#poly!ghostface x gn!reader
s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❝ beautiful (darling) ❞
slashers dating drabble | transmasc!reader | comfort/fluff | graphic description of violence | mentions/implied transphobia (minor) | minor mention of SH in Amanda Y.'s section
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Amanda Young | Brahms Heelshire | Corey Cunningham | OG!Michael Myers | RZ!Michael Myers | poly!Ghostface (Stu Macher, Billy Loomis) | Sinclair brothers
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Amanda Young (Saw) —
She would do anything to ensure that you are happy and healthy.
Even if it means she has to stare you down with her arms crossed and her brow arched as you meekly confess that you'd forgotten to fulfil your daily needs.
Your girlfriend knows how damaging it is to be looked at with disgust by close-minded individuals - as an ex-addict and ex-convict she knows how dark your mind can become when the world seemingly turns its back on you. She may not understand the struggle you face as a trans person but she is SO proud of you for having made it this far.
If you deny these words of admiration, she will cup your face and repeat them.
Resist more and she will whisper praises on your skin as she trails kisses anywhere she can. She loves you, she will not give you room to degrade the person she loves.
Oh! Amanda adores wearing matching pieces with you. She's not interested in full-on "couple outfits" (if you beg, maybe she'll relent...maybe) but matching earrings, necklaces, rings? She loves it. It soothes her possessive side.
Speaking of her possessiveness, she's not a jealous person...at least that is what she tells herself.
Amanda won't ever turn her anger on you when someone shows interest in you, she knows it isn't your fault that someone doesn't understand what "taken" means.
However, this does little to stop her from placing her chin on your shoulder, wrapping her arms around your waist and nuzzling your neck as she regards the "threat" with an unimpressed look.
"Whose this, baby?" "Oh, this is-" she gasps and you look as she points out something in the distance. "Look at that! Come on, looks fun!"
Please reassure her though, she acts tough but she is just a person underneath all that bloodshed.
Your girlfriend loves to embrace you, Little Spoon or Big Spoon matters not.
All-in-all, she is unapologetically touching you any chance she gets.
If someone is an asshole to you, you frankly start worrying about what dirt Amanda is going to find out about them and use against them in their game. You don't need to worry about her sketching new torture devices, disappearing in the middle of the night, or that suspicious duffel bag she comes back with that makes a loud CLANK! sound when she places it on the floor. No, really, don't worry.
When you see the asshole's face and name appear on the news because of their gruesome death, you simply continue to channel surf while Amanda chews on her lower lip, tucked under your arm and looking so smug.
If your cologne starts running out faster you look to your girlfriend - she quite literally smells like the evidence but she will deny, deny, deny.
Self-defense lessons. No questions asked, no rebuttal or refute. She will be more at peace knowing you can protect yourself.
If you decide to help her by "participating" in a game with other people, her eyes will be glued to the camera feed. She is pacing as thousands of "what if's" run through her mind. They dissipate as you turn your head to a hidden camera and smile at her before you continue your performance of distress and anxiety. She falls deeper in love with you (expect the most passionate kiss of your life - no, she won't care if you're covered in blood).
[CHEST BINDING] Amanda reminds you to take a break, and stretch your back and even offers to massage you. She will splurge on a better-quality binder when yours starts looking worse for wear.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES, ADDICTION implied] She won't be present while you administer the shot, she will prepare band-aids, praises and kisses once you're done.
[SELF-HARM mentioned] If you struggle with self-harm, she won't start asking "how's" or "why's". Unlike her mentor, she knows how tough this can be, she won't punish or mock you for it. She will help you through it, every step of the way.
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Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) —
This boy is more perceptive than most give him credit for.
"(Y/N), feeling more darling today?" "...Yeah, wait, how'd you-"
He categorizes sliding around the gender spectrum as "pretty" (fem), "darling" (gn), and "handsome" (masc). You usually don't even have to tell him about how you're presenting/feeling today, he gets it right.
Your boyfriend is a brat but he isn't a useless brat. Contrary to popular belief, he can cook (snacks) and take care of himself just fine. He just leans on you more because...he's a brat.
This is hyper-specific, but Brahms knows how frustrating it feels to look into a mirror and see someone that isn't...you.
So he makes you a mask. It's how he copes and he figured it could help you too. If you like them he'd be more than happy to make you more.
Arts and craft master! Did you see his room? He probably kept himself busy with all sorts of hobbies, so he definitely enjoys handmaking your gifts.
Oh, how he loves to be held by you. He enjoys being enveloped completely, it makes him feel so small and safe.
Loves everything about you. Your voice makes the thoughts in his head quiet to a whisper - the power you have on this man.
So he does not understand why some people are abhorrent when they talk to you.
Yes, the two of you are more or less left alone in the Heelshire Manor/estate. Malcolm occasionally drops by with groceries only to scurry off after some mild-mannered conversation because he doesn't want the ghost of a child to chase him off. But, there's only so much you can do to maintain such a grand building and its surrounding land.
So, you have to call some help once in a while to uphold the maintenance. Most of the time, the local hire are sweet, they enjoy helping you since they're usually served cold drinks and snacks after. The handful of assholes, however, are...assholes.
Brahms seethes as he grits his teeth so hard his jaw aches, you glance at the wall he hides behind as you faintly hear his breathing but just got the interaction over and done with.
Unlike the other slashers in this list, he is at the most disadvantage when it comes to enacting justice but by god, he will try. For you? He'd do anything.
You let out a noise of confusion when Brahms murmurs about you going to the local art supply shop to get him something. "You want me to go to town?" he nods, his curls tickling your neck and shoulder. As you attempt to turn to face him, Brahms lets out a whine - high and pouty. "I've been good!" you sigh, patting his arm that was around your waist. "Alright, Brahmsy, alright".
Unbeknownst to you, Brahms had messaged the transphobic asshole whilst pretending to be you and told them something had happened to whatever it was they worked on while they were here. He'd given you an alibi, people saw you in town after all so he was prepared to have a "talk" with the repairman.
He also does not worry much about you going to the art supply shop as the woman who owns it is a kind old lady whom he sometimes makes you send his crafts - under the guise that you made them, of course.
You returned home with new art supplies in your hand, at ease and humming from the pleasant walk from the gates to the manor.
Brahms stands over a dead body on the back patio, his mask covered in blood splatters as he held an antique ashtray in his hand.
"(Y/N)!" he cheers, walking over the man's barely-there skull before he embraces you.
He'd kill for you but the mess is yours to clean. Your boyfriend isn't perfect.
He'll make you something sweet to drink while you hose down the gore, does that help? Okay, okay, fine, he'll bury the body too.
[CHEST BINDING] He knows when your body has had enough. No, he does not know the appropriate time frame you are supposed to have whilst wearing a binder - he just knows your body so well he knows when it's done for the day. He'll run you a hot bath to help your muscles relax.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES, BURN SCARS] His arts and crafts hobbies practically made him have surgeon's hands. So if you need him to, he'll administer the shot and it won't hurt, just a pinch he promises. As someone who had to go through a few medical procedures due to his burns, he stays by your side when you have to go through anything remotely medical. By the way, despite how hard it is to get testosterone when you live in the middle of nowhere, don't worry, the Heelshire funds will last Brahms and you ten lifetimes. Enjoy it, it's all for you.
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Corey Cunningham (Halloween Ends) —
Corey "Babe, wear my jacket you'll look so handsome" Cunningham.
Oh, how this man dotes over you.
If you open his Notes app, you'll find an entire folder dedicated to you. Inside, your boyfriend has written down every date idea you confessed to wanting (even the TikTok links you'd sent regarding the topic), your favourite and least favourite food (your allergies are bolded and if you're on medication, that is also listed) and other things you weren't even aware he remembered much less keep note off.
It's okay if he doesn't wear a helmet but please wear yours.
Loves, loves, loves going on motorcycle rides with you. Your weight pressed against his, your laughter ringing in his ears, the wind in his hair, your arms wrapped around him, the scenery blurring past - he feels like the two of you are young gods. Eternal and immortal, just like his love for you.
Star-gazing dates! Climbing on rooftops of abandoned buildings to have private moments where you both feel like the only people in the world!
He would have been considered a "Golden Retriever" boyfriend but after his character development, he has turned into a "German Shepherd" boyfriend.
Honestly, he'd love to see anyone try to disrespect you. Their words fizzle out on their tongues when he stands behind you with his eyes so dark they resembled mirrors - just dark pools that only reflect the sorry cunt's expression back at them. They didn't know it just yet but they had just signed their death warrants.
Speaking of his eyes - please remind him to keep eye lubricant on him all the time. He stares at people like an owl, they dry out. Doesn't help that he rides his motorcycle without a helmet. Oh! And pretty please remind him to actually keep track of when he needs to buy new contact lenses, he somehow always disregards his eye health. You're basically the only thing keeping them alive - his optician thanks you.
If you tell him you like the way his jacket looks, how the rings on his fingers give you "gender envy", how good his cologne smells, how his jeans cutting makes him look more masculine - baby, just take it.
Referring to the first point - but yeah, dude, just wear his things if you want, he loves it. If you're not his size, then you best be ready to have him buy and alter things for you.
"You'd look cute wearing my work uniform" You pause from whatever it is you're doing and look at your boyfriend as he works on his motorcycle in your garage, "o...kay...?"
Maybe he just has a thing for you wearing his things...
His bloodlust fluctuates, sometimes he's feeling particularly bloodthirsty and sometimes not so much. What is constant though is the gifts he brings back. Does it count as trophies? Robbery? No idea! But the way your eyes light up when he gives you something makes his heart race.
[CHEST BINDING] This man did his research. He keeps an eye on your breathing when you're wearing a binder, gently reminding you to make sure you did so safely.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] He holds you and will even offer to administer it. He talks while he does so - just to keep your mind off the needle and he places a kiss over your band-aid every time.
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Michael Myers (Halloween (1978 - 1982)) —
As predicted, he stares. Sorry, not sorry. That's just how he communicates, through vibes.
In all seriousness though, Michael does "speak" but it's limited to how his eyes narrow, surprisingly sassy eye-rolls, infamous head tilts, sighs, grunts, growls and occasionally...a huff of laughter.
If you attempt to teach him how to sign, he will pick and choose when to use it but your boyfriend keeps himself easy to read for your sake.
Stalking is his love language. Do not attempt to spot him when he doesn't want to be spotted because you won't. He secretly enjoys seeing you pout when you try though, you look so determined.
Your boyfriend won't negotiate on moving so you're going to have to renovate and fix up his childhood home to make it livable- this will be hard as Michael will be hiding in the basement but thankfully, whoever he did kill he managed to make it look like an accident. It made the whole process take longer than it was supposed to though, you sulked by sleeping at a motel and vehemently locking the windows and doors.
He appreciates you, just shows it quietly. The Shape makes sure your windows are locked, doors too, don't want any sickos breaking in. That's his job.
He'll hunt for you too. You coaxed him to stop killing rats to eat them and kudos to you he doesn't eat them anymore. Rats are just as scared of him as most of Haddonfield. If you don't know how to skin and prepare an animal carcass...well, you better start learning.
Oh, by the way, nobody messes with you. Not even the most insufferable, limp-dicked, conservative in Haddonfield and he annoys everyone! But nah, he's tight-lipped when it comes to you.
Everyone who had ever been rude to you...well...they pop up a few weeks later in various states of fucked up.
Your boyfriend does not understand gender conformity, at all. You will catch him wearing a sleeping kaftan around the house, completely at ease with himself. If you paint his nails, he doesn't fuss about the colour. If you decide to dress more feminine one day he'll just look at you and hum in approval - the same reaction if you dress more masculine.
The guy is called The Shape of Haddonfield, truly a frightening but surprisingly gender-neutral title.
So, do not fret, if anybody dares say anything they will rue the day they were born.
[CHEST BINDING] Ah, he makes it known when you've had enough. Michael will simply stand in front of you and point to his chest, a prompt for you to tell him what time you wore it. Then, he'll just stand and stare until you make a move to take it off. Yes, he has scared the shit out of you by popping out of nowhere whilst you were doing chores outside the house - no, he denies ever huffing a breath of amusement (a laugh in Michael's vocabulary) when you blurb out random exclamations and drop whatever it is you were holding.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] He won't administer it. Michael doesn't even like to imagine stabbing you so why would he? So what if it's a needle, he simply refuses to do so. He will instead offer support by placing a hand on your shoulder or knee and if he somehow lost track of time while he was out, he'll return with your favourite snacks (he steals them obviously).
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Michael Myers (2007 - 2009) —
Staring but with more...feeling.
Mainly non-verbal but makes communicating easier by signing to you and occasionally whispering.
He is an open book to you in general though so you honestly have no idea why people find him so scary.
Yeah, you have a biased view but how could you not be when your boyfriend showers you with love any chance he gets.
Another arts and crafts lover, his face warms up when you gift him art supplies despite being "expressionless".
He isn't much of a fan of being touched anywhere near his neck or wrists so be wary of that. When he's about to touch you he makes it known by hovering his hand over you. You will need to reassure him he doesn't need to ask for permission every time but he does it anyways.
Aware of his size and strength, finds himself pleased with it despite how hard it is to stalk because he can keep you safe.
Oh, anyone with a shrimp-sized brain is going to have a rough night if they decide to be a dick to you. He will snap their spine over his knee and watch them try to crawl away like the pathetic worm they are.
Your boyfriend is willing to move away from his home once his vengeance is fulfilled.
Roadtrip? Roadtrip!
He is a homebody, if you believe it or not. Michael decorates your home with his artwork and has a good eye for aesthetics.
He wants to dress his beautiful lover (you) if you give him the chance.
Like OG!Michael, he doesn't completely understand why people take gender roles so seriously. Seriously, he can't wrap his mind around it. He honestly finds it all toxic - considering his parents and his sister's shitty boyfriends...why wouldn't he?
He wants you to play with his hair, please play with his hair. He will pass out the minute you do. Big on cuddles, being a Little Spoon is a state of mind not size so please Big Spoon him.
Another stalker, let's just conclude that any variation of Michael Myers just do it because they can. He likes keeping tabs on you is all. When you're working, he tries to keep busy but he just misses you...so don't mind him if you notice him in your peripheral vision whilst working.
[CHEST BINDING] He is good at counting down the minutes in his head. It happens when you're stuck in a mental institution and spend it in partial isolation. So, when he spots you putting on a binder for the day, he starts counting down. Yes, it is accurate and yes, he would prefer if you did take it off once he finishes his countdown - you could seriously hurt your body!
