#(maybe he just blabs about tae when he's drunk)
lilac-melody · 1 year
So as I am seeing a new little influx of honeyworks fans, likely due to the shitty herotaru anime, I want everyone to listen up.
LIPxLIP, the idol duo featured in the anime, are a lot deeper than what the anime explains. I understand that it was Hiyori's story (even though they didn't get her personality right either lmao) so it's not going to go into detail about Aizou or Yujiro. I'm fine with that. I really am.
What bothered me was the small bits we were given are incredibly misleading for new fans. The anime exists more as fanservice for pre-existing fans. Fans who read the novels, regularly watch MVs, and so forth.
So I'm going to go over LIPxLIP's stories. Their thematic importance. Their relationship, and their relationship with Hiyori. I am quite sick and tired of seeing new fans blab about them as hateful misogynists, shallow, uncaring towards their fans...and all that.
Starting off with the local hero of the anime, Shibasaki Aizou.
Back when he was a small child, he loved singing. His mother played piano and his father played guitar (his father probably taught him how to play guitar? That or he picked it up himself. I don't think that was ever specified). He entered a children's singing competition, and ended up winning.
However, a couple years later, his father began to lie about going to work when he was really going out and having an affair with (another woman? multiple women??). This led to the father and their mother, Shibasaki Yuko, to constantly argue and scream at each other.
As a result, Ken (Aizou's older brother), would make pasta for himself and Aizou, as their parents were too busy screaming at each other for hours at a time. The novels stated that back then, their parents would argue so often that they would forget to buy groceries, and would leave Aizou starving. During this time, Yuko began drinking and getting drunk- which would scare her kids.
Eventually, the Shibasaki parents got a divorce, and Yuko began to drink even more heavily. She would cry and mourn. Aizou and Ken were still children at the time. Aizou, being the young child he was and recalling how Yuko used to smile when he sang, began to sing for her in hopes of cheering her up. Of course, Yuko just threw her alcohol at him and screamed at him that he needed to shut up- he was too noisy. It's also been heavily implied that she would hit Aizou too when she was drunk.
From this, Aizou stopped singing, being physically unable to. He began living out his days without truly living, just getting by. He had friends, but didn't hang out with them or join any clubs, having become depressed and understimulated.
In middle school, when playing his guitar one day, his mother broke it and screamed at him to never play it at home again. This led to him crying and not playing again...until he came across a musical instrument store, where he meets Morita. He, one day, brings the guitar in and begs him to fix it. Morita agrees, and even allows Aizou to stay in an upstairs room that used to be used for music lessons every now and then, on the condition he returns home occasionally. So he essentially finds a second home in the music store.
One day, he sees on his phone that there's an audition to become a teenage idol, so he signs up, which is where he meets Yujiro.
He (and Yujiro) both pass due to their spectacular performances, and are told to become a unit. Aizou now has his fire back, looking forward to the future.
Now, for Someya Yujiro aka Aizou's anime arm candy.
When he was little (maybe before he was born? or maybe before he was 5??) his birth father died (unknown cause). His mother, Tae, got remarried to Someya Tamagoro. At first, things were fine. His father trained him in the art of kabuki.
Yujiro, at a young age, desperately wanted to be on stage doing kabuki with his new father. In fact, the desire was so strong, that he turned down all invites to hang out and play from the kids at his school. He didn't watch tv, he didn't do anything that would be considered a hobby. He abandoned everything that makes up a childhood to pursue his dream.
However, one day...his father told him and his younger brother, Koichiro, (who looked down on Tae and Yujiro for joining the Someya family), that Koichiro would be his heir. Yujiro tries to protest, only for Tamagoro to glare down at him coldly and tell him that he can't do it...he has no beauty.
All these years training, and Yujiro finally understands...he was never meant to stand on that stage. His father trained him for years, never truly intending for him to be on stage. Koichiro holds this over Yujiro, always mocking him and shoving him around.
As a result, Yujiro was banned from even entering the practice halls, and he became a helper of the house. He cleaned up backstage after shows, did laundry, all of that. Along with that, Tamagoro became colder to him, while Koichiro mocked him and abused him- verbally and sometimes physically. Yujiro thinks of taking his mother and running away, but has nowhere to go. He is absolutely miserable.
Of course, one day, Koichiro, for some reason, allows Yujiro to perform at a shrine once in his stead. We do not have any details on this, except that it made Yujiro happy and was clearly a one-time thing.
In either case, Yujiro too, lived a life of silence and loneliness. He tried to smile for his mom so she wouldn't worry, the one person who spoke to him. He had no friends, no hobbies, he accepted his fate of being his family's shadow, watching as Tamagoro has Yujiro's name removed from anything mentioning the Someya name, especially kabuki sites.
He was, essentially, disowned.
Tae still encouraged him to find something that made him happy...which eventually came in the form of the idol audition, where he meets Aizou.
NOW. That's a hell of a lot deeper than herotaru gave us. And again, it's fine that they couldn't go all into depth- after all, it's Hiyori's anime and her backstory is more simple. We can't have the idols outshinng her now, can we?
In any case, going strictly based on the novels (as the Hanipre stories are their own thing...though I like to consider them canon, but I know they're technically not), the stories of Aizou and Yujiro begin.
After agreeing to become a unit (or they won't debut at all), the two do not get along at all. Aizou mocks Yujiro for his lack of strength and stamina, and Yujiro mocks Aizou for being unable to read sheet music, Aizou finds out that Yujiro's father doesn't think he has what it takes to be an idol. So, he takes him to his secret spot and the two practice and talk.
Yujiro eventually gains Tamagoro's approval, and the two do a commercial, though they are not very well known. They want to debut.
After multiple instances of various situations (including Aizou sharing his music room with Yujiro, some bullies shoving Aizou into a pool at a live show and Yujiro yelling at them and teaching Aizou how to swim, going through an aquarium together and Aizou winning a stuffed penguin and giving it to Yujiro when he sees how disappointed he is that he didn't get it), they finally get their debut song, Romeo.
Eagerly, they practice it together. During this time, they're thinking about whether or not they should go to high school. Aizou tells Yujiro how he wants to avoid one high school in particular.
Yujiro eventually decides he wants to, because Narumi Sena inspired him. She was the one who recommended Sakuragaoka to him. Because of her, Yujiro checks the school out and runs into Aizou. He admits to Aizou he's thinking about going here, and Aizou balks. He's absolutely appalled, and complains about not wanting to go there. (Which..??? Aizou..??? No one said you had to?!) Yujiro points this out and Aizou has the flimsy excuse of "it'll be easier for Manager Uchida to pick us up".
...I'm sure. But I digress.
Filming for the Romeo MV comes, and the two are inspired by Sena's professionalism, and at the end, Aizou finds Yujiro alone and, after arguing over who is the first lip in their unit name, they share a toast together.
The MV released in February, just before high school begins, and Yujiro and Aizou are proud to see themselves on the giant tvs in town. Yujiro remarks to himself how he feels as though he can overcome anything, and how he'll still be depressed- there'll still be days he can't even get out of bed, where he wants to run away, desperately endures tears, and so on...but he knows Aizou will be by his side.
School starts up, where they meet Hiyori. In the novels, Hiyori has to actually work hard to gain their trust and friendship (I did a full novel-to-anime comparison here. I am skipping over retelling it so I can continue with LIPxLIP's story, but rest assured, I will get back to it and explain their friendship.)
The end of the year comes- and I am assuming it's autumn or so when the next novel takes place, since they mention an upcoming "spring concert" and how they've been idols for a year now.
The two boys are getting along more- though they still have their argumentative moments. They are given an opportunity to be in a play as the main characters. Aizou is hesitant, but Yujiro, who has acting experience thanks to kabuki, accepts it immediately. Yujiro cheers Aizou on in his own weird way and Aizou accepts the job as well.
However...during the first reading...Aizou loses his place and the director goes off on him. I mean, even when I was reading/translating it, I was appalled myself.
Yujiro stands up for Aizou, and nearly gets them both fired because of his "bad attitude". They agree to stay on board, but now, there's tension in the air.
Aizou's new at all of this, so most people ignore him, esp the director. But Yujiro is good at what he does, so people expect perfection from him. He's suffering as well, on the opposite spectrum from Aizou. Hell, just one scene alone, Yujiro and some NPCs did for over two hours straight with no breaks. They've been practicing in general for a while now and this was, according to Aizou, the first mistake Yujiro makes...which causes the director to scream at him.
