#(i never have jensen and bryce do it but also thats bc its them and i am boring and live for the restrictions of canon. so.)
mydemonsdrivealimo · 8 months
okay so i see this all the time from Literally everyone (no hate, that's what fanfic is for) but is it like,, normal and appropriate and acceptable for doctors to be fully hugging and sharing little kisses At Work? like i agree it Is cute when one comes up behind the other in a hug, especially if they really need it, but like i don't think that happens normally? isn't that like,, not okay?? like workplace relationships are already touchy as it is and in a Hospital of all places i feel like that'd be a huge no but also i am a little biased (aroace) so maybe i am just wrong
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 6 months
5. What do you wish more people knew about autism?
10. What are your most common stims?
11. If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would it be?
36. Do you have routines that you have to follow? What's in your routine?
49. What's something you find hard to do because of autism?
thanks for the ask!!
5. What do you wish more people knew about autism?
jensen wishes more people understood that autism does not equal incompetent. like the infantilization around autism is so horrible and especially as someone who was diagnosed much later than most, he absolutely saw the difference in how people treated him. there were def coworkers (MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS MIND YOU) that suddenly acted like he needed things done for him when like. he doesnt. hes still the same person and can do as much as he did before but suddenly people are acting like he needs his hand held the whole way and, in his case, he does not. yes there are other types of support that are helpful, but assuming he can't do things is not
10. What are your most common stims?
jensen is the worst leg bouncer you will ever meet. he also rocks back and forth a lot, more at home though, and he has some little spinning rings he plays with. but the leg bouncing is the most constant one. i say "worst" bc, while the leg bouncing itself is whatever, hes really aggressive ab it?? like if hes passenger while bryce is driving literally the entire car will shake. in the spinny chairs at work he will have to keep pulling himself back to the table bc he just slowly pushes it away w how hard he is bouncing his leg
besides that though this is also one where his ocd can come into the mix. like some of his stims go with/are his compulsions so its not always the best esp when he does a stim w one hand/leg, so then he has to do it w the other
11. If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would it be?
to stop trying to please people. jensen was never really a people pleaser, per se, but there were certain people he tried to do the most for that would never appreciate or accept it (namely his mom). its part of the reason why he masks so much and more importantly so well bc he tried to take any "weird" or "annoying" part of him and get rid of it so as not to be a burden
36. Do you have routines that you have to follow? What's in your routine?
jensen is a very intense scheduler bc he knows if he doesnt do it nothing will get done. there are a lot of little routines he follows but those are also ocd related, so its hard to say where the line is. but generally he keeps a consistent schedule and likes to have things planned bc it keeps him on top of everything he has to do. when he gets behind it can be rough bc he'll just kinda stop doing Everything
49. What's something you find hard to do because of autism?
jensen can definitely have struggles w certain patients. he is not the most social person, but i think canon mc having a love for hearing peoples' stories is something jensen still reflects. while he is not the best conversationalist, he is the best listener (thats why he and bryce work so well honestly). he loves listening to people talk ab their experiences, but when it comes to back and forth conversation, thats where he struggles. eye contact is a huge one for him bc it is just the most uncomfortable thing in the whole world and trying to find the right response to everything is not the easiest for him. to most peoples' surprise, he actually loves the chatty patients bc, not only can he diagnose them quicker, but its just 1000 times easier for him
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 9 months
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
12. Does/did your oc ever wish they could change the way they are? Why? If it's in the past, how did they get over the feeling? (this can be about internalized homo/transphobia)
For both Jensen and Bryce... And could I also ask for Cy, too? 👀 If so, maybe a quick 1 and 2 for them as well.
