#(no i shouldn't i should just get back in the habit of getting my cosplays done early and not con crunching -.-)
seekingthestars · 4 months
she's beauty she's grace she's Miss Eevee Cosplay 3.0
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igotanidea · 11 months
Ren Fair: Dick Grayson x reader
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summary/request: dick x reader going to a renaissance fair.
Warnigns: some innuendo (but funny ones I hope), some injuries (obviously), fluff.
She definitely didn't expect this.
It was just a regular Friday, and that usually meant counting down the hours until the weekend and dreaming of spending the entire two days in your apartment, in a comfy sweatshirt and sweatpants, doing nothing except maybe cuddling with your boyfriend.
With her beloved boyfriend Dick, who always knew how to take care of her, even if she wasn't aware of it.
And whom she loved because of it.
So when she came home from work, dropped her bag on the floor next to the door, kicked off her shoes, and fell face first onto the couch with a loud groan of relief, she was more than pleased to see a box wrapped in blue paper with her name tag on it. Apparently Dick's handwriting.
Her energy felt like it immediately surged again as she stood up, reaching for the gift, almost falling to the floor in the process. She was just too lazy to get up, so she took the classic "let's see how far I can stretch before I fall backwards" approach.
With the greatest delicacy and care, she untied the ribbons and took out the paper, looking inside.
She loved surprises from him.
Or at least until then.
What a pity she couldn't see her own face as she reached in and pulled out what looked like a dress but wasn't.
– Is that a damn corset? Y/N muttered, the frown on her face growing by the second. What the hell!? She never wore things like that! Did Dick get the gifts wrong? Maybe he wanted to give it to another girl? Was he cheating on her? But if so, shouldn't it be...sexier? Even though she was pained by the possibility of Dick's infidelity, she would eventually come to terms with him having a kink for a women in lingerie. But the clothes she held looked more like a habit than a seductive underwear. Did he like the nun cosplay for foreplay now!?
Her own thoughts disgusted her and she threw the outfit away with a groan.
Apparently she didn't know her own boyfriend.
“Hey, Y/n!”
She almost jumped on the couch when he entered the room (of course, he moved like a 100% vigilante even in his civilian version, so she didn't hear a sound. Knocking was overrated in this relationship).
"Hey Baby." his eyes landed on the dress on the floor and his smile immediately disappeared. Didn't like your gift?
"I..." she began, stopping mid-sentence as her eyes landed on his figure, widening in pure shock. "What-? What are you wearing?!"
“Amazing, right? I know, I love it too. And you better not ask how long it took to find it and how much I charged Bruce's credit card. Dick chuckled, squirming around, flexing his muscles.
What the hell was going on!?
Her beloved boyfriend stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself with a huge and completely unjustified amount of self-love, while looking like...
"Clown". He smiled as if that explained everything.
“Mhm. Yes, of course. She made a confused face, barely keeping herself from palming her face. "The only thing you're missing is a hat with bells."
“You know what, that's a really great idea! Maybe I should-"
“Wow! Hold back, Grayson. Hold back! Do you want to explain this?
"But what?" he tilted his head with a confused expression, thus resembling the character whose costume he was wearing.
“Why are you wearing puffy pants and a diamond-patterned vest? Why is there a weird looking dress in the box with my name on it? Dick - "
"Wait. Wait, wait..." he pinched the bridge of his nose, turning to her. "Didn't you look in the box?"
"Yes but…"
"No? No. Inside inside." - he emphasized, and for some unknown reason a shiver ran down her spine. Should she be worried? Was there a themed toy there too?
Damn it!
She wanted to scream when, at his watchful, expectant look, she turned the box upside down and watched in amazement as a piece of paper fell out of it, which turned out to be an invitation.
What a relief
She clearly had that feeling written all over her face, because Dick's initial concern turned into a fit of laughter, which only made him look even more as a jester as he continued to shake his head.
“Y/N-” he almost choked. “What were you thinking?”
“Shut up…” she muttered, blushing
“Oh, no, please tell me. I insist!"
"Shut up you idiot!" she threw a pillow at him, which of course didn't hurt him, and focused on the list to keep her trembling hands occupied. “Renaissance fair?”
"Ta dah! Surprise!" - he smiled, throwing his hands in the air
“Since when have you been a fan of history?” Y/N frowned. “I mean, I know you're an 80s fan because Discowing….”
