#(my first ghostface ficlet - how did I do?)
Friend or Foe?
Poly!Ghostface x Deaf/HoH & Mute GN!Reader
Word count: 1,929 This is a ficlet at best but I might continue it.
Warning: Being bullied is mentioned, comfort given, being alienated/treated differently occurs, jealousy happens, anxiety attacks, found family dynamic, and Scream-related typical violence is touched on. Nothing explicit is mentioned in detail.
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You’ve been a part of the group for a long time, growing up in cozy Woodsboro since you moved there during elementary school. In the beginning, you were treated like an outcast. Little kids can be so rude in that regard. Especially since you didn’t know how to act around others yet, and they didn’t know how to accept someone new. Mean nicknames flew around the school and it was hard to not cave into yourself. It came as no surprise that the friend you managed to make back then was equally a misfit.
It started with Billy Loomis. Who, as expected, took no shit from anyone. Even standing up to a group of bullies that had cornered you on the playground one day. The others followed suit when entering middle school. The second one was Stu. Who, as anyone could tell by glances alone, seemed to not care how his ‘higher stance’ in society was supposed to dictate who he hung out with. Sure, he still flaunted his money when getting the newest toy on the market, but he always shared in the excitement. The others came as followed; Randy, Sydney, and Tatum. Randy because he too enjoyed scary things and was a tad awkward. Sydney and Tatum came as a pair, best pals that seemed to not mind hanging out with the growing group. And, over time, became an essential part of the odd set.
Your hearing and voice started going by the age of twelve after getting very sick. Bacterial meningitis they said. The doctors predicted that it would only become worse as time went on, especially when your parents couldn’t afford the expensive surgery, and they were right. By the age of seventeen, you couldn’t hear or remember what you even sounded like at all. Despite this, you had your close friends to lean on. They evolved with you, learning things alongside you. It was sweet of them, honestly. Who could have asked for better friends?
Out of the entire group, Billy learned the most sign language with you. You gathered it was due to him being your longest friend — your closest bud. Stu wasn’t far behind and neither was Randy. Although Randy struggled with remembering all the ‘vocabulary’. Often mixing signs up or accidentally forgetting a word. Sydney and Tatum only knew the basics but you didn’t hold it against them. They were often busy and, especially after Sydney’s mom was murdered, you didn’t want to make it a big thing. She needed time to recover and that was okay.
Maybe it was the lack of hearing and having to focus more on sight, smell, and touch, but it was easy to notice Billy and Stu’s growing attraction to Sydney and Tatum. Hell, even Randy couldn’t hide those lingering glances at Sydney, even when Billy swept her up. Jealousy nestled in your chest but you fanned it away. You had no place to stake claim to your best friend. It did, however, come as a surprise that Stu continued to be so close with you despite dating Tatum. It felt wrong sometimes. How his hands would linger and the looks he’d send your way. Yet, deep down, you clung to those moments — cherishing the little things. It was hard to feel normal when there was no one else like you at school.
Although the bullying had stopped back in elementary school, the looks never did. The rumors only spread faster and faster as everyone aged. If kids could be rude then teenagers can be absolute devils. You could no longer count on your hands the number of times someone mocked you from behind, out of your sight. How the jocks would yell at you, knowing full well you couldn’t hear them. How the teachers gave you pitying looks while lecturing class — going the extra mile to give you a bullet printed note style copy of the discussion or writing extra on the chalkboard.
You couldn’t go anywhere without someone thinking you needed a guide, some form of assistance. Life could not be like this for eternity. You knew that and your parents knew that. All this fuss about your safety and comfort was growing weary. Sometimes you didn’t mind it but most of the time you grew aggravated by it. No one wants to be treated like a child forever.
The fact Billy and Stu didn’t treat you as a baby to coddle was refreshing. Sure, they looked out for you when it called for it. Bitching out people who mocked and yelled at you. Preventing you from becoming roadkill when you forgot to double-check before crossing the road. Making life a little easier when they order drinks and food for you while out and about — never expecting the working staff to know sign language and writing it all out took too much time. Despite all that, they goofed around and treated you like any other equal.
So, when the killings started you couldn’t help but notice a shift in their demeanor. It was hard to place exactly what it was. Excitement? Nervousness? Sure, everyone seemed on edge and constantly shifting blame to who it could be. But there was this twinkle in their eye as if they had a secret — a plan. Although you didn’t want to assume anything, or perhaps you felt a sense of fear of being right, you couldn’t help but bring it up one night. You had just finished watching a horror movie at Stu’s place, one that you’ve probably seen a hundred times now, and grabbed Stu’s sleeve before he could get up to rewind the VHS.
With a tilted head and furrowed brows, the teen signed ‘What?’
