul, his will. All those years ago when he died, a part of him refused to give up. He refused to succumb to the fatal wounds. He refused to let his kingdom fall in the hands of his enemy.
So that strong determination caused a part of his soul to separate from it's owner. It reincarnated as different people over the years, while Quetzalcoatl wandered the earth as a spirit.
Now, Snowflake is the current reincarnation.
Only when Corr.Nightmare gets killed and the kingdom is free, Quetzalcoatl will finally rest and his will shall return to him.
-Summoning weapons made out of ice.
-Manipulating the weather.
-Control over ice in general.
-Can survive just fine in extremely cold temperatures.
-Can sense and distinguish people's different auras, including the dead's. (But she can't see the dead, which makes it difficult to guess who it is. She can find out from the aura alone if the spirit is a threat or not.)
-Can create snow giants and creatures.
[Will be updated.]
Her opinion on the people she knows:
"We met when I tried to run away from the orphanage. Then as I went further and further away, I bumped into him. He asked me why was I crying, and he comforted me. He took me back to the orphanage and on the way we were talking and getting along. When we arrived, he told the caretaker he wanted to adopt me. Much to my own surprise. Now here we are. He's actually a very supportive dad, the kind of dad everyone would want, to be honest. No matter what, he always thinks about me first. He comforted me when I cried, defended me on arguments, never turned a blind eye on me, and even gives great advice. He is the reason I'm happy."
"That baker my dad likes so much. His pastries are awesome! He's a nice guy, really. I genuinely think him and Albedo would make a good couple, I mean- Have you seen the way they look at eachother?? They NEED to get together already, I swear to god-"
"I love and respect uncle, but- Someone needs to teach him how to be less oblivious of your surroundings. He's blind when it comes to love, and I can tell he would be an easy target to manipulate..- I noticed he looks down sometimes, maybe because of his marriage?"
"The second most beautiful woman? Her? Are you kidding me? Ink is nice and all but not only does her sense in fashion suck, she's also kinda dumb. I'm just being honest! She's a mother, a grown ass woman, yet she's almost never by her husband's or kids' side, or anywhere near the castle. I swear I saw her in a bar drinking once. No, twice. That second time there was a strange man with her. I just kept walking to avoid being seen by her."
"We only really meet when uncle Dream invites me and dad over. Sometimes we talk. Lux told me he used to bully her and frame her for things she didn't do when they were younger. Even now, he's doing some pretty bad stuff. But he looks..Well. Miserable. I almost feel bad for him sometimes. Maybe he is getting his stress out on her? Anywho I can only suggest one thing for him: Therapy. And I will drag him there by the feet if I have to."
"We're complete polar opposites, and still get along just fine. I can't help but see her like a sister I never had. She's got everything! Is a princess, does nice things, is rich and lucky in lottery, has amazing dresses, has a handsome fiancée, is famous and all, and she's very pretty! Like, damn!- I think she really deserves all those. I'm glad she's not like those corrupt rich people, she actually donates to charities and orphanages. I look up to her a lot. In fact, I want to be like her."
"Miss Hope is the one training me and Lux's fiancée. They are so skilled..! It's hard to keep up with them sometimes during sparring. They've beat me countless times.. But I won't give up there! No way in hell. This is to get revenge on that bastard for nearly murdering me.."
"Him and Lux seem perfect, to be honest. We get along very well. I've read almost all the books he wrote. He's like an older brother to me. Apparently, he wants to be a wizard. He's trying to make fire, like Miss Hope. Though..once I accidentally froze him- I don't understand how it happened, I was just patting his shoulder and then BAM! Thank god we had Miss Hope and their fire. I apologized so much that day..I'm still embarrassed."
"..I've heard about that guy. Isn't that the one that can see spirits? I think he could help me, something with a powerful aura has been following me around for days on end and I need answers."
"She's that famous singer, and Merciless' little sister. Not gonna lie, she makes amazing music..I listen to it all the time. Some of her songs are calming and perfect for reading. She's also Palette's best friend. I think these two are in love, even their fans are making rumors about them being together-"
"She used to make fun of me and bother me at every chance she got. Along with that group of fans- Until..well, I snapped one day. I caused a snow storm, since I felt overwhelmed. It blew everyone away but her. I think I shoved her away after that, but then realized I didn't die. At first I thought 'Maybe it's my power', until I found out from Idiotka that a grim reaper's soulmate doesn't die from their touch. ..Nothing is confirmed yet. Because apparently Lux and Palette didn't die from Goth's touch either. This situation is very confusing. Anyways, we became friends in hopes of finding out. All we do is hang out and gossip about every single thing we can think of. It's actually nice being around Idiotka.."
"Can you believe Artemis speaks good about a moron like that? He clearly didn't think twice before deciding to attempt murdering a little girl, so why should I feel sympathy for a tyrant? I still remember his face... ... He scares me. What if I fail to kill him?"
"I don't believe she chose to marry him on her own will. What kind of psycho would?? I feel bad for her. She's very pretty too."
"Isn't that the priest in that one church..? I dunno, I'm not religious. So I don't visit churches at all. But his face reminds me so much of that bastard.."
"My ancestor! I'm gonna call him grandpa, it's easier. Man, I wish I could meet him.. Idiotka took me to this secret library and I've been studying about his history. I have to say, I admire him even more now. As I read all those history books, I pictured the sceneries of the old kingdom in my head. For some reason, everything described there feels so familiar.."
Fun facts:
-She's allergic to chocolate, so she is always eating fruit pastries or vanilla. She found that out when she once tried chocolate cake in Cross' café.
-Snowflake is a fan of horror games and movies, even playing with Goth sometimes.
-She never really had real friends until she met Goth. Snow only had a small group of online friends.
-Albedo's nickname for her is "Tuna", which Snow is always complaining about.
-Snowflake always wondered about the identity of the winged woman who saved her that day. She wishes to thank her.
-She has a true/guardian form <3
-She is the key to Surprise Ending in Sunflower AU.
[If she interacts with Angst and Angst decides to tell her about the timelines, the two of them will try to make Cross and Hope tell the truth to everyone and the game will end.]
Evil Lux AU and all the characters made by @anotherrosesthatfell <33
Snowflake belongs to me.
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lilith-little-world · 2 years
Hello, it's me again ^^ Since Wukong dislikes going out in public, why not have a date indoors?
For their date, they could try out popular beauty products like facial masks and lip scrubs together.
Nice to see you back, and that is so cute. This shy mf would be the one to set it up. Getting the products and knowing how to use them. I can already see Wukong and the reader just having fun and chilling.
Also sorry for this to be late, just got a little more busy than usual. I'm trying really hard to do daily updates, but my mind is finally reaching that writing limit. I will update the majority of the week so don't worry too much.
This is kind of rushed and I didn't look through it properly. So there might be some grammar errors or things not flowing correctly.
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The Oracle|| Concept Oneshot 5||
You went up the stairs, Almond following behind. Today was tiring, you had to run around the city trying to prevent the Lady Bone Demon from getting a certain lantern that you're currently holding. You have been hiding this item for a while, it honestly surprised you that this was their first time trying to steal it away. Expecting them to hunt you down the moment they caught wind of you having the item. At least you got the lantern back.
You reached the door ready to end the exhausting day. Glancing at the keypad lock, you put in your code and walk into your current abode. Ready to see the huge mess that those two left, you came face to face with Wukong- well a few of his clones.
Almond barks and goes up to one of them, trying to bite their tail. 
“Shoo, get away you, mutt.” The clone says, nudging the small dog with his foot.
“Heeey, you came back a lot sooner than we thought.” The other clone says nervously. Like if he was a little kid that got caught by their mother, making a mess.
“Okay, so what's going on exactly?”
“Are we even allowed to say anything? We did want to surprise her.” The clone was holding Almond, staring at the other.
“I knew this was going to take more than 2 clones, just great.”
“You two better start answering if not I'm not letting Wukong in here.”
“Alright, alright, cool it, we both know he will cry and stay by the door all night.” The clone grabs the folded clothes that were on the bed and places them in the wardrobe drawer.
“Then come on, tell me, I'm really tired.”
“Yeah, we know, that's why he wanted to help you relax and not worry about anything else. So he sent us to clean and fix up the room.” The clone places Almond on the bed, going back to sweeping.
“That's- is so very sweet, but what is he getting?” 
“That we can't tell you peaches, he really wanted it to be a surprise.” 
“Ah, right, I can wait for him then.”
You close the door and watch the two pick up. They were nearly done with their tasks before you came. Soon the room was back to its original state. 
“Well, I'm guessing you two are going to disappear soon?”
“Yup, that's how it works. Don't worry we’ll just leave a few hairs so it won't be a mess.” The clone says, trying to reassure you.
“After what you guys did, you can leave a mess here anytime.”
“Don’t tell him you said that, he might get jealous.” The other clone said. They both chuckled before saying their goodbyes and went up in a cloud of smoke. Like they said a few hair strands fell. 
You sigh and go to the back of the room where a large safe sat. You open it and place the lantern in there. Taking the bracelet off, you took a deep breath and focused. Your hands softly brush the metal door, and sparks of gold and white light flash. A circle with a lotus appeared before disappearing. The barrier won't keep them out for much longer but as long as you buy enough time for your friends then that's all it matters.
You went back to lie on the bed. Almond slowly made her way and snuggled on top of your stomach. It was quiet and calm, you like it after a hectic day. There was a soft knock on the door before it opened. The sound of bags straining to hold whatever items were in them broke the serenity of the room.
“Welcome home honey, thank you for cleaning up! Why it's no problem, don't even mention it!” Wukong says while trying to mimic your voice. 
You however just whine and mumble out a thank you. 
You're tired, not rude.
He went off to the table and started to take things out.
“So what's the surprise?”
“Hmmm, let's call this a date.”
