#(i will say i ship them platonically but i think ppl won't mind this being in the tags)
for the @chrumblr-whumblr Whump May challenge...
Day 5: "Forced To Obey" is done! (once again late SIGHH)
Fandom: Les Misérables
Whumpee: Enjolras (with unwilling whumper Grantaire)
Rating: Teen and up
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
“If you wish for the both of you to make it out alive… you will obey. Or else, he will die.”
Grantaire and Enjolras are kidnapped, and Grantaire is forced to hurt his leader and friend.
FINALLY FINISHED EDITING THIS!!! HOPE U GUYS ENJOY!!! (I hope y'all understand that forehead touching is my kriffing weakness).
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dnpbeats · 30 days
hiii I'm new here and I just cannot believe these guys?? Are these the ones whose relationship was such a "mystery" what haha they literally foreplay on live. I get feral over them being so cute and flirty but I can't imagine the level of shock some of the people longer in the fandom feel? Weren't they always like this I can't imagine not. I mean I recently saw a video here of them doing a live back in the day and phil says they won't get up to more gaming thaf day and dan's going all blushy and flustered. Is this the mystery???
anon firstly welcome <3 secondly.... LOL okay like. yes people have always known they’re together but there were many years where d&p tried to downplay their relationship or at times even outright went against ppl shipping them. I'm assuming you're talking about the livestream they did while on tour. so that was 2018. While this was around the time that d&p started to be more open with how they interacted with each other, keep in mind this was still a year before either of them even came out (though dan started being more open w/ his sexuality around 2016). Before that, it was like Platonic Bros over in danandphil land. In 2012/2013 dan would actively fight with shippers and tell everyone they were idiots for thinking him and phil were together 😭 but it was more than that, they also downplayed a lot of aspects of their relationship. phil went so far as to make up a lie that they met through a mutual friend, they would talk about needing gfs/why they didn’t have them. as far as im aware the first active denial of their relationship was in 2011
to give you more of a sense of what it was like: in 2015, on Oct 19th they were doing a liveshow and acknowledged that it was their “friendiversary” which was like groundbreaking (despite the fact that they were calling each other friends) bc I don’t think they’d ever acknowledged Oct 19th before. When dan made the shipping joke in his diss track everyone lost their minds because, again, before that they either didn’t acknowledge shipping or actively went against it
like. I was in the phandom 2014-2017 and I left for a while. what convinced me to come back? d&p reacting to all the pinofs and phil making “they’re touching” jokes 😭 like honestly. bc when I was first in the phandom, d&p reacting to all the pinofs wasn’t something they really seemed keen to do (see them reacting to pinof 1 in pinof 10 and gtpwtw). but also, poking fun at both shippers and themselves by mocking how ppl used to freak out over them touching isn’t something they would’ve done. phil making that joke is what made me go “oh shit it’s different now.” different bc d&p now acknowledge shipping in a teasing/friendly way (rather than an antagonistic way), and different bc the phandom is also able to look back and go “yeah we were kinda unhinged in 2015” yk?
tldr: them being together was never a mystery but yes, as someone who has been in the phandom a long time, it is still shocking sometimes to see them openly flirting
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angy-grrr · 24 days
I am still sad that we didnt get a hand hold. Izuku literally had hand holding moments with every character on the show. He even was allowed to have moments with Rody Soul in the movie. While we cannot get even a single hand hold between Izuku and Bakugo.
Yeah I feel you; while characters having challenges and not achieving what they wished for is pretty normal in storytelling, this isn't the case with bkdk's handhold. In the last chapter the author wanted us to know that Katsuki is able to extend his hand towards Izuku, even if he doesn't have to as he isn't sad or in need of saving, calling him by his hero name an a typical expression on his face.
It just highlights it, doesn't it? I think many of us were pretty sure we would get a handhold explicitly because of him holding hands with others without it being romantic; it could represent them as a hero duo, the ones who will take All Might's lessons and continue his work, but also them becoming true friends who are in good terms, acceptance of their weaknesses and the other's strengths.
Anyone who doesn't ship them would be perfectly okay with it, probably many would really enjoy a friendship moment like that, so none of that can be a reason why they can't hold hands.
And yet, we get it implied in such a strange way. Personally I prefer to interpret it as "yeah, we could show you a handhold between two male characters because the protagonist already has held hands with his friends in a platonic way. But we won't show you a platonic handhold".
Also, I know this has nothing to do with this -it kinda does in my mind tho) but: apparently some ppl back when Katsuki died in the manga, were making these "predictions" posts, some joking and some a little more seriously, about Izuku going into his grave with Ochako and their baby, named after him.
