#(its on may 5 btw if ur curious)
ventusmongus · 2 months
AAAA !! is gonn be my birthday on next sunday !! im gonna be a fucking grandpa wooooo !!!
i have a neat little self birthday drawing thing i wanna do so !!! im excited !
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skyburger · 3 months
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insane how well this kinlist i made for myself holds up just shy of a year later. normally if i find an old kinlist-type image i made thats even a couple months old it feels insanely outdated but like this one... yeah thats still pretty much me i think. i can only think of a couple characters id add now...
list of characters on this image under the cut btw. in case u were curious. but to be honest this is mostly for my own sake i just really love making LISTS
liquid snake (metal gear solid)
silver (pokémon)
kazuma asougi (dai gyakuten saiban)
nero (devil may cry)
jean descole (professor layton)
rena ryuugu (higurashi no naku koro ni)
susie (deltarune)
maki sonomura (megami ibunroku persona)
kotone shiomi (persona 3)
tatsuya sudou (persona 2)
frye onaga (splatoon)
naoto shirogane (persona 4)
charlie emily (five nights at freddy's)
cassette girl (friday night funkin' concept art? i think?)
michael afton (five nights at freddy's)
ryo asuka (devilman)
sans (undertale)
lolbit (five nights at freddy's)
dimentio (super paper mario)
rin okumura (blue exorcist)
futaba sakura (persona 5)
goro akechi (persona 5)
tatsuya suou (persona 2)
maya fey (ace attorney)
trucy wright (ace attorney)
gf (friday night funkin')
scout (team fortress 2)
ena (ena)
lucy (elfen lied)
fave picks among these are the ones where i dont even know much about their personality i just think their design fucks severely and thats Me. ryo asuka is the biggest example of this on here ive seen like one devilman ova and it was awesome and then i never got into devilman anymore for some reason. its up to you to figure out the other kins i dont actually know that much about though... good luck. most of these are series i havent finished in the years since i started them i know im a fake fan... but thats part of the fun babyyyyy dale! live ur life
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kirinonyanmaru · 6 years
list 10 reasons why u love kirino so muchbecause I'm legit curious of ur love of soccer patrick
1. He pretty
2. He’s so nice
3. I love his voice, great singer
4. Great UNIQUE character design for a male character, and easy for me to draw THE COLOUR SCHEME BLUE AND PINK AAAAA
6. He’s intelligent
7. I identify with his insecurities to HELL AND BACK. Jealous of your best friend out-performing you? IS THIS ME??
8. He’s pink
9. He’s very shippable (you: every IE character ever)
And the essay is under the cut (this isn’t finished btw it’s only just begun)
Okay, let me sit you down and tell you why Kirino Ranmaru is my boy.
I know Inazuma Eleven has that REPUTATION for its rampant VIEWER GENDER CONFUSION and Kirino is probably the guiltiest party of all. Just how many other boys can you name who wear their hair in long pink twin-tails? The answer is one other: Arikawa Hime, who is incidentally based on Kirino. That’s right, my boy INSPIRATION. Kirino is Kinoshita Hideyoshi-level pretty boy, and it’s interesting to note that BOTH characters frequently topped popularity polls during the reign of their respective animes.
Kirino’s entire character design was literally based with beauty in mind ‘a boy more beautiful than any girl, but still resolutely a boy’. That shit is popular with girls and remind me why girls watch Inazuma Eleven again? Kirino needs an Ares redesign so he can blow his Touken Ranbu competition right out of the ranking.
Kobayashi Yuu, the queen behind this boy’s voice, is clearly just as invested in the character as his fans. She gushes over his attractive qualities and friendship with Shindou, and what’s more infectious than a fan’s love for their favorite character?
BUT WAIT! Kirino is more than just his pretty face. He is the KEYSTONE of Raimon’s defense, despite still only being a second year. Who is the member of the defence who gives the commands? Who makes the judgement calls and acts according to the situation? Last time I checked, Kiri is most likely to rally his troops. And if you’ve ever played with Kirino in the games, you know he’s not letting any shots get past him easily.
A satellite character to Shindou, you say? PERHAPS. But let me ask you this - have you ever felt like you’re trapped in the shadow of your friend who always manages to surpass you? Have you ever dealt with a classmate or coworker who seems to be intentionally agitating you, but there’s no one you can confide in for help? Kirino has. There may only have been a few Kirino-centered episodes, but in those episodes he dealt with realistic personal dramas. His character song elaborates on his feelings at those times. He knows he’s not perfect - he’s jealous and insecure. He accepts that as part of himself, and tries to grow as a person.
