#(purple period coats and long hair are always a plus of course)
hirazuki · 1 year
Deep in the throes of updated covid booster-induced fever, so it won't be happening tonight, but I finished Nocturne and I have Thoughts™ about it, which I will probably share eventually, once I have the energy. I also have Many Thoughts about some things I've seen slinking around the tags, which I will not be sharing, as I definitely do not possess the requisite energy for that XD
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One-Shot a Day, Day 6: Snowball Fights.
Sorry for the delay in not posting this yesterday, it was a crazy day. I’ll be posting today’s in just a few minutes!
Summary: Everyone comes to town for their yearly Christmas Get-together. Laughter, naps, important family news, and snowball fights ensue.
This was the time of year Tucker loved; every-one always busted ass all year long, saving vacation days and money so they could take the time to come visit. Occasionally, when they first started the yearly get-together, they had gone elsewhere, but eventually realized that, between him and Wash, Sarge, and Church and Caboose, it made more sense for the others to come to them. 
“Junior is your room ready for Theta to get here?” 
“Almost, Papa Wash!” Tucker smiles as he finishes putting the last few dishes from lunch into the dishwasher, setting it to delay starting until that evening, knowing that Wash had laundry going. Wash deemed it necessary for the house to be spotless, while Tucker and Junior both preferred a clean-yet-lived-in feel. The former soldier smiles again, rinsing his hands and drying them as he hears Wash ask their son to pick up something else when he’s finished in his room, the blond stumbling into the kitchen with an arm full of towels. 
“Tucker, did you start the dishwasher?”
“Nope, set it to delay since I knew you were doing laundry.”
“Oh thank you.” He plops the towels into the washer that’s in a little closet space on the opposite side of the kitchen from where Tucker’s standing. 
“Hey, Wash?”
“Take it easy, yeah? The house looks fine, and you know none of them are going to judge us. Except maybe Donut cause we don’t have more decorations up, but what’s new there?” The smaller and the two men makes his way across the tile floor, socked feet barely making a sound, and stands on his toes to plop a kiss on his boyfriend’s temple. 
“I know. It’s just… dad always had to have the house spotless, and I guess that’s something that’s stayed with me.”
“I know. But is it worth the stress?”
“Not really.” A pause as he measures out the detergent, pours it in, and starts the machine, turning in his lover’s arms. “Let me make the guest beds, vacuum the carpet in the living room and guest rooms since it hasn’t been done in a while, and then I’ll stop other than finishing the load of towels?”
“You start vacuuming the living room, I’ll make the guest beds. Are the sheets on the beds?”
“The front room has the sheets piled on it, the back room doesn’t, sheets are in the dryer still. Thank you, Lav.”
“Of course. Now let’s get to work; North texted about thirty minutes ago, they had stopped to stretch, and it should only be about an hour until they get here.”
“Sounds good.” Dropping a kiss on Tucker’s lips, the taller man shoves him away playfully, Tucker laughing as he bends down to grab the sheets from the dryer. 
“Dad! Papa Wash! Theta’s here!!” Nine-year-old Junior runs out of his room where he had been playing, Wash and Tucker curled up on the couch discussing the upcoming Christmas dinner. The boy throws the front door open, a blast of cold air causing Tucker to curl tighter into his boyfriend. “Theta!” 
“Junior, come back in, you don’t have shoes on!” 
“Okay, dad!” The two boys, nearly inseparable, run into the house together, Theta dropping a duffle bag at the entrance, running over to give the two men hugs.
“Hi Wash, hi tucker!”
“Hey Theta, it’s good to see you again. You can take your stuff in to J’s room like normal.” The couple stands, each slipping their sneakers and another coat on, stepping out the front door. 
“Need some help?”
“Please! Apparently my son decided to abandon us.” The tall blond laughs, rolling his eyes fondly. “I can’t say I blame him, though, he waits all year to see Junior.”
“Yeah, Junior’s been talking about it non-stop since Thanksgiving. Hey South, hair’s nice.” Tucker compliments the female, who’s died her previously blond hair a bright purple since last year, having also had it cut recently, the short strands spiked in different directions. 
“‘Sup, assholes?” 
“Wash, remind me again why we let her stay in our house?” Tucker smirks, waiting for a punch to his arm.
A simultaneous, “be nice,” comes from the mouths of both blond males, rolling their eyes at their boyfriend and sister respectively. 
“When are the other’s coming in?”
“Connie should be here tonight, she’s getting off work in about thirty minutes and then has to run home to do a few things before heading down, York and Carolina will be in sometime tomorrow afternoon, Lina has an appointment in the morning.” The four make their way inside, South taking her bag to the back room she’s using to bunk with Connie, North taking his into the office, Tucker following with the bag that holds the air matress he’ll be sleeping on, and Wash setting the small bag with the presents down by the tree.