ty for the ask!! i think ill actually answer for cyrus in a different post bc id like to finish up their profile first :)
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
jensen honestly didnt know for a long time. he was aware there was something "off" like he didnt really feel the same way his peers felt, but also he didnt really have the means or time to care or "discover" it? he likes who he likes, and thats about as complex as it went for him. once he was in college he really accepted and realized that he was into other people the same way he was "supposed" to be into girls, so he started actually experimenting more. as for being aspec, i think he figured that out later in med school. he was relatively isolated as far as friendships and relationships went, so he really got to explore that and how it related to him. gender has always been a weird thing for him, and he still doesnt quite know where he stands on it
bryce has always known. hes been kissing boys forever, and there were no fucks given from him. even if his parents discouraged him it never really stopped him, and he still had plenty of boyfriends and other partners through high school, undergrad, and med school. he didnt find out/realize that he was demiro until he was w jensen though. jensen was the first relationship he had where he actually felt,, right? and once he talked to jensen about it, he helped him to find a label that he felt fit (in this fic)
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
jensen can see their purpose but doesnt like them for himself, and bryce likes them but also gets not wanting to use them. jensen will always use "queer" because its easier for him than trying to explain every nuance of his sexuality and gender, and he feels really confined by lables. bryce on the other hand really likes having ways to describe what he is/what feels best for him, and it makes him happy to have a collective sense of belonging/understanding with others who use the same label
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
bryce and jensen are both very open with their identities, though jensen (as per usual) tends to be more reserved about it. theyre both blunt in terms of telling people, and bryce tends to be quicker to share, but jensen usually waits until its relevant. bryce prefers to be blunt about it bc he likes to weed out the people who will be asses, but also it just wouldn't feel right to him to build a relationship where he felt that he couldnt be open about it. he would never want to trap himself in a friendship or any relationship where he had to hide that part of himself. for jensen, hes just not really the type to share anything about himself often. hes the type of person where he will know everything about you, but you know nothing about him, and this definitely applies to that. its just more how he is than anything to do w his identity
12. Does/did your oc ever wish they could change the way they are? Why? If it's in the past, how did they get over the feeling? (this can be about internalized homo/transphobia)
no, not really. bryce and jensen have always been relatively comfortable with who they are, and, even if there were people that thought otherwise, they still knew they were in the right for it. like bryce didnt grow up w accepting parents, jensens mom never talked about stuff like that, but there were so many other issues going on that it wasn't super significant for either of them (bryce a little, but jensen just never worried about it). once they were away from their home environments they were both able to explore more of themselves, and they never really wanted to change any of it
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 8 months
ty!! answering for jensen <3
🎱 8 Ball- What situation was your OC lucky to escape from or get out of? What or who helped them unexpectedly?
i mean,, the maitotoxin attack? that ones obvi though. i think a more important one would be getting out of his mother's care when he was younger. while it wasnt a pretty process, his future wouldve been significantly different if he didn't (would not have been a doctor, would not have pursued higher education, etc etc). there were a few people that "helped" him, but mainly his first boss, mark. he was the one who got him a lawyer and pushed for him to be put into a better situation, not a worse one
🪩 Disco Ball- What was an achievement that your OC felt worthy of celebrating? Was it a personal victory or a big impact on everyone around them?
i think jensen really tries to celebrate the little wins. not with a big celebration, but just being happy and grateful that he was able to get it done (in the past school stuff, but in the present making fast diagnosis, etc etc.). hes never really let himself have a big celebration though bc he sorta just,, goes through the motions. like yay we got this case anyway onto the next. in the future when they finally settle in their place in chicago and he is successfully leading that diagnostics team, he has more of a realization of how far he's come. he was in kind of a rut, just not feeling on top of his game yk, and she had him do like a 5, 10, 15, 20 year thing where he reflected on where he was then and where he is now. it helped him to see how far he's come, and he let himself celebrate all those wins. he and bryce went out for dinner and drinks and it was just nice to be able to appreciate all that has changed/happened
⚽️ Soccer Ball- Who is someone that your OC believes in and roots for? Are they private about their admiration or do they make it well known?
okay this is obvious but hear me out: bryce. bryce is Constantly given shit for being a surgeon. he is literally the best of his year and his skills are absolutely insane, but he is constantly reduced to a joke amongst the friend group. jensen knows it doesnt really get to bryce that bad, nor does anyone mean it in a hurtful way, but it also means a lot of his wins are not that significant or celebrated. jensen is always the one he comes to before or after a surgery (has been before they were officially together) because sure bryce likes to brag a little, but jensen is so sincere in congratulating him, or giving him advice, or just listening to him talk about how excited he is for it. he is always bryces biggest cheerleader on that stuff, even if its in a quiet and private way. hes never overly excited or loud about it, thats just not how he is, but he will always be the one to pay attention to it and root for him
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