#(i don't know where accents go in catalan sorry)
don't answer if you don't feel comfortable with it, but what are you studying?
it's not a problem at all!! i'm currently studying an ma in ancient religions at uwstd (online), and i've studied a degree that's only found in one university in the whole country, the uam (i think there's a similar program with a different name in the uab?) that basically combines ancient history, archaeology and classical philology. this is my second ma, as i did one in both the uam and the ucm (it was interuniversitary that's why) that was kinda the continuation of my degree but with a specialization in ancient history (basically after doing my degree you can specialize in one of the three basic areas and i decided to go with history). if all goes well, by march next year i'll start my phd in ancient studies at the ucm :)
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ellavaday · 2 years
this week's dose of sandra screaming into the void was a bit delayed bc my brain turned into literal mush this weekend (i blame the vids of carmen performing at dragcon and the migraine i've had since sunday evening) but we are here, with puppets and roasting the dres1 top 5
sethlas mirror message is a callback to the musical challenge and him singing about meat subs (🍆), but it doesn't actually say 'sandwich of terror/bocadillo de terror', keeping up with the dick euphemism, teror is a town in canarias known for their chorizo, so if you go there and ask for a bocadillo de teror (or teró in canarian accent) you get a sub made with chorizo from that town... It's also a meme bc this vid went viral; in a funny coincidence, or funny for me bc i'm easily amused, this year teror has decided to make the longest bocadillo de chorizo in the world for el día de canarias (announced a day before the episode went live)
juriji and marina saying in confessionals that they don't know where their relationship is going with each other is hilarious now after the twitter thing, welp, i guess we know how that one turned out
three cheers for venedita not keeping the blonde and not wanting to work ever again, what a mood
okay i wrote this one down when the migraine was at it's worst and now i'm doubting it but estrella says something about movies and i immediately thought of this jukebox musical of raffaella carrà songs in spanish called explota explota (i don't think she's referencing it, but it's the first thing i thought of... oh and i missed the reference to the 'rumore rumore' song last week but i am in no condition to edit much more than this today so i'm writing it here and moving on)
the next day they enter the workroom room talking about friends of la veneno (sandra la camellona, la tonisha, la valkiria and rocío de sevilla) which she talks about on a show about the dangers of back alley surgeries, here's a thread
the mama wolf has five little cubs is a lullaby (that reminds me once again how much i hate the idea of having children myself)
i did agree with the phone call thing in untucked coming off a bit arrogant... and that sethlas had a point, only a poorly expressed one bc it was untucked and emotions fly high (sorry juriji te quiero)
there's a tiny dif between what estrella says and the subs (and what juriji understands)... she did not say juriji was dramatic or arrogant, she was saying that juriji doing the dumb call thingie did not come off like she was trying to turn down the drama in the situation at hand, and instead came off as arrogant [also in the situation at hand], not that she was dramatic/arrogant in general
when supremme shows up in the rumail (supremme mail? mail de luxe?), marina quotes this song by raphael and estrella says ja ho tenim which they don't translate in the subs in spanish, for those of you unfamiliar with catalan, it means ya lo tenemos (not quite 'here we go' but def the same sentiment)
draguiñoles = drag + guiñoles (if you speak spanish and also wonder why spaniards call títeres/marionetas/puppets like that, bc i did, it comes from guignol)
porque a todo el mundo le gusta meter la mano ('cause everyone likes pulling their hands inside' in the subs) is a joke on the expression meter mano in spanish (to cop a feeling)
this is one of my favorite mini challenges jsgh my theory is that vene is funny but only when no one is looking, like the confessionals, or being a little bitch like violet or sagi but only when you don't expect it; juriji killed me with that recreation of vene's singing bc it was spot on; and ofc sharonne destroyed it imitating estrella
