#(now that i think about it the minimum 45 total chapters might be why it's taking so long actually...)
not really that important, but i was able to find a favorite song that i sort of lost for a little while and now the actual story of the bio portal au has a name
yay :]
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cascallisto · 9 months
Hello, hello! I’ve decided to start consistently journaling as one of my New Year's resolutions, so that I can keep track of my progress this year and many to follow. My list of resolutions this year include:
Focusing on and dedicating at least 24 hours to one project each month
Reading at least one book each month
Drawing for 30 minutes each day or at least 24 hours each month in total
I think these are all fairly achievable goals that I can contribute to throughout the year without getting too burned out. It would take about a minimum of 2 hours out of my day, which isn’t the worst thing in the world, and I’d have the weekends to catch up if one day is more of a struggle than another. 
In starting this journal, you may notice that I started on the 2nd and not the 1st of January, and that is because I allowed myself a day to rot in bed before truly starting my year. I don’t know why, but large markers in the year are very intimidating for me. Starting anything new is always intimidating, especially if I’m tracking my own success. Because of this, I always allow myself to rot the day before. This means I start a day later than the rest of the world, which takes the pressure off starting the year. I’m already “behind”, so there’s no one to compare myself to, and it’s no longer a race. 
On January 1st, I was in bed all day, and I didn’t track the times for when I accomplished any tasks. I don’t think I got out of bed until almost 3pm. This doesn’t mean that I wasn’t productive, though. It just means I was lounging in bed. I did work on the setting and characters for a new, solo D&D campaign I want to run that I’m quite excited for. I was getting the urge to write an epic high fantasy, but I’ve also been playing Baldur’s Gate 3. That might be the reason that all my inspiration for the story was leaning heavily into D&D. This will be a homebrew story that I write, so it won’t take place in the D&D world, but I will take the characters’ races and classes straight from the D&D manual. I’m not sure if it’s considered D&D fanfiction because I don’t own the rights to any of those things, but if it is considered fanfiction, so be it. I don’t care what it’s called because I’m having fun with it. 
As for January 2nd, I woke up with a strange bruise on my thigh that I assume was from laying on the same side of the bed the previous day without moving. I showered at 9:40 and finished around 10:10 before completing my skincare routine and such from 10:20-10:45. Then I had breakfast, which consisted of egg salad on a bagel. Throughout my morning I was listening to episodes 2-3 of the Critical Role podcast on Spotify.
My sister and I had talked previously about reading more books this year, so we decided to read together. I was reading A Court of Thorns and Roses last year and have decided to continue reading it this year as my first book of 2024. I read from 12:30-1:19 before I decided to work on editing chapter 1 of Project Demon. While editing, I realized that I’d been calling chapter 0, chapter 1 and chapter 1, chapter 2 when talking about this project online. That’s a bit embarrassing, but from this point forward I’ll be referring to the first chapter of the book as chapter 0 and the second chapter as chapter 1. 
Anyway, I edited chapter 1 from 1:30-5:32. I wanted to spend about an hour on this project so that I could either continue reading or work on some art, but Pro Writing Aid added a new critique feature that was stroking my ego. I also wanted to reread the chapter to get back in the mindset of writing the story since I didn’t write all December, but it was mainly the compliments that kept me going. 
Then, from 6:00-8:45, my sister and I had dinner together. My mother made me an onion, garlic, cinnamon, clove, and lemon tea because I’ve had a terrible cough for about five weeks now and it shows no signs of disappearing. It’s a “medicinal” tea so I’m sure it’s alright for me to call it absolutely disgusting because it isn’t a show of my mother’s ability to make tea. It’s just gross for medical reasons. I also had leftover fried rice with seaweed and kimchi, which was delicious.
Of course, from 9:00-9:33, my family gathered in the living room to watch episode 4 of the new Percy Jackson series. I have always been a mythology geek, and I was a huge fan of the series in middle school. It’s one of the only book series my brother could stand as a child since he wasn’t much of a reader, and my sister and mother have never read the books. All I’ll say is, I’m praying on my knees for Nico’s introduction since they deleted him from the movies. It’s what will make or break the series for me since I stopped watching the first movie when it hit me that he wasn’t in it. If he doesn’t make an appearance, the internet will have to convince me through TikTok edits that it’s worth my time. 
After the eventful episode, I showered from 10:00-10:55 and worked on my night skincare routine from 11:00-11:36. I decided that the New Year is a better time than any to start wearing my retainer again as I prepared myself for bed. I was in bed by 11:40, but I couldn’t sleep because the joints in my legs were aching. I had no explanation as to why, so I took melatonin at 12:15 and was asleep by 1:00.
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untaemedqueen · 5 years
Peregrination > j.jk
Chapter 1.
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A cold breeze blows through the cracked window of your room. The white curtain whipping wildly as you stir in your sleep. It seemed to be an ordinary occurrence this winter, your landlord has told you on quite a few occasions that the building just could not afford the heating bills. You pull the heavy duvet cover higher up your clothed body, only your eyes peaking out of the sheets. Your eyes snap open, heavy and sleep laden. They find your trusty digital clock and with a groan you squeeze your eyes shut. Just an ordinary day for a very ordinary you. Waking up before your alarm seemed to be a skill of yours, add that to your resume. Maybe this was why you were constantly exhausted, besides the constant hours of working. There were twenty four hours in a day and seventeen of them were dedicated to non-stop working just to afford your bills and living. This was no way to live, and yet, you did it. Never truly getting out of the hole that was dug for you from such a young age. 
With a groan you sit up in bed, your hair flopping to one sit as you stretch widely, your bones popping and creaking as you ready yourself for the same tiresome day of work. Today just like all days would be the same, incredibly monotonous and depressing. You stand up, stepping on to the cold floor barefoot before tiptoeing over to your window. With a finite groan, the window closes and you look around your studio apartment. The rising sun starting to illuminate the small space. It was the same for you each day, shower, makeup, small breakfast that you could afford, dress for work and then finally work for most of the day. “So it begins again.” You say to yourself as you grab your phone. 
An apple hangs from your mouth as tie your shoes, you wiggle your toes and frown looking at the seams to the soles of your shoes. They were breaking again, only one pair of shoes lasts three months around here with all the walking you have to do. You wear your shoes to the bone and then struggle to pay for new ones every few months. ‘Just another debt.’ You think before grabbing your grey wool pea coat. “Let’s go.” You begrudgingly grab your keys and your phone before shoving them in your pockets, the last thing you grab is your wallet before shoving it in your coat pocket. Several scenarios run through your mind making you giggle as you imagine being held up by a thief, he demands your wallet and money and all you can do is shrug. Money? Never heard of it. You don’t own any. You lock your door before chuckling at yourself. “I’m such a hoot.” You mumble as you chew your apple descending your staircase. 
The streets are bustling with the morning work crowd, you see the same zombified faces as you walk towards the ever familiar place. The train station up ahead, the large letters signifying its existence scream at you as you watch people descend the stairs in a hurry to make the 6:45 train. You step around a pile of trash in the street before smacking into someone. You mutter a sorry before looking up at the figure. An older Asian man smiles down at you before bowing, he stands up right before holding out a business card. You take in his appearance quickly as he fixes his blue tie. His suit looked expensive, way to expensive for this neighborhood. His glasses get pushed up his face with the middle finger of his hand as he smiles down at you. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Come see me.” He says before bowing once more and walking in the opposite direction of the crowd. You stare at the man as he walks away fixing his black suit. He was dressed very stylishly to be walking anywhere on this block. “Hey! Lady! People don’t have all goddamn day y’know. We got things to do!” Someone yells pushing past you into the train station. You hum in agreement before shoving the card into your coat pocket. You couldn’t miss that train. 
You smile mentally as you grab a seat on the train, yeah you might have shoved a teenager out of the way but at least you get to sit on this long ride to work. You pull the business card from your pocket as you stretch out your legs. The card was heavy duty, iridescent purple lines the card as you look at the gold lettering. ‘Magic Shop. Your dream become reality.’ You raise an eyebrow trying not to laugh. What the hell is this? A strip club? You read the address before snorting. Yeah, okay, weird old Asian dude. I’m on my way right now. 
You enter work keeping your head down, people bustle around you as you walk towards the elevator. “Y/N!” You turn your head to the familiar brown haired girl, her outfit impeccable as always as you press the elevator button. Your only saneness in the world, Kim Ha Won. “Ha Won.” You greet her as the elevator doors slide open. She hugs you tightly pushing both of you into the elevator making you chuckle. She pulls away before accessing your outfit. “You look nice!” She feigns looking down at your shoes, you snort before pushing the fifth floor button. “Thanks for trying to bring up my confidence. Feels good.” You joke making her pout. “Why don’t you just take up my offer? I don’t care about the money, just take it. I hate seeing you like this.” Ha Won had a very big heart, which was great and all but you could never take her money, your pride just wouldn’t let you. She was the type that didn’t even need to work, she just did so, so she wouldn’t be ‘bored’, a concept you couldn’t get your head around. You gaze at her and she sticks her hands up defensively. “Look at this.” You say handing her the business card you received on your way to work to distract her. The elevator ascends and she looks down at the card. “Wow, this card is pretty!” She flips it back and forth before looking at you, “You should totally go!” You look at her incredulously before laughing, “I am not going. It’s probably a strip club or something.” She pulls out her phone as the elevator stops and the doors open. “I’m looking it up and we are going after work.” You pull the card out of her hand. “No, no. I didn’t show you to get a dumb idea in your head. It was to be funny. To look at it and say, ‘Ha. Ha. Very strange and funny. What a weird thing to receive so early in the morning.’ Not for you to actually WANT to go here.” You take off your coat and walk towards your desk. She follows behind you. “Nothing shows up on the search engine.” She mutters, her black heels slapping against the wooden floor of the many cubicle office. “Shocking.” You say feigning shock as you approach your small cubicle. The grey padding of the walls greets you as you sit down with a sigh. “Ha Won, go away.” You say shooing her, “My seating changed! I sit here now!” She announces happily before sitting behind you, you smile warmly before mentally smacking your forehead. She won’t relent on this, you should have never said a damn thing. 
“We’re so going.” She cheers behind you as you hang up the phone. You roll your eyes before turning in your chair, your index finger up as you flip your hair over your shoulder. “No. No we are not.” You turn to your computer hearing Ha Won’s complaints as you begin to type out the chapters assigned for you. Yes, that’s right, you write textbooks for grade schools. Could you possibly think of a more boring job? No, maybe a sanitation worker. You work seventeen hours a day writing textbooks for kids that would draw dicks and hearts all over the pages. Minimum wage looks good for those textbooks, no? 
You groan standing up, shutting off your computer. “Ready to go?” You hear Ha Won behind you, “No. I’m going home so I can go to sleep so I could return in the morning and write more about Physics- the Forces and Motion of the world.” Ha Won rolls her eyes before throwing you your coat. “Let’s go Y/N. You’re making me depressed.” You gasp at her feigning shock. "Me? Be depressing? No way." She shoves your shoulder before grabbing your hand. "Come on!" She squeals pulling you towards the elevator.
The two of you stand outside the Magic Shop, it looked old, really old. With old ancient Chinese lettering and jade ornamentals hanging up. You poke at one of the red paper lanterns hanging from the signage signifying the places existence. This place was two blocks from your house, how have you never noticed this place before. "Lets go in!" The place was dim, almost seeming closed if it wasn't for the shadows passing by the murky glass windows. "I don't know Ha Won. I don't think it's a good idea." Ha Won rolls her eyes folding her arms. "Y/N, you stay in the same routine every day, just this once. Have fun, let's just check it out. You're allowed to not be miserable for one day." You sigh loudly as Ha Won walks towards the door. You begrudgingly follow with a groan, the door opens with a flourish as she enters. Little bells dinging as she steps in.
You step inside and your mouth drops slightly looking around, it definitely doesn't look like this from outside. A young man sits at a desk, his wire framed glasses at the tip of his nose as he doesn't even pay notice to the two customers in the shop. "Hello?" Ha Won asks as she watches him write in a book. "Hi." He says not looking up, his black hair falling into his face as his tongue peaks out of his mouth, caressing his bottom lip. You and Ha Won stare at each other in silence before you clear your throat. "I was given this card." You say pulling the business card, his head snaps upwards to look at you, his fingers busy pushing up his glasses. "Come." He says holding his hands out greedily. You look at Ha Won and she shoves you forward with a smirk. You hand him the card and stare down at your fraying shoes. "Wow. The highest tier." He mutters in awe. The wall behind him was full of filing boxes. He stands up, his body tall and lean, you could practically see his muscles through the thin black shirt he was wearing. You look away embarrassed as your attention focuses back on the wall. "Y/L/N." Your eyes find him look at you. "That you?" He asks pulling at the small drawer. "Y-Yeah. How would you know that?" You ask creeped out. "We know lots of things. Nothing to be scared of." The guy turns back to you after placing the business card in the drawer. "I'm Seokjin. Pleased to meet you. I will hand you a card, on this card you will write three things you would like most in the world, please." He hands you a thick rectangular card stock with gold edging. It had your full name on it and you turn back to Ha Won. She ends up sitting on a leather stool in the corner, her face alight with excitement. This was exactly her type of thing. You look back at the Asian guy, he sits back down before pointing to the seat next to Ha Won, “Go on, nothing to be nervous about just three things you would like most in the world.” He smiles before handing you a heavy black fountain pen. He looks back down at his book, you clutch at the stock card before heading back to Ha Won. Seokjin looks at you eagerly before clearing his throat. He takes off his glasses before sitting back in his chair, you plop down next to Ha Won. You hand her the stock card, “This is so cool!” She cheers silently, “You don’t think it’s strange? They know all this information on me.” She shrugs before handing you back the card. “Well, go on! Write the three things. It’s just three things.” You stare down at the card, what were the three things you wanted most? You lean back staring at the ceiling, you wanted to never work again, you wanted to be out of debt. “Be precise.” Seokjin says before running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know what I want.” You whisper to Ha Won, she snorts before shifting her body in front of you, making your knees touch. “Sure you do. Here, close your eyes.” You do as told before taking a deep breath, “Just answer spit back an answer quickly, okay?” You give a small nod as Ha Won grabs your hands. “What do you want most?” “To be happy.” “And then?” A smile in her voice, you were lonely. “To have a happily ever after.” Yeah, it was corny but it was true. “And last?” Your head swims, “To do something with my life that makes me happiest.” You open your eyes and Ha Won smiles down at you, “That’s kinda like the first one.” She says making you nod. “Well, to be happy at first meaning to be well off, to no longer have any debt from my parents.” She hums understanding, “Write it.” She says picking up the fountain pen from your lap. It lays heavily in your palm as you bend over to lean on the glass table to your side. 
1. To be well off, to no longer have debt or worries with money.
2. To have a happily ever after, finding a soulmate.
3. To do something with my life that makes me happiest.
You look down at the black ink as it dries into the card stock, seeming like it was being carved into stone. You look back up at Seokjin, his hands clasped and perched under his chin as he smiles at you. “You have a good heart, Y/N.” Seokjin says finally standing, and you along with him. You close the small distance between you and hand him the card. He grabs the card and places it within a grey envelope. His back greets you as he searches the wall of small drawers before finding your box again, his mouth quirking up as he opens the drawer. He places the envelope in carefully before closing the drawer. A loud slap resounds through the room and he sighs happily. “Request granted.” He says quietly before turning back to you. “Y/N. It’s been a pleasure, I hope to see you again sometime.” You blink at him as you set the pen on the desk. “Uh...That’s it?” You ask confused, Ha Won stands up before stretching happily. “That’s it, I’m afraid.” Seokjin grabs his glasses and sits back down, his legs land on top of the desk as he leans back in his chair. “Um. Okay.” You whisper as Ha Won approaches the desk. “Can I have a go?” She asks happily, Seokjin sucks his teeth before frowning. “Unfortunately you did not receive an invitation. Only Y/N has. My apologies ma’am.” Ha Won frowns before shrugging. “Cool. Thanks Seokjin.” He nods to you before giving you a smile. “Let’s go.” Ha Won grabs your arm and pulls you out of the store. “That was dumb.” You say as you both walk down the street. “I thought it was pretty cool, at least you know what you want most in life.” “Yeah but knowing and being able to do something about it are two completely different things.” You counter walking in the direction of your apartment. “God, you are so depressing.” Ha Won laughs rolling her eyes. You pull your pea coat closer to you as you hit the corner of the street, the chilly wind suddenly blowing in your face. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m meeting Kwon for dinner.” You nod and give her a hug, “Have a good night, be safe.” You call to her as she crosses the street quickly. She gives you a thumbs up as you lose sight of her in the bustle of people. 
