#peep featherfowl
punkrockgrantaire · 2 years
A Court of Fey and Flowers future where Peep Featherfowl isn’t technically a warlock but DOES have all the most powerful and influential archfey on speed dial. Literally any problem comes up and she always just says “oh lemme call my mom/uncle/auntie/uncle/uncle OR entie”. She constantly insists she is NOT a warlock tho.
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adeadsimp · 2 years
Just caught up/finished a Court of Fey and Flowers and HOLY FUCKIN SHIT MAN
First and foremost my Ruehob and Bindera AGENDAS are fulfilled I'm screaming crying and sobbing
Secondly I want more Chirp and her wife/daughter moments this isnt how it ends
Thirdly that left so many things both answered and filled like what happened to the bet??? Do they just both lose AND win???
Lastly I want a season two but my favorite seasons never get one it makes me so sad
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yae-35 · 2 years
Ok so Peep is an adult now right? she was born and raised in the Material Plane bla bla bla and naturally having a mom like Chirp, Peep's definitely a bundle of energy who marches to the beat of her own drum. I feel like she was one of those "chosen one" kids who went on heroic journeys in her youth, and now she's just a regular adult living her life.
Growing up, Peep's picked up on Chirp's worries about their mortality. I think it would be natural if Peep surpressed any thoughts of her own towards the matter, saying she and Esme are strong and healthy, but the thoughts are lowkey getting into Peep's skin too
And boom!! Grandfather shows up!!! He already knows about Esme and Peep a few years (maybe a decade?) ago. Of course, he was initially furious, but I'm guessing because Chip and Squak, y'know, saved the magic yadda yadda, he mellowed out over the years, and decides that he'd like to take great-granddaughter in just as he did with his grandchildren. He reaches out by some means (not by showing up in the Material Plane tho!! yucky) to Chirp stating that like he'd want to invite Peep over to stay with him during that year's bloom so she could make her debut.
He doesn't explicitly say anything, but Chirp suspects that he probably wants to repeat what he almost did with both her and Squak by using Peep as a marriage chip or as a potential successor (ie. bolster the Lords of the Wing's power). Of course, Chirp is hesitant about this, butttt she does recognize that Peep is her own person and whatever Peep chooses, she'll just have to support her daughter (she's defo getting Squak to subtly keep tabs on Peep 24/7 Like yeah sure, he's not exactly the best person to keep someone well-behaved, but all Chirp wants is for Peep to be safe not exactly coddled, and Squak is her ride or die ofc).
Plot twist though!!! Peep has actually been in correspondence with Grandfather for a few years now, although the topic of visiting the fey realm for Peep's first Bloom has only been on the table for a few months. I feel like Peep met Grandfather on one of her secret trips to the fey realm by accident as a kid?? (don't ask how they could meet when Grandpapa is always in the sky and don't ask how Chirp doesn't know about it either). The Lords of the Wing are in a relatively good position socially and politically during these times, so there's no big condition that Peep has to meet in order to be officially allowed into the fey realm. The only condition Grandfather would lay out is that Peep should debut into society as a Lord of the Wing, a rising vicountess.
Remember what I said about Chirp's insecurities about mortality seeping into Peep? So there's this macguffin item that's rumored to give immortality to those who possess it, and it's currently in the fey realm. Since the fey are effectively immortal, that little side effect is meaningless to them, but there's probably another, bigger reason as it why it's important to them. Like sure, Peep could just go in and try to get it, but it's currently in the hands of idk some random court. She needs the leverage of a noble title to get even remotely close to the item. Oh, also I'd like to add that since the effect of the item naturally can only affect one person, I'd feel like Peep would want to give it to Esme. Peep's a halfling, so she's confident that she'll live long enough to figure out an alternative for herself, but she's alright with not living forever. It's her parents' happiness that comes first, anyways.
Depending on whether Peep is genre-savvy or not, she could clear any miscommunications or betrayals along the way by admitting to Grandfather right away that her goal is to procur that item or she could also not, but I'd like to give her a W and say she did explicitly say that in one of her letters to her great grandpappy. Grandfather will help her in exchange for her to be known as the new member of the Lords. Humans are *slowly* being more common in the fey realm, and capitalizing off that trend by introducing a half-human into polite society is a gamble with high rewards. (also yeah, you get to spend time with estranged family woooo...)
