#i did some more work on the bangs on the wig after i took these pictures so they look better
seekingthestars · 1 month
she's beauty she's grace she's Miss Eevee Cosplay 3.0
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belladonazeppole · 3 months
The Many Suitors of Miss Fortune
"I fucking knew it!" Adam yelled while pointing at Husk, this asshole reborn as a sinner and didn't took him long enough to come to the hotel asking for a place to stay since it look that lot of sinners could recognizr him and they weren't happy.
Charlie, the bleeding heart that she had, accept him even if she wasn't excited of him be here but she believe that everybody deserve redemption even if that person was Adam who took a liking on Husk.
"You almost convince me that you were a dude!" For some reason Adam believe that Husk is a woman. Maybe it was his chest fur since Angel gave him a shampo that gave Husk more volume or maybe Adam is into woman with deep voices or he's just a fucking moron. "You look so hot that I can get over you having the bitchest personality in this dump."
"I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD YOU CAN'T BE THIS FUCKING STUPID! " Husk yelled angrily at Adam, he has this argument to many times and just fially he succed in making him see reason in that thick skull of his."I'M JUST IN DRAG!"
The fact that he comes from Adam just makes him lose hope.
Sadly he can't make this moron see reason but he was right in one thing, he look really good. Husk has to congratulate Angel for making his grumpy old ass look this great. Husk was wearing a golden-yellow backless dress with a slip on the side, golden heels to match, a short wig that was the same color that his fur. It make Husk remember his youth when he do some drag as "Lady Luck" but that was when he was alive.
"As crude and imbecile Adam can be, he is right for once, you look quite wonderful tonight, my dear Husker." Said Alastor while spawning out nowhere in the stool of the bar while glaring at Husk. That was actually kinda sweet from Alastor since after their deal was broken their relationship was.... weird. Alastor sometimes tried to treat still like his pet but now Husk could actually refuse.
Alastor still was a bitch in deer clothing but maybe they can move on from their owner/pet relationship, maybe even making Alastor see Husk as an actual person and not his cat.
"Thanks, Al. That—
"Your welcome! But I do have a problem while the dress fits you like a glove the color just don't see like the right one." He squints his eyes while looking at him up and down to then snapping his fingers making the dress changing from golden-yellow to red, "There! It isn't better? Red was always a color that look better on you, my friend."
Or maybe not.
"No thanks. This color fits me way better than red." He said with a smug smile while snaping his fingers and, return the dress from Alastor signature red to his original golden-yellow, which make one of Alastor's ears twitch.
"Just ignore them you can't deal with stupid or batshit crazy." Said Angel while not giving Adam or Alastor much of a thought, the first just flip him in return while the latter strains his smile, "Now give me a spin! I want to see all my hard work before your date ravish you!"
"DATE WITH FUCKING WHO?" Adam yelled now angry knowing that the hottie that he was trying to bang was gonna be bang for somebody else.
"Husker!?" Alastor was shocked that his former (pet) associate was having date he believe that he and Angel were going to one of their silly "going out" but that somebody was having interest in his oldest... friend. It make Alastor feel angry and possesive. Meanwhile, Husk just rolls his eyes and ignore the outburst of these dumbass but still does what his friend ask him, after all Angel did help him and looking like this-
"This is just a first date, Angel."
"Just do what I'll do."
"I won't do anal in the first date." He cringes at bit at the sound of radio interference but refuse to giving Alastor the attention, "Buuh you whore!" Angel said jokingly while Husk just snorted at him.
"There you are!" A new voice make himself know, that was coming from the TV, it was Vox, who succed in coming out of the TV before Alastor could destroy it. "Fuck you old fossil!!" He yell while giving the finger to the radio demon.
Ever since Vox saw Alastor defeat agaisnt Adam he become more bold in entering to the hotel to mock the other overlord and old rival much to everybody else annoyance. Even fake dating Husk to have more info but the dumbass become more invested in Husk.
He may become Husk unofficial sugar daddy.
They don't even fuck.
Vox just gaves Husk money like an idiot for doing nothing.
Again Vox is a moron.
"Are you gonna fuck a fucking TV instead of having me? The Dickmaster?" Adam asked in disbelieve, fuck he fall really hard in this one. "He looks soo desperate."
"Inded and needy." Alastor glare harder at Vox, "I would expect that you have a better taste than this, Husker." At hint of dissapointment was in Alastor voice. Vox, for the first time, didn't put a lot of mind on them, "And you two are better?" He asked while crossing his arms to them point to Adam, "You! A broke fallen angel that is so fucking desperate that come to the place that tried to destroy in the first place!" Now pointing at Alastor, "And you! A coward who escape in battle and treat him like a pet at best!"
Now looking smug, "While I'm a powerful overlord that has tons of money and can make any of his whishes reality."
"I mean he isn't wrong."
"True, but Husk has a date with somebody waaayy better than any of you guys."
"WHO?" The three of them ask in anger.
"Hoo Mama!"
The three sinners slowly begin to turn around to see Lucifer the King of Hell with a bottle of apple cider and his mouth wide open at the sight of Husk, so he was the date.
That motherfucker.
Lucifer seeing that there were more people watching him pulled himself together as best he could, failure of course, "I mean…uh- You look beautiful tonight Hu- I mean Miss Fortune, yes, that color suits you excellently." He said hurriedly as he handed the bottle of apple cider to Husk who only smiled at his reaction.
He hands the bottle to Angel, "Thanks, Duckie." He laughs a little as the redness in his cheeks appears, "But you have Angel to thank, he's the one who made my geezer self look this awesome."
"Uuhhh, thank you Angel." He said a little awkward as with the use of his magic made another bottle appear, "A thank you for making Husk look amazing…I mean more! More amazing than you normally look, you always look good but now? I almost fainted…"
He really was Charlie's father.
The same verbal diarrhea when they're nervous.
It was adorable if he was honest.
"I understand you look amazing today too, Duckie." He said once again using Lucifer's nickname which only made him smile more and more relaxed, "I'll wait for you outside."
"Thanks, Short King" Said Angel with the bottle in his hand and leaving to his room, "Have a good fuck you two!" He just waves his hand a bit awkwardly, "Don't worry I'll make sure Husk has a night he won't forget."
He was ready to leave until he sees the three sinners looking at him with daggers in their eyes, his awkward posture changes to an arrogant one while he flashes them the finger, "You three want to be me so badly right now."
"Adam, looks like third time's the charm after all. Alfred I'm sorry for not being able to stay for a conversation but I have date right now…. and who are you?" He said the last while pointing at Vox but shakes his head nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter if I'm honest. I have go to my date with Miss Fortune and if I'm lucky it will soon be Mrs Fortune." He said while sticking his tongue out between his fingers.
"Toodles!" He cheerfully as he leaves the three of them alone.
The King had a date and felt really lucky if he is honest!
(This takes inspiration by a small convo that @adyophene and I had it was too good for me not write.)
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hostilecityshowdown · 21 days
i swear on my life, this wasn't supposed to happen this way. taker/goldust
this is my third/fourth favourite WIP and i could be so annoying but instead what i will do is share some snippets* and tell you this fic's theme song is twilight zone by golden earring
*i present less than a quarter of this fic to you but it is still so damn much because i can't shut up /j
"Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there’s a guy starting to realise that his eternal fate has turned its back on him.
It’s two AM."
— — — —
With a gasp, Goldust shot upright. The cement slab beneath him was painfully cold, the only light provided by the moonbeams streaming in through the ornate, stained glass windows. On all sides were crypts, each adorned with an assortment of roses and baby’s breath. […] On a small, standing altar near the door sat an unlit incense and a wig stand, Goldust’s wig washed, brushed, and styled. […] he realised his hands had been lotioned and manicured. […] What he initially thought were visual floaters were the glints of delicate glitter brushed onto his eyelashes with clear mascara. […] only allowing himself a moment to admire the sprig of pale goldenrod woven into the single braid of crown behind the bangs. Before he could tear it off the wig stand, his legs buckled under him.
“What did you do,” he whispered, tone accusatory, voice a gravel pit. […] There was a crystal chandelier above him and, as the moon began to fall, light struck it and scattered. Goldust, haloed in blue light, repeated himself: “What. Did you do.”
“[…] I didn’t take you for a cinephile,” Goldust ground out, scattered lights disrupting his vision like flash photography. “But you fancy yourself a lone ranger, don’t you, boy?”
“I like Westerns.” The reply was blunt, quiet, his deep voice nearly drowned out by Goldust’s breathing. “Now their fate has been decided… Hand in hand they'll ride forever.”
“Shut up,” Goldust shook him. “Why do you try my patience? It has its limits,” he inhaled, “An-”
“Anna Karenina, 1997.”
“Look at you,” he bared his teeth beneath dark-painted lips, “a real, modern connoisseur. Distracting me won’t work.”
Goldust lunged upwards off his knees, striking the Undertaker on the jaw and using the momentum to stumble to his feet. […] His assault merely snapped the Undertaker’s head backwards, curtain of hair arching above him while the rest of his body remained stock still as he stared towards the ceiling. Quietly, a long, errant lock of hair slid off the nape of his neck, drawing Goldust’s eyes to his exposed throat, the red stubble shadowing his jaw. There were bruises there - Fingerprints. Mankind’s, surely. Exhaling, the Undertaker slowly dropped his head, face exposed. His right cheekbone bore a visible thumbprint, yellow and green blooming around blue and purple.
Goldust wheezed out a laugh. The Undertaker glowered. He almost looked like he was pouting.
“Goldust.” A warning. “You tried to harness forces mortals cannot wield. There are… Consequences. You have a debt to settle with me. And… You have been… Changed.”
“The vampire, Mr. Harker, is a thing that lives after its death by drinking the blood of the living - It must have blood, or it dies. Its power lasts only from sunset to sunr-”
“I did not make you a vampire.”
[…] “... Dracula, 1931.”
“You are not a vampire.”
“My life and my death are here. My place is here in these vaults,” Goldust rubbed his sore throat, skipping lines. “Death would have quietly taken me back; you wanted to entice me back to the world of the living.”
“Look- I'm surrounded by corpses,” […] “I made this into a charnel house. I emptied these bodies of blood so that it may flow in mine - To turn me into a living dead girl.”
“You’re not a vampire.”
Glaring, Goldust took a more confident step forward, hand wrapping around the Undertaker’s tie. […] “To turn me. Into. A living. Dead. Girl.”
Pausing, the Undertaker frowned, his tone serious. “The dead don't come back to life. La Morte Vivante, 1982. You think you’re a zombie.”
[…] [Goldust's] hand wrapped around [the Undertaker's] tie yanked on it. “Where’s my urn? My leash? I’ll make you choke on it.”
“You have a sarcophagus.”
“It's not fair, it's too late. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. It shouldn't have happened.” […]Goldust leaned closer, nose wrinkling. This man smelled intolerably repulsive. “Vertigo, 1958. I loathe your cologne. If I’m to be your indentured servant ad nauseum, you have to wear something more palatable.”
“I’m not wearing any.”
“I find that hard to believe,” he whispered, […] “What are you wearing?”
“Rose water,” [the Undertaker] murmured, head bowing further, muscles so tense Goldust was impressed he wasn’t shaking. “Rose oil, formaldehyde… No different than you.”
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where'd you buy your mew ichigo cosplay 🥹 you look really good
thank you anon!! 💖 no gatekeeping here, so here’s the whole process!! Long post below!
I got a cheap-ish costume base from Amazon — if you search for an Ichigo cosplay it shows up with “miccostumes” as the first word in the title. I replaced the ears that came with the costume with a fluffier set, and I replaced the petticoat with a full-volume pink tutu. I also got the red boots, and some thick craft foam core and matching thread to the costume for the next step. I got the wig pre-cut with bangs but it came unstyled. I also ordered hot pink circle lenses in my prescription and a bunch of makeup I didn’t already have for my day-to-day.
After I had everything, I took 2 hours to steam the hell out of every piece of the costume so it was as fluffy and wrinkle-free as possible. Then, I ripped the seams of the petal shapes on the skirt and sewed in foam core pieces to give them their shape. I measured and took in the bodice to fit like a glove, and also re-sewed the trim around the top so that it didn’t fold outwards at all and expose the inner lining. I also took out the plastic strap that was supposed to keep the tail from flopping down and sewed my own, since the one that comes with the costume is way too visible.
These seem like tiny details, but it takes a cheap costume to looking like something handmade!
Lastly, I took in the leg garter, reshaped the pendant that came with the costume to make it look more round (my custom one I ordered from Etsy didn’t show up on time), styled the wig, and practiced my full makeup look twice.
I definitely didn’t put in the same amount of work as people who hand-make Ichigo costumes from scratch, but for the time I had available to put the costume together, I was really happy with the final result after I did all the modifications to mine! :)
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nekofantasia · 2 years
Nightmare at Ikebukuro
This...is the right place?
No, it can’t be. Chen took out her phone to check once more, she KNOWS she’s at Ikebukuro right now and since Eri mentioned the store being high-end, she figured it wouldn’t be hard to miss it.
Well to be fair, it’s not like she frequented this particular area. Her classmate sure knows his shopping, he’s a working idol after all.
Still, it was a mistake to check some of these alleys. It was interesting to see certain shops but it sure earned the name Otome Road. With all sorts of otaku shops...it was almost overwhelming just to look around.
Ah finally, the address finally loaded. Reading them once more, the young boxer nodded to herself and repeated her directions several times everytime she reached a particular landmark. Hopefully she’d be at Eri’s doorstep real soon to get this over it.
General cosplay...wigs...a cafe... Wait, she backtracked to finally find the store she’s been looking for ever since she arrived here like...long ago. 
Damn, things would’ve taken less time if she only asked the locals for help. But approaching strangers was a huge no in her book. She’s determined to make it out alive WITHOUT asking for help! She can do this, come on!
She took a deep breath and rehearsed the steps in her mind once more: Enter the building, look for the wig that matched Eri’s description and buy it. With such simple steps, it would be impossible to screw this one up! This is all for Eri!
