#(sanji) open starter
diabelskoga · 7 months
Also, this is a Valentine's inbox call -- meaning I'll send Valentine-inspired memes or send your muses some Valentine-inspired sweets! ( All made by the one and only! ) This will happen throughout February, so it won't end on Valentine's Day!
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Multi-muses, so specify who you want, so I know who to send too! Also, this is Mutuals Only!
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mischiefxmuses · 11 months
hwevent16 part 2: open welcome starter Sanji @hiddenstarters
Prompt: The maze attempts to make characters a part of itself. Roots wrap around legs and branches quickly work to surrond and suffocate characters. As it continues characters find themselves coughing up leaves and small branches that scratch up their throat on the way up, and start to take root in their lungs.
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This was very bad, as he pulled a leaf form his mouth. He wasn't sure there was anyway out of this. His right foot was completely wrapped up in roots. He tricked kicking up his foot to get away but it did nothing. "Go. Now." He said to the other who was nearby. "Quickly." It might be too late for him but not the other.
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theallblue · 1 year
There was one thing that pirates tended to learn quickly once they decided to set sail on the very waters that surrounded them. They would learn how unforgiving the seas could be sometimes whether it be because of other pirates or the harsh waves that might appear in front of them. A lesson that Sanji learned when he was just a child before being rescued by Zeff after managed to escape from his family. That was a story for another day, a story he wasn’t willing to speak about just yet despite mentioning where he had been born. The North Blue wasn’t his home though, the East Blue was because that’s where the Baratie was waiting for him to return to. 
That was where Zeff and the others who he once worked alongside of would be waiting for his return. Even though they would easily hear about the chaos his crew was causing during this long journey. 
It had been a normal day onboard the Thousand Sunny once again while it was enough to cause the crew to relax since peace was the only thing that surrounded them. Peace and the chaotic sounds which came from the crewmates who decided to play a random game to pass the time, one that Sanji hadn’t been paying attention to. He was focused on passing out snacks especially to tie Luffy over until it was time to make the next meal of the day. A meal which the blonde cook had already picked out because of the weekly planning he normally focuses on for the sake of his crew. He wasn’t going to let them go hungry, he wasn’t going to let them starve. 
That was until a storm decided to make an appearance, one that Nami had noticed because of the changes that lingered in the air. A storm which caused the unforgiving waves to drag Sanji along with it with his ears barely catching the cries of his crewmates. Cries that soon faded away into nothingness. 
That had been weeks ago as the next thing that the blonde knew was that he had woken up in an unknown place. A throbbing pain lingering in the back of his head, blurred thoughts that were impossible for him to make sense about. The only thing that he could remember was that his name was Sanji and something about cooking? Everything else refused to make sense, it was coming up blank. 
The people were nice enough to give him a place to stay and clothes to replace the ones that had been ruined. He still wasn’t able to give them any answers though, he couldn’t recall a single thing besides the two answers he was able to give the people already. 
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Then one day, someone suddenly shouted his name. A shout with a grip that tugged against his wrist causing Sanji to face the one who was obviously trying to get his attention. There was only one thing he could think to say in that moment though 
“I’m sorry, but who are you?”
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cleverasthcdevil · 11 months
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"you'll pay for that you stupid monster." it by no means was a pirate code, but he was taught by his mother to never hurt or insult a woman no matter what, and he would never betray that code even if it killed him one day
|| open one piece starter
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thelemicrp · 6 months
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art credit:Nori31291404 banner credit:cafekitsune
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ㅤㅤㅤgerma kingdom • 1:34 ᵃᵐ • high tower
Connections: 'crewmate', sibling, theif/assassin, maid/gaurd
cw: mention of machinery/medical equipment and mention of death.
“The Sleeping Prince! I saw him! Through the tower window!”
Sanji Vinsmoke, years ago was declared dead right after his mothers death, shocking the rest of the kingdom and spreading pity for the young boys death. Unbeknownst to them high above, contained in a secluded room in a tower, laid the sleeping blonde, discarded and locked away to sleep until his death. The only thing keeping him alive was the guilty maids, the fluids pumping into his body and the dreams that flooded his mind of adventure on the deadly seas, surprisingly, as a pirate.
The sun had long set, the moon taking its rightful place as it bathed the earth in a low white light, quietly as can be, you pushed the heavy wooden door ajar, the moan of the doors hinges echoing off into the night’s choir. The peaceful face of the Prince laid in the light, only highlighting his sunken cheeks and the purple bruises littering the skin that showed, an indicator that someone else had previously paid him a visit, further proven by the disturbed flowers which their petals painted the floor. Despite the ethereal atmosphere, something felt off. Not wrong. Just off… as if something was about to happen. Keeping your plan in mind, you cautiously step closer, the forest life outside seemingly growing quiet.
Further explaining the 'crewmates' part, Sanji in this au has never met any of the strawhats. You are free to roleplay the strawhats from the canon world, where Sanji is a strawhat! You can even make your own version of your character for this au, I've sort of made this based off a fairytale sort of vibe, so feel free to do that too!
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Starter Call: King of the Monsters (Spooky Season) AU
Far in the valley beyond Windmill Village lies a dark mangrove forest. If one can find safe passage through the swamplands and glowing waters, there lies a great labyrinth filled with brambles and shadowy creatures that bite. This monument of stone guards the passage to a great gothic castle where a very clingy powerful vampire lord lies biding his time.
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Send [Hunger] with a Vampire Luffy starter
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Send [Howl] for a Werewolf Zoro starter
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Send [Shimmer] for a Naiad Sanji starter
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The crew was quick to learn about the dangers that lingered inside the Grand Line, it was easy to stay that everything could change with the snap of one’s fingers. It could change from the weather to the other pirates that are traveling across these very same waters, everyone had to be careful because of what could be waiting for them. The stories of the Grand Line could only give so much while this was something that they could have to experience on their own, an experience that all of them were looking forward to even with all the lingering dangers. 