You enter your apartment with a sigh before placing your keys in the small shell dish by the door. Back to your mundane life, back to typing up textbooks that kids would never remember, and the same anxiety for debt you would never overcome.
You wake up early and stare at the clock as you bring the comforter up to cover your face. "I have one more sick day, maybe I could be ill today." You mutter to yourself, you stare at the ceiling recalling yesterdays strange events. Seokjin and the weird Magic Shop flipping through your mind as you hear water rush through the pipes in your walls. Why would you write down what you wanted most in your life if you could hardly ever reach these goals? You could never have enough time for yourself to look for your soulmate. After your parent's died when you were small it was up to your frail grandmother of 75 to raise you. She was nasty, unnurturing and wanted nothing to do with you. What she 'forgot' to mention all those years of raising you, was that your parents had took out many loans to live a lavish lifestyle that was way above their paygrade. So much money in fact, that the internet assumes it'll take you 70 years to pay it off. Seventy years. That's your whole lifetime, basically. Working for fifteen dollars a hour would not get you nearly enough as you would stuggle to take care of yourself in between the paychecks. You groan loudly sitting up before shaking your hair with your hands out of frustration. You kick your feet watching the comforter fly off with an angry sigh. Stupid life, some people just shouldn't have kids. You stand up before huffing out. Fuck the Magic Shop, it was pointless to look towards happy things when you would be miserable your whole life. "I'm gunna go over there and give that Seokjin a piece of my mind." You decide before standing up, the cold room nipping at your skin as you stretch beginning to wake up.
You stomp towards the Magic Shop as you mumble to yourself. "I'm gunna give him a piece of my mind." You whisper as you cross the street. The wind bites at your face as you push down the street. You approach the Magic Shop before stopping short. "Wh-" You stare, mouth agape at where the shop should be. A dilapidated building meets your eyes and you cough out a noise of shock. “What the-” You step towards the building, a City Quarantined sign visible on the door. ‘Closed due to Asbestos.’ This building looks like it has been closed for decades. “No.” You say out loud. This is absurd, you were here just yesterday! You take out your phone, your vision blinking rapidly as you look for Ha won’s number in your contacts. 
The phone rings loudly as you stare at the white and grey abandoned building in front of you. The pain peeling off in a disorganized fashion, the windows showing signs of wear and tear as the wood cracks on the sills. Ha Won picks up with a cheery voice, “Morning! You okay?” You clear your throat and look down at the sidewalk, “We went to the Magic Shop yesterday, right?” You ask, knowing the answer, you were here! “Are you sure you’re okay? Of course we did. Did you hit your head.” “Well I came back and it doesn’t exist!” You practically scream into the phone, “Doesn’t exist, wh- Y/N. You are sure you’re on the right block, right?” You roll your eyes at the question before stepping backwards. “Yes, of course I am! It isn’t here, Ha Won. The building says it’s been closed for asbestos.” Ha Won sighs through the phone. “See, so?” “It seems like nothing has been here for years!” Ha Won clears her throat as you hear wind blowing through the phone, “I think you need a nice hot bath and a glass of wine. Why would the shop disappear in the middle of the night? Because of asbestos, it’s a perfectly good reason. Wouldn’t want that handsome guy getting all sick from it.” She says dreamily, “You are seriously no help.” You scoff before biting your lip, peeling some skin. “Just get your ass to work, you can’t be late again.” She says playfully as she thanks someone over the phone. You stay silent staring at the signage. “We’ll talk about it when you get here, just get here.” She says before you hear the elevator button ding through the phone. You drag yourself away from the building, “See you soon.” She says and you hum in agreement before the line cuts dead. It doesn’t make any sense, how the hell could you go to some beautiful shop yesterday and now there was nothing there besides a dilapidated building? There were no Chinese lanterns or anything of the sort. You walk down the street, your head doing countless turns as you look back at the building. You rub your temples as a headache comes on strong. You walk towards the subway, your pea coat flying in the wind as take the Magic Shop card out of your pea coat. “It’s not possible.” You say descending the steps of the subway. 
You stand on the platform as the 6:45 train rolls in, the business card still in both of your hands as watch the train fly by, your pupils moving with it. None of this makes any sense. Did Ha Won not believe you? Why does she shrug everything off so simply? Why do you take everything with such skepticism? The train halts to a stop and you enter the train car door. The train was pack as always, the heat on making you pull at your shirt collar, bodies pressed up against bodies as you clutch at silver pole to steady yourself as the train pulls off again. You close your eyes as you think back to yesterday, it was such a strange event. You felt strange in the shop like maybe things would change for you, but you knew better. Nothing would make your life better, not magic, not anything, You were stuck like this, in this constant state of torment and worry. 
You finally sit down as people rush off the train at the same stop every day. Someone slams their body down next to you with a huff and you look sideways at them before gasping. “Y/N.” Seokjin says with a smile, “Seokjin!” You exclaim, you look him over. He wears a long white tee-shirt, a beige sheeps skin coat hugs his body as he cross his legs, black cut up jeans grace his legs as he sits comfortably next to you. He didn’t have glasses today and he gives you a warm smile. You shake your head looking at him, “I went back, this morning. I went back and it wasn’t there!” He nods before looking at the clock. “Magic.” The train stops short in the tunnel, ‘Sorry folks, there is a train in the station ahead of us, we will be moving momentarily. Thank you for your patience.’ The train conductor announces over the intercom of the train car. “Magic does’t exist!” You whine wanting a real explanation. The train begins to move quickly, “This is my stop.” Seokjin stands up, towering over you. You stare up at him about to get off with him, he notices your jittery movements before putting his hand on your shoulder. “I’ll see you soon. Don’t follow me, you aren’t destined too.” The train doors slam open and he moves through a sea of people off the train as you call out for him. Just like that, he was gone again and you curse loudly. An old lady looks up at you from her book before giving a noise of disappointment. You roll your eyes before picking at your nails as the doors close. Destiny? Magic? What is will all these fantasy words?! 
You stare out the window as the train approaches a tunnel, the train shrouding itself in darkness with small bulbs of light flashing through the window. The train seems to pick up speed as you continue to stare, the small bulbs of light growing bigger and flying by faster as you inch forward in your seat. My God, this train was going fast. The train speeding down the track so fast, all the small bulbs begin to blur into one, taking up the whole window making you squint. You look around at the rest of the people on the train but no one seems to notice how many miles per hour you were travelling. “Oh fuck.” You whine clutching at the silver railing as the train gets wrapped in the bright light. “GOD!” You yell as the train doors fly open, your hair blowing furiously at the wind, the smell of burning metal enters your nostrils as you close your eyes. You were going to die. This was it for you, and maybe, that would best. Take you out of this miserable life. The train comes to a harsh stop throwing you from your seat. You head smacks painfully against the floor and with a groan you lose reality.
You groan loudly, your closed eyelids red showing your veins as you sit under some sort of sunlight. “Y/N?” You hear above you, you groan at the unfamiliar voice. Your closed eyelids going black as the sunlight fades from your face. A large hand shakes your shoulder and your eyes open slightly. You stare up at the guy above you, his head tilts giving you a large smile. His bunny smile makes you raise an eyebrow as his eyes squint in happiness. His long black hair falling in his face as he holds his hand out. he looks at you expectantly as he pushes his hair back. He was gorgeous, with his goofy smile and his brown eyes that bore holes into yours making you feel like you were naked in front of him. He bites his bottom lip trying not to giggle and you notice a small birthmark under his lip. “Are you going to take my hand? Or are you going to just lay there?” You clear your throat before grabbing his hand. He hoists you up effortlessly and you look around. You were in a field, a sunflower field nonetheless. “Uh, wh-” You mutter rubbing at your head. “You’re so clumsy, my gosh.” The stranger says before standing tall next to you. You look up at him as he fixes his black tee-shirt. You look down at the ground before furring your eyebrows. “How did I get here?” You ask aloud as you kick at the large rock next to you. “Well, we drove. If that’s your question. You got a concussion? Should I call my manager?” He asks before stepping away from you, like you had the plague. “I-I’m just confused.” You look up at his brown eyes again and he laughs. “Come on.” He says slinging his arm over your shoulder. “Who are you?” You ask looking at his limp hand dressed over your shoulder, large silver rings dot his fingers as you look back up at him. “Don’t play like that. You’ll make me worried about you.” A man approaches the both of you with a smile. His figure familiar as he closes the distance. “Seokjin!” You cheer recognizing him, he gives you a smile before greeting you with a small wave. “Y/N.” He says before looking at the guy next to you. “She fell trying to come and fix my hair.” The guy beside you clarifies and you fur your eyebrows. “I was?” Your head aches with questions as you stare down at the ground. Seokjin lifts his face with his hand before placing fingers on your temples. Your mind begins to fog, memories you never made enter your mind and they mingle with your real memories. You cringe at the strange feeling, your mind swimming trying to grasp these images. “What are you doing to her?!” The guy next to you says swatting at Seokjin’s arms. “Fixing her.” Your eyes roll back at the new information entering your mind. “You’re both weirdos.” The guy says as he walks away. Seokjin pulls away before smiling down at you. “What was that?” You whine grabbing at your head. “Magic.” You look back up as the guy approaches you with a water bottle. “Here, it’s really hot out here. You must be dehydrated or something.” He gives a nasty look at Seokjin as you receive the water bottle. You stare up at him before what feels like gears grind in your mind. “Jeongguk.” You say pointing at him, his bunny smile returns before letting out a sigh of relief. “I thought you were really sick or something.” He slings his arm back over your shoulder. “Let’s go.” You look at Seokjin as Jeongguk pulls you away. He pulls a card from his back pocket. It was your three things list. As you look at him, the card disappears leaving just sparkling ash behind. “Wish granted.” He says before putting the dust into a purple felt bag. He throws the bag at you with a wink. “Magic.” You whisper as you step into the shade with Jeongguk.
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A Werewolf’s Guide to Lycanthropy
So I asked about nonbinary representation, so I’m going to go ahead and share a book I started (and nearly finished) for NaNoWriMo. It’s still first draft stage and will undergo massive rewrites, but all three of my main characters are trans (and otherwise queer as well), as are many other side characters, so I thought ya’ll might be interested in a snippet? Maybe?
This is a snippet maybe a quarter or so of the way into the book. It’s a book re-imagining werewolves based more off of wild wolf behavior than captured wolf behavior. In it, werewolves are basically know but not really acknowledged. People suspect but nobody says it out loud. Our main character is happily living in eir werewolf pack (which is far more of a family and community than it is a hierarchy), though secretly writing a guide on how to adjust to becoming a werewolf to help bring them into a more public eye (and the book is interspersed with snippets of this writing) until some kids from the pack start going missing. Then MC - Jamie - realizes that these kidnappings appear to be something larger than just a local targeting of their specific pack. When the pack council or committee (there to help organize schedules, figure out how to take in new kids, budget, etc.) acts ignorant and secretive, Jamie has to decide between dropping this and potentially losing more kids or defying the council, abandoning eir pack, and getting to the bottom of the disappearances. Where I bring you in on this snippet, Jamie has recently decided to leave the pack and investigate on eir own. In doing so, ey has just managed to run into another pack, where ey just might get some answers...
(For those on mobile, this moves into a read more, as it’s a long post. Anyone please feel free to leave me some feedback!)
Chapter 15
The irresistible smell of sausage woke Jamie up. Ophelia laughed gently. “I see I’ve picked the right breakfast for you. I thought I would save you the trip of having to eat with everyone else. I’m sure you know, everybody already knows who you are by now. I didn’t want you to be overwhelmed with questions.”
Grimacing in an effort to shake off the last vestiges of sleep, Jamie cracked eir back and neck and cleared eir throat. “Thanks.” Ey took the plate of offered food, a generous heap of sausage, eggs, hash browns and a biscuit buttered up nicely. “Really, thanks.”
“I saw the size of your bag. I’m guessing you haven’t had too many meals while not a wolf.” Then she went and sat at the other end of the trailer, looking over papers rather than Jamie. The papers could have been blank, and she could have been looking at them just to put Jamie at ease, but ey was grateful for the thought either way.
Jamie had just finished the food and was deciding what to do with the plate when Ophelia spoke again. “You can leave it outside the door. Boyd will collect it for us. Come, I’m interested to hear why you came.” Nervousness washed over Jamie as ey did as instructed. Even with all the walking in human form, Jamie hadn’t really taken the time to actually think what to do when ey found another pack. Ey honestly hadn’t expected to do so immediately.
“Now I don’t believe we had a proper introduction yesterday. I’m Ophelia, leader of this pack, although the committee helps me greatly. We’ve been here near four decades now. My mentor, Phoebe, began the pack. When she passed a couple years back, the pack became my responsibility. We’re about thirty strong. We get a lot of pack members who come and go, some looking to strike out and start their own packs back in their home towns. Tell me a bit about your own pack, please.”
Jamie nodded. “You know I’m Jamie. Celeste leads our pack, along with six others on the council: Comet, Luna, Terence and Alishya, as well as Lucy and Shannon. The pack’s about as old as me, so just around twenty years, far younger than your own. Since I was one of the first kids of the pack, I got kind of a different view of the pack history than some of the younger ones might, being there longer than some of our council members even. We’re somewhere around 45 - 50 pack members at the moment.”
Ophelia gave a low whistle. “That’s a big pack. A lot of responsibility. How many kids?”
“Around half are underage. We don’t get a lot of people who really leave, and we keep taking in kids and anyone else who wanders by and asks.”
Ophelia nodded. “I’ve never met Celeste, but I have heard of her. I’m not surprised her pack would be so large. I suppose a lot of the adults help out with outside jobs?”
“Yeah. Mostly minimum wage stuff, but we’ve got a couple people with good skills and some who came in with college degrees and good jobs that really help out.”
“But you all were also hit by these disappearances?”
Jamie looked down but nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
“If you can, I’d like to hear some about the kids who went missing. Then I’ll answer any questions of yours.”
Jamie nodded again, glad that Ophelia was leading the conversation so far. As long as she was being honest about answering questions, Jamie wasn’t here to hide anything. “Jemele was kidnapped first. She’s 14 with a bad past. Her aunt was jealous that she had a better relationship with her mother and bit and turned Jemele to try and change that. Celeste probably knows, but all I know other than that is that Jemele’s mom showed up with her in tow one day and dropped her off. The aunt may not have succeeded in being closer with Jemele, but she sure helped destroy Jemele’s relationship with her mother. Jemele had some younger siblings that her mother won’t let her see anymore, even though she’s totally in control of the transformations now. Her mom comes for regularly scheduled visits, but Jemele really only sits through those because council makes her. She’s a good kid. Very quiet. She never asks to go out on extra runs, just participates in scheduled ones, so I suspect she’s still angry and accepts being a werewolf but hasn’t come to love or enjoy it yet.”
“Sometimes she needed some space and time to herself, so she’d disappear every now and then, but we’d always find her sleeping somewhere odd or she’d wander back into camp. The three girls she shared a trailer with developed a system with her so she could let them know when she was going, so they’d always know they didn’t need to go looking for her. But one night, she just wasn’t there and there was no note. It’s like she just disappeared. Evelyn went missing next. She’s only eight. She’s at that phase where she’s missing a lot of baby teeth and her new ones haven’t grown in yet, so she’s a little darling for most the adults. She’s very extraverted and outgoing. She came to us a pretty young, so she might have been born a wolf, but I’ve never really gotten her story. She’s very well adjusted, though, if a bit bossy. She went missing when one of the pack adults took a small group for a bathroom break. One minute she was there, the next Pam realized she was gone. We had to have known almost immediately, yet still couldn’t recover her.
