#(to be far celeborn is similar to celebrimbor)
What is/are the Red Herring(s) of “Rings of Power” Season 2?
In Season 1, the major red herring was “The Stranger = Sauron”, with several characters assuming that the being that fell from the sky was Sauron returning to Middle-earth, and with the visual clues teasing it several times. So, the red herring/plot twist of Season 1 was connected with the “mystery box” of “who is Sauron?” 
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Assuming Season 2 is following the same formula (and my guess is it is, because show writers love this kind of stuff), what’s the red herring of Season 2? Similar to Season 1, it has to fulfill the following requirements:  
It has been mentioned throughout the season;
Talked about by several characters;
Drive the plot forward (in some way);
Be resolved at the finale (2x08).
Season 2 has two mystery boxes remaining concerning identities: “who is the Stranger?” and “Who is the Dark Wizard of Rhûn?”  
(yes, I’m straight up ignoring all those crack theories about Adar = Celeborn or Mirdania = Celebrían)  
Sauron rises in the West; the Dark Wizard in the East. Every soul in Middle-earth is in danger. Tom Bombadil warns “The Stranger”, for push him into finding his wizard staff and earn his name.  
The Stranger = Gandalf
Ever since Season 1, the show has been dropping clues that “The Stranger” is actually Gandalf, with 1x08 confirming he’s one of the Istari (“Order of Wizards”). For context: the Istari were a group of Maiar sent to Middle-earth by the Valar to help the Free People defeat Sauron. And they were five: Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast and the Blue Wizards (Alatar and Pallando).  
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We have to forget the timeline of the books here because, obviously, the show isn’t following it, and as Adar told Galadriel in 2x06: there were many stories about what happen, and since the “The Silmarillion” is somewhat written from the Eldar (mainly the Noldor) POV, the show can afford to take some liberties (I know this makes the Tolkien purists fume, but oh, well).  
In Season 2, in particular, the clues that “The Stranger = Gandalf” are everywhere, with Tom Bombadil going as far as using some of Gandalf iconic quotes. Poppy talking about “gand”s, and The Stranger’s quest of finding his wizard staff and earn his name (which will happen in 2x08). But is it possible that the show is pushing the “The Stranger = Gandalf” so hard, for it to end up being the red herring of Season 2, and him turning out to be an entirely different Istar at the finale?  
My main issue with this is: the red herring of Season 1 was already connected to The Stranger’s identity, and doing the same thing in Season 2 would be kind of lazy writing. It does fill all the requirements to be the “red herring”, though. But I don’t think so, my guess is “The Stranger” will be revealed to (actually) be Gandalf at the finale.  
"Who is the Dark Wizard of Rhûn?"
I don’t think there is any red herring here, mostly because we don’t have enough clues about who he is, at this point. I think Season 2 might even leave his identity ambiguous, mostly because, in 2x08, we’ll have the big reveal of “who is the Stranger?” in that plotline.
Let’s analyze the strongest contenders: 
Beware: there could be more than one red herring, because we can’t forget that in Season 1 we also had the "reveal" that Halbrand was, in fact, the lost heir to the throne of the Southlands, and we all know how that turned out...
I would also argue that the petals of Nimloth (the White Tree of Númenor) falling because of Galadriel’s presence on the island was also a red herring, back in Season 1 (it was clearly about Sauron/Halbrand, and maybe he was the one who caused them to fall, in the first place, to prevent Galadriel from leaving without him).  
1) Celebrimbor’s death at Sauron’s hands
Celebrimbor being at risk of Sauron’s corruption is not exactly a “red herring”, because we know it happens, and he’s deceived by Sauron/Annatar into forging the Seven and the Nine rings of power.
However, there is a sense of urgency throughout Season 2 in saving Celebrimbor, not only his mind from corruption and stop the "rings of power" project, but his very life. Several characters (mainly Galadriel and Elrond) have mentioned how Celebrimbor’s life is in danger, and it’s highly implied that Sauron will kill him in Eregion (Galadriel’s vision; Elrond remembering his father’s prophecy of how, one day, Celebrimbor’s life would be on his hands).  
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But, will Sauron actually kill Celebrimbor, himself?  
In the books, it’s established he does. However, Season 2, right from the start, in 2x01, has shown us, the audience, that Sauron has some interesting methods of killing his enemies. Because Sauron is a mastermind, a deceiver, and so he enjoys manipulating others into doing his dirty work for him (like we saw with Waldreg and the Warg).