You finally sat up and noticed how he was lighting a scented candle. 
“Remember today was date night and it was my turn to plan it. I'll be honest here, had no idea what to do but then LBD came out of nowhere. Like I was gonna let the demon ruin this day for you.” 
He set up the table with a platter of cheese, ham, crackers, grapes, and a bottle of wine. You get up and walk towards him, extremely curious about what exactly he has planned.
“I know this isn't on the same level as our usual dates, but I thought it would be fun, I guess.” 
He doesn't look at you. Wukong kept his eyes on a random corner, nervous about your reaction. While you go through a plastic bag filled with skincare products. A mix between expensive and cheap. It caught you by surprise, and you couldn't help but laugh. You pull out what was obviously a cheap fox facial mask that definitively shouldn't go on the skin, let alone on the face.
“I'm calling dibs on this. I'll go get a small bowl of water and a small towel ready. Finish setting up the table.”
You went to the ‘kitchen’, and grabbed a foam bowl and filled it with water. Quickly popping into the bathroom to grab a towel before heading to the table. In a short time, Wukong set out the products and moved the Tv to the table. Chairs on the other side from it, giving it a perfect view as he put on a show. You sat down across from him ready for a ‘homemade spa treatment.’ Wukong hands you a sky-blue headband that has clouds scattered around, with a big bow. Matching his buttermilk yellow headband with suns, and also has a bow at the center like yours.
“Alright let’s start with the cleanser.”
“Wukong, you have done this before, haven't you?” You took a grape from the platter.
“Just some basic stuff, after all, how do you think I get to look this good 24/7?” He says with a smirk.
“I thought it was immortality.” 
“That too.”
“Hey, let me see that real quick.” 
You took the bottle from him and squirted some on your hands. It had an obvious scent of peaches. Without hesitation, you put your hands on his cheek. He yelps as you rub in the cleanser, quickly dipping your hands in the bowl of water before going back on your onslaught of rubbing. Moving his head around harshly. The cleanser foamed up from being activated by the water, it didn't take long for his face to be covered.
“And done! Sunshine, have I told you how beautiful you're looking right now?”
He didn't say anything, instead just wetting his hands and pouring the cleanser. However, he rubs your face with a lot of force, unlike your ‘delicate’ touch. You let out a small scream as he manhandles your head around.
“Ahhh, Wukong! I'm sorry, okay, I thought it was funny.”
“I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just helping you apply it just as you did it to me.”
After a few more seconds, he stops and you both stare at each other. The only sound coming from the tv. You whine pretending to be hurt, exaggerating your sad mood.
“So mean…” You mumbled. 
“I could say the same thing.” He states, damping the hand towel.
“Hmph, I was trying to help you put it on.”
“Your little pouts won't work on me this time.”
Wukong wipes away the foam, leaving his skin wet and ready for the next step. You took the towel away from him when he handed it. Wiping away the cleanser, your skin feels refreshed. It had been a good while since you did anything for your skin.
“Okay here, we have a few choices. We can do a clay mask, a safer but boring paper facial mask, or cheap animal facial masks that can possibly burn our faces?”
“Sunshine, sweetie, I think we both know what the right choice is here.” You said as you grabbed the fox mask.
“I know but I just wanted to ask.” He said, grabbing a cat mask.
The masks were cold and slimy but you both looked so funny to the other. You grabbed your phone and took a few pictures of the moment. Sending a few to Mk and Mei.
“This is quite nice, we should do this more often.” You took a sip from the wine bottle before handing it to Wukong. He takes off the mask and chugs the bottle down.
“I'm glad you liked it, peaches. Though I am sorry I couldn't come up with anything nice for our date.” His speech slurred slightly.
You grabbed the small jar that holds the clay. You dab your fingers in it, you slowly and softly smear it on Wukong's face. He didn't yelp, instead he hums and smiles. Leaning into your touch.
“Nah it's fine, I'm happy how our date night turned out. Anyways it doesn't matter what we are doing, as long as I can spend it with you, I'm fine with anything.”
“Awww, you can be so sweet sometimes.”
“I'm sweet every day and second, excuse you.”
Wukong laughs loudly, finding your reaction hilarious. You, however, did not.
“Alright no more alcohol, you're getting drunk. That's the last thing, the celestial and the mortal realms want.”  
“You make it sound like a bad thing and I am not drunk.”
“Your slurring of speech says otherwise, here.”
You grabbed a grape and fed him to him. However, he was annoyed but kept his mouth shut. 
“Come on, don't give me that face. Remember this is a relaxing date night.”
“And how can I relax without some alcohol?”
“Oh I see, I’m guessing I’m not enough huh? I don’t make you relax?”
You have never seen him panic so fast. 
“You know that's not what I meant! Of course, you are more than enough! You just like to get under my skin.”
You ignore him as you take off the mask and glance at the remaining things on the table. Eating a cracker with cheese and ham one last time before focusing on the items.
“Honey, I won't drink any more wine and eat more to sober up a bit.” He takes a few more grapes and pops them in his mouth. Trying to show off. You didn't even peek at him, not once.
A few whines escape from him before he grabs the damped towel and wipes his face off.
You took the under-eye patches and the paper facial mask. It stuck to your face, clinging onto the skin. Feeling a little weird but nothing too crazy. You really need some sort of skincare routine after this. 
“You know, I love you! Please don't ignore me.” He said, whining.
You glance at him and smirk.
“I love you too, now let's watch the show, you put it on for a reason.”
“Don't scare me like that, I thought you were actually upset.” Wukong tears up to your surprise.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that.” You cupped his cheeks, messing with his fur.
“That clay mask did wonders, on your skin. It looks so soft and smooth, truly worthy of the title, Handsome Monkey King.” You gave him a soft smile.
“So you're finally admitting I'm handsome huh?” He smirks, getting rid of any traces of tears. You roll your eyes.
“Yes I am, I find you very attractive, very handsome, and charming.”
“Good, 'cause I was getting worried for a second.”
You laugh and lean back in your chair. Some scenes play on the tv, from Monkey Cop. You always wondered what the show was about before you transmigrated, since it appeared so much in the background. It wasn’t too bad, a good show to kill time with.
“I’m the ‘fated oracle’, you don’t have to worry about anything.”
“That means I need to worry ten times more.”
You stay silent, not knowing what to say. In a way he was right, and worse of all you have no idea what you are doing. 
“I’ll be fine, everyone's future is bright and happy. That's what I know for sure.”
“We just have to get there.”
“We can worry about that later, right now at this moment. We are relaxing.”
“Heh, yeah.” 
You take off the mask and patches. Feeling your skin reaching its limit. The cold air slaps your sensitive skin. 
“Ah, man, my skin never felt better.” You grab the last item, a lip scrub. 
“You know, how much money have people given you? Cause from what I figured out, there's DBK, Princess Iron Fan, dragon pony girl, and me. I also know for sure that it's a lot of money, at anytime you can always buy these certain items so why haven't you?”
“You see, my dear sunshine, I am lazy and after being thrown on the streets, I didn't want to waste money on expensive and unnecessary things.”
“Babe, I can buy you a literal house with electricity, water, food, and actual good wifi. You don't have to worry about that kind of stuff. Anyways you are not alone anymore, there is no need to do everything by yourself.”
“I know, and I'm very lucky and happy to have all of you guys. It means a lot to me, thank you.”
“You don't have to thank me for anything. I want to help you because you're someone important to me.”
“Aww Wukong, you can be so soft and sweet sometimes.”
“-And I take back everything.”
“Nooo, sunshine, come on.”
“Will a kiss make it better?” 
He stays quiet, raising an eyebrow.
“So you don't want a kiss? Alright then, usually you jump on any opportunity for one.” You smile, while behind your back, you open the lip scrub and smear it on your index finger.
“Will I actually get a kiss?” He questions, trying to see if you were joking or not.
“Yup a nice kiss for my significant other.” 
“Then a kiss will make everything better.”
You lean forward and grasp his cheek. Wukong eyebrows furrowed, sniffing the air. The sweetness of the lip scrub was intense. Not knowing what you have planned, you spread the scrub on his lips.
“What the fuck?” He tries to pull back, confused about what was happening. You took your chance and gave him a quick peck. Only lasting for a few seconds, too fast for him to register the kiss.
“Wait a moment, that's it? That doesn't count.”
“It does count.” You lick your lip tasting the scrub, it was sweet as its smell.
“That did not make me feel any better. It made me feel worse. Come on, peaches, give me a good kiss.”
“Nah. Not my fault you weren't paying attention.”
“Yes, it was!”
“I remember it differently.”
Wukong rolls his eyes and groans. You laugh at his act. 
“This date was lovely, Wukong.” 
You finally gave him a better kiss. Lips touching, making it last a while. Pulling away, not before licking his lips. Wukong yelps from the sensation of your tongue.
“The scrub tastes so good.”
“I don’t think you should be eating that.”
“Then they shouldn't have made it taste so sweet.”
He licks his lips.
“Oh your right, very sweet.” His eyes narrows at you.
“I'm pretty sure I licked most of the scrub...” Your face turning red.
“Correction, you taste very sweet.”
And then they fucked-
As if, alright I'm gonna pass out now. Remember you can always send in questions about the story or request something.
Love you, guys!
“I don’t think you should be eating that.”
“Then they shouldn't have made it taste so sweet.”
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water9826 · 8 months
Cursed Guardians (A JJK Fic)
AO3 Link
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There was something truly comforting in a well-made dessert. It was easy to tell that there was clear effort put into the sweet treat. Skill too. Experienced bakers could create the most delicious of  foods with the simplest of ingredients. They can make any dessert look beautiful as well, so beautiful it hurts when you have to take a bite. Candy was not as much of a labor of love, but it brought memories of happier times with its burst of sugary flavors. Additionally, it was a great way to get a quick energy boost when your curse technique burns through energy like a steam train. All in all, sweets had never been associated with anything negative. 