“Are Grif and Simmons staying with Sarge again?”
“Yep, They’re staying with him, and so is Donut. I think Church and Caboose are letting Kai stay with them -she’s strangely good with Caboose- but that’s it. Last year was too overwhelming for the big guy. Maine’s got a hotel room like normal since he needs to be able to be away from people sometimes. So we’re the full house.”
“Well you know I appreciate you letting Theta and I crash here.”
“Of course. 
The next few days leading up to Christmas are a blur of people. Between the six people -plus York and Carolina’s dog, Delta- staying at Wash and Tucker’s and the other seven people coming and going at all different times, there’s never a boring moment, but Tucker wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Christmas finally rolls around, and everyone is piled into the house by eleven, Maine being the last to show up, surprising nobody. Christmas lunch is filled with laughter and stories of the previous year, and also excited yelling from Junior and Theta when they realize that it’s snowing again, hard. “Can we have a snowball fight after lunch, pleeeaaaasee dad?!” That’s Junior’s voice, Tucker whinces slightly at the volume of it. 
“Yes, I’m sure we can.”
“YES!” That’s Junior and Theta combined. 
“And to think, give it another couple of years and we’ll have another voice joining in.” North laughs, glancing pointedly at York and Carolina, the couple smiling brightly as the redhead places a hand on her rounded stomach. “Speaking of which, I believe you said you had some news? Do we know if it’s a boy or a girl?” The table goes quiet, all eyes turning to the pair.
“We do.” York grins, dark eye sparkling mischievously. 
“Well?” Wash prompts, wanting to know his sister and brother-in-law’s news, excited to find out if he’s having a niece or a nephew. 
“We’re…” Carolina glances at her husband, brows furrowing slightly and she bites her bottom lip. A slight nod from the dark-haired man sitting beside her. “We’re having twins. A girl and a boy.” The table erupts, cheers, congratulations, and exclamations from everyone around bringing a few tears to the redheads eyes as everyone stands to give her hugs, Maine included, and Church just barely remembering to catch Caboose in time so he doesn’t hurt the shorter woman.
After a while of talking and present opening, Junior and Theta ask if they can finally go have the snowball fight and everyone agrees. Bundling up and stepping into Wash and Tucker’s sizable backyard they start deciding on teams. “Theta and I are on the same team!” Junior announces, the purple-clad boy nodding in agreement, throwing an arm around his friend’s shoulders. 
“Alright, how about Theta, Junior, Wash, Simmons, Lina, Maine, York, South, and Kai on one team and Church, Caboose, Sarge, Grif, Connie, North, Donut, and me on the other?” After everyone agrees on Tucker’s team idea, they part sides, giving themselves fifteen minutes to construct a fort before the fight begins. 
“Time’s up, let the fight begin!” Wash calls out, Junior and Theta letting snow fly before he’s hardly finished with the phrase, Theta’s snow hitting Caboose right in the face, sending the blue-clad man laughing, throwing a handful of almost unpacked snow flinging back, never reaching close to a target. 
As the snow around them becomes sparse, the groups start venturing further away from their ‘bases’, closer into the middle towards each other. Simmons spots an opportunity, scooping a handful of snow and shoving down his boyfriend’s shirt as the darker-skinned man was retreating, laughing as he shudders with the cold. 
“You’re gunna pay for that, Simmons!” 
“If you can catch me!”
“Connie, duck!” Not knowing where the voice came from, the short, dark-haired female squats… right into a snowball thrown by South… who’s on the other team and had called for her to duck. 
Meanwhile, ten feet to her left, Tucker is sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend on the opposite side, who’s been trying to hit him for five minutes with no luck, only to get smacked right in the nose by his son and Theta, Wash laughing as he releases another snowball, this one landing perfectly on Tucker’s forehead now that his boyfriend was trying to spit the snow out of his mouth, making him laugh harder. “Yeah! Good shot uncle Wash!” Theta calls. 
The battle rages on for another thirty minutes, before Carolina bows out to go inside, exhausted and getting colder than she should be, York stepping out of the fight to go with her. Ten minutes later they call a truce, declaring a tie like usual, the group all tumbling inside laughing, covered in snow that Wash knows will leave puddles all over the floor. But maybe Tucker was right; he needed to take it easy more and stress about it less. Sure the water would need to be dried, but that isn't that big of a deal, a small amount of water on the floor for a short period wouldn’t damage it.
“Oh my gosh, what is that smell?” Connie inhales deeply, the others following her lead.
“In the kitchen!” York calls from the kitchen.
“Is that hot cocoa?” Tucker turns the corner, breathing in deep again.
“It will be once I get it all warmed up and combined. I hope you don’t mind that I used basically the rest of your milk supply? It was a lot, but I’ll be happy to replace it.”
“Ah, it’s fine. We’re not drinking as much as I expected, and homemade hot cocoa is worth it. Where’s Lina?”