Sanji had been hesitant to join the crew at first, but eventually he found himself standing on the Going Merry as the cook that they desperately needed for the journey ahead. Besides, he would help fight against any threats that might decide to make an appearance which tended to happen quite often since they were pirates. Pirates who had bounties on their heads because of the havoc that they have caused already, they were the reason why Enies Lobby was no longer standing. 
They most likely would have brought it crashing down if a buster call hadn’t been accidentally summoned, a buster call that they were able to thankfully escape from. They were quick to hit the seas once more to deal with whatever struggles were going to appear next, there was still much for them to do. Plus getting supplies to replace what had been lost and to deal with the bottomless pit of Luffy’s stomach, that was apart of his job though when it came to anything for the crew to eat. He needed to make a list of what they would need before the next adventure was going to come crashing at their feet. Hopefully, an island would appear soon for the sake of being able to stock up what was missing from storage. 
Things seemed to be going well until one of that outrageous storms decided to make an appearance, a storm that they hadn’t expected to appear this soon even with Nami's ability to predict that one was coming. There was no choice, but to try and keep the ship from being swallowed by the waves that threatened to overpower them. Waves that unfortunately caught Sanji off guard as it came crashing down onto the deck of their ship, waves that dragged them blonde into the unforgiven sea. 
The plea for help was unable to escape his lips before everything was swallowed by a sudden darkness leaving him to those dangerous waves. 
That’s how he ended up on a possible stranded island, missing a shoe while sitting among the white-colored sand. Blood stained the side of his head from something. Had he hit his head against something? Sanji really didn’t know, but that wasn’t his concern right now. He needed to figure out where he was. He needed to figure out what happened to the rest of his crewmates.
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naviculariis · 6 months
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ㅤ⠀The kitchen was warm, a place of respite from the cold rain that fell outside. One of those no-sailing days where they drop anchor and simply exist until the storm passes them. The ocean itself wasn't choppy, thankfully; the waves gently breaking against the hull.
ㅤ⠀❝You need to eat somethin’.❞
ㅤ⠀Sanji turned, setting down the bowl of cheesy potato soup down in front of the Reader. He'd fried the bacon that was crumbled atop, paired with sharp cheddar cheese that was melting in, chives, and a dash of black pepper.
ㅤ⠀❝Bon appétit.❞
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bailesona · 9 months
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" look, mate. i've seen my share of crazy shit. starting with the fact that i literally fell out of a pirate ship, into the back alley of this forsaken place. sounds mad, doesn't it? which is exactly why i'll believe whatever madness you need to get off your chest. so why don't i fix you something to eat, and you can tell me all about it until she gets back? "
OPEN STARTER! ( in which blue absolutely massacres the character of sa.nji in the diner cinematic universe-- )
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diabelskoga · 6 months
lil open / mutuals only!
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❝ Wh-what are you lo-looking at. I'll kick y-your ass! ❞
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stay-mon-army · 11 months
Daydream Kisses
Word Count: 4,040 words
Warning(s): Self-doubt, pining, like one swear word, angst (I really need some healing and OPLA Sanji is giving it to me)
Pairing: Sanji x GN!reader
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After the conversation you had with Sanji, your life on the Going Merry couldn’t possibly have been any better. You felt calmer around Sanji, able to simply enjoy the company he was willing to provide. You spent time with all of the crew, laughing and drinking and making memories, but you spent the most time by far with the chef.
You were able to ignore the teasing looks and whispers most of the crew gave you when they noticed you spending so much time with the cook. You knew what they thought – you had heard it all from Nami, but you weren’t going to let them goad you into thinking bad thoughts again. After all, your conversation with Sanji had cleared it all up, you were feeling good about spending time with the chef in whatever capacity made the both of you happy.
However, your mind never could totally shut off.
One night, you lie awake, tossing and turning as you think over and over all the little things that happen between you and Sanji. You had sworn you wouldn’t think about what Nami had said to you that fateful morning, but you couldn’t help it.
Be with Sanji? Was that something you wanted? What would that be like?
Your mind wandered off, imagining the lovely life you could have with the chef. You already spent hours beside him, talking, working quietly beside each other, sharing quips and teasing glances and gentle touches. When you went into town with him to shop for groceries for the next voyage, he would often grasp your hand in his, ensuring you didn’t get separated in the crowded markets. He would lean into the counter to watch you while you talked, and he would always watch you closely, eyes dancing between your eyes and your lips as he let you try a taste of his newest recipe. He would pull you into a hug whenever you shared something even a little sad, like the time you saw a really pretty dragonfly get eaten by a flying fish. He was always right beside you during any dangerous moments, putting himself between you and the perceived danger.
What more would change, truly, if you were to tell Sanji you liked him?
Well for starters, he might kiss you. You imagined telling him, whispering your feelings to him one day in the kitchen, playing with your hands in a way you hope shows your excitement and your fear in equal measure. He would grin that beautiful breath-taking smile, like the world was opening up to swallow you whole. He would reach out for you, his hands resting against your elbows, then sliding up, up, up until one held your back and the other looped into your hair. He would pull himself ever closer, tilting your head to angle towards him, his lips coming down to just a hairs-breadth away. His breath would smell like mint and tobacco, ghosting against your lips as he breathed out a quiet, “may I, my love?” And the shiver your body gave in response would be all he needed before he dipped down and pressed your lips together in a slow, sweet kiss like you had never imagined.
Yeah, that would change things.
But there were some things you wouldn’t mind changing between you both.