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Curls up behind you, stroking the upper parts of your thighs as he watches you set everything up. He begins humming as you prepare the needle which makes you smile every time.
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Billy Looomis & Stu Macher (Scream (1996)) —
Oh boy, it's never a dull day with these two as your boyfriends.
"Black Cat" boyfriend, Billy Loomis and "Doberman" boyfriend, Stu Macher.
Will not elaborate...defeats the purpose of this entire thing if I don't though so fine -
Billy is calm, not calmer than Stu because that's actually quite an easy category to best him in. Billy is calm. He keeps the balance of your relationship. But he is a menace himself.
He stalks and slithers into your room when he pleases, holds you against him when he feels like it - which, by the way, does not mean he'll be mean if you lean against him or touch him, he just won't reciprocate but it is still welcomed. He also has a habit of pushing against your palm when you run your fingers through his hair or stroke his face. See? Black Cat boyfriend.
If you catch him in a bad mood, he can be snarky but Stu came up with the idea of ending every "bitch fight" with an "I love you". It helped a lot.
Your Doberman boyfriend holds you any chance he gets. It's one of the only ways he keeps still. Billy and you have to pin him down between the two of you to have a peaceful cuddle.
Stu is also much more protective/possessive than the two of you combine. His lovers are his alone. He will smile all teeth and gums and make people feel at ease but Stu is one scary man when he notices someone taking an interest in either of you. Billy and you have felt shivers of fear and anticipation down his spine when you see the gears in Stu's brain switch from "Stu" to "Ghostface".
Oh, oh, how sharp their smiles would be if a transphobe fucked around because they will make them find out. Not because they want you to get verbally abused or harassed! God, no!
They want you to watch them murder them. They will ask you to choose how to end them, how to play with them and what pieces should be found last.
Pieces of clothing are always shared, with how often everyone sleeps over it was inevitable. Accessories as well, hell, Stu managed to lose his body wash twice and he's been to both of your houses - it wasn't there either! Stu just buys things in bulk at this point.
Billy is really good at cutting and styling hair. If you ask, he will help you with yours - regardless of what style you want. If your hair texture is different from his own he will research about it to the best of his abilities.
Kisses with them are so messy. They always want to share and always at the same damn time - you get dizzy just trying to keep up in the mess of lips, teeth and tongue.
Stu throws parties, loves showing you off and Billy is there to whisk you upstairs if you get overwhelmed.
Both Ghostfaces have called you before. They tease you with lines like, "You got a boyfriend, handsome?" or "Damn, beautiful, your boyfriends get you all to themselves? Lucky boys"
[CHEST BINDING] "(Y/N)! How long have you been wearing your binder?" Stu calls from his kitchen, returning with a bowl of popcorn once you answered while you lay across Billy's front on the couch. "Been a while, right?" Billy said, a hand coming to rest on your back "Need a break?" Stu makes a noise of agreement as he lifts your legs and places them on his lap. "Want me to help, baby?" Stu asks.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Billy helps you with administering the shot while Stu holds you, sometimes switching around. Stu has accidentally stabbed himself with the needle - he apologized profusely as Billy tells him he's contaminated the entire thing (you roll your eyes fondly at your boyfriends, Ghostface looks anything but scary when the two of them are squabbling on the bathroom floor).
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Beauregard "Bo" Sinclair (House of Wax) —
I need to get this off my chest, Bo thinks hats are a staple of masculinity...close second are suits and ties, and cars come in third.
He gifts you hats. His favourite was the cowboy hat a victim no longer needed. While placing it on your head he made an obligatory sex joke, it was right there you can't possibly expect him not to.
Bo prefers for you not to make yourself known to victims, he knows you can handle yourself, he just worries.
That and he gets pissed when someone flirts with you. He gets even more pissed when they outright disrespect your identity and labels you as "weird".
He won't even pretend to feel sorry when Vincent questions where their bodies are while Lester grimaces when he sees their state.
If you're someone with long hair please be aware that Bo's eyes will shift to your wrists every so often if there are hairbands around them once he spots it. Anything that is too "snug" around your wrist will make Bo feel uneasy, he will ask you to take it off in an uncharacteristically soft tone that soon turns snappy if you attempt to prod.
When you see the marks on your boyfriend's wrists and/or find his baby seat you'll understand why.
Though he's a hardass to his brothers, he feels so much relief in knowing they love and trusts you just as much as he does.
Touchy - PDA hardly bothers him so why should he hold himself back when you're his darling lover.
Likes to tuck his hand in the back pocket of your pants (he pinches when he's feeling playful).
He rambles about cars. One night, as he was working on repairing a car, he rambles and slows to a stop when he feels as though he was talking too much but when you reassure him that you're listening and interested...his cheeks turn red.
Bo cooks. Not frequently, certainly not his usual task either, but if everyone else is busy/tired he rolls his sleeves and makes a classic and feel-good Southern meal.
[CHEST BINDING] Bo finds himself worrying. The heat and humidity probably don't help your case. He tries to convince you to wear tank tops or simply just your binder during hot days. Sometimes he even gruffs out you don't need to wear it at all as there's no one else around and the people that are there are the Sinclairs who know you. He won't push you but reminds you to keep yourself hydrated and not to push it.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Bo asks if you need help, won't intrude if you say no but he does squeeze in an extra kiss once you're done.
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Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax) —
Vincent Sinclair gives me "White Cat" vibes. So regal looking, so calm and so adamant about not being needy when in fact...he is.
Your boyfriend is an artist. You are his muse. Tale as old as time but why fix what's not broken?
Nonverbal and uses sign language or simple gestures to communicate. He is a bit self-conscious of his laughter but oh how you love hearing it. It makes him squirm every time you stare at him with nothing but love in his eyes.
Refuses to have you interact with the victims. He makes sure you stay in his room, safe and sound.
He was basically the favourite twin - he can be bratty even if he tries to deny it.
If you say "no" to him he genuinely gets wide-eyed and makes a whining noise. What do you mean you didn't want to stay in his basement to accompany him while he worked? So what if it's sweltering hot out and the basement feels like Hell on earth! Spend time with him!
Baby talk always makes him burst into fits of giggles - you could be as unfunny as a heart attack but the minute you start speaking in baby talk he loses it.
He got anxious at the thought of his brothers not liking you. There's no reason why they would dislike you but he just worries. They love you though and he is so relieved that you get along so well.
Feel free to "paint" his wax figures. If his mask is starting to get uncomfortable or he just felt like he wanted to make a new one, you're free to go crazy on his old one.
Your boyfriend complains about wax clumping his hair. You now make it a habit to either tie it up, using a claw clip to hold it back, or braiding his hair before he toils away in the basement.
Genuinely loves spending time with you, even if you're just chilling adjacently from each other. He made a designated (Y/N) space in the basement where you can do pretty much anything in peace with Vincent nearby.
The victim said what about you? There's no way he will immortalize a transphobe in this town. He burns them alive after he paralyses them from the neck down, relishing in their screams as they turn into nothing but ash.
You notice his hearing is unbalanced/muffled on one side of his face and how he seems as though he anticipates touch all the time on that side. You make sure you're always approaching him on his "good" side - he is eternally thankful.
Total cuddle bug when you two are alone, prefers being the Big Spoon as he tucks his head at the crown of your head. He snores sometimes if he's really tired.
[CHEST BINDING] Vincent educated himself on this topic. Honestly, like Bo, he worries if you overexert yourself with the heat and at one point discusses with you if you'd rather have your chest permanently flat/smaller. He'd need proper equipment but he'd do anything to ensure you're safe and content.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Parks himself in front of you and holds his hand out. Stares at you while you blink owlishly at him. His eye squishes into a crescent shape as he smiles once you hand over the needle to him. Let him take care of you, you're his darling muse!
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Lester Sinclair (House of Wax) —
He's the chaotic "Pitbull" boyfriend!
This sweet lad actually has trouble accepting help. It makes him uncomfortable if he thinks about it too deeply. He just found himself in scenarios where his usefulness was always at the forefront of why he was wanted, it's hard to get out of that mindset.
He loves you for helping him though, just have no idea how to articulate it properly. All blushes, stutters and squirms.
Your boyfriend gets excited when new victims come around, eager to loot through their things. Especially when someone has a similar style as you!
He gets self-conscious of how he smells because of the things he works with so he also loots tons of cologne and body sprays - you two basically have a goddamn Baths & Body Works on your bathroom vanity.
You two make a game of it, changing your scents for the day and deciding if it was shit or decent. Jonesy's vote is heavily influential.
Date nights are heavenly. Lester uses his nicer truck for outings. You two grab a bite and try to find new places to experiment since Ambrose is a ghost town and you two need to experience more than just death. Afterwards, he finds a lookout point and you three (yes, Jonesy follows) pile out to the back and curl up with the radio playing some cheesy country love songs.
If Jonesy is dropped off at the twin's place, the PG ratings climb the ladder.
Lester doesn't consider himself a violent man. He doubts he even wants to be if he is completely honest. But when someone flirts with you he feels this unbridled rage rise to his chest and down to his fist.
He spits at their feet as he tugs you away, his dominant arm already springing up in preparation for a punch when he feels them grab at his shoulder.
Grins when you scold him afterwards at home, nursing his bruised cheek.
If he's busy, Jonesy follows you to do chores!
By the way, that dog and your boyfriend always seem to know when some dick-for-brains are near you and steer you away. Will avoid confrontation when necessary.
Not above telling on the victims that shouted insults your way. Baby brother privilege!
His brothers adore you! So they find no trouble in slaughtering someone who dared spoke badly of you and upsetting Lester.
[CHEST BINDING] Lester is pretty observant of your cues. Quietly reminds you of how long you've been wearing your binder and offers to work out all the kinks in your back. He reads about it! Vincent helped him out as well. Lester peppers kisses all over your back once he's done, making sure you're practically melted against the bed once he's done.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] He has slight hand tremors, minuscule but it worsens when he focuses on not twitching so he watches you as you do your thing, ruffling your hair and asking if you'd like anything to eat.
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satanic-wierdo · 1 year
Going To The Thrift Store With Billy And Stu (Headcanons)
A/n: this is my second fanfic i hope you like it and please correct me if i make any mistakes
When you first bring up the idea of going thrifting with them they seem rather excited and open to it.
When you get there Billy mostly looks at the CDs while Stu looks at literally everything.
Stu might joke around showing you a dress and asking you if you think it would make his butt look big, does it make him look fat etc.
If Billy finds something that he think you'll like he'll show you almost immediately. (Ikr Billy being kinda sweet when tf did that happen)
Oh and if you tell these boys you like something they WILL get it for you no matter how much you tell them they don't have to.
Eventually thrift shopping with you becomes one of their favourite ways to spend time with you. (*cough cough* horror movie dates will always be their #1 favourite)
In short I hope you like thrifting as much as they grow to because you're gonna deal with them begging you to take them.
If they find out you when thrift shopping without them they might actually be offendee for awhile espicially billy. (Istg he takes things so personally)
Sometimes you and Stu get really carried away and will browse for hours before billy has to drag the two of you away.
Which will almost always lead to Stu complaining about how Billys depriving him of valuable thrift shopping memories or whatever dumb excuse he comes up with.
You can not convince me that Stu does not eventually end up losing all shelf space in his room because of all the trinkets he buys.
All in all thrift shopping with your boys is absolutely perfect.
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g0thl3zz · 2 years
Slashers asking their S/O to sing for them
Various! Slashers x GN Reader (fluff hcs + Drabbles)
2.7k words, 14.7k characters
A//N: Not really proofread but I wrote this over the span of like 3 months bc I'm lazy. Okay? Okay. Enjoy c:
INCLUDES: Peepaw Michael, RZ! Michael, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, All three Sinclair brothers, Poly! Ghostface, Billy Lenz, & Brahms Heelshire!
Peepaw Myers
Doesn't really care
Kinda just silently waits for you to notice him and stop
He'll listen, but won't pester you to sing for him like Bubba or Brahms would
  Michael was out- so you had decided to get some chores around the house knocked out when he was doing, well… whatever it was he did when he went out. You had already done the kitchen, so you had moved onto the laundry, starting with Michael's, first. You tried not to get overwhelmed by the smell of dried up blood on his clothes and had set your mind on singing a simple tune while you loaded up the washer, one you had heard from t.v a while ago that had lingered in your head since. You slammed the washer shut after putting in detergent and as much bleach as was safe before turning to the door, jumping a bit when you see Michael there, covered with blood splatters. "Oh gosh, go! Go change out of that, quickly. So I can throw it in the washer too." You state. He stares at you, just standing there looking at you. You would have thought him a statue if not for his chest moving with his every breath. You sigh. "C'mon Michael, I'll change you this time." You say, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the bathroom. From then on, you would catch him peeking into the laundry room whenever you would put a load in to wash, secretly hoping to catch you singing, even humming. Though, he would never outright ask you to sing for him, he appreciates it when you do.
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RZ Michael Myers
Absolutely LOVES it when you sing
He loves your voice, if he walks in on you singing, he'll walk over and hug you gently from behind, rocking with you and happily humming along.
He expects you to sing for him when you guys lay down to sleep
He WILL fall asleep like a baby if you sing to him
   You were taking a shower while Michael was out of the house. You had left the door open since you were the only one home, and you allowed yourself to sing as loud as you wished. As you dried your hair off, you nearly jumped into the ceiling when you felt a pair of big arms wrap around you- still in your birthday suit. "Jesus, Mike. Back already? What happened?" You said with a sigh, pulling away to get dressed. Or, attempting to pull away. "Baby, let me get dressed then we can talk about it, okay?" You say, tugging at his arms. He shakes his head, briefly giving a quiet hum while staring at you. A grin takes over your face as you turn around in his arms. "You want me to sing?" He nods. "Alright, then." You told him before starting off with a soft love song, and Michael began swaying side to side, you still in his arms. You let yourself relax into his hold as you sang to him, hoping he would do this to you more often.
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Bubba Sawyer
Also loves when you sing.
In the shower together? Better sing to him. Going to sleep? Better sing for him. In the kitchen? Better bust out a tune.
Will drag you to the farm to sing for the chickens.
Loves when you sing sitting on the couch. He'll lay his head in your lap and let you play with his hair. This drives him absolutely crazy.