“Showering. She wanted to get warmed up.”
“Is she okay? I hope she didn’t feel like she had to go out there, I don’t want her hurt or sick” That’s Wash making his way into the kitchen, arms wrapping around Tucker’s waist, eyebrows knitting together in concern. 
“She’s fine, Wash. Just really cold, and a warm showering was the easiest thing for her to get warmed up quick. She’s been doing great about knowing her limits.”
“Good.” Tucker feels the blond behind him relax at the words, knowing how worried he’s been about his sister. Wash turns, walking back into the living room to sit with the rest of the group while Tucker pulls out mugs and the mini marshmallows for the group. 
When Wash hears his sister open the back bathroom’s door he excuses himself, padding into the back hallway. “Hey, you didn’t get too cold, did you?”
“No, I’m fine Wash. Mostly just really tired now. You’re not upset that we waited to tell you we were having twins, right?”
“Of course not. As long as you -all three of you- are healthy?”
“Doctor says we’re doing great.”
“Good.” The taller of the two wraps his sister in a hug, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. 
“Wash… I wanted to ask you something.”
“Would you have a problem with us naming our baby girl Allison?”
“For mom? Of course not. I think it would be a great name for any daughter of yours.”
“Of course.”
“Hot cocoa! Who wants it with marshmallows?” Comes Tucker’s voice. 
“I’m gunna put my stuff away and then be out. Cocoa with marshmallows for me please?”
“Course, Lina.”
The rest of the afternoon is spent talking, laughing, napping, and playing various different games, and by the time everyone has left, the few remaining in the house are exhausted, all quickly retreating to bed.
Yes, this is the time Tucker loves the most. Friends and found family all together making memories. And the snowball fights are fun too.
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veridium · 6 years
oc interview meme
I was tagged by the lovely @trvelyans to write a hypothetical interview of one of my OC’s! So, I did everybody’s favorite ice-haired toasted cinnamon roll, Theia!
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1. What is your name?
“I have a lot of names nowadays, I suppose. Inquisitor, Herald of Andraste, Your Worship. Maker, someone called me “Sarah” the other day, and I didn’t correct them. I suppose that says something about how jaded I’ve become with all my misnomers.“
2. What is your real name?
“What, not Goddess? Well, if you were to ask my Father, it would be Theia Sofia Trevelyan. I was given the prettiest name out of all three children, I should add.“ 
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“The name “Theia” means “holy,” an adjective my family is particularly fond of, as I’m sure their reputation entails. My middle name “Sofia” means wisdom, so quite literally, my parents wished to imbue me with “holy wisdom.” Maker’s breath, isn’t that some sick joke now?“
4. Are you single or taken?
“My occupation would insist single, the gossip would say taken many times and by many people. But, the truth? Hopelessly taken by one remarkable woman. Please tell her I said that, so she’s softened up when I tell her I ate the last piece of peanut brittle.“
5. Have any abilities or powers?
“Are you joking? Who doesn’t know the answer to that question after all I’ve been through. You cannot hide the fact that your body is a walking lightning rod when it’s gotten you in and out of the Fade twice, closed a Breach in the sky, and survived weaponized time magic.
But, for the sake of not sounding egotistical, yes, I do. I am a Mage who focuses on ice and storm abilities. I also have this most inconvenient mark on my hand that is embedded elven magic. Try bringing that up casually at parties.“
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“It isn’t “being” anything if you’re honestly that good.“
7. What’s your eye color?
“Purple. Yes, purple. It’s a maternal trait that just happened to match with my powers. People think I’m so fashionable but I really could not help it.”
8. How about your hair color?
“Ice white, pale blonde? I switch between the two. Regardless of its category, it’s rather hard not to point out in a crowd. Another one of my family’s most generous gifts.“
9. Have you any family members?
“For better or worse, yes. My parents, though my Mother, Stefania Lisoleth Trevelyan -- Maker, she sounds as pompous as she was in real life -- has since passed. My Father, Tristian Trevelyan, still resides in the Free Marches. There’s my insufferable brother who is his namesake. My sister, Lucilla Victoire, is older and married to some nobleman I haven’t cared enough to get to know. You can spot us rather quickly, we’re the group of emotionally suppressed faces with icey hair.“
10. Oh? What about pets?
“I have a small cat whom I rescued from Crestwood. She is young and tabby in color, and I just adore her! I wish I was here more to actually bond with her. She wanders Skyhold rather freely, much to everyone’s chagrin. Her name is Obsidian, after the kinds of metals we found in Crestwood. I call her “Sid” for short.“
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“If Ambassador Montilyet were to hear someone actually asked me to list out my dislikes, she’d be furious. I am rather obnoxious with my opinions. I dislike pretentiousness, disloyalty, and shallowness. So, perhaps I should say the vast majority of the Orlesian Empire.“
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?  
