#(thread; anastasia tremaine) learning how to love
forgcdstrength · 2 years
@ofthesouthernisles (cont.)
“I’m Anastasia Tremaine,” she replied, adding with a wrinkle of her nose, “The disgraced daughter of Lady Tremaine. So, I—kind of get feeling like the world’s against you.”
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wicxedxcharming · 4 years
New Verse Info
So this is a new verse for just Elayne and Dorian lol.
Why just Elayne and Dorian? Because the threads they have with @wiltedthrone are amazing but they don’t technically have a verse bio so I am also kinda confused as I write it anything about their past lol. So here it is.
The day the Isle was constructed, Anastasia and Drizella were set to go, knowing the crimes that they had committed against Ella were enough to send them off to the isle along with their mother. Drizella was anxious, especially since she had just given birth two months ago to Elayne. Being sent to an island that was surrounded by villains didn’t sound like an ideal scenario for a child. 
But, as luck would have it, on the day that the villains were sent to the Isle, Drizella and Anastasia found themselves still in Auradon. Lady Tremaine was sent but her daughters, after lengthy pleads from Queen Ella, received immunity. King Adam decided that, since they had no magic and because Queen Ella was so adamant in giving her step-sisters a second chance, that he would allow it. It was one of the only exceptions he made to the rule.
Elayne grew up in Auradon, the first two years of her life were rather normal. She was raised in Auradon City, her aunt and uncle allowing Drizella to stay with them for the time being while laws and Auradon settled with the lack of villains. It was on one of these quiet days, where things seemed too good to be true, that things took a turn,
After a night out, Drizella disobeyed every rule her mother had ever placed on her, going off to a bar. She woke up the next morning in a stranger’s bed and she left without much thought about her one night stand. She found out three months later that she was pregnant with her second child.
She didn’t know who the boy’s father was, couldn’t even remember what the man really looked like. Dorian was born, named after one of Drizella’s favorite books. She denies it later in his life, since she didn’t want her only son to follow in the footsteps of Dorian Gray.
Elayne and Dorian were always close, they had to be. After Dorian’s first birthday, Drizella found herself depending on the escape only alcohol could bring her. She had two children and both of their fathers were gone, and she felt so alone in the world. For most of Elayne and Dorian’s childhoods, she was drunk. 
That lead them into depending on their Aunt Ella for most things. Growing up, Elayne felt like she had to protect her family. Sure, Ella’s children were her cousins only by a marriage between their grandparents but Elayne felt like she had to protect them all because that was all she could do. Her hobbies growing up seemed to drift towards baking and, with the help of her aunt Anastasia’s husband, she was able to learn. Now, twenty years only and having graduated from Auradon Prep, she worked in her Uncle’s bakery. She hopes to take it over one day, seeing that none of her cousins seem interested in taking the bakery over.
As for Dorian, he grew up the knowledge he would grow blind by 21. His Aunt Ella wanted to use magic to help him but he refused, wanting instead to learn how to live his life normally. Just because he couldn’t see from his right eye already, didn’t mean he was going to let it define him. He is a great fencer, knowing how to sword fight and usually practicing with his cousin, Chad. He doesn’t join the team, only because Fairy Godmother won’t allow him to do so. He is a year away from graduating from Auradon Prep and he really doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life. Most of the time, you’ll just find him in the courtyard, reading a classic that was recommend to him. He’ll read anything recommended to him.
Dizzy is alive and she’s on Auradon as well. Drizella was encouraged to seek help for her drinking, meeting a man in Auradon City. She did fall in love with him, a love she hadn’t felt since her first husband died shortly after Elayne was born. They got married and had Dizzy. While Elayne and Dorian do love her, they have an age difference with her that makes it hard for them to really feel connected to her like they are to each other. Still, they would fight anyone that hurts their little sister.
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foreverydinger · 2 years
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Merry Christmas, Emma!
I bring to you this aesthetic and a list of your characters as poems from Courtney Peppernell’s Watering the Soul
Phineas Flynn:
We perceive a journey to be outside of ourselves, the road we travel, the path we walk, the quest we take. But the true journey is found when we realize that all the roads, paths, and quests are mapped within us. Our heart is our compass, our mind the wheel, our soul the sails. Once we understand that peace starts from within, then our true journey can begin.