When Peep debuts as Vicountess Featherfowl of Fledglington (?? idk about land names), I feel like she'd have a whole new personality to subvert expectations and gather potential suitors who are aligned with her targeted court. Being Chirp's daughter and all, people expected Peep to be just as rambunctious and thrill-seeking (well, she is, but she's not going to show it *that* early). Eventually, Peep's reputation allows her to be known as Vicountess Philippa Featherfowl the Demure, and Peep's steadily on her way to becoming whatever their version of the Diamond of the Season is.
Now, she has a long line of suitors right? And remember what I said about the macguffin being in one random court? There's an interesting prospect in Peep's list of suitors. A noble lady from the Seelie Court (maybe a daughter or granddaughter of Titania's, or even a lady in waiting).
Ok, so Peep's intrigued by this proposal bc
1.) she knows that Chirp had offended the Seelie Court when she was just a toddler,
2.) Peep has enough evidence to conclude that whatever she's looking for might reside in the Seelie Court, and there shouldn't be any harm investigating,
3.) In Chirp's words, the Seelie Court is the "most basic of feys", ie. the most vanilla choice that a girl like Chirp's daughter could make, and this subversion of expectations are likely going to make rounds in the gossip department
4.) It's the Seelie Court, anyways. A safe choice if Peep wants Grandfather's approval
5.) Okay, so maybeee this noble lady is just Peep's type, but that's just a bonus
Of course, this Seelie suitor did not actually want to court Peep willingly. It was an "ooo go entertain this newcomer and bring back all the dirt you got on her" from the King and Queen. Maybe they fall in love, maybe they become unlikey friends? Maybe Peep's true self might surface? Idk I just needed to put some type of conflict bc all my mind is focused on is making my new blorbo living my other blorbo's life but w less angst.
And here I will be contradicting myself on that statement. If they ever become closer, Peep's potential lover/friend is going to realize that oh shit, Peep's not immortal. She'll live long, but not long enough. Their entire argument post-enemies-to-blank is about whether or not Peep should use the macguffin on herself or not. Like this could go so many way. If Peep chooses Esme over herself, the Seelie suitor could either 1.) accept Peep's choice and grapple with the same anxieties Chirp has 2.) find a way to make herself mortal, so she does not have to worry about living a life after Peep. If Peep chooses herself, it's not like her parents would be upset, in fact, they'd be happy that Peep chose her own happiness, but Peep might be riddled with guilt because this was the reason why she came here in the first place. Ultimately, I think Peep will choose Esme, and the Seelie suitor might find a way to become mortal if their bond is that strong enough.
If this is too lacking in action, idk throw in a mage battle between Peep and someone?? I'm actually just here for the Bridgerton-esque drama but like a diet coke version bc this is honestly just a self indulgent fic/headcanon 😅
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ljsarts · 9 months
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Happy D20 exchange yall!! , this gift is for @lottiesnotebook I could not skip up the chance to draw these toxic girlies having a tragic reunion, hope you like it and have a happy holidays!!
... also some bonus little sketchies of the fae birdies (squak and chirp) with Little peep for that interesting fairy human world family dynamic .
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honeybard · 2 years
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Family photo with Chirp, Squak and Peep.
(Not pictured: Esme behind the camera trying to get them all to stay still long enough to take the picture)
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d20-ritz-stimzz · 11 months
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" You mean upset like disturbed? Like, ooh, a bee's in my skirts and I like it. "
🐦 🐦 🐦 × 🐦 🐦 🐦 × 🐦 🐦 🐦
Lady Chirp Featherfowl, Countess of Cluckingham !
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fluffyquill · 2 years
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More post-campaign vignettes! It's kind of a crime that I haven't done more art of Lady Chirp. (LOL and there's a technical typo, as I wrote "as as a baby.")
Full page comic and description below the cut!
More of the Goblet Mini-Series! Tiny Hob Fable and Grabalba get the news Grabalba explains, and How Hob Found Out How to break the news?
