#(less 'comedic horror' and more 'horrific comedy' imo)
Eat an Extra Dessert Day & Mouthguard Day & National Spice Blend Day & National Wildlife Day
Person A is a fairy with the same qualities of the Cymothoa exigua (a parasitic isopod that eats the tongues of fish, replaces the tongue with their body and eats all the food the fish tries to consume, causing the fish to starve to death) but targets humans because humans tend to try more varieties and better tasting food than of the other animals they’ve infested before and Person A has become quite the food connoisseur. Person B is their newest target but happens to be an extremely picky eater, so Person A decides to make their presence known and confront Person B about their diet and strike a deal with them - all the foods Person B likes, Person A will let go to Person B’s stomach, and Person B will start to eat weird and diverse foods for Person A to enjoy that Person B will not have to taste or consume. This deal winds up working so well, and allowing Person B as a host to survive longer than most, that Person A decides to start sneaking healthier foods to Person B, hoping to keep this host alive as long as possible so Person A can keep requesting specific foods for Person B to feed them.
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aq2003 · 1 year
this is probably gonna be a controversial opinion (or maybe not? idk) but i think neverafter probably would have been a lot more full-tilt horror w/ less comedy and more drama-oriented players. im not saying the season is bad by any means or that the intrepid heroes weren't a fit for the story - the meta narrative abt agency and the reality of a "character" is great and fits perfectly with the players + how they approach dnd. but they also a) stick together through any means possible and b) tend to take horror elements and build on them in a comedic way (like how the baba yaga started out creepy but then yes-anded off a cliff into something really silly). again it works perfectly w/ their message of "taking the story into your own hands!" but also i think that's why neverafter has much less of a horror vibe than expected. imo the best "horror" in dnd shows that i've seen happens in isolation (riz and baron/kalina in fhsy), w/ the dm having more power in their hands in that situation to set the mood (cerrit and vespin in exu:c), or w/ players that actively play into the horror bc they want to lean into the drama and are willing to see their character in Situations™ (zerxus and asmodeus in exu:c, ame and the ship's captain in wbn). so i don't think neverafter was a spawning place for that despite being the "horror" season . and i think that's okay because the overarching message is just kind of about characters finding out they're supposed to live their lives in increasingly horrific ways and fighting against that
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