  You had woken up earlier than usual, and had managed to escape Bubba's iron grip in bed to go to the kitchen and cook something for breakfast. You sung to yourself, since it was just you and the sleeping man in the house at the moment. As you stirred eggs, you sung "Wise men say," You sway from side to side with a gentle smile "only fools rush in." You feel arms wrapping around you, swaying with you. As you stirred the eggs, you reached a hand up behind you to cup his cheek, your smile growing ever-wider. "But I can't help, falling in love," You slow the song down considerably, putting down your spatula to turn around and wrap your arm around Bubba's neck. "With" You sung as the two of you swayed in a romantic dance. "You~" you finish, snuggling your face into his big 'ol chest. You hear him make the cutest little happy noises and look up. "I'll sing for you more often, my love. Now, I'm sure the eggs are done. Go get some plates." From then on, you kept your promise. When you washed his hair in the bath, singing a song for him. Whilst cooking or helping with chores, he urged you to sing. In front of his family? He wanted to show you off like his prized possession- which you indeed were.
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Thomas Hewitt
Would happily sit in the room sewing masks while you sing.
His ideal evening? Sitting in a rocking chair on the porch, you on his lap while you sing to him.
He would have you sit at the table singing while him and Luda Mae cool instead of turning on the radio
 You walked back into the house, sweating from simply walking down the road to pick some wildflowers for the house. Typical Texas heat- that you still had yet to become so used to. At least it was cooler in the house, air conditioner or not. As you wiped the sweat from your face with your shirt, you noticed the sweet sounds of food being cooked- along with the accompaniment of a lady crooning an old tune from the staticky radio Luda Mae kept. A smile had begun to dawn on your face as you began humming along, slowly turning into you singing along to the music the closer you got to the kitchen. You stood in the doorway, singing and watching as Thomas looked up from the cutting board, a smile being evident from behind his mask through his eyes. You walked over, giving him a side hug as you kept singing. You were glad for the little moments like this. 
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Bo Sinclair
Would pretend like he doesn't care
 But would urge you to keep singing
"No, no, don't mind me." As he walks past you to get something as slowly as possible
Would begin stealing cds from the cars of victims to give you a wider variety of music
"These? Oh , nahh. Just wanted to… start a collection. Always good to have a broad taste, eh?"
   Bo was down at the garage- so you had decided to use this opportunity to clean the house. It was… messy, to say the least. You couldn't begin to guess when the place was last cleaned. You managed to dig up a cd player and a stack of cds early on into cleaning, so you set that up so you could jam out as you began sorting stuff from trash and placing clothes into hampers. You were happy some of the cds you found belonged to familiar artists,so you sang along as you cleaned, not hearing the door open or the thud of his boots walking up the living room, which you were currently cleaning. Behind you, he turned off the stereo and asked. "What are you doing?" "OH! Oh gosh you scared me, what are you doing back so early?" You asked, turning around to him after your small shock. "Came back to get something. You sing?" He asked, nudging one of the piles you had made with his boot. "Aht! Don't do that! I spent so long just to get this this point. Gosh, just decided to clean up. Clean house equals a clean mind, right?" He nodded with a "hmm. Well, don't mind me. I'll be in and out." He said with a nod, pressing play on the stereo before thumping upstairs to the room. You watch him leave before turning back around and placing more trash in the bag. After a few minutes, you turn to skip the song and see Bo standing there, watching you from the base of the stairs. You pause it, once again and call out. "Changed your mind about going back?" "Nah, why ain't ya singing?" "Oh- uhm, I was just gonna skip this song. Why, you like my singing~?" He pinkens a bit and turns to the door, opening it up and telling you "Psssh, nah. I just hoped I didn't ruin your mood. Well, I'm off now." And with that, he leaves. You shake your head as a smile finds its way onto your face. He was clearly lying, but you were glad he was happy. 
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Vincent Sinclair
Would watch you sing
Wouldn't bother you, just sitting there nicely
Would ask you to come down to the museum to sing for him while he works on sculptures.
Would start making you little sculptures based off the songs you sing
Would dig around in the attic for sheet music for you to sing- even though it's meant for the piano.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt the taps on your shoulder. You turned off the potter's wheel and turned back to see Vincent standing there, holding a stack of paper to his chest with one hand and signing with the other. 'I found these' Since your hands were caked with clay, you opted to speak. "Okay… what is it?" 'Music' "Oh gosh," You started. "Again? Vincent, I can't sing piano music-there aren't even any lyrics!" You exclaimed. The masked man deflated a big, still staring at you. The silence stretched on for a minute before you sighed. "Fine, fine! Let me wash off first then I'll take a look at it." You stood to your feet. Vincent followed close behind you, anticipating hearing your voice once again. You went to the sink in the basement and washed your hands off and wiped them on your pants. "Let's go upstairs- too hot in here." You say and take the sheets from his hands. You read the music as you two walk up the stairs, nodding and quietly humming the notes to yourself. Once you're back on the ground level, your plop yourself on the couch and look over at him. "Since there aren't any lyrics, I can only hum it." You tell him. 'That's fine, I just wanna hear you…' He signs, and you could feel your heart melt. 'I love you' You sign, then begin the song. It was low and quiet at first, then began swelling with a crescendo all the way to forte and stayed mostly on the lower side of the octave. You finished quickly, a short but sweet piece. By the end, Vincent had laid his head down in your lap, and by the way his chest rose and his eye was closed, you could tell he had fallen asleep. "I've been played," You whisper.
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Lester Sinclair
"Oh gee, sweetpea. You have the voice of an angel!"
Would get a goofy grin when you would sing for him, looking at you so happily
Would take you and Jonesy with him to go clean up the roadkill, insisting you sing instead of playing the radio.
 "No, no! I insist, y'all come. Just sing summn real purtty like ya' do n we'll have a ball!" He spoke. "...Really Lester?" You questioned the man. "Yes! I'm as serious as a dead man!" He exclaims. You couldn't help but break into a smile, rolling your eyes playfully and standing from where you had been sitting. "... Fiiiine, I guess! Just because you asked so nicely… andforjonesy” You finally complied with him, adding the last part in a quick whisper. “What’d ya say?” “NOTHIIING!! I’ll be in the car for when you’re ready to go!” You say, skipping out as the black and white pitbull trots next to you. You get to his truck and toss the passenger door open, letting Jonesy hop inside before getting in and closing the door behind yourself. Lester soon follows, turning the car, though it takes a few tries for it to rumble to life. When it finally does, he opens the glove compartment and begins the drive. "All 'O ma CDs in there, put on whatever ya' like." He hums, glancing over at you before petting Jonesy and continuing the drive. You do as he says- rifling through his CD collection before pulling out a Frank Sinatra CD. "Sinatra, really?" You ask him. "Well- yea. Found it in a broke down car." "Mhhhm, sure." You laugh and insert it into the player. You begin quietly. "L, is for the way you look," You poke his jaw playfully. "At me~" You can see him glancing over at you before looking back at the dirt road, a smile blossoming onto his face. "O is for the only one, I see. V is very very" You pet Jonesy. "Extraordinary. E is even more than anyone that you adore can!" You finish and can't help but admire Lester's grin. "Oh gosh, baby. You're the best." He says quietly, thinking about how lucky and happy he is. You wished you could etch this moment in stone, and keep it alive forever. 
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Poly! Ghostface (Billy+Stu)
Billy would tell you to shut tf up (doesn’t really mean it)
Stu would ignore him and encourage you to sing more for them
(stu) Would record you singing in the shower & show you later
Stu would set up karaoke night
Billy would hate it 
“I’m not fucking doing karaoke. It’s stupid.” (ends up doing it anyways)
Billy would sing the tequila song
 “No- no- look! Karaoke is a great idea. Bill. (y/n) already said yes. Don’t be such a party pooper.” “Yeah, Bill~. Don’t be such a party pooper!” You chime in. You could practically hear his eyes roll to the back of his head. “….Fine.'' After a long pause. You and Stu rejoiced, the blonde man pulling you both into a bear hug. "We're gonna have so much fun man!". Skip three hours later. Stu had ran to the store, got a karaoke machine  and every snack you could think of- soda, chips, popcorn, lofthouse cookies (WHICH ARE GREAT AND I WILL FIGHT YOU ON THAT), and candy. You and Billy had surfed through all of your combined CD and cassette collection for songs you wanted to sing- or simply vibe too.  Once Stu had come back, the two insisted you sing first. "No, god why me! Why can't you go, Stu?" "heyyy, man. Majority rules, and Me 'n Bills wanna hear your sweet sweeeet voice." You groaned, h=face growing warmer at the statement, but nonetheless you went first, you had a song picked out and began singing, closing your eyes as you began to sway and feel the beat. By the time the song had ended, Stu was all over you, hands underneath your shirt and swaying with you. Billy was sitting back and watching from the couch with a smirk. "Looks like the show's just getting started~" He crooned. 
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Billy Lenz 
Would call and ask you to sing for him
Would be happy and start crying when you end up going to the attic to sing to him in person.
"Pretty piggie singing for Billy! Oh piggie is so pretty!" 
Yea that's all I got
Ily tho Billy my beloved
Brriiiing. The phone rung, filling your house with the annoying pitch. "I'm coming!" Calling out to the house, knowing you were alone besides for him. You pick up the receiver and hold it up to your ear answering with a "Hello?" "Piggie! Pretty piggie!" You hear a feral-sounding voice from the other end. "Lala! La la la la la~" You hear the voice say. "Billy, I'm going up there-" "Pig-!" You put the receiver back up and make your way to the basement, climbing up the ladder and entering, seeing brown eyes peeking at you from behind a box. "Billy, if you want me to sing for you, just ask. You don't have to stay in the attic y'know?" You pull yourself up and walk over to the man, sitting beside him on the dusty floor. His big eyes well up with tears. "Oh- piggy. Billy loves the pretty piggy." "I love you too Billy." You say, pulling him into a hug before taking him downstairs with you. You put a CD into the stereo and jamming out to "Mariah Carey' Christmas hits" While finishing up the dishes, Billy sitting on the counter next to you and kicking his feet happily.
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Brahms Heelshire
Would try and make you sing opera
"It's in Italian"
"But it's my favorite!"
Begging you on his KNEES
"Look- Brahmsy. You know I can't speak French. How do you expect me to sing this?" "B-but! It has everything you just have to read and sing!" You look at him with warning in your eye. "Brahms." You say firmly. He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest. "Well- I'm not going to bed until you do!" He says, throwing the blankets off of him and sits on the bed with his back facing you. "Ugh, Brahms. I can sing you anything else." You say and reach out to put a hand on his shoulder. He shrugs your hand off with a "Hmph!" "Really? You're gonna do this to me?" You say, no response. Silent treatment. "Okay- okay. Fine, just give me a few minutes." You tell him. You pick up the sheet music, skimming through the notes and rests before your eyes fall below the staffs to the lyrics. It didn't look too bad, you wouldn't be able to sing it perfectly but at least ya'd be able to sing it somewhat decently. "Do you have it on record, so I can sing to the music, at least?" You ask. Silently, your companion rises from his seat and takes a vinyl out from the cover, placing it on the record player and setting the needle on the record. A wonderful duet of viola and cello croon from the speaker and fill the air. You keep up with the sheet music and begin at your cue, singing softly instead of the opera style it's meant to be performed in. "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle, Que nul ne peut apprivoiser." After only five measures, you feel Brahms come up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and buries his bare face in the crook of your neck, swaying to the beat. You stop, looking behind you and seeing his porcelain mask on the bed. A smile invades your face as you bring your hands up to hold his. "I love… you," He whispers softly. You stay like that until the record ends. 
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f1nalboys · 4 months
Could you do a Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Reader oneshot that's just super kinky I'm just fienin for some billy and stu smut 🙏
MY RETURN TO POLY GHOSTFACEEEEEEEE!!!! anon thank u very much for this request (and dont worry, i got the other one!!!) and i super duper hope u like it!!! it did make me realize i havent written a praise focused fic in FOREVER so sorry if im a little rusty D:
Poly!Ghostface x GN!Reader
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WARNINGS: nsfw, hair pulling, praise, creampie, begging, reader isn't gendered but does get called pretty and beautiful, billy likes to watch <3, established relationship, kinda proofread
Billy and Stu knew how to make you tick in every way. Stu was great at aggravating you just enough to get you to pay attention to him, easily earning your affection back in just a few words. Billy could break you down, build you up, and do it over and over again until it made your head swim. Being with them meant you were on edge, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
But then there were times, like now, where you didn’t have to worry about anything other than cumming.
“There you go, baby,” Stu’s voice is muffled despite him being right behind you, his lips at your ear, his breath hot against your sweaty skin. He’s moving so slowly, cock pushing deep inside you and dragging out at an agonizing pace. You want to yell at him, tell him to move faster, go harder, something, but the only thing that comes out is a weak whine. He laughs and you feel it vibrate against your back. “Aw, sweet little thing is tryin’ to tell us something, Billy.”
Your eyes open and you do your best to blink away the haze. Billy is in front of you on the bed, his hand slowly stroking his cock as he watches Stu fuck you. Your hands are on Stu’s knees, your own legs bent uncomfortably backwards so you were sitting in his lap. “You gotta use your words, Y/N.” Billy says smoothly, tilting his head, voice smug. “You want him to stop?”
“No!” You say quickly, nails digging into Stu’s skin, your eyes widening enough to earn a laugh from Billy. Your voice is hoarse, raw from your constant babbles of pleasure over the last hour. “More,” you say, wiggling your hips slightly, your head tilting forwards as a sharp gasp rips through you. “Please, need it.” Billy watches with a pleased smirk as you begin to take over for Stu, using your hands on his knees as leverage to push yourself up and down, sinking down onto his cock.
Stu groans at the feeling, his hips flexing slightly. “Fuck, Billy, man… they’re so fuckin’ tight.” His hands rest on your hips, mouth agape as he pants, watching his cock disappear inside you. “So sexy like this, so fucked out, aren’t you, baby?” He asks, his usual laugh cut off by a moan. “Y/N?” You don’t answer. Your eyes are closed, your breaths coming quick, focused solely on the building pleasure in your gut. You barely even register the bed shifting before you feel thick fingers tangle into your hair, tugging your head back up roughly. 