Tiana Truitt: 
Promise me this: That you will remember time is fluid. That nothing is the end of the world. That even if you feel the walls caving in, there is still the option to move. You will always have the choice to start again. That no matter how many doors close, there will always be one that opens. So long as your heart is patient and your mind is clear, you will find what you are looking for, and you will be happy in all that you hold dear.
Aquata Triton:
All that you are will demand your patience, understanding, and resilience. You will be tested at every crossroad, with every breath and every leap, but to know life for all its worth is to climb every mountain, no matter how steep.
Henry Charming:
There were three different universes. In one, I had very little: a small home, just enough food, but a smile wider than the sky. In the other, I was in love, and it was beautiful, and we held on to our love and never said goodbye. And in the last, I struggled with demons in the night, yet I triumphed in the end, finding comfort in the light. But in all, I was always grateful, for with gratitude comes happiness, and happiness always finds us, either in togetherness or in solitude.
Anna Sommers:
You can feel everything in the silence. You can hear your heart drum in your ears, feel your breath as it moves throughout your body, smell the salt from the ocean in the air, taste the honey from the flowers blooming once more. In the silence you can reconnect with who you are at your core. You can find your spirit and promise to be braver and stronger than before.
Bruce White:
But you need to stop punishing yourself for all the things you did yesterday, or a month ago, or over the years that have long passed. You cannot unstitch these threads, and you cannot undo the paths they ran. But you can look to new horizons and accept a new sun. You can be kinder to a past you cannot outrun and more patient with a future that allows you to carry on.
Anastasia Tremaine:
The people around you know the purpose you have. They cherish the lessons you are learning and the beauty you hold inside your heart.
Tanya Tiwari:
And people will ask what happened to you in the deepest and darkest parts of the night And you will reply softly maybe barely at all “I was searching for the light”
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sweetheart-minnie · 7 years
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Writing Task: Mid-Year Questionnaire 
Triggers: None
Notes: This is long!!! This will forever be my default warning on every task I do. 
Name: Kiara :DD
Characters: Sally Finkelstein, Raksha Bhediya, Anastasia Tremaine, Ellie Dokter, Dash Parr, Bonnie Rockwaller, Minnie Muysken and Violet Parr 
Pick a thread from the past six months that you’re proud of and talk about why.
Gahhh I was proud of so many threads!!! How am I supposed to pick only one?!?! I won’t but I can narrow it down to like two. 
Holding Out For A Hero: I adored this thread so mucchhh!!!! And the title was so perfect (kudos to MK because I sure as hell didn’t come up with it haha). The thing I loved the most about this thread and the reason it was the very first one to pop up in my mind was the fact that Dash had the opportunity to use his powers for good. That’s all Dash wants in life!!!! To be a superhero, or in the very least help people with the abilities he’s been given. He has a huge protective streak and it was so much fun to be able to explore that through this thread. He got to save lil Bambi from bullies and to top it off I was able to reenact a scene from The Incredibles!!!!! I was so freaking excited about that!!!!! Especially because through the reenactment Dash learned something new about what he could do with his magic and I LOVE developing my characters magic. I just really loved this thread it was so precious and exactly what my little Dash needed in life. :DD
A Code In Process: Wow MK you’re in this one too hahaha. I loved this thread from when I posted the starter because it started out with so much action in it. I mean, I was able to write out a CODE. Like, I feel bad for Ms. Gladys who had to be the victim of a code, but it was so much fun to explore that specific nursing skill set in Minnie. This was the first thread where I got to explore Minnie as a nurse, so it was nice to really get to see my lil child in her environment and how she worked within it. Also, that was my first time ever writing about a code. I have been through CPR training because I need to keep my license current and have experienced an actual code, but have never actually written about it. It was a really fun experience and sort of unique describing it because writing about it made me realize that there really is a lot involved with it. When you’re in the middle of a code, trust me, you’re really not thinking about all that so it was nice to take a step back.  
Visions Of The Past: Okay I know this isn’t really like a thread and is a one-shot BUTTTT I am really, really proud of it so I have to mention it. It was one of my all time favorite one-shots I have written, although both of my Raksha ones don’t fall that behind. I was very proud of this one because it gave me the opportunity to dive into parts of Sally that I haven’t been able to before. She has a very extensive past to her and to be able to show it was so much fun!!!! Plus, Sally is my darling OG so like I’m always proud of her, my lil pumpkin :DD
Identify a challenge you’ve faced in this rp. Reflect on why this is a challenge for you. Are there any strategies you can develop to overcome this challenge?