“And Zoo…” Jamie closed eir eyes and took a deep breath, giving eirself a moment to hate eirself for leaving, even though it was unlikely Jamie would have stopped anything from happening. “Zoo’s 11. I don’t know much of her story either, but I do know it’s another traumatic one. She’s been through a lot - developed DID. The first two years she lived with us, she barely spoke and never played. A year and a half or so ago, she really blossomed and opened up. She’s friendly and loving and very funny. Some of the kids can get mean sometimes just because they’re defensive about their past, but Zoo just got nicer, I think.” Jamie could say a ton more about all three. Their favorite food, their favorite games, how to calm them when they had nightmares… But ey wasn’t sure it was important that Ophelia knew too much. Not to mention Jamie’s heart was clenched and tight.
“And what about you, Jamie? What’s your story?”
Jamie shrugged. “I don’t really have much of one beyond the pack. I was born a wolf. Mom died in childbirth and dad ran away when he found out what I was. I’m not sure how Celeste found me, but the pack’s the only life I’ve known.”
“So how did you come to be here?”
Maybe it was a little rude, but it was Jamie’s turn for answers. Ophelia had only asked for information on the kids; it wasn’t fair to drag more out of Jamie without offering something first. “I’d like to ask some questions first. Then maybe we can talk more about me.”
Ophelia stared at Jamie for a good minute before nodding. “Fair enough, you have given what I’ve asked for. Go ahead.”
“Are you in communication with any of the other packs who’ve had kids stolen away from them?”
“Yes, but not all of them. Is your pack?” Her answer confirmed two things at once: the disappearances were definitely something to do with werewolves and council was definitely not telling the pack everything they knew.
“What can you tell me about what they’ve said? What do they know that the papers haven’t reported?”
Ophelia’s mouth quirked up a bit. She seemed amused with Jamie, even though Jamie had specifically ignored her question. “Honestly, not much, unfortunately. They all scented something weird when searching for the kids. None I’ve talked to could really describe it. They said the scent was familiar, like a word on the tip of your tongue that your brain just can’t complete. Musky, probably a man - or, more likely, several. And very vague. No one could pick up a trail.”
Jamie deflated. “Yeah, council couldn’t pick up a trail either. Neither could I, although it would have been several days old by then.”
After a beat, Ophelia stood. “Here, I will show you something, but it requires going to my personal trailer, so we have to fend off some curious stragglers,” she winked. Despite the seriousness of the conversation, Jamie relaxed a bit. It was hard to stay stressed and upset with innocent kids being cheery around you.
Ophelia successfully shooed three children away from them on their way to her trailer, but not before Jamie shook hands with each of them, introducing eirself and learning their names. Jason, Patty, and Jenn. Once inside Ophelia’s trailer, nobody bothered them, just like when they were in committee’s trailer.
The trailer was beautiful. Either Ophelia or someone else in the pack was an artist. The inside was dark with dozens of stars dotted in glow-in-the-dark paint, bringing several constellations to life. Jamie had always liked the basic astronomy classes in the pack, and it seemed the artist did, too. Ophelia paused to let Jamie soak up in the night sky, then with a simple “light’s”, flicked the lights on. The walls were as gorgeous in the light as they were the dark. Bright colors swirled in abstract patterns. After a moment, Jamie placed them as a rendering of the Northern lights.
“Here,” Ophelia announced, breaking Jamie’s reverie. She stood by a thin, wide cabinet. When Jamie looked over, she opened the doors, laying them flat, and revealing a large map of the States. Jamie came closer.
“These are the cities where packs have had multiple kidnappings,” she explained, pointing to the red pins on the map. “These,” she said, pointing to several blue pins,” represent cities where pack’s have only had one kid stolen away. And these,” she said, gesturing to some green pins, “are cities where kids that I believe were werewolves were kidnapped, but I haven’t confirmed yet.” Jamie studied the pins, downhearted by just how many there were. Ey hadn’t even thought about any single kidnappings. Those might not have even made anything but local news.
Gently grabbing eir shoulders, Ophelia forced Jamie to take a step back. “See anything?”
Jamie stopped studying the detail and looked at the larger picture. Immediately, ey thought ey saw a pattern. Taking a step forward, Jamie traced the outline of the pins in the map. “It’s… Is there a pattern? Circles - rings of circles. Oh…” Jamie stepped back again. “A bullseye? Multiple kidnappings in the larger rings and single kidnappings in the smaller rings.”
A solemn look was affixed to Ophelia’s face. “Yes, that’s what I see, too. Your council didn’t say anything about this to you?”
Finally giving in, Jamie admitted, “council’s been pretty secretive. Weeks before Jemele was kidnapped, I asked if the disappearances might be related to werewolf packs and was told to drop it. With the kidnappings, we’ve been on a strict schedule where no one is supposed to be anywhere without an escort or buddy, except work as long as other workers are around, but they still haven’t told us anything more. I’ve no idea what they do no.”
Ophelia’s face creased in a frown. “Nothing? Really. We’ve already been talking with the pack and set up a buddy system. Celeste waited until kids were kidnapped to do anything?”
A weird clash of emotions conflicted within Jamie. On one hand, it was nice to have eir frustrations and anger confirmed as valid. On the other, Jamie still trusted Celeste and all of council with eir life, and didn’t like this woman she didn’t even know passing judgement. “Maybe council was keeping a close eye. I don’t know. They didn’t have us doing anything, anyway.” When Ophelia didn’t reply, Jamie asked the question that was bothering eir. “If this is a bullseye, what’s at the center?”
Turning back to the map, Ophelia was silent and thoughtful. She ran her finger over the map where the center of the bullseye seemed to be. “That is an excellent question.” Turning to face Jamie again, Ophelia’s face seemed carefully blank. “Jamie, I’m not sure what your purpose is in being here, but I suspect this is not a trip your council approved.” Jamie shook eir head no. “I would not ask you to walk directly into danger; I do not usually ask strangers to just risk their lives, but it seems you  may already be intending to. Would you investigate the bullseye, Jamie? Something is happening, and I do not know what, but there is something larger at play here than a couple of kidnapping cases. I cannot go and still protect my pack. I must stay here. Will you go?”
Jamie wasn’t normally very touchy-feely, but ey reached out to grab Ophelia’s hand. “Council couldn’t stop me from leaving to find answers. You couldn’t stop me from trying to find them wherever that bullseye is or whatever else it takes.”
Ophelia reached out to cup Jamie’s face. “Spend another night here - or a few. Whatever you need to recover. I saw the stiffness in you when you came. Rest, and I will gather supplies for you.”
Jamie should have been scared, but ey was nearly ecstatic at finally receiving some answers - some help. This wasn’t all in eir head.
Chapter 16
In the four days (that Jamie only meant to be two) that Jamie stayed at Ophelia’s camp, ey made a lot of new friends, found a lot more younger siblings. Between meetings with Ophelia on the bullseye, Jamie hung out with the pack; besides getting to know them, ey was also probing to see if any of them perhaps knew anything more about the disappearances - perhaps something they didn’t realize they knew.
The bullseye was located in, as best Ophelia and ey could tell by the topo map, a surprisingly uninhabited area. There were no roads going in and out, at least not marked on the map. The area appeared to be fairly flat land with some outlying hills but nothing too big or seemingly populated close to the bullseye. There were always people living out in surprising areas, though, so Jamie couldn’t count on the area being completely abandoned of folk with nothing to do with this developing controversy. Finally, the last - and most obvious - concrete piece of information they could gather was that the bullseye was in Montana. The flatness seemed a bit of an odd coincidence for a state known for its mountains, but Montana was overall considerably flatter than Jamie may have guessed. Considering Jamie was currently in Indiana, ey had quite a ways to go, even traveling most the way via wolf. Ey was considering hitchhiking part of the way if at all possible.
Suzy, Eric, and Lala were the kids that Jamie got to know the best. Suzy and Eric were fraternal twins, 15 years old, and surprisingly peppy for their age. Lala was just a year younger and followed the twins everywhere. She called herself their triplet, which they happily agreed with. Even though they were unrelated, Lala did look surprisingly similar to the twins, and the three got along very well. They had latched onto Jamie because of their own interest (and fear) of the kidnappings. It had been Suzy that suggested to Ophelia that she actually plot the disappearances on a map, like she’d seen on TV. Eric was the conspiracy theorist and inundated Jamie with theories of what the disappearances were. He suggested everything ranging from aliens to anti-werewolf hunters but with no really solid ideas on why the kids were actually being kidnapped. And Lala made up stories of what all the kids were like. All three of them proposed some good questions. Was there a pattern to if kidnapped wolves were born or bitten? Why the specific age range so far observed? How did kidnapped kids between different packs disappear so quickly? All in all, they left Jamie with several more questions than ey’d started with.
On the night Jamie was setting out, ey had said good-bye, hugged some folk (including, most surreal of all, Ophelia), and only gone a few feet into the woods when ey was confronted.
“We’re coming with you.” Jamie turned and squinted, recognizing the two from eir few days in the pack. The speaker was Lucasia, an outspoken 20 year old that Jamie felt ey’d already learned the whole life story of. Lucasia had only been a wolf for a few years. It’d been a tough transition for her and ultimately what made her realize and accept that she was actually a girl. Sadly enough, her family had adapted to her lycanthropy just fine - if not a little interested in it - but being trans was too much from them. After they disowned her, she’d lived on the streets for a year before one of the committee members of the pack found her and brought her back. She’d lived there ever since, completely accepted by the pack for who she was.
Lucasia’s more silent partner was Ty, a shy bigender wolf that Jamie hadn’t learned much about. He was almost always reading, and Jamie didn’t know him well enough to know if he followed Lucasia because he really wanted to or simply because she dragged him along and he didn’t mind going. He seemed nice, though.
“I’m not really looking for company.”
“Wasn’t asking. Besides, Ophelia said she thought it was a good idea, so we’re going whether you like it or not. Good luck losing us. Ty’s the fastest runner in the pack.”
Jamie frowned. It looked like these tagalongs weren’t going to give up easy, and Jamie didn’t want to waste time arguing about it. Besides, it wasn’t like the company would hurt Jamie. It had been oddly lonely when ey had been by eirself. Decision made, Jamie shrugged, then stepped behind a large tree to get a bit of privacy (although that would likely disappear in a few days when the group became more comfortable with each other), shifted with a groan that turned into a growl, and shook eirself out. Grabbing the larger, heavier bag courtesy of Ophelia and her pack, ey padded out from behind the tree. A moment after ey did, two wolves appeared from the side of another tree, two large bags in their mouths as well. Together, on instinct, they took off towards Montana.
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The Ultimate How-To Guide to Building a Tiny House
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This program is the result of my 20 years of building Tiny Houses.
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Ed Walker, 36, Franklin, TN
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Anthony Lacy, 38, Denver, CO
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How to wire your house so you won’t have to tear your walls apart if there’s an electrical problem. This handy little method will save you a fistful of dollars if the worst should happen down the road.
The two best options when connecting water to your Tiny House. And the strategy I recommend to get clean, reliable water while keeping the authorities off your back.
How to correctly lay down your plywood sheeting. This is the same concepts of laying bricks in a wall, and it will increase the strength of your home two-fold.
The best kind of galvanized strapping to use on your project. And my method of “CC Hatching” that I didn’t figure out until my 45th Tiny House build. ***This is one of my most precious building secrets!***
The one thing you must do BEFORE your Tiny House arrives to your land. And why preparing this before rather than after will not only save you a mint of money, but save your Tiny House from failing within 10 years of your build.
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“There are very few resources out there that teach you how to build your own Tiny House. Just companies trying to sell you on buying one direct. No, I’m a true red blooded do it yourselfer. And making my own mobile tiny house, in the way that I wanted, with the knowledge to fix whatever goes wrong, with the pride of knowing its my blood and sweat that made it, was the only way I was going to do it no matter what. This resource from Mr. Ketcher is pure gold. He really really knows his stuff and it would have been a nightmare to have build my tiny house without it.”
Geoff Biddulph, 35, Clovis, NM
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“If you’re considering building your own tiny home then you would have to be nuts not to get this book. Adam is at the top of his trade, and he parts with all his wisdom in this book. You will avoid a million mistakes with this book at your side. Believe me, the small investment will pay off big time! It did for me.”
Ken Funakoshi, 43, Aina Haina, HI
Let Me Show You All My Secrets to Get Land & Permits While Sidestepping The Nightmare of Red Tape… Paperwork… and Headaches Caused By Local Authorities
How to bypass land & zoning issues by leveraging the compact size of your tiny house to your unfair advantage. This is the smartest way to avoid buying land… renting land… or parking your Tiny House illegally.
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Why your Tiny House isn’t bound to a certain location or zip code. So should you ever need to, you can “move your house” to any new location you see fit.
The one critical question you must ask the city when looking at land for your build. And how their answer will help you determine whether or not a plot of land is right for you.
Why the location of your build influences the price the most. And how to elude extraneous costs by building in zoning pockets the government doesn’t want you to know about.
My devious way to “make good” with zoning authorities to bypass months of headaches and frustrating delays. Trust me, you’re going to want to know this one!
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“Two months after buying this course we were ready to move into our own shipping container house and it was everything we hoped for. It was much cheaper than we expected, and in my opinion it’s better in so many ways, too. I strongly suggest Adam’s course if you’re looking to take the plunge yourself.”
Mike Teunissen, 42, Globe, AZ
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You’ll get a myriad of potential floor plans for your new Tiny House. Included are the most widely used designs, but I’ve also included my most popular “personal plans” I guarantee no other program will give you.
How to use optical illusions to give the impression of more space in your Tiny House. This is one of the most overlooked secrets. And those who miss it build their home in a way that looks cramped and cluttered.
One of the biggest issues of owning a Tiny House is STORAGE. I’m going to show you how to double or even triple your storage capacity. And you’ll do it without sacrificing one square foot of your living space!
How to arrange your home design to give you TWICE the space. Leaving plenty of room for a king sized bed and enough storage space for even the most materialistic builders.
The most important “first consideration” when laying out the plans for your new home. Get this one wrong and it could cost you your entire home just a few years down the road.
How to set up off grid electricity… on grid electricity… and the pros and cons of both for your project.
Why windows are one of the most important aspects of your build. And the windows I suggest to make your home thermally efficient and maximally spacious.
Your various options when it comes to your roof and my personal opinions on the best roof options specific to your climate and weather.
If you’re building your Tiny House in a warm climate I’m going to show you how to add radiant barriers into your roofing plans. Including these barriers are like setting up your Tiny House in the shade!
The best landscaping resources for your project. Conventional wisdom is not always economical wisdom. So I give you “outside the box” options to both save money and make your landscaping look sophisticated… unique… and beautiful.
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“I build and sell shipping container homes as wel as tiny houses for a living. I’ve hired Adam on multiple occasions as a consultant. His depth of knowledge is simply unmatched in the industry and his program will show you all the steps you need to take to build a tiny home yourself. But better than that, he’ll show you all the things to avoid (and trust me, there are many things to avoid!)”
Gary Case, 54, Huntington Beach, Ca
So I have to ask…
How much would it be worth to avoid the mountain of obstacles waiting for you when you build your Tiny House?
The truth is, people just like you are losing tens of thousands of dollars in common mistakes when building their tiny homes without guidance.
Needless to say, this can turn into a VERY expensive project.
So the smartest thing you can do is get an expert on your side right from the start.
Since I’m that expert – and since I love helping do-it-yourselfers like you – I’m going to make you a limited time special promotional offer.
