#(sorry not sorry for my egregious abuse of parentheses)
cakemagemaeve · 2 months
I found a home for Puzzle yesterday! My mom and I got badly-needed haircuts yesterday (fortunately, our stylist knows how to work around a mask), and after the stylist finished with me I walked over to the beauty supply shop, which was a few stores down in the same shopping center. The cashier there had pink and brown hair, a Venom button-up, and multiple rainbow pins, and as I was buying my bleach (gonna dye my hair pink this time, btw) I mentioned (as I do to just about everyone these days, lol) that I had kittens that need new homes, and it turned out that she was interested, particularly in Puzzle (she who is the eater of feet and the terror of toes everywhere)! So I gave her my number, and we arranged for her to come by after she got off of work. Let me tell you, my parents and I cleaned the house in record time, because NOTHING motivates people with ADHD like sheer, blind panic.
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So anyway, she comes by and we let the kittens out of the guest room, and as we're all playing with them we get to chatting, and it turns out she's also autistic and has ADHD, and she has a cat named Peridot, too (my cat Parker's full name is Parker Peridot)! Go figure, right? Anyway, by this point it was pretty clear that she's gonna take great care of Puzzle, so we gave her a little bag of dry kitten food and a few cans of kitten food, plus a couple of toys and a soft towel sprayed with feline calming spray to help keep her calm on the way to her new home. A few hours later I received pictures of Puzzle in her new home, looking curious and just a little bit concerned, but mostly at ease. Obviously, it's gonna take a little while for her to fully adjust, but ultimately I think she'll be just fine. <333
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cakemagemaeve · 2 years
Dear Yuletide Santa,
Thank you for volunteering to write for one of these fandoms! I can’t wait to see which one you pick and what you do with it! Below are some details on what I would like to see, but of course you’re welcome to use your own judgment instead.
My favorite part of this show is watching all of the ghostly hijinks and mayhem, and so I'd love to see a sort of slice of life (or death, as the case may be) of them getting into mischief over the decades/centuries. Alberta and Sasappis are my favorites, but Flower is rapidly catching up to them. Her relationship with Thorfinn is also adorable as hell, and if you're up for it I'd love to see their first meeting, even if it's just a short little scene sandwiched in-between tales of ghostly antics. Or it could be all about them. Or if you'd rather, I'd also love a fic where Jay gains the ability to see the ghosts and we see how his relationships with at least one these three specific characters develop(s) (I mean, we already know he and Pete are destined to be BFFs, but there's a lot of room for interpretation when it comes to the other ghosts).
Do Want*: humor, fluff, wacky ghost antics, Alberta being fabulous and snarky to cover her insecurities, Sasappis being deadpan and snarky to cover his insecurities, Flower doing that thing where she says something smart and insightful and then immediately forgets it because drugs.
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them.
Do Not Want: crossovers, rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. If you end up writing any sex scenes (which really isn't necessary if you'd rather not), please no rimming, strap-ons, scat or watersports.
The Good Place:
Okay, so I like Chidi/Eleanor fairly well. I mean, as canon couples go, they're like god-tier. That said, I always liked Tahani/Eleanor better, because I'm a huge lesbian like that. That said, Chidi/Eleanor/Tahani is cool, too. As long as Tahani and Eleanor make out (either on or offscreen, so to speak. Writer's choice) and there's lots of creative swearing on Eleanor's part and Chidi gets at least one stomach ache, I'm probably going to be happy. AUs are fine, too. I'm particularly fond of pirate and/or academia and/or vampire/werewolf/supernatural type AUs. Also, I've been trying to start a retirement home AU trend, but so far, no luck. Obviously you don't have to write it (or any AU for that matter, but it'd be hilarious if you did.
Do Want*: humor, fluff, banter, philosophy, swearing, Eleanor and Tahani having heated arguments that lead to make-outs, Chidi ending up happy whether he's with Eleanor or not, and Jason and/or Janet just being themselves in the background.
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them.
Do Not Want: crossovers, rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. If you end up writing any sex scenes (which really isn't necessary if you'd rather not), please no rimming, strap-ons, scat or watersports.
The Saddle Club:
So I was utterly OBSESSED with this series when I was a kid, just as I was obsessed with anything and everything horse-related. I'm still obsessed with horses (even if I've barely touched a horse since my own died T_T) and I still have a great deal of fondness for these books. I lowkey ship Stevie/Carole, Stevie/Veronica and Lisa/Kate, but believe me when I say that shippy content is not necessary at all. Hell, if you just want to write about them being dorky horse girls, that's cool too!
Do Want*: fluff, comedy, horses, pretending that the Pine Hollow series doesn't exist, Stevie's weird ice cream concoctions, horses, trail rides, Stevie fighting with Veronica, the Bar None ranch, wacky horse girl antics, horses. Did I mention horses?
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them. Except the horses. There must be horses.
Do Not Want: crossovers, rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. No acknowledging the existence of that godawful Pine Hollow sequel series. Also, no smut please, not even if it takes place in a stable, which is a bad idea in general, by the way. It's like sex on the beach. It sounds romantic in theory, but it's such a terrible idea in practice. So much hay. So much stall bedding. So much dust. So much horse hair. So much horse manure. All things you do NOT want anywhere near your fiddly bits. Also you could spook the horses, but I digress. I just don't want to think of the Saddle Club having sex, even if they're adults at the time. The thought just kinda squicks me out. *shrugs*
Star Trek: Picard:
I have loved Seven of Nine for roughly two decades, and during that time I almost exclusively shipped her with Janeway (which I still do <333). Raffi is pretty much the only real exception, and even then I prefer Janeway/Seven/Raffi (although I do enjoy Seven/Raffi on its own. Just not as much). I also love Raffi and Seven's relationship with Elnor, how he's become a surrogate son to both of them. He'll never replace Icheb or Raffi's own estranged son, of course, but no one ever expected him to in the first place. They're all three wounded souls helping each other heal, and that's what I love most about their dynamic. A fic exploring that dynamic would be lovely, even if you can't manage/don't want to get Janeway involved, too. If you are willing to bring her into it, though, I'd love to see a fic wherein Seven introduces her wife Janeway to their new girlfriend, Raffi, as well as their new son Elnor, both of whom she takes to right away. Bonus points if they all go on a space adventure together.
Do Want*: fluff, humor, Janeway, wacky space antics, time travel bullshit, Raffi and Seven healing together, Elnor being adorable and badass at the same time, Seven and/or Raffi and/or Elnor and/or Janeway just going absolutely feral on some well-deserving asshole or other, Seven getting to say 'fuck' because she absolutely deserves to.
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them.
Do Not Want: crossovers (except with other Star Trek series), rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. Also, if you don't end up writing Janeway/Seven/Raffi, at least don't refer to Janeway as a mother-figure to Seven, please. If you end up writing any sex scenes (which really isn't necessary if you'd rather not), then please no rimming, strap-ons, scat or watersports.
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