"Shut up!" he ran up to her and put his hand over her mouth before she even said a word. “It was comfortable and airy!”
“Can't argue with that!” She giggled, but it was actually liberating to know that he wasn't into the type of cosplay she had initially thought of.
"come on, let's go. It'll be fun, I promise. You'll be the lady-in-waiting, and I'll be your devoted clown, always ready to cheer you up."
“You don’t need that outfit to do that.”
“But it’s working,  isn’t it?” he smirked, enjoying the smile forming on her face, which he didn’t see for a while now. “Pretty please?” he pouted his lips, giving her a begging puppy look.
“can’t say no to those eyes, can I?” she ruffled his hair playfully.
“But we definitely are getting me that hat!”
Given all that, on Saturday forenoon Dick and Y/N dressed up (obviously not without her complaining about lack of ability to breathe because of the corset ties) and drove to the renaissance fair Dick was so excited about.
And apparently not only he had such feelings, cause the crowd of people coming from all directions was in fact overwhelming. Who would have thought that so many women would choose to spend their weekend dressed up in sixteenth-century robes, listening to the sounds of lute music.  Who would have thought that so many men would rather discuss the aspects of the works of the brightest minds of the era than lay on the couch mindlessly flipping through their phones or switching TV channels.
In a spacious field, here and there, were colourful tents, in which women showed Renaissance activities such as weaving and embroidery. In the very centre, at located there stage, at high noon, a typical scene from the life of people at that time was to be performed. There were costumed event participants everywhere, and the tables set under canopies were brimming under the weight of delicacies and drinks, the sight of which made your mouth water. The smells, sounds and the lazy atmosphere of sunny weekend day were creating an otherworldly and timeless impression.  It was almost like a time travel few centuries back, and despite her initial inhibitions and fear that it would all turn out to be a flop and a laughing stock it seemed like everything was buttoned to the last detail.
“are you ready m’lady?” Dick bowed slightly in front of Y/N reaching for her hand, the bells on his hat jingling at the motion.
“Grammercy (thank you)” she mirrored his motion „although I am not sure whether a Good Madam (lady of the court) shall be seen in such familiarity with a jokester.” Y/N turned her head away slightly, feigning the woman’s shyness.
“Grammercy? Oh, you little minx, you came prepared!” Dick laughed happily, trying to tickle her.
“Yeah, well, I did some research, but you have no idea how hard it was to find something more than please and thank you on the Internet on such short notice!“
“Mhm, sure…” he muttered absentmindedly, too excited by the fact that she was already starting to enjoy the day.. “You’re doing amazing one way or another. Now come on, love, I want to see everything.”
“Told you it was not a good idea to try and outdo the professionals!”
“I am a professional!”
“Not is this outfit, Dick!”
It was such a nice day, full of laughter, joy, tasting food and trying out new activities. No worries or stress or the pressure of time (pun intended). Just spending time together.
Until it was time for the acrobats to perform.
Obviously, after literal five minutes Dick crossed his arms and started sulking and muttering under his nose. Something about him being better and more skilled and if only he could get on that stage, he would let everyone know what a real SHOW was all about. Unfortunately, one of the performers heard his gabble, and unaware of the potential consequences and Dick’s attention-seeker attitude, invited him to join, before Y/N managed to stop them.
It wasn’t surprising to her that her boyfriend was in fact good, he was raised in the circus after all, but doing acrobatics, somersaults and pirouettes in the air, in a very specific suit and footwear was far from trying to do so on a slippery stage in a jester’s pompon shoes.
So, in result, she was now sitting with him in the shade of a tree, with his leg stretched out on the grass using some ice to minimize the swelling on his ankle, laughing internally at the whole situation.  
“But Y/N!”
“hush, Grayson. I swear I’m gonna put you on house arrest for bringing shame to me.” She chuckled, making sure the whole ankle was evenly cooled.
“HEY! That’s mean! And not true! That’s a slander!” he started to fidget, equally hurt and annoyed by those words. But the second her joy-filled eyes landed on his face and she gave him her prettiest smile he had to let go of the feigned resentment.
“You were so much better than those acrobats there, Dick. Truly. Thanks for bringing me here, I did have fun.” She pecked his nose briefly. “Regardless, you got to warn me next time you come up with such a crazy idea.”
