#(points) omg soramaru!!
orange-cheetah · 2 years
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as promised yesterday at 3am - my anime whumpee tierlist! 5/6 characters from my top 3 otps are in the s rank. says a lot (the other guy is shizuo)
most of the characters i recognize on this are my favorites from their respective shows,,, much to think about huh
ALSO. something about kyoani boys catapults them to the good shit rank, man (they pretty)
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yujachachacha · 7 years
who is you fav μ's seiyuu?
Is it cheating if I say “all of them”? _(:3 」∠)_ I mean, each of them are just so funny and precious in their own unique way:
Emitsun is basically a grown-up Honoka…except maybe not so “grown-up” after all. She’s so clumsy! Then again, she’s got dem buff arms and a really powerful singing voice. A wonderful leader through and through.
Ucchi is pure. So pure. Her looks of disgust are killer, though. Also, I approve of her water-drinking habits. Stay hydrated, kids.
Mimorin, more like Memeorin amirite? I love how she has basically nothing in common with Umi in terms of personality, and has even pointed out this fact herself on more than one occasion.
Shikaco is so pretty…and yet her drawings are so terrifying…reminds me of a certain member of the Aqours cast. :3c I also love all the videos of her hanging out with Rippi - RL RinPana right here.
Pile manages to be both a dork and an ojou-sama. How does she do it?! She’s such an amazing singer, too. Also, her giggles are really cute.
Rippi is the maji angel. Nanjou’s got the right idea of wanting to dote on her. A little ball of sunshine much like her character. Talented as heck, too - if you haven’t seen her Anisama performance of “Kataomoi Sekkin”, you need to do so right now.
Soramaru…oh boy, where do I start with her? She’s the Aikyan of the µ’s crew - her dedication to her character is second-to-none. She is the reason why Nico is so beloved despite being a trash gremlin. Also, I saw her earlier this year at BushiFes and holy crap she is so nice to her fans. She was so radiant that she might have been hiding an actual halo above her head or something.
Kussun can also give the others a run for their money in terms of being the RL equivalent of their character. She always peeks under the skirts of the µ’s figurines during niconamas, lmao. Also love the fact that she never pays attention during the letter-reading corners, and while Jolno’s quite used to this habit, Emitsun had to tsukkomi her relentlessly for it when it happened on Emitsun Fight Club.
Nanjolno AKA Nanchan AKA Jolno AKA forever 17, wtf. She’s so tiny yet so fierce with her tsukkomis. Also, hands-down the most ikemen of the LL seiyuu. Shukashuu, please take notes.
But…I suppose if I had to narrow it down to three (because I really can’t choose just one aaah), it’d be:
Rippi - my favorite voice in the cast. TBH I’m biased because she does a lot of events in Korea, but it just shows how dedicated she is to her international fans! She speaks Korean so well, omg.
Jolno - her radio personality is so relaxing. Well…more like she’s just a lazy hobo, but I dig that as well, haha.
Emitsun - she tried so, so hard in Emitsun Fight Club. Faito dayo, Emitsun. :’)
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femmeslash · 8 years
Yumeno's seiyuu Aimi Tanaka apparently drew TenHimi art.
I FEEL LIKE I SAW THIS AT ONE POINT. she and tenko's seiyuu (soramaru) are both really sweet people omg
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yujachachacha · 8 years
Love Live height differences - a cautionary tale
I went on a LL seiyuu video binge session recently, and came across a Korean-subbed video of a clip from Shikaco’s radio show. I’m too lazy to try subbing it, but I liked the contents enough that I want to at least share it as a text post.
On Ep130 of Shikaco’s radio (air date: September 27, 2016), Shikaco received a fan letter asking if there were anything that she particular liked or disliked about being tall for a girl. Shikaco quips that she’s definitely on the tall side, but she’s not super-duper tall when it comes down to it.
(For those of you too lazy to Google it, Shikaco is 163cm tall, which is just under 5′4″. So yeah, tall for a Japanese female, but not that tall.)
Shikaco does note that she was the tallest in µ’s, though. That leads her to mention that one big downside to her height was that since Hanayo is a short girl, Shikaco often had to crouch down to match Hanayo’s pose for µ’s formations. It wasn’t just a slight bending of the knees either - she’d scrunch down to nearly half of her normal height. Shikaco laughs about how this really screwed with her leg muscles, but then she starts to become more serious.