You could imagine coaxing him from the kitchen after a long day of cooking, the contented, tired look in his eyes that he gets after another successful day full of recipes. Your hands would tug his, leading him out to the deck, where you would find the comfiest spot. You would lay down beside him there, on the deck, underneath the star-dusted sky, watching the way the world rocked from the waves lapping against the sides of the boat. You’d curl into his arms, your head resting against his shoulder as he held you, letting you point out particularly bright stars or what you imagined to be the constellations. You’d talk about your days, even though you spent most of it together; you’d talk about the future, dreaming of what would happen when you found the One Piece and the All Blue together. You wouldn’t be able to resist reaching up to press kisses against his collarbone, neck, cheek, lips, loving the way he melted into your touches, letting you do whatever you wanted because he just loved you this close so much. You could see yourself falling asleep like that, tucked underneath a blanket, wrapped in the chef’s warmth and comforting scent, drifting into a dream-filled sleep with thoughts of Sanji in your head.
Let’s just say sleep was hard to find when you thought of what you might want, how that might change things.
Some nights, you would wander out onto the deck, enjoying the sea breeze in the hopes it would chase away your aggressive thoughts. You hated that you worried so much – you had gotten better in some ways at dealing with your crazy thoughts since talking to Sanji, but in others you had become a total mess. You didn’t worry about your interactions with Sanji, but man, the moment you thought about your internal feelings? All hell broke loose and you hated every minute of it.
Tonight was one such night where your hammock and the darkness of your bedroom seemed like a war zone of battling desires. You hadn’t been afraid of the dark in years, but suddenly the moonlight created shadows of the blond chef, making you wish he was beside you in ways that sent shivers down your back.
You breathed in deep of the salty spray, staring up at the sparkling expanse above. Nothing settled you quite as much as the stars – they were soothing in their silent watchfulness, observing without judgment, taking in the lives of everyone below without malice or opinion. They wouldn’t comment on your wild thoughts, your deep-seated worries, your hopes and desires. They would simply watch, stand witness to the life you lead, beside you through all of it. The stars never leave.
You almost miss the tell-tale tapping of dress shoes across the deck, your mind too distant racing among the stars.
“Why are you awake so late, darling? You’ll catch your death out here in the cold.” Sanji drapes his coat across your shoulders, smoothing the sleeves against your arms before moving to stand beside you. The gentle press of his hands against your arms, even through the fabric of your shirt and his jacket, brings back the thoughts you had come out to avoid and you tried to blink away the embarrassing heat that courses through your body at the feeling.
“Couldn’t sleep, is all.” You say, pinching the edge of the jacket between your forefinger, middle, and thumb to tug it closer around your body. You don’t look over at the man beside you, afraid to meet his gaze after the thoughts that had been devouring your consciousness for the past few hours. “What are you doing up?”
“I had to prep for breakfast tomorrow. I was thinking of making a quiche with some breakfast potatoes.” You smiled, nodding to yourself. Of course, what other reason could he have for being awake. “If you’d like, I could make you some tea to help you fall asleep, my dear. I would hate to leave you with a restless night.”
You shake your head, finally looking over at the blond. He’s watching you with kind, gentle eyes. He wasn’t worried or anything, just attentive – paying attention to your needs and asks of him with precision. “I don’t think tea will do much.” Making jokes was the only way you could deal with the thoughts running through your head.
Sanji raises his eyebrow, smiling at you with that comforting look still gracing his eyes. “What could I do to assist you in sleep, my love? Perhaps you’d like to talk about what’s keeping you awake?”
You flush, quickly looking away, laughing awkwardly at the clear sign you just gave. You raise a hand to rub at the skin of your face, hoping it will make the blood go away and save you from your embarrassing moment.
“I don’t know. I don’t think that will fix much either. Might just make it worse.” You mumble, looking back up at the stars, wishing you could be scooped into the moon’s cold embrace.
“Would you rather I leave you alone then?” You turn quickly to face him, nearly losing the suit jacket draped over your shoulders before you clutch it closer to your body, like it will keep Sanji beside you longer.
“No! No, please stay. I don’t think being alone will fix much either.” You smile up at the chef, who is grinning widely down at you as well. You knew he loved hearing you tell him to stay, telling him that you wanted him around. You have a feeling he likes hearing it even more than you do.
“I’ll stay as long as you’ll let me.” You sigh, settling yourself down onto the deck, laying down with his jacket wrapped around you so you could look up to the sky. Sanji hesitates for a moment, before sitting down beside you, watching you quietly.
He sits with his arms back to brace against the deck, one leg extended, the other bent to point to the stars. You can’t help the small peeking glances you steal from the corner of your eye as you try not to think about how close this was to some of your daydreams. You try, but fail, to ignore the way the silence hangs suspended but soothing around you both, like a warm blanket; the way that you’re so close, you would only have to reach out your hand and you could be touching him, nearly a hand-span away from contact; the way you can see every lock of blond hair falling over his shoulder as he tips his head back to also stare at the stars.
“Like something you see, darling?” You blush, looking away even though you had already been caught. He chuckles softly, looking over at you and smiling. “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me what kept you up?”
You breathe deeply, debating with yourself for a moment. One the one hand, you trust Sanji. You know he wouldn’t judge you; he had never judged you. He was so kind, always offering you comfort and understanding in all things – never expecting anything but your honesty. You knew he would take anything you had to say to him in stride, never once faltering in his devotion to being caring and compassionate. On the other, you were terrified of what your thoughts might mean. The ways in which your relationship might change if the words were spoken aloud. You never wanted to lose that comfort that Sanji had to offer, and the thought that he might change his view of you scared you. You worried that there would be new expectations, new understandings, new problems to arise with the brief mention of your desire to kiss and hold the blond chef. The last thing you wanted was change. Right?