hello dres1 top 5💖... this is only tangentially related but after seeing dovima and ariel together in the official viewing party and talking about how everyone says they're identical, i rlly can't unsee it now
anabel alonso, the guest judge, is a well known actress, comedian and gay icon (like marina said she's amparo in almodovar's kika, she's also diana in 7 vidas and the voice of dory in the spanish dub of finding nemo... basically our cultural analogue to ellen degenres but with none of the controversy, thankfully)
idk if pupi called estrella venus bc she reminded her of the venus of willendorf but it was the first thing me and spanish twitter thought of and estrella agrees shejsh also likely a reference to venus xtravaganza, now my question is how did vene turn into marta when assigning people
when killer hugs juriji and says go get 'em and eat them all up, in spain the expression is comérselas con patatas (eat them with potatoes) hence why juriji adds 'and with mayo' which i love bc it feels extremely belgian of her (potatoes with mayo are not as common in spain as they are in european countries that are located a bit more up north... we do have patatas alioli tho)
the way i almost did believe sharonne was going to make marina go last 💀
venedita thank god you're pretty fbkhfdn when she and juriji are talking about juriji's grandma and how she met queen fabiola, it's fabiola de mora y aragon, the consort queen of belgium (the aunt of the current king there)... and belgium is definitely not in central europe
speaking of grandmothers, this is mostly an observation in first gen immigrant (and from the pov of someone that didn't actually have grandparents around while growing up) but the comment of vene loving her grandma too reminded me that now that i have friends with kids (that also don't have immediate family with them) i find rather interesting how reliant spain is of grandparents for childrearing? like sure there's daycare, it exists, but it's definitely not normal to just drop your kid at one of them and come pick them up by dinner every day of the week bc kids are usually minded by grandparents after school (or it seems to be the case of most of my friends), it's probably no more or less common than in the rest of southern europe (i have no clue), but it didn't even occur to me how would it be to not be raised on daycare and back to back club activities till my friends with kids here were starting to fret about how to align their own work schedule with their kid's bc many of them don't have immediate family to rely on
another random observation, this time in multilingual, i am fascinated by how juriji adapts expressions that aren't as common in spanish because they make sense in other languages she speaks (i don't even bother most of the time, you deal with spanglish when talking to me or you die), when she says 'going around like a headless chicken' it strikes me in spanish as something rather old-fashioned? it's definitely correct, just not something you'd hear often (i have never heard anyone say it in conversation at all neither here nor in latam)
the story about juriji coming out recently explains a lot to me bc when i was googling the queens i didn't know about when the mtq dropped i could find some things about her work as a musician and some interviews but literally all of them used her dead name and old pronouns (her stage name was still juriji tho)
mainstage time
when supremme is introducing the roast with 'it will burn some flesh' she actually says that when she smells a roast she gets goosebumps (literally what she says is that her skin opens up, which yes ofc it's innuendo)
when supremme welcomes anabel alonso, anabel answers with bienvenida perez which is the name of a spanish tv personality better known for being the ex-wife of anthony buck (a former tory member of the british parliament), cheating on him with peter harding, the ensuing scandal thus making harding resign, divorcing him too and then marrying a rich russian count (i have managed to avoid every single trash tv show she's ever been on so far but i have to admit i'm a little impressed)
supremme introduces the theme of the runway, spanish women, by saying 'women that have changed history, an in heels' in the subs but she actually says con dos ovario 'with two ovaries'; the expression con dos huevos/con los huevos bien puestos (with two balls/with the balls firmly in place) means to do something with bravery; the distaff counterpart of those expression change balls to ovaries
how pretty do all of the dres1 girls look here?