So why…
“Why am I crying?” Satoru spoke with his mouth full of the pastry he just bit into.
He had never been a person with manners. No matter how many times his clan elders or Yaga or even Suguru reprimanded him for his total lack of respect and etiquette, Satoru remained the least polite person on the planet. His tears streamed down his face, causing the teen to taste a slight saltiness when his tears reached his mouth. 
“Beats me. I only teared up when I tasted it for the first time.”  A man in a blindfold with stark white hair replied as he leaned back in his chair with a grin. He was dressed in a black shirt and white pants. The outfit’s resemblance to the man who had nearly killed Satoru had made the younger boy shiver. When the elder explained why he wore the ensemble, all of Satoru’s worries were mostly put at ease. He was a tall man that made Satoru feel like a toddler in comparison. Scars littered every inch of pale skin visible. It looked like the older one had been put through some shredding machine and lived. Despite his scarred skin, the man didn’t seem to be in any pain as he stretched his broad arms over his head. “You’re just a cry baby.”
Quick to forget the sadness Satoru was feeling, he dropped his fork to slam his hands on the small table. “I am not, old man!”
“Hey! I am not old!”
“Says the man with gray hair.”
“We have the same hair color, kid.”
“Nope. Mine’s more of a snow-white. Your’s is definitely much duller ‘cause you’re old.”
“...I think I finally understand Yaga now.” 
“Because you’re both old?”
A lollipop was thrown at Satoru’s face, no Infinity to prevent it from touching. However, the teen didn’t care. It felt nice to be a normal teen with normal teenager capabilities. Even if temporarily, the perpetual weight on Satoru’s shoulders was lifted, and he relaxed further into his own chair. Wiping his eyes with his hand and placing his fork down, Satoru picked up the fallen lollipop and began unwrapping it, only to find that the candy had been broken from the throw. He frowned. “You’re a dick.”
“That makes you one too, little shit.” 
Gojo Satoru looked at his apparent alternate self with a raised brow. It was hard to believe the man considering he had been a monstrous entity who had terrified Satoru hours ago. Well, it felt like hours had passed, but Satoru had no idea as to how much time had passed in the real world. One moment he was fighting for his life and the next he was at a bakery eating with a man who shared too many similarities with him. While the reprieve from battle was appreciated, Satoru knew that Nanami was still missing and Suguru was likely panicking with him out of commission. When he had first appeared in this strange mindscape, Satoru was horrified to find that all his powers were gone. Even his Six Eyes had disappeared. Before he could panic, the man currently eating with him had popped out of nowhere. 
“Kid, I know this is really confusing for you, but I need you to listen to me.”
“I can’t let you leave until I’ve shown you what you needed to see.”
“There’s no need to be scared, little me, you’re with the strongest sorcerer in the world! Gojo Satoru, the original! Just call me Infinite, ‘kay?”
It was quite difficult to believe that Infinite was not who he said he was, but Satoru knew better than to trust anyone’s word besides his own…Or maybe Suguru’s and Shoko’s. Whatever. No one else’s opinion mattered to Satoru. However, this older version of him was hard to ignore. Especially since the man had taken Satoru on a tour of the best bakery he had ever seen. Infinite had shown the teenager this place, which somehow served all of Satoru’s favorite treats. Even the more obscure desserts that Satoru had tried on a whim and loved. For example, the manifested bakery served the strange crunchy, fluffy thing that was covered in powdered sugar that Satoru had tried in a sketchy convenience store a while ago. He did not even know what the treat was, but it appeared in the strange bakery all the same. No one knew about Satoru’s more random sugary finds. Listening to Satoru’s rants about regular desserts was more than enough, so nobody wanted to learn about Satoru’s odder adventures in satiating his infamous sweet tooth.
The evidence was on Infinite’s side, but Satoru was nothing if not stubborn. 
Not having his Six Eyes was the main reason as to why Satoru was so hesitant to trust the man. If he had his ability to see the unseeable, Satoru would not have had this many doubts. However, the pastry that Infinite had just given him only proved he was telling the truth even more.
On the outside, the pastry did not look like the perfectly constructed desserts Satoru was used to buying. It was a simple apple pie that had definitely seen better days. The crust was golden brown, but it was quite uneven and lumpy. An attempt at a lattice was on top, asymmetrical and torn in some areas. Despite how rough it looked, the taste of the pie itself could only be described as comforting.  The pie was warm like it was just taken out of the oven and was stolen before it could completely cool because someone had gotten tired of waiting. Besides the literal warmth of the pastry, the delicious taste made Satoru delightfully warm inside. It was cheesy to say, but the boy didn’t care. Saturu was someone that could not emit heat of his own. His peers always joked that he could make a snowman shiver or freeze water if he touched it. No matter what he did, his coldness never went away. People would flinch when his cold hands touched them suddenly. He couldn’t provide the comfort his friends gave him. Compared to Satoru, Suguru was a living heater with his constant heat. Whenever Suguru embraced him, Satoru melted into his hold. Satoru could never do the same for his best friend. Or anyone. 
But he was warm right now. 
The gooeyness of the apple filling caused memories of gentle touches and lullabies to appear. All the spices and sugars mixed wonderfully to produce a taste so comforting that tears spilled from Satoru’s eyes the moment he tried it. While the crust and lattice were not pleasing on the eyes, its buttery flavor made all the tension in Satoru’s body dissipate. 
There was an additional element to this pie, however. It was delicious and comforting and so warm…yet there was a sadness that permeated each tiny crumb.
“I’m sorry that you can taste his feelings in the pie. I know he would have hated that, but this place is made of my memories, so I can’t change it.” Infinite sighed and placed his chin on one of his palms. There was an untouched slice in front of the older man with steam gently rising from the fresh pastry. 
“He?” Satoru let his surprise show. He did not have his glasses either to shield his expressive eyes, so the teen had all of his reactions on full display.
“Yup. He. I know that Yuna-san had made it for us when we were children, but someone very dear to me tried to replicate it.” A raspiness made its way into Infinite’s voice, revealing how difficult it was for him to talk about this cherished person. The elder cleared his throat and offered a soft smile. “I told him about it one day, but I was surprised that he remembered it…It tasted just like her’s.” 
“Yuna-san…” Satoru whispered.
 The woman had been his primary caretaker after his parents died. He had been too little to remember the short time his father had been with him before sickness took him. Yuna was part of the staff that specialized in caring for Satoru’s needs as a young boy. The others treated it like a box to be checked, but Yuna treated Satoru with so much love that he had genuinely thought she was his mother. After a harsh scolding from an elder, Satoru stopped trying to call her ‘Mama’ or ‘Kaa-san’ entirely. Still, he adored Yuna and was uncooperative to anyone that was not her. It got to the point that Satoru refused to listen to his tutors during lessons, his martial arts teachers during training, and especially his instructors meant to teach him about everything surrounding jujutsu sorcery. All because they were not the only maternal figure Satoru ever had. Evidently, the elders were not pleased with the little boy’s worsening rebellious behavior and presented the child with an ultimatum. Either he obeyed and behaved like a respectable person or they would never let Satoru see Yuna again. As any five-year-old would when told such upsetting information, Satoru had a complete meltdown and sobbed for his favorite caretaker. Despite the child’s heartbroken wails, the elders treated it like a tantrum from a spoiled brat. They had simply dragged the crying child to his room and ordered that he could not leave until he apologized for his horrid behavior. Unbeknownst to Satoru, the elders had also commanded that all staff, including Yuna, were not allowed to enter Satoru’s room for the rest of the day. If they went into his room, then the elders would see it as treason and offer a punishment fitting for such a crime against the clan. Without anyone to comfort him, Satoru cried and cried and cried until he ran out of tears. He nearly made himself pass out when his sobbing grew into hyperventilating. He wailed for Yuna over and over again, becoming more upset the longer that he was left alone. 
At some point, Satoru had fallen asleep on the floor and woke up to see that it was night. The child felt sick to his stomach, dizzy, thirsty, and very hungry. His dried tears and snot were uncomfortable on his face and his head pounded from his breakdown. Satoru tried calling for Yuna one last time and started to cry all over again when she didn’t show up. Before his sobbing could transition into ear piercing wails, a gentle knock stopped him. Yuna had finally appeared with a soothing smile on her face. At the time, Satoru was too young to notice the fear and despair hidden in the woman’s dark brown eyes. All he knew was that she hadn’t abandoned him and immediately ran to hug her legs tightly. Her warmth washed over Satoru’s body as her gentle voice chided him to be more careful. Yuna gently pried Satoru off and revealed the steaming pie she had in her gloved hands. She had two objects in a pocket in her still messy apron. With his focus on the dessert, Satoru stopped crying and smiled widely with his stomach rumbling. He tugged on her apron, and Yuna let out a warm laugh as she sat down. She took off her apron and placed the pie on top of it, taking off her oven mitts to take out a fork and a water bottle she had swiped. Unsurprisingly, Satoru clambered into her lap and begged for his dessert. When the child usually did this, Yuna would remind Satoru that he needs to eat properly. However, she allowed him to sit in her lap, knowing how horrible Satoru’s day was…and how it was her last day with the energetic boy. In her soothing voice, she spoke of how this dessert was from America and that it was her favorite guilty pleasure growing up. The pie itself was gorgeous with its perfect crust and braided lattice. She told Satoru that she wanted to apologize for being so late and that she wanted him to eat however he wanted tonight. Satoru, too happy to be with his caretaker, did not see Yuna’s watery eyes and quivering lips. He agreed and stabbed his fork into the pie unceremoniously, scooping it into his mouth. When he asked if Yuna was going to eat, she shook her head and said this was all for him. It was delicious and made Satoru forget the trauma he had experienced at the callus hands of the elders. The rest of the night, Yuna told stories that made Satoru giggle and sung lullabies until Satoru fell asleep. 
