#yuletide fanfic exchange
cakemagemaeve · 2 years
Dear Yuletide Santa,
Thank you for volunteering to write for one of these fandoms! I can’t wait to see which one you pick and what you do with it! Below are some details on what I would like to see, but of course you’re welcome to use your own judgment instead.
My favorite part of this show is watching all of the ghostly hijinks and mayhem, and so I'd love to see a sort of slice of life (or death, as the case may be) of them getting into mischief over the decades/centuries. Alberta and Sasappis are my favorites, but Flower is rapidly catching up to them. Her relationship with Thorfinn is also adorable as hell, and if you're up for it I'd love to see their first meeting, even if it's just a short little scene sandwiched in-between tales of ghostly antics. Or it could be all about them. Or if you'd rather, I'd also love a fic where Jay gains the ability to see the ghosts and we see how his relationships with at least one these three specific characters develop(s) (I mean, we already know he and Pete are destined to be BFFs, but there's a lot of room for interpretation when it comes to the other ghosts).
Do Want*: humor, fluff, wacky ghost antics, Alberta being fabulous and snarky to cover her insecurities, Sasappis being deadpan and snarky to cover his insecurities, Flower doing that thing where she says something smart and insightful and then immediately forgets it because drugs.
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them.
Do Not Want: crossovers, rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. If you end up writing any sex scenes (which really isn't necessary if you'd rather not), please no rimming, strap-ons, scat or watersports.
The Good Place:
Okay, so I like Chidi/Eleanor fairly well. I mean, as canon couples go, they're like god-tier. That said, I always liked Tahani/Eleanor better, because I'm a huge lesbian like that. That said, Chidi/Eleanor/Tahani is cool, too. As long as Tahani and Eleanor make out (either on or offscreen, so to speak. Writer's choice) and there's lots of creative swearing on Eleanor's part and Chidi gets at least one stomach ache, I'm probably going to be happy. AUs are fine, too. I'm particularly fond of pirate and/or academia and/or vampire/werewolf/supernatural type AUs. Also, I've been trying to start a retirement home AU trend, but so far, no luck. Obviously you don't have to write it (or any AU for that matter, but it'd be hilarious if you did.
Do Want*: humor, fluff, banter, philosophy, swearing, Eleanor and Tahani having heated arguments that lead to make-outs, Chidi ending up happy whether he's with Eleanor or not, and Jason and/or Janet just being themselves in the background.
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them.
Do Not Want: crossovers, rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. If you end up writing any sex scenes (which really isn't necessary if you'd rather not), please no rimming, strap-ons, scat or watersports.
The Saddle Club:
So I was utterly OBSESSED with this series when I was a kid, just as I was obsessed with anything and everything horse-related. I'm still obsessed with horses (even if I've barely touched a horse since my own died T_T) and I still have a great deal of fondness for these books. I lowkey ship Stevie/Carole, Stevie/Veronica and Lisa/Kate, but believe me when I say that shippy content is not necessary at all. Hell, if you just want to write about them being dorky horse girls, that's cool too!
Do Want*: fluff, comedy, horses, pretending that the Pine Hollow series doesn't exist, Stevie's weird ice cream concoctions, horses, trail rides, Stevie fighting with Veronica, the Bar None ranch, wacky horse girl antics, horses. Did I mention horses?
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them. Except the horses. There must be horses.
Do Not Want: crossovers, rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. No acknowledging the existence of that godawful Pine Hollow sequel series. Also, no smut please, not even if it takes place in a stable, which is a bad idea in general, by the way. It's like sex on the beach. It sounds romantic in theory, but it's such a terrible idea in practice. So much hay. So much stall bedding. So much dust. So much horse hair. So much horse manure. All things you do NOT want anywhere near your fiddly bits. Also you could spook the horses, but I digress. I just don't want to think of the Saddle Club having sex, even if they're adults at the time. The thought just kinda squicks me out. *shrugs*
Star Trek: Picard:
I have loved Seven of Nine for roughly two decades, and during that time I almost exclusively shipped her with Janeway (which I still do <333). Raffi is pretty much the only real exception, and even then I prefer Janeway/Seven/Raffi (although I do enjoy Seven/Raffi on its own. Just not as much). I also love Raffi and Seven's relationship with Elnor, how he's become a surrogate son to both of them. He'll never replace Icheb or Raffi's own estranged son, of course, but no one ever expected him to in the first place. They're all three wounded souls helping each other heal, and that's what I love most about their dynamic. A fic exploring that dynamic would be lovely, even if you can't manage/don't want to get Janeway involved, too. If you are willing to bring her into it, though, I'd love to see a fic wherein Seven introduces her wife Janeway to their new girlfriend, Raffi, as well as their new son Elnor, both of whom she takes to right away. Bonus points if they all go on a space adventure together.
Do Want*: fluff, humor, Janeway, wacky space antics, time travel bullshit, Raffi and Seven healing together, Elnor being adorable and badass at the same time, Seven and/or Raffi and/or Elnor and/or Janeway just going absolutely feral on some well-deserving asshole or other, Seven getting to say 'fuck' because she absolutely deserves to.
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them.
Do Not Want: crossovers (except with other Star Trek series), rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. Also, if you don't end up writing Janeway/Seven/Raffi, at least don't refer to Janeway as a mother-figure to Seven, please. If you end up writing any sex scenes (which really isn't necessary if you'd rather not), then please no rimming, strap-ons, scat or watersports.