“Hey,” Billy says sharply, fingers still tugging at your hair. Your eyes are open now, head bent back enough to force you to look him in the eyes, and he watches you with a pleased grin. “Stu asked you a question. You better answer unless you want him to stop. And you don’t want that, do you?” He tsks, shaking his head mockingly, his free hand leaving his cock to touch you between your legs. You gasp sharply, tightening around Stu, causing him to dig into your hips to push you down onto his cock even more. Billy’s gaze is unwavering. “Feels like you don’t want that.”
“Way they’re tightening around me, fuck, they better not want me to stop. Not even sure I could pull out.” Stu teases, placing sloppy kisses against your jaw and down your neck to your shoulder. Your head was beginning to throb from where Billy was still gripping your hair but the thought of him letting go, replacing the pain and his fingers with a dull thud, seemed unbearable. “Too tight, you know that, Y/N? Too fuckin’ pretty, too. Fuck, I love you like this, you know that? So sweet.” 
“You’re gettin’ ‘em excited, Stu,” Billy grins, his hand moving in tangent with Stu’s thrusts. “Baby, you better tell Stu you don’t want him to stop or you won’t get to cum.” Billy’s voice is soft and he’s leaning in, pressing his forehead against yours. His cock is aching, untouched, but you know better than to do so without his go ahead. “C’mon, baby, you can do it. Beg Stu not to pull out so you can cum. God, you’re fucking perfect, you know that? I mean, shit, Stu; you ever met someone like ‘em? So perfect?” Stu answers with a grunt and a quick shake of his head, going harder. Billy hisses as his cock twitches. “Fuck, you can touch me after you cum, baby, doesn’t that sound nice?”
“Always trying to get your hand on my dick,” Billy grins, his hand speeding up, the pleasure building in your stomach tripling in less than a second. “So fuckin’ cute, so dirty, aren’t you? Sexy fuckin’ thing, God, c’mon, start begging so we can reward you.” 
Billy almost sounds desperate, his voice softer than you’ve ever heard it before, and his grip in your hair loosens as he kisses you. Stu’s pace increases, barely pulling you up off his cock before slamming up into you. He’s grunting with the force but he’s holding back and you can tell; he’s waiting for you to beg. 
“Please, fuck, please don’t stop,” you cry out inbetween messy kisses, your face growing hot as your stomach tightens. “F-fuck, I wanna cum, I swear, please let me cum! I need it, I need to touch you,” you say to Billy and he nips at your bottom lip, pleased, “And I need you to cum in me. Please!” You cry, tears burning at your eyes from holding onto the edge of your orgasm. You watch as Billy’s eyes flick back towards Stu, darkening slightly, before he meets your eyes again and nods. 
You cum hard, vision growing blurry at the edges as you let out a strangled cry. Billy and Stu don’t stop their movements, working together to make your orgasm last as long as it could. “H-holy fuck!” Stu grunts, your tight hole finally sending him over the edge. He cums, wrapping his arms around your waist and keeping you seated fully on his cock. “So fuckin’ perfect, there you go… take every drop, baby…” he coos softly, head resting on your shoulder as his hips flex, pumping everything he could into you. You let out a shaky breath, a weak hand pushing at Billy’s. He listens for once, grinning at how out of it you seem, and he dips his head towards you to give you a few kisses. “Happy anniversary, baby,” Billy whispers, brushing his nose along your cheek. You grin, worn out but pleased, your hand moving to rub against Billy’s cock. He sucks in a breath, looking down at his lap, before grinning. “You’re fucking beautiful.”
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whateverloomis · 3 months
"Scream" (1996) meets "X" || Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x GN!AFAB reader 🔪🔞
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A/N: I got this idea while re-watching "X" last week and I couldn't help but imagine the Scream (1996) characters combined with the movie. I had also been thinking what it would be like for Billy to fuck with Tatum so... Muahaha, here it is hoes. There will definitely be a part 2 for this because it would've been hella long if I had posted all of it. Plus, I like to do cliffhangers ;) Enjoy babes <33
Warnings: Voyeurism, mentions of cheating, making out, p in v, AFAB reader (no use of pronouns,) implied size difference, threatening, lots of teasing, poly!Ghostface, reader has pre-determined interests and outfits, Sidney is not in the story (sorry not sorry,) || Not edited
Word count: 2.8k
"Sidney doesn't know about it and she doesn't have to, simple," Billy told you while you picked some snacks from the gas station. "Besides, you're what's important here. You're the star," Stu continued, grabbing the items from your hands and walking towards the register to pay for everything.
"I mean, it's not like I care bu-" - "Then stop acting like you do," Billy interrupted and hugged you from behind, his hands squeezing your waist. You bit your bottom lip and smiled, feeling him nip at your neck softly. "Plus, after I fuck you in front of that camera you won't even remember your own name," he whispered in your ear and you craned your neck to kiss him, tongue brushing his bottom lip immediately.
"Ah ah ah, save it for the camera, kids," Stu said while walking towards you. He grabbed your face and kissed your cheek before walking out of the mini market. "Let's go babes, we have a long drive ahead of us!"
The car ride was chaotic. Stu and Tatum were making out and moaning in the back of the van while Billy sat across from them, occasionally closing his eyes to drown out the sound of the squeaky back door and his horny friends.
You were completely zoned out, looking outside at the corn field that seemed endless. You couldn't believe you were finally going to film a movie and become a star. Stu promised as much, and all his words of praise and promise excited you more every single time.
Randy was driving while singing along to a tune you didn't recognize and arguing with Tatum from time to time about how she should have some dignity and not suck her boyfriend's face in front of everyone.
He had always wanted his first film to be an artistic porno movie. It was going to be revolutionary, he said. Shown in every theater and be the number one best porn film with an actual good plot. It was everyone's big break.
Billy was in it for the money, not the fame. He didn't care if his face was recognized by any means, but if he got to fuck you and get paid for it?, he wasn't going to say no, and he didn't. You guys have been sneaking around for a while anyways, it was a matter of time before Sidney found out, so he didn't care. Not only that, but Billy supported you. He knew you had potential. He saw it, and this film? This movie was sure to raise you to fame. With those sweet moans of yours and gorgeous body. Those pretty little faces you make when he fucks you stupid. You were it.
"The fuck are you looking at?" Tatum bitched at Billy. He didn't answer her, instead he just kept staring at her, heavy eyes threatening to close once again. He smirked in amusement, Billy got a kick of bothering Tatum while doing the bare minimum.
"Fuck are you bitching at? I'm not looking at anything," he replied, rolling his eyes.
"You were looking at my tits," the blonde answered with an attitude and Billy let out a breathy laugh. "It's not my fault Stu has them out on full display for everyone to look at," he said and Stu laughed along with his friend.
Tatum rolled her eyes and adjusted her dress up her chest. "Awhh, c'mon babe don't be like that-" - "Shut up! I can't believe you want me to fuck him," the girl said and you giggled, looking back at her; "You won't regret it, trust me," you said and Stu stuck his tongue out; "Thaaat's the spirit, see Tate?" - "Ugh, I'm taking a nap," she said before laying down on the carpeted floor, legs over Stu's lap.
After nearly a 6 hour drive you finally arrived at the old ranch where you guys were going to be staying at for a few days.
As you and the group were unloading your belongings from the van, Stu walked up to the house to talk to the owner and announce your arrival.
"I told you we were coming in today pops, relax," you overheard Stu say, nervousness lacing his voice. You looked at Billy to see if he caught on to the situation and saw he was already pulling his gun out from the back of his jeans. You gasped and ran towards him, placing your hand over his to stop him from pulling the weapon all the way out.
"Don't," you whispered and gave him a worried look. He poked the inside of his left cheek with his tongue in annoyance before sliding the gun back down inside his pants and you visibly relaxed.
"You didn't tell me there were gonna be so many people!," the old man said and Stu laughed nervously; "I know I know but listen, I've got some extra," Stu paused his words and pulled out a $100 bill out of his front pocket. "There's more where that came from if y-" - "I don't need your money!," the old man interrupted and pointed a shutgun at Stu's chest. Billy reached for his weapon once again, this time not hesitating; "You better back off or el-" - "Or else what?! You kids are getting yourselves kicked out of my property if you keep-" - "LET'S, all... Calm down, yeah?," Stu said, signaling Billy to put his weapon away and smiling nervously at the old man. "Look, we need this, okay? We drove all the way over here so give us one night at least?," he reasoned, and the owner glared at everyone. "One. Then you're out of here," the old man agreed and walked past Stu, making his way down to the small wooden house all the way across the field.
You closed your eyes and sighed, giving Billy a side eye before picking up your bags and following the owner with the rest of the group.
The small wooden cabin was perfect to accommodate everyone, and had a view of the lake that was not far from it. You sat on the couch in the small living room area with Randy and Tatum. Billy and Stu stayed behind talking to the old man but you couldn't make out a single word.
"That old fuck is gonna kill us, we shouldn't stay here." Randy said, fear lacing his words.
"Randy, you know Stu is not leaving until we film this." Tatum said, defeat and annoyance written on her face. "How the hell are we filming this in one day? That's impossibl-" - "Look, I'm sure Billy and Stu are coming to terms with the owner okay? Relax." You interrupted, but you were talking to yourself more than him.
Billy had little patience for people like the owner of the farm and he was definitely going to pull that trigger without hesitation.
You were nervous. You knew he had fired that weapon before. Billy didn't like to talk about it, but you knew what he was capable of.
"Alright! We negotiated and pops played nice. We're staying the whole week like we originally planned!" Stu announced and everyone cheered except for you and Billy. You had a feeling it wasn't so easy to get the old man to give in so quickly after his aggressive behavior.
"Did you threaten him?" You asked. You guys were getting settled in your room and the quietness of Billy was putting you off.
"Threaten who?" Billy asked, turning around from his position in front of the window. He had been keeping an eye on the owners house for God knows how long.
"The owner. Why'd he change his mind all of a sudden?" You continued and Billy looked at you seriously a few seconds before leaning against the edge of the window and smiling softly.
"Don't worry about that old rag, we just negotiated, that's all." Billy replied and you sighed softly. "Hey, c'mon now. Everything's fine. Nothing's gonna happen to you, okay? Not while I'm here." He continued and sat next to you on the bed. You looked at him in doubt and he gave you those puppy dog eyes that drove you crazy. "C'mere" he said while patting his lap. You crawled over the bed and straddled him, the boy placing his hands on your hips instantly. "This is your moment. Your big break, I'm not gonna let that old fuck ruin it for you." He said and kissed you softly. His lips molding against yours perfectly. You relaxed against him and placed your forehead against his. "I trust you." You whispered and Billy kissed you again, this time prolonging it. You moaned softly against his lips and felt him grow hard under you. On instinct, you started to grind against his clothed cock and pull his hair, making him groan.
You gently pushed his chest to lay down on the bed. The kiss getting more heated by the second.
Billy started to run his hands under your tank top and pulled it up, exposing your tits before stopping at the sound of the door opening.
"I knew I heard freaky noises." Stu said, leaning against the door frame.
Billy sat up and placed you on the bed next to him before turning around and glaring at his friend. "Fuck off, will you? Not now." - "Awhh c'mon! Tatum just went to bed."
You couldn't help but chuckle at Stu's clear intentions. Ever since you let him join you and Billy during sex once he's been trying to get another chance, but never succeeded since then.
You grinned at both boys and walked over to Stu. You got up on your tippy toes and placed a single, slow kiss on his lips before running your hand down his chest. "You heard the man, not now." You whispered and Stu sighed in defeat. "Fuck, fine... God, you're so hot." He said and Billy smirked at the sight. He couldn't help but find it incredibly hot when you used that sexy manipulative attitude on others.
Stu walked away and you closed the door quietly, before locking it and turning around to face Billy; "Where were we?"
The bright sun woke you up. The sky was almost crystal clear and a beautiful pale blue. Billy was already up since Stu wanted to start filming early, and you definitely didn't want to miss it, so you got out of bed and brushed your teeth, overall freshening up to go into the next room and see if you were lucky to catch them before the camera was rolling.
You didn't bother to change your clothes or cover up. You were comfortable enough to walk around in your black thong and thin white crop top that exposed your pebbled nipples in a rather subtle, nearly classy way.
When you approached the room next door and opened it they hadn't started the filming process and you bit your lip in excitement. You really wanted to see what Billy had in store, plus Tatum is hot as fuck and you knew they'd look incredible together.
"Just in time babe, we're about to start." Stu said and Randy looked at you with a rather unamused face. He wasn't exactly too into the whole idea considering he was filming Billy cheating on his forever crush, Sidney, but he was promised thousands just by standing there with a mic so he wasn't going to say no. Plus, maybe he could get some action himself and finally lose his virginity. Randy took the bait anyways.
"Do we really have to do this?" Tatum asked Stu, rolling her eyes. She was sitting on Billy's lap facing him, wearing a short sundress without panties on. Billy had his legs bent up slightly, cupping her ass and providing steadiness while he took a puff of the joint they had all been sharing.
"Babe c'mon! It'll be quick, trust me!" Stu said, camera in hand.
"The fuck are you saying? That I won't last long like your sorry ass?" Billy said, annoyed at Stu's implication.
"With that pussy? You won't last three seco-" - "I'm literally right here, asshole!" Tatum said and threw a pillow at her boyfriend. Stu laughed and threw the pillow to the side.
"C'mon, don't be pussies and get it over with!" He said and Tatum sighed. "Okay, whatever." The girl rolled her eyes before grabbing the blunt from Billy's hands and taking a drag. She exhaled slowly and started to rub Billy over his jeans. He looked at her hands working on him and couldn't help but grow hard at the sensation.
Tatum unbuttoned his jeans just enough for his cock to spring free and she lifted her dress up slightly, rubbing her cunt over his length to lubricate both of them with her slick.
Billy's breathing picked up at her movements. Even if he didn't want to do this he couldn't deny that she felt good against him.
Grabbing her hips, he positioned her right over the tip of his cock and she sat on his length slowly, swallowing every inch inside her tight pussy. Billy released a hiss at the feeling of her cunt wrapping around him. Stu was right, he wasn't going to last long with how wet and snug her little pussy was.
"Now ride him and do your best show for me baby" Stu whispered and she started to move.
Jumping up and down on Billy's cock she moaned pornographically. "Yes! Fuck yes! Pleaseeee" She said and Billy held her hips tighter, releasing inevitable grunts. He couldn't lie to himself, her tits bouncing right in front of his face looked way too good for him to deny it.