Now, multiple times already, Aizou has ran after Yujiro and abandoned his spot, and thinks about how he refuses to leave Yujiro alone, because he was worried about him.
He even seeks help from some female colleagues (who...know about Aizou's brother and mistakes him for him. Which leads to a genuinely hilarious moment of Aizou screaming in actual horror about the idea of dating a girl, and he only thought about it "for 3 seconds". He says he talks with a few girls but never wants to be personally involved with them) to help him better himself at acting.
Eventually, Aizou realizes what he has to do and...does it. He lightens up the entire room with his humor and even earns Yujiro's gratitude and respect (though...Yujiro kind of accuses him of trying to "woo him" when Aizou insists they practice together??? and says he may start some rumors??? Hello???)
Practice resumes, and Aizou takes singing lessons from IV of Ft4 due to not understanding how to sing with emotions and not just singing something well.
Dress rehearsals start, and Aizou recalls, back when he was a child, the joy of singing. He remembers the joy when he sang in the children's competition, and amazes everyone. Things are going well.
Until...Yujiro eventually collapses from a lack of eating and sleeping. Aizou catches him and Yujiro is taken to a hospital. Aizou worries for his wellbeing until he is able to check on him. At first, Aizou scolds Yujiro for not taking care of himself, before blaming himself for not realizing Yujiro wasn't taking care of himself. He admits to himself he saw Yujiro not eating and being tired during the day.
After the first day of the actual play, Yujiro tells Aizou about the time he was able to perform at a shrine, and Aizou, now realizing the truth about how Yujiro wasn't able to perform on stage, encourages Yujiro to dance for him, even assuring him that he was the only one watching.
After the director interrupt them, the two both think about how they have a future of hope ahead of them.
NOW that we are now all caught up with their stories, let's break down their relationship.
The two of them fight. They always have. They have their ups and downs often, butting heads about the best way to do things. However, they both acknowledge that fighting is part of their own love. Source.
The entire point of the Romeo novel was for them to realize they can rely on each other, how they are no longer suffering alone, and chasing their dreams. Aizou realizes that there's someone who will always stick up for him, even when they don't get along. Yujiro realizes that he doesn't have to suffer alone and can rely on a partner- not just for work, but for his emotional needs as well, as he points out in the epilogue.
The entire point of the LOVE&KISS novel (aside from telling an AU story, which half of the novel is the fantasy universe) was to nip their trauma in the bud. They have unintentionally begun to rely heavily on each other.
With Aizou, he finds his passion for singing again. Not just his dream- but the pure joy he gets when he sings. He doesn't need his mother's approval anymore (though she moved to France anyway and got remarried there, so it's not like he'll see her again).
With Yujiro, he's finally able to prove to his father, his brother, and the director too that he's someone worthy of being on the stage. Not just as an idol, but as an actor too. He even performed kabuki on stage- albeit it was supposed to be solely for Aizou's eyes only.
The two argued twice in the novel, and the rest of the time was spent worrying about each other, spent helping each other, and strengthening their bond. It's because of each other that they were able to overcome a harsh hurdle in their lives, the things that blocked them from becoming truly happy with their careers.
With a bit of offhand flirting and standing by each other firmly, the two have cemented themselves as the most important people in each other's lives. Hell, they even wear the same outfts in Chapter 7 as they do in Samishigariya, where it explicitly states that they're the most important people to each other (or, at least Yujiro is to Aizou), interconnecting this novel to the song in question.
As for Hiyori...no, she was not in this novel. She was briefly in Romeo at the very end when complaining about city boys, but despite working for them at this point in time, she does not show up at all in LOVE&KISS. Hell, she's not even mentioned.
I do not think it is a continuity error. I think this was done deliberately- because what purpose would she serve? I'm not trying to sound mean, I adore Hiyori. But she knows nothing of their backstories or trauma. And LIPxLIP are not the type to blab about their past abuse. It's taken them a while to be open and honest with each other even now. The novel is about Aizou and Yujiro and their bond. They had their own spotlight in Hiyori's novels.
With Hiyori, they obviously have grown to care for her. They've helped her dress up for Asuka and confess to him, and approved of Nagisa as boyfriend material for her, even encouraging her to go for him because they know Nagisa truly loves Hiyori.
("But Lisi! You said you're going based off of the novels and MVs!" Yes, but Hiyori's newest song and Nagisa's song both show that the event in the anime happened and are firmly continuing it, so it is...canon.)
Either way, the two still make fun of Hiyori and gang up on her, but despite that, they still are there for her...kind of? It's not like she really faces any hardships aside from the bullying incident that eventually blew over. But they do support her dream in being a track athlete.
They respect her hard work. They respect her.
Even so, despite them clearly being good friends, there's still a wall between them. Aizou and Yujiro haven't told her anything about their lives...and why should they?
If you're going based on the anime, they have every right not to tell her anything. Hiyori's first instinct when Ken told her a bit about Aizou was "thank god it's not real trauma. hmm how do I fix him?" and then yelling at Yujiro that he's not hated by his family because his mother makes him lunch.
Knowing what you know now, you can see where I'm going with this? Anime Hiyori seriously butted her nose where it didn't belong and, unintentionally or not, she completely undermined their trauma. Sure, they didn't hear her talking with Ken, but they sure as hell heard her when she said Yujiro wasn't hated by his family. And not to mention that aggravating as fuck scene of her comparing Aizou's dislike of women to her dislike of squid.
Aizou dislikes women partially because of his family, yes, but it's mainly because of his trauma with his mother.
They're friends, yes, but not personal friends. Aizou and Yujiro will help Hiyori, but they are not willing to let Hiyori help them outside of work-related issues.
LIPxLIP were able to grow as people because of each other, they rely on each other, they don't need anyone else because they have each other. They enjoy the presence of Hiyori and Minami, and they respect Ft4 as senpais, but that's about it.
Herotaru trashed their stories. Omitting things is fine, but not at the expense of ruining their backstories and personalities.
I think the anime should have been longer so we can focus more on their backstories and personalities. And give us a reason to truly believe that Hiyori, Aizou, and Yujiro are friends, rather than just shrug and say "yeah, they're friends because she said she has a dream".
And no, Yume Fanfare is not for Hiyori. The song is hinted to have been sung during high school, yes, this is after the bullying incident with Chizuru. We know this because we see Chizuru crying in the song Heroine Tarumono and the exact same frame is in Yume Fanfare, which Hiyori does not appear in. They are not gesturing to her, or looking out at her in the audience. She is behind the stage. As seen in the herotaru MV. They are gesturing to each other, singing and dedicating this song to each other. Hell, it goes over their trauma. It does not show us Hiyori's dream. Yume Fanfare is AIZOU AND YUJIRO'S ONLY.
Also Yamako, the creator of them, has said so herself as well. Sooo...yeah.
You can ship what you want, but you cannot and will not take Yume Fanfare from me because a shitty adaptation wanted to be special.
I hope this post has been helpful to anime-onlys.
LIPxLIP Novels: Romeo, LOVE&KISS
Bonus: Yujiro's solo dedicated to Aizou and Aizou's solo dedicated to Yujiro
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littlemisskookie · 6 years
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Playgirl: Kiwi Black Sheep Scott Pilgrim Horns LA Devotee S.L.U.T. Boy Ship: Playgirl!Reader | Namjoon Description: You attend a frat party the inductees throw. Warnings: Choking, Tie Kink? Face Fucking, Deepthroating, Intercourse, Humiliation, Dirty Talk, Degrading Names, Fingering, Spanking, Slapping, Dom!Joon Word Count: 4,156 Song: Horns by Bryce Fox
Part of you regretted having to attend this damn party the inductees threw. But as Namjoon explained it'd be expected for you to show up, especially since you had helped him with the presentation. The theme for the night was jocks versus nerds, which was pretty cliche, but you didn't mind.
You stared down at your sexy nerd outfit, a schoolgirl skirt and white button down, complete with a blue tie. You wore pigtails and fake glasses, matching the theme.
Soyeon stepped into your room, eyeing your outfit. "You look nice," she complimented. "I don't know why you don't want to go, though. You love parties more than I do."
You nodded, noting that she hadn't attended a single party since her breakup with Taehyung- but you weren't going to force her into anything. "The theme's nerds and jocks, so I went this route," you said, adjusting the tie.
"I... Do you think it'd be ok if I tag along?" Soyeon asked nervously.
You looked at her, surprised by her request. "Sure. I'd probably need company anyway. You sure you'll be ok?"
