#(teaches friday things that she [miranda] missed on the mainland)
afterthegreatunknown · 6 months
random moment in friday caliban's life in the city, featuring her mom:
something that friday very much likes about living in the city, is that she can wear so many colors. it's very different from the island, where one can only wear white. friday can't believe there are so many colors she never heard and seen before.
friday continues to search the clearance clothes rack, looking for a very fuzzy blue and green pajama bottom. mom is looking at the other clearance rack, trying to find a very fuzzy blue and green pajama top. friday has been recently into wearing multicolored clothes. the idea of wearing two or more different colors at the same time is so exciting!
something also exciting? friday just found a new color!
the fuzzy pajama top she finds is a green color. however, friday can also see how it's a blue color as well. the blue is in a way, overtaking the green. but not enough for green to be gone completely.
"mom, what color is this?" asks friday, pulling out the pajama top.
mom stops her searching, and turns to friday. mom smiles widely.
"that, friday, is the color aquamarine. it's a tertiary color found on the red-green-blue color wheel, between green and blue."
"oh..." friday nods her head. that explains a lot. "so aquamarine doesn't exist on the red-yellow-blue color wheel?"
"i don't think so. when i learned the red-yellow-blue color wheel, i was told that a blue and green combination makes teal. teal leans very much closer to blue than green."
"interesting," says friday. she looks at the top, and then back at mom.
"friday," begins mom, "do you want me to buy you fuzzy aquamarine pajamas as well?"
"yes please."
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badlydrawndrawnings · 5 years
a messed up widdershins-caliban family mini-theory/headcanon
[bare with me i wrote this around 1am in my time zone and thought to post it now instead of at a more reasonable period like 1pm maybe you’ll catch typos]
So Mrs. Widdershins and her first husband are clearly not part of the sugar bowl generation (i think that’s the term for vfd members who are children when the original schism happened?). They’re original schism members, since Fernald is always technically lump with the sugar bowl generation to keep things simple.
But we have Fiona, who is definitely lump with the Baudelaires and Quagmires children (idk what term is used for them). We know that Fiona’s birth happened when Fernald is a teenager: greater than or equal to 13, but less than or equal to 16. I’m excluding 17 because babies in the asoue world can remember memories one thought they wouldn’t remember and Fiona could be barely be two when recalling fernald and captain widdershins fighting and fernald’s departure, and 18 because it’s age you become an adult in the asoue world.
Other things to considers: Widdershins isn’t actually that much older than Fernald but still older than Fernald for Mrs. widdershins to accept the proposal and Mrs. Widdershins’ death may be connected to the Anwhistle Aquatic fire that took Gregor Anwhistle’s life (since she may have worked with Gregor to created the medusoid mycelium). 
The biggest thing to think about is that Fiona in the Grimm Grotto, says this about her biological father: “My father moved away!” (page 291, in my copy at least). I always thought it as sad detail how Fiona’s family is broken, but after discovering when a child takes in their steparent’s surname is like, basically an adoption, Fiona is Fiona Widdershins for a reason. 
Widdershins adopting Fiona is possible proof Mrs. Widdershins’ first husband wants nothing to do with his old family. With Mrs. Widdershins’ death, the first husband could have fought custody for Fiona (and Fernald, if he didn’t switch sides at this point) or at least visitation rights, but didn’t. Widdershins adopting his late wife’s children may have been his way of trying to keep the siblings together, but in the end could only adopt Fiona. While Widdershins will never win best father of the year, Widdershins would only win second place for worse father of the year.
The first husband will wins first place for worse father of the year, because i think he is Thursday, and left his child again in his marriage to Miranda Caliban. So, like, this is what i have theorize/headcanon: Mrs. Widdershins and Thursday are the youngest members of the original schism generation. They are sometimes mistaken as being the oldest sugar bowl generation members (that goes to monty) and are flatter.
Mrs. widdershins and Thursday always planned Fernald’s birth, and only him. Seeing how Parents with two or more children have a greater chance of dying after their children are kidnapped taken, having one child gives Fernald a greater chance to be raise by them for longer, before getting indoctrinated into VFD.
Their plan work. Fernald didn’t even had to get kidnapped taken. VFD treated him as a kid who always hang out at his parents’ workplace. Fernald got to know several of his parent’s co-workers, two including Captain Widdershins (VFD forced Widdershins to babysit Fernald as a way to toture him [Widdershins]; Widdershins ends up becoming a weird big brother figure instead -i say this because Fernald still got along with Widdershins when the photo was taken) and Gregor Anwhistle (who constantly worked beside Fernald’s mother).
As a teen, Fernald learns from his parents that he’s going to be a big brother!  he’s excited, because holy **** he gets to be a big brother and teach his little sibling everything! Mrs Widdershins isn’t as excited, but excited enough for Fernald’s sake. Thursday though...he doesn’t really talk about his feelings about his second child. When Fiona is born, Fernald and his mother care and love her. Captain Widdershins and Gregor -and other vfd member that visits the family- dotes over baby Fiona.