When Satoru would wake up, Yuna was gone. 
Satoru bit his lip to stop it from quivering. He never spoke of his clan for a reason. His disrespect towards the elders and other clan members was very intentional. When Yuna disappeared, Satoru got quieter. At first glance, it seemed like an improvement to the others. They would be proven wrong as Satoru would spend the rest of his childhood being angry and aggressive towards everyone. In fact, the young boy ran away often, ignoring any attempts at punishment with a scowl. When the elders tried threatening him after his twelveth time running away, Satoru threatened them back and told them how they had no right to boss him around. The preteen spoke about how he would kill them without remorse if they tried reprimanding him again. He said how he would make their deaths as slow and painful as possible because that’s what ‘old, useless geezers like you deserve’. With his piercing, murderous gaze, Satoru successfully managed to terrify the elders enough that they left him alone.
He had gotten used to being alone. 
After Yuna’s death, the members and staff of the Gojo clan feared Satoru, and Satoru never bothered to change their perception of him. In fact, he threatened them often growing up as his strength grew exponentially by the day. The disconnect that formed between Satoru and any other human being made befriending others impossible. Satoru had to treat the world around him as if it was more fragile than glass. A simple high five from him could break someone’s wrist if Satoru was not careful. It was not worth the effort in Satoru’s opinion to restrict himself at all times if he wanted to play with weaklings. Though, labeling others as weaklings was his immature way of dealing with his lack of friends growing up. In actuality, an aching loneliness permeated every waking moment of his childhood, something Satoru hid with a cheeky smile and even worse personality. Spending most of his time by himself caused Satoru to become an arrogant egomaniac. Who wouldn’t? No one had the power he had. No one could best him in a fight. He was leaps and bounds above his own teachers and sorcerers.
 Everything changed when he met Suguru for the first time. As a fellow special grade, Suguru understood Satoru on a level no one else did. He, Suguru, and Shoko were the only first-years and would become quick friends from spending every single day together. Suguru and Shoko spoke to him like a person, not a god to be feared and revered. It did wonders in weakening the god-complex Saturu had begun forming. He had been truly happy with his friends. 
Then there was Riko’s death by Toji’s bullet. 
Then there was Toji nearly killing Satoru and Suguru.
Then there was the devastating loss of Haibara. 
And Satoru had been alone again. 
Shoko had become buried in her studies in medicine and healing, so she never had time to do anything anymore. Any time spent with her was short and silent as Shoko smoked countless cigarettes or fell asleep mid-conversation. The following months after the failed Star Plasma mission were a blur for Satoru as he spent many sleepless nights mastering his techniques and being sent on endless missions. He lost count of the amount of nightmares Satoru had. He would wake up screaming more often than not, but nobody came to comfort him. In the past, Suguru would break down Satoru’s door the second the black-haired teen suspected something was wrong. This time, Suguru never came. Suguru rarely spoke after the incident, no matter how hard Satoru tried. It was like talking to a wall. Any words Suguru did say were quiet and empty, nothing like his usual lively and smooth voice. When Haibara died, Nanami had locked himself in his room for days and refused to interact with anyone outside of missions. It was a loss that hit the group hard. Satoru, Shoko, Suguru, Nanami, and Haibara had been a tight-knit group for a long time. Despite this, they spent no time grieving together. Satoru would try to go to Suguru when the grief got too great, but the other was somehow even more unresponsive than before. At that point, Satoru gave up. The higher-ups sent Satoru on more missions with the loss of Haibara and Nanami being ‘unavailable’. Words were not enough to describe the agony that Satoru had felt when he was no longer allowed to be sent on missions with Suguru. He had noticed the decline of his best friend first-hand. Suguru never smiled anymore and his usual neat hair grew tangled and greasy. Even with the presence of his remaining friends, the loneliness that Satoru had thought he had forgotten about crept up behind him like a spider about to entangle its prey. 
“Makes you think a lot, huh?” Infinite’s voice broke Satoru out of his whirlwind of thoughts and memories. For a moment, Satoru had genuinely forgotten about what he was doing. With a knowing smile, the scarred man stood up and pointed to the endless land before them. “Now that I’ve let you reminisce for a bit, it’s my turn to walk down memory lane. Come on, I’m on a time limit here.”
Satoru could barely mumble a response before Infinite warped them to an unfamiliar house. It looked like it was straight from a magazine. While decorated, the place held no sense of warmth or coziness. Based on the pristine state of the white couch, carpet, marble, everything , it was obviously not lived in. Infinite towered over Satoru, a feat most could not accomplish with Satoru’s own lengthy limbs, lips pressed into a thin line. Infinite gestured his head to the side that led to the kitchen, expecting Satoru to follow without a word. Which he did. There was a heaviness in the atmosphere that was preventing the chatty teen from saying anything. Once they reached the kitchen, the reason for the heaviness was apparent.
A boy with pink hair was sobbing next to an open oven. He was curled up in a fetal position, his legs being hugged tight by trembling arms while his face was buried into his knees. Still without his six-eyes, Satoru could not pinpoint the nature of the crying boy or the place he was in. Based on Infinite’s earlier words and the blurred edges of the house, this was a memory of his older doppelganger. However, the painful sobs of the boy made any attempts at analysis halt in Satoru’s mind. Upon getting a closer look, Satoru saw the broken remains of an apple pie on the floor. The pan was metal so it was not broken, but the pie itself was damaged. The identity of the ‘he’ Infinite had mentioned earlier clicked. Satoru could see why Infinite had sounded so pained when speaking about the boy. Even Satoru was feeling an ache in his chest as the boy continued to sob uncontrollably. He was younger than Satoru, which made the ache even worse. The warmth of the open oven was overshadowed by the sheer devastation the pink-haired boy was emitting. At first glance, it could be seen as silly for someone to be so broken over dropping a pie. However, Satoru knew better than to assume the boy was crying for that one reason.
Footsteps from behind Infinite and Satoru alerted them of another presence. Infinite was stone-faced with his fists clenched tightly. Glitches seemed to occur in Infinite’s body, reminding Satoru of a faulty video game. However, the new arrival prevented any further questioning. A man that looked exactly like an unscarred Infinite ran into the kitchen. The crying boy did not react to the man’s gentle nudges at all. 
“ Yuuji-kun, what’s wrong? We’ve been looking for you all day, and you haven’t responded to anyone’s calls or texts. ” After closing the oven door, the man knelt down in front of the boy, carefully taking the boy’s trembling hands into his own. He kept his movements slow and gentle, treating the younger like a spooked animal. A soft sigh escaped the man as the boy’s cries continued. Eyes identical to Satoru’s own held a mixture of grief, pain, and anger. It was a look that Satoru had had when he had learned of Haibara’s death. Clearly, this boy meant a lot to Satoru’s second look-alike for the man to have such a reaction. Without hesitation, the man embraced the shaking boy, hands soothing over his back. “ We were so worried, Yuuji-kun. You know how dangerous it is to travel alone with Sukuna and Kenjaku out there .”
The name of the most feared entity in the world caused Satoru to jolt. Sukuna was supposed to be a thing of the past, no chance of him ever appearing in the future. Satoru glanced at Infinite again, but could gather nothing from Infinite’s expression. The glitches, however, had gotten more frequent. Satoru ignored the unease in his gut to observe the two on the floor. Besides sharing the same eyes and hair, the man held a similar cadence to Satoru’s voice. It was deeper, but all the other tells were the same. He simply sounded and looked like an older Satoru. On the other hand, Infinite looked more like a broken copy of Gojo Satoru. 
Satoru decided to call the man hugging the pink-haired boy Gojo. Infinite had his own name, and no version of Satoru would be left nameless! Additionally, he hated being called Gojo as it made him feel old. Thus, making the name choice perfect for this older version of him! Said version was speaking quietly to the boy, continuing to rub the poor child’s back. Eventually, the sobs turned into sniffles, and Gojo leaned back. Yuuji, which is what Gojo seemed to call him, was reluctant to let go. Gojo held the boy’s hands again to supplement the absence of his hug. As his thumb soothed over smaller ones, Satoru noticed how Yuuji’s hands were covered in scars. The skin of his knuckles was worn and bore heavy scarring. What caught Satoru off guard was the missing pinky on his left hand. Based on the gruesome scars left behind, it was likely that the appendage had been ripped off.
With a worsening feeling of dread building within him, Satoru had no choice but to watch the broken exchanges between Gojo and this ‘Yuuji-kun’ he cared so much about. The words they spoke to each other in comfort had the complete opposite effect on Satoru. Mentions of Sukuna, Megumi, someone named Kenjaku, something happening in Shibuya, the ominous Culling Games, the date December Twenty-Fourth, and so much more that Saturu did not understand. He felt especially sick at the talk about saving Megumi, the little boy Satoru had unofficially adopted last year, from Sukuna’s grasp. Countless apologies flooded from Yuuji’s lips, which were met with gentle reassurances from Gojo. From what Satoru had heard, Gojo was Yuuji’s teacher. It seemed ridiculous to imagine himself as a teacher, but Gojo acted like helping his distressed student was as easy as breathing. The clear adoration and trust Yuuji exhibited for his teacher only disproved Satoru’s doubts. 
“Is that why you ran off to this safehouse? To make this for me?”
“...Yeah. Your fight with Sukuna is tomorrow, Sensei, so I wanted to make the pie you told me about. Do something good… But I messed up…”
“Nonsense, Yuuji-kun! Your cooking has always been the best, and I bet your baking is just as good! The pie isn’t unsalvageable! The stuff is still in the pan, so let’s bake that stuff! We wouldn’t want it to go to waste!”