But of course everything was wiped clean in her mind the moment she stepped inside. There was a surprisingly amount of customers today and she could swear a good portion of them just turn around to look at her. Off to a great start, Chen. Announcing your own arrival was exacty what you needed right now.
OK OK, maybe she stepped in with the wrong foot. But she went through the trouble of coming this far, it would be too late to back down...And it would look worse if she got inside only for her to leave, everyone would think she’s being rude or something.
What kind of wig was it again? Black with long bangs that reached the waist, if she recalled correctly. Still, what kind of place is this? For a shop that only sells wigs (for the most part) it sure was big, she could easily get lost here if she wasn’t being careful.
And she didn’t get careful for sure. How could one get lost inside a store? Don’t ask her. She couldn’t tell what’s worse: Not reaching the end of the store or the possibility that she’s passed certain areas so many times, people are now looking at her like she was some freak. Her face was now fixed on everything else but the fellow customers that were actually minding their own business.
God, why did it have to be packed today of all days?! Who thought dealing with people could be a nightmare?
At this point, the poor socially awkward girl had to realize that she’s wasted too much time on this. It would’ve been a different story if she was doing this for herself, but her friend was probably already expecting her to come back soon. She didn’t have any other option available to her: She had to ask for help.
Taking the shortest steps possible, as if to buying time for the inevitable, Chen approached the nearest employee for help.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for this wig a friend--”
“Eh? Sorry, young boy. I don’t work here.”
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People are a nightmare.
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hospitalterrorizer · 4 months
sunday - monday
ate popcorn and feel kind of sick.
otherwise though, feeling good. working on the 2nd of the 2 problem songs rn, it's def getting there.
and now i think it's there. the other also feels 'there' even if it's just roughly.
i also just finished the gut thing i started last night, very cool.
the next one is gonna be kind of a doozy, i think, as well, so tomorrow i'll probably spend a long time on that, and then the next day, i have a monster, maybe i can drink that and do a bunch of something. i kind of hope i can put that energy to writing though.
also it is late and i kept saying i had to work in the morning tomorrow but that changed, it's now 6 pm to 9pm, which is better for me in every way, basically. it'll give me more time to do music before work and also keep the workout routine up w/o having to insert a weird rest day into it.
the 2nd trouble song, i feel like i want the guitars to have a little more high end, i'll try that now but i just wonder if that's part of what the saturating is doing..
it's an easy test/fix so it's nbd.
and yayy it sounds good.
and hopefully soon i can get my card situation squared away so i can order clothes from japan and then take a bunch of annoying + vain selfies in clothes that make me feel cute and not ugly or something.
speaking of clothes, i have this rlly tiny cardigan i love because it goes w/ everything as a nice layer when i can't figure anything else out, it's like a perfect piece of clothing, idk where it is, making me very very upset kind of. hopefully that turns up soon.
i think my hair will stop wigging me after like, one more day probably. i don't know why my bangs can give me such dysphoria lol it's dumb. i'm just so used to them being like, i guess the thing that makes me feel like i 'pass' i guess. idk. i don't know if that's true or not. i don't think so. it's not like they're gone, i've done this before, even, in the lifespan of the blog, and like, worse, even, for instance look at me when i gave myself this hair:
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those are like, psychotic bangs, i'm not there rn, looking thru my selfies there's another pic of me w/ bangs that are kind of like where i'm at rn:
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it's funny, in that one i took the selfie while my phone was super messed up so it died whenever it wasn't plugged in, and i was so like, dysphoric or whatever, idk what to call this even, saying it's 'dysphoria' seems not entirely accurate or whatever, but when i felt hideous and needed to capture like, myself not being ugly, i had to plug my phone in, in the bathroom, to do that. that's so embarrassing huh.
anyway, this whole stupid issue is making me look up how to blowdry bangs, which is something i do already, everyday, and know how to do basically, but i guess i'm just trying to get better so i don't make myself go coo coo every time i want to 'fix' my hair.
anyway look at me in akasaka, this was a fun time:
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i remember, they had a bunch of harry potter stuff up here, cuz it's so big in japan, and we'd see people come up and look and get really excited, take pictures with it, it was very sweet, honestly, i'm glad that's a primary thing my mind goes to, thinking of harry potter, over anything else, it just pays to not be very invested in it.
i did another gut drawing thing, but it's sort of a practice run for another idea i guess, cuz i don't like the novel part of it, i wanna draw intestines getting cut, and the sinew holding / almost snapping, and stuff. that bit is harder to get right w/ pixels but i think tomorrow i could.
also, since i got paid, i have started looking at some other stupid things, like a digicam. thinking about getting a sony cybershot 8.1 megapixels (i think) (or 7.2), there's one for 30 bux on ebay rn (same w/ the 7.2 mp variant), seems cute and fun. might give me some cool options w/ photography stuff.
n - e wayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, i need to sleep, it is 3:43 am and i do want to fix my sleep schedule at some point, it'd be good for me.
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ndiariess · 11 months
... im back!! LMAOOO IK IK IK!!! listen listen listen! y'all don't understand how insane my life has been these past couple months! like i've been on this acc but i haven't had the time to like write on here anymore! so forgive meee! ANYWAYS the way.. i've been working.. EVERYDAY for 2 months is INSANE. i'm a camp counselor and i feel like i’ll never be the same again! like i’ve matured so MUCH and i’ve learned so much like omg, but like these kids though are no joke there’s been times where i’ve wanted to bang my head, cry, and run away😭😭😭 but i’m so so so thankful for my co workers they are just the best and so funny and chill! we went to dinner and jumped in the pool and just urgh much love! i’m ngl i have not been saving i’m down to my last $25 but listen
i’m just a girl.
i’ve been going to the gym and watching my calories too like who am i! y’all i am not playing when i tell you my body is TEA☕️ low waisted, high waisted, long sleeve, crop top, dress, skirt, shorts ANYTHING!! i look gawd innnn like urgh imma go to the gym today too i just yessssss😩
as for boys and shit yk… i’ve had a couple situation - ships i’m not gonna lie to yall! they’ve been cool but like i’m not feeling relationships rn like urgh, taking care of myself is already hard work and now i gotta look after a nigga?!!! DO I LOOK LIKE A MOTHA!!! no. lmaoo but i’d be lying if i said one of the main reasons i’m looking forward to going back to school is for the guys😭 idk like guys coming up to you in the hall and asking for your insta is such an ego booster!
speaking of insta i have not been taking pictures and it’s cuz i’m suffering from a bad case of camp counselor hair… like urgh my hair not cute rn bc these kids love touching it and ONE TIME THEY CHASED ME WITH SHAVING CREAM AND DRENCHED ME IN IT!! plus i have to get in the pool all the time so it’s like there’s no point in having a middle part buss down if it’s just gonna get ruinedddddddd!!!
buttttt i bought me a wig for back to school so i look good and hawt so don’t even worry y’all! i also started shopping on depop bc yk i kinda care for the environment like lowkey… i don’t wanna get into rn BUT i got some nike dunks in grey for super cheap and they were real and new so i was like lemme get some black ones too… long story short i got scammed but it’s fine cuz money comes to me abundantly right? right.
i also took my SATs this past june i got a 1050 which isn’t the best but it’s better than that 950 i had gotten earlier this year, ITS CUZ I FELL ASLEEP LMAOOO!! no but i’m gonna take it again in october and hopefully hopefully get a 1400 that’s my goal cuz baby i need scholarships!!
i watched the barbie movie 2 days ago and it made me realize that this summer i haven’t been appreciating my mom as much as i should, i feel like working summer camp as just made me a little more irritable when i get home and shit. i just started to feel bad. at the end of the day my mom is just a grown teenage girl🎀 i did her lashes yesterday and they turned out cutee i’m also installing her hair, mothers deserve to be pampered too!
i went hover boarding yesterday to clear my mind and i almost fell but is it just me or do i not get embarrassed anymore like i’m definitely starting to think that being embarrassed is a choice🤔
anyways my goals for this school year is to be hot, make $$, and get into my college of choice!!
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trustvehicle · 2 years
Daher al omer
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#Daher al omer full#
The final photo is slightly blurred and shows Hadid and Kalman, 31, embracing and kissing. The first few photos show Hadid reclining on a balcony by the sea and posing in front of a mirror while her hair and makeup is being done. Meanwhile, Zayn's mother is English and Irish and his father is British Pakistani. The model was first diagnosed with the condition, which spreads to humans by infected ticks, in 2012 and, while she rarely discusses the bacterial infection, Hadid recently provided some insight. How did the Hadids get Lyme disease?īella Hadid has opened up about the symptoms she experiences every day due to having Lyme disease. Yolanda Hadid has spoken extensively about her experience with Lyme disease since being diagnosed with the tick-borne illness in 2012. The former model and "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star opened up to Vogue about her life with Lyme disease.
#Daher al omer full#
Whats Bella Hadid's full name?īella Hadid/Full name What was Yolanda sick with? "Living with a few chronic autoimmune disease = always finding time for my IVs," she captioned her Instagram post last Friday (Feb 26). Top model Bella Hadid, 24, who revealed in 2016 that she suffers from Lyme disease, shared rare behind-the-scenes photos of her hooked up to an IV drop. Victoria's Secret Angel Bella Hadid recently took her love public by posting a PDA-filled photo with her rumoured boyfriend Marc Kalman. Healthy, working, loved: Bella Hadid confirms new relationship with Marc Kalman. Supermodel Bella Hadid has been named as the world's most beautiful women, beating fellow supermodel and sister Gigi Hadid, and the likes of other stunning women like Beyonce, Cara Delevingne and Katy Perry. Gigi reportedly has a slightly higher income, but both sisters have had great success in high-fashion modelling. Gigi Hadid is more popular on social media, boasting over 55 million followers on Instagram, as compared to Bella's growing 31.9 million fanbase. Who is more successful Gigi or Bella Hadid? What is Bella Hadid famous for? Bella Hadid started modelling at the age of 16 and rose to fame in 2014, after being signed by IMG models and making her debut at New York Fashion Week, walking for Desigual. Her warm auburn hair - only colored earlier this year - was so expertly applied and widely imitated that it was easy to forget her hair didn't actually grow out of her scalp in shades of Aperol Spritz orange. It's all been but completely forgotten that Gigi Hadid is a natural blonde. She's played with blonde wigs (as well as fake bangs) on various photoshoots, but has never strayed too far from the dark color since it distinguishes her from her sister Gigi Hadid. Hadid, who was born a natural blonde, has been a brunette for years. The handsome Hadid was previously linked to Kendall Jenner and Nicola Peltz (Brooklyn Beckham's fiancée!), but is now happily dating pop superstar Dua Lipa. So far, he's made himself a cool US$4 million. He also dabbled in music and released his debut album, “Bleach”, in April 2019. Who is Bella Hadid boyfriend?īella Hadid makes relationship with new boyfriend Marc Kalman Instagram official in rare post | The Independent. “I just have a darker personality,” she said. So why did Bella Hadid dye her hair? During an interview with Allure Magazine, Bella Hadid said she “didn't want to be put in a box or be seen as a carbon copy of her sister” which is the reason she gave for changing her hair from her natural blond to dark brunette. Zayn/Languages Why does Bella Hadid have brown hair? Through her father, she claims descent from Daher Al Omer, Prince of Nazareth and Sheik of Galilee. to Palestinian Jordanian real-estate developer Mohamed Hadid and Dutch former model Yolanda Hadid (née van den Herik). Isabella Khair Hadid was born on Octo in Washington, D.C.
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importantkidspyfarm · 2 years
Ramblings on 365 Days: This Day
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SPOILERS! Duh. This is not in any order.
They listened! They got rid of that stiff ass wig. So happy. I could've lived with the new one it was more natural looking.
I wasn't expecting much but damn they gave us nothing. They took 50 minutes to introduce the plot. And even then it was rough.
How long after the tunnel accident was the wedding? Who was the pregnant lady on Massimo's side of the aisle? I'm assuming the new henchman is a cousin.
Not them banging before the wedding. Okay nasties.
I thought all of the wedding and was going to be a dream and L was gon' wake up in a dungeon with Anna opening the door with today's lunch and a recent article with a photo of him and her together.
How did she survive the tunnel. What was the accident? She came out unscathed but lost the baby?
I feel bad for Michele Morrone, he barely has any lines and his character is the only one that has an effect on the plot and we don't follow him.
We don't hear the vows! We hear nothing of the wedding! I can live without the vows but we never hear the priest say anything. Not even "Introducing mister and missus Torricelli" not even the reception of their first dance. No toasts from Olga or Domenico. No O catching the bouquet. Ugh. Maybe it's not a polish thing.
Laura's parents funny. They said "you chose this life with some man you've known a month, deal with it" got up and did a waltz like their only daughter isn't going through a marital crisis. Then mama confronts him with so much energy where was that at the ball.
Anna needed to be more apart of these movies from jump. Did Nachos dad kill Massimos dad? Mass' dad was right his son was not ready to be a Don. All the Spanish family and Anna's family have to do is wait the Toricelli empire is crumbling.
Not ho antics at the golf course!
The sex scenes weren't hitting like last time. I know that's why we all watched in the first place but the first one had something happening between them. That boat scene told a story. It was maybe perfect and these ones were just happening to happen.
Not them going to a beach mere feet from a smoking volcano. Do they not know that ALL VOLCANOES ARE OVERDUE FOR BIG ERUPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STAY AWAY!!!!!!!
Nacho is hot but has creep face.
Were all the sex scenes with Nacho dreams?
You'd think being kidnapped once Laura would be more careful.
Domenico. Tongue.
How long have Mass and Dom been friends? They let that whip cream go in stride. Are you not embarrassed?
Did Olga use the clamp on him? Do your Kegels They work.
Who hired Nacho as the gardener? He didn't even lie about who he was. Who is Massimo's house manager? They need to be fired immediately. How do you not know who the eternal rivals heir apparent is? Also Massimo, have you never looked out the window?