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argyleheir · 11 days
Does anyone one have an old Yuletide request they’d like to see filled? Trying to get off the naughty list this year so I can participate again properly, and it would be cool to fill a prompt for someone I know :)
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annas-hair-donut · 9 months
Bundle Up, Scooch In
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna/Kristoff Characters: Kristoff, Anna, Bulda, Elsa, Honeymaren Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Colonial America, 18th Century, Love at First Sight, (sort of), Angst and Fluff and Smut, Porn With Plot, Family Fluff, Sharing a Bed, Snowed In, Cuddling & Snuggling, Awkward Sexual Situations, Clothed Sex, interruptions, Blow Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Woman on Top, Kristoff Needs a Hug, Minor Elsa/Honeymaren (Disney) Summary:
Anna, a woman Kristoff just met that day, allows him to sleep in her bed so he doesn’t have to go home in the middle of a blizzard. Will he overcome the pain of his past and open himself up to the possibility of true love? Or will he walk away, lonely and cold in the dark? 18th Century, Colonial New Arendelle AU.
Written for the Frozen x Beauty and the Beast Yuletide Exchange
“When will we get to Living Rock Township?” Kristoff’s passenger Anna was only talking to him because he was there and she was bored, which was almost worse than ignoring him. 
He wasn’t in the habit of conversing with strangers, especially pretty, high-born women who were cheerful even when there wasn’t a reason to be. He didn’t see the point.
“When we get there.”
He wasn’t trying to be funny, but Anna laughed anyway. Rather than ignore the daggers he shot at her, she laughed even more.
“I’m sorry!” she said as she caught her breath. “It’s just that, well, are you always this talkative?”
He answered her with a smirk. This was why he bought a wagon and not a carriage: he’d have rather delivered parcels and mail than people any day.
But Mrs. Stone, the pastor’s daughter and one of the only nice people in Living Rock Township, had specifically requested he be nice when he collected Anna at the harbor, so he attempted conversation, though it didn’t help much. 
“What are you even doing here?”
“I beg your pardon?” Her wrinkled forehead didn’t dampen her bright eyes. “That attitude is completely unnecessary.”
Kristoff whistled and his horse Sven stopped. Then he turned on the bench to face her. “You had to have a good reason to leave your family and probably very comfortable life in Arendelle to risk crossing the ocean. Especially alone-”
Then he remembered there was supposed to be a man with her.
Anna scooted away from him on the bench and folded her arms. “That’s none of your concern.”
Kristoff rolled his eyes when she lifted her nose in the air like she wanted an apology.
Instead, he said, “Fine,” and told Sven to walk on. So much for his attempt at friendship.
Then it crossed his mind that perhaps she had lost her companion on the voyage so he swallowed his pride. “It’s just unusual, that’s all.”
She let out a deep breath instead of crying and Kristoff relaxed. “My fiance was supposed to come with me.”
“I guess things didn’t work out with Prince Charming, there?”
Anna shook her head and added, “Well, see, I met him at a ball.”
Kristoff rolled his eyes. He already knew where this story was headed.
“It was amazing and magical. He was dreamy and divine. And he asked me to marry him that night! Of course, I thought it was true love so I-”
“You agreed to marry a man you just met? That day?”
Anna stopped talking and glared at him.
“I mean, sure. Yeah, that sort of thing happens all the time,” he said sarcastically.
“Anywho, my sister lives at North Mountain and I haven’t seen her in years—she got accused of witchcraft and had to leave in a hurry, long story-”
She said it so casually that it almost didn’t register. “Wait, what!?”
“How far is North Mountain from Living Rock? Do you know how to get there?”
“You might not want to talk about that kind of stuff too loudly here. Personally, I think it’s a bunch of hogwash, but other people seem to take it pretty seriously.”
It almost seemed like she was mocking him when she said, “Anyway, we were going to join her at North Mountain. My parents actually passed away a few years ago-"
"You lost your parents?"
Anna paused and smiled at him. "They were trying to find Elsa, but their ship never made it. That was about three years ago or so."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
She smiled again. "Well, obviously I wanted my sister's blessing since I couldn't get my parents. So I made all the arrangements and wrote to her. But I don’t know if she even got the letter-”
“So she doesn’t even know you’re coming?”
“Well, no…” Anna twisted her mittened hands in front of her and she looked off to the side. “Maybe. But I also wrote to Mrs. Stone gave. She gave me an open invitation when she and her husband left Arendelle. So I thought at least we’d be on the right continent.”
Then her voice dropped. “At least, I’m on the right continent.”
Kristoff pursed his lips. He hated to ask, but he was invested in the story. “So where’s your handsome prince now?”
She folded her arms again and spoke softly. “I guess he didn’t love me enough.”
Unfortunately, that tugged on Kristoff’s heartstrings and he couldn’t tell her what he really thought.
“I don’t believe it was love at first sight, in case that’s what you were thinking.”
Kristoff didn’t mean to snort.
She narrowed her eyes. “It was blind attraction, which can be even more problematic.”
“Not exactly the best way to start a life together.”
Not expecting silence, Kristoff turned his head. She was biting her lip, but he knew it wasn’t supposed to be suggestive. Or endearing.