“Reading, practicing my magic, and provoking Josephine’s temper. I do not have the time for much else, these days.”
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“Oh, plenty, yes. Pick a more specific category.”
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Are you joking, again? I swear you must be. If you must know, you can read whatever filthy periodical is making rounds in the towns and villages of Orlais.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“This would be a fantastic question for Morrigan, I’d imagine. But as for me, I don’t shapeshift or liken myself to animals. Although, people suggest I look rather animalistic when I am in the heat of combat.”
16. Name your worst habits.
“I am very self-conscious and insecure at times. I take things personally, and I feel culpable when there is injustice. Though, I do not necessarily see that as a flaw all of the time. Plus, in this role I’m in, I feel it to be most fitting.”
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Of course I do! After all, both the Hero of Fereldan and the Champion of Kirkwall are Mages, and women, for that matter. I would be foolish not to have admiration for them, and feel humbled in my own shoes. I also have quite a bit of respect for Cassandra and Leliana. They have stewarded this movement with courage and resolve in spades. I consider myself honored to be able to work with them and be a leader amongst their ranks.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
*A whole minute of feisty, jubilant laughter* 
19. Do you go to school?
“I used to, if you’d call a Circle that. Most would say “formal blood-bath with books,” but, there you go.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“I didn’t used to, but then I met someone who sold me on such dreams. While I do not really allow myself to aspire to such domestic joys, I do find that they have grown on me as ideals. However, Josephine and I are two women who do not know how to keep ourselves out of work or trouble. But, if I were honest, I’d marry her tomorrow if given the chance.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
I try my best to be a combination of intimidating and austere, but, I do have a following. Mostly of children, actually, especially the children of the Mages here. They scarcely have examples of Mages who are not demonized or erased from history, so, when they see us walking the halls or grounds, it’s like storybook characters come to life for them. I take pleasure in providing them with someone to look up to, even when I feel that I fail them sometimes. 
As for the adults, I would not wish to condescend and call them my fans, since they are putting their lives and livelihoods on the line for this cause. Especially those who joined us in Haven, when we had next to nothing. If anything, I am their fan.  
22. What are you most scared of?
“Letting everyone down, and proving to be less than the person who was needed. Losing the people I love, or endangering them unnecessarily. Being a fraud or imposter. Oh, and accidentally throwing out Josephine's stash of chocolates.”
23. What do you usually wear?
“I prefer a good fit of a hunter coat and breeches and some boots. When we travel, I am usually armored very well. On my off hours, a simple night dress would do. People say I have a flare for style, but, I am really just a product of my short-lived upbringing in the Free Marches. Women there are always smartly dressed, if not modest.”
24. Do you love someone?
“Romantically? Yes, completely. But I also love my friends, and my community here. Love, to me, is a protective and honorable virtue. The way I fight for what matters is by loving the person or the cause at hand. Perhaps that causes me more trouble than it’s worth, but, that is who I am.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“How can you honestly expect me to answer that? Also, if you’ve ever asked someone who bleeds once a month, you’d be surprised.”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“Oh, joy.”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
“My family is noble in our region, so I would say lower rung of the high class. The Free Marches is a self-governing province, at least, as much as one can be in the shadow of two Empires. If you have an long-winded ancestry in the region, you’re allowed a lot of privileges.”
28. How many friends do you have?
“Too many, especially the kind that likes to get into trouble for the sake of being a hero. You need some friends? Take mine, and give me a break.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Mediocre at best. You want a pleasurable dessert experience? Go with cake, always.”
30. Favorite drink?
“Tea, actually. I drink copious amounts of wine, sure, but nothing soothes the soul like a good cup of tea. Solas and I have engaged in discourse about this matter plenty of times.”
31. What’s your favorite place?
“If I were to answer that honestly, Josephine would have my clothes set on fire. Something about “not disclosing the intimate nature of a Diplomat’s life” or whatever. So, I will name my second favorite: the Emerald Graves at dawn, when the colors of the sky foreground the greens and blues on the land. It’s stunning, really. I hope I can commission a painter to recreate it so that I may have a piece of it forever.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
“Hah, as Dorian would say, yes of course, I am a endlessly interesting person, after all.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“Enough. They’re enough.”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“Swimming in an ocean? The thought of it brings me ecstasy! Ocean, of course. Imagine the trouble I could get into, maybe make a few glaciers, float on an ice sheet...nevermind.”
35. What’s your type?
“Someone with the utmost integrity in their deeds, who has a golden heart and knows that kindness and compassion are two of the most powerful elements in the world. Also, if they are a fiery-tongued Antivan, that melts my icey heart, too.”
36. Any fetishes?
“I have tastes, of course. Though, I keep the number of people who are aware of them to a minimum, need-to-know basis.”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“A capable fighter knows a little bit of everything. I like creativity the most in love.”