Is his friendship with Shindou perfect? Perhaps not. They’re, like, fourteen. It takes Shindou going into space for Kirino to truly escape from his shadow and be crowned Captain of Raimon, a position he’s more than able to handle.
He’s smart as hell - Hino himself confirmed that. He may be a bit forgetful sometimes, like forgetting to write down his math homework or whatever, but he’s in the same class as Shindou - ie, the top class, if they’re divided by grades. He likes reading, and he has impressive knowledge of European history - well, French history.
Did I mention what an honestly charming and lovely person he is??? Who helps Hikaru learn how to dribble correctly? Who’s quick to forgive Kariya after all the trouble that little brat caused? He’s always there in the background supporting the other members of the team.
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minholly-genius · 6 years
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Talking to a stranger;
Stranger: Hey :)
Stranger: What are you up to?
You: nothin much
You: I'm on a smoke break
Stranger: I’m laying in bed haha
Stranger: I take it you’re at work?
You: yesss
You: I work at a pool
You: but it's winter
You: so nobody wants to swimmmmm
Stranger: Hmmmm
Stranger: Free time I guess
Stranger: I wish you were here to cuddle tbh
Stranger: :D
Stranger: That makes me so happy to hear haha
You: r u in a relationship?
You: atm?
Stranger: No
You: awew
Stranger: You?
You: no
You: :(
Stranger: Hmm
Stranger: I know how you feel
You: if you were I'd still cuddle the fuck out of both of you tho
Stranger: :)
Stranger: May I ask what you look like?
Stranger: Just curious
You: I'm blonde
You: typical Aussie girl
You: brown hair
You: i mean eyes
Stranger: You sound cute and pretty
Stranger: I’m white, 6ft, black hair, brown eyes, avg body
You: 6ft?
You: I'm 182 cm
You: Idk how tall that is in feet
Stranger: I think that’s about the same as me haha
You: LOL
You: cool
Stranger: I agree
You: you sound just about a perfect cuddle
Stranger: You too :3
Stranger: There’s room in my bed for you
You: awww
You: ur too cute
Stranger: I try hehe
You: <3
Stranger: Awwww
You: fyi i'm smiling uncontrollably at my phone rn
Stranger: Really?
Stranger: Too cute
Stranger: Just curious are you on kik?
You: no sorrrrryyyyy
Stranger: It’s okay
You: everyone here seems to want social media
Stranger: I was just asking
You: but I deleted them all a the start of last year
You: becos I got into med school
Stranger: I can respect that tbh
You: but at times like this its boring as fuck
Stranger: Med school or social media
Stranger: Or both lol
You: it is painnnn
Stranger: Ah man
You: are u in school?
Stranger: No graduated
You: university
You: ?
Stranger: Yep
You: wut for?
Stranger: Media production
Stranger: I really wish we were cuddling rn
Stranger: We’d have our arms around each other
Stranger: Legs intertwined
Stranger: Just really happy
You: yessss
Stranger: :)
Stranger: I’m glad you like it too
Stranger: What’s your preferred cuddling outfit?
You: tights
You: and a huge-ass shirt
Stranger: Nice
You: sorry If I pause sometimes,
Stranger: It’s fine I understand you’re at work
Stranger: For me it’s boxers and a t shirt
You: we do get some old ladies interested in water aerobics even to it's winter
You: holy shit forget the tights same.
Stranger: Hahaha nice!
You: I keep forgetting it's like, summer over there
Stranger: Yea even forgoe the shirt sometimes haha
You: I'm freezing
Stranger: Awww
Stranger: Would you like getting your back petted while cuddling?
You: yas
Stranger: Good
Stranger: I’d absolutely do that
You: can you drive yet?
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: I’m 24!
Stranger: The legal age for that is 16 here hahaha
You: same in Australia
You: but I just never got around to it
Stranger: Interesting
Stranger: Anything else you’d like to do while cuddling?
You: hair petting
You: smooches
You: wait no. just petting
You: like everywhere
You: like my legs
Stranger: I can absolutely pet everywhere
You: and my sides
You: and yeah
You: and belly rubs
Stranger: I’m not as familiar with where “yeah” is on the body haha
You: whenever I get too lonely and bored I try to look up videos of this kind of shit
You: but it almost always ends in
You: 1. sex
You: 2. clickbait youtube thing
You: 3. something ive already seen
You: 4. belly rub fetish people
You: 5. furries
You: ;(
Stranger: Well sadly only one of those is good from what I can tell haha
You: i just wanna be hugged goddamit
Stranger: Awwwwwww
You: which one??????