Then she peered up at him, eyes blue-green like the sea, but constant, unwavering. “I still believe in love at first sight, but I’ve learned my lesson.”
He desperately wanted to look away from her but he couldn’t.
“Next time I’ll take a closer look.”
Kristoff’s heartbeat quickened until she wrinkled her nose and giggled, finally looking away.
“I’ll know him when I see him! And when I find him I’m going to hold on tight and never let go. True love is worth it.”
Kristoff turned his head again. The huge smile plastered on her face locked him in the moment, even though stared far into the distance.
But then he shook his head and remembered the last time a woman looked at him as closely as Anna had. That had been some time ago, and she hadn’t offered him a passing glance since then. There was no reason to believe Anna was any different.
Continue reading at AO3.
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kristanna-days · 9 months
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Frozen x Beauty & the Beast Yuletide Exchange (2023)
A Well Deserved Gift (Adam/Belle, E) @biblioscribler/@99goosebumps for @annaofthenorthernlights
Adam has been working so hard to get things done before the end of the term so he'd have an easier time back next semester. Belle has missed having fun with him, but with the first snow about to fall she decides to take matters into her own mittens after he's finished his paperwork.
All I Want for Christmas is You (Rydoff, T) @flowerinherhair/@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots for @annas-hair-donut
Kristoff Bjorgman has just accepted a new job in Alaska as reindeer veterinarian at Nattura reindeer farm. He was expecting to befriend some reindeer, however he was not expecting to become so close to his new boss.
Bundle Up, Scooch In (Kristanna, M)@annas-hair-donut for @smuglemonfics
Anna, a woman Kristoff just met that day, allows him to sleep in her bed so he doesn’t have to go home in the middle of a blizzard. Will he overcome the pain of his past and open himself up to the possibility of true love? Or will he walk away, lonely and cold in the dark? 18th Century, Colonial New Arendelle AU.
Christmas With You Gets Better Every Year (Kristanna) @chibiotaku4life/@xxlovelynovaxx for @flowerinherhair/@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots
Anna and Kristoff meet for a coffee date and surprise gift exchange at their favorite coffee shop. Warm memories are shared as the smell of roasted coffee wafts through the air.
Dried Rose Bookmark (Adam/Belle, E) @thefamilybruno for @biblioscribler/@99goosebumps
For months, Belle has worked as a costume designer at the Little Rose Theater Company in Philadelphia. She loves everything about the theater. Everything except the actor who has become a thorn in her side - Adam Boz.
When Belle inadvertently overhears a heated argument between Adam and his parents, she finds out that Adam will be spending Christmas alone. Unable to ignore the new spark of empathy she feels toward him, Belle thinks that she should try to become Adam's friend.
But when she snoops through Adam's belongings and finds a dried rose pressed in between the pages of a well-loved book, Adam lashes out, causing Belle to run from the theater into the cold winter night.
Will Adam be able to apologize? Or will Belle continue to think of him as a beast for all time?
Once Upon a Yuletide Holiday (Adam/Belle, M) @annaofthenorthernlights for @winter__moon/@true--north
"Anywhere?" Belle looks up at Adam, who nods solemnly, emphasising his promise. They stand in the library as Adam offers Belle a trip for the Christmas season. "Anywhere, my dear. You choose the destination."
The Beauty Who Braved the Blizzard and Healed the Heart (The Prologue) (Belle/Elsa, G) @paigebstorey for @chibiotaku4life/@xxlovelynovaxx
When Adam goes missing in the woods after a sledding accident, Belle ventures out of Arendelle Village to find him. She comes across a palace made of ice, in which she discovers Adam is a prisoner to an enchantress of eternal winter. A bargain is made, and Belle takes her friend’s place, with unexpected consequences…
The River Sings (Elsa & Iduna, Elsamaren, T) @winter__moon/@true--north for @paigebstorey
Princess Elsa is seeking her lost Mother. Voices in her head are leading her North. On the way to Ahtohallan she meets a Northuldra warrior…
We Need a Little Christmas (Kristanna, E) @flowerinherhair/@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots for @annas-hair-donut
Recently divorced and single dad Kristoff is not really feeling in the Christmas spirit, that is, until he meets the bubbly and charming Anna who captures both his and his daughter's hearts and helps to bring them a bit of Christmas spirit
You Are My Shelter from the Storm (Adam/Belle/Gaston) @smuglemon/@smuglemonfics for @thefamilybruno
Belle and Gaston have already arrived at a small cottage in the countryside where their partner, Prince Adam, has promised to meet them when his work in another kingdom is done. However, rather than get to experience the fresh air and nature he loves so much, Gaston finds himself stuck indoors when the weather takes a turn for the worse. Alone together, he and Belle find a way to pass the time…
View the entire collection @ AO3.
Happy Holidays to the Frozen and Beauty & the Beast fandoms!
Stay tuned for Frozen Smut Week - March 17-24.
DM me or @thefamilybruno if you want to join the Frozen Hearts Worth Melting Discord server. It's a super chill server for Frozen and Beauty and the Beast fanfic writers. We have a Valentine's Day prompt event coming up soon!
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Once upon a Yuletide holiday
for @true--north Merry Christmas and happy Holidays 💫❄️💫
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"Anywhere?" Belle looks up at Adam, who nods solemnly, emphasising his promise. They stand in the library as Adam offers Belle a trip for the Christmas season. "Anywhere, my dear. You choose the destination."