Hoe long has he been the gardener? Days? Weeks? What was the plan? Have Nacho work for him until Mass finally looks at who the hell is on his staff. He's a mob boss he should know.
Not ho antics behind the bandstand! I live.
Massimo is learning. Laura said she missed working/the challenge of work and bought her a job.
The sex toys, where are they from and if I buy the whole set at once can I get 10% off.
I thought Massimo and Dom were going to drive into Laura with Nacho in that one scene.
So no one is going to acknowledge that Nacho showed up looking like a reject from a Ed Hardy/Christian Audigier runway, like a backup dancer for Christina's Dirrty era, like a fake Kevin Federline. Nobody? Just me? Okay.
What exactly is she in charge of at the label? Design? Management? The fashion house is it tacky or am I not rich enough to understand?
That triple six lies song (the kitchen scene) 👍
They introduce so many story lines and never follow them.
Was Nacho's sister his sister or his "sister"?
I wish we saw them as a married couple. Even fifty shades focused on their domestic life.
The scene when Laura walks in on Olga and Domenico was cute, get it girl, also I'm embarrassed.
"We're back to our normal life, baby girl." Normal for who? Not y'all. This all started with an abduction. Normal would be locking the bedroom door from the outside as he leaves.
How in the hell do Laura and Massimo converse? Both have other native tongues.
Not once did Laura ever inquire what was going on with the business. If he needed anything to relieve his stress. Like sis it's the least you could do instead of whining that he's always at work
If the mafia don tells you we need to leave you need to leave.
EVERY pair of sunglasses in this movie is fire as hell.
Massimo is stressed because of mafia stuff but never once do we know who, what, or why? Until the very end, and even then I'm not sure if those are connected.
Once again the soundtrack is bad and loud and distracting. There were more likable songs. This movie would benefit from muzak.
So Andriano is who killed the dad?
Didn't want or need to see dudes face get blown open. So, Anna had a plan to kidnap L from the party also? Why not just take her when she was stunned at watching you fuck her husband? Does she not have henchmen? What would have happened if Anna succeeded, what would Nacho and family have done? What if L decided to stay at Nacho's during the last meeting?
Wait!?! The Matos family is in cahoots on kidnapping Laura? But also not? Was there a double cross? Triple?
Tongues the movie. Let me go overseas and research if they all kiss like this.
I need to hear the sounds of sex. Playing music is great but I need to know they are real people. The scenes with Olga & Dom have natural sound why not Laura & Mass?
I am hot goddess [falls on face].
Laura too soft to be a mafia boss wife. She act so tough but has been easily kidnapped twice.
Nacho took her to a new house after the attack?
The heart condition. Where is it? I'm hoping it comes in to play in the next movie. The final act would've been a great time for it to comeback. Instead of her getting shot she could've had a cardiac event from all the stress of being kidnapped AGAIN. Held at gunpoint by her husband's coke-head twin brother and ex-lover. It's much more devastating.
Laura and Olga are living the dream. Two best friends marry best friends.
Did L and Nacho have sex or not?
Expanding? How Sway? Last movie they lost an entire shopping container of drugs.
Did his sister not know who Laura was? Is she aware of the family business?
What did they send Massimo on the phone?
Miss Laura maybe you need to be single. Went from Martin to Massimo to Nacho. Two of three were started with kidnappings.
Is the Matos family the reason Laura lost her baby?
Laura complaining about not wanting to be a kept woman. Boo! Shut up. Open an Etsy store. Get a hobby. Get a job. Hell she was in hotel management, promoted to GM. Open a hotel.
He gifted her a fashion line because she likes clothes. I like astronomy, don't mean I know how to run NASA!
Massimo should've hit Laura with that, "I'm working to keep your ass in Gucci and gold" (Zeke McCall, Love and Basketball), when she get to complaining about him working all the time.
Massimo, it's your house drop the towel, walk around naked. It's your right.
Does he ever smile? Not even on Christmas? At your wedding? Did he crack one when Dom and Olga got engaged? I know that's the character but a part of why we like this type of character is because when he's with her he's different. He smiles. He laughs. He cracks a joke. She just gifted you coochie, that's funny, smile.
Alright, she's worn this same set of Fiacchi drawers like eight times.
Dom is newly happily engaged while his BFF's marriage is falling apart. Ah!
I want the adventures of Olga.
Olga tossing other people's presents aside so she can give Domenico his. A reckless queen.
Pussy for Christmas? Thanks, I had it yesterday and (probably) this morning, but I guess you can never have too much? She couldn't have bought him a watch with an inscription or something? I can't lie, I hate buying gifts too, plus he rich as hell, what else was she supposed to give him?
All the dates with Nacho should've happened with Massimo. I need to see the love not the banging.
Didn't Mario betray Mass in the last movie, he's why Laura never makes it out of the tunnel (and lost the baby)? Why did he allow him to retire? Also wasn't he conspiring with Anna?
How did Adriano know she was pregnant? L only told Olga and she was only a few weeks pregnant by the time the accident happened and had not seen a doctor.
I need to see them be nice to each other. This was a lot of aggression.
I need the third book to come out so I can buy the set and get to reading to fill in some gaps.
My wife, his girlfriend, was taken and is in grave danger we must find her. [Leisurely model struts the entire way]
At some point this movie turned into a music video.
Is Nacho going to be a thorn in their relationship the next movie, cause he apparently has real feelings?
If they want to make a movie focusing on Olga and Domenico I'm down. They cute.
My rewatch of 365 Days
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Could you do a Javier peña x female reader where javi gets naughty and teases her in public but she gets her revenge at home that night by putting on a show and saying “only good boys get to touch”?? Thank you, your writing is so good!
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One way or another, this ended in sin. Enjoy!
Javier Peña x Fem!Reader ; warnings: language, smut (18+ only!)
Javier Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Stop," you hissed through gritted teeth as Javier toyed with the hem of your dress. It was already tight, purposely chosen to give him an eye full, but not enough to cause him to touch. You, Javier, and Steve were currently out at dinner, talking it up with a bunch of big wigs from the Colombian government. Not exactly a place for him to be making a scene, "Javier."
"You say you don't enjoy this," he pretended he dropped something and leaned down, whispering so only you could hear, "then why are you so wet?"
He straightened back up, but kept his hand on your thigh as he pushed your damp panties to the side and ran a finger through your soaked folds. Bastard. 
Instinctively you tried to close your legs, but Javier was faster and able to keep his hand between your legs. He was practically fucking smirking at your vain attempts to pull away. 
"Stop this, now," you insisted, almost banging your fist on the table as he circled over your clit with his thumb. He was enjoying this far too much, somehow managing to keep a conversation going without so much as missing a beat as you struggled to keep from moaning.
"Everything alright?" he feigned innocence as he turned to you when everyone noticed your lapse in conversation. It took everything in your power to nod and smile politely as if your secret, but not so secret, boyfriend wasn’t about to fingering you, "you look a little flushed."
"Nooope," you managed to squeak out as he curled his fingers just right and hit your sweet spot, "just fiiiine."
"Hmm," he mused before shrugging his shoulders and getting back to his own conversation. You were so wet you could practically feel your arousal dripping down your leg as he continued to fuck you with his fingers. The sound was disgustingly obscene, so wet and filthy, you were surprised no one else could hear it. 
But then, as you edged closer and closer to your blissful release, Javier pulled his hand away, bringing his fingers to his lips and discreetly sucking them clean as if he had gotten food on them. 
Your mouth dropped as you watched him with an incredulous expression. He pretended he didn't notice at first before turning back to grin as you downed the rest of your wine.
"What the fuck is your problem?" you narrowed your eyes at him, cursing him for being such a bastard, "you're going to pull that little stunt and then not even let me finish?!"
"You were getting a little loud," he said casually, sipping on his drink as he waved at a couple of people he recognized at another table, "I didn't want you to be embarrassed or cause a scene, baby. You’re normally such a good girl, what happened?”
“Javier Peña,” you huffed at him as he just continued to have the most saccharine look on his face, “I hate you. We’re done. I never want to see you again!”
Grabbing your purse, you stood up, ready to make up some sort of bullshit excuse about you just remembered a prior engagement. Anything to get out of there and finish what Javi had started. He caught your wrist and looked at you with the softest, big, brown puppy dog eyes before pouting, “you don’t mean that.”
“Yeah...well...right now I do,” you hissed at him before pulling out of his grasp and offering a good evening to the rest of the table, without so much as even offering him another glance. It hadn’t taken more than a few moments to come up with your little plan to get back at Javi; you knew him like a book, and for once you were going to be a few steps ahead. 
You could practically feel his eyes glued to your backside as you left the restaurant, a smirk spreading on your face as you picked up your coat at the check. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It wasn’t much later before you heard Javi’s keys in the lock as he returned to his apartment. You were lying in his bed, dressed in the newest bit of lingerie you’d stashed in one of his drawers for an occasion just like this. You were sipping on some champagne as you laid there, attempting to look as innocent as possible. 
“Baby? I thought you were mad and didn’t want to see me again,” he called out as he spied the light on his room, slowly making his way down the hall. You prepared yourself, reminding yourself that he deserved retribution for earlier and you would make him suffer. His tie was already loosened and half off as he came into the bedroom. He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes widening as he drank in the sight of you, “fuck.”
“Hi Javi,” you offered him a sweet little smile as you batted your lashes at him, “didn’t take long for you to come. I thought you were having oh so much fun with the guys?”
“Fuck them,” he tossed his tie onto the floor, already starting to unbutton his shirt, the growing bulge in his pants visible, “new set?”
“Mhmm...bought it just for you, Javi,” you touched over the barely there lace that covered your breasts, watching as he visibility swallowed the lump in his throat. His shirt was off in mere seconds before he reached for his waistband, “what do you think you’re doing?”
“You can’t be in here looking like that, and not expect me to want to fu-”
“Only good boys get to touch,” you leaned and crawled to the edge of the bed, holding up a finger and stopping him. He raised his eyebrows as he watched you in disbelief, “what, baby? Did you think I would let you touch me or fuck me after that little stunt you pulled? Mhmm...I don’t think so.”
“You’ve got to be...kidding me,” his eyes were almost black with lust as you just nodded sweetly before laying back against his soft blankets and pillows. His cock twitched in his trousers as he felt like a little piece of his soul was dying then and there. This was practically torture - if not worse, “what am I supposed to do?”
“Oh, yeah, hmmm...looks painful,” you mused as he sighed, “well, I can tell you exactly what you’re going to do. You’re going to sit in that chair and watch me touch myself. You don’t get to touch yourself either.”
“Shit,” he groaned, but as soon as he noticed the fierce, predatory look in your eyes, he decided not to argue and sat down, “you’re a tease.”
“Me?” you propped yourself against the pillows, “what about you? You edged me and left me practically dripping.”
Before he could protest, you touched your breast, squeezing it through the fabric and causing your nipple to peak before doing the same thing to the other. It was easy to get lost in the motions, letting a few moans spill from your mouth as you imagined it was his hand or mouth on you. He watched you eagerly, seemingly not blinking or breathing as he watched you play with your breasts. 
“Javi,” his name practically rolled off your tongue like a reverent prayer. Reaching behind your back, you undid the clasp of your bra and let it slowly fall down your arms before tossing it to join Javi's tie. Stretching, you made sure he got a good view of your chest and before gliding your hand down to your body and to your mound. 
"Shit...baby," you could see that he was straining against his trousers, "please let me touch you…"
"No," you purred as you touched yourself over the lacy panties, feeling how soaked they already were. The mere thought of having this much power over him was...sexy. You teased yourself over the fabric for a few moments, making all the lewd noises possible, "Javi...fuck, I'm so wet. All for you. Want to see, baby boy?"
"Mhmmm," you slipped a hand inside your panties and circled over your swollen clit. You were already so wet, that it was practically threatening to drip down your thigh. Combined with your arousal and would be orgasm from earlier, you were almost at your peak again.Glancing up, you could see that he was practically craning his neck to get a better look. Deciding to egg him on, you threw your head back as you added another finger and dragged it through your soaked folds  "oh Javi."
“Shit,” his hands were on the arm rests of the chair, as for once he listened to you and refrained from touching himself. His grip was so tight that the skin over his knuckles was stretched and practically white, “wanna see.”
“I bet you do,” you pulled your hand out and slowly made your way over to him, stopping directly in front of his body, practically humming with energy before holding up your fingers to him, “suck.”
Javier practically groaned at your words, but did as you asked, taking your fingers in his mouth as he sucked them clean. Only when you were sure he had done a thorough job, did you pull your hand back, but not before grabbing his chin in your hands and roughly forcing him to look at you, “oh, so you can be a good boy. Very good.”
“Baby, you’re going to be the death of me,” you beamed at his words, gently carding a hand through his dark locks as he keened into your touch. You let him face his moment, pretending to lean down to kiss him, but instead picking up his tie. He watched you with a small huff as you grabbed his wrists, tying them together, just enough to be tight, but not enough to truly restrict him. It was more of a show of power in the moment, and you wanted to wield it over him for once. Before going back to the bed, you leaned down and gave him an actual kiss, just a soft, gentle little thing. 
You pulled off the delicate lace panties, tossing them at him, before laying back down and spreading your legs so he could get a full view of you. Giving him a devilish smirk, you reached down and touched yourself, slowly, making it a point to show him everything. Rubbing gentle circles on your clit, you moaned before slowly working towards your entrance and sliding a finger inside.
“Javier,” you sighed contentedly as he watched with great interest, “gods, I wish it was your fingers inside of me. So thick and good, know how to touch me just right.”
“I could…”
“No,” you slipped another finger inside, a small gasp escaping your parted lips as you felt the heat in your belly continue to pool, the coil that was threatening to snap winding tighter and tighter. Curling your fingers added to the pleasure you felt as you worked to find your sweet spot, on that Javier usually found effortlessly. You toes started to curl in pleasure as you made a show of it all, just to push him further, “fuck...Javi, ‘m so close. Don’t you wish it was your cock I was going to cum all over?”