I’m freaking shy. I don’t know if it may look like I’m not, but trust me I am!!! It’s more of a reaching out to people shy. I have absolutely no problem holding out a conversation and even talking someone's ear off JUST AS LONG as they came up to me first haha. I don’t know what it is, but I’m scared af to approach someone even on the computer. It makes absolutely no sense, trust me I know because it makes even less sense with the profession I’m in, but what can I say, I am. And I know everyone here is sweet and oh so lovely, but I’m just a little shy shit. Like, if I know one of my characters would be PERFECT to help someone’s plot out…. Yeah I’ll be to shy to say anything.  
This is also the reason why you guys hardly see me on the main skype chat, or I rarely appear on the chatzy type events. I suck at those and it’s not because I’m not around because unless I’m at work I’m like always around haha. I would have made it a second challenge but it’s all for the same reasonnnn. I don’t know something about being the first scares the shit out of me. I’m a very happy second haha.
I’m trying to work on this I promisseeee.
Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth (we recommend choosing an older character, but it’s up to you! ) What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now?
I did Sally last time for this one and honestly I can definitely go for her again, but I’ll switch it up!!
We are going to go with my precious Anastasia :DD
Ana right now is the one going through the most changes within my little army of babes, and I have to say I’m very excited about that!!!! When I first got her, Anastasia was very set in her ways, and it isn’t to say that she still isn’t, but she’s growing very tired. She always had a strong head about her, and an iron will that could hardly gain a scratch to it. People knew better than to mess with Ana. She was mommy’s perfect little angel, always did as she was told, never spoke back and thrived to make sure she was all her mother wanted her to be. 
All Anastasia wanted was to make she was the epitome of perfection. 
Well, she’s falling apart right now, and I am so FREAKING HAPPY ABOUT THAT!!!! IT WAS ABOUT TIME!!!!! (wow I sound like a horrible mun to my baby haha) A huge part of that all has to do with her panic attacks. Before, they were manageable. Anastasia had them maybe once or twice a month and was able to pick herself right up after they occurred. Of course, NO ONE knew about them too. Welps, THEY ALL DO NOW and they are getting far too much for her to handle so she truly is growing drained. I’m beginning to watch that strong ironed will chip apart piece by piece. Then THENN she went and spoke back TO HER MOTHER!!!!! That really is huge as far as Anastasia is concerned haha. When I saw that I was like WHAAATTT SINCE WHEN?!?! Yeah, she’s chipping apart and I think it’s honestly for her best because I feel like she’s beginning to realize that she needs to detach and become her own person, not the image her mother holds for her.  I’m excited to see where she goes and maybe she’ll let me touch her soft side (because she has one!!) but I never know with her she’s such a stubborn little asshole so who knows.
Pick another character and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them for the rest of the year?
I think I spoke about two of my babes for this one last time? Yeah I did!! Raksha and Anastasia haha. I’m going to talk about Violet this time around, my newest addition.
Violet reminds me a lot of Sally. They’re both shy and both suppress their own magic. Sally however did it because her own magic terrified her, Violet on the other hand does it because she was scared of the retribution that came with using them. Vi isn’t scared of her own magic, but she has repressed it so much she doesn’t know how to use it to its fullest potential. In fact, if she could get rid of them all together I bet she’d actually do it. She wants to be “normal” because she believes that being without magic is what constitutes one as being “normal”.
Yeah, no I don’t want that for her. I want her to realize the gifts she has and all that hidden potential she’s running away from. Violet is very aware that she now lives in a town where magic is acceptable, but she is so scarred from her past that I really feel like she almost has ptsd when she uses her magic. She just assumes the absolute WORSE. I want her to grow out of that. There is so much I can tap into with Violet, but in order for that to be done I need her protective shell to be broken!!! So, that is my goal for my little Violet love. Force her into situations where she needs to use her magic and into situations where she has to be social with people she NEVER would’ve back home.  
It’ll be a process for sure because Violet is SO stubborn, but I’m very excited to see what kind of person she’ll turn into once she realizes that her magic isn’t like the root of all evil and the bane of her own existence.
OPTIONAL (REQUIRED FOR THOSE WHO DIDN’T DO THE LAST QUESTIONNAIRE): In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths.
Gahh my stengths freaakkk. I always think about what I need to improve that I can’t ever place my own strengths haha.