Stranger: Furries
Stranger: LOL JK
You: Yiff yiff
Stranger: #1
You: ....is this a bad time to mention how I'm asexual
Stranger: I guess not
Stranger: Just have no sexual feelings?
You: sorry lol.
You: yeah.
You: well
You: I don't mind, as long as I get cuddles after
Stranger: I mean, I’d only do it with cuddles before and after
Stranger: That’s what makes it special
You: I don't usually and I end up just feeling kind of used
You: awe
You: wot. a. sweetie. pie
Stranger: :3
You: glad to kno u likey
Stranger: Haha thanks
You: anything u like in particular when cuddling
Stranger: Playing with hair
You: really?
Stranger: Little kisses
Stranger: Yea
You: aww
You: my xbf used to complain abt my hair being in his face all the time
Stranger: I can see how that could be annoying but I may not mind as much
Stranger: Idk for sure tho
You: that's so cute
You: holy shit
You: ur so cute
You: wtf
Stranger: Idk haha
You: I like little kisses
You: I'm down for that
You: I mean..I would be down for that..
Stranger: Little kisses everywhere?
You: yessss
Stranger: Neck?
You: yas m*
Stranger: Chest?
You: sure.
Stranger: Arms?
You: totally
Stranger: Belly?
You: yep. alright. ok. fine. yup. im down for it
You: *although i'd probably bite you If I got too ticklish
Stranger: Hmmmm
You: ...lovingly.
You: and kiss it better.
Stranger: Awwwww haha
Stranger: What about little kisses on your legs?
You: yess
You: If I protest too much please ignore me
You: *please force me into it so I have a good excuse
You: I'm one of those kinds of people
Stranger: Hmmm can do
You: yeah.
Stranger: I should warn you you may have to tell me to stop getting too close to certain areas
You: no sweat.
You: my body is your temple
You: do whatever. just give me sum loooooooveeee
Stranger: Oh?
You: i dont rlly care
You: as long as ur having a good time
You: and being safe ;)
Stranger: So what would happen if I were kissing your inner thighs and I got close to between your legs?
You: I don't mind
You: probably get ticklish but not disgusted or horny
You: I suppose it's just sort of like you kissing my arm I guess
You: but I reckon you'd like it a lot amirite?
Stranger: I think so.
Stranger: Especially if you weren’t wearing anything down there
You: :)
You: happy to know you're happy sweetie
Stranger: Thank you
Stranger: :)
You: well...happy ;) ;)
Stranger: Hehe ;)
You: r u gettin hot?
Stranger: A bit tbh
Stranger: I’m sorry if this is more than you bargained for
You: i'm fine
You: I'm happy if you're getting excited
You: and if we did ever cuddle, i'd totally let you grind on me ;)
Stranger: That helps a lot :)
You: ;)
You: you're in be right?
Stranger: Just know I’d be kissing your neck as I do it
You: yess
Stranger: What was your question?
You: are you gonna do anything about it now?
You: because you're in bed and...
Stranger: .... yea ;)
You: hott
Stranger: You’d be naked as I grind on you, right?
You: yess.
Stranger: Good
You: if you were really nice
You: and promised me Heaps Of Cuddles After (tm)
You: I'd go down on you
You: and swallow
Stranger: Omg
You: out of love ;)
You: pls don't dop ur phone/laptop on ur face
Stranger: You could sleep on top of me the whole night
You: yas.
Stranger: My arms around you
You: I'm down
You: sign me up
Stranger: Yesss
You: are you grinding or using ur hands atm?
Stranger: Hands
You: left?
Stranger: Right
Stranger: I’m close btw
You: ur typing with ur left?
Stranger: Yea
You: I'm a leftie too!
Stranger: On phone
You: wait go back.
Stranger: Rifht is actually dominatant hand
You: I'd be cuddling you right
You: my back to you
You: and then....you started grinding on me
You: and then I wriggled around so I was facing you
Stranger: I’d actually be kissing you first
You: yesss
You: just imagine my hands joining yours
You: on the dick
You: fyi my hands are pretty big
You: wait, no they'd be the same size because we're the same height
Stranger: I’d love it
You: and if you were breathing too hard to kiss
You: I'd totally kiss your neck...
You: or whatever I could reach
You: you you could feel the loooovvveee
You: <3
Sweetheart: Yes :3
You: you still going m8?
