#(i do consider myself a little bit of a Satanist ngl and this is very much why)
vampirecatprince · 6 months
I'm having feelings about Lucy in my gameverse and I just.... Ugh-
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Like, imagine you're young and dumb and the the second highest ranking celestial being in a Very, Very strict hierarchy. You love the one who created you like a father, but you're basically the equivalent of a roudy teenager with godlike powers and you're questioning the strictness and the harsh rules.
So, you have an equivalent of a rebellious teenage moment. You question your strict Father, along with friends you brought along for support, only for all of you to be immediately violently thrown away for daring to step out of line. You're replaced. Your friends, who were supporting you, are also damned- simply by association. So you violently lash out, instinctively trying to protect yourself and your friends and new family, because that all you know and all you've been taught. You've been nothing but a weapon since the day you were made, after all.
You were your father's right hand man, his trusted companion. His favorite.
How DARE he throw you away at the first sign of questioning him?
And then you discover what his punishment really is. You're a demiurge now, responsable for the souls that didn't obey his rules. You're given instructions to punish those who are just like you. Other creations of his that questioned his rules or fought against him.
And something in you just..... Breaks.
He... never actually loved you, did he? You were his favorite simply because you were the strongest and the most beautiful. He didn't love you. He was only proud how well he made you. You're pissed. You're angry. You're more than just good craftsmanship, you're a living fucking being. So you keep lashing out and hurting the souls sent to you in your anger.
And the centuries wear on and eventually all that anger and indignity just slowly..... Burns out. It does in all of the ones who were cast out with you. And you all look at what you've done and the little pocket world you've been given and decide, maybe all this constant hate and pain and punishment and torture isn't.... Good?
Why are we doing this? What do we even get from treating our human denizens like this? Why are we copying the behaviors of our abuser? Why are we still spreading this pain?
So you and your trusted second-in-command decide to try to fix things. And it's slow and it's not easy, but you slowly turn this first pit of despair into a place that those who made simple errors in life can at least rest... mostly peacefully. You still punish those who were truly heinous, but instead of marking them as 'permanently tainted' you make it a goal to rehabilitate them the best you can.
And the whole time you're turning your supposed punishment on its head, everyone is terrified that He's going to notice. Your Father is going to come swinging in and with the same violent furvor as before ruin all your hard work.
But it never comes.
And you realize.... No one's heard from Father in.... centuries.
And you realize with a sinking feeling in your gut- that maybe he just got bored and.... Left this whole project of his, with millions of living souls, on autopilot. And now... You're the most powerful one left. And you never wanted all this, but fuck. You're mad again, but not at yourself. Not at your situation. No, you're mad at him.
And then this knowledge, alongside new human innovations and weapons slowly trickling into the afterlife, triggers a civil war. Most of the people in charge, your friends, scatter or go into hiding or are killed and you lose so much. Again. But you refuse to become bitter again. Because, you still have a few old friends after all. So you rebuild again. Make new friends. Fall in love for the first time. You find a form that feels.... Comfortable for the first time. It's been less then a century since it all ended last and you almost feel.... Happy?
But- you're gonna do anything you can to prevent from becoming like your Father again.
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