Thursday isn’t really involved with the family now, and starts to not come home as much. Eventually after several weeks, he moved out. A divorce happens, giving his ex full custody of the children. Within a month of the divorce proceedings, Captain Widdershins and Mrs. Widdershins begin dating. After the divorce is finalize, Widdershins finally pops the question, and Mrs. Widdershins actually becomes Mrs. Widdershins. Fernald is a bit weirded out by the fact his metaphorical big brother is dating and eventually marries his mother, but nothing really changed between them.
While this is going on, Mrs. Widdershins starts working more and more with Gregor and became close to him. like super close. Close to where Mrs. Widdershins threw herself into flames to make a blind attempt of saving of work they made together. like how a mother tries to save her own child from death.
With mom and Gregor dead, as well as Captain Widdershins ‘maturing’ and demanding respect from Fernald not as a big brother but as a (step)father, Fernald tries contacting his biological dad to ask why he isn’t fighting Widdershins’ adoption. There he learns dad flat out moved away, as well as  discovering the reason why dad left via another vfd member *coughkitcough*. While arguments between Widdershins and Fernald were always about the Anwhistle Aquatic fire and Mrs. Widdershins’s death, the ‘ban, ban, absolutely banned’ topic they fought over once and mutually agree to never bring up again is whether Fiona is really Fernald’s half sister.
(Why it became ban is something Widdershins forgot. Fernald remembers though. While upset at first, Fernald realize that in the end, it was Widdershins who returned to them, not Thursday.)
Thursday think Fiona is Gregor’s daughter. The VFD member Fernald talks to takes Thursday’s word as truth. After all, if Gregor and Mrs. Widdershins were willing to betray VFD with the Mycelium, they could have betrayed loyalties to Thursday. With Thursday elsewhere for the next several years, the VFD member gives her opinion on the topic at hand: despite the fast courtship and wedding, Fiona can’t be Widdershins’ kid, because Gregor is more closer in age to Thursday and Fernald’s mother, as well as spending more time with Gregor than Widdershins before Fiona’s birth. Thursday’s last words to her before he left the city is that he thinks Widdershins got seduced (the vfd member didn’t lie here).
Fernald think Fiona is Widdershins’ daughter. For starters, mom really did agree to date Widdershins after dad asked for a divorce. And she really did married someone who is a big brother figure to Fernald. Problem is, Fernald is already upset at the idea mom is a cheater. With the vfd member having such a low opinion on mom over the mycelium, Fernald doesn’t want to think of the possibility mom seduced Widdershins. So Fernald thinks Widdershins is the homewrecker, and just because Widdershins is Fiona’s dad doesn’t give him the right to be a father to him [Fernald].
Widdershins thinks Fiona is Thursday’s daughter. Just because he [Widdershins] and Mrs. Widdershins got to together fast doesn’t mean he was sleeping with her before hand. Sometimes people naturally fall in love and get marry fast. Widdershins even tells Fernald that Mrs. Widdershins loved Thursday and would never had betrayed him [Thursday] in any way, and that he [Widdershins] would never ruin anyone’s marriage (Widdershins legitimately thought Fernald and Fiona’s parents were the types to stay together until death).
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Thursday had asked VFD to move him away from any major water related places. At this point, Thursday still have tiny respect for Gregor and his ex. When VFD asked the reason why, Thursday said he and his ex-wife agreed to not see it each other for the time being (the divorce was not amicable). So now, Thursday works in the city. 
Thursday meets up with many sugar bowl generation members. There he meets Miranda, and they began dating. Thursday is hesitate to go further, because he got word from kit his ex agreed to married Widdershins (Thursday wonder why his ex and Gregor didn’t hook up). As time passes, he thinks Miranda is the one and finally popped the question. They had a small wedding with two guests because they don’t have the money: Miranda’s sister Olivia and another VFD member kit sent in N’s place because N is on a mission. After the marriage, the two decided to go to the island with other VFD members. Thursday gives his two cents about the newly wedded Widdershins, and leaves.
While happy with his new wife and the idea of their future child Friday, Thursday comes the realization he misses being an active member of VFD (Ishmael’s rule of the Island factor into it). While not as young as he used to be, Thursday still wants to help the noble side, even in the smallest ways. After an argument with Miranda about retirement and protecting their child from the rest of the world, Thursday ends up leaving, hoping that someday Miranda will follow suit and take their child back to the mainland.
Thursday being on the island pretty much caused him to go through an update crash course on what the hell happened. He is a bit surprised his son switched sides; but he does not believe Fernald has hooks for hands. In regards to Fiona, Thursday heard not kit but from ike and josephine that Widdershins adopted Fiona shortly after Fernald switched sides.
Thursday frankly decided to keep a safe distance from the Widdershins family as a precaution of Fiona wanting to visit him. In fact, upon his return, Thursday does everything to avoid getting into contact with them, to where they have no idea the man even return from the island.
By the time of The End/Chapter Fourteen, the last piece of news regarding Fernald and Fiona Thursday hears is more of a rumor: they’re back in the city and in the care of Widdershins, and for some reason they’re living with Gregor’s brother (Thursday thought D never adopted H in time before her death), who may or may not have adopted the Quagmires children? Thursday has enough trouble enough trying to verified the rumor Miranda and Friday are back on mainland, having the incredibly deadly viper as a pet. 
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