Having a consultant guide you through this process would require an investment of at least $5,000 (and that would still only get you a fraction of what’s included in this program).
But don’t worry, because I’m not going to ask you to spend anything like that kind of money! For a limited time only, I’m making Tiny House Made Easy™ available for only…
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
A puny amount.
Especially when you consider you’re getting ME on your team (that’s over 18 years of trade secrets)!
And well worth it when you consider all the expensive mistakes you’re about to avoid!
EVERYTHING you need to build your own Tiny House is right here in this program.
But you’ll have to act NOW.
The next time you come to this page it’s possible it will be more expensive.
Potentially up to 3X as expensive.
So SECURE your copy right now…
And You’ll Also Get a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
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Just to make this the easiest decision you ever made, I’m going to include a 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
That means if you don’t absolutely love this program…
And if you don’t send me an excited email with pictures of your beautiful Tiny House…
Then I don’t want your money.
I’ll refund your full purchase price.
So here’s the smart way to do it…
Don’t decide now.
Get the program… go through it at your own pace… and decide later if it was worth your investment.
When you take this approach, it will be a complete no-brainer, wouldn’t you agree?
“And to Further Sweeten The Pot, I’m Also Throwing in Some Awesome Bonuses!”
BONUS #1: Floorplans of Tiny Houses: $200/Plan (YOURS FREE!)
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You’ll get access to my collection of Tiny House Floorplans, designed specifically by me to show to my clients before a build.
I’ve personally built over 300 tiny houses for my clients and these plans cover them all – from the simplest to the most advanced build. These plans are not like the typical plans which can be found online for free. These are high quality, real world plans of real tiny houses.
There are websites such as houseplans.com which sell similar plans for hundreds each, $200 being the cheapest plan they sell. This puts the value of my plans to thousands, but they’re YOURS FREE with your investment today!
BONUS #2: The Tiny House Trailers Bible: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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If you plan to build a mobile Tiny House, you need a trailer.
That’s why I’m going to show everything you need to know to get a high-quality trailer for the lowest price possible.
I’ll take you step-by-step and teach you:
Everything you need to know about trailers, and I mean REALLY EVERYTHING.
Where to find the most inexpensive trailers in the best possible condition.
The things you must keep an eye on when looking for a trailer.
Cunning ways to get the price down on your purchase.
How to negotiate delivery straight to your doorstep.
How to weatherproof your trailer for decades of reliable service.
And much more…
The money this guide will save you will pay for this entire program many times over. This guide retails for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE with your purchase today!
BONUS #3: Shipping Containers Made Easy: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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In addition to being a Tiny House expert I’m also an authority on Shipping Container Homes.
There are MANY parallels between the two.
So many, in fact, that having a working knowledge of Shipping Container Homes will significantly help you during your Tiny House build.
In this program, I will show you:
Shipping Container Home construction essentials – including play by play instructions on how to properly build elements you’ll build on your Tiny House as well.
Where to find the highest quality shipping containers and what to look for for your build.
My giant list of the best Shipping Container Home floor plans.
How to build your shipping container home in the fastest, most affordable way possible.
How to sidestep the nightmare of red tape… paperwork… and headaches caused by local authorities.
And much much more…
This program retails for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE with your purchase today.
BONUS #4: Tiny House Homesteading – $67 (YOURS FREE!)
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You’ll get one of my most sought after program “Tiny House Homesteading.”
As a do-it-yourselfer you obviously value self-reliance.
And one of the best ways to rely on yourself is to grow your own food… raise your own animals for meat… and preserve your harvest for future security.
Not only does it ensure you organic, healthy food, but since grocery stores are always the first thing to go in a catastrophe, you’ll ensure your survival for all likely tragedies.
Everything you need to thrive is at your fingertips in “Tiny House Homesteading,” my best-selling homesteading guide that I typically sell to my clients for $67.
But I’m going to include it with your order
Absolutely FREE
BONUS #5: Living Off-The-Grid: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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In this gem of a program you’ll learn the step-by-step methods for making your own electricity.
You’ll learn the best options when it comes to solar, wind, and micro-hydro generation.
There is a lot of information on the internet, but this is the only program that shows you how to make your own electricity in the scope of Tiny House living – focusing on cost effectiveness and the advantages of a shipping container-based electric system.
This program is sold for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE today!
BONUS #6: Lifetime Updates Guarantee: $47/Update (YOURS FREE!)
I’m always looking to improve The Tiny House Made Easy™ program, because I want to make sure that you get the best possible results both now, and in the future too.
So when I update the system and add new techniques that I’ve discovered, you’ll be the first to know! In fact, I will send you the new, updated edition straight to your inbox, absolutely free!
BONUS #7: Customer Support By Author: $120/Hour (YOURS FREE!)
Finally, you’re going to get what is perhaps the most valuable bonus for this program – UNLIMITED SUPPORT by me, Adam Ketchner!
That means you can ask me questions … pick my brain … and call on me during your build.
You’ll have ME in your back pocket. And that kind of support is absolutely unheard of in this space!
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
Hi, Are You Still Here?
Maybe that’s because you’re still on the fence about “Tiny House Made Easy™”
If that’s the case, let’s review your options, shall we?
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OPTION #1: Carry on with your current living situation.
Research on the edges of this breakthrough home building evolution and always wonder if this program was the exact thing you needed to get your own custom home at an unbelievable price.
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OPTION #2: Try to do it yourself.
Mimic the years of research … blood … sweat … and tears I put into this program … waste thousands of dollars in costly mistakes … and maybe you end up with your own Tiny House.
: Or you can take the Smart, Easiest and FASTEST OPTION!
The ONLY option.
And get the most direct route to your Tiny House.
BE EXCITED that you choose to invest in your future.
And be proud that you’re taking a giant step closer to the home of your dreams!
You’ve read this far into this letter for a reason.
There’s a feeling inside you that KNOWS your home is just on the other side of saying YES today.
And remember…
You have absolutely nothing to lose!
If you don’t LOVE this program, just send me a 5 second email and I’ll refund every penny of your money.
That means you can discover ALL my secrets with absolutely ZERO risk.
So either you win… or you win.
Pretty good odds, right?
THAT’S how much I KNOW “Tiny House Made Easy™” is going to make your eyes pop with its abundance of valuable secrets.
The sooner you get started the sooner you’ll get your dream home.
So don’t wait one second longer.
Just click the “Add To Cart” button below and together let’s officially kick off your Tiny House project!
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
P.S. Remember, this is the only program on the market written by the world’s #1 authority on Tiny Houses. It contains ALL MY SECRETS from my 20 years in the business and 300+ successful Tiny House projects. It will give you everything you need to build your Tiny House in the quickest … easiest … most cost effective way possible!
P.P.S. Please bear in mind that the price of Tiny House Made Easy™ is incredibly low, and has been deliberately kept low. However, I cannot guarantee that the price will remain this low on a permanent basis. So if you come back tomorrow and the price has changed to $67 or more, you have been warned!
P.P.P.S. Being sceptical is natural, but I’ve made sure that there’s absolutely no risk to you! When you order Tiny House Made Easy™ you are fully protected by a rock-solid 60-day money-back guarantee.
You risk absolutely NOTHING!
“Tiny House Made Easy™” Now >
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I’m closing my ask box
Sorry to do this to you, all of my awesome creative inspiration-generating followers who still have questions, but I am going to close my ask box for the next 2 - 3 weeks to try and clear out the 40-odd waiting asks I still haven’t gotten around to, some of which are months old.  This blog is also the thing I do for fun/relaxation/sanity during my rare and precious spare time, and thus I need to keep its demands to a minimum or it will lose its beautiful sanity-inducing properties for me.
If you have Animorphs questions, http://ladysugarquill.tumblr.com/, https://miraculoussparrow.tumblr.com/,  https://wtfanimorphs.tumblr.com/, http://fyanimorphs.tumblr.com/, and https://andalite-angel.tumblr.com/ might be interested in answering them.
If you have Animorphs headcanons, https://animorphs-hcs.tumblr.com/ will accept them.
If you want Animorphs fic, http://justanotherghostwriter.tumblr.com/, http://veteranfangirl.tumblr.com/, and http://derinthemadscientist.tumblr.com/ have all been known to help.
If your life has no meaning, you want to become part of something bigger than yourself, you like hamburgers and beach volleyball, you want to give back to your community, or you think Lore David Altman has some good points: http://the-sharing.org/
Explanation as to why I don’t answer some questions below the cut.
Most of the Reasons I Choose Not to Answer Questions
Hopefully this is helpful to people who are wondering.  I try to answer most questions most of the time, even if just briefly (although, let’s be real, when have I ever been brief?) but there are some that I end up deleting.  Here’s why.
They’re anonymous questions best answered privately, not publicly. This is the #1 reason I delete asks unanswered.
If an anon asks a question that I’ve already answered elsewhere, I generally won’t bother making an entire post just to let them know.
If an anon sends a question with personal or private information, I always err on the side of not publishing it.
If the anon asks a question I genuinely don’t feel like answering (see my posts here), I don’t bother to explain why I’m not answering it.
If the anon ask contains offensive content, even content that almost certainly slipped in accidentally (yes all relationships involving involuntary controllers are sexual assault, no I’m not going to post anything that mentions those relationships), I delete it.
If an anon is unclear—because of typos, because of long-winded wording, because of two questions in one ask—I can’t ask for clarification.
They’re looking for beta readers, RP participants, forum moderators, or long-term correspondence.  I am a grad student currently teaching a class on the social psychology of media effects, studying for my university’s Ph.D qualifying exam, analyzing data from six or seven different ongoing projects, pulling together background research for my dissertation, writing a textbook chapter on violence and attitude change, and attempting to get eight hours of sleep a night on top of all that.  I spend maybe 15 minutes a day on tumblr, and about 10 of those minutes are usually spent posting the ask reply I wrote using the Google Drive app on my phone while taking the bus to school earlier that day.  I am sorry, but I do not have time to commit to anything more in this fandom than what I already do.
I don’t feel qualified to answer them.  Some people ask about the history of the publishing industry, debate the relative morality of actions taken in peace vs. war times, or request AUs in settings with which I have no experience whatsoever.  I’m very sorry, but most of those just go unanswered because I don’t want to say the wrong thing.
They argue about why the yeerks should become human after the war.  As I explain here, I don’t have any strong opinions about whether the yeerks SHOULD become human, I just don’t think it’s realistic to think the yeerks WOULD become human.  The debate was moderately interesting to me the first 15-odd times someone has brought it up, but now I’m sick to death of the whole thing (especially the people who mistake my position as saying that the yeerks becoming cetaceans is right, when I’ve only ever said the yeerks becoming cetaceans is realistic) because THERE IS NO CANON EVIDENCE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER so there’s no point in doing anything but agreeing to disagree. https://featherquillpen.tumblr.com/ and https://yeerks.tumblr.com/ both prefer to imagine a softer world then I do, so feel free to talk to them about the issue if you disagree.
They have to do with justifying the yeerks’ decision to invade other species.  K.A. Applegate does an awesome job of creating utterly terrifying villains for her series, primarily through showing that the yeerks’ atrocities against other species simply cannot be allowed to stand.  The yeerk hosts are described as “slaves” in almost every single book; Marco says “they are the most total slaves in all of human history, because not even their minds are their own” (#20).  Over 20 books later, Jake still battles hypervigilance, insomnia, nightmares, and other PTSD symptoms from briefly becoming a controller (#26).  Eva’s described as suffering severe personality damage, whereas Chapman’s depicted as having lost most motor functions—both as a result of yeerk control (#45, #2).  Aftran and Illim both consciously choose to reject the yeerks’ model of hosts-as-livestock after personally experiencing the minds of involuntary hosts, showing that alternatives are possible (#19, #29).  Ax and Aldrea mention the yeerks literally annihilating six or seven species they don’t view as “useful” (#4, #8, HBC).  All of that is canon.  Other interpolations of canon—that the yeerks effectively destroyed millennia of hork-bajir culture which will never be recovered, that the “voluntary” hosts are mostly strong-armed into joining as we see in MM4, that the hosts’ experience is the equivalent of locked-in syndrome or assault, that Eva and other hosts like her suffered sexual assault as a result of being controllers—have always struck me as relatively close interpretations of canon.  If anyone disagrees... Sorry, but I don’t give a damn.  If you want to defend slave owners because they happen to be slave owners born blind, do it elsewhere.
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lambpain82-blog · 5 years
Cooking French Foods with Kids
In her new book In the French Kitchen with Kids: Easy, Everyday Dishes for the Whole Family to Make and Enjoy, Mardi Michels forgets the fuss and brings simple, elegant French dishes to life with a few tips to get the kids involved too. Cooking French foods with kids is a great way teach them about another culture while honing their kitchen skills.
From pastries to breakfast, lunch, dinner and even a hefty dose of vegetable dishes, this is a great cookbook to get kids involved and excited about making their food. Not sure if you’re kids will like French food? It’s not all frog legs! Start with something approachable, like a cheesy pasta bake, croissants or roast chicken. Then move on to more veggie-loaded dishes like ratatouille or fish cakes. We asked Mardi what a good way to introduce or entice a young eater to fish.
“Speaking as a former young tentative fish-eater myself, I can tell you that breadcrumbs are your friend! And cheese. And possibly some frying action! When I was younger I would only ever eat fish fingers (shocking, considering I grew up in Australia!) and from my work cooking with kids, I know that sometimes fish isn’t their favourite. There are two fish recipes in In the French Kitchen with Kids that I developed because I knew they would have appealed to me as a child – a plain fish fillet coated in lemon-y, cheesy breadcrumbs, and some fish and potato cakes which are coated in crunchy breadcrumbs and then pan-fried – and both are proving to be a hit with kids and parents alike!”
How do you encourage a child to get hands-on with a food project when they don’t like to have messy hands?
“I find that how fussy kids are about getting messy depends on the food. For example, if they are working with cookie dough (or pastry), they don’t tend to mind so much. It’s the things like meat and fish where they get squeamish. That said, it IS important that kids get hands on in the kitchen as so much of cooking is about using all your senses, including touch. I always have gloves on hand for those kids who are squeamish around things like raw meat because I don’t want them to miss out on the experience.”
Do you have a current favorite ingredient that you can’t get enough of right now?
“My favourite seasonal ingredient right now is tomatoes – I spent some time in France this summer and couldn’t stop buying, eating and cooking with all manner of varieties of them. One of my favourite French recipes to use up all those tomatoes is a Tomato and Mustard Tart (rustic so, perfect for kids to make too!)”
So get into the kitchen with the kiddos! And be sure to check out Mardi’s cookbook for more doable recipes and tips. Try the recipe below for quick croissants from the book.
Typically, croissants are made using a laminated dough, where layers of butter are rolled and folded into the layers of dough. This is a complex technique that takes the better part of a day to do properly and doesn’t really belong in a book of “easy, everyday” recipes for children, but I couldn’t write a French cookbook and not include a recipe for croissants. This one borrows a technique from the great Julia Child, who borrowed it from Beatrice Ojakangas (author of The Great Scandinavian Baking Book) for inclusion in Baking with Julia. It produces a fluffy, rather than super- flaky, croissant. This is definitely one of the more advanced recipes in the book, not because it’s difficult, but because it requires a bit of planning and some precision in the rolling and folding. But if you set out to make this a weekend project and take each step slowly, you’ll be thrilled with the results. These do require a bit of planning but they are so worth the effort! A suggested timetable is as follows: Day 1: 60 minutes’ hands-on time, in stages, 60-minute rest in fridge. Refrigerate overnight. Day 2: 45 minutes’ hands-on time (rolling, measuring), 3 hours’ proofing time, 20 to 25 minutes’ bake time. Have you ever wondered why even though the word “croissant” means “crescent,” many croissants are straight, not crescent-shaped? In France, shaping a croissant straight as opposed to rounded is a way of showing that it is made with pure butter (as opposed to margarine or another fat). You’ll often see them sold as croissants au beurre (butter croissants) and croissants ordinaires (ordinary, i.e., NOT butter, croissants). Looking for the croissant’s chocolaty cousin the pain au chocolat? You’ll find it on page 63 in the After-School Snacks chapter, as it’s traditionally enjoyed in the afternoon.