38. Camping or indoors?
“Whichever gets me in the closest proximity to food.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“Of course not, but, look at the time! I surely have to return to being the scourge on the land and Andraste’s chosen, right? Pfft, days were not made with my workload in mind, I’m afraid.”
40. Now it’s over!
“Fantastic. Do take care, and travel safe.”
I’m tagging @kvpowers, @the-rogue-apostate, @lelianasing, and @orlesianbard and anyone else who wishes to participate! Love and light!
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got12doh · 6 years
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13 DIY Couples’ Costume Ideas That Are Better Than Anything You Can Buy In A Store
I love Halloween. I love creepy things. I love parties. I love candy (but not candy corn, gross). And most of all, I love making things. So, it’s pretty much the perfect holiday for someone like me. I spend all year making little notes on my phone of good couples costume ideas and mentally engineering their creation so that by the time fall rolls around, I’m all set and ready to go. But let’s assume that, unlike me, you aren’t a neurotic Halloween lover and you don’t have a ton of DIY couples costume ideas in your phone. Don’t worry, you can have some of mine. Trust me, I’ve got plenty.
So, whether you prefer something cute, sexy, or nightmare-inducing, I’ve figured out how to put it on your bods. Yes, you could just run down to the local costume store, but that’s so boring! That’s how you end up at a party with everyone in the same Harley Quinn and Jack Sparrow costumes. Anyone can buy a costume at the store, but it takes a bit more effort and creativity to make it yourself. And really, don’t you and your partner deserve to win all the contests this year?
Here are some ideas to borrow, or at least to get your creativity flowin’.
1. Baby And Debora From Baby Driver
This year’s coolest couple, hands down, are Baby and Debora from Baby Driver. If you have a partner who’s tough to talk into dressing up for Halloween, this is the couples costume he won’t be able to turn down. Who doesn’t want to be a bad ass get away driver? As a bonus, it’s actually really cool stuff you will want to wear year round.
For Debora, you’ll want to find a cute retro waitress dress and pair it with a sheepskin lined denim jacket. The Baby costume is just as easy: You just need the varsity style jacket, a white tee, black wayfarers, jeans, and black shoes. If you really want to complete the look, you can add a scar with with wax. Just make sure not to forget the earbuds!
2. The Fairly Odd Parents
Want to be Wanda and Cosmo for Halloween this year? Your wish is my command. This one will take some minor fabrication, but I promise you are totally up for it. For Wanda, you will need a yellow tee, black pants, wings, and pink hair spray. Cosmo’s outfit is just a white button up shirt, black tie, black pants, green hair spray, and, of course, some more fairy wings. That just leaves their fairy crowns and wands. Time to get crafty. To create the crowns, you’ll need small headbands that will blend in your hair, a sheet of yellow foam, and some craft wire. To make the wand, you’ll need some wood dowels painted black, and you can use the leftover foam sheet to make the stars.
3. Yorkie And Kelly from Black Mirror
Did you cry like a baby when Black Mirror’s San Junipero episode took home the Emmy for Outstanding Television series this year, too? Yeah, that’s because Yorkie and Kelly are everything, including this year’s queer girl couples costume goals. Unless you want to spend your next month trawling through a million thrift shops to find the perfect blinged-out jacket, the key is to just find modern pieces, which, when accessorized properly, give them an ’80s feel.
To channel Yorkie’s party girl vibe, you’ll need an embellished purple jacket, black corset top, and black harem pants. Top it off with a black oversized bow in the hair. To capture the adorable nerdiness of Kelly, pair a light blue sweatshirt with a pink collared shirt, khaki shorts, and don’t forget the wire-rimmed glasses. Cutest duo ever.
4. Cards Against Humanity
Need a last minute costume that is actually awesome? Good news: This one only requires some foam boards and black and white paint pens! If you want to get more interactive, opt for chalkboards and erasable pens. Warning: That can get very dangerous as the night goes on and the drinks are flowing. Hmm, actually, that pretty much describes every game of Cards Against Humanity I’ve ever played, so it’s on theme!
5. Diana Prince And Steve Trevor From Wonder Woman
Warner Bros. Pictures
All I want in life is to be Wonder Woman. Is that too much to ask? Yes, yes, it is, because I don’t have the fabrication skills to create a breast plate. Now her disguise outfit… that’s something I can achieve. Was there anyone more dapper than Diana Prince and Steve Trevor as they made their way through the streets of 1910s London? Nope, and this is how you steal their style this Halloween.
This is not a warm-climate-appropriate costume. Go this route only if your Halloween is going to be on the chilly side. To get the Diana look, you’ll need a wool houndstooth coat, belted. Under the coat, you’ll need a white collared shirt, long skirt, and Victorian style boots. Oh, and don’t forget her sword. Steve’s costume is made of up layers: Start with a turtleneck sweater, topped with a brown leather vest and sheepskin lined coat. Pair all of this with a pair of dark khaki pants and black boots. Top it off with a navy brood hat to really nail the period costume.