marina's roast
based on the puppet show i feared for marina (specially after being paired with dovima of all ppl) but oh my god? it was so good?? the rioplatense accent murdered me
the character the hada marina (marina's fairy) is a pun on hada madrina (fairy godmother)
for carmen: carmen flores, the sister of lola flores, was also a known flamenco singer and actress; carmen follala (fuckher) sounds really funny (i doubt that argentinian people use the word follar for fucking but said with the rioplatense accent it's definitely is a great pun for farala); i am probably losing the plot bc migraines are not supposed to last this long but misterios a resolver (mysteries yet to be solved) sounds like a reference to something but i just don't know what right now
the read to sagi about having a personality that 'stands out on the side of a milk cartoon missing' in the subs, in spanish is brilla por su ausencia (lit. shining for their absence) which normally in english would be translated as 'conspicuous by it's absence' (it would definitely fit marina to use a word like conspicuous bc whoever says tesitura anymore for situation? but idk how many people would find that funny enough for a roast)
stop i deadass sent killer a DM once saying she should run for presidency of the community of madrid back during her season bc it was also electoral season in madrid 🤣 (she did answer saying she would)
the thing about dovima being called la zorra del infierno is bc zorra (lit. fox) colloquially means slut/bitch
there's just one actual typo in the subs for her set when she's reading pupi, when it says 'what a shame, what a shame... two runways' it should say 'your runways', that one's also in the spanish sub for some reason
sharonne's roast
for a second i fully forgot anabel was there and i thought she was calling ana anabel from the horror movie
that read to dovima about not saying anything and letting twitter keep doing that for her, jfc that was 💀
for carmen naranja- i mean farala; she makes a reference to naranjito, the official mascot of the football cup of 1982 celebrated in spain; she calls her honorary daughter of valencia bc oranges are a typical product of that part of spain; tener caspa or ser casposo (lit. having dandruff) is how you call someone with rancid ideas and bad taste (we don't think carmen is rancid but her brand is old school spanish beauty and old school is a lot of what can be considered casposo in the hands of unpleasant ppl if anything, carmen is reclaiming it for the gays)
estrella's roast
i kind of didn't expect estrella to be this manic when she's nervous? she's manic for sure when it comes to comedy but it's really notorious on this episode; oh well... her character is estrellita 'ayquete' castro (estrellita [im going to] castrate [you]) and she's basically playing... off brand paquita salas (only andalusian) ((estrellita castro is also the name of a famous flamenco diva from the 30s))
she said on twitter they didn't show it but she had props for all of the girls, they just showed the glue gun for killer and pupi's mp3
guys did you know killer was a doctor?
for pupi she calls her pupi veneno (poison) bc it's close to poisson (fish in french and her actual name) which eh... those jokes are a bit trite tbh pupi is usually a good sport but even she's said online she is bored by the lack of originality and ppl constantly getting her name wrong; pupi's putón reggaetonero remix came out in january this year and i can only guess she told estrella bc this was filmed in december ((it's funny cause it's true tho .. there is a christmas version of putón verbenero)) and pupi's filmography as a guest is astronomical but as a contestant she's only done drag race, spain's got talent and who wants to marry my mom? (a spin off of who wants to marry my son)
for carmen patata- i mean farala, she mentions carmen de mairena, a trans singer and friend of la veneno
and then we have sagittaria diazepam (sagittaria valium bc diazepam is the name of an anxiety medication here) and dormida nurmi (drowsy nurmi bc, again, dovima is the living embodiment of go girl give us nothing)
venedita's roast
that joke about dovima liking things said to her the same way she likes semen: to her face is a direct quote from s1
salida is wordplay bc it can mean exit/departure but ser salido/a means to always think about sex
for dovima she calls her a lladró doll which is a brand of collectable figurines that are stupid expensive and usually found in the houses of grandmothers (onyx doll look was based on this)
pupi started doing drag bc she worked as a cast member in the amusement park of madrid playing the girl from the exorcist and someone that did drag saw her and introduced her to drag in the gay neighborhood of madrid (it's in her mtq vids)
she calls killer a catechist bc killer came from a deeply religious background and used to be a youth pastor and the joke on killer's goodness being easy to tell on her face is a read on how everyone kept talking about how unsettling her face looked in confessionals for s1 which 😬 vene ilu but that one is a tad cruel if you know what the mean gays were saying online about her back then