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[Description: ACOFAF comic
Panel 1 Peep (offscreen): Hob! Hob, come play pirates with me! Binx: (holding a teapot and watching Peep) I still can't get over how small she is! So little! Chirp: (cup and saucer in hand, looking like a proud parent) You think Peep is small NOW, you should have seen her as a newborn. Been growing like a weed ever since. Rue: That makes sense. I read that owlbears are only about 9 inches long when they're first born. (They approximate nine inches between their paws.) And now I'm seven feet tall!
Panel 2 Peep: (only her hands are visible in the panel as she reaches for Hob) YOUR EARS ARE SO FLUFFY!! Peep: What about goblins, Hob? How big were you as a baby? (Hob looks up)
Panel 3 Hob: Oh! Well, save for salt goblins who pop into existence fully formed, most goblets average at about 5-6 inches long, so I suppose I was in that same - Chirp (offscreen): Wait wait wait - sorry for interrupting...
Panel 4 (Chirp looks like she's desperately trying to keep her composure. Rue is blushing, though their face is not in frame) Chirp: WHAT did you say baby goblins are called? (to herself) Be cool, Chirp. BE. COOL. Hob (offscreen): Goblets - partially because we're so small, partially because we fit in a goblet cup at that age...
Panel 5 (There is an explosion of hearts with "TOO CUTE!!" stamped across the front. There is a shadowed silhouette of a bugbear and a little girl with wings and a ponytail in the foreground.) Peep: Mama has a weakness for cute things. Hob: I see.
End description]
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bartholomewtheant · 2 years
Heavily heavily thinking of Acofaf xmas special where everyone gets invited to spend the holidays in the mortal realm, just saying.
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i think its a crime how little Chirp and Esmé's relationship and their family is talked about
the amount of love Chirp feels for both Esmé and their daughter is just. so apparent and so intense even though she knows it wont be forever (it's going to be so little time for her) she is okay with risking so much for them and its so so so beautiful
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excitedrainbow · 2 years
absolutely desperate to hear from Emily on the character and story creation process and thoughts behind Chirp and her family I am PRAYING someday we get it because it looks like Emily isn’t in the last Adventuring Party 😭
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trckstaer · 9 months
No but the fh:jy trailer made me insane and I added actually twelve dimension 20 muses ? mini tag drop below i guess ? so, i guess also, like this for a starter from a dnd muse !
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yae-35 · 2 years
EEEEP im enjoying acofaf so much but I want to hold on a bit until after I finish the series to make Peep my own. Im already having so much ideas on how I could tie in a plot like Edwina's story arc in Bridgerton to Peep
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heytherecentaurs · 4 months
Lady Chirp Featherfowl is interesting because she has this dual nature. On one hand she’s a chaos cyclone, a completely unpredictable party girl all about the moment. And on the other hand she is an intelligent, careful, deep-thinker who makes plans, examines motives, is a ride-or-die cousin, and a loyal deeply romantic and thoughtful committed partner planning for the future. She may have gone to the mortal realm on a whim but will return there with great intention.
She is the loudest person in a big room but a quiet person in a small room. She’s at the centre of attention among many people but when it’s one-on-one she makes the other person the focus. She is using her skills to sew absolute chaos but also to gather intelligence in ways no one else could. She has had many fleeting infatuations and flings but one long-lasting deep love. Even her daughter’s name and nickname display this duality: Philippa is a very serious mature name and Peep is a fun, playful name. I even think there’s a vocal register difference between these sides of her personality. One side is higher pitch, quicker paced and performing vocal gymnastics (sometimes in tandem with Squak), and the other is a lower pitch, slower and more considered form of speech.
It isn’t like she’s pretending to be one or the other. She switches between the two sides of her personality naturally. She uses one side to the advantage of the other like using chaos to mask serious intelligence gathering intent. This illustrates that they’re both her.
That’s why I love her. If she were one or the other she’d be a fun character. But the marriage of both makes her an interesting character with far more depth.