½ cup (125 mL) 2% milk
21/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1½ cups (225 g) all-purpose flour
¼ cup (50 g) granulated sugar
1 cup (226 g) cold salted butter or European-style butter, cut into rough cubes
All-purpose flour, for rolling and shaping
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tablespoon heavy (35%) cream
Heat the milk to between 110?F and 113?F (approx. 45?C) in a medium pot over medium heat (use a digital thermometer to measure the temperature). If heating in a microwave, use a microwave-safe bowl and start with 30 seconds on high. Continue to heat in increments of 15 seconds and be sure not to overheat.
Pour the milk into a large heatproof bowl and sprinkle the yeast over it.
Let it sit for 10 minutes. It will be slightly frothy on top after this time.
Meanwhile, place the flour, sugar and then the butter in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade. Pulse eight to ten times— you should still be able to see large chunks of butter.
Tip the flour/butter mix over the warmed milk and use a wooden spoon to just incorporate the dry ingredients into the milk. The dough will be lumpy, shaggy and quite dry at this point.
Use your hands to form a ball of dough. It might need a bit of work, but keep going—it will come together! Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and place it in the fridge for at least 1 hour (don’t leave it much longer than this, though, because it will become too difficult to roll out).
Remove the dough from the fridge and lightly flour your countertop.
Knead the chilled dough gently until you can feel it becoming softer. Use your hands to shape it into a rough rectangle.
Lightly flour a rolling pin and roll out the dough until you have a very large rectangle (8 x 17 inches/20 x 40 cm). You should be able to see butter pieces in the dough. If the edges of the rectangle crack a little as you are rolling, simply push them together with your fingers and continue to roll until you have the correct size of rectangle.
Fold the top of the dough about two-thirds of the way down, then fold the bottom third up over the first fold. You might need a plastic bench scraper or spatula to help you scoop up the dough if it’s sticking a little.
Turn the block of dough clockwise so the seam (the open side) is on your right. This rolling and folding is known as a “turn.”
If the dough or work surface is sticky, lightly flour the surface, brushing off any excess flour with your fingertips or a pastry brush, and lightly flour the rolling pin again. Repeat Steps 7 through 9 seven times for a total of eight “turns.” Make sure you brush the excess flour off the pastry and the rolling pin each time, though you shouldn’t need very much extra flour. This dough is very smooth and elastic and rolls beautifully.
Wrap the dough tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 3 hours, but preferably overnight.
Line two baking trays with parchment paper. Remove the dough from the fridge and place a large piece of parchment paper on your countertop or table. Let the chilled dough sit for a few minutes so it’s not completely cold when you start working with it. Roll the dough until you have a rectangle that is a little over 8 x 24 inches (20 x 60 cm). This may take a bit of patience, but if you take it slowly, the dough will definitely roll out this large. Trim the edges of the rectangle so they are neat and straight—a tape measure and pizza cutter work well for this.
Working along the long sides of the rectangle, make a small cut in the dough on each side of the rectangle every 41/2 inches (12 cm). Place a tape measure across the width of the dough at the first mark. Use a long sharp knife or a pizza cutter to cut a rectangle across the width of the dough. Repeat at each mark until you have five rectangles.
Cut each rectangle in two diagonally to make two triangles. Use a tape measure (to make sure the triangles are even) and a pizza cutter to do this. You’ll have 10 triangles.
Gently stretch one of the triangles at each corner, then, working from the wide end, roll up the dough until you have reached the pointed end. Voilà, you have a croissant. Repeat with the remaining triangles. You might find that some of your croissants are not quite the shape you think they should be—again, practice makes perfect and they will still taste amazing!
Place five croissants on each tray and cover each tray with a clean tea towel. Leave to rest in a warm place for 3 hours. The croissants will puff up slightly during this time.
When the croissants have been resting for 21/2 hours, preheat the oven to 375?F (190?C). Whisk the egg and cream together and gently brush the tops of the croissants with this egg wash.
Place one tray in the top third of your oven and the other in the bottom third of the oven. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the croissants are golden brown on top. Switch the trays from top to bottom and turn them from front to back halfway through baking.
Remove the baking trays from the oven. Let the croissants sit on the baking trays for about 10 minutes, then place them on a wire rack to cool completely (if you can wait). They will keep for 2 to 3 days in a resealable plastic bag (you can pop them in the microwave to reheat for a few seconds).
 Honest Cooking
The Honest Cooking editorial team handpicks inspiring culinary stories to share with you that we think are beautiful. As an international online culinary magazine with the ambition to truly change the face of online food media we hope to create an inspiring place for serious culinary debate, salivating recipes, interesting food news and international food-fun.
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Source: http://honestcooking.com/cooking-french-foods-with-kids/
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tiny House Made Easy ~ 12.4% Conv ~ $100 First Sale Bonus
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tiny-house-made-easy-12-4-conv-100-first-sale-bonus/
Tiny House Made Easy ~ 12.4% Conv ~ $100 First Sale Bonus
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    “How to
Build a Tiny House
Easily, Cheaply and in Just Days”
Follow my Simple Step-By-Step Plans to Learn How…
Dear Friend,
If you’re interested in building your own Tiny House then this will be one of the most exciting messages you ever read..
Because in the next 3 minutes I’m going to show you how to build your own custom Tiny House for a fraction of the cost of hiring a builder..
And how to avoid all the mistakes of builders that have come before you.
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Hi, my name is Adam Ketcher.
I’ve personally built over 300 tiny houses for my clients.
And I’ve experienced just about every building situation imaginable.
After years of mastering this unique trade, I’d like to personally teach you everything – and I mean everything – you need to know to build your Tiny House TODAY.
So you can save boatloads of money and time.
And so you can give yourself and your family a safe & beautiful home they’ll be proud to call their own!
Like you, I love the idea of Tiny Houses
They’e cost effective… minimalistic… cozy… and they give people like us FREEDOM.
Why pay an expensive monthly mortgage for space you really don’t need?
I say…
Only build what’s necessary, and then go enjoy your life!
It’s worked for me. And it’s worked for thousands of others.
It’s for this reason that I have a sincere desire to help people like you achieve this same kind of freedom.
And I believe it’s why I’ve become one of the most trusted professionals when it comes to this growing industry.
Over the years I’ve learned a lot of lessons.
“But the most important lesson is to get people – knowledgeable people – to guide you on your do-it-yourself project.”
If you’ll allow me, I’m here to be YOUR guide on your important journey.
I’m here to teach you everything you need to build your house with zero hiccups.
…so you can start your build today and feel confident in the process.
…and so you can ensure your security and safety for years to come.
I’ve put everything I know into a program called:
Tiny House Made Easy™
The Ultimate How-To Guide to Building a Tiny House
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This program is the result of my 20 years of building Tiny Houses.
If it can happen… I’ve seen it.
If it can go wrong… it’s gone wrong on me!
But today, I’m considered one of the world’s leading authorities on Tiny House construction.
I’m also well-known in the Shipping Container Home industry – which has many parallels with Tiny Houses.
In fact, I’m so trusted in these circles that I’ve acted as a consultant for companies that would be considered my competition!
So here’s my unbreakable promise to you:
When you invest in this program today, you’ll have the ability to build your own Tiny House…
You’ll build it without headaches, mistakes, or irritating delays…
And you’ll do it for a fraction of what it would normally cost you if you didn’t have me as your guide…
Here Are Some of The Secrets You’ll Discover When You Invest in “Tiny House Made Easy™” Today…
The biggest mistake novice builders make when constructing their Tiny House. And how to avoid it to sidestep years of potential headaches and tens of thousands of dollars.
All the best plans I’ve created during my 20 years as a Tiny House builder. These plans will give you the most bang for your buck when creating the layout of your new home. I usually charge $97 for a mini-booklet of these plans – but they’re included in this program for no extra charge!
The brilliant strategy to get others to buy your land for you – without debt and without giving anything in return. ***This secret alone is worth the full price of the program!***
Need a location to setup your new residence? In chapter 2 I’m going to show you a little-known loophole in the law which will allow you to park your Tiny House for a minimum rent – or in some cases – for no rent at all!
You’ll also get a list of ALL the tools you’ll need to build your Tiny House. These tools are as unique as your Tiny Houses itself, so I’m going to teach you what they are and how to get them for pennies on the dollar.
The mistake 95% of people make when purchasing the trailer for their Tiny House. And how to bypass it to save you a small fortune during this important purchase for your build.
The one place NOT to cut corners on your project. And how investing in this will put you 5 steps ahead of most do-it-yourselfers who try to save money in the wrong places.
What is the most important aspect of your upcoming build? YOUR EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS. That’s why I’m going to show you how to quickly hone the skills you’ll need to pull off your build with minimal mistakes and financial setbacks.
You’ll also get my list of Tiny House-friendly areas. I’ve been putting together this list for over 9 years. And it outlines the ideal locations in the country to set up your tiny house with minimum investment and headaches.
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“I never liked the idea of paying for more space than I needed. And I never bought into the ‘American Dream’ of working a job I hate to buy stuff I don’t need. That’s why I built my own Tiny House. This program was invaluable. I would have spent thousands more without it, and the build probably would have taken me 2-3 times longer. Thank you for this, Adam. It truly was a life saver!”
Joseph Brazell, 45, Ault, Colorado
When You’re Done With This Program You’ll Know More Than Most Professional Home Builders!
You’ll also learn how to get essential parts for your home ABSOLUTELY FREE. And how doing so will shave up to 20% off the total bill of your build.
How to research and examine the load bearing capacity of the soil you’ll potentially want to build on. This is one of the most important parts of a building project. But it’s also the most overlooked. Don’t make the same mistake of others who have failed before you.
The most economical foundational set up for your Tiny House. And why building your foundation in this way will cut the cost of your project by 30%.
My step by step blueprint for how to frame your Tiny House. This is where the rubber really hits the road with this program, and the details I part with are as good as having me right at your side as you raise the walls on your new project.
The little-known trick to massively increase the structural strength of your house and allow it to maintain its integrity if/when it’s being transported.
Do you ever wonder how a trailer-bound Tiny House can possibly run a working toilet? How about water heating and garbage? Well, wonder no more! I outline all your options when it comes to setting up the waste and water heating elements for your new home.
How to set up a gray water system for your waste products as well as how to recycle used water back into your landscaping for maximum use.
The 5 principles of safety when it comes to tiny houses. These are issues most people never think of. And they just might save your life!
How to build a heat reflecting roof that standard homes simply can’t compete with. And how it will save you a stack of money in cooling costs within the first few years of use!
The crafty way to use landscaping to your home’s advantage. Saving you thousands on insulation costs and labor.
The “3 I’s Rule.” And its 3-part blueprint to keep your tiny house warm through those cold winter months.
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“This book was my bible. I actually printed it and it’s dog-eared with highlighting all throughout it. This is the real deal, folks. You’d be crazy not to have it in your back pocket when building your tiny home.”
Ed Walker, 36, Franklin, TN
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“I bought the program to check it out before buying the material because I wanted to know all the things to look out for and its an understatement to say that it overdelivered. It’s clear Mr. Adams put his heart and soul into this and I recommend it to anyone who wants to build a tiny home or is looking to buy one already built.”
Anthony Lacy, 38, Denver, CO
I Left Nothing to Chance! This Program Will Give You Everything You Need to Build a Seamless Tiny House ON TIME… THE FIRST TIME!
I’m going to hand you a comprehensive list of all the MATERIALS you’ll need to build your tiny house. Save the headache… leave the guesswork to everyone else… you’re going to get a shopping list that will cover EVERYTHING you need to be up and running in the quickest way possible.
Want to double your space? Want to hold on to you comfy king sized bed? Well I’m going to outline the best way to include a sleeping loft. I’ll also show you how to double your sleeping space as storage.
How to make your home thermally efficient with direct gain passive solar heating. And why this system will virtually eliminate all heating costs while keeping your home at a constant temperature (even in the winter)
The best insulation to use for your tiny house – both in efficacy and affordability.
The location on your Tiny House where you must spray an inch of ‘closed cell’ polyurethane foam. And why doing so will both exponentially increase the longevity of your new home by at least 10 years AND save you hundreds of dollars on your heating and cooling bill.
How to wire your house so you won’t have to tear your walls apart if there’s an electrical problem. This handy little method will save you a fistful of dollars if the worst should happen down the road.
The two best options when connecting water to your Tiny House. And the strategy I recommend to get clean, reliable water while keeping the authorities off your back.
How to correctly lay down your plywood sheeting. This is the same concepts of laying bricks in a wall, and it will increase the strength of your home two-fold.
The best kind of galvanized strapping to use on your project. And my method of “CC Hatching” that I didn’t figure out until my 45th Tiny House build. ***This is one of my most precious building secrets!***
The one thing you must do BEFORE your Tiny House arrives to your land. And why preparing this before rather than after will not only save you a mint of money, but save your Tiny House from failing within 10 years of your build.
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“There are very few resources out there that teach you how to build your own Tiny House. Just companies trying to sell you on buying one direct. No, I’m a true red blooded do it yourselfer. And making my own mobile tiny house, in the way that I wanted, with the knowledge to fix whatever goes wrong, with the pride of knowing its my blood and sweat that made it, was the only way I was going to do it no matter what. This resource from Mr. Ketcher is pure gold. He really really knows his stuff and it would have been a nightmare to have build my tiny house without it.”
Geoff Biddulph, 35, Clovis, NM
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“If you’re considering building your own tiny home then you would have to be nuts not to get this book. Adam is at the top of his trade, and he parts with all his wisdom in this book. You will avoid a million mistakes with this book at your side. Believe me, the small investment will pay off big time! It did for me.”
Ken Funakoshi, 43, Aina Haina, HI
Let Me Show You All My Secrets to Get Land & Permits While Sidestepping The Nightmare of Red Tape… Paperwork… and Headaches Caused By Local Authorities
How to bypass land & zoning issues by leveraging the compact size of your tiny house to your unfair advantage. This is the smartest way to avoid buying land… renting land… or parking your Tiny House illegally.
My secret way to find land at bargain basement prices. When you hear this one you’ll be heading out the door before you even finish slapping your forehead.
Why your Tiny House isn’t bound to a certain location or zip code. So should you ever need to, you can “move your house” to any new location you see fit.
The one critical question you must ask the city when looking at land for your build. And how their answer will help you determine whether or not a plot of land is right for you.
Why the location of your build influences the price the most. And how to elude extraneous costs by building in zoning pockets the government doesn’t want you to know about.
My devious way to “make good” with zoning authorities to bypass months of headaches and frustrating delays. Trust me, you’re going to want to know this one!
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“Two months after buying this course we were ready to move into our own shipping container house and it was everything we hoped for. It was much cheaper than we expected, and in my opinion it’s better in so many ways, too. I strongly suggest Adam’s course if you’re looking to take the plunge yourself.”
Mike Teunissen, 42, Globe, AZ
I’m also Going to Teach You How to Design Your Tiny House. This is The Funnest Part of the Build! And I’m Going to Pull Back The Curtain to Give You TONS of Great Ideas For Your Project!
You’ll get a myriad of potential floor plans for your new Tiny House. Included are the most widely used designs, but I’ve also included my most popular “personal plans” I guarantee no other program will give you.
How to use optical illusions to give the impression of more space in your Tiny House. This is one of the most overlooked secrets. And those who miss it build their home in a way that looks cramped and cluttered.
One of the biggest issues of owning a Tiny House is STORAGE. I’m going to show you how to double or even triple your storage capacity. And you’ll do it without sacrificing one square foot of your living space!
How to arrange your home design to give you TWICE the space. Leaving plenty of room for a king sized bed and enough storage space for even the most materialistic builders.
The most important “first consideration” when laying out the plans for your new home. Get this one wrong and it could cost you your entire home just a few years down the road.