Sweetheart: I actually came tbh
Sweetheart: Thank you <3
You: awwwww what a cutie
You: happy to help
You: you feeling sleepy?
Sweetheart: Mhmmm
You: sleepy cuddles are the best.
Stranger: Get in my arms
You: I wish i couldddd
You: :)
Sweetheart: Awwww
You: so....what are planning to do now?
Sweetheart: Sleep hehe
You: alrighty
Sweetheart: With you cuddled up to me
You: I'm sending my one-of-a-kind, exclusive, Tiffany cuddles from across the pacific ocean.
Sweetheart: So sweet of you :3
You: It's the og shit. free shipping
You: :)
You: sweet dreams
Sweetheart: thanks
Stranger has disconnected.
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aibrechts · 6 years
(1 of a lot probably) aaAAAAAND I'm back! This time only at 2am tho haha, and as for why, you see, I met this wonderful, talented young man a few weeks ago and I wouldn't miss talking to him for the world. In any case, on the confidentiality thing, please don't worry meu amigo bonito. I trust your judgement, and either way, I /am/ still masked behind anon y'know hahaha. It's all good
I KNOW ITS BEEN LIKE A DAY AND IM SO SORRY everything is happening all at once All The Time sighs honestly i wish i could just lay back and bask in ur sunny conversation, even if just for one day;;;
that’s true, that’s true, i think i have an idea of who you are (or rather, which blog you run) but it almost seems a shame to figure out... that being said, if you are who i think you are then your writing is absolutely breathtaking, and as golden as your heart
(onto #2!) Chester seems plenty lovable btw haha. And I gotta agree that it'd be nigh impossible to find a better home for him. What he has with you? That's the genuine article, and you take /extremely/ good care of him and the others to boot. I'm sure even a famous boy like him gets awestruck sometimes by how lucky and loved he is. Poor Wisdom though! Like /damn/ hahaha. Tough break, kiddo. Tough break hahaha. That's what he gets for trashing the joint tho. {~J}
chester is the perfect man, it’s true, and wisdom is an absolute brat but he has his moments lol. he’s growing on me, similar to that fungal infection thats growing all over his poor handsome face :( i gave him a special bath for it yesterday, and he LOVED it, he loves being pampered. fifteen minutes of me scrubbing at all his itchy spots and spraying water in his mouth to keep him happy when i have to hose his face, and he looks so lovely clean now!!!!!
i know, i know, its sounds gross lol but it’s really not so bad. we caught it very early and he gets those baths twice a week, so it’s cleared up really well!!! 
it’s simply the time of year, i think. hot and humid, ponies sweating under their rugs, too many of them with stupid injuries - fudge had surgery on two of his legs a few months ago, and he’s about to start rehab; lulu got a.... skin cancer??? cut out of her stomach, and that’s been delightfully gross to maintain; rudi’s vice is flies - he’s very sensitive on his legs, and kicks so hard that he cuts his own ankles, poor boy; nikki went lame somehow and no one knows how or why but she seems fine now???????; and we were SO WORRIED that chester had an abscess in his hoof bc a big chunk went missing out of it, but the farrier came for him today and everything was fine, the hole trimmed out clean and simple. 
BIG SIGH THEY’RE....... SO DIFFICULT. so much to maintain, and rumple is as sick as ever but he’s old so that hardly counts. the only ones who are really maintaining themselves are wyn and louie, and i honestly don’t know how louie does it with how he runs around like a maniac all day. BUT ANYWAY!!!!
3 never did end up coming through lol so i’ll move right on
(and then there were 4) What can I say? Your silvered light dazzles even the sun, and inspires the moon and stars with its iridescent brilliance. It'd be a crime to put someone so amazing on hold hahaha.
i dont know much lol but i know im a saggittarius. i seem to be surrounded by scorpios at this point in my life, and i can hardly find a thing to complain about. you’re all absolutely wonderful, and i always seem to be quite taken with your crew’s company ahahaha. 
rather, im surrounded by water signs in general LOL. my siblings are each pisces, cancer and scorpio, i met a bartender last night who was a scorpio, and kimmy is one too lmao yall are everywhere and im Loving it
(#5 comin in hOt) You were also right on the water-affinity thing though haha. I actually knew how to swim before I knew how to walk, believe it or not. Anyway, that picture is absolute /gold/. It really is. And the prophesy was fulfilled so completely that even Voldysmoldy was blown away. You look dashing, by the way! 120/10 best wrapping paper boob stuffer. On the subject of talking though, /holy hell/ don't tempt me I would /gladly/ talk with you all day without hesitation hahaha
LAUGHS thank you i certainly try my best. my brother’s a good sport, and i somehow feel like a strong mix between him and the sister im now living with (the cancer, if you’re curious ahaha). every day we’ll find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time, and every now and then she’ll give me a strange look and say i sound just like leo, or even that i look like him for a moment ahahaha. 
it’s interesting, it’s strange. i’ve always looked up to them so much (being the youngest and all), so it feels oddly like a compliment, whenever these things happen. 