"Fuck" He whispered and started to thrust up, practically using Tatum in order to get off quickly. The blonde moaned loudly, this time it was legit. Billy's cock felt good as he fucked her from below and she could feel him growing bigger inside her, signaling he was going to cum any second.
They both couldn't help but moan in unison. Sex is sex, and it didn't matter to them at that point, they were only focusing on the pleasure.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum..." Billy said softly and Tatum continued her show for the camera, however she also wanted to rile Billy up just a bit before finishing. She was having fun. "Ahh yes, cum inside me pleaseee" Tatum practically screamed and that did it for him. Billy exploded inside of Tatum and rode his high quickly before pulling out and throwing his head back on the pillow.
Tatum collapsed next to him, cum dripping out of her puffy pussy. Stu pointed the camera between her legs to get a good shot at Billy's seed spilling out of her before stopping.
"Man, that was kinda hot." - "Shut up asshole." Billy said rolling his eyes before taking another drag from the blunt that was on the ashtray next to the bed.
"Oh my Gosh you guys looked so good." You said while looking at the footage in Stu's camera. You could feel yourself growing wet at the sight of Billy and Tatum fucking.
You took a glance at Billy and he was smirking at you. He couldn't wait to get his hands on you next inside the barn and fuck you raw until you came around his thick cock.
You noticed Randy shifting rather uncomfortably and laughed softly. He was hard and having problems hiding it.
"You good, Randy? Looks like you enjoyed the show." You said teasingly and he blushed, excusing himself.
Stu stuck his tongue out and chuckled at his friend getting hard because of the scene that was filmed. "This is gonna be so revolutionary guys, I can already taste the millions."
Before getting ready for dinner and discussing your big scene with Billy, you decided to go for a swim in the lake.
The sunset was approaching and the rays of light were glistening over the water. The wind created little ripples that made it look deliciously refreshing.
You decided to skinny dip since the area was alone, but you didn't really care if anyone saw you.
As you were taking your panties off, you noticed the string of slick that connected the fabric to your cunt. You moaned as you felt the cool air brush against your skin and couldn't help but run your fingers between your legs.
"Fuck..." you whispered to yourself, and trailed your hand up your body to spread your wetness over your pebbled nipples.
You thought about how your scene with Billy would be like. The rush of excitement ran over your body and you started to swing your hips while playing with your tits out in the open.
You chuckled to yourself and were spinning slowly until you were met with Billy's gaze. He was standing on the other edge of the small boardwalk, enjoying the view.
"Mind if I join you?" He said teasingly while walking towards you. You bit your lip and looked at his bulge shamelessly.
"Not at all." You answered and he placed his hands over your waist, squeezing the flesh. "You look so fucking good all alone out here. Naked. Vulnerable." Billy whispered and you couldn't help but release a little whimper.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good for the camera tomorrow."
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vympirestake · 1 year
Hello, could I please request head cannons for: Veronica Sawyer, poly Billy and stu, brahms heelshire, and marko from the lost boys where their s/O is very insecure about how they look and always wear a mask and maybe their reaction to seeing their face for the first time.
— Insecure Masked S/O
— Various x GN!Reader, just fluff, headcanons
— Mentions of insecurity, a little bit of bullying maybe
— Veronica Sawyer
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Veronica is your knight in shining armor, your protector and biggest supporter
Her alliance with the Heathers makes it so, if she so chose, she could squash anyone who dare try to shun you either for your mask or (this bring a semi small town) your actual face if they've seen it
She's always quick to your defence, whether or not you were going to defend yourself she is chewing everyone out and moving you to where she can check up on you
Literally starstruck when she sees your face
She's more gentle than the others, opting to gently brush her fingertips along your cheeks, across your jaw, smoothing your hair down if the mask had covered it
She is really just in awe, wanting to make you feel wholly loved and appreciated for everything you are
If anything, she gets more protective of you. Feeling as though, because you entrusted her with the barest part of you, she needs to keep it safe
For a complete sidenote, I think in this AU instead of thirsting for Veronica, JD sees himself in her fierce passion for you (and he just thinks you're neat, probably always talking down society and norms to encourage you) so he ropes her into killing in your name
— Poly Ghostface
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In a couple words, the general idea is that these boys would kill and be killed for you
This goes for really just in general, mask or no mask, but the fact that you are so insecure almost seems to triple this instinct
You can bet they're shoved right into your sides whenever you're in public, staring down and threatening anyone who even looks at you funny
When you finally decide to show them your face they both sit in their anxious anticipation
They'll love you no matter what, don't get me wrong, but they don't want to mess this up and make you more uncomfortable
When you actually show them they both just sit there like :0, literally in the gif just wide eyed with their mouths slightly agape
Stu giving a quiet whisper of "woah, man" before diving in to finally kiss your face for the first time
Billy (lowkey pissed Stu beat him to it) moves the blonde out of the way so he can get his smooch too, both assuring you beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love you masked or not
Billy especially gets almost a power thrill from seeing your face, knowing he's one of a very select few to actually see you which, in his mind, makes you all the more his
— Brahms Heelshire
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Of anyone, Brahms is going to understand your insecurities the best
Your mask is probably what made him comfortable in his choice to finally reveal himself
He knew that you wouldn't judge or be afraid of him purely because of his face or his way of hiding it
When you do finally reveal your face to Brahms, he is filled with nothing but pure adoration
He knows that taking off your mask, removing that layer of security, and being so very vulnerable around him makes Brahms fall that much deeper in love with you
Unfortunately, this probably means he would end up staring for an uncomfortably long amount of time, nearly making you regret removing the mask in the first place
Before you could fathom apologizing Brahms, in turn, removes his own mask
It's such a gentle moment, quietly and with so much care exploring the newly revealed skin of the other
— Marko
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While Marko doesn't necessarily understand your insecurity, he nontheless tries his hardest to make sure you're more or less as comfortable as possible
He strives to make you as comfortable in your own skin as he can
He's always right by your side, offering a comforting hand or a moment alone
You know the other boys are always checking back on you two, especially looking out for Marko flagging down their newest meal who thought being disrespectful towards you would be ok
Marko has an interesting opinion on it, knowing that his "human" face is really only a mask for the vampiric one but it makes him not as serious as the others might be
Not to say he doesn't understand the importance of this! But more that he feels the removal of the "mask" is empowering and therefore should be celebrated
So when you remove the mask for the first time, he's whooping and hollering
"yeah! that's my s/o" while he bounds up to kiss you
probably immediately shows you his vampire face (if you haven't seen it already) so you can finally see each other bare
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(seems like a good place to leave this) Billy edging you until you're nearly screaming, then handing you over to Stu, who overstimulates you until you're definitely screaming. Thoughts?
So you throw two of my favourite boys, my all time fave poly ship at me with my favourite kink ever and expect me to not write something for it? You would be extremely mistaken Anon. I have so many thoughts about all this and this is literally THE place to leave a thought like this. So let’s get into it.
Rating. Explicit. Length 2K. Billy Loomis X Stu Macher X AFAB! GN! Reader. They/Them Pronouns. Poly!Ghostface. Warnings: Dirty Talk. Edging. Orgasm Denial. Vaginal Fingering. Vibrator. Toy Use. Overstimulation. Hitting. Punishment Play. Pain Play. Begging. Crying. Forced Orgasm. Vaginal Sex. Billy And Stu Being The Worst/The Best.
A Battle Of Wills.
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This is your fault.
At least that is what he keeps saying to you, continually tells you and reminds you, that this is all because of you. To quote him about ten minutes ago when you were whining, “If you’d just kept your mouth shut I wouldn’t be doing this to you.” 
You are positive that he thinks he is making a good point but no one is forcing him to do this, he made this choice of his own free will and speaking of will that is how this all started. Claims over who had the strongest will, who could last longest in this scenario, and you are coming to realise that perhaps you were too confident, okay, not just confident, leaning more towards outright cocky and now you were paying for it. 
You were just so sure that Billy wouldn’t be able to have the self restraint for this, you thought that being naked and below him, moaning and squirming, fully on display. You thought the feeling, the view, hell even the smell would draw him in and make him cave before you did, and yet, you were, fuck, you aren’t even sure how many edges deep at this point. Billy was showing no signs of wanting to slow down or stop or even release himself from his jeans, that smug look on his face, between your splayed legs, two fingers lazily pumping in and out as his thumb circles your clit as he asks, “How you holding up?”
You open your mouth to speak and his thumb presses harder as his fingers curl just so and it makes you let out the most pathetic sounding moan as opposed to any actual proper words and he laughs, “That’s not a real answer.” 
Sucking down a deep breath, brows stitched together as you try to ignore the pleasure coursing through your tense body as you try to push out a response that won’t have him mocking you. The words that leave you sound rushed and strained, “M’ fucking fine.” 
“Oh yeah, you totally sound fine.” Your eyes run down the length of your body to him, staring up at you with that look that makes you clench around his fingers, something he of course notices and naturally comments on, “I felt that.”
Before you could say anything else another voice is cutting in that has both you and Billy’s attention snapping towards the bedroom door, seeing Stu leaning against the door frame looking all too amused, “Now what is going on here?”
“A battle of wills.” Billy says before his attention is returned to you along with the quickening of his fingers once more, “Oh really?”
“Mmm.” He hums out as Stu pushes off the door frame and comes closer, his gaze feels predatory and somehow makes you feel even more naked than you already are in your totally bare state. 
Billy hadn’t stopped and Stu watching now was adding to this, pushing you to the edge quicker, pleasure spiking at an alarming rate. He was watching every small movement and reaction with great interest, the way your chest rose and fell, the stuttering of your words when you try to speak, the hitching of your breath.
"Hi." He greets with a small wave, playful and totally him and you push out the response of, "Hey Stu."
The sensation rises, climbs, you are almost there, you are too keyed up at this point to do anything to hide how you approached that ultimate moment and thus he knew just when to stop, just when to pull his fingers out. He was cleaning them off, a groan against his own slick digits, revelling in the taste of your pure unfiltered frustration as you fight off the urge to sob. 
Stu was beside the bed, hands in his pockets, head cocked to the side slightly, eyes roving over your sweat soaked form and he spoke again, “Soooo, name of the game is who can break first? He edges you till you beg to cum or he breaks first and has to fuck you?”
Still breathless you nod, eyes falling closed as you try to regain some composure, Stu snickers, “Musta really pissed him off this time. How long you been at it man?”
“Oh what would you say? Getting near an hour now.” He admits and you huff out a weak, “Feels like two.” 
“And you still haven’t given in, it’s honestly impressive.” Billy praises and the warm feeling of pleasing him washes over you briefly before he says, “But I gotta get going soon, so let’s wrap this up, okay?” 
“Shit yeah, it’s Wednesday, you got a class soon.” Stu said as if he just remembered and Billy grunts in acknowledgment as he was shifting on the mattress, you hear the nightstand opening, hear him rooting around for something and then it snapping closed again. “Yeah, but don’t worry, after I break em then I got a treat for you Stu.” 
Stu points to himself with a wide grin as he lets out a pleased, “Ooooh, for me? You shouldn’t have.”
Billy is back between your legs and the bright flash of colour in his hand catches your eyes before the item he got from the nightstand is between your thighs and the sound of consistent humming fills the room. As soon as candy coloured silicone touches your overly sensitive clit your head is thrown back against the pillows, body is immediately taut, legs jerking from the sharp rush of sensation and the bliss hits like a ton of bricks, weighing you down, rooting you to the spot. Stu laughs as he exclaims, “Jesus, you’ve done a number on em. So loud!”
Were you being? You hadn’t even realised you were moaning until Stu pointed it out, long and low, curses and panting breaths and unable to stay still. It took all of two minutes for you to approach the edge, and that is when you break, that is when you beg at last, “Please, please, please, fu-fuck, I can’t take it, I can’t, no more, please!” 
Closer and closer still, he didn’t look like he was going to move away, was holding the vibe just right on you and your eyes stay locked on him, still begging, still pleading, completely and utterly desperate, “Need it so b-bad, need to cum, please, please, M’ sorry! Just let me finish, let me feel it, please Billy!”
He had this look on his face, as if he was considering and that shift in his eyes like he might pull away again it makes you more frantic as your legs begin shaking. Your fingers are tugging on the sheets, back about to arch your volume increases, as if begging louder would make him listen. You were two seconds from tipping over, “Fuck, fuck! Right there, gonna cum, yes-”
That is the moment he turns it off. 
You nearly scream, the heels of your hands press to your eyes and you want to break something, you cannot believe how bad this is, how in need you are as you fight back tears, laying slack on the bed and leaking an obscene amount you bite out, voice breaking, “You fucking asshole!”
“Awe, touchy, touchy.” He admonishes you for your comment by laying a firm smack down between your legs, the hit lands on your extremely sensitive cunt and the tips of his fingers catch on your clit and your legs respond to the rush of pain with a twitch as you yelp. He then tells you, “No one likes a sore loser.” 
Somehow you restrain yourself from flipping him off but just barely.
You feel him shift again on the bed and your hands pull away, looking to see him tossing the toy aside and stretching, looking again, very fucking smug. “Looks like we proved who has more will power because while you-” He gestures to your still trembling form, “-are a fucking wreck who is practically crying to cum, I’m gonna get up and go off to class totally fine.”
He does just that, gets up and he pats Stu on the shoulder, “And I’m tagging Stu in who hopefully is in the right mood to help you out.” 
“Seriously man, this is a great gift, our favourite slut already on the brink of tears and dying to get off? You’re too good to me.” Stu sounded genuinely touched and it makes you want to roll your eyes, the guy will take any chance to ham up a moment for a joke and take great pleasure in it, king of improv thy name is Stu Macher.
“What can I say, I’m a real generous guy. Have fun, I’ll see you two kids later.” A kiss pressed to Stu’s cheek before he is leaving, you are focused now on the tall blonde, a lecherous and sadistic grin splitting his features as he sing-songs out, “Bye Billy.” 
Your body still feels weak, limbs heavy but you try to move back on the bed, get away from him but he is too quick, hands lock on your ankles and he pulls you down the mattress, “Hey, hey there’s no getting away from this sweetheart. I got no plans this afternoon and nothing sounds as fun as fucking with you does.” 
His hands ran up your legs as he pressed onwards, “Don’t look so scared, Billy was the mean one today so I’m gonna be nice, alright?”
Why didn’t you believe him?
Billy was in no rush to get home. 
Class was fine, he got a late lunch, and he was out of the house for around two hours, he wondered if you were both still going at it until he got into the hallway outside your apartment and he could hear you.