So why did your mouth open and your tongue begin to form words? Why did you spill out the inner secrets you had kept hidden for weeks after the incident with Nami?
“I just recently have been thinking about what Nami said, about us being a thing. I never really thought of it before she said it – we’re just friends, I like being like that with you, but I don’t see any problem with friends acting the way we do. But at the same time, now that Nami mentioned it, I can’t stop thinking if I might want something more. At night is the worst, when I’m alone after spending all day with you, I just can’t stop my mind from making these new ideas. These new scenarios where I get to hold you, hold your hands, curl up against you,” you hesitate before whispering, “kiss you.” You throw your head back to rest against the deck, staring up at the twinkling night expanse above to avoid the look you know will be gracing Sanji’s face. He’s a flirt through and through, you know that he’s going to love the idea, even if he only ever said he was okay with being friends. He wasn’t going to take this admission without a little outward joy and playful teasing. “And the worst part is I don’t know what I want so I haven’t said anything and just held it all in. Because if I say this and then decide that I don’t really want things to change, then I’ve led you on and that’s wrong. But if I say this and then do something about it, everything will change and I might still lose you. But if I keep it all inside, I won’t lose you – you never have to know and I can pretend like nothing is wrong and I can just keep that all inside. It doesn’t hurt anybody in there. It just takes away a little bit of my sleep, and I’m okay with that as long as I’m still able to have you in my life.”
You roll your head to the side to finally glance at the man who you had just poured your heart out to for what felt like the millionth time since you’ve met him. It was getting easier and easier to share your inner fears and thoughts with him, the more you did it. As though the beginning was a dam cracking, opening up so that the water could seep out and flood through his river, releasing your pressure to share the load with him. It felt nice, you couldn’t lie.
He simply stared at you, an unreadable look on his face before he sighs, nodding, looking down at the deck.
“Okay, darling, that was a lot to process.” You had never seen him so stoic, so calm. Especially after you shared about your feelings, you weren’t used to him not simply bursting into action, face and body nearly splitting open at the sheer excitement at hearing your feelings, about him or otherwise. Usually emotions were Sanji’s forte so you couldn’t figure out why he seemed so withdrawn today.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have just dumped that on you. It isn’t fair for me to unburden myself like that on you – you’ve always been there for me and I’m just always so ready to share my thoughts and feelings and I never stopped to think how all this might make you feel. That was so selfish of me, I-”
“Don’t call yourself selfish.” The cold edge to his voice makes you freeze. Where was your flirty, playful Sanji?
“What?” You watch his face carefully, see the way his eyebrows furrow and his mouth dips down in the corners – the closest you’ve ever seen it to a frown. His eyes come up to look at you and there’s a depth there you haven’t seen before. As though all this time, there was a wall hiding his deeper mind away from you.
“Don’t ever call yourself selfish. You went out of your way, worrying about how I would feel or what I would say to your feelings, so much so that you lost sleep over it. You took into consideration everyone else’s thoughts and feelings and ignored how this all hurt you, bothered you. You were willing to let it continue to bother you until I made you say something. You are anything but selfish, and anyone who says otherwise is ignorant. You are the most selfless person I know.” His eyes are hard, as though he’s trying to convince you with his look alone. You nearly crack under his gaze, but you nod anyway, showing you understand what he’s saying.
His shoulders loosen at the sight, his eyes softening to a look of endearment as he looks at you.
“Now, I’ve said this before, but I will continue to say it, however many times it takes for you to believe me. I will be anything you need from me, my love. I can be your friend, your confidante, your lover; anything you want from me. All you have to do is say the word. I won’t leave you, you won’t lose me because of a change in feelings. Unless you tell me to go, I’m here, until the ends of the Earth.” He reaches out a hand, brushing back a piece of hair off your face. “The way I care for you can’t be put into words. You’re a god amongst men, a divine revelation of the true beauty of humanity at its core, you show the warmth of kindness and the darkness of fear and you do it all with the poise and delicacy of a butterfly in flight – you have never been anything less that magical, and to be in your life has been an honor I could never imagine finding anywhere else.”
You swallow against the lump growing in your throat, hoping that the burning in your eyes is because you’re tired and not because you’re about to cry in front of Sanji right now. You’d heard him say things like this before – Sanji was known for his kind words. But for some reason, hearing them now, you wanted to sob in relief. He didn’t have to say those nice words about you; he didn’t even need to care about your stupid feelings and listen to you complain and worry about why you can’t sleep.
Sanji sits up, opening up his arms for you as he whispers, “come here, love” and you can’t stop yourself from dragging your body over to curl into his arms.
Hugging Sanji, or in this case, Sanji hugging you, wasn’t an uncommon occurrence – you both were very affectionate people, so you were never shy about being close with any of the crew before. Yet somehow, this time felt different. His arms pulled you close, squeezing you against him as though he was pressing all your pieces back together, bringing you into his body as a shield where you could become complete again. His hands rested flat against your back, fingertips just digging into the skin as though he was afraid you might be pulled from his grasp if he wasn’t careful.
The scent of Sanji enveloped you; cooking oil, cigarettes, something else just distinctly him. You never could quite place that scent. You breathed it in, closing your eyes to the world as you relax into Sanji’s embrace. He rests his head against the top of yours, his lips pressing against your hair.
“Now, as for your confession.” You take a deep breath, not quite sure where this was going to go. “I don’t think I need to tell you again how dedicated I am to you, sweetheart. I would be honored to love you in any capacity you would like to have me. However, you have to make that decision – I am not going to pressure you any way. You can tell me exactly what you want from me, when you want it from me. You can change your mind at any time, I won’t hold it against you. Ever.” His voice was strong, confident, everything you weren’t feeling right now. You didn’t know how to take his words.