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nerds-in-wonderland · 2 months
🧚💐A Court of Fey And Flowers: Episode 7
Episode Title: The Masquerade Ball
Favorite Bit of the Episode: Surena pretending to turn into a frog was so cute I almost died. The KP/Rue angst is again ripping me apart but Binx and Andhera dynamic is adorable (especially frog Binx). Seafoam Court on my naughty list. Rue is a baby and must be loved and protected so much. Lou miming the Fey calendar made me choke on water jfc. Chirp’s love for her family legit made me cry a little. The way she talked about Peep, just my whole heart hurts knowing they’re going to quickly outlive her. I will fight Andhera’s mom for not loving my small baby boy. Actually evil. Binx and Andhera duo forever. I’m crying. YOU DON’T KNOW SCRATCH?! SO NASTY!
Episode Score:9 /10
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Aabriya Iyengar - Game Master
Brennan Lee Mulligan - K.P. Hob
Oscar Montoya - Delloso De La Rue
Surena Marie - Gwyndolin Thistle-hop/BINX Choppley
Omar Najam - Prince Andhera
Emily Axford - Lady Chirp Featherfowl
Lou Wilson - Lord Squak Airavis
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arcanist-archivist · 1 year
my honest reaction every time i remember chirp featherfowl has a daughter named philippa that she’s nicknamed peep
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best-d20-character · 2 years
Your NPC Candidates!
The top five most submitted, in order:
Ayda Aguefort
Gilear Faeth
Garthy O’Brien
Jawbone O’Shaughnessey
The rest of the 149 candidates, grouped by season:
Viscountess Grabalba
Captain Gorebladder
Princess Suntar
Philippa “Peep” Featherfowl
Sir Keradin Deeproot
The Sugar Plum Fairy
Manta Ray Jack
Stilton Curdeau
Peppermint Preston
Duchess Primsy Coldbottle
Annabelle Cheddar
Queen Caramelinda of House Rocks
Lord Calroy Cruller
Limon Longhalls
Senator Augustus Ciabatta
Spearia Mentha
Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica
Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit
The Junkmother
Aurora Nebbins
Princeps Zorch
Loose Duke
Barry Nyne
Raymond Zam
Lucienne Rex
King Prilbus
Natalia Cicero Connie Lee Carter Bajar
Bambi Leroux
Hyacinth Khrome
Stacks McFadden
Rising Bubbles from a Deep Volcanic Vent Many Fathoms Below Us
Veep 909
John Feathers
Percival son of Paraval (Stalker)
Ol' Pickering
Bad Henry
Master Ipskix
Drova Longfoot
Galfast Hamhead
Telmeir the Calm
The Cubbies
Ragh Barkrock
Zayn Darkshadow
arthur aguefort
Tracker O'Shaughnessey
Sandra Lynn Faeth
Gorthalax the Insatiable
The Hangman
Cathilda Ceíli
Aelwyn Abernant
Bogariel “Boggy the Froggy” Frogariel
Zelda Donovan
Alistair Ash
Biz Glitterdew
YES! (the deity)
“Baby” Wretchrot
Jamina Joy
Baron from the Baronies
Chungledown Bimothy
Madam Silvaine
Little Gilear
Telemaine Lomenelda
Laertes Astrindarius
Karl Cleaver
Athena Jones
Koda the bear
Lucia Wallace
Lysander Higgins
Bill Seacaster
Sklonda Gukgak
Digby & Wilma Thistlespring
Zaphriel “the Hangvan”
Nonna Wallace
Kalvaxas “Goldenhoard”
Pok Gukgak
Matila Molesly
Little Miss Muffet
Princess Elody of Greenleigh
The Stepmother
Lord Bandlebridge
the Dish
Mayor Harold Hopps
Mira (the Little Mermaid)
the Big Bad Wolf
Il Terribile Pescecane
Peter (the Baron of Bricks)
Stephen Sondheim
Dale Lee
Jackson Wei
The Questing Blade
Wally Kugrich
David Kugrich
Lowell Masters
Esther Sinclair
Alejandro Ortiz
La Gran Gata
Liz Herrera
Perry the Pigeon
Pizza Rat
Don Confetti
Dr. Lugash Primjitzski
Yagdash Scrovich
Ronaldo Manticaster
The Incredible Dantes
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