Can Sauron employ someone else into killing Celebrimbor? Could it be that, Celebrimbor and all other characters believe that he safe and sound (because Sauron has left Eregion and won’t return), and, boom, Celebrimbor gets killed by other character, doing Sauron’s biding?
2) The Three Elven Rings are free from Sauron’s influence 
The current ring-bearers (Gil-galad, Galadriel and Círdan) seem to believe the Three are free from Sauron’s influence. Galadriel, mainly, seems to trust Nenya completely, using the visions it provides as guidance. However, Círdan did say they have, yet, to discover the whole truth about the Elven Rings of Power, and that they should be, indeed, feared. Elrond, from the start, suspects the rings might be connected to Sauron, because he, as Halbrand, worked alongside Celebrimbor for some time, trying to find the right alloy for the mithril.
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In “Rings of Power”, the Númenóreans say “the sea is always right”, and in this house we say that “Elrond is always right” (and his only sin was not throwing Isildur and the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom)! Because the Three are not, in fact, free from Sauron’s power.  
In the books, the Three Elven Rings do not bind their ring-bearers (Gil-galad/Elrond, Galadriel and Círdan/Gandalf) to Sauron’s will, but they allow the Dark Lord to look inside their minds, and that’s how the smiths of Eregion knew that they were deceived by Sauron and perceived he forged the One Ring. The Three also lose their power after the One Ring is destroyed by Frodo in the Third Age, so they are, indeed, connected to Sauron’s power in some way, and perhaps Season 2 will reveal this to the audience. 
3) Galadriel will resist Sauron’s temptation
While several characters (Gil-galad, Elrond and Adar) do foreshadow that Galadriel might succumb to Sauron if she faces him alone in the finale, there’s always a sense of certainty she’ll resist him. With Adar being the exception here. However, Galadriel seems to be utterly sure that she can resist Sauron again, and defeat him (or die trying).
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Galadriel believes that she can resist Sauron’s temptation because: (1) what he offered last time (power) isn’t enough to tempt her, and (2) she’s aware of his deceptions and manipulations, meaning there is nothing he can tempt her with. Or is there?
Sauron will bring the big guns this time around, and so the question is: will Galadriel be able to, in fact, resist him, again? 
4) Balrog of Moria
Season 1 revealed it, and Season 2 has been teasing the Balrog of Morgoth that dwells deep in the mountains bellow the kingdom of Khazad-dûm, in the mines of Moria.
Both Disa and Prince Durin are already aware of its presence (they doesn’t know what it is, only its something dangerous, ancient and powerful). And Sauron/Annatar is also aware of its presence. Now, we see Sauron performing some kind of blood magic in 2x06, which might lead the audience to believe he’s “summoning” the Balrog or trying to control it, for him to join the Battle of Eregion or something of that sort. Hence the red herring.   
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In book canon, we know that Sauron can’t control the Balrog, because they are the same kind (both Maiar corrupted by Morgoth), and the Balrog doesn’t join his forces. You see, the Balrog just wants to chill in the mines and be left alone.  
Season 2 has been teasing that the Balrog might have a bigger role than it’ll actually have. In the canon, the Balrog was, literally, dig out by the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, due to their greed, and we already saw Disa and Prince Durin trying to stop the Dwarves from digging near its lair.
By bet is: Durin III, guided by his ring of power (controlled by Sauron), will dig out the Balrog himself, while the Dwarves are busy in the Battle of Eregion. And like in the books, the Balrog will kill him, and earn the nickname “Durin’s bane”. And that’s pretty much it for the Balrog plotline.
That's it, folks. Is there any other potential red herring that you can think of? Do you agree or disagree that some of these clues are, indeed, red herrings?