Part of you really wanted to leave things alone, to just stay like this, curled in Sanji’s arms until you slept. That you could stay this way, without anything changing and becoming awkward, was a comforting thought that you wanted to hold onto. However, the more you thought about it, the more you thought that maybe your daydreams and sleepless nights were telling you something. If this was causing you so much distress, maybe it was because part of you really wanted those things to happen. Maybe it couldn’t hurt to test out these new feelings and desires, especially if Sanji was the one saying that he would be willing to accept your changing mind if things don’t go well.
You lift your head, pulling back slightly from Sanji’s embrace. His arms loosen around you, allowing you to back up enough to look up at him; his hands still hold onto your sides as though he isn’t quite ready to let you out of his hold.
“If I asked to try… this,” you say, watching his face closely, the way his eyes shine in the moonlight. “But then I changed my mind and wanted to go back to being friends…”
“You need only say the word, love, and I would give you anything you wanted. Your wish is my command.” He smiles that stupid flirty smile that you know he’s flashed at a million women through his time working at the Baratie, and yet you couldn’t help the flare of warmth that shoots through your body.
“Fuck it.” You whisper, reaching up to grab his face. Your hands slide over his jaw, cupping his cheeks to pull him down to meet your lips with his own.
You had thought about kissing Sanji for a while now; what it would be like to have his lips against yours, what he would taste like, how his lips, his tongue, his teeth would feel against you. And yet all your daydreaming hadn’t prepared you for truly living it. You had a pretty good imagination, so it wasn’t like you hadn’t imagined how amazing it felt for him to press his lips against yours, pulling back a little between each kiss and feeling his warm breath against your face. But feeling him against you, feeling his hand slide up from your waist to thread through your hair, gripping softly when you nip at his lip – that was something else entirely. The way it lit your body on fire was hard to ignore.
When you pull back from the kiss, breathing deeply as you continue to cup his face, you met his eyes in the dim light, close enough to feel his breath fan your face with every pant he lets out. Your heart tightens as you look at him, feel the warmth of his body pressing against you, debating going in for another kiss.
“Is it okay if I kiss you again?” You whisper, afraid of breaking the moment you felt encapsulated in. It felt as though the world stopped turning, the wind stopped blowing, time stopped ticking as you glued yourself against Sanji’s body.
Sanji simply smiled and leaned back in, pulling you in by the back of the neck to capture your lips again. Your body arches up to meet your bodies together, needing to be closer to him. His hand that isn’t tangled in your hair slides to the small of your back, tightening to help you arch against him further, as though he wants to pull you into his body, make you one with him in the same way you want to curl into his body yourself.
You couldn’t deny it any longer, being with Sanji was too good not to want to be with him forever. You still felt a little fear – you never knew a day without some concern of how life would play out for you, how others would react to everything you do. However, feeling Sanji’s arms around you, being this close to Sanji, you loved him enough to overlook that fear for a little while. You didn’t think you needed him this way so badly – kissing him, holding him, loving him – but now that you’ve had a taste, you didn’t think you could go a day without having him this way. Your dreams hadn’t prepared you for the incessant need that began to grow in your bones.
“You can kiss me whenever you desire, my love. I will be waiting for the chance to hold you like this again, every day until I die.” Sanji’s kind words were drowned out by the pounding in your chest at the thought that he felt the same way you did.
Yeah, you could see yourself spending hours with him like this. Maybe daydreaming wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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helios-writings · 7 months
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Roronoa Zoro x Sanji x gn! Reader
wc: 1.3k
warnings: none
Sanji and Zoro have been fighting a lot more lately, and you’re determined to find out why
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You were tired of stopping fights. It seemed almost every day at this point that it was happening, you wake up, Sanji and Zoro are bickering. You make port, they’re fighting. Even Chopper was getting tired of patching up their bruises.
You knew they bickered, you saw it from the very beginning, but you have no idea what could’ve made it worse. So far, it’s been a normal day on the Sunny, heat bearing down and the ocean carrying a cool breeze, one that leads you to a small town.
It’s as you’ve gathered your things that you hear a loud crash from up on deck, and you rush upstairs, fearing the worst. But when you reach the top, it’s Zoro and Sanji again, the former having shoved the cook so roughly into the taffrail that it’s broken.
Franky and Usopp both let a bewildered cry, but you? You’re steaming. A scuffle here and there is one thing, but this has gotten out of hand.
You storm up to them, pulling them apart with the help of Robin before practically getting in both of their faces. “What the actual fuc- no, you know what, let’s go somewhere else.”
You drag the two men below deck by their arms, not struggling to break free even though they could. You shove them both down onto two separate chairs.
“What the actual fuck has been wrong with you two? I know you bicker, but this is out of hand!”
They - well, Sanji, - look sheepish, but stay silent. You look at them both and then the nearby window. Luffy won’t even notice if one of them goes overboard, right?
The swordsman cracks under the weight of your glare. “Fuck, alright. Tell her, Curly.”
The chef gawks. “Me? What about you?!”
“It was your idea!”
“The hell it was!”
You pinch your nose bridge. “One of you just spit it out. Now.”
They explain the situation, leaving you wide eyed and jaw open by the time they’re done.
“You just decided to fight over who gets to go out with me?! You didn’t even ask me!”
“We thought-“
“Well, please never think again if that’s the kind of ideas you two are going to come up with.”
“We’re sorry.” Sanji tells you, elbowing his partner in crime in the side.
“Yeah, sorry.”
You know that Zoro is just annoyed, so you don’t take his half assed apology to heart. You do level with them, however.
“You’re both insane if you think I’m dating either one of you after this.”