“You look so pretty like that baby, all spread out,” he was clearly enjoying the show as he sat back, biting his own lip to try and control himself. He felt like he was going to cum in his trousers without even having touched himself, “are you going to cum for me?”
“Mhmm,” you used your free hand to squeeze and play with your breasts as you continued to pump your fingers in and out of yourself, “wish it was your cock or your mouth. Such a good mouth.”
“You’re almost there baby,” he cooed at you, as you opened your eyes to look at him. His face was flushed, the tan of his delicious skin tinged with pink as he gazed upon you with wild, watchful eyes.
“Javi,” it was a breathy whisper as you felt your walls start to clench around your fingers causing you to speed up your ministrations as you felt the warm, blissful haze of your orgasm wash over you. A small cry left your lips as you came around your fingers, before it all turned into a reverent, gentle chant of his name. 
Only when you were completely through the throws of your passion, you collapsed among the pillows and let out a long, blissful sigh. It had been fun - to have him watch and hold a semblance of power over him, even if it was only for a little while. At work you were equals, and in your relationship, Javier was generally in control, and to be honest, you didn’t mind it. There was something about the protective, dominant Javier that you adored and drove you wild. Not that he wielded power over you, or tried to make you subservient in any sense, it just worked...but this? Having him at your mercy? It was pretty good. You’d make a note to try it again some time. 
But just before you called him, you felt the bed shift as he made his way on it, looming over you before leaning down and kissing you deeply. Of course he couldn’t control himself for much longer. 
“Javier,” you grinned up at him, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him down against your body. He was naked already, and you could feel his hard cock rubbing against your mound, “what do you think you're doing?”
“That was a cute show,” he leaned down and nuzzled his nose against yours before kissing you - this time with more hunger and intensity. You grinned into his touch as his hands found your waist and gripped you tightly, sure to leave bruises for the coming days, “but now I’m going to fuck you, and show you how its done.”
“Are you actually going to let me cum this time?" you smirked against his lips as he made a sound akin to a growl in the back of his back throat.
“I’m going to fuck you until the only thing you remember is my name,” he swore and you could feel yourself melting into him, “you are not leaving this bed all weekend.”
“For a threat, that doesn’t sound too bad,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and held him tightly against your body, peppering some kisses along his jaw, “te amo, Javier - even if you are an asshole sometimes.”
“Te amo hermosa,” he sighed lightly as he relished in your touch, “you and only - always.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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pairofmelaninkweens · 3 years
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou x Natsumi Myaski (oc)
By: @sweet-darling91
Summary: (Post time skip )Kurro has been looking for a chance to possibly reconcile with an Ex, but soon comes to learn that nostalgia can realy lead you down a path of thorns instead of a bed of roses.
CW/TW: Angst, vanilla sex,  and cunnilingus.
Wc: 4783
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art by: twi.night on Instagram! one of the pictures Kuroo kept on the wall of his condo of Him and Natsumi.
The subtle warm scent with fresh citrus notes alerted his senses. It was mixed with that perfectly unique smell and feeling that only one person in existence could provoke, Natsumi. It sprung memories of late-night lovemaking in his dorm, as the rays of moonlight illuminated your cocoa brown skin, highlighting its cinnamon undertones.
 The buns you swept your hair up in were removed when he pulled the hair ties free, sending your dark curly tresses tumbling down past your shoulders. Wrapping the curls around his fingers as he tugged them, groaning when you bowed your back as he took you from behind. Remembering the way your ass pressed against his pelvis, the way you would keen when he spread your buttery smooth thighs further, watching your essence coat his cock as he plunged it deep into your quivering cunt.
 He remembered the way your silken walls would quiver around him as you moaned his name, the way your small frame would tremble as he sunk balls deep into you, your cum would drip down his balls. Fuck, you were so perfect. He would get lost in you night after night. Even now, years after you left his life. He would still fantasize about you, craving the way your warm body clung to him. It broke his heart when you lost contact with him, because like it or not you were a pillar in his life.
 You were the one that brought him to accept parts of himself he neglected. The origin of most of his kinks and preferences. Especially the first girl he endearingly called Chibi-chan. Of course, he ignored the fact that it was indeed the same name he teased his Orange haired buddy with over his height-or lack thereof.  It was different for you though; it was meant to be endearing. The most important detail is after all this time and secret pining, he found you, mere feet away far enough not to be in direct contact thanks to the layout of the patio, with the decorative shrubbery around, and the angle his table was stationed at. He had the vantage point in observing you, and it made his cock twitch remembering the way you made his blood heat. The memory of the connection you once shared painfully squeezes his chest.
 Natsumi Miyazaki, a name that was burned into his memory forever. Now sits with perfectly crossed legs poised in your seat. Hair cut into a bob, parted on the side, with bangs framing your slender face. Hazel eyes sparkled when you beamed at the man cracking jokes over coffee. He couldn’t be that funny to be making you flash your smile like that he thought as he turned up his nose, letting his lips sink into a frown and eyes narrow at the sight of you with him.
 The cashmere top with the sweetheart cut highlighted your delicate clavicle and the swell of your breasts. Your form-fitting skirt accentuated your small waist, hugging your hips and thick thighs. Kuroo began biting his tongue wishing he could get a better view of your ass. The white and cream outfit was cute, clean, and professional. It read that you meant business, that, and the subtle tells in your body language confirmed it. The way your eyes analyzed the orange-haired man, and the all too polite way you sipped at your latte, made him laugh darkly.
 Whatever Shoyo was saying must have given you the answer you were looking for, and your response was subtle pettiness. He recognized that polite smile was a mask, the exaggerated nods and the batting of your eyelashes was used to do to supress rolling your eyes. This happened when you asked him questions you already knew the answers to. A cleaver warning and it seems that went over Shoyo’s head. What were you up to? Why were you out here all dolled up with a new outfit and hair styled completely different than when it was back in college? Why change your appearance to shortcake? Then it dawned on him, information. You were working, he knew you were, but was distracted staring at you. The longer you took probing Shoyo, the more impatient he became, fidgeting in his seat and glowering.
 Leaving a tip for the waitress he made his way to your table; he was only 5 feet away when the rhythmic tap of 4 manicured digits followed by a double-tap of your index finger against the glass table halted his stride. It was your sign to him; acknowledging his presence and warning not to interrupt. This shouldn’t surprise him. You were always the most astute in class, rivalling him for the top academic grade and overall performance. Along the way to those achievements, you spent so much time together you were well versed in each other’s non-verbal cues.
 That’s what got him so interested in you, seeing how your mind worked. The way you would speak volumes with so few words and see everything with a glance. Now pointedly walking past the table, he answered your rasp with two taps of his umbrella against the cobblestone patio floor. “Looks like rain” he remarked as he opened it out, and started walking up the street.
 Five minutes later he heard the quick taps of heels and the gentle, beautiful fragrance returned when you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind. “Is this a good time?” he asked, eyes still trained forward, steps returning to their previous pace.
 You release a contented hum, and then raise your head to ask, “Which one is yours?”  releasing your hold on him and motioning towards the parked cars.
 “The black Audi,” he responds, as you smile to yourself eying the 2017 R8 model. “Of course, the flashiest car for the former prince of Nekoma high.” You say as you playfully shove his shoulder. He looks down at you and curls his lips shrugging at the tease. “ I mean, were they wrong?”
 Rolling your eyes you open the passenger side door, settling in the seat and sliding off the bob-cut wig and cap that encased your curly tresses. Kuroo watched the curls spill down your shoulder as you rub your scalp and sigh in relief, only stopping to spot the time on the dash. “Ok, let’s go, my schedule’s free after that meeting.”
 His eyebrows raise in surprise, “Always so forward."
 “There’s no time to beat around the bush, if you have something to ask me, go ahead,” you quip, with a sharp side glance at him, before pulling the visor down to adjust your lipstick in the mirror.
 “I just missed you,” he admitted.
 “Missed me or missed what I could do for you?” Closing the visor, you turn and look him in the eye, your gaze piercing through him. His shoulders slump slightly, and a bitter chuckle escapes his lips. “Is it always going to be business with you? Even after everything?”
 “It’s always going to be business with you because of everything. You're the one that said ‘lets just be friends. Realistically that's the best option because I’m too dangerous to be a stranger to you with all that I know." You finish, chest burning with your bitter pettiness and disgust in sympathy for his masked pain.  "You were one of the greatest loves of my life. But not THE love of my life.” you continue, thinning your lips and turning away and closing your eyes to soothe the burning in them.
“I still love you too. But it’s not gonna happen, our time is over.” You finally say.
“I figured that you became an information broker to get Kiyoomi’s attention recently.” He interjected with jealousy clear in his tone.
Snapping your gaze back at him. “I chose my career to be independent, so no would hurt me like you did.  I don’t want to take orders from someone because I’m no goon. I stand by my policy. It would do you well to stand by it too.” Ignoring his pained reaction, you continued. “Taking me to your place, right?  Then let’s get on with that instead because I don’t owe you any of my personal details.” The thought crossed you mind, and the words slipped past your lips before you could stop them. “That information is a premium charge if you’re that curious.” you stated holding out your hand.
“it’s in the glove box” he sighed. “I know you didn’t seek me to purchase information for your ‘work.’ you wanted my time, didn’t you?”  looking up to see him nodding in reply with a dejected smile. You weren’t finished though, thinking to yourself as you exited the car, followed him through the underground garage, past security and into his penthouse. You had a point to prove with your hidden agenda, and you weren’t leaving here until you got what you came for.
  Stepping through the threshold was like sinking into the warm comforting depths of the deep sunlit seawater. Warm, familiar, and comforting. Immediately you could tell that nothing had changed, relief washed over you with the realization that dramatically increased your advantage and success rate for your target. Just like the deep-sea waters though you knew there were dangers the deeper you sank into this familiarity. Shoving that thought to the side you slid off your shoes and began walking through the hall, hands grazing the walls observing pictures of him and his family. Passing one of you in a group shot together cleverly placed in the collage on the wall, slipping into the living room, passing the pictures of the old gang and snapshots of you studying with Sienna, and Kenma. Then seeing yourself standing in the rain in the background of a team group shot mocking Bokuto who was trying to duck out of the shot but failed to. Blushing wildly covering your best friend from the rain with his jacket and hiding his face that was covered in tinted lip balm. “Always the gentleman Bo.” You grinned at the shot, roaming over other pictures of his MSBY friends, the rival teams, some shots included new coaches, vice-captains, fellow higher-ups and the team medics. Then you saw the generous helping of pictures of your time together though, the two of you studying with Sienna and Bokuto, who was flustered looking at Sienna instead of the textbook. Shots of you riding on Kuroo’s shoulders, a cute one that you vividly remember Sienna taking of you covered in your own lipstick when Kuroo put it on and smothered you with kisses all over your face and arm, a flustered expression clearly focused on the camera. You remember the way he was focused on you, only looking to the camera to smirk before he continued his assault of kisses on you. Finally, the last picture was of you landing that ‘Oikawa serve’ in one of the final games before leaving college. Once again you closed your eyes, trying to soothe yourself from the melancholy trip down memory lane with his display.
Slipping open your lids you accepted the fact that the burning in your throat and prickling in your eyes would not cease, letting the cool tears flow freely.  “you cruel bastard. You kept all of it. Why?”
“Because You’re always on my mind, you never left.”
 “is that all?” you say turning to face him, hating the conflicting feelings swarming through you all at once, the nostalgia was warm, sweet, and welcoming. But the result was bitter, cold and lonely. Logically you should stick to the job, but your emotions were forcing you to focus your mind elsewhere.
“Nope, your here too.” He points to his heart. “Every time I close my eyes it’s you, I see. Wishing that it’s your voice calling out my name, your hair that fanned out on the pillow next to mine. Your arms wrapping around me. If I take them down. If I remove all the stuff. It would be leaving a void in the middle of my life. I can’t have that, I’d crumble.” He admits with his eyes locked in your gaze.
You answer him by bounding into his arms like old times and breathlessly kissed him. He deepened it, holding you tightly, cradling the back of your head gently letting his free hands travel down your back and firmly grabbing your ass pulling you close to his body and rolling his hips into you. Groaning as he feels your warm body. Relishing in the smooth suppleness of your skin under his hands.
 "Your skin was always so smooth, so soft." He murmured into your neck. Trailing open mouth kisses down it. Leaning your head to the right, granting him more access to your throat. Fluttering your lashes enjoying the feeling of his lips on your skin again. Your brought back down onto your feet, as he sinks to his knees, unzipping your skirt and letting it pool around your ankles. You grabbed his tie and pulled him flush against your pelvis, slipping one leg over his shoulder and angling your puffy lips to align with his mouth.
"Kiss me, show me how much you missed me." Winking and smiling at him sweetly. His face heats at your sudden boldness, a contrast to the usual blushing submissive side. Leaning forward he obliged and kissed you through the thin crotch of the lacy fabric separating his lips from yours. Flattening his tongue, he laved it down your wet slit. Biting your bottom lip to stifle moans threatening to echo through the apartment, you began rocking your hips back and forth, craving more friction. Sensing your eagerness Kuroo pulls at the material with his teeth and lets the elastic snap against you. Humming in pleasure when he hears the responding gasp melting into a soft muted moan. He missed the sounds you made, and he wanted to hear more of them. Slipping his index finger past the ruined panties he sinks his index finger knuckle deep, groaning at how eagerly your gummy walls wrapped around his digit. "God, your so tight Chibi-chan, did u miss me?"