“But Sensei-”
“But nothing! We’re going to bake this pie, it’s gonna be delicious, and then we will go to eat dinner with the others, okay? Choso will probably refuse to let you go for the remainder of the day, but no one is actually mad at you. Everything is going to be alright, Yuuji-kun. Your Sensei will win, and this mess will finally be over. Does that sound good, Yuuji-kun?”
“Yeah…Yeah it does.”
Yuuji uncurled completely and lifted his head. Before Satoru could see any other features besides the boy’s golden-eyes, the surroundings around them disappeared into a void of black. All the dread that had been building up within Satoru reached its peak as he saw the glitching form of Infinite towering over him. His mask was still on, but Satoru could still feel the other’s gaze boring into him. 
“Do you finally believe me?” Infinite tilted his head like a curious bird. His arms were behind his back, further increasing Satoru’s unease. 
“Huh?” His sudden fear had clouded over Satoru’s more rational mind. He was frantically trying to remember what Infinite was talking about, but his chaotic thoughts offered no answers.
A giggle left Infinite. “Do you finally believe that I’m Gojo Satoru? I’ve made the effort to prove that I am telling the truth. I’ve shown you things that no other soul is supposed to know. I was generous enough to show you a memory of mine to prove that I’m not a mindless curse. It was even a memory that held information that will be useful to you in the future.” 
The question unsettled Satoru. It reminded the boy that the pleasant bakery Infinite had shown him and the memories Infinite had resurfaced and shown was not done out of kindness. Taking away his Six Eyes and Limitless technique was not done to give Satoru the reprieve he desperately needed. No. It was all done for Infinite’s benefit alone. He had been foolish to even entertain that such a monster could be his alternate self. His guard had been let down from the painful memories and nostalgic sweets. 
This was all an illusion conjured up by a twisted abomination. 
Nanami and Suguru still needed him. 
“No. I don’t believe you. You were pretty damn convincing, but it wasn’t enough!” Satoru readied his body for a fight, lifting his fists. His powers weren’t back, so Infinite had the advantage in a potential battle. Even so, Satoru was not going to let this monster continue to manipulate him any longer! “You’re not me!”
“Is that your final answer?”
“YES! You’re making me hallucinate because you’re a fucking monster!”
“Ugh. I knew you were going to be stubborn, but I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. Sorry, kid. I don’t have the time to convince you any further, so we’re gonna do things my way.”
In a blink, Infinite grabbed Satoru by the throat and lifted him into the air with one hand. His blindfold had vanished, revealing eyes that caused terror to surge through the teen. The grip on his throat was too strong for Satoru to escape from but not tight enough to suffocate. However, Satoru was only capable of extremely shallow and painful breaths, making his remaining strength dissipate. He had no choice but to stare at Infinite’s crazed face. Each glitch that appeared on Infinite’s body revealed the true nature of the creature slowly strangling him. The eyes of Gojo Satoru had always been his most well known feature. Seeing his eyes on this imposter was more unsettling than Satoru wanted to admit. While the striking color was the same, Infinite’s pupils were a cloudy white. It was the cloudiness that marked the end of a life. The eyes of a corpse. Not to mention, there were six of them. The main pair was staring at Satoru like a piece of meat. The upper pair of eyes were completely black while the lower pair was fully clouded over with blood leaking from them. Satoru tried to thrash around to escape, but the appearance of claws stopped him. This was it. This was the monster that had tormented Nanami and made Satoru feel weak for the first time. 
“I’ll make this quick. I am the cursed soul of Gojo Satoru, a sorcerer who perished in a world that no longer exists. It’s like resetting a computer. All the information is gone, so you gotta start all over again. Us cursed souls are like some random codes that stuck around. Make sense?” The squeeze to Satoru’s throat did not allow the teen to answer. Infinite’s hand did not budge even with the frantic clawing and thrashing from Satoru. “Codes can get corrupted, though. So corrupted that there is no resemblance to what they were prior to said corruption. That’s a cursed soul. We are what little remains of an erased world. We’re a sliver of a whole. So you can imagine that we’re not all there.” Infinite used his other hand to tap at the side of his head. His crazed expression grew into something dangerous as the grip on Satoru’s throat tightened so suddenly that Satoru’s vision went black for a moment. 
When the grip eased, Satoru felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes. Black spots were still in his vision, and his chest was in agony from the lack of oxygen. All of his struggles proved futile in Infinite’s iron grip. His words were swirling in Satoru’s head. While it was there, it wasn’t sinking in yet for him to form a coherent thought about it. Wheezes escaped Satoru’s lips and his hands tried to claw at Infinite for the umpteenth time. His lungs ached, yet his heart was pounding in his ears. Fear surged through Satoru as Infinite suddenly squeezed harder. His grip tightened and tightened and tightened until Satoru could feel his eyes bulge out of his head. The black spots grew, and the ache within his lungs turned into an inferno of pain. His body was screaming at the boy to take a breath, but Satoru’s windpipe was currently being crushed. Tears of pure terror flowed down Satoru’s throat. His mind was blaring alarm bells, telling Satoru that he would die if he did not take a breath. It hurt . Satoru’s chest spasmed with the desperate attempts at taking in a breath. He could not stop his body from trying to get air, causing indescribable agony for the poor boy. Fuck. He was going to die. He was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it this time. Suguru and Nanami still needed him! He couldn’t die! But his brain was fuzzy and his chest hurt too much to care. Satoru felt a wave of exhaustion hit him. His eyes were fluttering and his limbs had gone slack. 
Then Satoru was released.
Immediately, Satoru inhaled deeply to get as much air as possible. He held his throat as a coughing fit overwhelmed him. All his prior dignity was shattered as pitiful sobs shook Satoru’s lean frame. His resolve to defeat Infinite was gone. The mere thought of the other made Satoru scramble frantically to create distance. Infinite was staring at Satoru like the teen was an animal in a zoo exhibit. His body had grown long and spindly as Infinite slowly stalked towards Satoru’s retreating form. Even with his slow gait, Infinite reached Satoru once more. When he was close enough, Infinite crouched down and stared at Satoru, who had stopped trying to get away. 
“My bad. I lost myself for a bit there. This stable state doesn’t last that long, ya know? That’s why I’m in a bit of a rush.” Infinite grinned at the shaken teen. Sweat covered Satoru’s heaving form, caused by the fear and strain from being strangled. “I intended to show you everything slowly. Ease you into it. But convincing you to believe me took more time and effort than I thought, so you don’t have that luxury anymore.”
“Show me what.” Satoru spat with a raspy voice. 
“Everything I suppose.” Infinite sat down with his legs crossed. Though, it looked more like a snake coiling itself up to strike. “We’ve always been the strongest. It’s our burden to bear that cannot be shared with anyone. Afterall, we have something no one else has. Our Six-Eyes are much more powerful than you think. It transcends time. We can perceive something as long as we want and no time would have passed in the real world. Currently, seconds have only passed. Suguru has not realized what is going on. I’ve already shown Nanami what I need him to know and I will soon talk to Suguru. The aftermath of showing you three such things will be much more time consuming in reality than the act of speaking with you in the first place. Don’t worry though! Suguru and Nanami will be alright! I’m not as sure as to what will happen to you, though.”
The mentions of his friends caused Satoru to tense. Is that why Nanami suddenly disappeared? If Infinite had been aggressive and terrifying with Satoru, then who knows how unstable he would be with Suguru. What had Infinite shown Nanami? What information does Infinite need to show him? Satoru gritted his teeth. He was sick of Infinite’s vagueness. “If you’re in such a rush, just spit it out already! I have never been very patient with ugly pieces of shit!”
His nasty remark only elicited a laugh from Infinite. “Spicy! I forgot about how bratty I was as a teenager!” In seconds, Infinite’s jovial tone disappeared. His constantly switching moods were disorienting for Satoru, but he knew he was slightly similar in that regard. The air grew impossibly colder as Infinite stood and walked a good distance away. Despite his glitching form, Infinite had no problems with moving. His arms spread wide as the glitches took over his body. Where a man once stood, there was no the same beast that had terrorized Satoru. A shriek of laughter left the beak of the creature as Infinite crawled on all fours to the horrified teen. Somehow, his talons left gouges in the empty void as if he was walking on a real floor. Infinite’s tail spread out to the fullest, countless eyes staring at Satoru with the intensity of a thousand suns. 
All of Satoru’s limbs were paralyzed. Despite his desperate desire to run, Satoru could not make a single finger twitch. His body was not listening to his brain's frantic commands.
A distorted voice filled his ears, and Satoru felt his heart stop.
You’ve been a pain to deal with, kid. You’re lucky that I need you alive or else I would have killed you long ago. 
Listen. This world is a new, altered copy of an old one. What occurred in the old world we cursed souls are from cannot happen again. This is why I need to show you and your friends certain pieces of information. I’m sorry for attacking you. I’m not supposed to be able to speak or think this clearly in the first place. It’s a secret that you have to keep. My awareness is underestimated, and I’d like to keep it that way. So no telling. Especially Sukuna! 
And if you do tell, no one will believe you because I will revert back to a beast the moment I’m done speaking with you boys. This may be the last time I’ll ever get to be lucid again, so you better shut your trap and listen.
I know that you don’t deserve this, but I don’t have any other options. We’re the strongest in every world, kid. I was hoping that you would be able to live a more peaceful life than mine, but the world is a cruel place. Listen very carefully, okay? Sukuna has returned. His allegiances and goals are much more beneficial than before, so I highly suggest gaining his trust. You have the chance that I never did of having a better world, but you will need Sukuna’s help. A much greater evil will emerge, and you will lose without Sukuna. If he thinks for a second that you or the other sorcerers are a threat, then he will kill everyone. 