Both of their eyes widen. “But-“
“I’m serious. What would you have done if one of you had won and I didn’t even like you? You didn’t make any efforts to win my affection, you didn’t take my feelings into account at all. The only thing either of you gave me was a headache.”
“Well, then tell us how we win you over.” Zoro says, a fierce look in his eye.
“Oh, so you don’t even know how, okay.”
“I’m serious. He’s serious. Tell us what to do.”
You sigh. Knowing Zoro, you know he’s not likely to do anything halfway, and Sanji is sure to do the same. Headaches, the two of them.
“Well, for starters, no one likes breaking up fights everyday and hauling you to the doctor. So start there, start trying to get along.” You think, oh there’s no way they go along with this.
But the two men just sigh with sad acceptance. “Alright. What’s next?”
You truly don’t know what to say, you didn’t think you’d get this far with them. “Being helpful would be nice. Uh, I hear people like gifts.”
“Don’t tell us what other people want,” urges Sanji, “tell us what you want.”
You groan. “I don’t know, okay? I’ve been on the sea with you two for years, so I don’t have a lot of people trying to woo me. Just….I don’t know, be nice to me or something. Talk to me. Make an effort to actually get to know me.”
They both nod and you dismiss them from their seats. After Sanji leaves, Zoro turns to you.
“Hey. We really are sorry about what went down.”
You just nod. “I know.”
There really is a change in the air over the next few weeks. The fighting between the two isn’t gone, but there’s less of it. Sanji asks for your help in the kitchen and Zoro often asks if you want to spar with him. When you go into town, one or both of them follow you, bickering over who gets to carry what. It really is sweet to see, and it does flatter you. You’re almost surprised at how much you like being around them.
“Hey, come look at this!” Sanji calls over to you, Zoro already standing close beside him.
You walk up to the little stall. “What's up?”
The chef grins, holding up a few bracelets to you. “Which one do you want? Fair warning, Mosshead wants the black one even if he says he doesn’t.”
Zoro lets out a protest, but you can tell he doesn’t mean it. You settle on a green and yellow one that looks pretty enough, the elaborate braids combining the colors in a way that you enjoy. That leaves Sanji with a black and blue one.
Sanji ties the bracelet around your wrist, his deft fingers making quick work of it. “There. Nice, right?”
You nod, feeling your face get warm. “Do you need help with yours?”
“I’ve got it, but between you and I, Zoro might need help with his.”
You shoot him a puzzled look, but walk over to the swordsman, who is indeed struggling to fasten the small bracelet.
You laugh quietly and take the bracelet from him, he then hands you his wrist. His skin is warm to the touch in your hand, this close you can see the calluses and scars from the many years of sword fighting. You fasten the bracelet for him.
“There. Now we all match.” You tell them.
They both turn red.
That night, as you venture into the kitchen after everyone’s asleep, you stumble upon quite a scene. Sanji is pressed against the counter, Zoro against him, pressing kisses into his neck and hair.
You gasp in surprise and they turn, mortified and jump apart.
You go to walk away but Sanji practically leaps across the room to stop you.
“W-wait! Let us explain.”
You still and let Zoro guide you to a chair. Sanji slides a cup of warm tea over to you before they both sit in a chair.
“We do like you.” The chef supplies before you can say anything.
“But, spending time with you and getting our own shit together….well. Curly’s insatiable.” Zoro has a smug grin on his face, which makes Sanji smack him.
Your head, however, is spinning. “Wait. Explain one more time.”
“We,” Sanji starts, gesturing between the two of them, “want to date you. Together.”
“How….how would that even work?”
“I don’t know,” Zoro answers, “but I want to try.”
You nod. “Okay.”
Sanji grins before leaning forward, only stopping when you nod. He kisses you softly, it makes warmth blossom from your chest and you smile into it.
“Okay Curly, my turn.”
The chef rolls his eyes but pulls away, kissing Zoro briefly before the other man does the same to you.
Zoro’s kiss is different. Where Sanji was soft, his was almost desperate, lips pressing fervently against yours. Sanji laughs softly in the background.
“You’re going to suffocate them if you keep that up.”
Zoro flips him off, but lets you go almost reluctantly.
Your head is spinning, but you smile. “Well, you two can get along.”
“It’s hard work, but it paid off I suppose.”
You took their hands in each of your own. “I think this’ll work out.”
They grin back at you. “I think so too.”
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saturninemartial · 2 months
So I've been cooking a Shuggy-centric modern AU and I'd like to share it with the class.
Shanks owns a landscaping company (the rest of the Red Hair Pirates are the employees); he no longer does much of the hands-on work since, well, he's down to one hand as of an accident a few years ago. Luffy, 15, is the kid who's always hung around begging to work with him and is finally old enough for a summer job. Beckman is Shanks' right-hand man and secures a lot of their clients for them.
One day, Beckman drives Shanks and Luffy over to a brand-new client he'd found for them, for a bit of a consult as the new client is wealthy and has a lot of work that needs done on their new home; Luffy is there to mow the lawn for starters. When they get there, the door is answered by the client's assistant (Mohji). When the client finally comes out onto the porch (the landscapers are "too dirty" to go inside even though they haven't even done any work yet that day), everyone is really taken aback when Shanks and the client—Buggy—recognize each other.
Shanks and Buggy both grew up in foster care from when they were practically babies; they landed in the same congregate care home (group home) as preteens, having both been troublemakers in every foster home placement they'd been in previously, and became inseparable. (I'm imagining Roger as, like, a counselor here or something.) They were best friends for a few years while living here, the first real friend the other had, until Buggy was sent to live elsewhere in a home with more focused mental health care because of his anger problems. They lost touch after that, and Shanks aged out of the foster system, getting into petty crime but eventually starting up the landscaping business.