 Whining in response you wrapped your fingers around the strands of raven hair pulling harshly. "Mmmm more" you demanded, he smiled noting the lack of answer and obediently slipped the second digit in, pumping the fingers in and out, taking pleasure in the feeling of you clenching around him, the sweet taste of your slick and skin. But what really got him going was the sounds spilling from your lips when he swallowed your clit into his mouth hollowing out his cheeks and grinding his fingers against that spongey spot that had you bucking her hips and crying out. His breathing started to get obstructed when you yanked at his tie, tightening it around his throat. His vision getting blurry and the sound of his blood rushing through his veins filled his ears. Then on instinct you released the tie, fresh air flooded into his lungs, the rush of oxygen and the dopamine surging through his system delivered an indescribable high.
 He freed his cock from his pants giving himself slow soothing pumps to his throbbing length. Its head swollen, pink and dripping pre that he used as a lube before grabbing your hips and easing you to sit on his face. He bucked into the empty air craning his neck and slipped his tongue into your quivering pussy. Your legs gave out as your orgasm surged through you like a flash fire, igniting every blood cell in our body with hot pleasure that clouded your mind and mad your eyes roll to the back of your head as you released a litany of curses and Kuroo’s name. He gripped your hips with a bruising force, drinking in your cum as it spilled into his mouth, embracing your trembling form.
 As you caught your breath Kuroo brushed the stray strands of hair free from your face and immediately searched your face for signs of discomfort. His lips stretched into a smile when you started smoothing your hands through his hair. “I’m not a dog, you don’t need to pet me he nipped at your hand. Standing, and stripping off his shirt and shooting you a wink. “Well at least dogs are loyal.”  Returning his wink as you get to your feet and watch him as he flings his shirt and tie over his shoulder, grasping his chest and looking down at you through his lashes. “Ouch, you aren’t here to play nice, are you?” he croons as he slips his hands on your waist and back steps toward his room.
 “Not at all.” you answer while pointing over to his bed, “have a seat,” waiting for him to do so, your request before you slipped out of the top, revealing the strapless bralette and flinging it his way, grinning when he caught it in his mouth, shooting you a wink and growling. Releasing a playful “woof” before dropping it onto the floor to watch you close the space between you two. You slid your palms up his thigh bracing the other hand on his chest, coaxing him to lean back  allowing you to slink up his long body letting your glistening pussy lips slide up his hardened shaft and muffled his groan when you pressed your plump lips over his pulling back to whisper, “shhh, don’t get too excited too soon” you tease trailing kisses down his neck, leaving blossoming bruises in your wake, kissing down his chest and finally sitting back up halting your hip to search his face. You could feel the way his heart was hammering in his chest against your palm. “Don’t be shy now Natsumi.” He bucks his hips and you sink your teeth into your lip to stifle the moan rising from you.
 His hands fastened to your hips in a death grip, his fingers and knuckles white, his pupils blown, his chest heaving with anticipation. He nodded and bucked his hips, slipping his shaft through your delicate petals and being rewarded with a sweet soft moan. “Lean forward Chibi-chan, I got you,” he assured. Reluctant to trust him for much, you relented with a sigh and obeyed.
Feeling his swollen velvety tip breach your entrance, you couldn’t hold back from slamming your hips down, enveloping him in your warm, hungry pussy with a moan that made him growl low in his throat. “D-don’t move, ok?” you struggled through whimpers at how the stretch sent pleasure flooding your senses. Your body flushed with heat, goosebumps flashing across the surface, nipples pebbling before his eyes, and that plush bottom lip being tortured between your pearly teeth as you bit down on it to suppress moans threatening to spring free but still reaching Kuroo’s ears. Your hips bucked forward, working your waist in slow delicious circles that edged both of you just right. The friction your swollen clit got from grazing his hilt urged you to close your eyes and twerk your ass cheeks, the sudden movements caused his dick to grind against the walls of your tight core, which clenched him snuggly inside you. He gasped each time you jerked and rolled your waist, bouncing up and down his cock, building a punishing speed that drove him wild and bow his back up off the bed. “Chibi-chan that’s it, fuck yourself on my cock baby.” he moaned thrusting his hip up in time to crash into yours when you thrusted your hips down, making him moan out in bliss, lolling his tongue out as your hips jackhammered down onto him. “Kurooooo, I’m gonna cum.”
 He eased the pressure on your hips, his breath stuttering and sweat collecting on his brow as he watched the way you raised your body up the length of his dick and dropped onto it. Your swollen lips swallowing him deeply, convulsing around him. “Mm cum on this cock Chibi-Chan!” he growled demanding your attention and compliance. “I’ve been dreaming about this for so long when you would finally come back and ride me and let me fuck you into this mattress. Ffffff fuck Natsumi.” You throw your head back as your pussy convulses and your orgasm ripples through your body. Radiating waves of intensity surging through your body sending your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He sits up to let you rest your forehead against his, both of you panting for breath. He laid slow soft kisses across your flushed cheeks, smoothing his hands up your back and down your sides slowly but gaining in pressure. You also feel his cock harden inside you as he starts brings his lips against your, kissing your deeply and letting your taste yourself on his tongue.
Rocking your hips in slow motions you let him take advantage and toss you into the mattress, sinking his incisors into your neck and his cock balls deep “you feel so good baby~ I wanna cum deep inside you, look at me Sumi. I want to see your face when I fill you.” He ruts into you setting the delicious pace of pulling out and pounding into your dripping cunt, the chorus of hips crashing into each other, the squelching of your wet pussy milking him, and wanton moans filled his ears. He forced his eyes closed trying to burn it all into memory. The beautiful pitch your voice took when he hit that perfect spot deep inside you, lacing his fingers with yours, he crowded your frame with his broad upper body. Balancing on his elbows he used every muscle in his thighs to push into you, bringing tears to your eyes as flashes of black and white cloud your vision, all the breath left your body as Kuroo sent you tumbling into a prolonged orgasm. A wild blissful ride rendering your body weightless, gravity no longer existed, lost in the incredible sensations coursing through your body and spasmed when Kuroo thrust almost painfully deep into you pumping you past your limit with hot ropes of cum pulsing into you. You felt warm everywhere, there was tingling under the surface of your skin, movements reduced to the speed of warm molasses. “I’ve got you Natsumi.” his voice sounded so far away but the sound was followed with gentle soothing strokes up your sides, slowly grounding you. Soon after the feeling of him caressing your cheek and feeling him planting a soft kiss on your lips brought your mind back to the present, just like he would back then. Bringing you back down to earth after fucking your soul out of your body filled him with pride knowing he still could do this to you. The bitter pangs of his heart told him that one day the person doing this wouldn’t be him. The gentle sound of your voice thanking him grasped his attention and gave him the chance to appreciate your raw beauty. The lipstick had long been kissed away revealing plump two-toned nude lips, the even tone of her golden chestnut skin and deep chocolate eyes made his sting with tears. “It’s been a long time, nostalgia’s hurting, isn’t it?” you teased reaching your arms out for him to pull himself into an embrace, sighed at the feeling of you nuzzling into him and kissing his jaw. “Seeing you like this hit hard. It’s like seeing my dreams and memories merge together and play out in front of me, yet the actual thing, still pales every single image, every thought, every memory in comparison.” Pulling back to see his face you arched an eyebrow. “oh?”
 “Every time I have someone next to me, I wished it were your body warming that side of my bed instead, your curls fanned out across my pillow, your voice filling the room when you call my name, and your lips I taste when I kiss. I shouldn’t have hurt you the way I did Sumi, I’m sorry.” He breathed. You closed her eyes and hummed. This was supposed to hurt more. But it was just a dull ache of sympathy, the bond that you had with him had long frayed and snaped, well at least you hoped. You truly moved on. It was a relief and a pity. A relief that you felt nothing, a pity for him, that he was feeling everything.
 “That connection had long since ended Roo, the love I feel for you now isn’t the same. That level of devotion was gone the moment you left me. Understand? I only give that out to those deserving. This was sweet, to an extent. But by no means is it a sign of any kind of romantic reconcile, ok?” his eyes swirled with remorse, and he numbly nodded. Finishing the water he gave you, you placed it on the side table as headed to the bathroom to clean yourself up in the hot shower, rinsing the feeling of him off your skin. Breathing the hot steam deep into your lungs to refocus your mind. Inwardly thanking him for not following you in there. After the shower you grab a town and dry of, return to the room finding him sitting on the bed.  Looking up at you a smile flashed across his face along with a faint blush on his cheeks. “Your hair, it brings me back to when I would help you with drying it out, detangling and oiling your scalp.” You shook your head. And cast him a side glance. “And?”
“Well, it was my favourite, you know I always thought your hair was cute in those buns" he muses, she glared at him. "How childish. People grow Kuroo, I have long grown out of that. You know it was cute walking down memory lane with you, but it revealed one thing. You haven’t changed, your out here fucking girls that remind you of me, holding onto the past while I, and the rest of the world move forward. Grow up, you should try it sometime." You spat, spinning on your toes to invade his closet, boldly slamming the door and reef through the clothes for something to wear only to come up to another nostalgic discovery, with out uttering a word you grabbed the old uniform and put it on, gathering up his travel bag and rummaging through his drawers, eyes scanning every free surface. Noticing that he was not making a sound made you suspicious. “You alive?” tensing waiting for his reply.
 “Yeah, just giving you space-” he was cut off when he saw the college uniform hug your curvy figure. He truly felt like if he blinked, you’d vanish, but when you realized what was going on you yanked the bundles of hair free, shaking the damp curls and sweeping them up into a messy bun letting stray strands frame your face. “I may be a vision from your memories, so take a good look. This is the last time you’ll see me like this. Once I leave this room you won’t have this chance again. So, I do hope that your ‘hoe phase’ was an enjoyable one.” you finished slipping on a pair of runners. “I really can’t believe you kept everything here, that isn’t healthy, and if you have other women wearing my things, that’s- disturbing.”
“What should I do with the clothes you came here with.”
“Burn it. Toss it, it’s of little consequence to me, my job is done.” You shrug on the travel bag on your shoulders.
“But I didn’t tell you anything, you never asked any questions. Did you even get what you needed?” Cupping his cheek to look into his eyes. “Thank you for being one of my greatest loves Kuroo, you really should stop putting yourself in danger trying to steal glances at me. Turning up in places where you think I will be or following my potential targets. You’ll end up putting a target on your back if you keep that up, I’m grown. I can handle myself.” you warned, “bye Sumi.” he closed his eyes and felt you kiss him, when he opened them again his heart sank to see the room empty, but then it sank into his belly realizing what exactly she did. Running into the walk-in closet he yanked open his draws in search of his files and the dossier. No surprise, they were all missing, the dossier, all the files including the first classified drive he had in there.  Damn, He really paid her to rob him. He smiled bitterly to himself admiring the finesse. He attempted to buy time to plead his case, only to be out of luck with love, and now possibly his job.
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trisshawkeye · 4 years
I'm a little hesitant to weigh in on the discourse going around, since I can't speak to the Chinese LGBTQ+ experience, but what I can speak to is one of the reasons why a queer person might find the nature of the sex scenes in MDZS, and in particular the extras, interesting and relatable to their experience as a queer person.
First off I want to stress that YOU DO NOT NEED TO READ THE MDZS EXTRAS. In fact, if you think they might be triggering or upsetting to you, or just not your cup of tea, then just don't read them. You don't need to read them to enjoy everything else MDZS has to offer. Indeed, if any of the following would wig you out—slightly dub-con kissing, misunderstandings around a sexual encounter due to each party thinking the other didn't want it in the same way they did, an inexperienced couple figuring out what they like and finding out that includes mild consent-play—then maybe you might want to skip the scenes in the main novel too. It's okay to have preferences and for those preferences to not include that. If you don't want to read those sections, then I'm not gonna judge you, don't read them. There is plenty else to enjoy. Look after yourself first!
Okay, with that out the way, I'd like to talk to you a little bit about shame and sexual fantasy.
While not written to this particular audience at all, Lan Wangji is a painfully relatable character for a certain type of gifted queer kid growing up in conservative Evangelical Christian spaces. The combination of having a strict, rule-based moral code one is expected to follow, and being held up as a well-behaved, good example to others from a young age, both in terms of pseudo-academic achievement and in terms of following of said moral code, and then finding yourself and your worldview becoming increasingly incompatible with the code you are trying to live by, is one that really fucks you up. Lan Wangji is a character laser-targeted at my own set up of hang-ups and neuroses, oh boy. I love him so much and want him to be happy.
And to be fair, that's not to say the Gusu Lan sect rules are bad per se, and characters such as Lan Xichen show that it is possible to have a different relationship with them such that they inform your behaviour but still allow for flexibility and compromise. But Lan Wangji definitely strikes me as someone who took rule-following deep into his own sense of identity, and that gets very messy for him when he starts questioning how to handle moral quandaries that the rules can't easily address by themselves, or finds himself trying to follow them in a way that conflicts with how the rest of his sect are doing so.
So when this kind of strict moral purity forms a big part of your identity, and then you suddenly get attracted to someone 'inappropriate' (or indeed, anyone at all as a horny teenager who’s supposed to behave themselves), your new and growing sense of desire runs smack bang into your existential need to be someone who is Good(TM), who follows the rules, who wouldn't in their right mind to anything that contradicts them. You can't just dream soft dreams about sneaking away to kiss your crush and you both enjoying it, because even that is shameful, it's wrong, it flies in the face of everything you're supposed to be and you'd never do that. And so one way for your mind to get around this is for your fantasies to take a darker turn, to imagine that you were pushed beyond all reasonable human limits, that you lost all control, that you were drugged or manipulated, that the other person took advantage of you or somehow provoked you into assaulting them, and that way you can sort of excuse yourself, you can imagine yourself in that situation because at least then it wasn't really your fault, you can kind of keep your internal sense of identity consistent. But now you've imagined you're in that situation and you have that 'excuse', you have a kind of free rein to act out the things you want to do and it doesn't really 'count'. And all the while you're entirely aware that this is a fucked up fantasy, that it would be unforgivable if you did such a thing or such a thing was done to you in real life, and now you're worried that even imagining such a thing is a failure of your moral character, and it builds into a destructive cycle of shame and self-loathing, and it's just a real mess all round. 