"I doubt I'll run into Tae," Soyeon assured you. "And if I do... It'll be fine. It's been more than a month since I've partied- I need to get back out there, no?"
"Yeah, sure," you smiled. "This'll be good for you."
"What should I wear? I don't think I have any fake glasses," Soyeon questioned. "Oh, what about the slutty cheerleader costume I wore last Halloween?"
"That could work," you encouraged. Secretly you were super relieved that she'd be there. It'd provide more opportunities for you to avoid a certain someone. It wasn't because you were ashamed of your past- it was more like you were ashamed of your present. And you didn't want him to see that side of you.
An hour later and a few beers down and Soyeon had disappeared into the crowd. You were left drinking beer, looking out at the party the inductees threw. You could spy them- they were the ones who didn't get drunk and kept an eye on everything, making sure it was all in order. You felt a bit of pride on that note, but you were quickly whisked out of that good mood when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You tensed up, seeing Jin. "Oh, hey." Your tone is clipped and awkward, and you gulp down the rest of your drink, knowing you didn't want to be sober for this conversation.
"Hey," he said, pressing his plush lips together. "Uh... do you think we could talk?"
"About what?" You played dumb, looking at him with wide eyes. No no no, you did not want to have this conversation. You'd rather die in a hole than confront a problem. You just liked to walk away before it escalated- but you guessed Jin couldn't walk away from you.
Jin narrowed his eyes. "You know exactly what I mean. Vee, I busted a lip for you back there."
"I didn't ask you to," you mutter. "I could've handled myself."
"You can't seem to handle anything, considering the fact you ran out of the room in the first place," Jin said, caging you against the wall, both arms on either side of you. "Vee. We can act like adults about this. I know that I might've sprung it up on you, and you're not the relationship kind of girl, but I want you to know that-"
Before he could finish his sentence, however, a hand pushed against his chest, flaring nostrils and glaring eyes meeting you. Your blood ran cold as Taehyung's handsome face glared at yours, and he was grabbing your arm. "We need to talk."
Jin pushed against his shoulder, brows furrowed. "Dude, what the fuck? I was having a conversation."
"It's a Soyeon thing," Taehyung grunted.
At that, Jin let the younger man go, face falling. "Oh... that. Wait- what happened?"
"First I've got to talk to Vee," Taehyung said, dragging you along. You could do nothing more than be pried away from Jin as you scrambled after Taehyung, wondering what he could be going on about. Truth be told, though, you were kind of scared. You had never seen Taehyung so pissed. But despite that, you were grateful to leave the awkward situation that was transpiring between you and Jin.
Taehyung took you to a secluded closet, turning on the light as he crossed his arms. You blinked up at him, confused and unaware of what had him so moody.
"I get Soyeon's still pissed- but this is low, even for her," Taehyung growled, his voice low.
"I... I'm lost," you said. "And I don't think it's very wise of us to be in a closet together. Not that you're not attractive or I don't trust you or anything- but I don't want someone to catch us in here and get the wrong idea. Hell, how would we know Soyeon didn't see us walk in here?"
"Oh, trust me, that won't happen," Taehyung hissed. "I just saw her fucking one of my best friends."
Your eyes went wide as you processed the situation. "Oh... I'm sorry you had to see that, Tae. I had no idea honestly. I lost her about half an hour ago and had no clue where she went."
"It's not your fault," Taehyung grunted. "But that's just stepping over the line- she could've picked anyone else and yet she decided my best friend."
"She's probably just drunk," you explain, trying your best to defend her. "And you guys broke up- why would you care?"
"I care because someone told me where she was, and I was going up there with a box of chocolates and an apology card, about to beg for her back saying I probably made the biggest mistake of my life letting her go, and then I find her bouncing on my frat-brother's dick," Taehyung sighed. "So sure, why would I care?"
Your face falls, and you rub his arm tenderly. "I'm so sorry, Tae. I... If you had gotten to her a few minutes earlier, maybe it would've been different. But that's not how things went so... What're you going to do?"
"I just want to know if she still even wants me," Taehyung mumbled. "Or if I should give up now."
"I'm not one to input my opinion here, Taehyung. I don't know why you came to me," you mumble. "I thought you moved on when I caught you in the bathroom with another girl."
"After you did I didn't move forward," Taehyung admitted. "I was too shaken up. But I did sleep with someone else after I broke up with her. I dunno, you know how guys are. Right after the breakup, it's great, but then they get lonely and realize their mistake. It's the opposite for chicks."
"I suppose. I'm not too familiar with breakups to know," you confessed. "But I do wish you and Soyeon the best of luck working things out- getting back together or not. Just do what'll make both of you happy and communicate."
"For someone who's literally repulsed at the idea of having a love life, you give good advice," Taehyung chuckles, tugging playfully on one of your pigtails. He swings open the closet door, giving you a grateful smile. "Thanks, Val."
Your face falls. "Don't call me that here, Tae- someone could hear and-"
You wince, and Taehyung slips away into the crowd. You turn towards Jungkook, frozen stiff as a board. "Oh, hey Jungkook," you greet, flinching. He's dressed as a jock, a sporty coat on. "Didn't see you here."
"Yeah- I'm so glad we ran into each other, it's been too long," Jungkook grinned. "I haven't seen you in forever."
"Yeah, tell me about it," you say, scratching the back of your head.
"So, how do you like the party? It's part of my job to ask, since I'm one of the inductees who helped throw it," Jungkook smiled.
"It's great. You did a good job- most of the parties don't even have themes, so it's a nice change," you compliment.
"Say, why'd you run out when I greeted you at that induction meeting," Jungkook brings up.
"Oh, I had to run some errands," you blatantly lie. Quick to change the subject, you think of another topic. "So what brings you to this school anyway? I thought you were at Crestmont."
Jungkook smiled. "I was, but I decided to transfer here. You know, get away from our hometown and all that. None of the kids from there come here, and when I saw you here I was glad to see a familiar face. I mean, I remember how things used to be when we were in high school. We were close back then, but I was sad we lost touch."
"Me too," you admit. "I guess I was just busy. Y'know, college and all that."
"I get it," he assured you, coll and level-headed as always.
Truth was, Jungkook was exactly the kind of guy who you didn't want to know about your reputation. But if someone didn't tell him already, he was bound to find out soon, especially since he'd be at this frat's parties. Jungkook was a close friend of yours back in high school, and the two of you were close. Hell, you might've even had a sexual crush or something of the sort back in the day- but you could hardly remember it now.
But you just didn't want him to find out and go blabbing to all of the people back home. You trusted Jungkook wouldn't do that, but you undoubtedly grew out of the image Jungkook would've pictured for you, and you weren't sure if he did as well. Though the scrawny little kid you used to know way back when was now built into a fully grown man, and you couldn't help but let your eyes rake along the muscles that looked taught and bulky beneath the thin fabric of his tight shirt.
"Hey, Vee!" Namjoon popped up behind Jungkook, beer in hand as he slapped the boy's shoulder in that 'macho' way. He's dressed as a fellow nerd, a loose tie and his spectacles acting as his makeshift outfit. He looked like a nerd no matter what he wore, in your opinion. "See you're making sure our inductees are frat worthy- huh?"
"Vee?" Jungkook repeated in confusion, brows furrowed.
"Uh, yeah. This one's a keeper," you assured Namjoon with a smile.
"I'll say. He put the most effort into this shindig," Namjoon complimented, grinning to Jungkook as a sense of flattery.
You rolled your eyes, flinching. "Who the hell says shindig, any more?"
"I'll leave you two to it- I've got to check on others," Jungkook says, quickly leaving the two of you be.
You look up at Namjoon, a cocky smirk on your face. "You know... I did say it'd be your turn next time, didn't I?"
Namjoon's eyes widened. "Oh?"
"Surprised you haven't called me up on the offer. Jimin said you were interested. Guess I'm just disappointed," you sigh playfully. "Don't tell me you're that shy now."
"No, it's not that," Namjoon assures you with a warm smile, though his eyes are cold.
A shiver runs down your spine automatically, but you don't acknowledge it. "How come, then?"
"Because you wouldn't be able to handle it."
Your blood runs cold, and you lick your lips, stepping forward to run your fingers along the fabric of his shirt. "I think you underestimate me, Joonie."