(#6)(just think, two more of those and you get one of me hahaha). Onto the sleeve tho! The circle maze sounds /fantastic/, and I bet it looks really cool right now, though I'm sure the finished product will be absolutely astronomical. The design you have in mind sounds /epic/! (for real though tatts are so expensive I feel your pain there hahaha)(may the Force be with you I believe in you)(you got this)(you SO got this)(you're gonna kick this resolution's ass). {~J}
lmaoo thank you thank you, i intend to bust so much money on it this year. i still have my lower forearm to design, but i’ve thoroughly plotted out the rest of my arm; the maze is given to inception, the next installment will be vaguely reminiscent of kingdom hearts, and pokemon will take up the space from halfway up my forearm before turning into cc beyond my elbow. so it’s just that part on the back of my forearm that is a bit of a blank canvas rn ahahaha
(holy hell I might need more than 7) I regretfully inform you though that I can't and I shan't cease to flatter you, because you deserve to know the truth of how talented and wonderful you are. And I definitely agree on the balance thing. The devil is in the details and complexity is key, so all the more reason to be proud of how amazing your works are! And /20k/? /Damn/ that's impressive! (and even tho I prefer halloween, I for one will gladly plunge back into the tinsel for you hahaha) {~J}
it’s officially 22k but i haven’t had time to work on it the past couple of dayssssss BUT I FIGURED OUT THE LAST SCENE so it’s only a matter of spare time lololol
(#8 because what's second christmas without snowmen? lol) I'm glad to hear you've got a pretty solid sleep schedule by the way! (and it definitely /was/ worth the discomfort)(still slept like a rock the followin night tho hahaha). I'm really happy that Alma appears to be defying the odds by the way! True to their namesake, and all thanks to their wonderful father. Sheesh. I knew you were dynamically skilled, but this just proves you're magical haha. In your care? I know they'll flourish. {~J}
LOL i am LOVING these message starters btw. yesss tho my family has always been keen on growing things lol. mum had a magnificent herb garden, and i’ve never seen oregano as big as what’s growing in my garden rn. we just planted dahlias where the sunflowers used to be and i wasn’t sure they’d be alright, but they really seem to be flourishing!! im so glad!!!!
(9/9 for the new record hahaha) I'm so proud of both you and them! Not to be punny, but I'm a sap anyway when it comes to plants. or, well, all of nature really haha, and Alma looks really great from the pic I saw! Anyway, speaking of hocus-pocusing, I hope today has been absolutely magical for you, as you deserve no less than the wondrous and the fantastic. Talk to you soon, meu amigo bonito! {~J}
lmfaooo i love that. and yes, their leaves are so cute!!!! so small!!!!! thank u so much tho, the past couple of days have been pretty great. I’m wondering if i can worm a morning off out of my sister, considering she’ll have a day off on sunday and i’ll be working at the cafe from 7 lol;;;; i desperately want to finish starboy, but time really is my enemy right now ahahahaa
thank you so much for all this, i adore you and i hope you managed to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight!!!! sleep well, i’ll see you soon
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zypher0108-blog · 7 years