Now, I think this is something that Lan Wangji worked through and came out the other side of, and he was no longer ashamed of his desire for Wei Wuxian by the time he came back in the body of Mo Xuanyu (and probably even by the time of the first siege of the Burial Mounds, though it was far too late at that point). But for a sixteen-year-old Lan Wangji to have these violent fantasies about being provoked into raping Wei Wuxian because that was the only way he could imagine himself in a situation in which he could express that desire? And then later in life finding out that consent-play holds some appeal? Yeah, I can see that, I can relate to it.
And so in the incense burner chapter? When it becomes clear they're visiting one of Lan Wangji's teenage fantasies, especially right after the adorably domestic scene that is Wei Wuxian's dream, he is absolutely embarrassed by it, he's mortified—it's obvious he still considers it to be shameful and would honestly rather Wei Wuxian didn't see this side of himself so clearly, although he loves and trusts Wei Wuxian enough not to hide it from him when he says wants to stay. And then, when Wei Wuxian sees where it's going, and finds it hilarious and honestly kinda hot, knowing that it is just a fantasy, and one that meshes well with his own consensual-non-consent kinks to boot, you know what? It's a relief! It's an honest-to-goodness relief and entirely delightful to me that he turns around and basically says, hey, it's okay, this doesn't make you a bad person, you don't have to be ashamed of this, I love you, I'm enjoying this too, I want to see where this goes, let's have sex! 
Because none of this does make Lan Wangji a bad person—none of these fantasies were acted upon except for one intensely-regretted kiss (and then only really regretted on his own part), and then later in the context of entirely consensual, mutually enjoyable sex as adults between him and Wei Wuxian. And being able to revisit those fantasies and take away the shame he's associated with them all this time is probably pretty healing for him! 
Like I said at the start, you don't have to read these chapters. They were not written for you personally, and you are not the target audience for them. If you're going to be at all distressed by the content then I actively encourage you not to read them, it would be a form of emotional self-harm to do so. It's not like you're missing out on anything important (or even very well-written, if I'm being honest, particularly once it's gone through the mangle of a translation that I don't personally think handles the nuances of the smut scenes very well, from what I can gather from various pieces of discussion about it). It's totally fine if you find these kinks unpleasant and don't want to touch them with a barge pole! But that doesn't make having or writing or enjoying these kinks or fantasies somehow morally wrong—it's not shameful, it's not homophobic, and please, please stop accusing the author or fans of being so just because you don't personally like it. Because you’re just reinforcing the shame-based, purity-based thinking that screws so many of us up in the first place.
(Aside: I’m not saying this is necessarily the correct way to interpret Lan Wangji’s character and motivations with respect to these scenes, since I too am a Westerner coming at all this material through the veil of translation and with very little understanding of its surrounding literary context—I’m more describing how, from my own experience as a young repressed religious queer, I found myself vibing a lot with this character and his relationship with sexual desire.)
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Arranged 2
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Summary: You are forced to marry George when Voldemort rises to power in an attempt to purify the bloodline. Will you the two of you ever to terms with each other?
Warnings: Forced marriage, shouting, swearing, mentions of blood, fainting, mentions of food.
Word Count: 1,938
Series Masterlist
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you hissed touching your forearm and finding blood there. You squeezed your eyes, trying to make out things around. The hall was dark with tall daunting shelves covering the walls.
“He was right here,” came a voice behind you making the hair on your neck stick up. You felt like your heart would burst.
“Then bloody go find him!”
You tried to breathe slowly. Think. There must be a way out. You bent low, slowly moving towards the last shelf. Careful not to touch anything, you muttered spells to camouflage yourself with the surroundings. Your head snapped towards the faint sound of footsteps. So you weren’t the only one hiding.
“I know you’re here. I’m going to find you and hand you over to dark lord. Oh how is he going to award me for finding the person who kept on stealing our plan documents.”
Clutching the paper in your hand, you treaded slowly and cautiously. Blood tickled down your arm as you suppressed a shiver. Your breath stuck in your throat. Getting caught now would risk not only your own life but also the order. You had to try and save the elf. You were starting to regret it now.
“Where are you?”
You reached the end and you touched your bracelet. This was it.
“nunc,” you whispered.
There was a huge explosion at the door as the person after you shrieked. There were shouts and screams as you stunned the man who stood there wide-eyed. You caught his wand and bolted towards the door. Almost there. You saw someone point your wand at you, but you’d already apparated.
Your head zoomed and you groaned as you reached the public washroom. Opening the cubicle’s door, you slowly peered outside, watching for signs of any other people. You were thankful it was empty this time. You cast the main door shut, not wanting anyone to barge in on you. You washed your face, rubbing off all excess makeup. You cleaned the gash on your arm, hissing at the sensation. Pouring some dittany over the wound, you clenched your jaw. You opened your bag, keeping the documents safe and taking out your bottle. You chugged some water, breathing deeply. Dissecting the plan could wait. Removing your wig, you sighed at the sensation of your hair finally being free.
You stared at the house as your head thumped. The wound on your arm had hardly healed and even though you had placed spells to not let it show, it was still a little predominant. It had been rather quite since Bella made a visit. Not that it was ever noisy anyway. You shook your head.
Opening the door, you slowly made your way towards your room.
“Where have you been?” George’s voice came as you froze. You turned towards him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He studied you as you forced a tight lipped smile.
“I went to take a walk.”
“In the middle of the night?”
“I couldn’t sleep.”
There was a beat of silence as the two of you just stared at one another. His hair were tousled and he wore a sweater and pajamas.
“I think we both know that’s bullshit,” George said coming towards you. “And this is not the first time either. You are never here at night.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. You never thought he noticed.
“So, tell me. Where are you off to each night?”
His eyes moved all over you, scrutinizing your every move.
“It’s none of your business-“
“What’s up with your arm?” George moved to touch it and you backed away. A sudden jolt went up to it and you groaned. Your head whirred as you caught George’s arm.
And then there was darkness.
You opened your eyes slowly, feeling your head bang against your head. You tried to get up.
“Don’t sit up. Lay back.”
You blinked slowly trying to make out your surroundings. George came and sat beside you. He handed you a cup, helping you lay on the pillows. You drank the water greedily. Everything seemed a bit clearer. You looked around yourself. You were in your bed and your arm had been wrapped up in bandages. It struck you then. George. You glanced towards him as he looked at you. None of you said anything. There was something soft about the moment. For the first time, it didn’t feel like he had his defenses up.
“I fainted,” you pointed out; more to yourself. George hummed and heaved.
“Look,” he began. “I know you’re not going to tell me where you go. But I think as a person living with you, I’m allowed to know whether you work with or for the death eaters. You don’t have to tell me anything else. Just tell me if you are.”
You looked at George as your mind reeled. You couldn’t let him know anything about your mission and at the same time, you knew he had already seen a whole lot. You didn’t expect him not to go through everything he could while you were unconscious. You mentally thanked Moody for training you to disguise any and every small item you had. Moreover the wound on your arm, made it quite clear, you weren’t out for a ‘walk’.
“Everyone’s working along death eaters,” you said carefully.
“You know what I meant.”
“You asked me whether I worked with the death eaters-“
“Stop. Stop avoiding the question. I just need to know whether my family is at risk. It’s that simple. So, I ask again- Do you work with or for the death eaters?”
George looked pained. You thought about your father, how you would freak out if anything were to happen to him. He wasn’t wrong, he deserved to know. You slowly shook your head.
“No,” you rasped.
George squeezed his eyes shut breathing deeply.  
“Thank you.”
The two of you sat quietly for a while, unsure what to do. George stood up slowly.
“Oh, and I wanted to ask you- what have you been eating lately?”
You frowned.
“Ramen and fruits. Oats at times.”
“Ramen as in the instant noodles we have?”
“Yes, why?”
“You’ll get sick. No wonder you fainted so quickly- why do you never make yourself something?” George asked and you looked away, flushing.
“I don’t know how to cook,” you grumbled.
“I don’t know how to cook, okay? The house elf never let me do anything and at Hogwarts I never had to.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he said as you looked at him.
“Well we don’t exactly talk,” you snapped, not feeling good being interrogated. George huffed, rolling his eyes and left the room. You squeezed your eyes shut hating yourself for your response.
You shook yourself. You had work to do. Getting up, you slowly found the small coin purse. Muttering some spells, you slowly saw it transform into a bigger bag. You took out the parchments, before transforming the bag back. Finding your diary, you finally got to work.
There was a nudge at the door as you closed your notebook. Your head ached from trying to guess Voldemort’s next move. George came in with a huge bowl of something that made your stomach growl.
“I made stew,” he said keeping it beside you and turning to leave. You held his hand, making him stop. He looked towards you.
“Thank you,” you whispered, smiling as he nodded, moving out of the room.
You sighed, taking the bowl in your hand, it’s warmth seeping through the ceramic. You ate it slowly, feeling better after a long time. You never thought George could be such a good cook.
That night was one of the best sleep you had in quite some time. You woke up refreshed. George had already left the house as usual, but you found some pancakes and juice on the table with a warming spell cast on them. You smiled a little. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
The next few days were the same. You woke up to some breakfast, worked on the stolen plans until the evening and then had dinner. The atmosphere of the house had changed. The rooms weren’t full of knife-sharp silences anymore. The two of you didn’t talk much, but it was okay. George had been the perfect roommate and that for now, was the only think that mattered.
‘Roomate’ you thought, as a sad smile overcame you. Your heart clenched. Never, never did you ever think you’d be in a situation like this. You had always planned your life ahead. You worked hard at Hogwarts and after graduation, wanted to work as an auror. Maybe fall in love along the way and marry when it felt real. There was a click at the door as you shook a little. George came inside, looking exhausted as you gave him a small smile. He nodded moving towards his room as you felt your heart squeeze again. This was it. This was your life and you had learn to live with it.
There was a knock at the window as you turned to see a black owl waiting patiently to be let in. You opened it as the owl dropped in a sleek letter into your hand before flying away.
“What’s that?” George said coming to stand beside you. You turned the dark green letter slowly.
“A howler, from the Malfoy Manor,” you said frowning. You pulled at the strings as it hissed and took form of a nasty mouth mid-air.
“Mr. and Mrs. Weasley,” it started in a cool tone and you had to bite back sounds of contempt. “You are invited to the Malfoy yearly gala. 24th December, 7pm onwards. Dinner to follow”
With that, the paper burnt down to ashes. You looked at George for his response.
“I’m not going,” he breathed.
“What do you mean you’re not going?” you frowned, moving after him. “We have to go there so we don’t get any ‘checkup’s’ from the death eaters”
George huffed.
“Listen- I’m not going there. I already have done enough pretending that we’re married, I can’t handle hours of that shit.”
“We are married, George,” you said looking at him as something flicked through his eyes. “Moreover, it’ll be better if we go. We really can’t risk any red alarms.”
“I don’t care. I’ll-“
“You have to care, George.”
“No I don’t.”
“Yes you do. I’m not answering questions about you.”
“Well, you don’t have to go too.”
“My father would be there- I have to George. You must come with me-“
“NO- Y/n! I can’t. It’s already a burden living with you, I don’t want to start attending gala dates too!” George shouted as your words stuck in your throat.
“A burden?” you let out a dry laugh. “I’m so sorry George that I’m a burden on you. What would you like me to do? Go buy the above flat and live there? Because I can really do that.”
“BECAUSE I’M JUST AS EXHAUSTED AS YOU. BECAUSE I CAN’T. I SPENT MY WHOLE CHILDHOOD- WHOLE CHILDHOOD, HATING ON THESE PUREBLOOD PARTIES, ON PEOPLE LIKE YOU. And now? Now I’m married to you. Believe it or not, I’m trying. I am trying. I’m trying to let go of prejudices. I can’t do everything all at once, (Y/n). I can’t.”
Tears pricked your eyes as you saw George break down. You went towards him slowly and wrapped your arms around him.
“Shhhhh,” you cooed at him holding him close.
He wasn’t the only one with prejudices.
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A/N: Huge shoutout to @futurewriter2000​ for hyping me up! Written for a lovely anon. Please lmk what you think, this fic really challenged me to come out of my comfort zone!
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep13: How to Get Away With Cheating in the Card Olympics
It’s been a little while since Pegasus made a card that screwed us years after it was developed...and so it’s time for it to happen again. Good ol Pegasus, screwing us all and not even knowing he’s doing it.
First off, it took me until this episode to realize that Leon and Zigfried are German and Leon is playing a Grimm Brother’s deck. I guess I didn’t notice before now because Leon was hiding his identity. But now that I know his deck is because he’s just German it’s like...well OK. That’s kind of cute. Better than that time they had the American play a deck filled with guns.
And that actually...fully explains why they are all dressed old timey. I didn’t pick up on it until just now...they’re referencing old ass fairy tales. But wtv, I still like my reaching theories of why Zigfried dresses like...that.
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PS, my twitter just notified me that lots of people are getting a ‘Hime Haircut’, which is exactly the doo that Zigfried wears this season with the cropped side bangs. And like...are we sure? I see Kpop wearing it and Tik Tok kids wearing wigs but...I have yet to see a Hime in the wild. Course I haven’t gone outside in like a year so...maybe tens of thousands of people really did do a Hime Haircut during the Quarantine.
But, damn it, I decided to look at some photos, and a bunch of them looked pretty bad, but a couple looked pretty dope, and now I’m a little bit tempted to get a Hime...but I feel like it took a decade to get out of my bangs phase and like...Do I need two layers of bangs? I have naturally straight hair, I could do this, this haircut was made for me, but...
I just don’t know if I should get a haircut that looks like I’m an anime cosplayer when I can’t back it up. Nope. Cannot get this haircut. I know this haircut was made for teenagers or artists in their 30′s, and literally no one else, but no, this will be a mistake just like the side bangs I gave myself in 2006.
(looks over at scissors)
(read more under the cut)
(get it? Cut?)
Leon recalls that his brother very nicely gave him a card, and he’s so excited to finally do any activity involving his crazy ass family, that he just blindly does it.
