#(said trope being bad ass mf's starting their own family and living their best life)
yae-35 · 2 years
Ok so Peep is an adult now right? she was born and raised in the Material Plane bla bla bla and naturally having a mom like Chirp, Peep's definitely a bundle of energy who marches to the beat of her own drum. I feel like she was one of those "chosen one" kids who went on heroic journeys in her youth, and now she's just a regular adult living her life.
Growing up, Peep's picked up on Chirp's worries about their mortality. I think it would be natural if Peep surpressed any thoughts of her own towards the matter, saying she and Esme are strong and healthy, but the thoughts are lowkey getting into Peep's skin too
And boom!! Grandfather shows up!!! He already knows about Esme and Peep a few years (maybe a decade?) ago. Of course, he was initially furious, but I'm guessing because Chip and Squak, y'know, saved the magic yadda yadda, he mellowed out over the years, and decides that he'd like to take great-granddaughter in just as he did with his grandchildren. He reaches out by some means (not by showing up in the Material Plane tho!! yucky) to Chirp stating that like he'd want to invite Peep over to stay with him during that year's bloom so she could make her debut.
He doesn't explicitly say anything, but Chirp suspects that he probably wants to repeat what he almost did with both her and Squak by using Peep as a marriage chip or as a potential successor (ie. bolster the Lords of the Wing's power). Of course, Chirp is hesitant about this, butttt she does recognize that Peep is her own person and whatever Peep chooses, she'll just have to support her daughter (she's defo getting Squak to subtly keep tabs on Peep 24/7 Like yeah sure, he's not exactly the best person to keep someone well-behaved, but all Chirp wants is for Peep to be safe not exactly coddled, and Squak is her ride or die ofc).
Plot twist though!!! Peep has actually been in correspondence with Grandfather for a few years now, although the topic of visiting the fey realm for Peep's first Bloom has only been on the table for a few months. I feel like Peep met Grandfather on one of her secret trips to the fey realm by accident as a kid?? (don't ask how they could meet when Grandpapa is always in the sky and don't ask how Chirp doesn't know about it either). The Lords of the Wing are in a relatively good position socially and politically during these times, so there's no big condition that Peep has to meet in order to be officially allowed into the fey realm. The only condition Grandfather would lay out is that Peep should debut into society as a Lord of the Wing, a rising vicountess.
Remember what I said about Chirp's insecurities about mortality seeping into Peep? So there's this macguffin item that's rumored to give immortality to those who possess it, and it's currently in the fey realm. Since the fey are effectively immortal, that little side effect is meaningless to them, but there's probably another, bigger reason as it why it's important to them. Like sure, Peep could just go in and try to get it, but it's currently in the hands of idk some random court. She needs the leverage of a noble title to get even remotely close to the item. Oh, also I'd like to add that since the effect of the item naturally can only affect one person, I'd feel like Peep would want to give it to Esme. Peep's a halfling, so she's confident that she'll live long enough to figure out an alternative for herself, but she's alright with not living forever. It's her parents' happiness that comes first, anyways.
Depending on whether Peep is genre-savvy or not, she could clear any miscommunications or betrayals along the way by admitting to Grandfather right away that her goal is to procur that item or she could also not, but I'd like to give her a W and say she did explicitly say that in one of her letters to her great grandpappy. Grandfather will help her in exchange for her to be known as the new member of the Lords. Humans are *slowly* being more common in the fey realm, and capitalizing off that trend by introducing a half-human into polite society is a gamble with high rewards. (also yeah, you get to spend time with estranged family woooo...)
When Peep debuts as Vicountess Featherfowl of Fledglington (?? idk about land names), I feel like she'd have a whole new personality to subvert expectations and gather potential suitors who are aligned with her targeted court. Being Chirp's daughter and all, people expected Peep to be just as rambunctious and thrill-seeking (well, she is, but she's not going to show it *that* early). Eventually, Peep's reputation allows her to be known as Vicountess Philippa Featherfowl the Demure, and Peep's steadily on her way to becoming whatever their version of the Diamond of the Season is.