In one, someone wrote Deku could say that Katsuki was his hero, and that phrase was chosen because they understand he is extremely important to his character, and see it as a platonic thing to say. But then when he says it to Ochako "everyone" understands it as romantic, just like the handhold, even when there's nothing implying it truly.
I think I got reminded of this because of the comparison; with them we get more openness in the story -he is able to say her hair fits her, that she isn't weird, that she always hides herself to not bother others, that she's his hero, and hold her hand. With this I'm not referring to the characters themselves but the narration -we are able to see this, but not that. We can see Izuku holding Ochako's hand, Ochako holding his, and Iida holding his too twice (when he's trying to reach out to him and when he is guiding him into UA), but not Katsuki.
Why can't we see that one?
Why would he offer his hand in the first place, when Izuku isn't hiding away nor lost?
Why would this one be any different?
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hugduckhesgay · 2 years
About Fluffybird, what do you think about the ship? What is your opinion and analysis about the relationships between the two?
righto heheh let's crack into these chuddy Ds--
tldr; fluffybird is the purest ship and it would be great if it became explicitly canon
first of all, I think the creators shipped fluffybird before they saw all the fanart! Duck and Red Guy's interactions even in the webseries have sweetness, and can be perceived as a suggestion of romance. Though these interactions could be platonic as well, the possibility of romance is there, and that's all any slow-burn romantic storyline starts as. maybe one day i'll list those telling moments, but that's a lot of work. lol. Back to the creator's shipping, idk, that's just speculation, but I think they easily had a fondness for red guy and duck's brand of affection for each other.
There are random moments that are just so shippy. I think these have all been pointed out by other ppl. Duck painting Red Guy as Red Guy stands like that?
Tumblr media
c'mon. The fact that they both want to be the dads? why put that idea in our heads? When red guy says his fav color is medium brown and duck's eyes are MEDIUM BROWN? I like to think that everything the creators have chosen to do is intentional and serves some kind of purpose other than comedic value... could be wrong there, but it's what I'd like to think. oftentimes the jokes have meaning behind them after all.
As for their dynamic, it is really interesting and nuanced! I don't rly see any hate between them, tho there ain't nothin wrong with liking the "divorced" dynamic. what I think is that they are made unaware of the feelings they have for each other. The 3 are constantly in a state of disorientation. I've seen people say that the fridge scene is one of the only times they get close to voicing their genuine thoughts and feelings without being controlled in some way, and I agree. however, when it comes down to it, duck displays great attachment to red guy, always looking at him for protection or initiative, wanting to be a family with him, etc. for red guy, well, we all saw what happened when duck died. he lost his damn mind, and he didn't expect to. it's like, as I said, he has feelings for duck that he isn't conscious of.
i have a bad silly theory that duck and red guy were in love and together before they became puppets or something lol. i dunno, it's possible for all we know.
now i want to address the arguments against having red guy and duck having a canon romantic relationship ((and it seems like very few people seem to have arguments! this fandom is fluffybird all over<3). it sucks, but i feel like most of these arguments are charged with homophobia or just romance shaming. romance is already present in the show, and it's all been cishet (superficially. B nice if chars came out as trans canonically? Lol). Yellow and Speshul One, Yellow and Clair. Regardless of context, romance is already present, and why does no one get upset about it? Because it's cishet, i'd argue. no one even notices it. now these are obviously satirical presentations which i thank god for, but it's still there.
we also already have tender moments between the three main guys. people might argue that 'why can't two guys just be friends?!?!' yeah, they can, and they are across 99% of media. is 99% of portrayals not enough? there is so little lgbtqia+ content that this argument is just ridiculous.
there's the argument that romance would 'ruin' the show somehow. sounds like an internalized problem to me tbh. adding romance wouldn't detract from the existing elements of friendship; it would embellish that, presenting a unique relationship that does not conform to the restrictive standards of society. (this would not be the case for a cishet romance, though I won't go into that.)
if people have a problem with fluffybird, I think they really gotta ask themselves why, really question where those feelings of discomfort are coming from. it's not like i'm asking for a nsfw scene. i think red guy and duck would have a romantic love language that is completely unique, like their confession to each other in the fridge scene. The way this show subverts tropes and makes things so weird, it would be so cool to see how it handles a genuine romance. I imagine it would be cuddly and lots of sweet words to each other, like what they do now but more explicit in that it is romantic love.
Anyway fluffybird is the purest ship I ever
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