Read on AO3
for the Frozen x Beauty & the Beast Yuletide Exchange 2023 (@kristanna-days)
thanks @mie779 for your kind beta-read!
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glassheadcanon · 9 months
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Yuletide Reading Bingo Card generator - 2023 Edition
Instructions and details here - created by @dianafortyseven!
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Yuletide is an annual fic (1000+ words) exchange for rare and obscure fandoms run through this community and through the Archive of Our Own.
Rules & AO3 Collection || Tag set || Contact the mods directly at [email protected].
These recent posts may be useful: Evidence Post 2023 2023 RPF Coordination Post Eligible Nominations for Yuletide 2023
And on yuletide: Nominations coordination post Post for promoting canons
Madness collection TBA
Main collection
2023 Schedule: Monday 18 to Thursday 28 September: Nominations (end 9am UTC 28 September) Friday 13 to Saturday 21 October: Sign-ups (end 9pm UTC 21 October) Monday 23 October: Assignments out (may be earlier) Monday 11 December: Default deadline (9am UTC) Monday 18 December: Assignment deadline (9am UTC) Monday 25 December: Main collection works reveals (9am UTC) Tuesday 26 December: Madness collection works reveals (9am UTC) Monday 1 January: Author reveals, end of event (9am UTC)
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thisbluespirit · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Shadow of the Tower Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Elizabeth of York Queen of England/Henry VII of England Characters: Henry VII of England, Margaret Beaufort Countess of Richmond and Derby, Elizabeth of York Queen of England Additional Tags: Trust Issues, Angst, References to Canonical Illness, Hurt/Comfort Summary:
The queen shares a bed with her king, and she is cold.
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whimsicalmeerkat · 2 years
being a home for the holidays
On AO3
Sutton Cottage wasn’t alive, but it was more alive than before his mistress had sown magic into the very land and coaxed out life from the magic others had merely allowed to accumulate.
Sutton Cottage witnesses a quiet moment between its new master and his lover.
Written for the Yuletide Exchange 2022. Beta by DerRumtreiber (@krabraccoon).
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marquisguyun · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 女将军和长公主 - 请君莫笑 | Female General and Eldest Princess - Qǐng Jūn Mò Xiào Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Li Xian/Lin Wanyue Characters: Li Xian, Lin Wanyue Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Age Changes, May/December Relationship, Identity Reveal, Wedding Night, Introspection, Implied Sexual Content Summary:
When Li Xian needs to find a new groom, she chooses Lin Feixing, a general nearing retirement.
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loonysama · 2 years
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Brandy wears a braided chain
Made of finest silver from the North of Spain
A locket that bears the name
Of a man that Brandy loved
The Locket
Fandom: Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) - Looking Glass (Song) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Brandy/The Man That Brandy Loved Tags: Based on Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) by Looking Glass, Alternate Universe - 1960s, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Animal Transformation, Second Chances, Soulmates, Shapeshifting, Ocean, Implied Sexual Content
He tore the silver chain around his neck and slowly lowered it, first the pendant, then the chain, into her hand.
“There is one way we can be together, actually,"  he said with lowered eyes, and she wondered why he felt so humbled to ask it of her.  “I’ve been cursed, and my name has been lost to the annals of the North Atlantic.  I’ve not heard it spoken, whispered, sung for nearly a quarter of a century.  I don’t even remember it, if I’m honest, though I know I’d recognize it if I heard it.”
Brandy’s quizzical brow begged for more.
“My name is written between the folds of the locket, and there is only one soul in the entire world that can open it.”
Continue reading @ AO3.
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diana-fortyseven · 2 years
Sign-ups for Yuletide are open!
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subukunojess · 1 year
SNJ's Yuletide 2023 Letter
Dear Yuletide Writer,
From one busy writer to another, thank you for writing something for me whether I am your main assignment or an extra treat. Your hard work and time is appreciated. I will also do my best to write something for my person, I'm the type of person who loves anything that is given to me as long as you enjoy it and you have read my Do Not Wants. I hope this letter would serve as a guide.
Please forgive me since this is my first year attending such a gift exchange and I am unsure whether I will do it again next year; I would like to try it and see where it takes me. Before we begin, here are some things about me that might help you under the cut:
I am SubukuNoJess at Archive of Our Own (AO3). I am an autistic asexual currently studying for a Master's degree in Professional and Creative Writing. I write fluff/humor/dark fanfiction and I'm known to like obscure fandoms/monsters. Even in a fic exchange dedicated to the rare and obscure, I am most likely the odd one out again. Haha, we'll see! I dive into multiple fandoms and I am willing to try new things most of the time. If you want to know more about me, you can visit my AO3 or Tumblr page to get an idea of what I write about and like.
Speaking of trying new things, I usually go with the flow and if I come across something I do not like, I will stop and mostly say so. Due to this being a surprise exchange, here is a Do Not Want list that I hope would help:
General DNW's: No explicit smut/sex: With NSFW in general, I am more tolerant in writing than art. If I do read it, it's under certain conditions and moods. Having said that, I generally do not like reading graphically detailed scenes of the actual act or the body parts involved. If anything, I would prefer it if it fades to black or after the fact. No PWP/PWC: Concerning with above, I would like to add that for the NSFW sexual pieces I do like, it's usually because I like the writing, interactions, and the characters. Having said that, Porn Without Plot is not my cup of tea. I don't know if PWC is a term (please correct me if I'm wrong), but I mean it by Porn Without Character. I do not want to read smut for the sake of smut and in the rare chance that I actually do, I want to do so with characterization at least. No Sexual Assault/Rape. Instant turn off. Squick. No Non-Con or Dub-Con. No Pedophilia. No incest. No excessive gore or violence. I do not mind blood or violence, but I do not want too much of it.