If you are going to listen to anything, listen to this. Sukuna’s sole purpose in life is to protect Itadori Yuuji. It’s my and the other cursed souls' purpose as well. We will not show mercy if Yuuji is harmed by any of you. That is a promise. Got it? Good. Moving on.
As an inheritor of the Six-Eyes and Limitless, your brain is capable of handling vast amounts of information without imploding in on itself. What I showed Nanami and will show Suguru is miniscule compared to what I am going to show you. 
You will receive twenty-nine years of information in the span of twenty-nine minutes. The memory I showed you earlier was real, and you will see many memories like it. I don’t care if you don’t believe me anymore. It’s your funeral if you don’t.
If you are idiotic enough to ignore everything I have said, then I will take matters into my own hands to ensure that Yuuji is safe and cared for. Trust me when I say that you do NOT want that to happen. You may be my alternate self, and I do want you to live a good life, but Yuuji’s happiness is my number one priority. 
Now, then. Are you ready?
“N-No…” Satoru gasped out. He wasn’t ready. He didn’t want to be ready. Ever . What Infinite had just told him was already frying Satoru’s brain. How the hell would he manage to handle over two decades of information?! Having the constant input of his Six Eyes was one thing, but such vast amounts of data, memories, and whatever else is too much! The past year has been so horrible already. He didn’t want to know anything that Infinite had to show him! So what if he’s the strongest?! He’s just a teenager! 
Are you scared?
The strangely gentle tone spooked Satoru. He still could not move, but he was able to grit his teeth in frustration. “I’m not! I don’t want to listen to your bullshit!”
It’s not bullshit. I know this year has been hard. I went through the same thing, only it got even worse. 
“You’re not me for fuck’s sake!” His angry shout sounded more like a choked sob. A quiet hum came from Infinite in response. Satoru’s head pounded from the stress while his lungs continued to ache fiercely. He hated him. He hated Infinite so much. “JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!”
Suguru was supposed to defect today. 
Satoru froze. 
This very night, Suguru was supposed to leave Jujutsu High in secret. He was supposed to leave on a train, get assigned a sudden mission to a village whilst on the train, go to the village, and slaughter every civilian in it. Over a hundred died by Suguru’s hand in a single night. This night. If I hadn’t intervened and caused trouble in Sendai, you would have never been sent on this mission with Nanami. Neither of you would have called Suguru. And Suguru would have done the same thing he did in my world. Because I intervened, Suguru is with you instead of that train. 
“Suguru was going to…” The teen trailed off before he could finish such a terrible sentence. His desire to defend his best friend was competing with the many worrying signs that Suguru was going down a dark path. Satoru had seen the emptiness within Suguru grow by the day. He noticed Suguru’s lack of scolding when Satoru would say something rude about non-sorcerers. He is aware that with Satoru and Suguru being assigned separate missions, Suguru has spent more time alone than ever before. He has heard Suguru mutter to himself time and time again when the black-haired boy thought he was alone. He remembers Yaga’s concerned eyes when Suguru stopped participating in class. He knew that Suguru had been distancing himself from everyone the day after collecting Riko’s corpse from the Children of the Star facility. Satoru’s denial was completely shattered with his last thought.
The few times that Suguru spoke, it was always about getting rid of the ‘monkeys’.
His mouth went dry at the realization that Infinite was trying to help Satoru. The person who benefited the most from Suguru’s presence is Satoru. Losing Suguru would be too devastating for Satoru to handle. If Infinite, this crazed monster, was telling the truth, then he had to experience the loss of his one and only today. 
It’s in the world’s best interest if Suguru does not become a curse user. You’ll need to stop him from such a fate. If you fail and Suguru commits to his plan of massacring all non-sorcerers, then you must do everything you can to keep him alive. His abilities are greatly sought after by an entity named Kenjaku. No matter what, Suguru cannot come under Kenjaku’s control. Kenjaku takes over the body of his victims by switching their brain with their victim’s body. They can mimic the behavior of their victim perfectly and they can copy the cursed technique and cursed energy of the body they inhabit as well. The only way that you can detect Kenjaku’s presence is a scar that appears on the forehead of whoever they’re possessing. The scar looks like stitches. 
If all else fails, kill Suguru and make sure to burn his body immediately. Don’t let your feelings get in the way. Having Suguru live is the best choice. I don’t want you to have to go through what I did, so please listen to what I have to say.
Tears burned behind Satoru’s eyes, but he refused to let them out. The images of his future self killing Suguru mercilessly invaded his mind. He didn’t want that to happen. 
He would make sure it never happens.
“I’m ready. Show me everything.” Satoru steeled himself for the influx of information. His mind was cycling through the names of the people Infinite had mentioned. Sukuna. Yuuji. Kenjaku. He repeated the names in his head to commit it to memory. “You said we’re the strongest, right? The strongest is supposed to protect the weak. Heh. That’s what Suguru used to tell me.”
And he would be right. Despite what he did in my world, my Suguru always had more sense than me. It’s likely that the overload I’m about to give you will cause a degree of brain damage. It won’t kill you, but it will have an effect on your sanity. Hell, you might be stuck in a mindless state for a few months. In my opinion, as a fellow Gojo Satoru, you’ll wake up in a couple days with some screws permanently loose. You’ll have Suguru to help you, so I see no future problems with your diminished sanity. Sound good?
Satoru let out a wet laugh. He pushed down all his worry and dread with a harsh swallow. The boy smiled widely with a cocky look in his eyes.  “Well, we’ve always been the strongest, not the sanest, right?” 
Right! Good attitude to have, kid. I know I’m making you sacrifice a lot and not giving you a choice to say no. You’re still so young. You should be enjoying your youth with your friends. 
“Yah don’t say.”
Let me finish brat. It’s likely that Kenjaku is going to be an even bigger threat than before. You’ll see why that’s super bad really soon. 
“Ooo! Lucky me!”
I deserve that, I’ll admit. Anyways! I’m sure that Kenjaku will take ten years to stir up trouble like they did before. You’ll have a decade to prepare. Take care of Megumi and keep an eye on Suguru and Nanami. I might even pop in for a visit during those years. Who knows? Maybe I’ll let you see Yuuji. 
“To be honest, I do want to meet the kid.” A much more genuine tone made its way into Satoru’s voice. 
As would anyone else! Now, I need you to remember not to tell anyone. Use these years to grow stronger and develop a bond with Yuuji. If Yuuji likes you, Sukuna and his vessel Ryomen will…tolerate…you. The higher-ups cannot know about any of this. They won’t believe you and will try to send you to the loony bin anyway. Just talk about it with Suguru and Nanami. Shoko and Yaga are trustworthy, so do as you wish with that. Utahime too. However, you cannot trust Mei Mei or Gakuganji. The old geezer is obvious as to why he’s trustworthy. I can’t remember how Mei Mei is at this age, but the Mei Mei I know only speaks in cash. Maybe try to change that? It’s not a priority but it’ll be a relief for your wallet!
“Huh. Thanks for the tip.”
You’re welcome. And, kid?
“Hm?” Satoru locked eyes with Infinite, who was now centimeters away from his face. The birdlike creature gave the boy a musical trill. The mask around his face disappeared and Satoru saw Infinite’s six eyes again. This time, they were clear, no cloudiness in sight. They each held immense relief and gratitude in them. Satoru took a deep breath, knowing that the banter was over. “So…You gonna do it?”
Infinite cooed in response, getting even closer. He was so close that Satoru could feel the white fur and colorful feathers tickling his chin. The scent of the beast was strange as well. It was like breathing during winter. The air was crisp but it made your nose feel cold. It was an even odder sensation to feel the beast’s fur when Infinite wrapped around Satoru. It was soft and dense with the occupational fluffiness of a feather. Additionally, the outer layer of Infinite’s white fur was cold, yet Satoru could feel the warmth of the bird’s core. It took Satoru a few moments to relax in Infinite’s grip, but he eventually caved in with the lack of attacks on Infinite’s end. It was like being hugged in all directions. Satoru could not help but think of the penguin documentary Megumi had forced him to watch two nights ago. He remembers how Megumi, who was normally grouchy and quiet, lit up as he explained how emperor penguins huddled together to preserve warmth during arctic storms. 
Satoru definitely felt like a penguin at that moment.
It was nice. 
The tip of Infinite’s sharp beak suddenly pressed against Satoru’s forehead. On instinct, the teen closed his eyes. His thoughts all came to a stop as Satoru solely focused on the warmth on his head. Of all things, Infinite’s beak was the warmest part of the bird’s body. It somehow made Satoru relax even more. Warmth was always good in his mind. Infinite spoke once more within the teen’s mind, his voice much more subdued than before. 
You will experience all my pain, all my anger, all my loss within moments.
It’s gonna be agonizing, but you’re strong. Stronger than anyone. 
You’ll be shattered, repaired, and shattered again. 
But you’ll come out stronger. Stronger than me. 
You may feel more alone than ever before after this.
But eventually…
You’ll be happy. So, so happy. I promise you that, kid.
No matter how tough it gets, just remember that everything will turn out amazing in the end. 
I know that you’re going to suffer, but I also know that you’re going to be loved. Megumi may not show it now, but he loves you so much, kid. Yuuji has barely been in this world, but I can already see the endless love he’s going to have for you. 
Suguru is going to love you if you give him the chance to.  Don’t miss that chance.
You’re a good kid. A real good one. Remember that, okay? 
Satoru’s Six-Eyes and Limitless technique immediately returned in full force. 
Everything turned into a blinding white. 
Your life will turn out so much happier and longer than mine could ever hope to be. 
The first thought that went through Suguru’s head was simply: OW .
It felt like every inch of his body had been battered and bruised. Even the tips of his fingers ached. Normally, Suguru would try to sleep off any ailments that he had, refusing to go to Shoko more often than not. As a special grade sorcerer, Suguru was strong enough that most curses were not able to place a scratch on him. The only injuries he ever sustained on missions were the occasional bruise or cut. Sore muscles were not a new thing for Suguru, but the aching within him felt different than a strained muscle. 