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lordgrimwing · 4 months
I'm glad I will be spending all day in the field tomorrow so i can't look at tumblr at all after the Rings of Power season 2 trailer comes out
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buffyfan145 · 5 days
Another great episode with ep 2.6 of "Rings of Power" today!!! 😀 So much happened in it and we only have 2 more episodes!!! Lots to talk about behind the cut but I think I figured out the whole "who Galadriel is kissing" thing and it's not any of the "leaks" we saw as I think the promo for next week showed part of it but something I wondered about when I first heard Morfydd say it. 😏 Also I loved hearing Elendil's dad Amandil being mentioned as I always loved his name is so similar to mine. LOL
I loved the episode and so much happened!!! All of Sauron's scenes were amazing, as well as Celebrimbor's. Both Charlies brought it again and I feel so bad for Celebrimbor. We all what's going and it's so sad. Then seeing Sauron use more of his Maiar powers and doing what we call the mind palace manipulating to Celebrimbor. And him saying the world "precious" twice!!! Then also seeing Sauron with the dwarves and likely calling up the balrog, and then the siege starting. We also finally got to see Charlie Rich too playing one of the elves.
Then everything with Galadriel and Adar was great too!!! 😀 I loved their conversations about Sauron and how Adar figured out Halbrand was Sauron. Also he knows Galadriel lied to him about what Sauron offered her too. I'm curious how he thinks combing Morgoth's crown (which I didn't expect as that does go a bit against the books as Morgoth has that crown around his neck in the Void keeping him there) with Nenya will kill Sauron for good. We know that won't happen and that Sauron actually still didn't die when Frodo destroyed the ring, as he's still out there in Middle Earth as a formless spirit. So curious again how this is going to play out in the finale with Galadriel and Sauron as she won't kill him.
Then that brings me to the kiss that's coming for Galadriel and seeing the promo for next week's ep I do think it's Celebrimbor. There's part of the promo where she's with him in his forge and she's holding his face kneeling beside him on the floor. I think this is likely when he's dying and it's making me wonder if she tries to save him via a kiss, like she did with Gandalf in "The Hobbit" movies, but it doesn't work and he dies in her arms. The thing with the banner happens after his death with the orcs so it's possible this is how he dies, and if the show got the rights to that 1st Age story about how Celebrimbor was in love with Galadriel but she fell in love with Celeborn they could work that in too that she's with him when he dies. I can see them doing this and his death is tragic already but I also wouldn't mind if when he does die she's with him so he's not alone. So all those "leaks" about the kiss are likely all false if this is really what happens, and I'm totally ok with this as even being a Haladriel shipper I didn't think they'd go that far with a kiss this early in the show (though I can tell they've confirmed they both have feelings for each other) and the whole thing with Elrond are lies made up to make us shippers angry. We'll see if I'm right but I do believe this likely is what is happening.
Back to kisses the Poppy and Merimac one was cute. And I thought Elendil and Mirel were going to 3 times. LOL 😀 The whole Numenor storylines this episode was great!!! I loved Miriel was able to prove she's still queen and it extends the whole Faithfull vs The King's Men more as we've got a ways to go before Sauron gets there hopefully back in his Halbrand form. But now Ar-Pharazon knows that Halbrand is Sauron and he needs him!!! Also, loved how Elendil was looking very much like Aragorn and even Halbrand in this episode.
Even more convinced The Stranger is Gandalf after his talk with Tom Bombadil and the thing he said to him that is almost exactly what Gandalf said in the movies. I do think The Stranger/Gandalf is going to go save Nori, Poppy, and the stoors and that's likely when we find out his name is Gandalf. Curious if he'll face the Dark Wizard (who is likely a Blue wizard) this season or if that will be next.
So excited for the final 2 episodes of season 2!!! Though I know the 2 year wait will be coming after that. Also looking forward to those scenes of Adar and Elrond next week that were in the trailer too.
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ncfan-1 · 7 years
When Galadriel suddenly moves to Laurelindórenan, Celebrían finds she has questions.
This was written for the April 1st LLA Prompt, Bonds Between Women, though as I wrote it, the information on Celebrían and Galadriel’s relationship became more implicit than explicit.
Celebrían had remained in Ost-in-Edhil when her mother first went over the Hithaeglir into the East, and when later her father, though reluctant in the extreme to pass through Khazad-dûm, had traveled to join her. She had her work in Ost-in-Edhil, her friends in Ost-in-Edhil, and Celebrimbor was as happy to keep her company as she had ever been. Her father might tarry east of the mountains, Celebrían knew; his distrust of the Kasari ran deep, and he might dwell among strangers for a long time just to avoid having to pass through the Kasari’s lands. But her mother had been interested more in making contact with the Nandorin settlement in Laurelindórenan than simply in visiting, and Celebrían knew she’d had no intent to stay there. So when the years began to mount with any sign of Galadriel returning through Khazad-dûm to Eregion, Celebrían felt her curiosity begin to grow.