Next, here are my general likes. I would like anything that you can come up with, but here are some ideas to get you started: Found Family Friendship Humor/Comedy Exploration of platonic and romantic relationships Intimacy & Emotions Fluff Dark Angst Headcanons Autistic Representation LGBTQ+ OCs, AUs, Reader-inserts, Canon-Divergence, etc. Anything Creative!
And here are some specific interests/kinks I have that are completely optional/bonus points! I put them separate just in case and I'll put some of myself out there: Giants, Tinies, Sizeshifters, Height Difference (G/T) Monsters Giant monsters Hivemind Possession/Hypnotism Monster/Human relationships (whether platonic or romantic) People getting Eaten/Vore (Whether it is used as horror/fear or safe/oral) Fusions (ala Steven Universe) Anything describing voice, especially if it's deep, low, loud or multiple at once
Finally, I want to go over my requests that I would like to propose for this year including the characters I have in mind, why I like the fandom, and some ideas:
Moana (2016) - Movie Where To Find It: Disney (DVD/Blu-Ray)/Disney Plus Characters I Have In Mind: Maui, Moana, and Tamatoa Must Haves: Any About the Fandom and Why I Like It: Moana has made a big impact on me in my adult life so far. As I started college and my place in the fandom/creative world changed drastically, it was that I watched Moana and fell in love with it. Moana is the Disney Princess I relate to the most, my mom adores the film, and I grew interested in one of the antagonists, Tamatoa. It was Tamatoa that I made an account on Tumblr and helped me create again. For a year or two, I've been active in the Moana community especially on the Tamatoa side of things. Currently I still am and I have wips in the back burner. Moana is the story about a girl who is the daughter of a chief in the island of Motunui. Taking place in Polynesia and the age of Wayfinding, Moana goes on a journey to find the demi-god of the wind and sea, Maui, and restore the Heart of Te Fiti while overcoming obstacles along the way. Ideas and Prompts: I pick Moana, Maui, and Tamatoa because I love those three so much. You can either have one of them, a combo of two, or all three. I do not mind which one you use. I like prequels, mid-scenes, sequels, what if's, etc. I like anything incorporating Polynesian mythology/folklore respectfully. Moana ideas: Her interacting with the Ocean and her people, becoming a chief, telling her adventure to the children, going on a journey with Pua the Pig and Heihei the Rooster, discovering a new island, becoming immortal Maui ideas: Maui shapeshifting for the first time, him and Mini Maui having an adventure, maybe a look at his feats (pulling up islands, lassoing the sun, etc.) that are well-known or not, shapeshifting into a completely different form not shown in the movie, him interacting with the humans Tamatoa ideas: How did Tamatoa get Maui's fish hook? How did he became the unspoken ruler of Lalotai, the realm of the monsters? Hunting with bioluminesence. Tamatoa interacting with other monsters. Giant Monster Rampage. Tamatoa/Reader fics. Human!Tamatoa. Tamatoa being bigger than canon (50 feet) like maybe 100 feet. Anything having to do with his voice and teeth. And his colors. Tamatoa in the modern world. An AU where Modern Human Tamatoa somehow transforms into his giant crab form like a werewolf thing. Moana and Maui ideas: The two reuniting and going on adventures together, sailing and hanging out Tamatoa and Maui ideas: Them meeting for the first time, their friendship/relationship before the events of the film, the scene where Maui cuts off one of Tamatoa's legs, them meeting post-film, and how do things go from there, Tamatoa hypnotizing Maui to do something (angst) Tamataoa and Moana ideas: They meet after the film and slow-burn reconciling, friendship bonding, Tamatoa hypnotizing Moana (not angst) Moana, Maui, and Tamatoa ideas: The two help Tamatoa get off his back, the three go on a journey/treasure hunt, the au where Tamatoa starts off small but grows bigger over time as he interacts with Moana and Maui on the surface, the three fighting a monstrous foe
Beetlejuice - Perfect/Brown & King (Theater) Where to Find It: On National Tour, the Album on Spotify, what clips you find on YouTube Characters I Have In Mind: Lydia and Beetlejuice Must Haves: Lydia and/or Beetlejuice About the Fandom and Why I Like It: Inspired by the 80's film of the same name, Beetlejuice the Musical is a horror/comedy story of life and death when a mourning Lydia Deetz who moved to the Maitland house and thinks about death meets a demonic ghost named Beetlejuice who thinks about life and wants to be seen. I am surprised this made it on the tag list and I'm not going to question it. I love the music and the aesthetic of this. At first, I thought it was just some random thing I saw a commercial for, but I got obsessed with the album around 2019 and I managed to watch it at the Winter Garden theatre on January 7th 2020. The actors are amazing in their roles, the dynamics the characters have for each other make my day, and the themes really get to me. Ideas and Prompts: I thought about it and when I think of Beetlejuice, I think of the friendship/chaotic sibling energy that Lydia and Beetlejuice have. You can write about either of them or both. Lydia ideas: Anything with her and her mother Emily Deetz would be like. I headcanon that her middle name is Chrysanthemum, but that's optional. Anything post-musical. What are the new changes she has made with her new extended family? Does she go to school and make friends? I know that Worldbuilding was not nominated for this fandom, so this is completely optional, but I would love to see how Lydia thinks about Winter River, Connecticut through her eyes. Lydia bonding with Delia or the Maitlands. Lydia and Charles slowly healing from their trauma. Lydia has supernatural abilities! Beetlejuice ideas: What happened with Beetlejuice after the musical ended? Did he find his father? How does he reunite with the Deetz/Maitland family? Any headcanons/lore you have of him especially demon/ghost related. Favorite pairings with Beej: Beej/Adam/Barbara, Beetlejuice/Reader or OC, and in a different universe Beej/Emily/Charles. Beej interacting with his star namesake Betelgeuse. Beetlejuice's job of a guide to the recently deceased. Giant Beetlejuice, Giant Beetlejuice, Giant Beetlejuice. Lydia and Beetlejuice ideas: What happened between acts 1 and 2? How did Lydia survive three days without adult supervision in a haunted house? Lydia and Beetlejuice explore the town for supernatural discoveries. Beetlejuice being a big brother figure to Lydia. Neurodivergent headcanons. The two take over a holiday (whether Halloween, Christmas, or whatever!).