How to set up off grid electricity… on grid electricity… and the pros and cons of both for your project.
Why windows are one of the most important aspects of your build. And the windows I suggest to make your home thermally efficient and maximally spacious.
Your various options when it comes to your roof and my personal opinions on the best roof options specific to your climate and weather.
If you’re building your Tiny House in a warm climate I’m going to show you how to add radiant barriers into your roofing plans. Including these barriers are like setting up your Tiny House in the shade!
The best landscaping resources for your project. Conventional wisdom is not always economical wisdom. So I give you “outside the box” options to both save money and make your landscaping look sophisticated… unique… and beautiful.
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“I build and sell shipping container homes as wel as tiny houses for a living. I’ve hired Adam on multiple occasions as a consultant. His depth of knowledge is simply unmatched in the industry and his program will show you all the steps you need to take to build a tiny home yourself. But better than that, he’ll show you all the things to avoid (and trust me, there are many things to avoid!)”
Gary Case, 54, Huntington Beach, Ca
So I have to ask…
How much would it be worth to avoid the mountain of obstacles waiting for you when you build your Tiny House?
The truth is, people just like you are losing tens of thousands of dollars in common mistakes when building their tiny homes without guidance.
Needless to say, this can turn into a VERY expensive project.
So the smartest thing you can do is get an expert on your side right from the start.
Since I’m that expert – and since I love helping do-it-yourselfers like you – I’m going to make you a limited time special promotional offer.
Having a consultant guide you through this process would require an investment of at least $5,000 (and that would still only get you a fraction of what’s included in this program).
But don’t worry, because I’m not going to ask you to spend anything like that kind of money! For a limited time only, I’m making Tiny House Made Easy™ available for only…
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
A puny amount.
Especially when you consider you’re getting ME on your team (that’s over 18 years of trade secrets)!
And well worth it when you consider all the expensive mistakes you’re about to avoid!
EVERYTHING you need to build your own Tiny House is right here in this program.
But you’ll have to act NOW.
The next time you come to this page it’s possible it will be more expensive.
Potentially up to 3X as expensive.
So SECURE your copy right now…
And You’ll Also Get a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
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Just to make this the easiest decision you ever made, I’m going to include a 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
That means if you don’t absolutely love this program…
And if you don’t send me an excited email with pictures of your beautiful Tiny House…
Then I don’t want your money.
I’ll refund your full purchase price.
So here’s the smart way to do it…
Don’t decide now.
Get the program… go through it at your own pace… and decide later if it was worth your investment.
When you take this approach, it will be a complete no-brainer, wouldn’t you agree?
“And to Further Sweeten The Pot, I’m Also Throwing in Some Awesome Bonuses!”
BONUS #1: Floorplans of Tiny Houses: $200/Plan (YOURS FREE!)
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You’ll get access to my collection of Tiny House Floorplans, designed specifically by me to show to my clients before a build.
I’ve personally built over 300 tiny houses for my clients and these plans cover them all – from the simplest to the most advanced build. These plans are not like the typical plans which can be found online for free. These are high quality, real world plans of real tiny houses.
There are websites such as houseplans.com which sell similar plans for hundreds each, $200 being the cheapest plan they sell. This puts the value of my plans to thousands, but they’re YOURS FREE with your investment today!
BONUS #2: The Tiny House Trailers Bible: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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If you plan to build a mobile Tiny House, you need a trailer.
That’s why I’m going to show everything you need to know to get a high-quality trailer for the lowest price possible.
I’ll take you step-by-step and teach you:
Everything you need to know about trailers, and I mean REALLY EVERYTHING.
Where to find the most inexpensive trailers in the best possible condition.
The things you must keep an eye on when looking for a trailer.
Cunning ways to get the price down on your purchase.
How to negotiate delivery straight to your doorstep.
How to weatherproof your trailer for decades of reliable service.
And much more…
The money this guide will save you will pay for this entire program many times over. This guide retails for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE with your purchase today!
BONUS #3: Shipping Containers Made Easy: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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In addition to being a Tiny House expert I’m also an authority on Shipping Container Homes.
There are MANY parallels between the two.
So many, in fact, that having a working knowledge of Shipping Container Homes will significantly help you during your Tiny House build.
In this program, I will show you:
Shipping Container Home construction essentials – including play by play instructions on how to properly build elements you’ll build on your Tiny House as well.
Where to find the highest quality shipping containers and what to look for for your build.
My giant list of the best Shipping Container Home floor plans.
How to build your shipping container home in the fastest, most affordable way possible.
How to sidestep the nightmare of red tape… paperwork… and headaches caused by local authorities.
And much much more…
This program retails for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE with your purchase today.
BONUS #4: Tiny House Homesteading – $67 (YOURS FREE!)
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You’ll get one of my most sought after program “Tiny House Homesteading.”
As a do-it-yourselfer you obviously value self-reliance.
And one of the best ways to rely on yourself is to grow your own food… raise your own animals for meat… and preserve your harvest for future security.
Not only does it ensure you organic, healthy food, but since grocery stores are always the first thing to go in a catastrophe, you’ll ensure your survival for all likely tragedies.
Everything you need to thrive is at your fingertips in “Tiny House Homesteading,” my best-selling homesteading guide that I typically sell to my clients for $67.
But I’m going to include it with your order
Absolutely FREE
BONUS #5: Living Off-The-Grid: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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In this gem of a program you’ll learn the step-by-step methods for making your own electricity.
You’ll learn the best options when it comes to solar, wind, and micro-hydro generation.
There is a lot of information on the internet, but this is the only program that shows you how to make your own electricity in the scope of Tiny House living – focusing on cost effectiveness and the advantages of a shipping container-based electric system.
This program is sold for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE today!
BONUS #6: Lifetime Updates Guarantee: $47/Update (YOURS FREE!)
I’m always looking to improve The Tiny House Made Easy™ program, because I want to make sure that you get the best possible results both now, and in the future too.
So when I update the system and add new techniques that I’ve discovered, you’ll be the first to know! In fact, I will send you the new, updated edition straight to your inbox, absolutely free!
BONUS #7: Customer Support By Author: $120/Hour (YOURS FREE!)
Finally, you’re going to get what is perhaps the most valuable bonus for this program – UNLIMITED SUPPORT by me, Adam Ketchner!
That means you can ask me questions … pick my brain … and call on me during your build.
You’ll have ME in your back pocket. And that kind of support is absolutely unheard of in this space!
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
Hi, Are You Still Here?
Maybe that’s because you’re still on the fence about “Tiny House Made Easy™”
If that’s the case, let’s review your options, shall we?
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OPTION #1: Carry on with your current living situation.
Research on the edges of this breakthrough home building evolution and always wonder if this program was the exact thing you needed to get your own custom home at an unbelievable price.
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OPTION #2: Try to do it yourself.
Mimic the years of research … blood … sweat … and tears I put into this program … waste thousands of dollars in costly mistakes … and maybe you end up with your own Tiny House.
: Or you can take the Smart, Easiest and FASTEST OPTION!
The ONLY option.
And get the most direct route to your Tiny House.
BE EXCITED that you choose to invest in your future.
And be proud that you’re taking a giant step closer to the home of your dreams!
You’ve read this far into this letter for a reason.
There’s a feeling inside you that KNOWS your home is just on the other side of saying YES today.
And remember…
You have absolutely nothing to lose!
If you don’t LOVE this program, just send me a 5 second email and I’ll refund every penny of your money.
That means you can discover ALL my secrets with absolutely ZERO risk.
So either you win… or you win.
Pretty good odds, right?
THAT’S how much I KNOW “Tiny House Made Easy™” is going to make your eyes pop with its abundance of valuable secrets.
The sooner you get started the sooner you’ll get your dream home.
So don’t wait one second longer.
Just click the “Add To Cart” button below and together let’s officially kick off your Tiny House project!
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
P.S. Remember, this is the only program on the market written by the world’s #1 authority on Tiny Houses. It contains ALL MY SECRETS from my 20 years in the business and 300+ successful Tiny House projects. It will give you everything you need to build your Tiny House in the quickest … easiest … most cost effective way possible!
P.P.S. Please bear in mind that the price of Tiny House Made Easy™ is incredibly low, and has been deliberately kept low. However, I cannot guarantee that the price will remain this low on a permanent basis. So if you come back tomorrow and the price has changed to $67 or more, you have been warned!
P.P.P.S. Being sceptical is natural, but I’ve made sure that there’s absolutely no risk to you! When you order Tiny House Made Easy™ you are fully protected by a rock-solid 60-day money-back guarantee.
You risk absolutely NOTHING!
“Tiny House Made Easy™” Now >
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tiny House Made Easy ~ 12.4% Conv ~ $100 First Sale Bonus
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Tiny House Made Easy ~ 12.4% Conv ~ $100 First Sale Bonus
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    “How to
Build a Tiny House
Easily, Cheaply and in Just Days”
Follow my Simple Step-By-Step Plans to Learn How…
Dear Friend,
If you’re interested in building your own Tiny House then this will be one of the most exciting messages you ever read..
Because in the next 3 minutes I’m going to show you how to build your own custom Tiny House for a fraction of the cost of hiring a builder..
And how to avoid all the mistakes of builders that have come before you.
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Hi, my name is Adam Ketcher.
I’ve personally built over 300 tiny houses for my clients.
And I’ve experienced just about every building situation imaginable.
After years of mastering this unique trade, I’d like to personally teach you everything – and I mean everything – you need to know to build your Tiny House TODAY.
So you can save boatloads of money and time.
And so you can give yourself and your family a safe & beautiful home they’ll be proud to call their own!
Like you, I love the idea of Tiny Houses
They’e cost effective… minimalistic… cozy… and they give people like us FREEDOM.
Why pay an expensive monthly mortgage for space you really don’t need?
I say…
Only build what’s necessary, and then go enjoy your life!
It’s worked for me. And it’s worked for thousands of others.
It’s for this reason that I have a sincere desire to help people like you achieve this same kind of freedom.
And I believe it’s why I’ve become one of the most trusted professionals when it comes to this growing industry.
Over the years I’ve learned a lot of lessons.
“But the most important lesson is to get people – knowledgeable people – to guide you on your do-it-yourself project.”
If you’ll allow me, I’m here to be YOUR guide on your important journey.
I’m here to teach you everything you need to build your house with zero hiccups.
…so you can start your build today and feel confident in the process.
…and so you can ensure your security and safety for years to come.
I’ve put everything I know into a program called:
Tiny House Made Easy™
The Ultimate How-To Guide to Building a Tiny House
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This program is the result of my 20 years of building Tiny Houses.
If it can happen… I’ve seen it.
If it can go wrong… it’s gone wrong on me!
But today, I’m considered one of the world’s leading authorities on Tiny House construction.
I’m also well-known in the Shipping Container Home industry – which has many parallels with Tiny Houses.
In fact, I’m so trusted in these circles that I’ve acted as a consultant for companies that would be considered my competition!
So here’s my unbreakable promise to you:
When you invest in this program today, you’ll have the ability to build your own Tiny House…
You’ll build it without headaches, mistakes, or irritating delays…
And you’ll do it for a fraction of what it would normally cost you if you didn’t have me as your guide…
Here Are Some of The Secrets You’ll Discover When You Invest in “Tiny House Made Easy™” Today…
The biggest mistake novice builders make when constructing their Tiny House. And how to avoid it to sidestep years of potential headaches and tens of thousands of dollars.
All the best plans I’ve created during my 20 years as a Tiny House builder. These plans will give you the most bang for your buck when creating the layout of your new home. I usually charge $97 for a mini-booklet of these plans – but they’re included in this program for no extra charge!
The brilliant strategy to get others to buy your land for you – without debt and without giving anything in return. ***This secret alone is worth the full price of the program!***
Need a location to setup your new residence? In chapter 2 I’m going to show you a little-known loophole in the law which will allow you to park your Tiny House for a minimum rent – or in some cases – for no rent at all!
You’ll also get a list of ALL the tools you’ll need to build your Tiny House. These tools are as unique as your Tiny Houses itself, so I’m going to teach you what they are and how to get them for pennies on the dollar.
The mistake 95% of people make when purchasing the trailer for their Tiny House. And how to bypass it to save you a small fortune during this important purchase for your build.
The one place NOT to cut corners on your project. And how investing in this will put you 5 steps ahead of most do-it-yourselfers who try to save money in the wrong places.
What is the most important aspect of your upcoming build? YOUR EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS. That’s why I’m going to show you how to quickly hone the skills you’ll need to pull off your build with minimal mistakes and financial setbacks.
You’ll also get my list of Tiny House-friendly areas. I’ve been putting together this list for over 9 years. And it outlines the ideal locations in the country to set up your tiny house with minimum investment and headaches.
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“I never liked the idea of paying for more space than I needed. And I never bought into the ‘American Dream’ of working a job I hate to buy stuff I don’t need. That’s why I built my own Tiny House. This program was invaluable. I would have spent thousands more without it, and the build probably would have taken me 2-3 times longer. Thank you for this, Adam. It truly was a life saver!”
Joseph Brazell, 45, Ault, Colorado
When You’re Done With This Program You’ll Know More Than Most Professional Home Builders!
You’ll also learn how to get essential parts for your home ABSOLUTELY FREE. And how doing so will shave up to 20% off the total bill of your build.
How to research and examine the load bearing capacity of the soil you’ll potentially want to build on. This is one of the most important parts of a building project. But it’s also the most overlooked. Don’t make the same mistake of others who have failed before you.
The most economical foundational set up for your Tiny House. And why building your foundation in this way will cut the cost of your project by 30%.
My step by step blueprint for how to frame your Tiny House. This is where the rubber really hits the road with this program, and the details I part with are as good as having me right at your side as you raise the walls on your new project.
The little-known trick to massively increase the structural strength of your house and allow it to maintain its integrity if/when it’s being transported.
Do you ever wonder how a trailer-bound Tiny House can possibly run a working toilet? How about water heating and garbage? Well, wonder no more! I outline all your options when it comes to setting up the waste and water heating elements for your new home.
How to set up a gray water system for your waste products as well as how to recycle used water back into your landscaping for maximum use.
The 5 principles of safety when it comes to tiny houses. These are issues most people never think of. And they just might save your life!
How to build a heat reflecting roof that standard homes simply can’t compete with. And how it will save you a stack of money in cooling costs within the first few years of use!
The crafty way to use landscaping to your home’s advantage. Saving you thousands on insulation costs and labor.
The “3 I’s Rule.” And its 3-part blueprint to keep your tiny house warm through those cold winter months.
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“This book was my bible. I actually printed it and it’s dog-eared with highlighting all throughout it. This is the real deal, folks. You’d be crazy not to have it in your back pocket when building your tiny home.”
Ed Walker, 36, Franklin, TN
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“I bought the program to check it out before buying the material because I wanted to know all the things to look out for and its an understatement to say that it overdelivered. It’s clear Mr. Adams put his heart and soul into this and I recommend it to anyone who wants to build a tiny home or is looking to buy one already built.”
Anthony Lacy, 38, Denver, CO
I Left Nothing to Chance! This Program Will Give You Everything You Need to Build a Seamless Tiny House ON TIME… THE FIRST TIME!
I’m going to hand you a comprehensive list of all the MATERIALS you’ll need to build your tiny house. Save the headache… leave the guesswork to everyone else… you’re going to get a shopping list that will cover EVERYTHING you need to be up and running in the quickest way possible.
Want to double your space? Want to hold on to you comfy king sized bed? Well I’m going to outline the best way to include a sleeping loft. I’ll also show you how to double your sleeping space as storage.
How to make your home thermally efficient with direct gain passive solar heating. And why this system will virtually eliminate all heating costs while keeping your home at a constant temperature (even in the winter)
The best insulation to use for your tiny house – both in efficacy and affordability.
The location on your Tiny House where you must spray an inch of ‘closed cell’ polyurethane foam. And why doing so will both exponentially increase the longevity of your new home by at least 10 years AND save you hundreds of dollars on your heating and cooling bill.
