#(they’re drunk and hungry of course they make spaghetti from scratch)
unspecifiedfigure · 1 year
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i don’t see what anyone could see in anyone else
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sacrisomnia · 5 years
1. what does your muse smell like?        Coffee and fresh cotton. Generic deodorant or shampoo. If he’s been swimming recently, also chlorine. It’s generally rather subtle, though, and you probably wouldn’t notice what he smelled like until you were pretty close to him. In realm, however, he smells of blood, sweat, and ash. He tries to wash off in the lake as much as possible, though, so it can be subdued a bit.
2. what does your muse’s hands feel like?        A little dry, but not calloused or rough. A bit chilled, especially at the fingertips. His knuckles are bony and jut out, and his nails are short. If he’s dating anyone, expect him to want to hold your hand or shove his hands in your jacket to warm them up. Sometimes he’ll be cheeky and purposefully put his cold hands on your bare skin just to mess around. Overall, though, they’re nice hands, but nothing to write home about.
3. what does your muse usually eat in a day? .       Depending if he eats consistently. He’s pretty unhealthy, with lots of coffee and energy drinks/soda and junk food. He usually doesnt skip breakfast, only because he really likes breakfast foods. He also likes pizza and just about any take-out. He can cook basic stuff like spaghetti so he eats that, as well. At this point, he’s not used to proper, big meals, or eating three times a day. He eats when he’s hungry, and eats whatever he feels like. He tends to eat healthier when staying with his mom or dad though. :p
4. does your muse have a good singing voice?        Surprisingly does! He’s just not that interested in singing. (Here’s a clip of kyle gallner singing, so, you know.) But Quentin isn’t one for being the center of attention, so don’t expect him to do any kind of singing in public unless he’s like, really drunk. Maybe one day I can write out a dumb emo band au for Quentin.
5. does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?        He tends to fiddle. With his pendant, his hair, his lips. Scratches the back of his neck, clears his throat, shakes his leg. He has ADHD, so he can’t really stay still. Bad habits, though? Staying up super late and not sleeping, not eating consistently, getting super hyperfocused on stuff, sometimes he’ll do some petty crimes like stealing and breaking and entering, too.
6. what does your muse usually look like/wear?        Tired and strained beyond measure.......But, really, he’s always an emo kid. Lots of blacks and blues and greys. Sometimes some dark reds or browns or purples. He likes band shirts and edgy graphic tees. Sometimes he’ll wear button ups, or sweaters/hoodies, and flannel. Skinny jeans, slim cut jeans, half of them with holes in them. High-tops or converse. His clothes tend to be worn or faded, and he doesn’t do a lot of clothes shopping unless he really needs it, or wants a new shirt from his fave band. Always wearing his pendant. Likes his beanies too, of course. Not big on any other kind of jewelry. Comfort over style, usually, though.
7. is your muse affectionate? how much? how so?        Depends. If you’re not a close friend/a stranger, then he won’t be very physical. Like, at all. He closes himself off physically, and sometimes will flinch away at being touched. The closer of a friend you are, though, the more touches you’ll get. Hands on the shoulder, comforting touches and playful little shoves. Sometimes, though, he might still pull away from touches depending on how he’s feeling. If you’re his s/o, though, expect him to be affectionate and kinda clingy, especially in private. PDA wise, only really likes hand holding, hugs, and sticking close, with maybe a small smooch every now and then.
8. what position does your muse sleep in?        He curls in on himself, into a ball or kind of fetal position. Sleep is such a difficult, paranoia-inducing thing for him that he almost flinches away even when its safe. He’ll hug pillows to his face or chest, and bury himself under blankets. Sometimes he’ll toss and turn a lot. If with an s/o, expect him to cling to you in his sleep. He’s attracted to any sort of warmth, comfort, and safety he can find.
9. could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?        Definitely not. He’s a quiet guy. His voice is low and has this natural, almost sleepy drawl to it. He doesn’t yell unless really upset. He’ll just about always be the quietest guy in a group. If he’s injured or crying or doing some very christian activities, though, he can struggle to tamp down the noise. But he usually makes a point of biting down and trying not to be too loud. He likes being quiet.
Tagged by: @unkindrewind ( thank u ;~; ) Tagging: @miistwalkers, @buckandwild, @silvanebula, @smugliar and uhhhhhhhhh @fierceathlete
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