Now, she has a long line of suitors right? And remember what I said about the macguffin being in one random court? There's an interesting prospect in Peep's list of suitors. A noble lady from the Seelie Court (maybe a daughter or granddaughter of Titania's, or even a lady in waiting).
Ok, so Peep's intrigued by this proposal bc
1.) she knows that Chirp had offended the Seelie Court when she was just a toddler,
2.) Peep has enough evidence to conclude that whatever she's looking for might reside in the Seelie Court, and there shouldn't be any harm investigating,
3.) In Chirp's words, the Seelie Court is the "most basic of feys", ie. the most vanilla choice that a girl like Chirp's daughter could make, and this subversion of expectations are likely going to make rounds in the gossip department
4.) It's the Seelie Court, anyways. A safe choice if Peep wants Grandfather's approval
5.) Okay, so maybeee this noble lady is just Peep's type, but that's just a bonus
Of course, this Seelie suitor did not actually want to court Peep willingly. It was an "ooo go entertain this newcomer and bring back all the dirt you got on her" from the King and Queen. Maybe they fall in love, maybe they become unlikey friends? Maybe Peep's true self might surface? Idk I just needed to put some type of conflict bc all my mind is focused on is making my new blorbo living my other blorbo's life but w less angst.
And here I will be contradicting myself on that statement. If they ever become closer, Peep's potential lover/friend is going to realize that oh shit, Peep's not immortal. She'll live long, but not long enough. Their entire argument post-enemies-to-blank is about whether or not Peep should use the macguffin on herself or not. Like this could go so many way. If Peep chooses Esme over herself, the Seelie suitor could either 1.) accept Peep's choice and grapple with the same anxieties Chirp has 2.) find a way to make herself mortal, so she does not have to worry about living a life after Peep. If Peep chooses herself, it's not like her parents would be upset, in fact, they'd be happy that Peep chose her own happiness, but Peep might be riddled with guilt because this was the reason why she came here in the first place. Ultimately, I think Peep will choose Esme, and the Seelie suitor might find a way to become mortal if their bond is that strong enough.
If this is too lacking in action, idk throw in a mage battle between Peep and someone?? I'm actually just here for the Bridgerton-esque drama but like a diet coke version bc this is honestly just a self indulgent fic/headcanon 😅
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char-lotteral · 3 years
Look I'm not one of those people who believe Kishimoto decided to have Hinata and Naruto end up in the middle part of Shippuden. I believe he decided in the very last arc but he wanted to sound smart so he said he decided earlier on. Otherwise, they obviously would have more scene together. In Shippuden, they have only three scenes together ; when Naruto came back, the pain attack and the neji death scene. That's it. In the original Naruto, they probably have less than ten canon scenes not including fillers.
So I'm sorry I'm one of those who wasn't convinced by The Last. They literally had a basic villain go after Hinata who was cringe btw (the villain). They gave Hinata op powers which she doesn't have in the novel 👀. Despite having op powers, they made her the damsel in distress. Very "The hero saves the princess" cliche. Again, to justify them being together. I mean Naruto can't differentiate his love for ramen and romantic love so how??? He was just being nice to Hinata just like he does to everyone. He stood up for her just like he does for everyone.
Don't get me started on the Sakura Sasuke relationship 🤣. Cringe. They never knew each other. The whole Sakura's love for Sasuke saved him doesn't make sense. They spent barely a year in their genin year before sasuke left. Sasuke tried to kill Naruto and Sakura multiple times. Then at the end of the war, Kishimoto tried to do the "oh they have such a deep understanding between each other" which comes off as cringey. He gets her pregnant then leaves for years. She's literally a single mom who's broke.
Every relationship in Naruto is so cringey and forced except shikatemari. Kishimoto should've focused on the main story and fixed his potholes and leave the ending open.
Naruto would not have been perfect but at least it would've been remembered for staying true to its vision but instead it's remembered for cringey relationships, dumbass villain (except pain and madara) and a story that lost its core which is a shame coz I used to love Naruto. I was inspired by its messages but now....