All his energy had been sapped away. Suguru’s body desperately wanted to go back to bed, but his mind was too active and chaotic to allow him any opportunities to rest. Reluctantly, the teen opened his eyes with the grogginess of an elderly man. Once he managed to sit up, Suguru wiped the crust from the corners of his eyes and tugged on his cheeks to further wake up. After a few minutes, Suguru was awake enough to notice the strange room he was in. 
He was in the infirmary.
“I see you are awake, Getou-san.”
The quietness of Nanami’s voice caused a jolt of adrenaline to shoot through Suguru. He was startled, sure, but most of his shock came from how beaten Nanami was and the memories that came with his wounds. 
Nanami and Satoru’s terrified pleas. A shriek of laughter. Six monstrous entities. Eyes. Too many eyes. A baby. A bloody man with white hair. The existence of cursed s-
In an instant, Suguru jumped from his bed to kneel next to Nanami’s. His legs were too unstable to keep the older teen upright, so his short journey to the younger caused several things to crash. He grasped the white sheets of the infirmary bed tightly. His breathing turned heavy as he bored his tired eyes into Nanami’s surprised ones. Suguru analyzed every part of the blonde’s face. Once he was sure that Nanami was not a hallucination and was actually a living breathing person, he sat back on his heels with a sigh. 
Never one to beat around the bush, Nanami broke the silence quite bluntly. “You’ve been unconscious for nearly six days. Yaga-sensei and the higher ups are looking into the entities we encountered on our mission. There has also been a halt on all missions for the three of us until Yaga deems us fully recovered.” His left arm went to rub his injured right arm, which was currently in a sling. The hospital gown he was wearing did little to hide the countless bandages wrapped around the boy. There were more than a few burns across Nanami’s pale skin as well. When the younger noticed Suguru’s staring, he sighed like he had aged ten years. Nanami, someone who made sure to look everyone in the eye, was currently glancing anywhere but at Suguru. In fact, the underclassman was staring at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in the world. “Gojo-san is currently being held in one of Tengen-sama’s strongest cells. He woke up a day after I did and immediately tried to attack you. I tried to intervene, but he did not hesitate to attack me as well.” Nanami numbly gestured at his injuries. 
“Satoru attacked you?” Suguru felt like he was in an alternate dimension. The Satoru he knew would rather live without sweets than live in a world where he hurts the ones he cares about. Moreover, Satoru was disrespectful to the higher-ups, but he was smart enough to play along with their cowardly orders. He was strong enough to get away with his behavior, so to hear that his best friend was imprisoned did not sound real. What’s worse, Tengen’s barrier was being used to contain Satoru and Satoru alone. Those barriers were strong enough to keep all curses in Japan, preventing them from spreading into other countries. The fact that one of those barriers is now holding Satoru like a dog in a pound made white-hot anger flow through Suguru. 
“It was done to prevent Gojo-san from killing you.” As if sensing Suguru’s incoming rage, Nanami was quick to respond. Once more, the blonde sighed heavily, his exhaustion evident from the sickly paleness of his sin and the dark bags beneath his eyes. “We were all given hallucinations of some sort by the entity that resembled a draconic bird of prey. Shoko-san said that it’s likely that Gojo-san’s Six-Eyes caused him to experience a much worse hallucination than us, thus causing him to be in an altered state upon waking up.”
“That damn bird.” Suguru snarled beneath his breath. When he tried to remember what the shrieking menace had shown him, Suguru’s head immediately grew fuzzy. It was shocking to hear that Satoru had been restrained for Suguru’s sake, but that was not what was weighing on his mind. What concerned him most was Nanami’s mention of Satoru’s Six-Eyes causing his best friend to suffer intensely. No matter how hard either tried, Satoru could not explain his ability to Suguru and Suguru failed to understand the poor explanations Satoru provided. It was something that could not be put into words, something Suguru hated. To put it simply, Suguru liked knowing things. He refused to be left in the dark about anything, so he often went out of his way to gain any knowledge he lacked on a mission or lesson. This included going to forbidden areas to learn the stories Yaga was forced to omit during teachings. 
And Suguru knew just the place to get the knowledge he needed right now. 
“Shoko-san warned to not exit the infirmary without her permission.” Nanami said monotonously. Though, the boy did nothing to stop Suguru from shakily exiting the cramped room. 
“You got hurt. Satoru’s imprisoned and not acting like himself. I don’t need to know anything else.” While stern, Suguru made sure to keep any anger from his voice. His mind was still reeling, but time was of the essence. He could not afford to waste time being shocked or waiting for Shoko or Yaga to inform him on what happened. Satoru was still in that awful trance, and Suguru did not trust the higher-ups or the Gojo clan elders to not take advantage of his best friend. Every second wasted was a second added to the torture Satoru’s mind was going through. Despite his greasy hair and messy hospital gown, Suguru felt stronger than he has in months. He nodded reassuringly at Nanami. “You need to rest much more than me, Nanami-kun. I’ll take care of things from now on. I apologize for making you take on the work I was supposed to do, I have been weak for far too long. Thank you for carrying that extra burden, but it is now my turn to take it back.”
To anyone else, it would seem that Nanami had not reacted whatsoever to Suguru’s words. However, Suguru had known Nanami long enough that he knew all the tells of the stoic boy’s body. Nanami’s eyes, albeit slightly, had a watery tint to it. His right hand, the hand that Nanami used to carry his blade, twitched. It showed just how much Suguru’s words had meant to him. 
The edges of Nanami’s lips twitched up in a ghost of a smile. “Thank you, Getou-san. Though, to me,  your strength was not diminished in the least. It was simply redirected to something else.” Nanami returned Suguru’s nod. When the underclassman looked up, there was a knowing spark in his eyes. “Be careful with your studies.” 
“I will.” 
After stumbling into his room for proper clothes, Suguru found that there was a fresh uniform left for him on his bed. The suitcases he had packed prior were tucked into a corner, which nearly made Suguru pass out from panic. However, he quickly calmed down when he read the note attached to his uniform. 
If you’re reading this, then I assume you lost enough brain cells to go after Satoru despite being unconscious for several days. Dumbass. 
Here’s one of the uniforms you packed up. You better tell me about those suitcases or else I’ll cut off all your hair and burn it. I’m sure Satoru will help me hold you still. Dumbass. 
Satoru’s meant to be the idiot of the group, so do some magic true love gay shit to bring him back. I can’t handle more than one dumbass at a time. 
Good luck, lover boy.
Suguru had simply pocketed the note, ignoring how his face felt like it was about to burst into flames, and changed into his clean uniform. It was almost pitiful how eager Suguru had been to leave Jujutsu High and the Jujutsu world in general just days ago. Yet, his entire plans had been put to a screeching halt by a loud-mouthed white-haired boy he cared too much about. No one was stopping him from leaving. Hell, Suguru’s suitcases were still fully packed. It’d be easy.
But the thought of leaving now only caused bile to rise in Suguru’s throat.
With one last look at his suitcases and empty room, Suguru made his way to his destination with no further hesitation. 
The Catacombs of the Disgraced Ones
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softrozene · 1 year
John with a Pregnant S/O
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Anonymous requested: hi there! i love your blog and i LOVE your writing! could i please request a john x female reader who’s pregnant and maybe add some fluff? after i saw the micah one i thought maybe to ask for one with john cause it was so great! one shot or head cannon whatever you’re most comfortable with! thank you so much ❤️ 
rdr2 masterlist
I hope you enjoy this one! It is really sappy at the end. There is just a tiny smidge of angst again but that’s because it’s John lol. Also since Arthur does admit in the game that he would’ve married Abigail if he didn’t fall for Mary and if Abigail hadn’t fallen for John, I made him a bit sweet on the reader.
ALSO IRRELEVANT BUT- I just witnessed a totally easy to miss encounter where John tried to cheat on Abigail with Karen and I am shooketh
Originally published on March 13, 2020
John Marston x Female Reader
Warnings: Smidge of angst and an accidental plate full of angst for Arthur lmao (I did my boy wrong), fluff, pregnancy, AU where Abigail and Jack left the gang on a bad note
Words: ~1,350
“Darling, you need to go take a rest,” Arthur says in a low voice.
You ignore him as you scrub at his dirty clothing harder. He huffs but stays standing right beside you. You can tell he’s going to stay there until you rest but you feel like you need to move. Your anxiety is, after all, getting to you.
You are after all pregnant with John Marston’s baby. Only a select few people, one being Grimshaw, are aware or have suspicions since you are also hiding that fact. You are so terrified after hearing how he dealt with his ex-partner Abigail that you begged Arthur to lend you some of his clothing in an attempt to hide the bump.
Reluctantly, he has agreed. Only because he has the biggest soft spot for you and he’s the first person you told after you found out. You were going to tell John much sooner but then Dutch sent him and Hosea out on a mission that has taken far too long. It’s done a good job so far, the bump was hidden behind the large fabric, but it does look like you’ve gained a bit of weight. John Marston is no fool and you know he’ll comment on something about it.
“You are going to be just fine. John may be an idiot but he is an absolute fool for you. Any man in their right mind would be,” He admits with a small smile.
You glance up at the comforting words and stop your scrubbing. The hormones you are dealing with currently make you want to sob hysterically from his sweet words.
“You mean that Arthur Morgan?” You ask your voice already shaking.
He lets out a chuckle from knowing the drill. He opens up his arms and you immediately drop the clothing in the bucket of water to stand up and hug the man with all of your might. He answers your question.
“Damn right I mean it. If John so much as gives ya the wrong look for putting ya in this situation I will beat that little boy’s ass,” He states making you sniffle more as you try and stop your crying.