He smirked at you, quirking a questionable brow as he slowly took your tie in his fingers, pushing it up where the knot was at the base of your throat, and you stepped back, head slamming into the closet door as your breath hitched. Your hands wrapped around the frat president's wrist, which was firm in holding the tie against your throat, making sure the veins along your neck would pop beneath the skin around the tie. Namjoon looked up to you skeptically, his eyes searching yours. "Still think you can handle it?"
You let out a shaky smile, your face blooming red as he finally slightly loosened the tie. "Why? Is that all you've got?"
It seemed to be only those words that had him dragging you to his bedroom, kicking the door back with his foot as he shoved you inside, yanking again on your tie to choke you, forcing you to jut your chin upwards to face him. You felt the sharp sting of his palm against your cheek, and you grinned as he shook the tie.
"You must really be a cockslut if you like this," Namjoon chuckled, watching your face bloom red.
"Uh huh," was all you could choke out, your breath hitching as you felt your lungs begin to burn in your chest.
Namjoon let go of the tie, letting you gasp for breath as it hung loosely, though the collar of it was still snug. You loosened it, sure that bruises would blossom around the collum of your throat. You stared up at Namjoon, eyes wide as he quickly unfastened his belt, staring down at you until he finally unsheathed his erection.
You reached up to touch it, but he swatted your hands away. "No hands," he commanded, instead opting to grab onto your pigtails. Your eyes widened as he moved you closer to his cock, and you wrapped your mouth around it, sucking him in as he let out a throaty groan. He started to maneuver your movements, bobbing your head up and down his girth. Soon enough you weren't doing any of the work, just letting him tug at your pigtails as he aggressively thrust into your relaxed throat. Your pigtails were merely handlebars, and he was using you like his new makeshift fleshlight.
"God, fuck, you feel so good," Namjoon groaned, tilting his head back. Perspiration popped up along his temple as he sweated, using an extreme amount of force as he repeatedly rammed himself into your throat. You relaxed your jaw as best you could, though it was beginning to ache from his ministrations. You typically wouldn't be so trusting of this amount of kink for a new sex partner- but you knew Joonie for so long that you were confident he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Besides, you most definitely liked this treatment from the typically sweet boy.
You felt like some sort of school girl having sex with her teacher. What, with Namjoon's open-mouthed pants and the glasses slipping down his nose, to the way his hands were tightly wound in your pigtails as he pumped into your mouth with brutal force- it was so sexy and wrong that you felt wetness pooling into your underwear, begging for attention.
You gripped onto Namjoon's thighs, trying to halt his movements, feeling your lungs trying to collapse upon themselves like dying stars. He halts his movements, pulling out of your mouth, and a string of saliva interconnects your lips to the head of his dick for but a brief moment before it falls, breaking. You're left drooling over yourself, and your head throbs on the areas of your scalp that he tugged at.
You look up at him, waiting for his next command. His dick is shiny with your slobber all over it, and he pumps it gingerly, feeling the beads of precum spilling from the head of his cock. He walked forward, slapping his dick against the side of your cheek, and you couldn't help but grin at the feeling, the wet thwaps making you squeeze your thighs together.
"You like this, huh?" Namjoon questions, purposefully rubbing his dick against the side of your face.
"Mhm," you hum. "I love your cock."
He didn't hesitate to slap you, your head swinging to the side. But he knew you liked it based on your eagerness from before. He leaned down, face to face with you, gripping onto your chin to force you to make eye contact. Your cheeks squish between his fingertips, and your lips pucker out. You wonder to yourself when was the last time he was able to properly get his rocks off with a girl this compliant and submissive.
"Want to know why you were slapped?" he questions sternly, as though he were a parent who had to spank their child, though it hurt the parent more so than the one on the receiving end.
"Why?" you manage to ask.
"Because you're a cockslut. And cock sluts get slaps," Namjoon answered. He slaps you again before standing up, pointing to the bed. "Get on all fours on the bed- and don't make me ask again."
You're quick to scramble up there, and you hear him chuckle at your eagerness. You get on all fours, and you feel the bed shift behind you with his added weight, and he flips your skirt over, hooking a single digit into your panties as he drags them down your legs and off the bed. You feel the cold air reach your wet pussy and bare ass, and you couldn't help but shiver at the feeling.
You yelped when you felt a sharp spank at your rear. "Spread your legs," Namjoon grunted. You did so, your back arching as you pressed your chest against the mattress. You felt his finger slide up your slit to your dripping entrance, a sharp intrusion as he began pumping it inside, curling it into the sweet spot right behind your clit.
"You're so wet. I didn't even do anything," he marveled. "I bet my dick could just slide in already."
You wiggled your ass, pushing it into his hand. "Please- I need it."
He pulled it out, slapping your ass again, some of your juices smearing onto the flesh. "Of course you do. Cock sluts like you always need a good dicking down."
You moan unabashedly at his dirty words, wiggling your ass as you sought his cock, digits, tongue- anything. He leaned over to the nightstand, retrieving a condom as he undid the wrapper, pulling it over his length. He chuckled, and you felt him get nearer, hands hooking in front of you to slip beneath your thighs, spreading your legs further. You felt the head of his dick run along your folds, gathering some of your slippery juices before he sunk the head of his cock into your entrance, pushing slowly inch by inch.
You curled your fingers into the covers, biting on your lip as you felt the pleasurable burn of his dick against your walls, stretching you out. You felt his hands press against your shoulders, forcing you to dive face first into the mattress until he was balls deep.
He groaned at the sensation, your warm walls squeezing around him. "Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned. "You good?"
"Mhm," you hummed, panting. He released his grip on your shoulders, and you properly raised your chest from the mattress, supporting your weight with your arms. "Move, please."
He didn't await further requests, slamming himself into you with one brutal thrust that had you gasping outright, closing your eyes as you contracted around him. He repeated another one, pauses in between as he let you get used to the feel of him before soon he couldn't maintain further self-control and was hammering himself into you, his balls repeatedly slapping against your cunt as he buried himself inside of it.
You wantonly moan, the long-awaited coil of pleasure forming in the pit of your stomach. It was slowly stretching, waiting for the peak of pleasure where it'd be allowed to snap.
You feel Namjoon's fingers reach towards the base of your neck, and you think he's about to squeeze to choke you again, but instead, he reaches for your tie, twisting it around where the dangling tie was on your back. He yanked on it tightly, and you feel your breath stolen from you again, and you're forced upwards to an upright position, his dick still slamming into you, but your fingers no longer able to so much as graze against the covers.
You feel his chest against your sweaty backs, the perspiration evident even between layers of thin fabric. You gasp out, feeling his fingers rub against your clit. You arch your back, feeling your cheeks burn as they turn red, and you aren't able to so much as gasp out.
You feel the coil stretch out further, at its max potential, and you're just waiting for it to snap. Namjoon's panting, and you suspect he's closer than you expected. "Are you close?" he grunts, an aggressive roll of the hips that has you bucking into his awaiting hand.
You nod desperately, unable to beg for him to let you cum. You wanted to plead and whine, but your voice was stolen from you by how tightly the fabric around your neck was squeezing, acting as Namjoon's makeshift leash for the bitch you were.
"Cum then, cockslut," Namjoon commanded in a firm rasp, lips brushing against your neck. You feel your eyes roll behind your shut eyelids, and you shudder in his arms, feeling him continue to rub circles into your small nub.
He lets go of your tie, now wrapping both arms around you as he continues to pump into you, only using you to get himself off. You were completely limp in his arms as he uses you to chase his own high, and soon enough he's cumming into the condom, slowing down his movements with labored breaths.
You collapse once he lets you go, and you feel completely weak, in a state of both external and internal bliss. You close your eyes, letting out a content hum.
Namjoon smiles, loosening your tie to make sure it's no longer to snug on your neck. He adjusts your clothes, making sure they're fit and no longer a mess. Or at least he does as best as he could, considering the fact you weren't budging an inch. "I'd offer you a place to sleep in my bed, but I know you hate that sort of thing. But still, if you make an exception and decide to spend the night, you're more than welcome to take my bed."
"That's sweet of you," you smile, patting his cheek with one hand, admiring the dimple that pops up along with his smile. "But I really should get back home. And not just because of my whole 'no spending the night' thing. I'm Soyeon's ride- and I don't know if she's spending the night at the person's house."
"Soyeon hooked up with someone?" Namjoon asked, eyes wide.
"Uh, yeah. Taehyung walked in on her. He was pretty upset," you tell him. "One of your frat brothers actually."
"Shit, he must be crushed," Namjoon cursed. "I'm sure things will work themselves out. But yeah, you should probably get home. Go find her and see if she still wants the ride home. Oh, and if you ever want to do this again- I'm down."