6. The Purge
Personally, I love a scary costume on Halloween, and what is scarier than the idea of all your friends and neighbors suddenly turning into homicidal maniacs for 12 hours every year? Plus, this costume is great if you’re a procrastinator, because it can be made up almost entirely of things you already have in your wardrobe. Your best bets are something sexy — or ironic — like lingerie, a prom dress, or a tux. To complete the look, you’ll need to make a mask, and there are great tutorials online on how to turn them into Purge masks. And of course, you’ll need your killing spree weapons of choice.
7. Pop Art
Another last-minute costume that will still wow at any Halloween party is to turn the two of you into living pop art. There are some great tutorials on YouTube that will walk you through the makeup technique. To complete the look, think retro-inspired comic book clothing, and you can add speech bubbles with a headband, craft wire, and some paper. One last bit of advice: I highly suggest a few practice run throughs before hand. Otherwise your costume might be a living Pinterest fail instead.
8. Dipper And Mabel
Is it creepy if your couples costume is made up of a brother and sister? Nah, not when it’s Dipper and Mable. They’re hardly the Lannisters, if you know what I’m sayin’. Anyway, moving on. Here’s how to become Gravity Falls’ greatest mystery solvers. For Dipper, you’ll need an orange t-shirt, blue vest, white socks, black shoes, and grey shorts. To complete the look, you’ll also need his signature hat, and to create that you need a blue trucker hat and some fabric paint to add the little blue tree. You might as well get the whole fabric paint kit, because you’re going to need a few more colors to create Mabel’s rainbow and star turtleneck. The rest of her costume is easy; it’s just a denim skirt, white knee socks, and some black ballet flats. Oh, and her headband too, of course. Cryptids of the Northwest will shiver when they see you coming.
9. Ellie And Grant From Jurassic Park
You know who were an awesome couple? Ellie and Grant from Jurassic Park. They were smart, adventurous, and totally went toe-to-toe with prehistoric monsters… and won! Total couples goals. Yes, I know they weren’t together in the sequels, but let’s just make a pact to pretend they never happened, OK? Good. Moving on.
Here is how you can become Ellie and Grant for Halloween. Spoiler alert: Brace for khaki. For Ellie, you’ll need khaki shorts, a blue tank top, a pink button up (tied at the waist), hiking boots, and grey socks. For Grant, khaki pants, a denim shirt, a red bandana tied at the neck, hiking boots, and top it off with a wide brimmed fedora. Oh, and some dinosaur props really tie it all together.
If your boo isn’t really a “Grant type,” there’s always the doctor of chaos himself, Jeff Goldblum’s Ian Malcom. Just sayin’.
10. Hook And Tinker Bell
Who wants to be Peter Pan and Wendy when you can be Tink and Hook? They have all the best accessories anyway. I dunno, I ship ’em. To create a cool Captain Hook, you need a red blazer, white blouse, a hook, and pirate captain’s hat with feathers. To get your Tinker Bell on, you’ll want a green tulle dress and fairy wings. Simple and cute.
11. Pennywise And Georgie From It
Did you see It yet? Of course you did — everyone has. Thats because it’s scary as hell. I had nightmares for two nights after I saw it that Pennywise was peeking in my window. How messed up is that? Anyway, that also means it’s going to be a fantastic couples costume if you want to terrorize everyone else at the party. What else is Halloween for, right? The Georgie costume is easy; all you really need a is a hooded yellow rain coat, rain boots, and maybe a paper boat. To create your Pennywise, you’ll need a men’s white ruffled shirt, neck ruff, and pirate style pants. Add red pompoms down the front and on the toes of the shoes. Top it off with a red wig, killer clown makeup, and a red balloon. Why? Because they float. They all float.
12. Nasa And The Stars
I love this couples costume, because what is more “meant to be together” than a NASA nerd and the galaxy? It’s sweet and clever and probably mostly already in your closet. Don’t lie — we all bought a galaxy dress in the last few years. Now you get to pull it back out and be the cutest couple at the party. For your astronomy nerd costume, you’ll just need a NASA tee, some nerd glasses (or add tape to yours), and suspenders are a nice touch. The stars really aligned for this costumes. Eh? Nudge, nudge.