May 4, 2017 1:36PM Blink nyong an🍒 What are you doing? ㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁ How is the weather today?? Yum... yumㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁ Did I used a lot of yum.....?ㅋㅋ I have to stop writing it haha imiss you blink ☺️☺️🌹💋 hello blinkiessss 🤗🌹 how is everyone todayy? haha I know i havent been around as much as i used to.. 😢 which is why i've come by to say hi today 👋 🙃 hi everyone.. tehehe missing u all like crazyy 💋💋 love u so much mwahhhhhhh #baes 😉 💙x1000000 F: Rosie..ㅠㅠIt’s been a while!!! I had a glass of sikhye on this hot day👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 (Sikhye is a type of a sweet rice drink) R: Sikhye💙 F: Ive been watching movies ㅋㅋㅋ R: What movie 🙀💙 F: Chaeyoung R: kyaaaaaa☺️❣️ F: Nyongan Nyongan R: Nyongan!! F: Im here😄😄😄 R: 👋👋🙃💙🌹 F: I love you Rosé R: aww me too💕💕 F: Beautiful weather R: Really?? Relief Relief💙💙☺️ F: Nyongan 💙💙 R: ❣️❣️ Nyongan F: Keungko (ID of this fan) is still out of bed…💙 R: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋSame with me🤣🤣Yeom Yeom Yeom ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ F: Missing u like crazy too!!! 💙💙💙 ninja chaeng R: hahaha ninjaaaaa 🤣🤣💙 F: What is this… Chaeyoung is pretty R: 🙈🙈💙 F: Love you rose hope you had a good night sleep :) R: aww u too bae 💙 F: 사딘 (Sadin) is still beautiful 👍👍👍 R: 🙈🙈💙Thank youuu ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F: Lisa said you got her a bicycle 😉 R: ✌️✌️🤗💕💙 F: What's up Rosie R: nothin muchhh, u? 💙 F: Unni what are you doing? R: Replying💕💕💙 F: Chaeng long time no see…But no that long~~ R: HeHe Its been a long time~~~~ 🤗🤗💙 F: Will u still care in the morning????? R: i will!!!! tehehehe💙 F: I thought you gone forever 😭😭😭😭 R: 😢😢i'm backk 💙 F: Its too hot today R: Really?? 😱😱😱💕 F: x1000000000 for u 💋 R: awww 💋💋💋💙 F: Today weather is very hot ㅠㅠIt’s summer already🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Chaeyoung, do you like Summer?? R: Heollang!!! Already?!😱😱 ㅎㅎ I like summer~ But… Im a little scared… Will it get a lot hotter?? F: Hey there chipmunk! 😁💙 R: 🙀 chipmunk?!😲😲hahahahahaa 💕💕💕 F: You are my bias wrecker because of your voice😊 R: aww thank uu💋 F: I love you more 💙×1000001 R: I am more!!! 💙💙💙🙈 F: can't get "Wake up alone" off my head bcs of you lol R: hahah yeahh that's a good songg ☺️☺️💙 F: Where are you now ? R: somewhere in ur hearts 💙gahhahahaha F: Hey Chaeng, I think SPring is already gone ㅠㅠ It’s Too bad.. R: Hingggg Really too bad 😫😫 F: Its high, too dangerous!!😆 R: 😭😭😭높은곳 좋은뎀ㅁㅁ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ F: Chaeyoung you look so pretty ㅜㅜ R: 😭😭💙💙💙💙 F: Chaeyoung did you eat lunch?? R: Not yet~~~ I have to eat now ㅎㅎㅎ F: On the roof? It must be scary😭 Be careful!! R: I wasn’t afraid~~Was it great?? Hehehe High places are good🙈🙈💙 ㅎㅎ Ill be careful💕💕💋💋💋 F: Yes we've missed you soo much!! Thanks for dropping by!! Love you baeee!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 R: aww baee thank u guys even more for always leaving such lovely comments 💙💋 F: your updates make me forget the stress my schoop caused 💙💙 R: awww that's nice to hear 💙 F: I just finished my report! ㅋㅋ R: 잡굿잡굿!!!💙💙💙💙💙 F: This photo by Was Lalisa the photographer? R: I dont think she was needed… ㅎㅎㅎㅎ This was manager unni? Maybe… Chu? I don’t remember ㅎㅎㅎㅎ F: i barely slept cuz I have final exams... I'm so tired.... R: awww hwaitinggg!! 💙 F: I feel so happy to meet Chaeng at the walking competition🐯🐯 Can you give me a letter through Chu?😶😶 R: Alright!! ㅎㅎㅎ 💙💙 F: Is Chaeng busy these days? I don’t get replies very oftenㅠㅠ R: 😭😭 Sorryyy~~ Ill come often💙 F: I miss you like crazy too my bae 😢💙💙💙 i love you too 😚😚 Are you going to ride a bike with lisa today?? 💙😍😚 Hehehehe. R: haha maybe!! 😆😆💕💕 F: Did you eat lunch ?? Im hungry ㅠ R: Not yet!! ㅎㅎ Eat something fast!! 💙💙 F: Im hungry Rosè….. What to eat for lunch… R: Eat rice!! 