He unlocked the door, meandered his way towards the bedroom to find the door was wide open and you still spread out on the sheets and Christ even with the gag Stu shoved in your mouth you were this loud? 
Turns out Stu’s idea of being nice was making you cum over and over again until you literally couldn’t fucking think anymore, forget about speaking.
It was nice to begin, the first orgasm had you thanking him, babbling with the relief the washed over you as you came with his fingers buried in your cunt and his mouth on your neck. It was still good when he didn't stop, merely slowed as he worked you up to and through your second and even enjoyable when he first picked up the toy for the third and fourth he wrung out of you.
But those happened over an hour ago and before he even got his pants off.
Now you were sore, exhausted and thoroughly cummed out, dried tracks of tears down your cheeks and forced to just take it as Stu worked on getting his own hard earned pleasure.
“C’mon man, haven’t we tortured them enough today?” Billy asked, Stu’s head jerked up, a look over his shoulder, a smile spreading on his face as he sees the brunette now watching the scene making him slow his hips, “Almost done, swear to God.”
Billy scoffed, a roll of his eyes as he started to come into the room, “Yeah I take you swearing to God real seriously.”
“What should I swear on to get you to believe me?” Stu was back to it, sounding a little breathless, a harsh rolls of his hips, one of your legs propped up on his shoulder, his hand near your knee as he fucked into you and his other hand holding that same toy Billy was using earlier to your throbbing and over worked clit. “A stack of your favourite porn maybe?”
He snorts out a laugh, a harder slam of his hips into yours and another broken moan tears out that he talks over, “You think M’ that sex obsessed? That I can swear on porno like it’s the fuckin’ bible?” 
“Think? I know.” Billy sat down on the edge of the bed, his hand reaches out, sweeping some hair off your sweaty forehead, “How many times did you make them cum?”
“I had em keep-ing count but once they, ugh, couldn’t form words anymore-” Stu’s sentence stops with a moan, your body was forced through another brutal orgasm and you cry into the gag, it barely felt good, mostly it hurt, just painful clenching and flexing of your cunt around his cock plunging in and out of your abused hole. His pace was uneven, thrusts sloppy, he was going to cum soon, thank God.
Billy nods as he watches your body shake through the feelings Stu was forcing onto it, your eyes unfocused, drool down your chin, throat ruined from all the incessant moaning and crying and screaming into the gag, “Yeah once they start sobbing like that all bets are off, bet they aren’t even listening to this right now.”
“Ohh, you gonna want a turn after I cum in em?” Stu asked and Billy said, “I mean I didn’t cum earlier did I?” 
Seems the afternoon is far from over and one thought breaks through your overstimulated haze, you have got to stop making bets with them.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
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Hi, I'm Roadkill Remi! I love all things weird and love writing fics that don't make a lick of sense.
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⚠️ -Minors DNI
🫁 - Still in the works
>>Uncle!Randy MasterList<<
300 Event
Kinktober '23
Requests are currently on pause
The characters I write for are not limited to the ones below.
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Looking for a request I wrote?
It's down here!
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The List (Randy X Gn!Reader)
The Bar (College!Randy X Gn!Reader)
See you again... (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Not Perfectly Perfect (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Don't stay awake. (Randy X F!Reader)
Bullshit (Randy X F!Reader)
I won't allow it (Uncle! Randy X F!Reader)
Lost in the '90s (Randy X F!Reader)
My boy (Randy X F!Reader)
Like Old Times (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Drunken Away (Randy X F!Reader)
Thigh Riding (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Brat (Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
Sooner rather than later (Randy X F!Reader)
Stupid decisions, Stupid consequences (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)
Director (Randy X Reader)
Too Dumb To speak (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Riding Randy. (Dilfy Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Searching (Poly!Stu and Billy X Succubus!Reader) ⚠️
Experiment (Randy X Reader)⚠️
Impatient (Uncle!Randy X Reader⚠️
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I want your video (Randy X Gn!Reader)
They're all dead (Stu X Gn!Reader)
Salty Tears (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Don't tell mom (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)
Subway Cars (Mindy Martin-Meeks X F!Reader)
Catch Me (Billy X F!Reader X Stu)
Glances Exchanged (Tatum X F!Reader)
Crimson (Randy X Reader )
Till Death ⚠️
Our beginnings ⚠️
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Randy was the third Ghostface ⚠️
Randy With Queer and/or Trans reader
Randy with Sleepy Reader
Scream With Alt. Reader
Randy X Ghostface Reader
Uncle Randy Holiday
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Please don't kill me, Mr.GhostFace
#2 ⚠️
Sequel to Please Don't Kill me- I wanna be in the Sequel 🫁
#2 ⚠️
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Love Sucks (Randy Meeks X F!Reader) 🫁
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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"I wouldn't imagine breaking your no underwear rule" (Billy X F!Reader) ⚠️
"I can't lose you again! Can't you see that?" (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
"I don't know how to touch you..." (Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
"I have to admit. I'm very... possessive.". (Ghostface!Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
Non Scream Fics -
DuctTape 1 (FP Jones x F!Reader) Riverdale
Rhymes for your Mind(B RadXReader) Malibu's Most wanted
A better man (Negan Smith X F!reader) TWD⚠️
424 notes · View notes
lolahauri · 8 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Requests are always open, and you can send as many as you want, as detailed as you want! I just get to them whenever i can/feel like it.
Anon's: 🌹-🕯️-🍁-❤️-
Other Accounts: @lolas-favfics @lolamultifandom @lolahaurisfw
AO3: Here
DNI: MAP, ZOO, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors!!!, Discourse Blogs. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex Crimes of ANY KIND, Super Violent/Xtreme Kinks, Inflation, Feederism, Abuse, Puke, Shit, DDLG, Age Play, Raceplay, Wound Fucking, Gore, Vore, Misgendering, Lesbian x Male, Gay Man x Female, Stepcest etc... no exceptions!
Fluff, Angst, Platonic. (Go to my other fanfic blog for that.)
Things I Will Write:
Genderbent Characters, Mild Yandere, Daddy/Mommy Kink, Cheating, Mild BDSM, CNC, Dubcon, Monsters, Hybrids, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Power Imbalance (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Feet, Armpits, Piss, Breeding, Mild Bloodplay & Knifeplay, Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Public Sex, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, Overstim, Edging, etc... etc... :P
Trans Reader, Chubby/Tall/Short/Curvy/Fat/Buff Reader, Other Specific Characteristics.✔️
*if you aren't sure, just ask!* :)
HC's, One Shots, Multi-Chapter, Drabbles, F/O Imagines.
Canon-friendly, AU's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / OC x Reader / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request other characters from these fandoms, but it might take me longer!)
Adventure Time/Fiona & Cake: PB, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona.
Attack On Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin, Ymir. 
Avatar: Jake, Neytiri.
Batman Begins Triology: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Joker, Scarecrow.
Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast.
BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Penny, Amy.
Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite.
BNA: Michiru, Shirou.
Bob’s Burgers: Bob, Linda.
Breaking Bad: Jesse, Skylar.
Call of Duty: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria, Farah.
Creepypasta: Jeff, Jane, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Slenderman, Splendorman, Clockwork, Kate, Masky, Hoodie,
Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabi, Edie, Lynette, Carlos, John.
Dirty Dancing: Johnny, Baby.
Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Zeebo, Wiploc, Valerie.
Elemental: Wade, Ember.
Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta.
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve.
Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff.
Futurama: Leela, Fry, Amy, Bender.
Gravity Falls: Ford, Stan, Soos, Melody, Giffany, Bill.
Jane The Virgin: Jane, Michael, Petra, Luisa, Rose, Rogelio, Xiomara.
Jurassic Park (1993): Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo, Choso, Nanami, Sukuna.
King of the Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luane, Nancy, Dale, Khan, Min, John Redcorn.
Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy.
Little Mermaid (2022): Ariel, Eric.
MHA: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa.
Moon Knight: Moon System, Layla, Khonshu.
National Treasure: Benjamin, Riley.
Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Bowser, Waluigi.
Norbit: Rasputia, Norbit.
Princess & The Frog: Tiana, Lottie, Naveen, Shadow Man.
Ratatouille: Colette, Linguini. 
Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson.
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Carlos Oiliveria, Lady Dimitrescu.
Rick and Morty: Rick, Jerry, Beth, Doofus Rick.
Riverdale: FP Jones, Hiram.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Kim, Ramona, Gideon, Wallace.
Serial Mom: Chip, Beverly.
Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden.
Shallow Hal: Rosemary, Hal.
Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V.
SheRa (2018): All Adults.
Sherlock (2010): Sherlock, John Watson.
Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Huntress, Trapper, Wraith, Trickster, Pearl, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Patrick Bateman, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven, The Artist, Amanda Young.
Spiderverse: Miguel, Jessica Drew.
Spongebob: Dennis, Man Ray.
Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo.
Steven Universe: Garnet, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis, Jasper, Blue Diamond, Rose, Greg.
Stranger Things: Robin, Billy Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper.
Supernatural: Sam, Dean, Castiel.
Super Store: Amy, Jonah, Dina, Garrett, Cheyenne.
Tangled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell.
The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler.
The Breakfast Club: John Bender, Allison Reynolds.
The Nanny: C.C, Fran, Maxwell.
Total Drama Island: S1 Contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley.
Triple Frontier: Frankie, Santiago.
Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee.
Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie.
WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns.
YOU: Beck, Joe, Peach, Love.
Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie.
Abel Morales (A Most Violent Year)
Astarion (Baulder’s Gate 3)
Babbo Natale (Violent Night)
Barbie (Barbie 2023)
Basil Stitt (Lightning Face)
Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs)
Bruce (Beyond Therapy)
Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Praire)
Charlie Dompler (Smiling Friends)
Chel (Road to El Dorado)
Dale Kobble (Longlegs)
Dan Conner (Rosanne)
David Levinson (Independence Day)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Doug Remer (Baseketball)
Duke Leto Atreides (Dune)
Fezzik (Princess Bride)
Francine (American Dad)
Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia)
Jack Harrison (Translyvania 6-5000)
Jackson Rippner (Red Eye)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield 2024)
John Doe (John Doe Game)
Jonathan Levy (Scenes from a Marriage)
John Wick (John Wick 4)
King Baldwin (Kingdom of Heaven)
Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto)
Laurent LeClaire (In Secret)
Linda Gunderson (Rio)
Llewyn Davis (Inside Lleywn Davis)
Master Chief (Halo)
Mike (5lbs of Pressure)
Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops)
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch)
Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina)
Outcome-3 (The Bourne Legacy)
Orestes (Agora)
Paul Blart (Paul Blart: Mall Cop)
Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River)
Peggy Bundy (Married With Children)
Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby)
Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Prince John (Robin Hood 2010)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Shiv (Pu-239)
Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Star-Lord (Gaurdians of the Galaxy)
Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House)
The Janitor (Willy’s Wonderland)
Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980)
William Tell (The Card Counter)
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trash-gobby · 2 months
Ultimate Masterlist
Here is where you will find all the stories I've written along with each fandom as a header. If there are any new or old stories they can be found here. The old inventory system I had is dead. This will be the home of all content I've written or created from now on.
🔫 James Bond 🔫
Happiness Is a Warm Gun 🔞
All The Time In The World - *NTTD SPOILERS* 
Dario X GN!Reader - Yandere Headcanons 🔞
Dario X SadisticFem!Reader Headcanons 🔞
🏏 Heather's 🏏
Jason Dean - Yandere Headcanons 
Veronica Sawyer - Yandere Headcanons 
👽 Alien Franchise 👽
Bishop Headcanons
Bishop Headcanons - His friendship with the Colonial Marines 
First Snow on Earth 
How They Would Play Sims 2 & 4
Lance Bishop Fluff Alphabet
Dallas & J.M. Lambert Dating Headcanons
Colonial Marines W/ Virgin Reader 🔞
Scott Gorman NSFW Alphabet 🔞
William Hudson NSFW Alphabet 🔞
🎭 Behind The Mask 🎭
Leslie Vernon X GN!S/O who’s Jealous of Taylor
🎄🩸 Black Christmas 🩸🎄
Billy Lenz X Short Gothic GN! S/O
Harry Warden & Billy Lenz X GN!Reader with Short Coiled Hair
Billy Lenz X GN!S/O - Who Hides Gifts Around The House For Him To Find!
Jess Bradford - Fluffy Dating Headcanons w/ Trans Masc!S/O
🚶The Boy 🚶
Brahms X AFAB!Reader who is overly protective of him P1
Brahms X AFAB!Reader who is overly protective of him P2
Dating Brahms Headcanons (Possessive Brahms)
Brahms X GN!Reader - Trying to Leave The House 🔞
🚀 Farscape 🚀
Moya Crew w/ Artistic S/O
🪱 The Faculty 🪱
Zeke Tyler Dating Headcanons
🚑 Flatliners 🚑
Nelson Wright X AFAB!Reader Meet at a House Party
Nelson X GN!Reader - Cuddling For The First Time
🐺 Ginger Snaps 🐺
Ginger X Fem!Reader SFW & NSFW Headcanons 🔞
Ginger Fitzgerald Headcanons 👋
🎃 Halloween 🎃
Michael with a physically & verbally affectionate s/o
Michael Myers GN!S/O with Separation Anxiety
🔥 Hellboy 🔥
Poly!Hellboy & Liz Sherman X GN!Reader Headcanons
A Long Hard Day
Nuada X Agent!Reader Headcanons
⛓️ Hellraiser ⛓️
Pinhead - Hellraiser: Headcanons
💄Jennifer's Body 💄
Jennifer Check X Male!Reader
🦇🩸Lost Boys 🩸🦇
∞ When You’re a Stranger ∞ - Chpt. 1, Chpt. 2
When did Max get Thorn???