"Sure thing," you laugh, grasping his hand as he helps you to your feet. "Trust me, I am too. Hopefully next time I'll make it out in one piece."
Namjoon smirked to you, adjusting your pigtails, despite the fact they were probably half pulled out by now. "Baby- I was going easy on you."
You're well aware that you look positively wrecked- way more wrecked than when you were in the closet with Hoseok. Regardless, the stares you get from the strangers nearby only confirm your suspicions, but you don't really care. At the moment you had to find Soyeon.
You search the crowds, squinting your eyes as you try to look for the familiar cheerleader costume. Unfortunately for you, too many of the girls here decided they'd show up as cheerleaders. And slutty ones at that. Which meant there were about a dozen Soyeon-look-alikes in the room, which really wasn't any help.
"Soyeon!" you shout, cupping your hands. Maybe you should check upstairs and see if she were still with that frat guy, though you doubted it. Soyeon wasn't the type to sleepover for one night stands. Though back then when she was single and before Tae was years ago. This was her first serious rebound in quite a while.
You quickly spot her, however, calming your worries. She's laying down on a couch, half asleep, leaning on the shoulder of Jimin. You figured she must be passed out drunk, and Jimin doesn't seem to be doing anything, only letting her rest on his shoulder as he glares at any guys who eye the unconscious girl too pervy.
You're about to run to her when you run into what feels like a brick wall. Arms grip onto your shoulders, however, and with wide eyes, you look up to Jungkook.
He eyes you, taking in your appearance. He gives you a cocky, sideways grin. "Y'know, you seem to look pretty wrecked lately. Guess you're not the innocent little girl I used to know, huh?"
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tact-and-impulse · 8 years
At Arm’s Length Chapter 3
It’s that time, with Koshijiro at it again! :D I really did not want to rehash manga dialogue, so I’ve condensed it as much as possible. But it was fun to have Kamiya dad frustrated at so many things. FF.net link is here. AO3 link is here.
Chapter 3: First Fight
The week flew by, and when Koshijiro stopped by the Maekawa dojo, it was his friend's wife who greeted him. He wasn't well-acquainted with Sachi, yet she was unfailingly polite and today was no exception.
"I apologize, but my husband has fallen ill and he isn't in any condition to accept visitors. We're deeply sorry, Kamiya-sensei."
"No, I understand. Tell him that I wish he recovers quickly. When he's well, we can reschedule our meeting."
"Yes, of course. By the way, we're very happy that you returned home safely."
"Oh, thank you." He bowed, then left the way he came. Kaoru was at home, training the new student.
Yahiko was belligerent and disrespectful, although that could have been attributed to his lack of parenting. People gossiped about the young boy living in the Kamiya household, and it was whispered that his father had died before he was born. Yahiko's mother had died of a disease, most likely contracted by the only work available to poor widows. Still, he was the only student and Kaoru could only try her best in training him. In that case, it would be good for her, to learn how to deal with a problematic boy. Every class had one…
Koshijiro's train of thought came to a screeching halt, when he passed the gate. There were identical shallow pits on either side of the walkway, as if two projectiles had crashed into the ground. Clay shards were scattered in the grass, and he looked up to see Himura stretching cloth over an obvious hole in the dojo's front wall.
There had been another fight?!
"Kamiya-dono!" Himura jolted. "Welcome back."
"…I'm home." He shortly said, before calling out. "Kaoru!"
His daughter emerged from the dojo, with a forced smile. "Otou-san, you're back from visiting Maekawa-sensei already?"
"Maekawa-sensei is ill, so our meeting has been delayed. More importantly, what happened?"
"Some men were looking for trouble, but we made them leave."
"And why did the men target this house?"
"W-well…" She hesitated. "They were drunk."
"From what it looks like, they had managed to procure a cannon."
"Actually, yes."
Koshijiro glanced around. "Was it Hira and Sato?"
"How did you know?!"
"Out of all the students, they were the most irresponsible sake drinkers. And unfortunately, they were arrogant drunks. Did they pick a fight with the cannon bearers?"
"Wow, he's good." Yahiko spoke up, his brow damp with sweat. "Better than you are."
"I gave them the benefit of the doubt, there's nothing wrong with that." She turned back to Koshijiro. "We're alright, none of us are hurt. The carpenter will be here tomorrow, to fix the dojo."
The incredulity hadn't faded, and he frowned. He didn't like how trite the scenario sounded.
Kaoru continued. "Otherwise, that was it, and Yahiko's gotten the basic steps down. Come on, demonstrate."
The boy had good form, but he was moving too quickly.
"Yahiko, slower. You won't get any stronger if you're hasty."
"Okay." He grumbled, but he obeyed.
"You're doing well." Himura spoke up. "Kamiya-dono, may this one talk to you after this?"
It certainly had to do with the fight, and Koshijiro acquiesced. "Very well."
While Yahiko repeated the basics and Kaoru oversaw his progress, Himura began to cut vegetables for dinner. His words were interspersed with the thud of the kitchen knife. "Hira-kun and Sato-kun were foolish, but they were repentant. This one believes that the encounter was an accident."
"It most likely was, until the cannon was brought out. I'll inform the department to look for it. Even if I could, I have no power to arrest anyone." He was only a paper pusher now. "As for Hira and Sato, I must tell them that they cannot put my daughter in danger, especially if it's because of their mistakes."
"That is understandable." Himura quietly said.
An awkward silence followed, before Koshijiro inquired. "How did Kaoru react?"
The redheaded man smiled. "She was saddened, but she still told Hira-kun to see a doctor for his injured shoulder."
"Is that so? Then, the new master is rather kind."
While the dojo was repaired, they took the opportunity to clean the house. As Himura scrubbed the floors, his fast running could have been mistaken for flying. Yahiko was tasked with airing the bedding, to train his arms. Koshijiro dusted, because even with one arm, he still had the most reach. Meanwhile, Kaoru sorted through items, clearing out the junk. That was the heaviest duty, and she was still rummaging through the closet, after the carpenter was paid.
"It's alright, Kaoru. I can take over." Koshijiro offered.
"No, I want to finish what I started, and this is the last of it. Besides, Yahiko knows enough to practice on his own for the morning. Hm? What's this?" She had found a scroll, and she curiously unrolled it.
"That looks like one of your grandfather's paintings." Koshijiro's father had dabbled in the arts as a hobby; it suited his carefree nature. "He must have thought it was a failure." There had been many of those, tossed aside in despair.
"But it's not that bad, it's still a decent landscape. Ah, can we sell it?"
"Why not? It's better than letting it collect dust."
She beamed. "Then, we should treat everyone!"
And so, they set out for the Akabeko. The Kamiya family had known Sekihara Tae since she opened the restaurant, and she was a good friend to Kaoru. She called out a welcome as the group entered, and Kaoru eagerly greeted her.
"Tae, it's been so long."
"Yes, but it's nice to see you too." She warmly responded and she must have noticed Himura, for she then asked. "Is this new fellow your sweetheart?"
Kaoru waved off the question, her cheeks pink. "No, he's only boarding with us."
Abruptly, the conversation was cut short by loud voices, from a nearby table. The three men were bickering over politics, and Himura noted that they sounded like civil rights supporters. Yahiko dryly noted that they were mere drunks. Nevertheless, they were seated and ordered sukiyaki.
"Can we also have three coffees and one tea?" Kaoru added.
"Of course. The tea is for you, isn't it?" Tae turned to Koshijiro, her worried gaze directed at his left side. "How have you been, Koshijiro-san?"
"I'm well now that I'm home, Sekihara-san."
"That's good to hear, and thank you for returning safely." She bowed her head. "I'll have your order out soon." The restaurant was certainly busy, for she quickly left them.
Then, not long afterwards, a bottle suddenly crashed against Himura's head.
"Kenshin, are you alright?" Kaoru reached out to him as he gave a pitiful moan. The bottle had been thrown from that rowdy table, and Yahiko jumped at the chance to yell at the arguing men.
"Maybe you didn't notice, but you just hit someone! Apologize first!"
"Yahiko-kun, sit down." Koshijiro urged, but it was too late. Insults began to fly, and Koshijiro grimaced, as he heaved himself from his seat. If only he had his police badge and his other arm, he could have been faster at keeping the peace.
Tae had returned to interfere, but one of the men shoved her aside…straight into someone's hand. The person was a scruffy young man, with a bandana tying back his unruly hair. In a low drawl, he answered the men's demands to know who he was.