How to wire your house so you won’t have to tear your walls apart if there’s an electrical problem. This handy little method will save you a fistful of dollars if the worst should happen down the road.
The two best options when connecting water to your Tiny House. And the strategy I recommend to get clean, reliable water while keeping the authorities off your back.
How to correctly lay down your plywood sheeting. This is the same concepts of laying bricks in a wall, and it will increase the strength of your home two-fold.
The best kind of galvanized strapping to use on your project. And my method of “CC Hatching” that I didn’t figure out until my 45th Tiny House build. ***This is one of my most precious building secrets!***
The one thing you must do BEFORE your Tiny House arrives to your land. And why preparing this before rather than after will not only save you a mint of money, but save your Tiny House from failing within 10 years of your build.
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“There are very few resources out there that teach you how to build your own Tiny House. Just companies trying to sell you on buying one direct. No, I’m a true red blooded do it yourselfer. And making my own mobile tiny house, in the way that I wanted, with the knowledge to fix whatever goes wrong, with the pride of knowing its my blood and sweat that made it, was the only way I was going to do it no matter what. This resource from Mr. Ketcher is pure gold. He really really knows his stuff and it would have been a nightmare to have build my tiny house without it.”
Geoff Biddulph, 35, Clovis, NM
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“If you’re considering building your own tiny home then you would have to be nuts not to get this book. Adam is at the top of his trade, and he parts with all his wisdom in this book. You will avoid a million mistakes with this book at your side. Believe me, the small investment will pay off big time! It did for me.”
Ken Funakoshi, 43, Aina Haina, HI
Let Me Show You All My Secrets to Get Land & Permits While Sidestepping The Nightmare of Red Tape… Paperwork… and Headaches Caused By Local Authorities
How to bypass land & zoning issues by leveraging the compact size of your tiny house to your unfair advantage. This is the smartest way to avoid buying land… renting land… or parking your Tiny House illegally.
My secret way to find land at bargain basement prices. When you hear this one you’ll be heading out the door before you even finish slapping your forehead.
Why your Tiny House isn’t bound to a certain location or zip code. So should you ever need to, you can “move your house” to any new location you see fit.
The one critical question you must ask the city when looking at land for your build. And how their answer will help you determine whether or not a plot of land is right for you.
Why the location of your build influences the price the most. And how to elude extraneous costs by building in zoning pockets the government doesn’t want you to know about.
My devious way to “make good” with zoning authorities to bypass months of headaches and frustrating delays. Trust me, you’re going to want to know this one!
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“Two months after buying this course we were ready to move into our own shipping container house and it was everything we hoped for. It was much cheaper than we expected, and in my opinion it’s better in so many ways, too. I strongly suggest Adam’s course if you’re looking to take the plunge yourself.”
Mike Teunissen, 42, Globe, AZ
I’m also Going to Teach You How to Design Your Tiny House. This is The Funnest Part of the Build! And I’m Going to Pull Back The Curtain to Give You TONS of Great Ideas For Your Project!
You’ll get a myriad of potential floor plans for your new Tiny House. Included are the most widely used designs, but I’ve also included my most popular “personal plans” I guarantee no other program will give you.
How to use optical illusions to give the impression of more space in your Tiny House. This is one of the most overlooked secrets. And those who miss it build their home in a way that looks cramped and cluttered.
One of the biggest issues of owning a Tiny House is STORAGE. I’m going to show you how to double or even triple your storage capacity. And you’ll do it without sacrificing one square foot of your living space!
How to arrange your home design to give you TWICE the space. Leaving plenty of room for a king sized bed and enough storage space for even the most materialistic builders.
The most important “first consideration” when laying out the plans for your new home. Get this one wrong and it could cost you your entire home just a few years down the road.
How to set up off grid electricity… on grid electricity… and the pros and cons of both for your project.
Why windows are one of the most important aspects of your build. And the windows I suggest to make your home thermally efficient and maximally spacious.
Your various options when it comes to your roof and my personal opinions on the best roof options specific to your climate and weather.
If you’re building your Tiny House in a warm climate I’m going to show you how to add radiant barriers into your roofing plans. Including these barriers are like setting up your Tiny House in the shade!
The best landscaping resources for your project. Conventional wisdom is not always economical wisdom. So I give you “outside the box” options to both save money and make your landscaping look sophisticated… unique… and beautiful.
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“I build and sell shipping container homes as wel as tiny houses for a living. I’ve hired Adam on multiple occasions as a consultant. His depth of knowledge is simply unmatched in the industry and his program will show you all the steps you need to take to build a tiny home yourself. But better than that, he’ll show you all the things to avoid (and trust me, there are many things to avoid!)”
Gary Case, 54, Huntington Beach, Ca
So I have to ask…
How much would it be worth to avoid the mountain of obstacles waiting for you when you build your Tiny House?
The truth is, people just like you are losing tens of thousands of dollars in common mistakes when building their tiny homes without guidance.
Needless to say, this can turn into a VERY expensive project.
So the smartest thing you can do is get an expert on your side right from the start.
Since I’m that expert – and since I love helping do-it-yourselfers like you – I’m going to make you a limited time special promotional offer.
Having a consultant guide you through this process would require an investment of at least $5,000 (and that would still only get you a fraction of what’s included in this program).
But don’t worry, because I’m not going to ask you to spend anything like that kind of money! For a limited time only, I’m making Tiny House Made Easy™ available for only…
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
A puny amount.
Especially when you consider you’re getting ME on your team (that’s over 18 years of trade secrets)!
And well worth it when you consider all the expensive mistakes you’re about to avoid!
EVERYTHING you need to build your own Tiny House is right here in this program.
But you’ll have to act NOW.
The next time you come to this page it’s possible it will be more expensive.
Potentially up to 3X as expensive.
So SECURE your copy right now…
And You’ll Also Get a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
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Just to make this the easiest decision you ever made, I’m going to include a 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
That means if you don’t absolutely love this program…
And if you don’t send me an excited email with pictures of your beautiful Tiny House…
Then I don’t want your money.
I’ll refund your full purchase price.
So here’s the smart way to do it…
Don’t decide now.
Get the program… go through it at your own pace… and decide later if it was worth your investment.
When you take this approach, it will be a complete no-brainer, wouldn’t you agree?
“And to Further Sweeten The Pot, I’m Also Throwing in Some Awesome Bonuses!”
BONUS #1: Floorplans of Tiny Houses: $200/Plan (YOURS FREE!)
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You’ll get access to my collection of Tiny House Floorplans, designed specifically by me to show to my clients before a build.
I’ve personally built over 300 tiny houses for my clients and these plans cover them all – from the simplest to the most advanced build. These plans are not like the typical plans which can be found online for free. These are high quality, real world plans of real tiny houses.
There are websites such as houseplans.com which sell similar plans for hundreds each, $200 being the cheapest plan they sell. This puts the value of my plans to thousands, but they’re YOURS FREE with your investment today!
BONUS #2: The Tiny House Trailers Bible: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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If you plan to build a mobile Tiny House, you need a trailer.
That’s why I’m going to show everything you need to know to get a high-quality trailer for the lowest price possible.
I’ll take you step-by-step and teach you:
Everything you need to know about trailers, and I mean REALLY EVERYTHING.
Where to find the most inexpensive trailers in the best possible condition.
The things you must keep an eye on when looking for a trailer.
Cunning ways to get the price down on your purchase.
How to negotiate delivery straight to your doorstep.
How to weatherproof your trailer for decades of reliable service.
And much more…
The money this guide will save you will pay for this entire program many times over. This guide retails for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE with your purchase today!
BONUS #3: Shipping Containers Made Easy: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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In addition to being a Tiny House expert I’m also an authority on Shipping Container Homes.
There are MANY parallels between the two.
So many, in fact, that having a working knowledge of Shipping Container Homes will significantly help you during your Tiny House build.
In this program, I will show you:
Shipping Container Home construction essentials – including play by play instructions on how to properly build elements you’ll build on your Tiny House as well.
Where to find the highest quality shipping containers and what to look for for your build.
My giant list of the best Shipping Container Home floor plans.
How to build your shipping container home in the fastest, most affordable way possible.
How to sidestep the nightmare of red tape… paperwork… and headaches caused by local authorities.
And much much more…
This program retails for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE with your purchase today.
BONUS #4: Tiny House Homesteading ��� $67 (YOURS FREE!)
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You’ll get one of my most sought after program “Tiny House Homesteading.”
As a do-it-yourselfer you obviously value self-reliance.
And one of the best ways to rely on yourself is to grow your own food… raise your own animals for meat… and preserve your harvest for future security.
Not only does it ensure you organic, healthy food, but since grocery stores are always the first thing to go in a catastrophe, you’ll ensure your survival for all likely tragedies.
Everything you need to thrive is at your fingertips in “Tiny House Homesteading,” my best-selling homesteading guide that I typically sell to my clients for $67.
But I’m going to include it with your order
Absolutely FREE
BONUS #5: Living Off-The-Grid: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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In this gem of a program you’ll learn the step-by-step methods for making your own electricity.
You’ll learn the best options when it comes to solar, wind, and micro-hydro generation.
There is a lot of information on the internet, but this is the only program that shows you how to make your own electricity in the scope of Tiny House living – focusing on cost effectiveness and the advantages of a shipping container-based electric system.
This program is sold for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE today!
BONUS #6: Lifetime Updates Guarantee: $47/Update (YOURS FREE!)
I’m always looking to improve The Tiny House Made Easy™ program, because I want to make sure that you get the best possible results both now, and in the future too.
So when I update the system and add new techniques that I’ve discovered, you’ll be the first to know! In fact, I will send you the new, updated edition straight to your inbox, absolutely free!
BONUS #7: Customer Support By Author: $120/Hour (YOURS FREE!)
Finally, you’re going to get what is perhaps the most valuable bonus for this program – UNLIMITED SUPPORT by me, Adam Ketchner!
That means you can ask me questions … pick my brain … and call on me during your build.
You’ll have ME in your back pocket. And that kind of support is absolutely unheard of in this space!
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
Hi, Are You Still Here?
Maybe that’s because you’re still on the fence about “Tiny House Made Easy™”
If that’s the case, let’s review your options, shall we?
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OPTION #1: Carry on with your current living situation.
Research on the edges of this breakthrough home building evolution and always wonder if this program was the exact thing you needed to get your own custom home at an unbelievable price.
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OPTION #2: Try to do it yourself.
Mimic the years of research … blood … sweat … and tears I put into this program … waste thousands of dollars in costly mistakes … and maybe you end up with your own Tiny House.
: Or you can take the Smart, Easiest and FASTEST OPTION!
The ONLY option.
And get the most direct route to your Tiny House.
BE EXCITED that you choose to invest in your future.
And be proud that you’re taking a giant step closer to the home of your dreams!
You’ve read this far into this letter for a reason.
There’s a feeling inside you that KNOWS your home is just on the other side of saying YES today.
And remember…
You have absolutely nothing to lose!
If you don’t LOVE this program, just send me a 5 second email and I’ll refund every penny of your money.
That means you can discover ALL my secrets with absolutely ZERO risk.
So either you win… or you win.
Pretty good odds, right?
THAT’S how much I KNOW “Tiny House Made Easy™” is going to make your eyes pop with its abundance of valuable secrets.
The sooner you get started the sooner you’ll get your dream home.
So don’t wait one second longer.
Just click the “Add To Cart” button below and together let’s officially kick off your Tiny House project!
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
P.S. Remember, this is the only program on the market written by the world’s #1 authority on Tiny Houses. It contains ALL MY SECRETS from my 20 years in the business and 300+ successful Tiny House projects. It will give you everything you need to build your Tiny House in the quickest … easiest … most cost effective way possible!
P.P.S. Please bear in mind that the price of Tiny House Made Easy™ is incredibly low, and has been deliberately kept low. However, I cannot guarantee that the price will remain this low on a permanent basis. So if you come back tomorrow and the price has changed to $67 or more, you have been warned!
P.P.P.S. Being sceptical is natural, but I’ve made sure that there’s absolutely no risk to you! When you order Tiny House Made Easy™ you are fully protected by a rock-solid 60-day money-back guarantee.
You risk absolutely NOTHING!
“Tiny House Made Easy™” Now >
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tiny House Made Easy ~ 12.4% Conv ~ $100 First Sale Bonus
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Tiny House Made Easy ~ 12.4% Conv ~ $100 First Sale Bonus
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    “How to
Build a Tiny House
Easily, Cheaply and in Just Days”
Follow my Simple Step-By-Step Plans to Learn How…
Dear Friend,
If you’re interested in building your own Tiny House then this will be one of the most exciting messages you ever read..
Because in the next 3 minutes I’m going to show you how to build your own custom Tiny House for a fraction of the cost of hiring a builder..
And how to avoid all the mistakes of builders that have come before you.
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Hi, my name is Adam Ketcher.
I’ve personally built over 300 tiny houses for my clients.
And I’ve experienced just about every building situation imaginable.
After years of mastering this unique trade, I’d like to personally teach you everything – and I mean everything – you need to know to build your Tiny House TODAY.
So you can save boatloads of money and time.
And so you can give yourself and your family a safe & beautiful home they’ll be proud to call their own!
Like you, I love the idea of Tiny Houses
They’e cost effective… minimalistic… cozy… and they give people like us FREEDOM.
Why pay an expensive monthly mortgage for space you really don’t need?
I say…
Only build what’s necessary, and then go enjoy your life!
It’s worked for me. And it’s worked for thousands of others.
It’s for this reason that I have a sincere desire to help people like you achieve this same kind of freedom.
And I believe it’s why I’ve become one of the most trusted professionals when it comes to this growing industry.
Over the years I’ve learned a lot of lessons.
“But the most important lesson is to get people – knowledgeable people – to guide you on your do-it-yourself project.”
If you’ll allow me, I’m here to be YOUR guide on your important journey.
I’m here to teach you everything you need to build your house with zero hiccups.
…so you can start your build today and feel confident in the process.
…and so you can ensure your security and safety for years to come.
I’ve put everything I know into a program called:
Tiny House Made Easy™
The Ultimate How-To Guide to Building a Tiny House
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This program is the result of my 20 years of building Tiny Houses.
If it can happen… I’ve seen it.
If it can go wrong… it’s gone wrong on me!
But today, I’m considered one of the world’s leading authorities on Tiny House construction.
I’m also well-known in the Shipping Container Home industry – which has many parallels with Tiny Houses.
In fact, I’m so trusted in these circles that I’ve acted as a consultant for companies that would be considered my competition!
So here’s my unbreakable promise to you:
When you invest in this program today, you’ll have the ability to build your own Tiny House…
You’ll build it without headaches, mistakes, or irritating delays…
And you’ll do it for a fraction of what it would normally cost you if you didn’t have me as your guide…
Here Are Some of The Secrets You’ll Discover When You Invest in “Tiny House Made Easy™” Today…
The biggest mistake novice builders make when constructing their Tiny House. And how to avoid it to sidestep years of potential headaches and tens of thousands of dollars.
All the best plans I’ve created during my 20 years as a Tiny House builder. These plans will give you the most bang for your buck when creating the layout of your new home. I usually charge $97 for a mini-booklet of these plans – but they’re included in this program for no extra charge!
The brilliant strategy to get others to buy your land for you – without debt and without giving anything in return. ***This secret alone is worth the full price of the program!***
Need a location to setup your new residence? In chapter 2 I’m going to show you a little-known loophole in the law which will allow you to park your Tiny House for a minimum rent – or in some cases – for no rent at all!
You’ll also get a list of ALL the tools you’ll need to build your Tiny House. These tools are as unique as your Tiny Houses itself, so I’m going to teach you what they are and how to get them for pennies on the dollar.
The mistake 95% of people make when purchasing the trailer for their Tiny House. And how to bypass it to save you a small fortune during this important purchase for your build.