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BUT FIRST Ive read what you said and I lowkey agree :p
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okay lol now for the juicy part click readmore and beware I shall be brutally honest so yea enjoy
I mean, Naruto in general is a mess, not just the ships if we're being realistic. Alot of plotholes, rushed endings, this and that, the w a r a r c, Kaguya, the way they rushed Boruto ehhh. Honestly, getting into Naruto is literally my biggest regret of 2020 :"DD
Im an NH shipper as you can tell by my hotmess of a blog but i fully respect your opinion and understand your point of view. I also know a bunch of nh stans who have their complaints with their development. I wish Kishi gave more attention to his female cast really, thats all I fucking ask. If he did that one single basic thing, then maybe the endgame relationships wouldnt have been an asspull and theyd be given propper screentime with their love interest, both Sakura and Hinata. The Last tbh i think the writers played it safe and stuck to the whole Naruto shounen vibe thingy, so im not surprised it was plotted that way. Typical cliché shounen movie.
But does that bother me? No! The Last was a mess, their development was shit, they definitely needed more screentime but hey at the end of the day theyre cute as fuck, we have that kiss scene, flirting scenes, a shit ton of official art, three kids, Seiki's gif :33 and a whole ass arc for their wedding all that for just a shounen anime so eh. Compensates for it i guess xD theyre not toxic, unhealthy or whatnot. Theyre wholesome, soft and vanilla as fuck and exactly what i need in my hectic life rn. No drama, just two kind souls who are adorable as heck and theyre dynamic means so much to me and I will love them until i shall leave this earth.
Anon, im not even gonna waste my time and defend their development because i think it sucked too xD but if you wanna know why i love them so so so soooo much, Id be more than willing to tell you :33
Sasuke and Sakura on the other hand eeeehhhh i can see why people like them. Sasuke's hot, he's your typical hot bad boy aad Sakura's hot and pretty too. Basic blue and pink trope. Aside from their canon interactions, fans have all the opportunity to play around with their dynamic but for me, its just sooo basic and so hetero and can easily appeal to any 16 yr old teenage girl, no wonder it has an active fanbase on twt and---- AM I MAKING ANY SENSE? AHDBAJJE LIKE ITS SO-- BASIC, your usual bad boy x pretty girl trope that you get to read in YA and coming of age novels. Not only that, but going back to canon, they have too many negative interactions for me to like them together :p The least Sakura can do is put down her own foot and yell at him for not contacting them for god knows how long. I also dont like how he always gets easily forgiven >=[[. I mean at least He's compensating as a dad good for him but ehhhh i still dont like him and Sakura together :v And im not falling for that "Sakura is the reason why Sasuke isnt lonely anymore" because thats NARUTO AHHH. Sasuke said that Multiple times. HE LIGHTS A FIRE INSIDE OF ME. HES MY SUN. MY ONE AND ONLY FRIEND. LIEK?? THATS NARUTOOO romantic or not, Naruto was the reason for his not so lonely existence anymore smh >=[[
Sasuke almost murdered her and Naruto and made their lives a living hell but hey its all good!! He's my best friend and Sakura loves him!! So set him freeee into the worldddd~~
Sasuke left his family without even simply contacting them but can easily contact Naruto through a hawk but hey thats fine! His and Sakura's feelings are connected afterall! Sasuke gave her a ring and said thank you! Who cares about leaving your family. She loves him and he loves her so yey!!! All is forgiven :D
Sasuke gets too many life points this isnt fair >=[[ But tbh he's nerfed so bad in Boruto manga and anime power wise. Like in that time travel arc and the manga. The rinnegan kunai thing was still so funny to me even if it was Borushiki. I just idk its so funny to me lmaoo
OKAY WHAT ELSE. I dont even know any more. Im tired of complaining about Naruto and just when Ive finally gone a little bit away from Naruto, Hinata fucking pulls me in again 😩 she has me on chokehold pls send help. Watch castlevania!!! and one piece!!!! ten times better than this anime about a loud blonde boi who wants to be president. Trust me
overall, i dont fully agree but i lowkey agree i guess. I do respect your opinion tho :))
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