13. Rick And Morty From Rick And Morty
You’re gonna wubba-dubba-dub-love this costume idea! Want a reason to love Rick and Morty, I mean besides the fact that it’s just stone cold genius? This season they decided to implement gender parity in the writer’s room, and the show has never been better. Plus, when internet jerks decided it would be awesome to doxx those writers, creator Dan Harmon publicly smacked them down. Awesome. OK, now that you are pumped to celebrate all things Rick and Morty, here’s how to achieve the look. For Rick, you’ll need a lab coat, light blue shirt, khaki pants, a wig, and his trusty portal gun. Morty’s costume is a yellow shirt and jeans, but I
from Meet Positives http://ift.tt/2fnEZRJ via IFTTT
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ashleyjacksonblog · 7 years
13 DIY Couples’ Costume Ideas That Are Better Than Anything You Can Buy In A Store
I love Halloween. I love creepy things. I love parties. I love candy (but not candy corn, gross). And most of all, I love making things. So, it’s pretty much the perfect holiday for someone like me. I spend all year making little notes on my phone of good couples costume ideas and mentally engineering their creation so that by the time fall rolls around, I’m all set and ready to go. But let’s assume that, unlike me, you aren’t a neurotic Halloween lover and you don’t have a ton of DIY couples costume ideas in your phone. Don’t worry, you can have some of mine. Trust me, I’ve got plenty.
So, whether you prefer something cute, sexy, or nightmare-inducing, I’ve figured out how to put it on your bods. Yes, you could just run down to the local costume store, but that’s so boring! That’s how you end up at a party with everyone in the same Harley Quinn and Jack Sparrow costumes. Anyone can buy a costume at the store, but it takes a bit more effort and creativity to make it yourself. And really, don’t you and your partner deserve to win all the contests this year?
Here are some ideas to borrow, or at least to get your creativity flowin’.
1. Baby And Debora From Baby Driver
This year’s coolest couple, hands down, are Baby and Debora from Baby Driver. If you have a partner who’s tough to talk into dressing up for Halloween, this is the couples costume he won’t be able to turn down. Who doesn’t want to be a bad ass get away driver? As a bonus, it’s actually really cool stuff you will want to wear year round.
For Debora, you’ll want to find a cute retro waitress dress and pair it with a sheepskin lined denim jacket. The Baby costume is just as easy: You just need the varsity style jacket, a white tee, black wayfarers, jeans, and black shoes. If you really want to complete the look, you can add a scar with with wax. Just make sure not to forget the earbuds!
2. The Fairly Odd Parents
Want to be Wanda and Cosmo for Halloween this year? Your wish is my command. This one will take some minor fabrication, but I promise you are totally up for it. For Wanda, you will need a yellow tee, black pants, wings, and pink hair spray. Cosmo’s outfit is just a white button up shirt, black tie, black pants, green hair spray, and, of course, some more fairy wings. That just leaves their fairy crowns and wands. Time to get crafty. To create the crowns, you’ll need small headbands that will blend in your hair, a sheet of yellow foam, and some craft wire. To make the wand, you’ll need some wood dowels painted black, and you can use the leftover foam sheet to make the stars.
3. Yorkie And Kelly from Black Mirror
Did you cry like a baby when Black Mirror’s San Junipero episode took home the Emmy for Outstanding Television series this year, too? Yeah, that’s because Yorkie and Kelly are everything, including this year’s queer girl couples costume goals. Unless you want to spend your next month trawling through a million thrift shops to find the perfect blinged-out jacket, the key is to just find modern pieces, which, when accessorized properly, give them an ’80s feel.
To channel Yorkie’s party girl vibe, you’ll need an embellished purple jacket, black corset top, and black harem pants. Top it off with a black oversized bow in the hair. To capture the adorable nerdiness of Kelly, pair a light blue sweatshirt with a pink collared shirt, khaki shorts, and don’t forget the wire-rimmed glasses. Cutest duo ever.
4. Cards Against Humanity
Need a last minute costume that is actually awesome? Good news: This one only requires some foam boards and black and white paint pens! If you want to get more interactive, opt for chalkboards and erasable pens. Warning: That can get very dangerous as the night goes on and the drinks are flowing. Hmm, actually, that pretty much describes every game of Cards Against Humanity I’ve ever played, so it’s on theme!
5. Diana Prince And Steve Trevor From Wonder Woman
Warner Bros. Pictures
All I want in life is to be Wonder Woman. Is that too much to ask? Yes, yes, it is, because I don’t have the fabrication skills to create a breast plate. Now her disguise outfit… that’s something I can achieve. Was there anyone more dapper than Diana Prince and Steve Trevor as they made their way through the streets of 1910s London? Nope, and this is how you steal their style this Halloween.
This is not a warm-climate-appropriate costume. Go this route only if your Halloween is going to be on the chilly side. To get the Diana look, you’ll need a wool houndstooth coat, belted. Under the coat, you’ll need a white collared shirt, long skirt, and Victorian style boots. Oh, and don’t forget her sword. Steve’s costume is made of up layers: Start with a turtleneck sweater, topped with a brown leather vest and sheepskin lined coat. Pair all of this with a pair of dark khaki pants and black boots. Top it off with a navy brood hat to really nail the period costume.