💙💙💙 F: can you please say hi to me ㅋㅋㅋ 🤣 R: hiii💙 F: Have you seen a movie recently ~~?? R: Recently… I saw Mulan again! I saw it alot ㅎㅎ It’s still good when I watch it again! 💙 F: Chipmunk or Deer ? R: deer! gahahaha💙💙🙈 F: Is Chaeng busy these days? I don’t get replies muchㅠㅠ R: 😭😭😭😭😭Sorry ㅠㅠㅠ F: Chaeng! The pictures are really pretty ㅋㅋ And thanks forsaying bye to me yesterday ㅋㅋ I Wanted to do it first, Its too late🙈💙💙💙 R: Thank youuuu ㅎㅎㅎNo💕💕 F: HUGS AND KISSES LOVE YOU SO MUCH CHAENGIE ❤️❤️💙💙💙 R: aww back to u 💙💙💙💙 F: How do ou feel about being a custom ambassador? R: Kyaaaaaaaaaa🤣🤣💙 F: #blueheartsforosie💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 R: yayyy💙💙 F: I love you beautiful, I hope your day has been well. I miss you sosososo much! 💙💙💙 R: awww u too hunny💙💙 F: Really miss you… But But R: 저두영 Bui Bui ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What is Bui Buiㅋㅋㅋ Jjang 💙 F: Beautiful scenery❣❣❣❣ R:Yeom Yeom Yeom!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ💙💋 F: Chaeng-a~ㅎㅎㅎ Chaeng is out of her mind~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Whats the song? R: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ill send you a letter~~~~ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ No.. 저 집이에용.. 🙈🙈💙 F: Will you change your hair colour when you comeback?? R: What do you want? ☺️ F: Nyongan👋👋👋 Welcome✋✋ R: Yeom!!🙈💙 F: Chaeng!! What are you doing? R: Haem! ㅎㅎㅎ Replying F: Did you eat lunch??? R: No~~ Not yet🤣🤣💙 F: Chaeng, why are you getting more prettier? R: Kyaa 🙈🙈 Noo🙈💙💙 F: Did you really buy a bicycle for Lisa?ㅎㅎ R: I bought it!! Hehehe 😆😆💙💙💙 F: TELL LISA THAT I LOVE HER 🗣🗣🗣 R: i will☺️💙 F: Unni is commenting too much..Can you see this? R: It’s hard ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 🤣💙 F: Can I get a reply today?? ㅠㅠ 💙💙😭 R: Recieved!!! 🙈💙💙💙 F: bae please accept my virtual hug for you🤗🤗🤗!!!hehehe..love yah to the moon and back!!!stay healthy.xoxo R: hahahaa yayyy free hugss hahaha love u moree 💙 F: I don't like peach blossom or orange blossom, I like Rosé .. R: awwwww hahahahahah💙💙 F: Get me a bicycleㅋㅋ 💕💕 R: 😯Is that so? Hihihihi ☺️💙💙💙 F: What do you feel like when you get older? R: 블링크는 내짝 히히히힣ㅎㅎ 🌹 F: Unni is replying alot todayㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ If I don’t get a reply, I’m going ㅠㅠㅠ💙💙 R: Dont I love you💙 F: Rosé what is your favorite number???? R: 5!💙 F: Chaeng hasn’t seen any of my comments lately .. 빼빼로를 걸겠어 R: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It’s too hard 😭😭 ㅋㅋ I want to see everything ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 빼빼로... Unni replied.. F: THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE WITH US BAEE 😭😭💙💙💙💙 R: awww thank u moree💙 F: rosie, i have exams next week! please wish me luck? love u 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 R: good luckkkkkk💙 F: Baby Chaeng.. See you later… 👋👋 R: 이따뵈염💙 F: Hey Chaeng, im going to Mlourne this weekend and its raining ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠPark Chaeyoung Of MelbourneㅠㅠㅠResponsibility~~~Day~~~~~~! R: Lol! The weather in Melbourne usually goes back and forth~~~ 😭😭😭 F: Chaeng ㅋㅋㅋ Do you want to travel back to the past?? ㅋㅋㅋ 20분전댓글에 답글달아주고잇던데 R: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋA past journey ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F: 오늘 리사도 와주고 챙이도 와주고 짱조타🌼 R: 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼나듀 F: Chaeng Chaeng💕 Love R:❣️🌼 F: Rosè… I miss youㅠㅠ R: 나듕😭🌼💙 F: Chaeng-a 담에 리챙 자전거방송 해줘염!!!!!!!! I’m Curious !!!! R: Oh!!Good Idea!!💙 F: 챙시3뷴전!! 챙시 같이챙겨요😊💙 R: 오메나... I missed you again… 😭😭🤣💙 F: Why are you getting so pretty these days?💙💙 R: 🙈🙈🙈🙈 F: do u prefer night or day? 