And Buggy, in the meantime, well...several years after they lost touch, Buggy suddenly pops up as a fucking fashion model. It's hard to mistake the bright blue hair—grown out long—and the pout, plastered on ads. Shanks has been following his career this whole time as soon as he found out his old friend became a model (or, well....collecting pictures because Bug's gotten even prettier somehow). But Shanks had no idea that Buggy was moving back "home," and now here they are, seeing each other for the first time in, fuck, like 20 years?
They end up reconnecting (then really connecting lmao). Bug doesn't really open up about the times in between his relocation to another facility, and him aging out, and him hitting it big as a model, but Something (bad) Definitely Happened. But now they're together again and Shanks can be gross and embarrassing.
Luffy does not like this weird guy and calls him Bussy, Booby, Booty, etc.
Bonus details on the Straw Hat teens: Luffy is in foster care under Dadan and has been with her for several years; Nami was adopted by her foster mom Belle-mère, her bio parents having died when she was a kid; Zoro has recently been placed with crochawk after bouncing around a lot; Sanji is a runaway and has been hiding out with Zeff, who is pretty horrified that the kid was never reported missing; and Yasopp is physically present but not emotionally present, so Usopp spends a lot of his time at other people's houses.
(Some of these details are not set in stone but this is the basic concept. And I'm probably gonna write a little about it. Mostly bc i need Buggy's bussy destroyed.)
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theallblue · 1 year
The crew was quick to learn about the dangers that lingered inside the Grand Line, it was easy to stay that everything could change with the snap of one’s fingers. It could change from the weather to the other pirates that are traveling across these very same waters, everyone had to be careful because of what could be waiting for them. The stories of the Grand Line could only give so much while this was something that they could have to experience on their own, an experience that all of them were looking forward to even with all the lingering dangers.
Sanji had been hesitant to join the crew at first, but eventually he found himself standing on the Going Merry as the cook that they desperately needed for the journey ahead. Besides, he would help fight against any threats that might decide to make an appearance which tended to happen quite often since they were pirates. Pirates who had bounties on their heads because of the havoc that they have caused already, they were the reason why Enies Lobby was no longer standing.
They most likely would have brought it crashing down if a buster call hadn’t been accidentally summoned, a buster call that they were able to thankfully escape from. They were quick to hit the seas once more to deal with whatever struggles were going to appear next, there was still much for them to do. Plus getting supplies to replace what had been lost and to deal with the bottomless pit of Luffy’s stomach, that was apart of his job though when it came to anything for the crew to eat. He needed to make a list of what they would need before the next adventure was going to come crashing at their feet. Hopefully, an island would appear soon for the sake of being able to stock up what was missing from storage.
Things seemed to be going well until one of that outrageous storms decided to make an appearance, a storm that they hadn’t expected to appear this soon even with Nami's ability to predict that one was coming. There was no choice, but to try and keep the ship from being swallowed by the waves that threatened to overpower them. Waves that unfortunately caught Sanji off guard as it came crashing down onto the deck of their ship, waves that dragged them blonde into the unforgiven sea.
The plea for help was unable to escape his lips before everything was swallowed by a sudden darkness leaving him to those dangerous waves.
That’s how he ended up on a possible stranded island, missing a shoe while sitting among the white-colored sand. Blood stained the side of his head from something. Had he hit his head against something? Sanji really didn’t know, but that wasn’t his concern right now. He needed to figure out where he was. He needed to figure out what happened to the rest of his crewmates.
Once he’s able to get the world to stop spinning.
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mvrtaiswriting · 1 year
Wah hi, sorry I'm new to this. I saw requests were open so imma just leave this here. You can get to it whenever you want or you can just ignore it. No pressure. :"
I was thinking Sanji takes their S/O to dinner in a local town on some island they're visiting (Y/n orders a lobster but it's rotten & Sanji realizes last minute after their S/O eats it). This is actually from an episode from Kitchen Nightmares, I was curious on how a chef like Sanji would react towards a chef at the restaurant getting their S/O terribly sick, let alone serve rotten lobster?
1:20 | https://youtu.be/1Dhkjmup7PQ
- Your local plant boy 🌱
Lobster x Black Leg Sanji ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :
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hullo local plant boy, thanks for requesting this! what i came up with doesn't exactly follow your video suggestion - but it definitely informed the whole scenario! of course, I had to put a lil one piece universe twist, and i hope you don't mind it!! i enjoyed writing this so much, hope it meets your expectations <333
warnings: usual one piece violence, food poisoning, mentions of nausea?? gn!reader, fluff / 1.1k words.
feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more. 
Sanji had been preparing for this exact moment for weeks now.
Finally docking in such a small, hidden island was the perfect opportunity to finally enjoy some time alone with you. With a bit of luck, no marines or stupid pirate hunters would be around to track you down trying to get your head. Finally, Sanji could take you out on a proper date - dining in a fancy restaurant, walking around the city and buying you the biggest bouquet of flowers. For one night only, you could lead a normal life, free of dangers and violence.
"I found a really nice place for tonight." He whispered in your ear with the biggest smile on his face. Interlocking his fingers with yours, he gently guided you through the colourful alleys of the new town. His pace was confident and so oddly patient - you stopped at every shop, tasted every type of local street food and bought souvenirs for every member of the crew. Feeling so safe was a strange feeling - not that you ever feared danger with Sanji by your side; it wasn't that. That night you weren't one of the most wanted pirates on the Grand line, you were just a happy couple enjoying the warm welcome of crowds that didn't know you. Despite the warm welcome the island offered, the anonymity it granted was the best gift it could provide.