The one place NOT to cut corners on your project. And how investing in this will put you 5 steps ahead of most do-it-yourselfers who try to save money in the wrong places.
What is the most important aspect of your upcoming build? YOUR EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS. That’s why I’m going to show you how to quickly hone the skills you’ll need to pull off your build with minimal mistakes and financial setbacks.
You’ll also get my list of Tiny House-friendly areas. I’ve been putting together this list for over 9 years. And it outlines the ideal locations in the country to set up your tiny house with minimum investment and headaches.
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“I never liked the idea of paying for more space than I needed. And I never bought into the ‘American Dream’ of working a job I hate to buy stuff I don’t need. That’s why I built my own Tiny House. This program was invaluable. I would have spent thousands more without it, and the build probably would have taken me 2-3 times longer. Thank you for this, Adam. It truly was a life saver!”
Joseph Brazell, 45, Ault, Colorado
When You’re Done With This Program You’ll Know More Than Most Professional Home Builders!
You’ll also learn how to get essential parts for your home ABSOLUTELY FREE. And how doing so will shave up to 20% off the total bill of your build.
How to research and examine the load bearing capacity of the soil you’ll potentially want to build on. This is one of the most important parts of a building project. But it’s also the most overlooked. Don’t make the same mistake of others who have failed before you.
The most economical foundational set up for your Tiny House. And why building your foundation in this way will cut the cost of your project by 30%.
My step by step blueprint for how to frame your Tiny House. This is where the rubber really hits the road with this program, and the details I part with are as good as having me right at your side as you raise the walls on your new project.
The little-known trick to massively increase the structural strength of your house and allow it to maintain its integrity if/when it’s being transported.
Do you ever wonder how a trailer-bound Tiny House can possibly run a working toilet? How about water heating and garbage? Well, wonder no more! I outline all your options when it comes to setting up the waste and water heating elements for your new home.
How to set up a gray water system for your waste products as well as how to recycle used water back into your landscaping for maximum use.
The 5 principles of safety when it comes to tiny houses. These are issues most people never think of. And they just might save your life!
How to build a heat reflecting roof that standard homes simply can’t compete with. And how it will save you a stack of money in cooling costs within the first few years of use!
The crafty way to use landscaping to your home’s advantage. Saving you thousands on insulation costs and labor.
The “3 I’s Rule.” And its 3-part blueprint to keep your tiny house warm through those cold winter months.
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“This book was my bible. I actually printed it and it’s dog-eared with highlighting all throughout it. This is the real deal, folks. You’d be crazy not to have it in your back pocket when building your tiny home.”
Ed Walker, 36, Franklin, TN
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“I bought the program to check it out before buying the material because I wanted to know all the things to look out for and its an understatement to say that it overdelivered. It’s clear Mr. Adams put his heart and soul into this and I recommend it to anyone who wants to build a tiny home or is looking to buy one already built.”
Anthony Lacy, 38, Denver, CO
I Left Nothing to Chance! This Program Will Give You Everything You Need to Build a Seamless Tiny House ON TIME… THE FIRST TIME!
I’m going to hand you a comprehensive list of all the MATERIALS you’ll need to build your tiny house. Save the headache… leave the guesswork to everyone else… you’re going to get a shopping list that will cover EVERYTHING you need to be up and running in the quickest way possible.
Want to double your space? Want to hold on to you comfy king sized bed? Well I’m going to outline the best way to include a sleeping loft. I’ll also show you how to double your sleeping space as storage.
How to make your home thermally efficient with direct gain passive solar heating. And why this system will virtually eliminate all heating costs while keeping your home at a constant temperature (even in the winter)
The best insulation to use for your tiny house – both in efficacy and affordability.
The location on your Tiny House where you must spray an inch of ‘closed cell’ polyurethane foam. And why doing so will both exponentially increase the longevity of your new home by at least 10 years AND save you hundreds of dollars on your heating and cooling bill.
How to wire your house so you won’t have to tear your walls apart if there’s an electrical problem. This handy little method will save you a fistful of dollars if the worst should happen down the road.
The two best options when connecting water to your Tiny House. And the strategy I recommend to get clean, reliable water while keeping the authorities off your back.
How to correctly lay down your plywood sheeting. This is the same concepts of laying bricks in a wall, and it will increase the strength of your home two-fold.
The best kind of galvanized strapping to use on your project. And my method of “CC Hatching” that I didn’t figure out until my 45th Tiny House build. ***This is one of my most precious building secrets!***
The one thing you must do BEFORE your Tiny House arrives to your land. And why preparing this before rather than after will not only save you a mint of money, but save your Tiny House from failing within 10 years of your build.
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“There are very few resources out there that teach you how to build your own Tiny House. Just companies trying to sell you on buying one direct. No, I’m a true red blooded do it yourselfer. And making my own mobile tiny house, in the way that I wanted, with the knowledge to fix whatever goes wrong, with the pride of knowing its my blood and sweat that made it, was the only way I was going to do it no matter what. This resource from Mr. Ketcher is pure gold. He really really knows his stuff and it would have been a nightmare to have build my tiny house without it.”
Geoff Biddulph, 35, Clovis, NM
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“If you’re considering building your own tiny home then you would have to be nuts not to get this book. Adam is at the top of his trade, and he parts with all his wisdom in this book. You will avoid a million mistakes with this book at your side. Believe me, the small investment will pay off big time! It did for me.”
Ken Funakoshi, 43, Aina Haina, HI
Let Me Show You All My Secrets to Get Land & Permits While Sidestepping The Nightmare of Red Tape… Paperwork… and Headaches Caused By Local Authorities
How to bypass land & zoning issues by leveraging the compact size of your tiny house to your unfair advantage. This is the smartest way to avoid buying land… renting land… or parking your Tiny House illegally.
My secret way to find land at bargain basement prices. When you hear this one you’ll be heading out the door before you even finish slapping your forehead.
Why your Tiny House isn’t bound to a certain location or zip code. So should you ever need to, you can “move your house” to any new location you see fit.
The one critical question you must ask the city when looking at land for your build. And how their answer will help you determine whether or not a plot of land is right for you.
Why the location of your build influences the price the most. And how to elude extraneous costs by building in zoning pockets the government doesn’t want you to know about.
My devious way to “make good” with zoning authorities to bypass months of headaches and frustrating delays. Trust me, you’re going to want to know this one!
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“Two months after buying this course we were ready to move into our own shipping container house and it was everything we hoped for. It was much cheaper than we expected, and in my opinion it’s better in so many ways, too. I strongly suggest Adam’s course if you’re looking to take the plunge yourself.”
Mike Teunissen, 42, Globe, AZ
I’m also Going to Teach You How to Design Your Tiny House. This is The Funnest Part of the Build! And I’m Going to Pull Back The Curtain to Give You TONS of Great Ideas For Your Project!
You’ll get a myriad of potential floor plans for your new Tiny House. Included are the most widely used designs, but I’ve also included my most popular “personal plans” I guarantee no other program will give you.
How to use optical illusions to give the impression of more space in your Tiny House. This is one of the most overlooked secrets. And those who miss it build their home in a way that looks cramped and cluttered.
One of the biggest issues of owning a Tiny House is STORAGE. I’m going to show you how to double or even triple your storage capacity. And you’ll do it without sacrificing one square foot of your living space!
How to arrange your home design to give you TWICE the space. Leaving plenty of room for a king sized bed and enough storage space for even the most materialistic builders.
The most important “first consideration” when laying out the plans for your new home. Get this one wrong and it could cost you your entire home just a few years down the road.
How to set up off grid electricity… on grid electricity… and the pros and cons of both for your project.
Why windows are one of the most important aspects of your build. And the windows I suggest to make your home thermally efficient and maximally spacious.
Your various options when it comes to your roof and my personal opinions on the best roof options specific to your climate and weather.
If you’re building your Tiny House in a warm climate I’m going to show you how to add radiant barriers into your roofing plans. Including these barriers are like setting up your Tiny House in the shade!
The best landscaping resources for your project. Conventional wisdom is not always economical wisdom. So I give you “outside the box” options to both save money and make your landscaping look sophisticated… unique… and beautiful.
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“I build and sell shipping container homes as wel as tiny houses for a living. I’ve hired Adam on multiple occasions as a consultant. His depth of knowledge is simply unmatched in the industry and his program will show you all the steps you need to take to build a tiny home yourself. But better than that, he’ll show you all the things to avoid (and trust me, there are many things to avoid!)”
Gary Case, 54, Huntington Beach, Ca
So I have to ask…
How much would it be worth to avoid the mountain of obstacles waiting for you when you build your Tiny House?
The truth is, people just like you are losing tens of thousands of dollars in common mistakes when building their tiny homes without guidance.
Needless to say, this can turn into a VERY expensive project.
So the smartest thing you can do is get an expert on your side right from the start.
Since I’m that expert – and since I love helping do-it-yourselfers like you – I’m going to make you a limited time special promotional offer.
Having a consultant guide you through this process would require an investment of at least $5,000 (and that would still only get you a fraction of what’s included in this program).
But don’t worry, because I’m not going to ask you to spend anything like that kind of money! For a limited time only, I’m making Tiny House Made Easy™ available for only…
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
A puny amount.
Especially when you consider you’re getting ME on your team (that’s over 18 years of trade secrets)!
And well worth it when you consider all the expensive mistakes you’re about to avoid!
EVERYTHING you need to build your own Tiny House is right here in this program.
But you’ll have to act NOW.
The next time you come to this page it’s possible it will be more expensive.
Potentially up to 3X as expensive.
So SECURE your copy right now…
And You’ll Also Get a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
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Just to make this the easiest decision you ever made, I’m going to include a 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
That means if you don’t absolutely love this program…
And if you don’t send me an excited email with pictures of your beautiful Tiny House…
Then I don’t want your money.
I’ll refund your full purchase price.
So here’s the smart way to do it…
Don’t decide now.
Get the program… go through it at your own pace… and decide later if it was worth your investment.
When you take this approach, it will be a complete no-brainer, wouldn’t you agree?
“And to Further Sweeten The Pot, I’m Also Throwing in Some Awesome Bonuses!”
BONUS #1: Floorplans of Tiny Houses: $200/Plan (YOURS FREE!)
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You’ll get access to my collection of Tiny House Floorplans, designed specifically by me to show to my clients before a build.
I’ve personally built over 300 tiny houses for my clients and these plans cover them all – from the simplest to the most advanced build. These plans are not like the typical plans which can be found online for free. These are high quality, real world plans of real tiny houses.
There are websites such as houseplans.com which sell similar plans for hundreds each, $200 being the cheapest plan they sell. This puts the value of my plans to thousands, but they’re YOURS FREE with your investment today!
BONUS #2: The Tiny House Trailers Bible: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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If you plan to build a mobile Tiny House, you need a trailer.
That’s why I’m going to show everything you need to know to get a high-quality trailer for the lowest price possible.
I’ll take you step-by-step and teach you:
Everything you need to know about trailers, and I mean REALLY EVERYTHING.
Where to find the most inexpensive trailers in the best possible condition.
The things you must keep an eye on when looking for a trailer.
Cunning ways to get the price down on your purchase.
How to negotiate delivery straight to your doorstep.
How to weatherproof your trailer for decades of reliable service.
And much more…
The money this guide will save you will pay for this entire program many times over. This guide retails for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE with your purchase today!
BONUS #3: Shipping Containers Made Easy: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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In addition to being a Tiny House expert I’m also an authority on Shipping Container Homes.
There are MANY parallels between the two.
So many, in fact, that having a working knowledge of Shipping Container Homes will significantly help you during your Tiny House build.
In this program, I will show you:
Shipping Container Home construction essentials – including play by play instructions on how to properly build elements you’ll build on your Tiny House as well.
Where to find the highest quality shipping containers and what to look for for your build.
My giant list of the best Shipping Container Home floor plans.
How to build your shipping container home in the fastest, most affordable way possible.
How to sidestep the nightmare of red tape… paperwork… and headaches caused by local authorities.
And much much more…
This program retails for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE with your purchase today.
BONUS #4: Tiny House Homesteading – $67 (YOURS FREE!)
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You’ll get one of my most sought after program “Tiny House Homesteading.”
As a do-it-yourselfer you obviously value self-reliance.
And one of the best ways to rely on yourself is to grow your own food… raise your own animals for meat… and preserve your harvest for future security.
Not only does it ensure you organic, healthy food, but since grocery stores are always the first thing to go in a catastrophe, you’ll ensure your survival for all likely tragedies.
Everything you need to thrive is at your fingertips in “Tiny House Homesteading,” my best-selling homesteading guide that I typically sell to my clients for $67.
But I’m going to include it with your order
Absolutely FREE
BONUS #5: Living Off-The-Grid: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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In this gem of a program you’ll learn the step-by-step methods for making your own electricity.
You’ll learn the best options when it comes to solar, wind, and micro-hydro generation.
There is a lot of information on the internet, but this is the only program that shows you how to make your own electricity in the scope of Tiny House living – focusing on cost effectiveness and the advantages of a shipping container-based electric system.
This program is sold for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE today!
BONUS #6: Lifetime Updates Guarantee: $47/Update (YOURS FREE!)
I’m always looking to improve The Tiny House Made Easy™ program, because I want to make sure that you get the best possible results both now, and in the future too.
So when I update the system and add new techniques that I’ve discovered, you’ll be the first to know! In fact, I will send you the new, updated edition straight to your inbox, absolutely free!
BONUS #7: Customer Support By Author: $120/Hour (YOURS FREE!)
Finally, you’re going to get what is perhaps the most valuable bonus for this program – UNLIMITED SUPPORT by me, Adam Ketchner!
That means you can ask me questions … pick my brain … and call on me during your build.
You’ll have ME in your back pocket. And that kind of support is absolutely unheard of in this space!
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
Hi, Are You Still Here?
Maybe that’s because you’re still on the fence about “Tiny House Made Easy™”
If that’s the case, let’s review your options, shall we?
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OPTION #1: Carry on with your current living situation.
Research on the edges of this breakthrough home building evolution and always wonder if this program was the exact thing you needed to get your own custom home at an unbelievable price.
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OPTION #2: Try to do it yourself.
Mimic the years of research … blood … sweat … and tears I put into this program … waste thousands of dollars in costly mistakes … and maybe you end up with your own Tiny House.
: Or you can take the Smart, Easiest and FASTEST OPTION!
The ONLY option.
And get the most direct route to your Tiny House.
BE EXCITED that you choose to invest in your future.
And be proud that you’re taking a giant step closer to the home of your dreams!
You’ve read this far into this letter for a reason.
There’s a feeling inside you that KNOWS your home is just on the other side of saying YES today.
And remember…
You have absolutely nothing to lose!
If you don’t LOVE this program, just send me a 5 second email and I’ll refund every penny of your money.
That means you can discover ALL my secrets with absolutely ZERO risk.
So either you win… or you win.
Pretty good odds, right?
THAT’S how much I KNOW “Tiny House Made Easy™” is going to make your eyes pop with its abundance of valuable secrets.
The sooner you get started the sooner you’ll get your dream home.
So don’t wait one second longer.
Just click the “Add To Cart” button below and together let’s officially kick off your Tiny House project!
NOTE: Tiny House Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
P.S. Remember, this is the only program on the market written by the world’s #1 authority on Tiny Houses. It contains ALL MY SECRETS from my 20 years in the business and 300+ successful Tiny House projects. It will give you everything you need to build your Tiny House in the quickest … easiest … most cost effective way possible!
P.P.S. Please bear in mind that the price of Tiny House Made Easy™ is incredibly low, and has been deliberately kept low. However, I cannot guarantee that the price will remain this low on a permanent basis. So if you come back tomorrow and the price has changed to $67 or more, you have been warned!
P.P.P.S. Being sceptical is natural, but I’ve made sure that there’s absolutely no risk to you! When you order Tiny House Made Easy™ you are fully protected by a rock-solid 60-day money-back guarantee.
You risk absolutely NOTHING!
“Tiny House Made Easy™” Now >
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