#(marsden | 001)
alejandro-flores · 2 years
Since his encounter with Celine, Alejandro had been watching his family for the last few days from afar.  There still was a lot to gather information wise.  Those who were in his ex-wife’s life and those she allowed around their sons.  One person stood out in particular, a thin, pale,  sickly looking kid.  What, was she doing something nice for the guy before he croaked?  Alejandro rather not think about what dreams she might be making true.  As he stood from a distance in his dark hoodie, he watched as the other man stepped outside with his children and a baby.  Only more suspicions arose seeing the baby strapped to the man.
Alejandro stayed back, a cigarette hanging between his lips…a habit he picked up in the joint.  Cigarettes were a form of money and Alejandro had cartons of them as he set his place in the animal kingdom that is prison and he was an alpha on top.  He followed them, making sure he stayed several feet back so as not to draw attention to himself.  Eventually, they ended up at a playground and the boys rushed towards the jungle gym, Blaze using the monkey bars and his youngest who barely knew him rushed up the stairs to get a turn on the slide.  If he weren’t fueled with rage there would have been a moment of pause to take in the scene and treasure it.
Instead, he settled down next to the thin skeleton man on the bench with the baby.  “Nice baby you got there,” he stated, his eyes looking down at the little girl.  “Those your boys out there playing?”  He inquired, curious as to how the man would respond to his line of questioning. @marsdenlee​
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axlrzse · 4 years
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          send a 📸 to see ( FOUR ) pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse                                               nicholas rhodes & hermina marsden
a picture is worth a thousand words :
001.  era pra ser apenas mais uma festa semanal de elijah fairburn, porém, havia uma grande diferença que muitos não notariam; os sentimentos de nicholas por uma garota em especial. por mais que muitas vezes encontravam-se tendo discussões ou recebendo sermões pelos seus hábitos e pequeno side-job, nicholas se viu fluindo sentimentos desconhecidos por si e, não deixaria que a menina soubesse até ter certeza de que fossem recíprocos. não sabia muito bem o assunto que a marsden conversava com sua irmã, porém, no momento perfeito em que tirara a foto, não pode evitar o sorriso que formou-se nos lábios. quem diria que hermina marsden conseguiria ser fofa numa foto.
002.  nicholas estava preparado para passar mais um natal em algum bar, provavelmente na companhia de elijah. porém, fora surpreendido não só pelo aviso do seu client-turned-friend de que celebraria as festividades nos leighton, mas também pelo convite de juntar-se à ceia que ocorreria na mansão dos marsdens. estava feliz, pela primeira vez naquele mês de dezembro. acabando por passar a noite no local devido à uma tempestade de neve e, mais uma vez, viu-se surpreso pelo convite de phillip & richard para que tomasse café ali. não se importava que os presentes estavam sendo abertos, nada poderia tirar o sorriso que parecia ter sido tatuado em seu rosto. quando perto da árvore, ele chamou hermina, " flash ! ” exclamou, preparando para tirar a foto quando a garota fizesse a careta – sua piada interna.
003.  " a gente não pode levar ele pra casa, hermina ! você sabe que a samantha é alérgica ! ” elizabeth exclamou, na tentativa de fazer com que sua irmã largasse o filhotinho que segurava. porém, antes que a namorada largasse o cachorro, nicholas tirou uma foto da cena, certo de que hermina gostaria de uma recordação do animalzinho que não conseguia largar.
004.  era algo deles, o parque de diversões. parecia que desde sua instalação, era a primeira opção para todos os seus encontros. o lugar era tão frequentado por eles que, o sorveteiro do foodtruck havia decorado tanto seus nomes quanto seus pedidos. e, com o pedido entregue, nicholas sacou sua câmera, tirando uma das dezenas de foto que viriam depois naquela noite de celebração de um ano de namoro.
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kuromikoneko · 7 years
Ask thing for SuperCat?
001 for Supercat
When I started shipping it if I did: Like right before I decided to watch the series. I had seen a few manips/art and read like two drabbls on tumblr before watching the series and immediately I’m like “yup, shipping these two!” and looked for all the awesome hints and hidden moments and it was a joy to go through my first viewing of it with that ship already set in my mind.
My thoughts: Uhhhh awesome af. got me writing again, which is always a plus in my book.
What makes me happy about them: Uhm...everything?
What makes me sad about them: That their screentime has significantly devolved into nonexistance.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Uhm...excessive dub/dom dynamics? Uhm..not sure what else is really a problem...maybe forgetting about Kara’s past, her Kryptonian heritage...her intellect.
Things I look for in fanfic: Uhhhhh, soft domesticity with Carter and or them helping each other get over their collective...issues/trauma/etc. Fics that don’t deal excessively with sub/dom dynamics.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Uhhhh no one? I mean, if a good enough case was made, perhaps James for Kara but there’s like NO ONE available for--no, wait I will pair Cat with President Marsden. I’ll jump on that bandwagon.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Kara’s undoubtedly the most common big spoon unless she’s had a rough day of superhero-ing or just emotional stress/nightmares in which case, Cat cuddles her.
What is there favorite non-sexual activity: Playing Settlers of Catan with carter, or trying to best each other at Scrabble, especially when Kara pulls out any Kryptoneses words she can make with the tiles.
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belleandkurtbastian · 5 years
If we’re talking a revision like the HAD-001 model, sure, but that ship sailed with that model... If we’re talking a new SKU (with or without a screen), I find it hard to see where that would fit into the lineup without an overall better SOC, not just a slight clock bump.
— Andrew Marsden🏳️‍🌈 (@marsdeat) January 6, 2020
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belleandkurtbastian · 5 years
Nintendo Switch Lite model number is HDH-001 Did we ever get to the bottom of what "HAC" stood for? My money was always on "Handheld and console" :P
— Andrew Marsden🏳️‍🌈 (@marsdeat) July 10, 2019
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belleandkurtbastian · 5 years
I might be missing some... but I BELIEVE the Wii U is compatible with 18 official Nintendo controller inputs. RVL-003, 004, 005, 005(-02), and 036 DOL-003 and 004+005 (combined with WUP-038) WUP-005 and 010 CLV-002 and 202 SHVC-005 CTR-, SPR-, FTR-, KTR-, RED-, and JAN-001
— Andrew Marsden🏳️‍🌈 (@marsdeat) May 17, 2019
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belleandkurtbastian · 6 years
Wait... was the Nintendo Switch codename 'Handheld and Console'? Hence, its product codes being HAC-001, etc...
— Andrew Marsden🏳️‍🌈 (@atmarsden95) August 21, 2018
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