Description/details: I’m pretty sure I mentioned this one last time butttt it’s always the only one I can think of haha. The reason being is that I LOVE LOVE LOVVEEEE describing shit!!! That was why I picked up Minnie and made her a nurse because I wanted to have the opportunity to describe my profession out in writing. Sally’s magic, I LOVE ITTTT because I get to write out her sceneries in SO MUCH DETAIL, to be honest that was the main reason I make her a part of her own visions so that way I can describe shit through her point of view. I made her an empath too so that way I had an excuse to go ahead and describe emotions. I’m just a description junkieee.
OPTIONAL (REQUIRED FOR THOSE WHO DIDN’T DO THE LAST QUESTIONNAIRE): In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths. 
Guys, you are going to see my beautiful laziness becaussee I will post the same three reasons I post last time. In my defense, I really do feel that they are still the same for me. Again, some of my laziness could be talking there too haha.
Body Placement: Okay, so remember how for this I mentioned that headcanon I had for Ellie??? You know the one where she always carries a purse because of all her medications and the fact that she needs a first aid kit with her?? Yeah, how many times have you guys seen this purse??? NEVER. Yeah, so I am STILL working on this. Then I went ahead and did a similar type of headcanon with Minnie and said that she constantly hand sanitizes her hand. Yeap. I forget that one too, or when I do I always forget that you know that little bottle of hand sanitizer needs to go somewhere because it’s not going to vanish into thin air. This is still a working progress.    Cutting: If you haven’t noticed already I tend to write A LOT, and I know that hugely has to do with the fact that I get so into voicing my characters. While I know that that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it sort of is at the same time because it takes away from everything else my character can be doing.  Then to top it off when I am realizing that my reply is super long, I have trouble trying to figure out what I can cut off so that I can add other aspects. The thing is my characters never want me to cut anything off! So it leaves me almost half-assing my endings because I needed to wrap it up somewhere! (That one was literally copy and paste hehe but it still remains the same xD I think I’ve improved a little bit though….) Dialogue: Yeah, wow I am still working on this one. My problem is still the same, that I answer everything when in reality like how many times do I do that myself?? Never. In a conversation things get cut off, like I need to cut things off haha. I tend to be more aware of this with my shy babes. Like when I’m on Sally and Violet I keep telling myself “they are fucking SHY Kiara!!! They aren’t suppose TO TALK A LOT!!” I swear that is my daily mental conversation with myself haha.  You know who I notice this a lot on too?? Ellie and Minnie and I guess it’s because they are the opposite. Like Ellie, holy shit she’ll talk your ear off if you don’t stop her, but that’s just her personality so I find myself answering every little thing. Then Minnie she’s polite and sweet so she’d find it rude if she didn’t answer every little thing.
IF YOU DID THE LAST QUESTIONNAIRE: Alright, now pick an item from the Wishlist you completed in January that you’ve started to pursue. How far are you from completing this goal? Talk about the steps you took to make it happen.
Ellie’s turn!!!!!! :DD
In my wishlist I had mentioned wanting Ellie to have a bit of stay in the hospital, whether it be because she finally got convinced to do chemo (which I still want!! SOMEONE CONVINCE HER), or because she was going to be in need of surgery related to something her cancer messed up. The second one is the WINNER. Ellie is going to be getting surgery to get her spleen removed since it has enlarged due to her cancer. (Thank you Bee!!!!!)
The steps, so I had to actually first look up what kind of surgery could happen with the type of surgery Ellie has. It was there where I found out she could have splenomegaly, which would require the removal of her spleen as treatment. There was my surgery. MK had actually suggested Bee’s character Tibbs. I can’t remember how we got to that point, but MK did haha and I was like yeaasss. Plus, Tibbs is a GORGEOUS doctor so like why not!!!! After a mental conversation with myself to suck up my shyness and just contact her, I told Bee about my idea and she so kindly said yeeaasss.
So there we are, Ellie will be getting her surgery, and a stay in the hospital :DD It’s currently in the works haha.   
IF YOU DID THE LAST QUESTIONNAIRE: Pick another item on your wishlist that hasn’t happened yet. We’re gonna do a MOCK-PLOT!!! Pick a character who could help with this goal, and plan at least three threads or “steps” that would kick-start this plot. Need help? Remember to look at the plotting tips and tricks! See the end of this questionnaire for an example. You do not have to follow through with the plot as you planned it here– but it can kickstart brainstorming and get you thinking in terms of cause/effect. 