"I'm just a street fighter, who hates guys that pick on the weak. But I hate hypocrites who blab about 'freedom' and 'justice' even more."
The largest of the men, who had shoved Tae, took the most offense. "Let's take this outside."
"Sure." And with that, the street fighter, strolled out and the three men scrambled to beat him there. Meanwhile, Tae seemed a little shaken, and Koshijiro told her.
"Sekihara-san, there should be some officers patrolling nearby. If it's alright, could you find them and bring them here, in case the situation unravels? I'll stay as a proper witness."
"Yes, of course."
He stood next to his daughter, as the fight began. The larger man dealt the first punch, and Koshijiro noticed the flash of metal in his hand, right before the street fighter took the hit.
"He's a coward, he was hiding a suntetsu." Kaoru noted, and while Koshijiro silently agreed, he glared at the other men who jeered that the weapon was supposed to be hidden.
"That's true, but it doesn't matter." Himura remarked, for the street fighter was still standing. In fact, his opponent's knees buckled. Then, the street fighter flicked the man's forehead and the larger man collapsed. The fight had ended.
"I'm sorry, Koshijiro-san, but no one was there." Tae had returned, and he frowned.
"I'll have to speak to the department about that." His gaze then turned to Himura, who was speaking softly to one of the remaining men. That one was about to draw his sword, and Himura's hand was on the sakabato.
"Now, pay your bill and go home." That was all Himura said, but the other man looked stricken. In a flash, the three troublemakers sped off.
"Hold it!" Koshijiro shouted, but they didn't listen, too focused on retreating and licking their wounds.
"What, are you a cop? You sure don't look like it, old man." The street fighter drawled.
Old man? His eyelid twitched. He wasn't that old, and so what if he didn't look like a police officer now?
"Hey, is your head okay?" The street fighter's attention had drawn to Himura, who gave an affirmative answer. At Kaoru's questioning face, he clarified. "If you had dodged the bottle, it would have hit the girl in the face. You let yourself take the hit, so you could shield her, right?" The street fighter was correct, Koshijiro realized. Kaoru had been sitting opposite Himura, and the table of troublemakers had been behind him. Both Yahiko and Kaoru now looked at Himura in astonishment.
But Himura demurred, also declining an offer of a fight. The street fighter shrugged it off and walked away; the character for 'evil' was sewn into the cloth on his back.
However, as suave as that seemed, Tae noticed aloud that he hadn't paid his bill.
"Kamiya-san, you know I can't let you return to active duty." The police chief gently reminded him.
"Yes, but personnel has been low, ever since the Satsuma men left. Also, it's clear that some of the officers need to be trained." Koshijiro listed off the past instances. "Not actively pursuing the investigation of a cannon procured by a local gang. Slacking off during midday patrols. Undue delays in the arrests of three drunk men, one of whom was illegally carrying a sword. And undue delays in the arrests of Hiruma Gohei and Hiruma Kihei, who have been accused of murder and harassed my daughter for real estate." After his supposed death, the land had been legally turned over to Kaoru, and it was still under her name. There was no point in taking the land back, when she was the master of Kamiya Kasshin and would have inherited it anyway.
"I'm aware of all of that, Kamiya-san." The police chief was sweating now. "With our current numbers on the ground, we are doing all we can. If it would make you feel better, I can put you in charge of the last investigation."
He grimaced. "I did not want to be appeased, only to be listened to." He left for the afternoon, feeling terribly frustrated. In the two weeks following the incident at the Akabeko, the police had been slow to mobilize. If only he could do more than painstakingly write reports…
The next day, he worked through the morning, only stopping when Yahiko knocked. "Er, Kamiya-san? Lunch is ready."
His hand cramped as he answered. "Yes, I'll be there in a moment."
He could barely taste the onigiri and tea, for he was planning out the remainder of his work schedule. At the rate he was going, he could finish another five reports before dinner. He would have to return to work as soon as possible, although he felt a twinge of guilt at leaving the table so early. But it wasn't as if he would be missed. His daughter was reading quietly, as Yahiko scarfed down the rice balls. Himura blew at his tea, but he placed the cup down.
"We have a guest."
"Eh? Wait, Kenshin." Kaoru set down her book and hurried after him. Koshijiro exchanged a glance with Yahiko, before they followed in her wake. "What's going on?"
"This one felt his ki. This kind of spirit could not be hidden." He explained and opened the front door. The street fighter was standing there, and while Koshijiro had never mastered detecting ki, heavy intent roiled off the young man.
He shifted the wrapped spear on his shoulder. "I came to pick a fight."
"This one has already said that he won't fight."
The street fighter stepped forward. "I'm not backing down, not when my target is Hitokiri Battousai, who fought for the Ishin Shishi with the ancient style of Hiten Mitsurugi."
Koshijiro's brows drew together as the street fighter talked. The assassin for the Choushuu Ishin Shishi had been a teenager, killing for the revolutionaries until the first battle of Toba Fushimi. Then, he had disappeared, before resurfacing as none other than Himura Kenshin.
The story seemed far-fetched on the surface, but Himura did not deny it. Instead, he only asked. "How have you decided to fight this one?"
"Hmm, don't know. I'll just have to see for myself, in a fair fight."
Still, Himura deflected. "This one doesn't understand. You do not like bullying the weak, yet you live as a street fighter. And why do you wear that character for 'evil'? You seem to be honest, but right now, your thinking is warped. What happened to you, to make you like this?"
He scoffed. "If you want to know, you'll have to beat me. But you gotta know that I hate the Ishin Shishi; you all were hypocrites, using pretty words like 'equality of the four classes' and 'justice' to trample on anyone in the way. So I want to defeat you with all I've got! You, who they called the strongest of the Ishin Shishi!"
Despite himself, Koshijiro could understand the street fighter's anger. Like Himura, he had fought for the Ishin Shishi, and he knew firsthand that the side he chose was not perfect. But that did not mean this street fighter had a right to seek vengeance. As for Himura...he would address that matter soon enough.
"This one accepts." While Kaoru and Yahiko were startled by Himura's calm statement, Koshijiro wasn't. Himura had no qualms about getting involved, from what he had observed. "However, did the Hiruma brothers employ you?"
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"They're among the few who know this one, and their ki is behind the fence."
At that, Koshijiro pivoted and headed for the gate. Indeed, Gohei and Kihei were crouching nearby, and they flinched. Koshijiro glared at them. "Out into the yard. Now."
They really were cowards to the core, because they shuffled out. The street fighter confiscated Kihei's gun, although crushing it was a tad extraneous. Koshijiro was too late, to argue that it could have been used as evidence, but the situation was progressing fast. He intended to be a silent observer, but Kihei turned to him.
"Kamiya-dono!" He gave a wide, false smile, his eyes darting to Koshijiro's missing arm. "This is just another way to negotiate selling the land."
"Oh? It seemed you were the ones who decided to stop negotiations, when you undermined the school's reputation." His tone was cool, but he was already thinking ahead. At the moment, he was only a citizen, and it was his duty to find someone else who could properly make arrests. "Now, if you'll excuse me-"
"Hold on, old man." The street fighter lowered his wrapped spear, barring Koshijiro from taking another step. "No one's going anywhere until we settle this fight."
"Kamiya-dono, this won't take long." Himura meant to be reassuring. He wasn't. "The dojo is too small; we can take this to the river."
Koshijiro grudgingly gave Himura credit for that. As the group walked through town, people took notice and murmured. However, because the criminals led the way, their route was escaping any patrols.
"Were you surprised, Yahiko?" Himura asked.
"Sort of, but I'm not scared of you. It just explains why you're so strong." Yahiko shrugged.
The redhead then glanced at Koshijiro, who was bringing up the rear. Neither of them spoke first, and after a few seconds, Himura lowered his head and looked away.
Kaoru had sensed the tension and slowed her pace. "I guess you know now, Otou-san, but listen to me. Kenshin is Kenshin, it doesn't matter who he was. Please don't be mad at him."
He pressed his mouth into a thin line. "For now, let's worry only about this fight."
To his disappointment, they reached the river without any interference from the police. Himura and the street fighter stood apart from the rest, facing each other on the grass.
As the street fighter unwrapped his weapon, he introduced himself. "I'm Sagara Sanosuke, but the underground knows me better as Sanosuke with the zanbatou, or Zanza for short." The spear wasn't a spear after all. Koshijiro looked warily at the hefty horse-killing sword, while Himura drew his reverse blade.
