#(idk i never know what constitutes a ficlet or not)
omniscientoranges · 4 years
It's just like, you have an angel sitting in the backseat of your big black muscle car. You're playing led zeppelin on the radio. He knows all the words to the song because you taught him all the words to the song. He's wearing a trench coat and the body of a suburban dad from Illinois. Your brother is asleep in the passenger's seat, but the angel doesn't sleep unless something is really wrong, and if something were really wrong you probably wouldn't be thinking about the fact that you have an angel of the lord (is he even of the lord anymore, or is he of you?) in the backseat of your big black muscle car listening to led zeppelin, and not for the first time you realize how absurd that is. This thing, this holy, divine, ancient thing, is leaning his head against your car window watching the mile markers pass by and tapping his fingers to a cassette tape you made when you were 19 and not yet so burdened by the weight of the world (though that isn't to say you weren't burdened, just not by as much as you are now). You stare at his profile in the rearview mirror instead of staring at the open miles of two lane highway in front of you. He's not the closest you've ever gotten to divinity, but he's the closest you've ever gotten to normal.
That's the core of the absurdity, finding normalcy in an angel. Finding habit in the way he brings you coffee every morning as soon as you wake up. Finding comfort in his hand on your shoulder. Finding fondness in his smile when you make a bad joke. Finding irritation in the roll of his eyes when you're both too stubborn for your own good. It's normal, it's familiar, and if you would've told yourself 15 years ago that an angel would worm his way so deeply into your heart that there are times you can't tell the difference between the two - past-you probably would've told now-you to fuck off.
He meets your eye in the mirror finally, you're surprised it took him this long since it feels like you've been staring for hours (that's normal too, the staring. At first you thought it was an angel thing, but eventually you realized it was just a him thing, and then it became a you and him thing, and then it just stuck). He half smiles at you and your heart catches in your chest. But it doesn't catch because an angel is smiling at you, it catches because he is. Because at a certain point you stopped thinking there's an angel sitting in the backseat of my big black muscle car and started thinking the love of my life is sitting in the backseat of my big black muscle car. You turn up the led zeppelin, and smile back.
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