I can actually still use Ellie for this too :DD
Ellie and her Chemo
Thread one: Ellie gets very sick and winds up in the hospital, whether it be because she forgot to receive a transfusion so she ends up really bad, or very physically sick because she caught an infection like pneumonia, which is very common for her sort of cancer. Someone helps her to the hospital. (Celia, or Stan, or Jane or Terk) 
Thread two: Once in the hospital it gets told that her cancer is only getting worse, ya know since Ellie isn’t doing the best in keeping up with it, or even TRYING to get rid of it. Chemotherapy can be brought up as an option. (The doctors can tell her this: Tibbs, or Sweet)
Thread three:  Ellie, of course because she’s Ellie will say no since she thinks it’s pointless at this point. This is where she needs a strong convincing push. (Celia, or Stan, or Jane, or Terk)
Thread four: Ellie gets convinced and home girl can start her chemo!!! (Tibbs or Sweet can help her with her chemo therapy process if they’d like. Celia/Stan/Jane/Terk can be frequent visitors!!)
Anastasia and Therapy
Thread one: Someone finds out she’s having a lot more panic attacks than she’s letting on and are only getting worse. (Zella or even Ariel)
Thread two: One of her panic attacks end up bad that she’s rushed to the hospital and of course at this point her mom is going to get notified. (Zella or even Ariel can send her to the hospital, Bo, Tibbs, or Sweets can be the ones there when she’s at the hospital and they can notify her mom)
Thread three: Milla finds out about Ana’s panic attacks. Dun dun DUNNNN. (Milla and if Zella wants to be a part of that conversation she can toooo)
Thread four: Therapy is medically suggested. (Any of the healthcare people can suggest this and if she gets the therapy James can be her therapist)
Finally: write a NEW wish list for the upcoming half of the year. It’s fine if you use a lot from your previous wish list if you still haven’t completed them and you still want to! 
Sally: I want Sally to help someone out with her magic!!!! She needs to feel a little more proud of her gift and she’ll feel that way if she can see that her magic can actually do GOOD. So, she can help retrieve memories because she can see the past!! Or answer any future questions because she can see the future!!! Look, Sally can basically see anythinggg USE HERR. Also, also, ALSO I have one more neat trick I want to do with her magic development wise and it’s her being able to project her visions so that the other person can see them as well, same goes for her empathy that she can project the emotions.
 I kind of did Ellie and Anastsia alreadyy.
Dash: He is in a happy place right now and he’s a teenager so like that can’t stay forever so, ruin him I guess xD. I want him to have a full teenage experience!!! Heart broken, heart unbroken after it got broken, maybe he could break a heart, make him question his sexuality because I doubt homeboy is completely straight tbh, get him into an accident. The list is endlesssss.
Violet: I kind of did her too but force her into more experiences where she needs to use her magic. I want her to have FRIENDSSS. She has got ZERO. Maybe even a BEST-FRIEND!!!! She sadly, NEVER had one of those. Someone could threaten to hurt her brothers!!! She would go crazy!!! She is very protective of them.
Bonnie: God, Bonnie. All I ask in regards for her is that somehow someone help me add some sustenance to her!!! My god she is so SHALLOW. I don’t even know how this could be done, but I beg someone help me with this MISSION!!!!
Raksha: My wolfie is pregnant and she isn’t aware of this. I mean deep, deep, DEEP down she is but she won’t accept it. Someone help her bring this to light haha and then once it is brought to light help her accept it!!!
Minnie: I will happily take any and all hospital-like thread for her!!!! If anyone needs a nurse Minnie is totally available!!! :DD
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nellie-elizabeth · 7 years
Once Upon a Time: The Garden of Forking Paths (7x03)
I felt a little less happy with this episode, mostly because I feel like the plot is moving forward so slowly. We did get a good amount of information here, but I kind of wish we could speed things along!
So, the Hyperion Heights story-line had a few of those moments of cheesiness that were just a little over the line for me. Jacinda makes a speech about hope and belief to a bunch of people from Hyperion Heights, and they all eat it up. It reminded me of Henry's awful speech in New York a few seasons back. It felt unrealistic that people in the actual real world we live in today would be swayed by such sappiness.