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This entire episode is about Yami not doing a hellscape when he witnesses cheating, and like...it is S5...it’s been a little while since anyone’s done a real good cheat on him, and he opened the door to darkness, and they got devoured by their own Tamagachi. It’s been a while.
And like the curse of Episode 13 was just a theory I had--but this particular Episode 13 is probably the most tame of all the 13′s (and yet, the most un-tame of this arc, which is a pretty chill arc, overall)
Yet...while this episode still fits in with their universe because the Kaiba’s are very proud so they can’t admit their duel disk has a flaw and therefore can’t forfeit the game, it kind of stretches the imagination a bit for the sake of the plot. Straight up we have a LOT of characters in this arc and they all just stood there and watched it happened.
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It could have been also because this is like...televised...that no one wants to start throwing this little boy off the nearest blimp. I just wish that was addressed in the episode, other than “listen...Kaiba must allow this card to be played...or all his Duel Disks are lies.”
His Duel Disk almost caused the end of planet Earth a few weeks back, so I think it’s fine. I think this is a negligible problem to have when your disk shoots projectiles out of each end and has sharp folding edges in the shape of a blade--almost attempting to slice your face off every time you wave that thing around.
Yes, he’s trying to restore his reputation after the whole Dartz thing...but this is like...not that bad in the scale of things that have happened in the past several seasons. Maybe it’s just the last straw that broke the camels back here? One thing too far--’your disk played a broke card, Kaiba, I am pulling my investments and I refuse to go to your theme parks. I was here when you blew up that island. I was here when your company was literally bought out by the illluminati...but if that duel disk can’t play cards correctly--we’re done here.’ And TBH...that’s a very Yugioh mentality to have.
Like remember that time that Elon musk threw a brick at one of his new weird looking cars and the windshield cracked? But he was like “Oh...that was just a...listen the windshields don’t shatter, you saw nothing.” and still released the car anyway? Was kind of reminded of that.
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Now...he didn’t actually go into the Dev room, we’ll go into how the hell he got this card, but first, a visit to the Kaiba Dev room.
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That’s so bright!
It reminds me of how in the 90′s, the only real thing I knew to do on my computer was change the colors of the UI, so I just used the ugliest ass UI known to man for my family’s computers. I hope these computers have a mouse that leaves a tail behind and I hope that mouse is in the shape of a flying sparkling dragon.
Anyway, Duke speaks what’s on our minds:
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Meanwhile, Pegasus, watching this happen over a glass of wine from inside his bathtub at Castle Pegasus, takes one very long sip while sinking into a pile of bubbles.
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Seto at first is like “I literally own this tournament so thanks for losing? I don’t know why you threw it out into the trash but thanks?” But Zigfried pressured him so hard that everyone on Earth would judge his ass, and tried so hard to change the definition of what cheating even is, that Seto relented almost as if to shut Zigfried the hell up.
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Zigfried explained that, technically, it’s still reads as a legal card on the disk and isn’t reaaally against the rules. Even though the rules say it’s against the rules--what are rules anyway?
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Thankfully we have the King of “I dictate what the rules are AKA the rules of the universe, which I would show you, I just don’t feel like it right now, and I’m a little worried about opening that Pandora’s box, but I clearly know the rules of this card game, as stated on this Home Depot plaque that Seto gave me after I won the last tourney.”
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Leon gets pretty upset about this--not so much screwing Seto Kaiba, but over the fact his brother stole his only chance at trying to beat Yugi Muto fair and square. So, trying to retain what little card honor he has left, Leon tries to self sabotage so everyone can just go the hell home.
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OK so...do you think he put a floppy disk into the paper card? Like straight up how did he do that? Feel free to post your theories because like...how do you hack a paper card? Like do we even have a canon explanation of what these cards are or what they are made out of and how they theoretically work?
Anyway, now that they’ve spent a good portion of this episode discussing if this card should or should not be played, and the ethics and philosophy surrounding that, we find out that none of this matters because Zigfried was actually just stalling.
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(He hacked the card so it had a virus like straight up how did he DO that without making a new card?)
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Y’all, what if I could just delete Google?
Can you imagine?
Like I know this is a kid’s show so it follows kid’s show logic and I will absolutely allow this ridiculous master plan and I will not question it, but think with me for a sec:
What if you could just delete Disney?
Damn. That’s some Y2K scare tactics propaganda right there. That’s some good YA dystopian fiction stuff.
Yo is Zigfried the good guy? He’s not, but if this were a YA novel he would be, right? Good on him.
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I...do not know how the logic in Zigfried’s brain works, but if someone deleted all the files in my collaborators company and showed up at my front door and was like “I heard you were looking for a new collaborator?” I’d stick him face first into a blank paper card.
Which is, logically, the next step to Zigfried’s plan that no one has bothered to tell him yet. You just don’t mess with Pegasus, especially after all the stuff he went though with getting murdered by Mai, and Dartz showing up, he’d be so pissed right now. He might not be technically magical anymore--but it’s clear after last season that he’s still magical enough. This is a man who’s let out into the wild maybe a couple of scary cards--but hell knows how many are buried in his huge ass castle just waiting to do a murder.
This is just Zigfried hassling a hornet and the hornets nest is like...right there.
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And so next episode we are going to...destroy the card? Hell, next episode might be entirely a card game and I might only have 2 caps.
Anyway, just letting you know that I typed this last night, and then had dreams that I got a Hime Haircut and hella loved it, woke up at 5:30 AM thinking about that haircut, and have since been just...
...I mean I shouldn’t do it...I cannot give myself unironic Von Schroeder hair...
...but what if it’s dope though?
(and here’s the link to read these from the beginning in chrono order from S1. Wish I categorized in seasons but alas I did not have that forsight back when I thought there were only 3 seasons of Yugioh total. I have since learned.)
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wondersofdreaming · 4 years
Free Bird
Characters: Henry Cavill x female reader
Word count: 1.552
Warnings: Neglect. Hurt. Anger-ish. Sadness. Regret.
Author’s note: Originally a request for @littlefreya​, who asked if I wanted to write it. This is what I could come up with.
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the reader who is a figment of my imagination.
Tag: @katerka88​ @littlefreya​ @hell1129-blog​ @mitzwinchester​ @mary-ann84​ @valkavill​ @sciapod​ @henry-cavlll​ @luclittlepond​ @iloveyouyen​ @trippedmetaldetector​ @radaofrivia​ @omgkatinka​ @gothwhopper​ @fcgrizi​ @alyxkbrl​ @singeramg​ @onlyhenrys​ @henrythickcavill​ @madbaddic7ed​ @palaiasaurus64​ @queenslandlover-93​ @magdelen69​ @shellbilee​ @mis-lil-red @vania-marie
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list.
Feedback is appreciated.
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Your relationship had started out as romantic and wonderful, as most relationships did. He would send you flowers, chocolates, take you out for dinners, movies. After months of dating and being given a lot of attention, he gave you a key to his house. He asked you to come and go as you pleased, hoping you would eventually move permanently in with him. You were elated. To begin with, you left a spare toothbrush and some clothes, but you never needed those as you always wore his. Little by little did you move your things into his house and rented your place out through Airbnb.
Months passed with the two of you being like two peas in a pod. Love was blooming between you, and he was even thinking of proposing. His dog loved you, his family adored you, his friends were ecstatic to have you in their group.
Then he got that job, and everything changed.
At first, he called every single day while he was out of the country during the pre-production. You would video-chat at night before bed, just because he missed you so much and couldn’t sleep without hearing your voice or seeing your beautiful smile.
“I miss you, sweetheart,” he would whisper while you both lay in bed with the computer next to you. His face illuminated by the blueish light from the screen.
“I miss you too.”
You had planned to visit him on set, but your boss had squashed those plans. You had been burdened with a mountain of work, and not even the saved-up vacation days could save you. So, you stayed back to work. Disappointed.
The phone calls and video chats became further and further apart. Henry would tell you that he was too tired, that it had been a long day, that he had an early morning. The excuses kept piling up.
You didn’t mind it at first. You understood that his job came first, it was his dream. One day everything had gone bad. You had slept through your alarm, you had stumbled through the house, stubbed your toes, scraped your knees, and banged your head. You missed the train and had to run from the station to your office, barely making it on time. You had forgotten to charge your phone, so when you turned it on back home, you had missed a call from Henry. He had left a voice message saying that he couldn’t make the call that night, but he would call again the next day. Ending the voice mail with an ‘I miss you’, not his usual ‘I love you’.
You tried not to cry but ended up wailing and sobbing yourself to sleep in his large blue hoodie with the rose print on the front.
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The next morning you felt a little bit better. After you had taken a quick shower you saw that it was about time for his mid-morning break, so you decided to call.
“Henry Cavill’s phone, how may I help you?” A female voice answered.
“Oh… Ehm… Hi, I’m his girlfriend, may I speak to Henry?”
“I’m sorry, you just missed him. He’s gone back to filming; can I pass a message to him?”
“Oh… No, no thank you. I’ll just wait for him to call back.”
But he didn’t. He forgot. He called the day after, telling you he fell asleep. He didn’t even apologize as he had to get back to work. He promised to call that evening, but you asked him not too if he was too busy. He said he wanted to. So, you waited, and waited, and waited some more before falling asleep with a saddened heart.
He stopped making an effort to call or chat, or anything after that. You didn’t do anything on your end as well, as work was keeping you too busy to miss him, except for when you stayed at his house, there you were reminded of him everywhere. Your heart broke every time you stepped through the door.
You ended up sleeping in your own flat for a time. You told yourself it was better not to be at his place, where his scent was everywhere, where his face was on the photos of him and his family, where he had kissed you senseless and made you feel like the most precious woman on the planet.
Now, you felt nothing walking through the doors. You hadn’t heard from him in over two weeks. Not even a single text saying good morning or good night. It was silence from his end. You decided to do the same.
You packed up the things you had at his house, wrote a short note explaining why, and left his key with the neighbour. You were going to be a free bird.
What you didn’t know was that he was on his way home.
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The next day Henry walked through the doors. A big smile on his chiselled face, while Kal was hopping excited beside him, as he unlocked the door.
The moment he stepped through, he felt something was off. Kal barked at him for not moving further inside.
“Good evening, Henry. So wonderful that you’re home,” his elderly neighbour said over the neatly trimmed hedge. “Your lovely lady left her key with me, I didn’t catch why, she was in such a hurry that poor dear. I think she’s suffering from horrible nightmares. She’s been crying herself to sleep for the past few months…”
Henry walked into his house, searching every nook and cranny. All your things were gone. Your books, your fuzzy socks, your scented candles. He found your note.
“Dear Henry. I wish you all the best.”
That was it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Henry crumbled the paper. He ran to his garage and started his motorcycle. It was past 8 pm. He knew you were home.
A few deep breaths later and he knocked on your door. He heard the lock being turned and your smiling face greeted him as you opened, but it quickly disappeared. It was replaced with a look of utter shock, and as tears started to form in your sorrowful eyes, he pulled you into his arms. The embrace was warm and familiar, something you had missed in all the months he had been gone.
You wanted to stay strong. To tell him to leave and never to come back. But instead, the only sound that came out of your mouth were sobs.
“I’m sorry,” his voice croaked as he himself was about to break down. “I’m so sorry.”
You tried to pry yourself out of his arms. Your mind and heart were fighting over your body. Mind wanting to throw him out, wanting to be left alone, never wanting to see him again. But your heart… your poor shattered heart wanted him, craved him and his soft touch.
In the end, your heart won.
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Henry apologized profusely for the next week. He supported your decision to quit your job, as you weren’t happy there. He helped you find a new job, one that enabled you to travel with him anywhere in the world.
It took a long while before you could step back into his house. He had explained that the days on set had been gruelling as they were on a deadline. He had hardly gotten any sleep at all, as he kept on a tight schedule with little sleep and lots of training to keep his physique in top shape. He didn’t use it as an excuse, but rather as an example of what not to do in a relationship.
For filming the next season, he brought you with him. He would have been up for hours before you even would think of opening your eyes. There was always a red rose on his pillow with a small note attached to it with a quote telling you how much he loved you.
Some mornings he would still be in bed with you, holding you close to his chest, afraid you might be gone if he didn’t trap you in his muscular arms.
“Good morning, my love,” he would whisper in your ear. You would giggle and turn around to give him a gentle kiss on his soft lips. Sometimes he would become frisky and work you into a moaning mess, other times he would talk with you about everything between heaven and earth.
You would go with him to greet the horses, even ride with him on one of the gentle mares. Help him learn his lines while he’s in the makeup chair, having his face pulled and twisted for the wig.
Life became easier as you travelled the world with him. A day never went by without him telling you how beautiful you looked, didn’t matter if you had bedhead or were in a sexy black dress, nor would he forget to tell you that he loved you more than anything in the world. Every morning and every night.
At the end of filming season two, he had planned a special dinner for the two of you. The small square box had been sitting heavily in his pocket for a long time, and now was the time to give it to you. He prayed and hoped that you would say yes.
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missjanjie · 3 years
Taste of a Poison Paradise | Chapter 5
Title: Taste of a Poison Paradise Summary: Life at Jackie Cox’s strip club, Poison Paradise, isn’t just lapdances and g-strings. There’s enough drama, lust, and heartache to rival any soap opera. None of the girls know what to expect on any given shift, especially while navigating their torrid, complicated relationships. Word Count: ~2.9k (this chapter) / ~15.1k (total) Relationship(s): Lemyanka (Lemon/Priyanka), Crygi (Crystal Methyd/Gigi Goode), Sportsdoll (Jan Sport/Nicky Doll), Jaidie (Jaida Essence Hall/Jackie Cox), Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo), Kamjie (Kameron Michaels/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo), Rosnali (Rosé/Denali Foxx) Rating: E
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Chapter Summary: Lemon and Priyanka's relationship is more of a rollercoaster than ever and Rosé figures out the truth about Denali
“Are you still giving me the cold shoulder?” Priyanka asked, a mix of frustration and exhaustion in her voice. There was also an underlying hint of anxiety, but that was something she could address later, as much later as possible.