6. The Purge
Personally, I love a scary costume on Halloween, and what is scarier than the idea of all your friends and neighbors suddenly turning into homicidal maniacs for 12 hours every year? Plus, this costume is great if you’re a procrastinator, because it can be made up almost entirely of things you already have in your wardrobe. Your best bets are something sexy — or ironic — like lingerie, a prom dress, or a tux. To complete the look, you’ll need to make a mask, and there are great tutorials online on how to turn them into Purge masks. And of course, you’ll need your killing spree weapons of choice.
7. Pop Art
Another last-minute costume that will still wow at any Halloween party is to turn the two of you into living pop art. There are some great tutorials on YouTube that will walk you through the makeup technique. To complete the look, think retro-inspired comic book clothing, and you can add speech bubbles with a headband, craft wire, and some paper. One last bit of advice: I highly suggest a few practice run throughs before hand. Otherwise your costume might be a living Pinterest fail instead.
8. Dipper And Mabel
Is it creepy if your couples costume is made up of a brother and sister? Nah, not when it’s Dipper and Mable. They’re hardly the Lannisters, if you know what I’m sayin’. Anyway, moving on. Here’s how to become Gravity Falls’ greatest mystery solvers. For Dipper, you’ll need an orange t-shirt, blue vest, white socks, black shoes, and grey shorts. To complete the look, you’ll also need his signature hat, and to create that you need a blue trucker hat and some fabric paint to add the little blue tree. You might as well get the whole fabric paint kit, because you’re going to need a few more colors to create Mabel’s rainbow and star turtleneck. The rest of her costume is easy; it’s just a denim skirt, white knee socks, and some black ballet flats. Oh, and her headband too, of course. Cryptids of the Northwest will shiver when they see you coming.
9. Ellie And Grant From Jurassic Park
You know who were an awesome couple? Ellie and Grant from Jurassic Park. They were smart, adventurous, and totally went toe-to-toe with prehistoric monsters… and won! Total couples goals. Yes, I know they weren’t together in the sequels, but let’s just make a pact to pretend they never happened, OK? Good. Moving on.
Here is how you can become Ellie and Grant for Halloween. Spoiler alert: Brace for khaki. For Ellie, you’ll need khaki shorts, a blue tank top, a pink button up (tied at the waist), hiking boots, and grey socks. For Grant, khaki pants, a denim shirt, a red bandana tied at the neck, hiking boots, and top it off with a wide brimmed fedora. Oh, and some dinosaur props really tie it all together.
If your boo isn’t really a “Grant type,” there’s always the doctor of chaos himself, Jeff Goldblum’s Ian Malcom. Just sayin’.
10. Hook And Tinker Bell
Who wants to be Peter Pan and Wendy when you can be Tink and Hook? They have all the best accessories anyway. I dunno, I ship ’em. To create a cool Captain Hook, you need a red blazer, white blouse, a hook, and pirate captain’s hat with feathers. To get your Tinker Bell on, you’ll want a green tulle dress and fairy wings. Simple and cute.
11. Pennywise And Georgie From It
Did you see It yet? Of course you did — everyone has. Thats because it’s scary as hell. I had nightmares for two nights after I saw it that Pennywise was peeking in my window. How messed up is that? Anyway, that also means it’s going to be a fantastic couples costume if you want to terrorize everyone else at the party. What else is Halloween for, right? The Georgie costume is easy; all you really need a is a hooded yellow rain coat, rain boots, and maybe a paper boat. To create your Pennywise, you’ll need a men’s white ruffled shirt, neck ruff, and pirate style pants. Add red pompoms down the front and on the toes of the shoes. Top it off with a red wig, killer clown makeup, and a red balloon. Why? Because they float. They all float.
12. Nasa And The Stars
I love this couples costume, because what is more “meant to be together” than a NASA nerd and the galaxy? It’s sweet and clever and probably mostly already in your closet. Don’t lie — we all bought a galaxy dress in the last few years. Now you get to pull it back out and be the cutest couple at the party. For your astronomy nerd costume, you’ll just need a NASA tee, some nerd glasses (or add tape to yours), and suspenders are a nice touch. The stars really aligned for this costumes. Eh? Nudge, nudge.
13. Rick And Morty From Rick And Morty
You’re gonna wubba-dubba-dub-love this costume idea! Want a reason to love Rick and Morty, I mean besides the fact that it’s just stone cold genius? This season they decided to implement gender parity in the writer’s room, and the show has never been better. Plus, when internet jerks decided it would be awesome to doxx those writers, creator Dan Harmon publicly smacked them down. Awesome. OK, now that you are pumped to celebrate all things Rick and Morty, here’s how to achieve the look. For Rick, you’ll need a lab coat, light blue shirt, khaki pants, a wig, and his trusty portal gun. Morty’s costume is a yellow shirt and jeans, but I
from Meet Positives http://ift.tt/2fnEZRJ via IFTTT
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