David - General Headcanons
David - Fluff Alphabet
Dwayne - Headcanons
Dwayne - Fluff Alphabet
Laddie - Headcanons
Marko - Headcanons
Paul - Headcanons
Descending Angel - part one, part two
♊ Malignant ♊
Gabriel May X GN!S/O - Who Writes Him Gothic Love Poems
🥀⚰️ Mortuary ⚰️🥀
Flowers For a Grave - Paul Andrews X Fem!Reader
❣️My Bloody Valentine ❣️
Harry Warden & Billy Lenz X GN!Reader with Short Coiled Hair
Harry Warden W/ Pregnant S/O
🦇🕶️ Near Dark 🕶️🦇
Severen Van Sickle X Pinup!Reader
Severen Van Sickle NSFW Alphabet🔞
👹 Nightbreed 👹
Dr. Decker X POC Plus Size!Reader Headcanons 🔞
Decker X Plus Size POC!Reader - Darkness Is A Stitch Away
📸 🔪 Scream 🔪 📸
Billy Loomis X Fem!Reader - Comforting her after losing someone close to her
Poly!Ghostface Finding Out Their Girlfriend is Pregnant
🚲 Stranger Things 🚲
Wipe Out
Eddie Munson - Fluff Alphabet
🥩🪝 Texas Chainsaw Massacre 🪝🥩
Christmas dinner with the Sawyer's
🌌 The Thing 🌌
R.J. MacReady NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Assimilation - Palmer X GN!Reader
Palmer - Headcanons
Science Fiction
👽💅 Earth Girls Are Easy 💅👽
Mac - Fluffy Dating Headcanons
🦖 Jurassic Park 🦖
Dating Ian Malcolm Would Include
🌠 Star Wars: The Old Republic 🌠
Two Bounty Hunters Walk Into a Guild Meeting
☔ Umbrella Academy ☔
Luther Hargreeves X Fem!Reader - NSFW & Dating Headcanons 🔞
✨ Legend ✨
Wicked Game 🔞
🌊 Legend of Korra 🌊
Korra Dating Kuvira's Sibling Headcanon's
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myesmi · 1 year
Hi! I heard you wanted some requests? So, I was wondering if you could do something where both the reader and Billy (you can make this poly or not, totally up to you!) take care of a very sick Stu Macher? They had all previously been messing around in the snow (kind of a winter setting I suppose!) but when they head back inside, it’s clear that Stu is developing some cold symptoms.
(Scenery is that they mostly stay at Stu’s house seeing as his parents are always away for trips. Also the reader can be any gender you would like! Totally doesn’t bother me! <3)
You don’t have to make this btw! A writer is always entitled to not do requests if they wish!
HAT & GLOVES. 𓂅 ˖ ࣪ ( poly! ghostface x gn! reader )
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cw. vulgar language, established polyamorous relationship
note. this was such a cute idea and such an exciting first request! let me know how you like it hon! billy is a little ooc perhaps, same with stu since i’m still a new blog, so it’ll be awhile till i fully capture horror slasher personalities in my writing — either way, hope you enjoy! <3 comments and reblogs appreciated!
requests are open. masterlist.
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stu’s cheeks were a perfect rosy red color, the wind nipping at his uncovered ears. his short hair was messy, white flakes of snow wetting his hair. you’ll never forget the perfect visage of your boyfriend, head laid back in the snow next to your own, his signature wide smile adorning his face. his bare hand was intertwined with your own gloved hand, his fingertips red from the cold air. you had tried to convince him to wear gloves, but after already convincing him to shoulder on a coat and scarf, he refused any more protection against the cold winter weather.
you smiled over at him, feeling how your own cheeks dully ached from the cold. his head lulled over, his smile reaching his eyes cutely, laughter erupting from his chest. it was hard to believe he was anything but a sweetheart sometimes.
the crunch of snow under boots reached your red-tipped ears, stu’s bright laughter that mingled with your own breathless giggles and chuckles fading as you both peered up from your spots, laying comfortably in the soft white snow.
billy loomis, in a coat, scarf, beanie, gloves, and boots stood over you both, something of a smirk adorning his face. “having fun?” he huffed, leaning over to grab stu’s hands, pulling the lanky boy up from the snowy ground. next was you, as you reached up to meet his outstretched gloved hands. he hefted you up from the ground, grimacing as a cold breeze ripped through the tender moment between you three. billy was never one for the cold.
and soon, you found yourself wrapped up in stu’s surprisingly strong arms, his face nuzzled into your neck as he stretched out on top of you where you both laid on his living room couch. billy was still heard in the kitchen.
“we told you to put those damn gloves and hat on.” billy chided, almost like a worried mother with his furrowed brow and scowl on his face. however that didn’t hide the fact that he was still standing in the kitchen, making stu his requested soup and hot tea.
stu grumbled into your neck, his warm breaths nothing compared to how his forehead practically burned your skin, as stu sported a light fever. “make him stop, (y/n)!” stu whined, pulling his head away from your neck briefly to throw you his best attempt at puppy dog eyes.
you winced looking at his face, cheeks reddened and his hair ever so slightly damp from how sweaty he was starting to get, despite refusing to move from being so comfortably laid within your welcoming arms.
stu glared at your wince, and you laughed, “sorry, sorry!” you chuckle, pulling your arm away from being wrapped around his waist to place your palm against his forehead, “i’m just worried is all. billy too.” “i’m not worried!” billy shouted from the kitchen before walking into the living room.
he wore stu’s mother’s kitchen apron, holding a tray that held a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a cup of warm tea.
you raised an eyebrow, looking billy up and down before nodding. “mhm,” you hummed as billy rolled his eyes. “shut up, you’re lucky you’re not sick.” “oh stop whining, just because i didn’t wear a hat or earmuffs doesn’t mean i’m gonna immediately get sick!” you huffed, clutching stu closer to you as he happily snuggled closer.
billy set the tray down on the coffee table, moving towards you both on the couch. he simply lifted your legs, slipping under you both to sit on the other end of the couch, letting both you and stu’s legs lay across his lap. he tried his best to ignore you and stu’s giddy smiles at how gentle billy could be as he grabbed the tv remote, biting the inside of his cheek to prevent his own smile.
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© myesmi . . . do not steal, translate, or repost.
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❛ master list ❜
▬ last updated: 02.05.2024
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♡ ▬ NSFW content (MDNI). | ☁ ▬ means it's angst. | ↺ ▬ means it's a WIP.
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Yandere Original Characters ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Kim Seo-Yun x gn!reader | Kim Jeong-Hyun x gn!reader | drabble: ♡ "You make me feel like I am clean again"
Arcane (2021) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
VANDER x ftm!prostitute!reader: ♡ "You better lock your door and look at me a little more (we both know I'm worth waitin' for)"
Avatar (2009) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Call of Duty (2022) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Konig x male!reader: ♡ "Oh, oh-oh"
Castlevania (2017) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
multi!characters x incubus!reader | drabble: ♡ "Just wanna be one of your toys, tonight"
DCU ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
JASON TODD x male!reader: "You get me so high"
Dead by Daylight (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Jutjutsu Kaisen (2018) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
GOJO SATORU x male!husband!reader: ☁ "I WANT THE YOU WHO WANTS ME AGAIN" [1/3] ☁ "WHY AM I IN LOVE ALONE? (WHY AM I HURTING ALONE?)" [2/3] ☁♡ "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME (PLEASE DON'T FALL)" [3/3] ☁ alternate ending [AU] ☁♡ "YOU ALREADY HAVE A PIECE OF MY HEART (WHICH I HAVE NEVER GIVEN TO YOU)" | au's and what ifs drabble ↳ ❛ __ ❜ [playlist link]
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ♡ "He's just like candy, he's so sweet"
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ☁♡ "You know what sinners do when they love too soon (are you ready to die?)"
Hein Era!RYOMEN SUKUNA X concubine!ftm!reader X Heian Era!GOJO SATORU: ♡ "Darling, won't you just plead, or should I begin to bleed?"
α!FUSHIGURO TOJI X Ω!ftm!reader: ♡ "His heart is beating just for me (I can hardly breathe)."
one-sided!KENJAKU X concubine!ftm!reader | RYOMEN SUKUNA X concubine!ftm!reader: ♡ "life and death will always lead to love and regret (but you have the answers, and I have the key)"
Marvel ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
PETER PARKER x male!superhero!reader: "You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you" [1/2] ♡ "Baby, you know that you won" [2/2]
My Hero Academia (2014) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
DABI (TOUYA TODOROKI) x ftm!reader: ♡ "Just like that, baby" [1/3]
Resident Evil (1996) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
ghostface!LEON KENNEDY x ftm!ghostface!reader: ♡ "Comin' back for more?"
Sally Face (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ☁♡ "I was the boy who was on your side" SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ♡ "I'll show you how we're supposed to feel (when we meet at Orion's belt)"
LARRY JOHNSON: ↺ ♡ "'Cause it's not a figure of speech, you got me down on my knees"
Slashers ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
COREY CUNNINGHAM x gn!reader: ♡ "Helping Hand"
multi. characters x transmasc!reader | dating drabble: "beautiful (darling)"
multi.characters x male!slasher!reader | dating drabble: "take my soul (need control)"
poly!BILLY LOOMIS & STU MACHER x male!reader: "Line of Sight"
poly!COREY CUNNINGHAM & OG!MICHAEL MYERS x gn!reader "Say yes to heaven (say yes to me)"
The Legend of Korra (2012) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
TONRAQ x male!reader ♡ "situation might get sticky, icky"
Teen Wolf (2011) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
MIECZYSLAW "STILES" STILINSKI x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Burn for you" DEUCALION x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Show Me How" [1/2] ♡ "Show Me How" [2/2]
The Walking Dead (2010) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
The Witcher (2019) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
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276 notes · View notes
macherkissed · 1 year
The Macherkissed Masterlist
Any Content warnings/triggers will be marked next to the work. If I miss any, just tell me and I'll make sure to correct it.
How they react to seeing you depressed for the first time (Michael Myers, Poly!Ghostface) [CW: GN!Reader, Depression]
Befriending A Splicer Headcanons [CW: GN!Reader, Weapons Mention]
How they react to you telling them you're pregnant (Betelgeuse, Gomez & Morticia Addams, Yautja) [CW: AFAB!Reader, Pregnancy, One line mention of abortion, Smut Mention, Polyamory, Exophilia]
How they react to your new tattoo (Jason Voorhees, Tiffany Valentine, Norman Bates) [CW: GN!Reader, Tattooed Reader, Needles mention, Slight Smut mention]
Comforting you when your elderly pet is passing (Hellboy, NBC Will Graham, Venom & Eddie Brock) [CW: GN!Reader, mentions of losing a pet, possible triggering subject]
NSFW Headcanons (Mark Hoffman) [CW: GN!Reader, Smut, Fluff, Kink]
How they act with a noise sensitive SO (Betelgeuse, Hellboy, Venom, Yautja) [CW: GN!Reader, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Exophilia]
How they react to a Shy S/O (Chucky & Tiffany, Gomez & Morticia, Alice Liddell, Nemesis) [CW: GN!Reader, Smut, Polyamory, Mentions of violence, mild-to-moderate dom/sub, mentions of sadism, Exophilia]
How they react to you going into labour (Gomez & Morticia Addams) [CW: AFAB!Reader, GN!Reader, Pregnancy, labour, pain and slight childbirth typical gore]
How he reacts to your body tremors (Jason Voorhees) [CW: GN!Reader, Disabled!Reader, Medication mention, Fluff]
The Reward of Patience (Betelgeuse) [CW: AFAB!Reader, Smut, Pegging]
Wrapped Up in Pretty Ribbons (Billy Lenz) [CW: Fem!Reader, Smut, Non-Con Voyeurism, Slight Somnophilia, Choking]
Those Sweet Lips (Poly!Ghostface) [CW: Fem!Reader, Smut, Threesome, Polyamory, Oral Sex, Some M/M Action]
Recompense (Hannibal Lector) [CW: Fem!Reader, Smut, Oral Sex, Boss/Employee Relationship]
Closest of Encounters (Psycho Goreman) [CW: Fem!Reader, Mature, Kissing, Suggestive, Exophilia]
No Gods or Kings, Only Fontaine (Frank Fontaine) [CW: GN!Reader, Smut, Oral Sex, Slight D/S]
A Moment Alone (Jack Wynand) [CW: GN!Reader, Smut, Ambiguous Penetration, Unprotected Sex, No Aftercare]
Thel Vadam X ADHD!Reader SFW Alphabet [CW: Fem!Reader, ADHD, Fluff, Exophilia, Marriage mention]
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People I will write about
(don't be afraid to request whoever thou , since I will most likely forget most of the people I simp for)
I can write platonic , x child/sister/brother reader, gender neutral, romantic , with more than one person(poly) , yandere, smut , and most things.
I will not write incest pedophilia and rape
The turning
Miles Fairchild
The hp/ marrauders
James potter(young)
Remus lupin(young)
Sirius Black(young)
Lily (young)
Tom riddle
Mattheo riddle
Blaze zabini
The avengers
Literally all of them , I adore them
Criminal minds
Again I could do all of them
Stranger things
All of them , I will only write Robin with a female or gn reader though
Also if you want smut you the young ones it needs to be aged up
All of them , but to request smut it HAS to be aged up
Billy Loomis
Stu Mancher
Others too
The rookie
Heirs of the night
More can be added and again , don't hesitate to request for people that aren't on the list
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mickyaltierisgf · 1 year
hii!! I saw you were taking request (also you are another roman and mickey stan so I love you) and I was wondering if you could write a scenario or headcanons for reader dating poly!ghostface and finding out roman and mickey are ghostface and they are like oh no, but reader is like "let me help"
Thank you, I love you too for requesting poly!romickey.
poly!ghostface (romickey) x gn reader headcanons
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Roman isn’t as active as Mickey since he’s usually too busy with his actual job and doesn’t quite have the same zeal for it. For the most part, he only targets people he knows and can’t stand or who get in his way somehow.
When you start dating them, he becomes overly cautious. He doesn’t want you to know. He doesn’t even want you to suspect. He’s got a certain image he wants to maintain, especially when it comes to dealing with you.
Mickey doesn’t care too much in the beginning. He figures if you find out and it becomes a problem, he can just take you out in the non-date way (he’s literally crazy, what do you expect?💀)
When he gets more attached to you, he sort of agrees with Roman’s approach. He doesn’t want to have to get rid of you, and keeping you with them would be much easier and more pleasant if you’re staying willingly.🙃
No matter how careful they are, though, you notice things, such as Mickey having small injuries he just shrugs off or makes weird excuses for. "A rogue tree got in my way while filming." A few times, he claims Roman gave them to him. "Don’t let the glasses fool you; It’s a trick. He’s a lot freakier than he lets on." *wink wink*. And news reports about people you know who had worked with Roman, or at least worked at the same studio, going "missing" from time to time.
