#(not my video tho that's my friend playing. i'm the healer)
lykoian · 1 year
“it’s so easy--” dies
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
Vox Machina has made me realize...
tho D & D always intrigued me, I would fucking LOATHE it.
I have thrown more than one card/board/video game cuz it dragged on forever. Even if it was for money.
And watching the live version of what created the show...omfg.
First off, your dungeon master not only has to be on their feet, interesting, creative, etc
but they control everything of value. Outside of a die roll, they could fuck you any way they want. Fuck that. That's like changing the rules mid game for shits and giggles.
Second of all, this is a TRUE team game. And I dunno about you, but most teams I play on are FUCKING IDIOTS. Someone wants to show off, someone wants to try something new they never attempted, someone wants to be the front line when they are not strong enough. And then there's the people who NEVER want to play their role. 'I'm a healer, but I'm going for damage.'
And finally...you can't hold your page. See-I'm old enough to have done choose your own adventure books (which for all I know was influenced by d & d). If you made a mistake, you held the last page to go back. You can't do that here. Even if there's 17 paths, you take one, and can never go back. Even fucking Mario world SNES had save points! I just....it feels too linear when there are limitless options. I want to see all the endings!!
Then when I remember talking to my friend whose played the same campaign for weeks (and it's near impossible to get everyone together)...I'm good with video games. Less stress...
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youthsinister · 7 years
Oh gosh. I have yet to experience that weirdness. Most of the time I've run into some decent people and one new friend I made thought I'm pretty cool.
Man its constantly weird for me, like during my placements this season 5 games were filled with guys saying "Of course a girl is playing Mercy what's fucking new it's all she can do" (No one picked healer?) or "A girl playing a tank? That's a new one" (Went 49-0 with 4 gold metals, another game after with 56-2 with 4 gold) even classic "What are u doing playing video games don't you have money to waste on -insert any girl item-" "Dont you need to be putting on makeup, why are you home" even "Lmao go back to the kitchen where u belong, I'm hungry bitch" God I've even had guys tell me my voice is getting them rock hard or if I've got insta/snapchat/kik ect. And will even get super possessive??? Like guilt trippy over in game stuff if I focus someone over them or will even yell if I don't follow them like I'm some dog???I'll even get games where no matter what happens the blame is on me (Ill be the only one with a card, even potg most games).But while that happens... a lot ( I never soloq I always go in a group of friends to just MINIMIZE the amount of those kinds of people) I do find really fun guys who listen and joke without being nasty and like are so good at the game but good to me, whether they bring up that I'm a girl or not theyre just such good dudes. I have the best memories and stories of those guys.I'm sorry this is so long omfg I'm glad you've never dealt with this tho I'm a magnet for it
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