Lemon turned to look at her with a deadpan expression. She didn’t utter a word, instead, she blinked and looked back at her phone, scrolling in tension-filled silence.
The taller woman sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Lem, I told you I haven’t been avoiding you. Mark’s project got delayed so he’s home all the time. He was gonna start getting suspicious if I kept spending the night with you.”
“He keeping you occupied with that mediocre dick?” The cold harshness in her voice was, at least to Priyanka, even worse than the silence.
“Lem, don’t do this,” she pleaded softly. “You know I’d much rather be giving you my fake dick than taking his real one. But it’s just gonna be a little difficult for us to have our usual rendezvous until his project starts back up,” she explained, then quietly strummed her fingers against the bar. “I’ll make up an excuse and come over tonight… if you still want me to, I mean.”
Despite her best efforts, Lemon cracked a slight smile. “Yeah, I still do. I’m not gonna punish my pussy just because I’m still pissed at you.”
Priyanka put her arms up in surrender. “Hey, I’ll take what I can get.”
Lemon swallowed a laugh as she hopped down from the barstool. “I’ll be back after my shift, there better not be any sudden plan changes,” she warned before going upstairs to spend the time before her shift in the common room.
“You seem to be in better spirits,” Jan observed as she noticed Lemon come in. She sat down on the couch with the mug of coffee she’d just poured. “I take it Pri was finally able to pencil you in for a booty call?”
“Ugh, don’t say it like that, it makes me sound desperate,” she rolled her eyes. “Her stupid, ugly, smelly boyfriend is still around.
Jan quirked her brow. “Have you ever been in the same room as him?”
“No, but I don’t need to be to know I’m right.”
“You know I worry that you two are gonna end up in over your heads if you aren’t already,” she warned in a calm, gentle tone. She’d had a front-row seat to a fair amount of Lemon and Priyanka’s intimate trysts being Lemon’s roommate and from day one, she’d had the sinking feeling things would end badly. But there was only so much arguing one could do with someone like Lemon.
And unsurprisingly, Lemon scoffed. “Look, I know what we’ve been doing is amoral, but when you think about it, it’s not even our fault. It’s society’s fault for making Pri feel like she has some guy when I’m literally right here.”
“So you do wanna date her?”
Her face reddened, which she tried to offset by rolling her eyes. “That’s not what I meant.”
Denali fixed herself up in the quick-change dressing room. It was her last main stage dance for the night and she had just enough momentum built up to go out with a bang. She looked up when she saw Gigi walk in via the reflection in the mirror. “What’s with the smug grin?”
“I think you have a special visitor in the audience.” When they noticed the confusion in the dancer’s expression, Gigi followed up with, “Rosé asked me if you were up next and sat herself front and center when I said that you were.”
“Oh!” her voice went up in pitch and volume. She cleared her throat and instead focused on fixing her platinum blonde wig. “I mean… oh, cool. I’m sure she’ll enjoy the show.”
Gigi tilted their head to the side. “Is that how I sounded all this time? Fuck,” they shook their head. “Oh, by the way, I’ve decided to go by they/them off the clock, I’ve been letting the rest of the girls know too. It's like, I've been feeling like I’m just dressing up like a girl on stage, you know how it is.”
Denali nodded as she got up. “Whatever makes you feel the most yourself, babe,” she told her with a smile, then took a deep breath as she sauntered onto the stage to the slow, seductive beat of the music. She focused on maintaining the confidence she always brought to her performances and not letting the fact that Rosé was right in her field of vision throw her off.
Rosé watched intently, and while her gaze tended to linger on Denali’s body, she would look up at her face often enough for something to click. She finally realized she recognized the dancer from her work as a cam girl. The realization made her blush but didn’t deter her in the slightest.
After Denali had finished her number, she beckoned Rosé over. She leaned down and whispered, “go upstairs, I’ll meet you there in five,” before backing off to collect her tips as if nothing had happened.
Naturally, Rosé made her way upstairs as quickly as her legs would take her and waited eagerly for Denali to join her. “You know,” she started when she saw her, “I figured out where I know you from.”
“You got me,” she replied and slowly pulled off her wig and wig cap in one go, so her black hair cascaded down her back. “I’m Hannah Montana.”
Rosé blinked, then snorted with laughter. “You’re so fucking stupid,” her tone was fond as she shook her head. “I guess it makes sense. Taking this on as a second job.”
“I’m a people person, being in front of a camera just doesn’t do it for me. Money’s decent, but still. I’ve been considering bringing that stage name over here.”
“Oh you’re not gonna make poor Heidi try and announce ‘Aurora Borealis,” she playfully chastised. Then there was a beat of silence. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked. “Did you think I’d have a problem with it or something?”
“No,” she shrugged. “It was more fun making you work for it.”
She cocked her brow. “Oh, you’re a little brat, aren’t you?”
“I feel like there’s not much use in trying to argue that, so.” Denali leaned against the wall, looking up at Rosé and fluttering her lashes with coy flirtation. “You gonna do something about it or not?”
Rosé tilted her head and bit her lip, moving closer to Denali until she had both arms bracketing her against the wall. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Was that your endgame the whole time? Give me this whole run around until I was frustrated enough to fuck you as hard as your bratty ass wants?”
“I mean… yes, obviously.”
“Not in the common room, we eat and cry in here.” Jan’s voice pulled Rosé and Denali from their moment, but she shrugged when they glared at her. “What? Just fuck in the spa room like the rest of us,” she told them as she grabbed a cup o’ noodles from one of the drawers that Jackie kept stocked for the girls, and left a couple of dollars from her bra in its place.
Rosé rolled her eyes. “Bitch, I will fuck her in front of you, don’t test me.”
Jan scoffed as she started eating her noodles. “Do it, I dare you.”
“I am begging you not to,” another voice chimed in, the three women turned to see Lemon come up the stairs. While of course, she had no issue with hooking up in various parts of the building, Rosé is her cousin and that was simply a line she refused to cross. She did not care how badly Rosé wanted to fuck Denali – and yes, she knew.
“I cannot believe you’re cockblocking me right now,” she huffed, glancing back at Denali and mouthing ‘sorry’.
But Denali was unphased by the entire exchange. “Girl, just take me home. I’m still gonna put out.”
“Oh,” Rosé blinked, “alright then.”
Even though it had barely been a week since Lemon and Priyanka had last hooked up, it felt like ages for them. The second they were inside Lemon’s apartment, clothes were coming off and being tossed any which way as they stumbled into the bedroom, naked by the time their bodies hit the bed.
Priyanka rifled through Lemon’s closet until she came back with the strap-on, fastening it around her waist. She smirked when she turned around and realized Lemon was waiting for her on all fours. “Damn, I should hold out on you more often,” she teased.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Lemon hissed as if there was the slightest chance Priyanka would pass up time with her if given the option.
She chuckled as she positioned herself behind her. “There’s my bratty little Lem,” she cooed, holding her waist with one hand while the other guided the length of the silicone toy into her. She waited for a beat after she bottomed out, making sure Lemon was comfortable before she began thrusting steadily.
Lemon started moaning out the second it started. Her hands fisted into the comforter on her bed, her head hanging forward. Whenever she wanted more or wanted it harder, she would push her hips against Priyanka to urge her on.
And Priyanka knew what each movement meant. “You’re so fucking needy, aren’t you? So desperate to get pounded out,” she grunted. Her hand moved from Lemon’s waist to grab her hair, pulling it back while her free hand moved between her legs, rubbing her clit in time with her thrusts.
“Fuck, baby, just like that, please,” it was only when Lemon was in the heat of the moment, and close to an orgasm, that she would use words like ‘baby’ or ‘please’ unless she was trying to get her way with something. But luckily for her, Priyanka obliged without comment, and she let out a sharp, pleasured cry as she came moments later.
“That’s my good girl,” Priyanka praised, pressing a kiss to her shoulder as she eased out of her, cleaning up and putting the dildo and harness away, then got under the covers. “Come, you owe me cuddles.”
Lemon ducked her head away to hide how big her smile was, then cuddled up to Priyanka, resting her head on her chest. “Not to be like, corny or whatever, but I missed you,” she mumbled, hiding her face in the crook of her neck, lest she accidentally make eye contact.
Priyanka grinned, shaking her head. “I missed you too, weirdo,” she said and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She gazed down at her, feeling warmth and affection for a fleeting moment, before angst and melancholy built up from the pit of her stomach, coming out in a sad sigh.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I…” she chewed on her lip and looked away. “Yeah, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
Rosé hummed to herself as she got into the shower, letting the hot water wake her up from the deep sleep the night before. And perhaps she needed it more than she realized, as she was startled when she suddenly noticed she was no longer alone. “I thought you were still asleep.”
Denali shrugged. “I was. But then I woke up and you weren’t there, and I got bored.”
She chuckled softly, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman’s waist. “Well, good morning, then,” she pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You sleep alright?”
“More than alright. Pretty sure I passed out somewhere after the fourth orgasm,” she chuckled softly, trailing light kisses along her jaw.
Rosé smirked. “No wonder you’re so clingy, they always wanna stick around after they get fucked well,” she teased, her hands moving from Denali’s back to squeeze her ass. “That why you’re in here? Woke up craving more?”
“God, you’re so fucking cocky,” Denali huffed, though she had no honest way of denying that. “But… yeah, very much so.”
“That’s what I thought,” she chuckled before sinking to her knees and nudging Denali’s thighs apart. She gripped each of her thighs, keeping them far enough apart for her to trace her tongue along her folds, then swirled it around her clit.
Denali gasped out softly, resting her head against the wall. “Fuck…” she exhaled, her eyes fluttering shut, moaning at the sensation of Rosé’s tongue on her clit and her fingers easing their way into her.
Rosé continued to lick and suck on her clit as she steadily curled and thrust two fingers into Denali, her free hand moving to her waist, gripping it to keep her steady and hold her in place.
She whimpered and moaned, dragging her fingers through Rosé’s wet hair, her hips starting to rock despite her grip. It wasn’t long after that that she felt a familiar tightness building in her stomach. “Fuck, Rosie, I’m close,” she warned, and not a minute after that, her body arched forward as she came.
Once she was certain Denali was done, Rosé eased out of her and stood back upright, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Now, do you mind if I actually take a shower? I have to get ready for work.”
“Okay, okay,” Denali put her hands up in surrender as she stepped out of the shower. “You think your roommate heard us last night? Or just now?”
Rosé shrugged as she washed her hair. “Probably not, Mik sleeps like a rock. The bitch would sleep through a nuclear holocaust.”
“Fair enough, not that I mind an audience, after all,” she hummed. “Well, I’ll get out of your hair,” she laughed at her own joke then kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you around.” She dried off and redressed before leaving for her apartment. Everything had gone well so far, she thought, the sex was fantastic and they didn’t need to complicate it with anything else.
Lemon had just finished her set when she noticed something out of the ordinary. After grabbing her robe from the quick-change room, she made her way over to the bar. “What’re you doing back there, Jaida? Is Jackie cross-training the strippers now?”
“I bartended in college,” Jaida explained. “Pri couldn’t come in, said she had an important dinner to go to, and based on how it sounded, I think it’s with her boyfriend.”
“Gross,” Lemon muttered. “Gimme a melon ball and a lemon drop.”
Jaida arched her brow but made the shots for her nonetheless. “You a little cranky without your girlfriend here, huh?”
“She’s not my girlfriend!” she huffed, downing the shots one after the other. “And I don’t care who the fuck she has dinner with. I’m just annoyed because she was supposed to give me a ride home. Since, you know, Jan spends more time at Nicky’s than anywhere else.”
“I’ll give you a ride,” she offered with a shrug. “Something tells me you’re not gonna wanna be alone tonight.”
Lemon smiled weakly. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” She was quiet for a few beats with her downcast gaze on the bar, until she finally looked back up at Jaida and asked, “can I get another lemon drop?”
And, as it turned out, Lemon would need the adult supervision. Once her shift ended, she had gotten much more drunk and needed to be hauled into her apartment and tucked into bed, where she passed out almost instantly.
Jaida had stayed awake and watched Lemon for a little while, feeling almost a maternal instinct when it came to Lemon. But eventually, she retired to Jan’s room for the night, figuring she wouldn’t mind, given the circumstances, and slept through the night. She woke up the next morning to a knock on the door and pushed herself out of bed. “Oh, hey Pri, how was your dinner?”
Priyanka furrowed her brows. “Why are you in Lemon’s apartment?” she asked, her stomach tightening in a knot as she followed up with, “did you guys hook up?”
“Nah, she was too wasted to even try,” she shook her head as she ushered her inside, the two of them sitting down on the couch. “What’s going on? You look like you saw a ghost or something.”
Priyanka exhaled deeply. “No, um… actually, I’m kinda glad I can practice on someone else, because I’m terrified of telling Lemon,” she looked down, fumbling with the hem of her shirt, shifting uncomfortably, unable to find a satisfactory way to sit and instead just slumped forward and sighed. “Mark proposed. And I panicked and said yes.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a ring, morosely sliding it onto her finger.
“Oh shit,” Jaida blinked in surprise, her eyes widening when she saw the ring. She pressed her lips into a fine line. “Listen, this might not be the ‘right’ advice, but I don’t think you should tell Lemon yet. You can say whatever you want about whatever your relationship is, but it don’t take a rocket scientist to know it’s more than just sex. She’s not gonna take it well, you need to really think this out.”
She swallowed thickly and nodded, taking the ring off and putting it back in her pocket, then scratched at her hands as if she were fighting the urge to wash them. “You’re right,” she nodded, eyes focused squarely on the floor. “I can’t tell her yet.”
But she didn’t need to, as Lemon had been silently listening from her room, peering through the cracked open door. She shut it quickly but quietly, deciding to go right back to bed. It was too early for her heart to break.
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