“Where’s the surprise in- Wait, did you say next time?!”
“hush, jokester! It is not proper to address a lady this way.”
“God, Y/N, I love you” he grabbed her waist and not caring about correct reflection of the era’s customs pulled her close to his chest kissing her deeply. He adored that woman with her endless acceptance of his jokes and humour and staying with him despite his (sometimes childish) attitude and his openness and crazy ideas. And maybe he was keeping a little something in those puffy pants pocket, waiting for a proper time.
Which he was sure was going to come sooner than later.
honorary mention to @gone-batty-fics as a thanks for making me pay more attention to punctuation :D
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obeyme-life · 3 years
I curse almost daily. It’s really a bad habit but that’s how I express myself. But a lot of people say it’s weird since I’m a really friendly and kind person. Can you do a headcanon for mc who curses a lot despite having a upbeat and friendly personality and how Simeon, Solomon, and the demon brother think about it. I also love your account! :-)
Since you're on anon I have to fight the urge to make this NSFW, but I really like this prompt!
HC: Cussin' MC x The Brothers/Simeon/Solomon
Lucifer finds himself reminding you daily that the language is both inappropriate and unwelcome—at least around the others. Especially the more impressionable of his brothers... *cough cough* Mammon *cough*.
He would never admit it, but he finds it oddly endearing when you're alone together. He loves that you're comfortable enough with him to not concern yourself with changing.
Sometimes when you're alone together in his room, he'll slip in a swear word or two himself while flirting with you. "What should we do today?" "We can do whatever the fuck we want to, MC.~"
You're so cool. Seriously. His human is edgy and carefree and it makes him smile in that lop-sided, lovey way when he's daydreaming about you.
He'll try to slip swear words into his own conversation to impress you, but usually gets reprimanded by Lucifer. He's also kind of unnatural and awkward about it, which comes across pretty charming and cute actually.
He usually isn't bothered by it, but he gets annoyed sometimes when you let the F word slip while he's streaming. Don't you know he could get a warning or, worse yet, banned!?
It kind of makes you sound tsundere sometimes, and that definitely makes his kokoro go doki doki. Especially if you're in cosplay.
He's appalled at first. That's certainly one way to make the most of the human language... In an abusive sort of way. It grows on him though, and soon he finds it cute and, often, funny—but only when it's you.
He's always careful to remind you of your language when you visit places like the library or museum though. He doesn't do it maliciously, but rather in a caring way to make sure you don't accidentally get in trouble. He wouldn't want your date outing to end prematurely.
He likes to comment on your dirty mouth, wearing a coy grin as he does. He simply laughs when you roll your eyes at him.
The swearing really doesn't bother him at all, he rarely notices. However, he does wonder if there are scenarios where you'd swear even more... Or louder.
He's surprised that someone so cute can talk like that so casually! He'd never comment on it though, and he soon gets used to it. It's just another part of you, and he likes all of the things that make you, well, you!
He'd pick up on your habit unintentionally, much to Belphie's amusement. It wouldn't slip out quite as easily as it does for you, but now and then, while snacking, you'd get a "this is really fucking good!" or "somehow Solomon's cooking can even make my favorite food taste like shit." out of him! And he'd always blush about it.
Belphie is the only one who swears more than you do. He doesn't even bat an eye at the words you choose.
He likes to get you excitedly talking in places you shouldn't swear, partly for his own amusement and partly for Lucifer's dismay.
He also likes to use your own swear words back at you, but in a really cute way of pointing it out. "Wanna nap, Belphie? I'm really fucking tired." "You're really fucking cute, is what you are."
You will not speak like that in God's house. And all houses are God's house.
He blushes when you use strong language, often putting a finger to his lips in a silent reminder to you to be mindful—especially around Luke.
Most of the time he just takes it as what it is—the way you choose to express yourself. He finds it pretty cute when you're really excited about something though. You're entirely unaware of yourself and it's refreshing for someone to be so carefree around him.
Sometimes he'll tease you about it. If you're practicing spells with him he'll joke about the repercussions of replacing Latin F-words with that F-word. His eyes are affectionate though—he's just picking on you. Or maybe... Flirting? Now that's an interesting F-word to consider.
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