Zanza made the first strike, and clumps of dirt flew through the air. But Himura had speed. Koshijiro needed effort, to track Himura's movements, and the man still had enough power to knock Zanza to the ground. There was an awed silence, but Zanza managed to recover.
"He has a lot of endurance." Kaoru said. "We might have misjudged how strong he is."
"That's true." Koshijiro agreed. "But Himura has been holding back."
The redhead wasn't even out of breath, and when the second round began, he quickly struck back. Zanza was too slow, his moves easily read by Himura. Koshijiro stared as Himura dealt a series of blows, his sword arcing again and again. If the blade wasn't reversed, Zanza would have been dead.
Himura is not just a good swordsman, he's a remarkable one.
As the street fighter grimaced on the dirt, Himura called out. "Let's stop this fight, this one does not wish to hurt you any further. Accept defeat, please."
For a long moment, it seemed it was the end. Then, Zanza's fingers twitched, and he struggled to get up once more. "Can't lose…for the Sekihoutai…I'm not gonna lose!"
A gunshot ripped the air. Himura flew backwards.
"Kenshin, no!" His daughter's strangled cry unfroze Koshijiro. He charged to Kihei, who apparently had another gun on him. Koshijiro may not have counted Himura as a friend, but shooting at him was unacceptable.
"Huh?" Kihei was visibly startled, but Koshijiro had too much momentum to stop. He tackled the man, pinning down the hand that held the gun. He looked up when Yahiko shouted to Himura. Astonishingly, the bullet had been blocked by the sakabato's guard. The metal crumbled, but Himura was unscathed. Koshijiro exhaled, but his expression tensed again when Kihei shouted to his brother. "Gohei, get the brats! Break their legs if you have to!"
New terror seized Koshijiro, and he twisted his head to see Gohei advancing on his daughter and her student. "Kaoru, Yahiko-kun, run!" He bellowed.
Kaoru was pulling Yahiko back, her eyes wide. In the next instant, the zanbato slammed into Gohei's outstretched arm. Blood gushed, and the man screamed.
Zanza was on his feet again, his eyes manic. "I'm not gonna lose, I can't lose!"
The sky then whirled over Koshijiro; Kihei had thrown him off in the confusion. He bit back a curse and tried to right himself. The little man had the guts to aim at Himura once more, and he even had a second pistol in his clothing.
"Clearly, you are beyond help." Himura had a look of such intense focus, it seemed out of place on him. He dug his sword into the loose dirt, and earth flew into Kihei's eyes. The little man howled and collapsed, his mouth open in pain. He had broken a tooth from the force of his fall.
Koshijiro took the chance to take both pistols, pointing one at Kihei to keep him from escaping. Still, he frowned at the feel of the icy metal. He glanced at Gohei, who was openly crying at his mangled arm, before returning his attention to Kaoru and Yahiko. "Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah, I guess." Yahiko replied, while Kaoru shakily nodded.
"We are."
This was far too risky. And where on earth is the nearest patrol?! I'll talk the police chief's ears off, if we survive this. He couldn't think calmly at all, not when their collective safety had been in danger.
Himura wasn't finished yet either. Zanza was intent on a third round, wildly spinning his weapon. It would be the last time, for Himura moved in a blur and the ancient zanbato split in half. The next blow was to Zanza himself, and the street fighter could barely stand.
"Wait here, while this one fetches a doctor. And the police." Himura added, before turning away.
"Not yet! I haven't lost yet!" Zanza spat more about the fallen Sekihoutai. "I'll die before I lose to you Ishin Shishi scum!"
Koshijiro had expected Himura to keep walking, but he doubled back to punch the street fighter's jaw. Zanza reeled back, stunned, as Himura said. "Did they teach you to kill the Ishin Shishi or to fight for a new era?"
He regained his voice, launching into another rant. "Don't give me that shit! You were greedy, you lied to everyone!"
"You're wrong!" It was Kaoru's voice that rang out. "Kenshin isn't like that, he never cared about power. He chose to protect people, so what do you know about him? You just see him as Hitokiri Battousai, but you're the one who started all of this!"
"That's right!" Yahiko rushed forward, but Himura stopped him from restarting the fight.
"It is true, the new era is not finished. Even after ten years, the weak are still oppressed. But to aid those people, this one carries this blade. This one doesn't know for how long, but it is how this one chooses to make amends to the revolution's victims. Hitokiri Battousai's victims. So you see, this one will continue to fight for the people. What will you do?"
His words must have reached Zanza, for at last, the street fighter fell and did not stand up again.
When the police finally arrived to arrest the Hiruma brothers, Koshijiro went with them to offer his testimony. Zanza had been transported to a different wing for his injuries as well. It was clear that neither brother would be able to make statements, so after his part was complete, Koshijiro returned home. The sunset bathed Tokyo in an orange light, as he quietly stepped past the gate. Himura was there, cleaning his sakabato. Or at least, he was trying to, because Kaoru and Yahiko were pinching the sides of his face.
"That's probably enough to get rid of those scary eyes." Yahiko remarked.
"Mm, that's the rurouni we know." Kaoru's ponytail bounced, as they snapped Himura's cheeks in place.
Koshijiro coughed, and the three of them met his gaze. "Welcome home, Otou-san." His daughter nervously laughed.
"I'm back." But he did feel better, seeing her and the others safe. The Hiruma brothers were no longer a nuisance, yet that brought him to the next matter. "Himura-san, allow me to be clear with you."
Kaoru interrupted. "Otou-san, don't turn him away-"
"It's alright, Kaoru-dono." He lifted a hand to stop her, glancing at Koshijiro. "Kamiya-dono, what is it that you want to say?"
"…I don't know who Hitokiri Battousai is."
The other man smiled in relief. "Kaoru-dono said the same words to this one, that she only knew and accepted the rurouni. This one now understands where her ideals came from. Thank you, Kamiya-dono."
"No, Himura-san. I meant what I said. I have never heard of a person named Hitokiri Battousai, not once during my time in the army. And instead of hearing your sentiments about my daughter, please tell me in your own words, that this was your past." He scowled. Besides, what gave Himura the right to act so…mushy, when it came to Kaoru? Even now, she was blushing. Yahiko was giving her a rather disgusted expression.
"It's true, all of it." Himura hesitated. "Then, Kamiya-dono, if you wish for this one to leave-"
"I didn't say that. Himura-san, you know I fought in Satsuma, and during the Bakumatsu. I had to fulfill my duty as a soldier, even though I did not like it. I've done things that I'm not proud of, so who am I to judge you? As Kaoru said, it does not matter what your past is." He paused. "With that said, you cannot help that there are people who wish to fight you. That is out of your control. But Kaoru's accepted you, and she wants you to remain. I only ask that no one else be brought into future conflicts."
"Yes, of course. This one does not wish for anyone to be hurt."
Koshijiro cleared his throat. "Furthermore, if there are any more fights, I would appreciate it if they were in the yard or elsewhere. This house isn't nearly old enough to undergo a third round of repairs. That will be all." The conversation ended a little awkwardly, but Kaoru ran up to give him a quick hug.
She beamed at him. "Thank you, Otou-san."
"You know I wouldn't have made him leave."
"Well, you did look mad."
"I suppose so." He conceded; he had been serious, after relating the incident to the police. "Oh, and another thing. This doesn't mean the arm's length rule is abolished. Kaoru, you cannot carelessly touch his face like that."
"Otou-san!" She was indignant. "It was to get him back to normal, and Yahiko helped too!"
"Himura is fully capable of restoring his facial features."
"This one isn't quite sure about that…"
"See? Otou-san, stop being so stubborn!"
Kaoru continued to protest and Yahiko joined in about wanting dinner, but they were all home, Himura included. And for that, Koshijiro had nothing to complain about.
Note: Yes, Kenshin is infamous, but like with all stories and news, there are some people who just aren't in the loop. Being how he is, it's likely that Koshijiro would have kept to himself in the army, so it's easy to imagine that his limited interaction with his comrades didn't touch on Battousai. It's a subversion on how Kenshin's conflicts usually start with his former identity, and plus, Koshijiro was a soldier too. It's not directly stated, but given warfare at the time, he had to kill people to survive. He can't claim any moral ground over Kenshin and he knows it, so why wouldn't he still accept Kenshin? Well, other than that the rurouni's getting too close to his daughter...
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monoguk · 8 years
hopelessly so . second
Recently, he’s been needing sex: a getaway, a distraction. but you never really left his thoughts.