You swallowed, trying to push down the steadily growing anxiety while letting his sleeve go. ‘I want to ask a question,’ You start before looking to Billy so he knows this is directed to him too. The burnet motions for you to continue with an air of ease. You bit into your lower lips while lifting your hands again, the motion bowing and drooping with a slowness you don’t normally use. As if to exaggerate just how uncertain you are. ‘You both have something to do with the murders?’ It was meant to be a question but even you knew your expression didn't come off that way.
They both look at one another, lips moving. They don’t normally talk like this around you. Always going out of their way to include you in the loop. Seeing this display of… well, secrecy made you further uneasy. You stood up, leaving Stu on the sofa, and put your back to the tv still rolling the credits.
‘Wait, wait —’ you fan your hands, catching their gaze again. Successfully breaking the heated discussion. Billy’s eyes felt colder, distant, as they land on you. While Stu seemed fidgety, leg jittering to an unsteady beat. ‘You’re shitting me, right?’ You pause, hoping they would say something — anything. It never came. ‘Holy shit.’ Your hands stall before combing fingers through your hair. They weren’t denying the accusation. They weren’t doing anything but sitting there.
That was an answer all on its own.
You started to pace. Killers… my best friends are killers. They killed people — Casey and Steve. They killed someone they knew! Someone Stu dated! The thoughts kept coming in waves, building up the dread and fear with each new moment of clarity. You didn’t know how to handle this and started to berate yourself for even bringing it up — knowledge is key but ignorance was bliss. Then a hand landed on your shoulder and you about fell over, breathing uneven and eyes wide.
‘Calm down,’ Stu motioned to the sofa, now empty. ‘Sit. We’re not going to hurt you.’
It could be a lie, you immediately think but did as told. Billy was gone from the chair he once preoccupied and your gaze shifted around the room, but instantly fell on Stu as he crouched down in front of you. Although you wanted to jerk your hands away you didn’t as he took them in his own. His thumb rubbed over your knuckles as he exaggerated the action of breathing. In. Out. In. Out. The exhale was long and slow as you mimicked him.
Billy’s leg came into sight and your gaze redirected upward, taking him in as he held out a bottle of water and wash rag. You didn’t know what the latter was for until he started to dab at your neck. The coolness offered another solid thing to concentrate on. The bottle had been sealed, you consciously noticed, as you twist it off and down more than half of its contents.
After a few solid minutes passed you rubbed your chest, ‘Sorry.’
Stu instantly shook his head with a small smile on his lips. It didn’t suit him well. He was meant to be grinning, joking, nudging you, and dishing out all the antics.
This Stu looked sad.
Billy gently took the bottle and placed it on the end table before sitting down next to you. This was your closest, longest friend and yet you had to stop the urge from scooting away as his thigh touched yours.
‘You are right,’ Stu signed in a much slower way than he usually did. ‘But,’ he drew his fingers out long and wide, ‘We didn’t want… didn’t plan…’ he struggled to find the right word before his lips moved in what you predict to be a curse word, frustration building up on his face and how his shoulder grew taunt. You waited patiently for him to continue — not wanting to interrupt or cause further aggravation. ‘You are not involved, okay?’
Billy's finger fanned on the outskirts of your sight and you turned to face him. He quickly signed what Stu was trying to get across. ‘We don’t want to hurt you. Not the plan. You finding out, not the plan. But,’ You watched as his gaze turned to Stu's and so did yours. You caught the other nodding to the silent question. Turning back to Billy, he continued. ‘Now you know and we… we have to think on what comes next.’
Your brows furrowed as you copied the last sign, ‘Next?’ What did they mean by that? Are you now on their killing list? Was this it? Another anxiety attack was building. You could feel it in your muscles — your chest. Am I going to have to fight my friends for my life?
Billy took notice and gently grabbed your shoulder. Your wide eyes fell on him as your body jolted. Fight or flight, it didn’t matter. You were already cornered. If they wanted to kill you, Billy could easily drive a knife right into you at this very moment. A part of you envisioned how that would feel. The sharp pain, the wetness. With shaky hands you asked the heaviest question on your mind, ‘You planning to kill me?’
‘That is up to you,’ Billy answered truthfully, still calm.
Your index finger hit your chest a little harder than you wanted, ‘Me?’
Stu must have stood at some point because he was now walking into your frame of sight, taking up post behind Billy. With a casual sense of ease, his arm draped over Billy as he signed yes followed by pointing right at you.
Me… up to me…
‘What do I have to do?’
Billy’s lips quirked into a familiar grin. Although it now held a sense of eerieness to it. ‘You are with us or against us. What will it be?’
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anarcoqueer1994 · 5 years
Scary Movies
A tiny ficlet about a Wes Craven movie night(He's from Cleveland, so I gotta represent) TJ hates scary movies but its Halloween and Cyrus loves them.