Around the time of the 4th live, Shikaco had been complaining a lot about her thighs hurting all the time, especially when they’d have to walk down stairs. The way that Shikaco tells this portion of the story makes it seem that her complaints were mostly lighthearted at the time. After a while though, she went, “Wait, what if this is an actual problem?”, and decided to get a check up at a hospital. It turns out that she had developed muscle damage because of the constant abuse to her posture Σ(゚Д゚ ). Her word of advice to everyone: it’s not good to crouch down so much!
Some of us might be aware of how the seiyuu go through a lot just to match the hairstyles and hair colors of the characters, such as:
Ucchi enduring a bajillion pins in her hair for Kotori’s hair loop
Soramaru measuring the part in Nico’s bangs at exactly 35º
Nanjolno going through 6+ different wigs for Eli’s “simple” ponytail
Pile and Ucchi and Kussun dyeing their hair for Final Live
Shukashuu cutting her hair short for the first time in her life
Suwawa and Furirin partially dyeing their hair for 1st Live
There’s also the grueling training they have to go through to survive singing and dancing in front of thousands of people for two-day live concerts. But to worry about the character’s height on top of that…these girls work so hard for this franchise, and every story I hear about what they’ve done for the sake of the characters and the fans makes me love them even more. (இ⌓இ )
Bonus - some thoughts I had about Aqours heights while typing up this post:
While I’m on the subject of heights, let’s talk about the “Shikaco” (AKA the tallest in the group) of Aqours - King.
Supposedly, King is also 163cm tall. Based on this number, King is a whopping 11cm taller than Hanamaru - compare that to Shikaco’s 7cm height difference with Hanayo.
Note: I say “supposedly” because Arisha’s official profile says that her height is 164cm, which means that she should be taller than King. However, there’s lots of evidence that proves otherwise, such the fact that AZALEA lines up in height order of Suwawa-Arisha-King for their subunit greeting. If that’s not enough for you, then take a look at the LisAni lineup photo.
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Ignoring the fact that Rikyako is in front of Shukashuu despite the two of them supposedly being 152cm and 150.5cm tall respectively (I refuse to believe that Shukashuu is truly taller than Rikyako *shakes fist at photo*), this lineup is a good guide on the height order for the seiyuu of Aqours. At the very least, you can see that King is unmistakably the tallest. King’s agency profile doesn’t list her height, so that 163cm floating around on Google results for “takatsuki kanako height” is probably inaccurate if we assume that Arisha isn’t straight-up lying about her own height, haha.
The only solid evidence we have for heights is during the very first Aqours niconama back in January 2016 (it’s been over a year since then, omg time sure does fly). Suwawa had recounted a story of how shocked she was at the placement of the mic when she was recording for the KimiKoko album - as Furirin had gone before her - and her amazement that someone that small was in the cast, as the seiyuu had not met each other at that point. Furirin then mentions that she and King have the ideal 15cm height difference for couples. Seeing as Furirin outright says that she’s 148cm tall (at about 49:17), this is where we get the 163cm figure for King. Arisha and Ainya then explicitly say that they’re 164cm and 147cm tall respectively when they point out their own lovely height difference and thus the kmny ship was born.
I’m still not convinced that Arisha is supposed to be taller than King. Perhaps the 15cm height difference between Furirin and King is just a ballpark, like how Arisha and Ainya also claimed the title with their 17cm difference, because King would have to be at least 17cm taller than Furirin to be taller than Arisha. Whatever the case may be, for the sake of having a concrete number to discuss, I’m just gonna assume that King is somehow both 163cm tall and the tallest seiyuu in Aqours.
Incidentally, the biggest character-seiyuu height difference is the 16cm gap between Mari and Ainya, standing at 163cm and 147cm respectively - breaking the previous 12cm record held by Eli and Nanjolno, at 162cm and 150cm. Guess Love Live has a thing for short singers voicing tall blondes.
…wow, I got really off-topic with the height talk there.
Anyways, just wanted to say that I’m lowkey praying for King to not pull a Shikaco and screw up her muscles or something from playing the part of a character who’s a lot shorter than she is. IIRC King has said something before about trying to make herself appear more small when voicing Maru. (꒪⌓꒪) Hope she takes care of her health!
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