Little Shop of Horrors - Menken/Ashman (Theater) Where To Find It: Clips on YouTube, Off-Broadway Show in New York, and plenty of albums on Spotify Characters I Have In Mind: Audrey Fulquard, Audrey II, Mr. Mushnik, Seymour Krelborn Must Haves: Audrey II About the Fandom and Why I Like It: Little Shop of Horrors is a horror/comedy musical written by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman about a man named Seymour who discovers a strange and interesting plant he nicknames Audrey II who can talk, sing, and feeds on blood. The musical was based on the 1960s film "The Little Shop of Horrors", has a 1986 film version with different endings, and is currently Off-Broadway. Again, I am surprised that the musical and the movie are here, but I'm not going to question it. I decided to go with the play version of Little Shop since I think it doesn't get enough love like the movie. While I was a teenager, I remember seeing a crossover art with Oogie Boogie (Nightmare Before Christmas) shaped like Audrey II and I got curious. Ever since then, I have become obsessed with Little Shop of Horrors. I go flowing into the fandom when the mood hits. I love the songs and characters, especially the plant so much. I have introduced my friends to Little Shop in the past and it makes me smile to this day. Ideas and Prompts: For this fandom, this is going to be one of my advanced requests. My requirement is that Audrey II, the man-eating plant must be in the piece. Whether by themselves or with any character of your choice. You can have Audrey, Seymour, Mushnik, a combination, or all three as well, but Twoey must be present in the fic. As for general random ideas to inspire: Audrey II as a species and their home planet. Human or Gijinka Audrey II. Audrey II crossbred with another plant/flower of your choice. A creative new outlook for Audrey II based on different play versions (Twoey having multiple heads, Twoey being a different carnivorous plant, hivemind Audrey II, Twoey's voice being the last person they consumed, etc.). Audrey II having hypnotism/siren-like powers. What does the plant apocalypse look like? Rampage. Giant Audrey II. Giant Audrey II. Giant Audrey II. Twoey interacts with humans in different stages of life. Twoey bonding with either Seymour, Audrey, or Mr. Mushnik. Twoey discovering human music. Audrey II in a modern AU/setting. Any Twoey/Reader. Anything else is fair game.
Disney Dreamlight Valley (Video Game) Where To Find It: Switch, PC, and other Game Consoles as well as Playthroughs on YouTube Characters I Have In Mind: Player Character, The Forgotten Must Haves: Player and Forgotten About the Fandom and Why I Like It: There's just something about cozy games where you meet and live next door to your favorite Disney characters that just get to me. When I got my Switch this year, I immediately wanted to get Disney Dreamlight Valley and I am so glad I did. This magic decorating, fishing, and cooking game has you as a Dreaming Ruler who wakes up in a mysterious valley overrun with Night Thorns and beloved Disney Characters such as Merlin, Mickey Mouse, Donald, and Goofy living together, but slowly forgetting their memories. As you go restoring the village and getting new villagers along the way, you uncover secrets and memories that shake your core and have you reminiscing… and that's just the first act. Ideas and Prompts: For this request, you must use a version of the player character and the Forgotten. I did not sign up for worldbuilding because I'm more interested in character development and relationships. Please note that the Forgotten does have feelings of anxiety, depression, and negativity but by the end is slowly recovering. So definite angst and hurt/comfort here. I do love the notion of the Forgotten being the child side of the player character. The one who has teenage angst and has a realistic point of view of the world, but feels alone and forgotten about. For the angst side of things, you could focus on how the Forgotten feels about being betrayed and ignored as well as how they feel about the player character prior to the game. For fluff/humor/comfort, you can have the Player trying their best to make the Forgotten comfortable. Maybe they go on a picnic or they go treasure hunting together or they stay indoors and read books. Or they help the villagers together. Since this is a Disney game, you can put whatever Disney references/cameos you would like. It's entirely optional for you. Bonus option: I associate the Forgotten with the song "Once Upon A December" from the animated Anastasia film. Since this is Yuletide, I thought it would fit but again, optional for you.