for carmen's true foundation, idk what is bethune of judea in english (i couldn't find a name for it) but it's a petroleum based tint used to make wood and ceramic look older/darker 💀 later when she says that her roast and juriji's were a la altura del betún de judea it's because a la altura del betún is an idiom for a humiliating situation
juriji's roast
chachi piruli, the expression juriji uses for having a good time is rather old fashioned and usually considered childish, like attempting to look cutesy on purpose (juriji playing dumb didn't work as well for her as it did with carmen last season on the roast... personally i don't love how much she tries to play dumb in challenges because she's shown she is actually much more intelligent than the brain dead bimbo brand she likes to portrait often)
runway time
juriji explained very well the 13 roses, half of them women from the socialist youth party that were assassinated by the franco government (half of them were also minors bc some were 18 and majority of age in spain back then was 21) in a purge his government did four months after they won the civil war called la saca de agosto, they were tortured and humiliated in an overcrowded jail known for inhumane conditions and were killed by firing squad behind a wall of the cemetery of la almudena in madrid; julio romero de torres was a spanish symbolist painter from la generación del 98; leticia sabater was indeed in the movie about the 13 roses, she is however better known bc she was a tv hostess in the 90s and she's now a reality tv personality with questionable music
MARINA🥰. when calvo says that's how he feels on the subway, tocada (touched), it's another joke on being felt up by people, and tocada y hundida is the name of a song by melendi (estar tocada can also mean to be sad/affected by something, that's the meaning of the song title)
i have no clue if this is actually what calvo is referring to but exclusiva is indeed a book, from 2012 (a fictional story whose main character is a journalist); the women estrella mentions, luisa carnes and carmen de burgos were both journalist and writers from the 20s and 30s that history has left forgotten; anabel quotes isabel pantoja, a popular singer, that came out of her house once when the paparazzi were waiting for her like vultures to fight them screaming no me vais a grabar más (you won't film me anymore!) ((she even destroyed a camera, honestly iconic, the way la pantoja is still harassed by the media here i can only compare to the way the early 00s treated britney, so the fact that she was ready to break some knees makes me v happy))
i have nothing for sharonne that was v straight forward
i have no clue what supremme and anabel are quoting with ella es el lienzo sobre el que escribe su historia, only that it has to be a quote the way they deliver it but ole for venedita bc women that worked in art are one of my favorite subjects (hers in particular was based on the surrealist painters maruja mallo and remedios varo, not her best recreation but just the fact that it's inspired on them is great for me)
i was talking about this w @myhusbandharryhamilton but knowing almost all of the concepts of the eliminated queens for this runway, i am legitimately furious this runway theme was not set earlier on; idk marisa's nor samantha's looks for this one (yet) but for the rest of the girls: ariel's was inspired by cleaning ladies (her mom was one and she's extremely proud of her, she also remembers very bitterly how many got sick for being deemed essential workers during the pandemic but not essential enough when vaccination started); jota hasn't published a picture but you can see her homage to gitana women in the whatcha packing with ana locking with the 16-spoke red dharmachakra and the colors of the romani people flag; like venedita, onyx theme is women in art but this time not painting, her concept was of three female artists in specific she worked with and are in 3d art, design and photography (and ofc it looks fucking stunning and i'm still mourning her not being in the show); diamante's look was a homage to migrant women (yes that hit me where i live thank you very much) and last but definitely not least, sethlas look was a homage to women that have been victims of domestic abuse and gender violence
that bottom two is the most heartbreaking one for me yet and i wish i could sue a3m for emotional distress but congratulations to marina who fucking killed it this ep
i know i keep repeating this but whoever timetabled this season has my entire heart, they've made references to mothers on mother's day, sant jordi for day of the roses, had the eurovision guest judge + raffaella runway the week before eurovision and, to quote @janeyjacke fuego by eleni as a lipsync song on eurovision weekend? poetic
and that's it, if you made it this far ole tu and thank you, i'm going to get another paracetamol and to watch derry girls 💖
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