He allows you to pull away on your own time and when you do you stare up at him with those big grateful eyes that would make any man swoon over. Your smile makes his heartthrob and your words, despite feeling like an arrow pierced his heart, still make him incredibly happy.
“Thank you so much, Arthur. You certainly know how to make me feel better. You are a good man Arthur Morgan,” You state.
He can only smile and nod in return before a cough interrupts the both of you. You glance over your shoulder to see an exhausted John Marston. He eyes Arthur and you until you make the first move. You throw your arms around the man and are crying once more.
“John Marston, I missed you so much. Don’t ever agree on another job that long ever again,” You say your crying very prominent within your voice.
John chuckles at this odd welcome but pats your back. This time Arthur coughs. You and John pull away slightly and Arthur stares at John. “I reckon the both of you need to have a talk… Come get me if ya need to (Name),” He states putting his hand on your shoulder before walking off to go greet Hosea.
John raises an eyebrow and his hand cups your face to make you stare at him. “We need to talk? ‘Bout what? Wait… Are those Arthur’s clothes?”
You don’t say a word as you grab his much larger hand and pull him to your tent that Grimshaw so graciously got for you. A small cot is in the middle of it and you make him take a seat. His silence would’ve been nerving if you weren’t so used to it.
“Ah… Yes, I’m wearing Arthur’s clothes but only because I’ve been hiding something from most people here. I… I didn’t get the chance to tell you before your mission and I wasn’t planning on telling you any time soon but… I love you, John Marston,” You state as you hesitantly lift the larger shirt to reveal the tiny baby bump.
It takes a moment for the male to process what he sees. His eyes widen and he looks up at you his gaze suddenly hopeful. His hands immediately grab you by the waist and pull you close to him as he stands up.
“You’re pregnant? It’s mine?”
You laugh. “Of course it’s yours, John.”
He falters and his gaze falls just a tad. “You weren’t going to tell me? Why?”
“I got scared, John. After I heard what happened with Abigail when Jack was born… I couldn’t bear the thought…”
John realizes that Arthur was reassuring you of the worst-case scenario. Guilt floods through him. You finally drop the shirt and John takes both your hands in his. He looks at the ground as he tries to form the correct words. He’s not much for words but he feels the need to push away all of your doubts about him.
“Look (Name), I would never ever even dream of rejecting this. Abigail? She was a mess. Jack wasn’t even mine but she kept pushing him onto me. She finally gave up on trying to trick me. What I did to her though? It was not called for. It was messed up. I treated her pretty awful but I would never do that for you. Hell, if I ever think I might I’ll go ask Arthur to beat me up myself,” He admits finally looking you in the eye.
You smile and feel the waterworks coming yet again. The fool continues making you finally cry. “I love you (Name). What we have, I never want to lose. Knowing this kid is mine, I’m happy.”
You hiccup and he smiles as he brings you into a tight hug. The male gives you a few moments kissing the top of your head every once in a while until you pull away. When you do you reach for his hands once more.
“Thank you, John. I love you too. Do you want to officially announce this?” You ask softly.
John is the one that announces the pregnancy to the whole gang. A celebration was held to which John stuck with you the whole night. It was quite the opposite of when Abigail announced her pregnancy to which eased Arthur’s mind greatly.
He’s at peace knowing that John is happy with this. Your happiness with John means the world to Arthur and if John ever does anything to hurt you, Arthur will keep his promise to you.
 Bonus Headcanons:
There are just so many ways John could react to this
I think if he liked the reader and she wasn’t like Abigail he would act the way he did in the one-shot
However, he will also be so awkward and in shock the entire pregnancy. He’ll be in awe since you really are his partner and the baby is really his since you gave him no reason to doubt you
If he did doubt you Arthur, Hosea, and Grimshaw would beat him up in your defense
In the one-shot, John isn’t stupid and is fully aware of Arthur’s sweet spot for you, however, he is happy that Arthur feels that way because if anything happens to him, he knows that Arthur will take care of you
He won’t be clingy but he’ll keep an eye on you and make sure you have everything you need and whatnot
Basically, John will try and be the best he can be but his anxiety will sometimes take over to which only you or Arthur can kick him out of
He will occasionally go to Arthur or Hosea if he needs to talk to someone or go out for a drink
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kinardsevan · 1 month
Good evening in advance, thank you for reading the ideas. 1. I've been thinking about a story where Buck and Tommy are in a relationship and about to move in together. But Eddie is questioning his sexuality, one night he is drunk or maybe training with Tommy and kisses him, Eddie apologizes and Tommy tells him that for the sake of his friendship with Buck he is not going to tell him about the kiss. But as fate would have it, someone (maybe Kim or Marisol) takes a photo of them and sends it to Buck, who in his insecurity creates a whole story in his head about how all this time Tommy and Eddie have been in a relationship with each other. backs. Buck goes to Bobby and Athena to cry and tell them about Tommy and Eddie's relationship, at first they don't believe it but Buck shows them the photo, they try to calm him down, but at that moment Tommy calls to find out where he had gone. Buck yells at her, and sends her the photo asking her how long he and Eddie had been cheating on him, how many times she had slept with him after being with Eddie. Tommy tries to explain, but Buck doesn't listen and hangs up. Buck asks Bobby for a transfer or a vacation to clear his head and rebuild the pieces of his heart since he sold his loft and has nowhere to go. Before leaving, Eddie goes to talk to him, Buck doesn't listen, tells him to save his excuses, throws him the key to the house he shares with Tommy while telling him to "be very happy and enjoy it." Eddie tries to grab him, but Buck struggles and maybe falls down the stairs. or they are on the street and a car hits them. or maybe you manage to get into your jeep and get into a car accident that causes a coma or amnesia. or leave Los Angeles, while Tommy looks for him like crazy until he finds him, forces him to listen to him, and they fix everything. Or it could be Tommy's ex-boyfriend instead of Eddie. Something very dramatic but with a happy ending for Buck and Tommy. PS: I've thought about it a lot since I saw that Eddie is capable of something as horrible as infidelity, but I don't know how to make a story myself, so if anyone likes the idea, feel free to use it. 🙂🙂 2.Maybe a story about sugar daddy and sugar baby or something with the theme of dominants and submissives as soulmates or something like that. 3. Or I've also been thinking about the world of sentinels and guides
Okay #1 definitely has me intrigued. Adding this to my list of things needing to be written. (I've got like 5 half-finished chapters right now begging me to finish them 😂😂😂😂)
#2 would be great in the right hands. have you read Million Dollar Baby? I feel like that story did it really well! Also I know that @evanbi-ckley is working on a dom/sub story that I'm super excited for. I have ideas (as in, general concepts, nothing further), but nothing currently on my list of to-be-written. As it is, i already have Spare Parts and the Unnamed Helicopter Crash fic that both are waiting for me to finish one of my current projects so that they can slot in. #3 ... I know zero about sentinels and guides? Someone who does should jump on it though! Original concepts are fucking hard to come by (its why I try to avoid throwing my hat in on popular tropes until I have my own version!).
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Day 22: Telling (originally day 14!) no warnings. word count 673. Ao3
dawntrail spoilers!
“I had been at the palace for some time when Lamaty’i came to join us. Like me she had been cast aside by her parents,” Koana says, overlooking the great river, as Siberite watches the telling signs of worry leak through the armor she had watched him maintain since meeting him. The sway of his tail, the slightly wider eyes, and hands searching for something to do, all different from the scholar that only showed studious in varying degrees or the surprise when she joined him with no room for arguing on the matter. For a moment, this single moment, he was a person she could understand, a person that brings an ache in her chest as he continues. “I knew the pain of solitude and wanted to spare her that suffering. As this tiny child’s new brother, I swore: I would always be there for her.”
She looks down at the wooden pier, trying to stop the misting eyes, fingers tracing the recreation of a gifted palladium and siberite gem necklace. The two of them grew up in much different circumstances, and still for a moment she swears she can see the image of her own brother in his place. Can recall a similar sentiment she found in his journals just before she was born, and even stronger just before his death when he nearly completed preparation to make sure she would never be alone like he was growing up. That she would never want for a shoulder to cry on or someone to lend an ear to life’s questions and misgivings. A universal feeling among older siblings perhaps? 
Or maybe among those that stumble upon others that mirror the children they once were.
Her mind flashes back to her first meeting with a blonde hair, blue eyed teenager who didn’t have a name of her own yet, and feels the same sinking feeling watching as she stood there with a bowed head and folded hands as Thancred scolded her for running off which led to her capture and their current situation. Siberite could see the solitude she had grown up with and the emptiness one develops to hide any trace of yourself. Of expectations thrust upon you because of the death of another. Things Siberite knew all too well, things that made her seethe in the moment and swear that she would not let her suffer the way she did. She would fight tooth and nail to give her a life free of that suffering, to allow her to have the freedom of being young and making her own choices and mistakes that she never got to have. 
Just like her brother once did, if only briefly.
Looking back up at him, Siberite searches for something to say, something to keep the person behind the stoicism here. But all she can manage is, “I understand.”
He looks up at her surprised, clearing his throat to regain composure, “Then you see why I would do anything to rescue her.”
She nods, “You’re her older brother, and you saw yourself within her all those years ago. Wanting to protect them and make sure they have better is what we do.” Siberite stands next to him giving a light nudge with her shoulder, trying to keep the mask at bay, “And trust me, she knows she’s not alone, and because of you she never once felt like she was.”
He gives a curious tilt of his head, “You sound like you speak from experience.”
“I had an older brother who promised the same thing,” she says with a small smile, “In the brief time we were together I never felt alone, and even after he was gone he still made sure I was never going to be.”
“And who was it that you swore to spare from the pain you felt?”
“That….is a bit of a long story.”
“I see.”
“But one I will tell you while we get this boat fixed so we’re ready to go when Thancred gets back to us.”
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