Finally arriving at the restaurant Sanji had chosen, you noticed how a small table for two was set up in a more private area of the ballroom. It had rose petals all over it, and a majestic candle holder that made everything just perfect. Two glasses of the best champagne were waiting for you at the dinner table, your private waiter offering them to you immediately after your arrival. Sanji had everything planned, he had thought about every detail - the starter you would share, a lobster for your main meal, remembering how much you enjoyed it. It was difficult on the ship to catch some, so he rarely had the chance to prepare it to you. Tonight however, he wanted everything to be perfect - from the atmosphere to the food, from your dinner date to himself.
"Could you taste this?"
You asked Sanji, a small cough escaping your mouth. Something was off with your plate, yet you weren't quite sure. Your meal had a strange, bitter taste to it - and you almost didn't want to bring this up, you didn't want to ruin the night Sanji had meticulously planned. You couldn't exactly pinpoint exactly what was wrong with your food, if they used a particular spice or a local ingredient - and although you weren't a picky eater, you couldn't tolerate it anymore. Coughing again, you handed your fork to Sanji.
Sanji raised his curly eyebrow in confusion, grabbing the fork from you and offering you some water. Before he could even taste the bite of lobster you handed him, the stinging smell of rotten flesh inebriated his sense. It was well-hidden behind a fancy coat of wine sauce, spices and fresh tomatoes - but there was no doubt, not for him.
Before he could even tell you what was wrong, your hands were already wrapped around your throat, desperately reaching for air. Poison? Rotten meat? Sanji scanned the room quickly, trying to find a the culprit, someone who even remotely looked like someone who might want you dead. This was intentional, there were no doubts - a chef would always recognise rotten meat, even a rookie. Yet, this wasn't a rookie's doing - no, the distinctive, stinging smell and taste of death was too perfectly hidden for this to be just a silly mistake.
Kicking the table out of the way, he was quick to reach you. His years working in a restaurant had thought him about first aid in case of food poisoning. He was quick to open your airways just enough, finally enabling you to finally grasp some air. Your breathing was weak and still a bit impeded, but you were out of danger for now.
You nodded, noticing the rampant rage in Sanji's eyes.
"I'll get us out of here." You added, winking at Sanji and trying to reassure him. Despite being out of breath, you still managed to reassure him. He was quick to kiss your forehead, grateful you were alive and so, so understanding.
What happened after that felt like a blur. You had fragmented memories of you fighting the waiter who had served you all night, who you discovered to be a pirate hunter hoping to earn your bounty. You remembered hearing Sanji screaming about the chefs' code and rumble about the sanitary rules of a kitchen instants before seeing the chef fly down the hall, probably being kicked out by Sanji - but you had no idea of how you managed to make it to the ship safely. As you sat still on your bed, a strong feeling of nausea made its appearance - making you remember you had just eaten rotten food, ingested an incredible amount of poison and almost choked to death on the floor of a restaurant. Not bad for a first, should-have-been-proper date. Sanji lightly knocked on your door, before making his way in your room. He was carrying a try with what smelled like soup, some bread and a tall glass of water.
"These will help." He said, leaving the tray on your bedside table and kissing your temple. The brand new shirt he wore earlier on just for you was now covered in soup spills, its perfectly ironed sleeves now all rolled up and ruined. Even his tie was undone, hanging loosely from his neck - indicating that he'd probably worked on your soup for hours. A deep sense of guilt was painted across his gentle figures, making his worried expression the saddest scene you've ever witnessed.
"I'm sorry for tonight. I should have been more careful, I.."
Sanji sighed, taking your hands in his. He left soft kisses on your knuckles, his face resting on the back of your hands. Resting your forehead against his, you chuckled and poked his nose.
"Thank you for the soup, and for taking care of me. Not that I ever thought otherwise, but now we know you're the only chef worth of my trust. And taste buds, most importantly."
Sanji couldn't help but chuckle at your response - your words made his heart feel ten times lighter. Even with your bed hair and your sickened appearance, Sanji thought you were as beautiful as ever. He would take this over ten million perfect dates; he longed for this type of intimacy, even it meant holding your hair while you feel nauseous.
"I owe you a lobster."
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thelemicrp · 11 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀art credit: Nori31291404 banner credit: cafekitsune
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ going merry • 6:12 ᵃᵐ • kitchen
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Connections; Crewmate (canon or oc)
Tw: Blood mention, bugs, mentions of injuries
The mornings were reserved for Sanji, although a little involuntary, he wasn't going to complain. As the sun peeked over the horizon, pouring its golden light into the kitchen and painting everything with its colour, Sanji stood in front of the cooker watching with experienced eyes as the pancake mixture bubbled away in the pan. Shifting to the right of the cooker, he picked up his precious kitchen knife before taking hold of a strawberry, placing it upon a cutting board before swiftly, the strawberry laid cut in a blink of an eye. The music of the kitchen and waking world faded slowly, as he glanced down at his hand, red juice staining his fingertips as it seeped into the curves of his skin. 
And then, Sanji wasn't in the kitchen anymore. The stone floor beneath him was cold despite the summer weather beyond the bars, his hands swatted and scratched as bugs had deemed his last night wounds delectable, his fingernails dug into the swelling bug bites littered on his skin, dots of red sitting on the peaks. With a choked and quiet gasp, Sanji awoke back in the kitchen, still standing there with the now dry cut strawberry and the pancake slowly beginning to emit smoke. Then, he finally registered the door creaking open, the cause of him regaining his consciousness, trying to compose himself in the few seconds he had Sanji looked away and focused on the pancake, flipping it to see the damage his amateur mistake caused. He didn’t try to speak, too afraid his voice would waver and fizzle out, revealing his state of mind.
Open for roleplay! You can also contact me via discord .loverbxy or on here! <;33
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