Questioning Roman too much will lead to him ranting about anything to divert the conversation. "No one’s gone missing from there since the 70's. They’re just trying to ruin the studio’s reputation. You know how many movies they’ve almost shut down this year alone? It’s insane. I’ve got the producers breathing down my neck about everything. I can barely get a music video done without 50 rewrites! Next, The National Enquirer's gonna put out a story about alien abductions happening on set. Those people left because they just couldn’t hack it! Hollywood’s a tough place, y/n. It’s not made for everyone."
Even when you find out the truth and confront him with it, he denies it heatedly. "I’m not some sort of demented killer! The police couldn’t prove—"until you assure him you don’t care. He changes his tone instantly. "You’re okay with this?"
Mickey’s ready to throw a party. They won’t have to sneak around anymore, and maybe now he could talk you into having a different kind of fun in the costumes.
He’s absolutely delighted that you’re not only cool with it but also want to help him.
You start out small (fake bait to lure victims) and then graduate to calls until Roman’s convinced you’re ready to take on a more active role. Mickey jokes that you’ll have to go through the casting couch (he’s only half joking).
Roman lets you use his voice changer, but only very rarely. He keeps it well hidden, and you’ll never find the real one unless he hands it to you personally. You’ll have to make due with the regular model.
You and Mickey still have fun bothering him and just about everyone else with the regular one, though. That phone bill is too damn high.
They have a bunch of extra costumes from Stab 3, so you eventually get your own.
Mickey has a whole stash of weapons, and he’s impressed that you know most of them. He lets you take anything you want when you go out.
Roman’s still not too keen on you joining in on this, though. He masks his concern with irritation, but he really does worry about Mickey sometimes, and now he’s going to be worrying about both of you.
He gets more involved than he’d like to because he wants to keep an eye on you. Plus, he’s a control freak, and he thinks the excuse of watching out for you gives him a free pass to be bossy.
Killing makes them both a bit feral; normally Mickey embraces it and Roman suppresses it. Your presence tips their delicate balance off kilter.
Then, you find out firsthand that some of Mickey’s salacious stories about the "injuries" Roman gave him weren’t as exaggerated as you thought.
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whateverloomis · 2 months
"Scream" (1996) meets "X" || Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x GN!AFAB reader 🔪🔞
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Warnings: Voyeurism, asphyxiation (use of a belt around neck,) CNC, making out, p in v, oral (male receiving,) roughness, mention of reader and Tatum making out (just girlies stuff :P) AFAB reader (no use of pronouns,) implied size difference, poly!Ghostface, reader has pre-determined interests and outfits, stalking, Sidney is not in the story (sorry not sorry,) || Not edited
Word count: 2.5k
You thought about how your scene with Billy would be like. The rush of excitement ran over your body and you started to swing your hips while playing with your tits out in the open.
You chuckled to yourself and were spinning slowly until you were met with Billy's gaze. He was standing on the other edge of the small boardwalk, enjoying the view.
"Mind if I join you?" He said teasingly while walking towards you. You bit your lip and looked at his bulge shamelessly.
"Not at all." You answered and he placed his hands over your waist, squeezing the flesh. "You look so fucking good all alone out here. Naked. Vulnerable." Billy whispered and you couldn't help but release a little whimper.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good for the camera tomorrow."
You had your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Billy and you were both naked in the lake, lost in each other's mouths. You could feel his hard cock pressed against your lower belly and were slowly getting tempted to slip it inside you, but not yet. You wanted to work yourself up to do your best performance for the movie.
"Fuck... Mm Billy," you moaned between kisses. He wasn't answering, his hands were on your ass squeezing the flesh and rocking you against him, your pussy now rubbing against his cock.
Your tongues teased each other and it was driving both of you crazy.
You moved to his neck and started to kiss it slowly, your fingers between his hair pulling the strands softly.
As you were moving your way down to his collar bone your eyes fluttered open. To your surprise an old lady was standing next to a tree at a distance. You gasped in fear and pulled away from Billy's neck abruptly.
"What's wrong?" He asked and noticed you were looking behind him. He turned around and didn't see anything.
"There was an old lady standing right there looking at us!" You said, scared out of your mind.
Billy didn't want to dismiss your words, but he didn't see anyone and he couldn't help but doubt a little bit; "Are you sure it wasn't a tree that moved or-" - "Billy no, I saw her! She looked straight at me!" you explained, breathing quicker with each word.
"Hey, c'mere baby," Billy said and you moved towards him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a comforting hug. "It's okay, I believe you." He said. "Let's go inside so you can eat and take a breather ok?" He continued and you nodded quickly, swimming to the shore with him.
"And I saw an old lady looking at me!" You explained to everyone back at the cabin. You were eating sandwiches that Randy made with the few ingredients you guys had brought, drinking and smoking pot around the small coffee table in the living room area.
"An old lady? I didn't see an old lady with pops yesterday." Stu said and Tatum glared at him; "It doesn't mean he doesn't have a wife or something." She said, validating your words.
You sighed and leaned against Billy, his arm around your shoulders.
Randy looked at you with slight judgement written over his face and you caught him red handed.
"What?" You asked him and he visibly panicked.
"Nothing, I didn't say anyth-" - "You were staring. Is there anything you'd like to say?" you countered. All eyes were on him now and he tried to hide the fact that he was anxious.
"I just... I can't stop thinking about Sidney and how you guys..." He trailed off and Billy glared at him. "Yeah? Spit it out." he said and Randy swallowed nervously; "The scene tomorrow with you guys... That's how she'll find out and it's not... It's not okay, in my opinion..." - "It was gonna happen one way or another, who cares at this point?" Stu said and took a swing of his beer. "Plus you can have her afterwar-" - "Stu what the fuck?!" Tatum practically shouted; "She's still our friend, you can't just throw her around like that!" - "Hey, it's a fact!" Stu answered and you rolled your eyes.
"It seems like you don't think our scene is a good idea, but Billy and Tatum fucking is okay?" you told Randy and he looked away. "Are you jealous?" you straight up asked him, mock in your tone.
"No! Why would I be..." He answered and Stu chuckled; "Sounds like Randy wants a little taste of YN." - "Oh shut up! You don't know anything..." Randy said and you smirked; "Is that it, babe?" You asked teasingly, and Billy sighed; "Sorry, off limits." Billy said, breaking the tension. You bit your lip at his words. Billy could be possessive from time to time and it was a turn on.
"Oh but Tatum can make out with YN?" - "It's not serious, it's just friend stuff." - "How does that make sense?!" Randy asked, shocked. You giggled at the whole exchange. It was cute how Randy was jealous about you getting it on with everyone else, yet Billy didn't want him to lay a finger on you.
"Listen, I'll consider it since we need an extra at a point." Stu said and looked at Billy for any sign of approval. He had a serious expression, unamused with the whole situation but not exactly opposed.
"Let's just focus on tomorrow's scene guys, we'll think about this later." You said and everyone agreed.
The moment was finally here. Your scene with Billy.
You were wearing jean overalls that hiked up your ass cheeks. No underwear on which allowed the perfect amount of side boob to show. You were looking delicious and ready to be devoured.
As you walked in the barn everyone complimented you and whistled. You blushed and bit your lip in excitement. Billy smirked at you and grabbed your hips, pulling you towards him and kissing you slowly. Stu chuckled at the sight and eyed you from head to toe before positioning the camera towards the stall you were going to be in.
"You ready, babe?" He asked and you nodded.
You bent down to pick up a bucket of water from the stall. As you were standing up and turned around you were faced with Billy. Crashing into him, you dropped the bucket, water spilling all over you guys. Billy's white shirt got wet and you scrambled around the place to find a towel to help him dry up.
"Oh my Gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." You trailed off. Billy was taking his shirt off and you raked your eyes over his upper body. You walked towards him and ran your hand up his exposed chest.
"I can dry your shirt for you... If you'd like." You said, faking innocence.
"If it's not too much trouble." Billy answered softly and took a step forward, towering over you; "You should also dry this while you're at it..." He said and slid the straps of your overalls down your upper body, revealing your tits. The cool air made your nipples harden immediately and Billy brushed his fingers over them. You bit your bottom lip and whimpered quietly.
You looked up at him with the cutest stare and he crashed his lips against yours, pushing you against the wall. His hands explored your body and grabbed every inch of you. You moaned against his mouth and ran your hands through his hair.
You guys devoured each others mouths for what seemed like forever before Billy pulled your overalls all the way down and ran two fingers between your folds, feeling how wet you already were. He hummed at the feeling and drew slow circles over your clit before dipping his middle and ring finger inside you. He didn't push them all the way inside you just yet. Billy collected your wetness and spread it over your sensitive bud before dipping his fingers in once again and repeating the actions far too many times for you to control your moans.
"Mm fuck... Please..." You whispered and moved your hips forward against his fingers, needing them to go inside you deeper, and that's exactly what Billy did. He inserted them all the way inside your cunt and you released a long moan of relief and pleasure.
Billy finger fucked you almost passionately. With his other hand he grabbed your neck and held you in place, kissing you once again. You both moaned inside each others mouths and played with each others tongues.
Desperate, you started to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants, releasing his cock. Before stroking his length Billy pulled his fingers out of your sopping cunt and ran the slick over his shaft. You jerked him a few times before kneeling down and sticking your tongue out for him.
Billy smirked and placed his hand on your cheek; "Aren't you a cutie?" he teased and moved his hand to your jaw, opening your mouth a bit more before resting his heavy cock on your tongue and slowly thrusting it inside of you.
You moaned around him and started to bob your head, following his rhythm. As you sucked on his cock slowly you grabbed his thigh with your left hand and scratched the flesh just enough to elicit pain with your long nails. Billy hissed at the sensation and his cock twitched inside your mouth. You hummed around him and took more of his length inside, brushing your tongue under his shaft.
"Fuck, you're so good at that..." Billy whispered and grabbed a fist full of your hair, keeping you steady.
You could feel him getting close but you had a feeling he was going to play with you some more, and that he did.
Pulling out of your mouth, Billy pulled his pants up and removed the belt from the loops. He grabbed your arm with enough force to make you stand up and wrapped the belt around your neck, making sure it wasn't too tight; "Is this okay?" he asked, loud enough for you to hear and you nodded.
"Walk." Billy commanded and you did as he said. Suddenly he pushed you against a big wooden table and made you bend down. You grunted, exaggerating it for the camera.
He spread your thighs with one of his legs and sneaked his right hand between your legs once again, holding the belt to keep you in place with his left. You whimpered at the feel of his fingers rubbing your clit once more. You were soaked and Billy couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that it was all for him, thanks to him.
"Fuck, you're more than ready for me." He said, his voice low. You bit your lip and moaned at his words, cock hungry and desperate.
"Mm fuck me, pleaseee," you moaned, desperation evident in your tone.
Billy pulled his cock out and moved between your legs, rubbing his length between your folds further stimulating your clit. You rubbed yourself against him, the sound of your juices mixed with his making obscene sounds. You panted and moaned pornographically, the pleasure so intense you could cum just from that action only but Billy wanted to give you more. Needed to give you more.
The feel of his cock finally sliding inside you smoothly and filling you up deliciously made you practically scream.
Billy thrust like there was no tomorrow, the sound of skin to skin contact echoed inside the barn and Stu was biting his lip, trying to contain a laugh of satisfaction at the scene taking place in front of him.
You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out while Billy railed you. He pulled the belt around your neck slightly to keep you in place and choke you just enough to elicit pleasure. You were getting fucked like a dirty little slut and you loved every second of it.
Billy's cock felt incredible. The way it grazed your walls made the wave of pleasure be felt all over your body. It was almost a tingly sensation that consumed you. That, combined with his fingers now rubbing your sensitive bud slowly? It was over for you.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum! Don't stop!" You moaned loudly and Billy pulled the belt once more before you came around his length. Not much after he came inside you, filling you to the brim. The feel of him emptying himself inside you made you have yet another orgasm for the camera and Billy bit his lip, trying to suppress a satisfied laugh from escaping.
Once he pulled out, his juices dripped out of your cunt beautifully and Stu closed up on your hole much like he did with Tatum to get the perfect shot of your glistening cunt.
Turning around and facing Stu, he had the widest grin and satisfaction written all over his face, "That was fucking amazing! You look so fucking hot YN, wait until you see yourself!" he said excitedly and you blushed at his praise.
You brushed the sweat of your forehead with the back of your hand and bit your lip while smiling at Billy who was walking towards you.
"You did so good for us baby'" he said and kissed you slowly, "Mm, you weren't so bad yourself," you said teasingly while Billy took his belt off from around your neck; "Yeah yeah, now you need to rest." He said and you rolled your eyes; "More like take a shower." You answered.
"Oh! I'll join you, this heat is disgusting." Tatum added and walked away, a paper fan in her hand. You kissed Billy one more time before following her.
The way Randy looked at you didn't go unnoticed. He had "this isn't fair," written all over his face and you almost felt bad for him. Almost.
In the shower, you and Tatum made out a bit before sharing the only bar of soap available. Once you were done, you looked outside from the shower window, hot water soothing your body.
"Hey, have you seen that creepy old lady again?" Tatum asked while she washed her hair. You continued looking outside in thought and sighed; "No. I'm starting to think I imagined her or something," - "Didn't Billy see her too?" she asked, stepping under the water stream and rinsing her hair. "No, he didn't," you replied and sighed. "Well, maybe he just didn't turn around quick en-" the blonde stopped mid sentence and focused her gaze outside the window... and there she was. The old lady. Standing there, a few feet away, staring.
You both looked at her and gasped in fear; "What the fuck..." Tatum whispered and you looked at each other at the same time, shocked. When you turned your heads to look out the window again, she was gone.
"Oh, oh hell no." Tatum said and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her figure. You followed behind, doing the same before exiting the door after her.
Once you walked outside you crashed into Stu's lean figure; "You guys had fun in there?" he asked, sticking his tongue out at you and you sighed; "Not now Stu, Tatum saw the creepy old lady too. She was standing outside the window, staring at us!" You nearly shouted and Billy walked towards you quickly; "Hey, what's going on baby?" he asked, concerned; "Tatum and I saw..." You trailed off, tears escaping your eyes.
Something didn't feel right since the moment you set foot in that cabin and Billy quickly caught on to your concern. "C'mon, let's go'" Billy whispered and glared at Stu before walking you into the bedroom.
"What did I do?!" Stu shouted and scoffed, walking into his own room.
AN: We love a creepy old lady moment, lol. Let me know what you guys thought about part 2! And thank you for the love on the first part babes ;) <33
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