Mario + Rabbids Series (Video Games) Where To Find It: Nintendo Switch and Gameplay on YouTube Characters I Have In Mind: Beep-0, Phantom of the Bwahpera, Rabbid Mario, and Rabbi Must Haves: Phantom of the Bwahpera/Tom Phan About the Fandom and Why I Like It: Honestly, I do not know how I got hyperfixated with this fandom until recently. This series is somewhat of a crossover that stands alone, combining the world of the Mushroom Kingdom (Mario) with chaotic characters known as the Rabbids. It resulted in a new and funny combo of the Mario characters interacting with Rabbid versions of themselves first in Kingdom Battle, and then four new original adventures with the sequel Sparks of Hope and the three DLCs. At first, I was neutral about this. I liked Mario first and I didn't know what to think about the Rabbids since I did not grow up with them. I just knew they existed. It wasn't until one of the boss fights that I took interest and that's the Phantom of the Bwahpera. I love the music, the concept of a giant ghost rabbid with a phonograph in his body, and the voice. At first, I thought it was a one-time interest. I could see how some of my friends were fans of the character and I enjoyed how in Sparks of Hope, the Rabbids not only had voices and personalities, but a brand new story and characters. It came and went… until last month when the third DLC came out: Rayman in the Phantom Show. And I am currently obsessed with this. I love love love the dynamic between the five main cast of characters: Rayman, Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Peach, Beep-0, and the Phantom as they run the Space Opera Network together. Unfortunately, I could only nominate four characters I do not know if Rayman would be allowed, so you get the other four to work with. Ideas and Prompts: This is my other advanced request. You can use any character you would like (Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Peach, Beep-0, or any combo), however, The Phantom of the Bwahpera must be in the fic. He's one of my villain blorbo's and he's only in three fics on AO3 so far. Here are some random suggestions: What happened with the Phantom after Spooky Trails? Did he turn it into a theater? How did he get started traveling across the galaxy? Pairings that I like with Phantom: Phantom/Woodrow, Phantom/OC, Phantom/Reader. What happened between Phantom and Bea? Phantom partakes in different music genres and how that genre gives him new powers. During a time when he lost his voice, what did he do to fix it? How did he heal? Did he study sign language to communicate? How did he meet with the Space Opera Network? Phantom roasts your favorite character! And how do they react? Phantom actually wins and takes over, having ultimate power. What would that be like? Phantom uses sound powers, including luring people/Rabbids to their doom. Phantom interacting with his own acting troupe. Chaotic adventures of the Phantom filming a scene with Rabbid Mario and Rabbid Peach. The Phantom and Beep-0 teasing each other. Oh no! Either Rabbid Mario or Rabbid Peach used Mayhem the Spark to hypnotize the Phantom. What will he do? Giant Phantom, Giant Phantom, Giant Phantom. A battle scene with the Phantom. Phantom duets with the love interest.
Sackboy: A Big Adventure (Video Game) Where To Find It: Playstation 4 and 5, Microsoft Windows, and Gameplay on YouTube Characters I Have In Mind: Sackboy, Scarlet, and Vex Must Haves: Any About the Fandom and Why I Like It: Sackboy: A Big Adventure is a stand-alone Little Big Planet game about Sackboy trying to save the Imagisphere from a chaotic being named Vex from taking it over using the Uproar. Sackboy is guided by a Knitted Knight named Scarlet during this quest. This was another instance where I saw the villain first on a random post and immediately obsessed over the game after I looked it up. I love the art style, gameplay, and the voice-acting. I got it for myself on the PS4 and I suck at it, but luckily, my brother plays with me sometimes and I get through the levels. Ideas and Prompts: For this, you can choose any character and combination for the piece. I would love to read a piece with any of them and I'll be happy. Here are some random ideas: What are the Knitted Knights like? Did Scarlet and Vex meet in the past? Scarlet and Sackboy found family! Sackboy interacting with other knights (Co-Op) or the people of his village. Intense interactions between Sackboy and Vex. Giant Vex, Giant Vex, Giant Vex. I do like Vex/Reader fics. Vex taking Sackboy in as an apprentice. Sackboy trying to stay alive. Sackboy trying on different outfits and becoming comfortable with his new look.
I hope this all helps somehow. Thank you and happy writing!
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Yuletide Letter 2022
A03 Name: LadyReisling
First of all, oh good grief, how has it been a year since last Yuletide? Thank you SO MUCH for writing for me. I know I’m going to love whatever you come up with! I truly appreciate  the time and effort you are going to put into this. PLEASE do not stress over it; I am really very easy to please and just looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I’ve jotted down some basic prompts here, follow them or don’t--the choice is yours!
Style Stuff:
Girl power/competency is absolutely my greatest kink. I also have a decent-sized hair kink and love hair-touching/stroking/brushing, etc. I like friendship in love, equal partnerships, ass-kicking females, friends to lovers, grudging respect that becomes not so grudging, fluff and cuteness, light angst (angst over the perfect gift, for example), caretaking, hairbrushing, cuddling and tender kissing, blanket/bed-sharing in a totally platonic way, all the non-sexual intimacy and tenderness, late-night talks, letters. Tenderly-described safe touch makes me squee. I don’t mind sex so long as it’s consensual between adults, well-written, driven by emotions, and true to character. My favorite AUs are coffee shop and library.