Bonus notes that have no impact on the story but are true in the universe of the story.
TJ is Trans
So is Marty
Also Jeed rights
TJ hates scary movies. He hates the gore. He hates the jump scares. He hates the grotesque villains who lurk in the shadows of every scary movie. He hates the tense, unnerving, music signaling that one of the characters was about to meet their demise. He hates the blood splatters. He hates the ear-piercing scream let out by some terrified teenage girl. But most of all, he hates feeling scared. He doesn’t like that feeling of vulnerability. Unfortunately,  that is the exact reason he cannot admit to anyone that he does like them. He hasn’t even told Cyrus. He felt like a wimp. He doesn’t want anyone to know that tough, “lives on the edge”, TJ Kippen is terrified of horror films.
Cyrus on the other hand LOVES scary movies. He geeks out over the work and cinema magic that goes into them. Scary movies are a way to face fear without actually being in danger. Cyrus, who admittedly is always anxious about something bad happening, could take solace in the pretend horror in the films.  TJ, for his part, has managed to avoid watching them with Cyrus up until now. But it is October and he knew he didn’t have an option to avoid them anymore. Last Halloween he manage to avoid them but knew he could not pull that off again without anyone get suspicous. Cyrus had invited everyone over to his house for a classic slasher marathon that weekend. TJ had no good excuse to not come and he obviously did not want to tell Cyrus he was afraid.  So he resided himself to going and hoping that he could hide how scared he was.
The night of, TJ of course got there first to help Cyrus set up. He knows how particular his boyfriend is when it comes to parties, even if it was just a movie night with their friends. As they lined pillows on the floor in front of the couch and set out bowls of snacks, TJ asks "So Cy, what movies do you have planned?" He tries to keep his voice casual. In reality, he was just getting himself ready.
Cyrus smiles, "Well I thought we could do a Wes Craven themed night. We'll start with A Nightmare on Elm Street, obviously. Then I was thinking Scream, and finally The Hills Have Eyes."
"Oh, okay. " He tries to say cooly.
"I know they are kind of campy and outdated, not really the terror fest to write home about. But like I thought they would be fun." Cyrus defends thinking TJ wasn't impressed with the lineup.
In reality, he was so nervous because he has never seen any of these movies. Yea, of course he has heard of Freddy Kruger and Ghostface because who hasn't? But he has never sat down to watch them. He really hates being scared. But he just gives Cyrus a big smile and lies through his teeth. "Sounds good, Underdog."
After a while the rest of their friends show up and get settled in. Amber and Andi snuggle together on the oversized chair. Buffy and Marty are sitting on the floor already seeing who can catch the most popcorn in their mouths. Jonah and Reed join Buffy and Marty on the floor laughing at their friends' antics. That leaves Cyrus and TJ the couch. TJ sits down and after Cyrus turns off the lights and starts the first movie, he moves to cuddle next to his boyfriend, throwing a blanket over them, his head resting on TJ's shoulder.
TJ watches as his friends all indulge in the familiar plot. It seems like everyone has seen it before, no one flinching when Tina's bloody body is thrown across the room. But TJ hates it. He wants to cover his face but doesn't want to give away his secret. He hopes to God that no one noticed when he would jump or flinch whenever Freddy did something new.
But Cyrus notices. He whispers too quietly for anyone else to hear. "You okay, Teej?"
TJ gives a stiff nod, not removing his eyes from the gore on the screen in front of him, worried that Cyrus will know the truth if he looks at him.
But Cyrus already could tell the truth. TJ was not having a good time. He wasn't enjoying being terrified. But he could also tell that TJ was never going to admit it, being too "tough" for that. So he gets an idea.
He whispers his lie. "My neck is getting tired from laying like this. Can we switch positions, Teej?"
"Uh..." the blonde stutters. "Yea of course."
They quietly get up, careful not to disturb the other kids. Cyrus moved so he sat against the arm of the couch. TJ, instead of putting his head on Cyrus' shoulder, lays it on the brunette's lap.
So as the movie played on, Cyrus stroked TJ's hair, or would rest a hand on the jock's shoulder whenever he would feel him tense up at a scary part. Of course Cyrus never said out loud that he knew TJ was scared. It was more like an unspoken understanding.
Nevertheless, Cyrus settles into a comfortable pattern of playing with the fluffy blonde locks that laid on his lap. TJ eventually not even flinching at the terrifying images that played before him. It doesn't take Cyrus long to realize why. His boyfriend fell asleep. He smiles to himself, lazily stroking the sleeping boys head as he continues to watch the film, not bothering to wake him up. He was pretty sure TJ would be fine missing the rest.
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