There's a pacing issue going on where certain things set up in episode one are still being dragged out. I don't want to be told all of the answers to the season's big mysteries, of course. I like not knowing exactly what Rumple is up to, or what he knows. I like not knowing how and when Tremaine enacts the curse. But other things feel pointlessly secretive. Like we meet a witch that Victoria has been keeping prisoner, but we don't learn the witch's identity. Why are we saving that for later? And we learn that Cinderella is in some way responsible for the death of one of Tremaine's daughters, but we don't learn what happened. Whatever it is, can we not just know now so we can move on to more interesting things?
The flashbacks show the continued story of Cinderella and Henry. Cinderella befriends Tiana, who it turns out is part of a rebellion designed to take down the devious royal family as well as Lady Tremaine. Henry, Regina, and Hook meet up with the camp of rebels and agree to help them in their quest. Cinderella has a private meeting with Lady Tremaine, where we learn a terrible truth: Cinderella was apparently somehow responsible for the death of one of Tremaine's daughters, Anastasia. The young girl's body has been preserved by magic, and Tremaine has a plan to bring her back to life, but she needs to trade Anastasia's heart with another powerful heart, and she tasks Cinderella to go kill Henry for the spell to work. If Cinderella does not, then Tremaine will kill all of the rebels. Regina stops Cinderella from going through with this plan, and encourages her to do the right thing. Cinderella agrees, and the rebels strike out to begin their plan to take down the royal family.
This plot thread had so many good things about it. Tiana is amazing, and I'm really digging the friendship between her and Cinderella, as well as the friendship between their counterparts back in Hyperion Heights.
Also, the rebellion idea is pretty cool. Obviously it's reminiscent of Snow and Charming fighting for their kingdom in order to get it back from Regina. But this time, we don't have all of the pieces of the puzzle, and I like not knowing everything.
I mentioned above that I wish we could just know the story behind Cinderella and Anastasia, but despite my slight annoyance here, I do like the idea of Lady Tremaine having a specific hold over Cinderella. It makes the story more compelling - Cinderella is not bound to Tremaine simply because of familial connections, but also through guilt. I like this angle.
The budding romance between Henry and Cinderella is pretty adorable. The two certainly have chemistry. I also like seeing some of these other relationships start to flesh out. Regina and Cinderella, who now wants to go by Ella, have a good chat, so we can see the bonding begin between future mother-and-daughter-in-laws.
In the Hyperion Heights story, we get to see Hook (I mean Rogers), Regina (I mean Roni), and Henry (... just Henry) continue to work together to learn what Victoria is up to. Rogers has a lead on a guy who is being bribed, but Mr. Gold steps in and prevents Rogers from learning anything too important. I love not knowing what the heck Rumple is up to. It's so fascinating and perfect. I also like seeing the trio investigating Victoria. The parallels between the two main plots are working really well. In both versions, we see a rebellion against this evil woman start to foment, and at least one big victory is won, while yet more questions are asked.
The other parallel is that Cinderella/Jacinda has a moment where she could potentially get what she wants by making a deal with Tremaine/Belfrey. She at first accepts the offer, but comes to her senses in time to make things right. The Hyperion story line sees her trying to save the community garden from Victoria's plan to put up new condos. When Victoria offers to give one of the condos to Jacinda, and return Lucy to her, Jacinda caves. However, seeing how disappointed Lucy is, Jacinda does the right thing and gathers the people to save the garden. Cheesiness aside, I like that Jacinda has very clear weaknesses to overcome. She would obviously do anything to be with her daughter, but it's more than that - she's afraid of Victoria, and tends to cave under pressure when it comes to her step-mother.
The end of the episode officially confirms what should have been pretty obvious: Victoria is not under the curse. She knows exactly who she is, and she has brought along an unidentified witch to help her bring back Anastasia. Apparently if they can take away Lucy's belief, that will some how work to restore Anastasia. Not sure of the details on this one yet, but it looks like Lucy's grandma is coming for her, now. Dun, dun, dun...
One last thing before I wrap up - I really like the budding relationship between Lucy and Henry. Lucy's dialogue is just as hokey and silly as Henry's was when he was the little kid trying to convince his incredulous parent of the fantastical world around them. But Lucy is cute enough, and the bond between them feels real enough, that I don't mind the cheesy dialogue at all.
That's all I've got. I liked most of the individual aspects of this episode, but when I take a look at the season so far, I find myself checking my watch a little bit. I'd love it if they could speed things along ever so slightly!
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