My A03 bookmarks are pretty heavy on MCU and Hamilton, my two latest obsessions. I love mission fic/casefic, adventures, unwinding/caretaking after a mission, celebrations, and all the happy things.
I adore setting detail and good descriptive writing. Fall is absolutely my favorite season--so perfect for walks, crisp air, toasted marshmallows, apple orchard trips, cider and donuts, colorful leaves that crunch underfoot, hay rides, cozy sweaters, knitting, lazy weekends, bonfires (or fires in fireplaces) new pens and notebooks, etc. I also love holidays and celebrations--all of them equally, so whatever feels natural to you and the characters is great. Cultural descriptions and events are fabulous, as well as seasonal details. I’ve been blessed to grow up and live my entire life in a place with four distinct seasons, and as long as I’m not driving in them, I actually adore blizzards and being snowed in. If you happen to live in a place where you don’t have seasons, I’m sorry! But pull up some Google images and describe away and I’ll love it.
D/s relationships, PWP, A/B/O dynamics (I don’t understand how these work), dark/dystopian or supernatural AUs. Please no kidfic.
Hard Squicks:
Please no rape/non- or dub-con, underage, graphic violence, suicide or self-harm, depression, or non-canonical character death. All of the above are major triggers for me. Also, in general, I feel like the holidays are a time when humankind should come together and celebrate with love and happiness in whatever way works for them, so please don’t use this swap to disabuse me of that notion!
Specific Fandoms and Prompts:
Gallagher Girls: Bex, Cammie, Liz, Macy
This is one of my favorite girl power/humor stories that I go back to all the time. I love the nuances of spy school, like the edible paper in fun flavors and the meals where they’re told what language they have to speak and all the classes. I love how Cammie embraces her tribe and how Macy finds her feet and her place even though logically she shouldn’t. One of my favorite scenes is in the very first book where they have to tail a teacher through a civilian carnival. Give me more missions like that, infiltrating the civilian population to make sure the school’s still secure, or school shenanigans where they reinforce their learning by evading security to sneak around and have some fun or play tricks on the teachers and instead of getting in trouble, get extra credit. Or I would really enjoy some post-canon here. Does Bex end up in MI-6, get in a tight spot, and call in her dream team? Did Macy grow up and revolutionize the Secret Service and become known as the absolute best agent for protective details on the children of presidents and politicians? Give me missions and cases and the ultimate high school reunion that ends with stopping a heist or a national security threat or… the possibilities are endless.
Chief Inspector Gamache: Gamache, Beauvoir
I’ve been listening to these books while commuting an hour each way to my graduate internship. They’re more hard-boiled than I usually read, but I love them. I adore the father/son relationship and mutual respect between Jean-Guy and Gamache and how every detail in these stories means something. I’m only sad that I couldn’t nom all the characters in these books because there is literally not one of them that I don’t like. I would adore a Christmas case in Three Pines with everyone around for Christmas dinner. I love all of the citizens of Three Pines and identify with it strongly, having grown up in a teeny town with far less amenities but the same trouble with internet access. Mix up any characters or dastardly plots you want here and I’ll eat it up.
American Girls: Samantha: Samantha, Nellie, Aunt Cornelia, Uncle Gard
Samantha was my intro to the AG Universe back in the day and I never looked back. These are probably the books that made me into a historical fiction fan and a lover of history. I’d really like a Christmas story here with all the fancy details. We know that Samantha regards Cornelia as a grown up lady who knows how to play. Is she also a prankster, and how many tricks do they pull on Uncle Gard? I would love to see some post-canon here where Samantha and Nellie grow up to be suffragettes and social justice warriors, or a story where they get to cast their first votes!
American Girls: Molly: Any Characters
WWII is absolutely my favorite historical period, so a slice of life story with Molly and her friends during the war would be great. I’m dying to know if future Molly and Emily Bennett stayed in contact after the war and if Molly and Alison Hargate ever really got to become friends. Play hard in the Molly sandbox if you want, use any characters you’d like, and bring in lots of setting and historical detail—the more, the better!
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fanlore-wiki · 2 months
Ship Sunday: Arthur Hastings/Hercule Poirot
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For Ship Sunday this week, we’re putting the magnifying glass on the slash pairing of Arthur Hastings/Hercule Poirot from Agatha Christie’s Poirot series.
Although the fandom is small, Poirot/Hastings is one of its most popular pairings! Both the Poirot fandom and the pairing are regularly requested in the annual Yuletide gift exchange, and many fanfics for the pairing are case fics or feature an established relationship.
Are you a fan of Poirot/Hastings? Help us expand their Fanlore page!
We value every contribution to our shared fandom history. If you’re new to editing Fanlore or wikis in general, visit our New Visitor Portal to get started or ask us questions here!
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glassheadcanon · 10 months
Yay - just finished my assignment for Yuletide and posted it to the collection with four days to spare! Now, let's see... *rubs hands together while eyeing my list of potential treats to write* Choices, choices! Ooh, and I also happened to notice that I now have a Mystery Work gift on AO3 from the exchange as well (curious as I am, I fully admit to "shaking it", so I'm pretty sure I know which fandom it's for) and am definitely excited to read it come Christmas Day!
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