FEATURING - jeon jungkook CATEGORY - mature . drama WORD COUNT - 1000+
PARTS - first . second . last
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Jungkook needed this: this free Friday night, drowning himself in hardcore drinks and a slick wetness pooling in some random chick’s underwear all because of him.
So, after making sure he was intoxicated by the liquor he consumed specifically for this purpose, he went off the bar stool to find some sexy girl to fuck. With no struggle at all, he was rushing off to a random room in the party house all the while dragging his prey for tonight.
Go back. Go back.
Slam: the door on it’s hinges, the lock on the knob, her back on the door, his hands caging her. She said her name seductively, but Jungkook cut her off with a swoop, bringing their lips together in a fiery kiss.
Stop. Stop.
His hands ran up and down her body, rough and fast and desperate. She was just as desperate as he was, her crotch grinding with his thrusting hips, hands pushing him towards the bed, legs situating on either side of Jungkook as she straddled him.
No. No.
He discarded both their clothes quickly, wanting to get it on as soon as possible. Rough, fast, deep, kinky, anything but sweet or lovely. Jungkook, body skilled with anything on any part, roused this girl rubbing all over him. He painted her neck with painful purple lilacs and soft blush roses, kneaded her round bottom and plump breasts with such intensity that had her whimpering, abused her exposed labia and clit with the length of his sex grinding in between the slick folds.
Furrowed brows and reading something on the phone. Protests and sly giggles.
He clenched his eyes shut, rutting harsher against the girl’s exposed parts. He wished he had brought along more alcohol as well, but he thought euphoria with her would suffice for tonight. Jungkook shoved her off, only to throw her over the soft mattress, legs straddling her stomach and eyes commanding her to suck. She complied, mouth skillfully taking him whole, gaze hypnotizing him into the needed distracting lust.
Soft hair through fingertips. Emotions only for him to see.
Once coated perfectly, he held her face still with her hair before he began to thrust quickly in her mouth. His eyes met hers, and he grunted upon seeing her tearing up. His length caused her to gag, but she swallowed it and Jungkook liked the feeling. So he abused her mouth, not that she was complaining anyways. He catches her hands gliding down her body sensually until it reached her hot cunt, slick and wet and glistening and needy. He didn’t need to look back and see that she inserted her digits inside her when she closed her eyes in ecstasy. So, he continued: cock thrusting up the back of her throat until he reached back and inserted two of his fingers inside her as well. “Aren’t you a needy bitch?”
His fingers, in cooperation with hers, thrusting inhumanely inside her slickness while his pace matched with that of his hips in her mouth. He urged her to scoot up until she was sitting up, so he could hold the backboard of the bed for support. A tight knot was at the verged of smoothing out in his stomach so he stopped and proceeded to ram himself inside her, doing all positions he could think of before they came, ecstasy so high and euphoric that their energy was drained.
Jungkook needed this. He needed this so much. The exhaustion that would immediately bring him to sleep.
But, lately, even a tiring sexcapede wouldn’t lull him to sleep. Sex wasn’t even physically tiring anymore, as it was more emotional. But he needed sex, hoping to rid of his thoughts, thoughts that revolved on one thing.
He stared at his sex partner, sleeping peacefully atop his heaving chest. She was a beauty, sexy and experienced. He thinks he’s seen her in some of his courses, but he didn’t even try remembering her.
She had hair the same as yours, but dyed in a rebellious vibrant color. She had a body straighter than your curved ones, but her ass and bust was no joke (not when his thighs had a boob-and-butt-job from her when she rode him sideways). She was just as pretty as you, though she was a lot prettier. She was a potential permanent partner for him, any girl was, but she wasn’t you.
Okay, there, he said it. He liked you. A lot. Maybe even this close to calling it love.
However, Jungkook knew he won’t do love. He didn’t know how to love. He cared about you, and thought about you, and prioritized your happiness first over his, but they couldn’t be the same as love. He was an expert in physical love, so he should stick to what he does best.
How dare he even start developing feelings for you, his best friend? How dare a dirty man like him get into your innocently pure business? He’d rather die than taint you with his dark angst. (Although you weren’t really innocent what with you reading smutty fiction).
Jungkook never expected he’d let his cold heart get snatched by you. He never knew he’d even start to like you. So, he thought being all clingy and smiley and happy and open and caring and breathless around you was fine, because you were his best friend and he finds comfort in you.
He knew, the moment his hugs were longer than they were supposed to be, the moment his lips would always find solace in parts of your skin that seemed intimate to others, the moment his eyes were absolutely content with seeing you as soon as he wakes up, the moment he’s giddy with merely seeing both your reflections on the mirror brushing your teeth properly for classes during the morning. Jungkook knew the moment you introduced an upperclassmen named Kim Taehyung to him as your first boyfriend. He knew he liked you so much.
As if hearing you blab on and on about how your ‘Tae’ was the sweetest man alive and that you were happy to be with someone as great as Kim Taehyung while Jungkook had to hide his confused feelings underneath a mask of understanding and supporting wasn’t enough, Jungkook had to walk in on you and Taehyung eating each other’s tongues out on your couch in your dorm one day. You were a flustered mess, and Jungkook wished he had been the one to cause such things to you.
But he had been too late, too busy shoving down the possibility of him actually liking you despite him jokingly urging you to have sex with him. Of course, Jungkook thought sarcastically, he just had to woo you with sex because that was the only thing he was good at: seduce. kiss. fuck. leave.
But, no, he wouldn’t dare leave you like he did with the bitches he fucked every night. Jungkook had thought far into having sex with you, but he never saw himself going rough with you, never saw himself doing things that would only pleasure him, never saw himself leave you the next day with only a note and the memory of his kisses and his inhumane thrusts. Maybe, he liked you for a while now, because he realized he only saw himself making proper love to you, only saw himself writhe under your loving control, only saw himself holding you intimately close to him as he thrust slowly, slower, slowest, only saw himself pulling you on top of him after the delicious deed is done only so you could rest your tired body on his flesh-to-flesh, only saw himself sighing contentedly at waking up to your peaceful sleeping face beside him with his arms wound around you protectively and possessively.
Recently, he’s been needing sex: a getaway, a distraction. But you never really left his thoughts.
Ping! Even his inbox had your very essence because you were the only person he texted with often.
[ YOU ]   —  dude, tae brought over pizza. wanna hang out with us?   —  or are you busy fucking some sexy chick?
Jungkook didn’t need this, didn’t need seeing you so happy around 'your Tae’. But this was you, asking him to hang out just like old times although someone had joined in your little bubble for two.
Might as well give him the Best Jerk award and the Best Martyr too.
[ JJK ]   —  nah, i was just about to stand up. i’ll be there soon. leave me some, piggy.
[ YOU ]   —  am not a piggy. hurry up tho. and, take care :))
It hurt that you care for him too. Your reciprocating actions were giving him too much hope; it once gave him hope before this boyfriend fiasco happened. But all you were doing were reciprocating, unlike him who did it because of pure romantic intentions.
It hurt that he used to be the one you were leaning onto on your couch every night while you both had your attention on the screen. It hurt Jungkook that the only place he had with you was being the best friend who was authorized only until he was lying down on your thighs. It hurt Jungkook that Kim Taehyung was too giving and understood your relationship with Jungkook pretty well.
“Hey man,” Taehyung greeted, “just about time. This piggy’s been begging me to have one more slice from your share.”
“What? He’s my best friend anyway. Hey, Kook.”
Of course, how could Jungkook still be hoping? More importantly, how could Jungkook dare to still be drunk in you - your smell, your soft skin, your tinkling laughter, your warm smile, your bright eyes, your everything - even though he was in the presence of your boyfriend? How could Jungkook still wish to have a chance when he could clearly see Taehyung was perfect for you?
Jungkook sighed, when your fingers tangled themselves up in his disheveled hair, just like what he does with yours when you get in the position he was in. “You’re one kinky person, I bet you came when your fuck buddy for tonight tugged at your hair roughly. Seriously disgusting, Kook.”
Your words were harsh, but he knew you were joking. Besides, no matter how hard his one night stands did tug at his hair, at the end you were always there to soothe the lingering pain.
“You’re no different, you know that?” Taehyung commented, then you and your boyfriend would start a funny arguments. But you left your hands in Jungkook’s hair.
For now, Jungkook thought as he watched you through your reflection on the television screen staring lovingly at a different man, he was content with the way you two were just because you were content with how the things are.
PARTS - first . second . last
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