💙💙💙 R: that's a really hard question... i would say night but... i really doo like the sunlight too.... hahahahhaa 💙 F: 챙아 너 왤케 착해?😊 완전 천사얌🤗 R: 오메나 아니에염 블링크가 더 천사😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇💙 키ㅣ킼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F: Do read comments on your phone? !!! R: 🙈🙈🙈💙 F: do u miss your hometown ? R: a little😢💙 F: can you tell rose that I really2 love her and want to get reply 😚 R: okay i'll let her know!! 😆💙💙 F: 언니~ missed you more 💙its 1am I should be sleeping ㅋㅋㅋ but you're here so....😊💙 R: hahaha awww go to sleep!! 🤣💙 F: 왘ㅋ 8 Minutes agoㅋㅋ 챙임머신인가ㅋㅋ💙💙💙 R: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F: Change-a!! I really Missed youㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ R: You more😢😢😢💙 I ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F: Visiting Chaeng in the pastㅋㄱㅋ챙이 최소 닥터후...닥터챙😂😂😂 R: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F: babe...cant you see me??😭😭😭 R: i see u!!!!💙 F: Chaeyoung, I love you💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 R: I do too💙💙💙🌼🌼🌼 F: Change will do an all nighter ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ R: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It would have to be true to see it all (comments) .. F: Unni if you look at this, I will have a better life now.. euang (crying) .. My comment keeps on missing unni’s eyes.. Did you see my letter? It’s a green clover envelope.. I wrote a lot about unni, I wrote it well.. I wanted to let you know that you have a fan like me.. R: I saw the letter!! ㅎㅎㅎ 💙🌼 F: Unni is hard working ㅠㅠ Reply, Replyyy ㅜㅜ R: Im sorry that I can’t finish it (reading the comments)😭 F: if you don't think you look like Chipmunk then what are you Rosie? btw i kid tueng you na ka R: hmm...... hahahahhaa i dunno🤣💙 F: when will i ever get a reply from you rosie? iloveyousomuch from the bottom of my heart 💙💙💙💙 but should i give up? :(( R: hahaha babo! haha i remember thatt hahaha 💙💙 dont give up hahaha i love u moreeeee F: You've been working hard bae. You replied to blinks a lot. Can you reply to me too? I love you 😘🙉🙉🙉🙉 R: 💙💙🙈🌼🙈love u F: My baby peach 🍑 Is it cute? R: jjang!! F: Chaeng, Do you like chocolates??? 💖😁 R:I like… Jelly!! ㅎㅎㅎㅎ F: Chaeng, are you still going to yoga these days ?? Are you being lazy???ㅋㅋㅋ R: Im working hard!! No laziness!! Hehehe💙💙😇 F: Chaeng is chatting R: Nyongan F: Is it too late now to say sorry? 💙 R: nope not too late ahahhaa F: Notice me rosé unnie💙 R:💙 F: Chaeng-aㅜㅜ R: yess?? 😢💙 F: What kind of jelly do you like?☺☺ R: Jelly… So difficult.. I think I like all of it.. No one can just like one hehehe F: Rose, can u told to 챙, i love 챙 so much 💙💙💙💙 R: haha will do!!🤣💙 F: The view would be nice if you went at night👍😍😍ㅋㅋㅋ R: Yeah~~ I want to go at night😭 F: rosie what is your favorite breed of dogs? 💙💙 R: i think just like dogs in general haha all dogs F: Chaeng is an angel for replying ㅠㅠㅠ Did you leave your wings in Australia???ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ💙💙💙💙❣❣❣❣❣❣ R: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ🙈💙 F: It’s really chaengㅠㅠㅠㅠ I love youㅠㅠㅠㅠ💙💙 R: 💙💙💙 F: Just a simple greeting… Nyongan 🤗🤗 R: Nyongan✌️✌️ R: Im going!! Now!! hehehe I’ll come back soon💙💙💙💙💙Have a good day!!!! 😇 R: i'll be back guys!! have a lovely dayy💙💙💙💙💙💙 ============================================== Mini convo of jisoo and rosè in rosès post ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Im not sure apt this translation ↓↓↓ JISOO: you look hungry in that photo ROSÈ: kyakyakyakyakㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ROSÈ: You look really hungry JISOO: I am hungry too ㅠ ROSÈ: ☹️☹️☹️☹️
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