“I can scarcely believe that your mother would forsake the city she helped build to live in a forest again,” Celebrimbor answered when Celebrían broached the subject to him, deep in the bowels of the house of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain. “She’s too fond of the work of her hands.”
“You’re one to talk about that,” Celebrían replied, though she smiled slightly. The air in this particular workshop was noticeably stale, and Celebrimbor’s clothes were crumpled, his eyes red and ringed with shadow. Watch him, her father had warned her before he left. He doesn’t sleep as he ought to; he never has. If Celeborn were here, the next hour might be occupied with getting Celebrimbor out of the Mírdain house and wrangling him towards the nearest bed, perhaps with a detour to the nearest kitchen. But provided that Celebrimbor wasn’t literally falling over his own feet, Celebrían was less inclined to worry. He seemed sharp enough now, anyways.
Celebrimbor flashed a small smile up at her, his teeth almost startlingly white in the gloom. “I suppose so. But really, Celebrían; Galadriel left Lindon because she did not wish to live as anyone’s vassal.” There were other reasons, Celebrían had gotten the impression, but no one ever wanted to talk about them. “I really cannot believe that she would be content to return to being ruled over by another. Besides—“ he quirked an eyebrow, his smile turning rueful “—if Galadriel and Celeborn both go to live in Laurelindórenan, that would leave us in charge here. I don’t think she would be happy with that, either.”
Celebrían’s mouth twitched, though she could not find much in the way of humor. “Certainly not.”
A few more years passed without Galadriel’s return, though, nor any word from her. This did indeed leave Celebrían and Celebrimbor in charge of Ost-in-Edhil, and though Celebrían had not had much experience with governance that did not involve answering to someone higher than her, and Celebrimbor had spent much of his life outright avoiding positions of leadership, Celebrían thought they had done reasonably well. The citizenry was content, and the walls had not come crashing down. Trade with the outside world continued to enrich and enliven Ost-in-Edhil, and visitors from as far afield as Númenor came hoping to ply their trade in the Gwaith-i-Mírdain or some of the other guilds.
And… and as much as Celebrían would have at least liked a warning before her parents left, she found she didn’t really life without her parents occupying the same house, the same city as her. There was something very freeing about none of her decisions being second-guessed by her parents. Not to say that none of her decisions were ever second-guessed, but there was a difference, a noticeable difference, between when her parents did it, and when an advisor or a craftsman did it. It felt like a discussion between two adults, like a true debate, instead of the back-and-forth between a parent and their child that would inevitably with the child capitulating.
There was something else, too.
As the years drew by and Galadriel did not return, Celebrían noticed that people were less inclined to compare her to her mother. People were less likely to comment on how alike they looked, apart from their hair. They were less likely to say something like “How sharp you are, just like your mother” or “You speak Quenya almost as well as a Ñoldo born in Aman; your mother’s tutelage has served you well.”
It was a frustration Celebrían hadn’t even realized she felt, until it was removed from her life. But still, once it was gone from her, she felt much lighter, like a yoke had been taken from her shoulders.
Eventually, there came early one spring a letter for Celebrían from both of her parents, though it was written in her mother’s hand. Finding Laurelindórenan to be very much to their liking, they had decided to live there; Amdír was happy to accommodate them. Next there was an invitation for Celebrían to live with them there if she wished, or to at least visit them soon.
One would think that you two could return to Eregion to visit me here, Celebrían thought as she tucked the letter away in her desk, but a strain of curiosity started to tug at her mind again.
Her father, she could understand. Celeborn had told Celebrían so many tales of Doriath, had spoken of it with such wistful fondness, that he had likely leapt at the opportunity to live in a forest kingdom. All the reports of Laurelindórenan said that the forest was passing fair, and that there were many survivors of Doriath living under its eaves. All the more reason for Celeborn to wish to live there; Celebrían didn’t think her father had ever been entirely comfortable in Ost-in-Edhil, as profoundly Ñoldorin as it was.
But her mother… Her mother was a different matter. Galadriel had taken great joy in building up Ost-in-Edhil, and here she had been in her element, governing eagerly and energetically. Life in the Nenuial settlement, where the majority of the residents had looked askance on all things Ñoldorin, had frustrated her so. Celebrían couldn’t imagine why her mother would choose to give up what she had had in Ost-in-Edhil, and go back to a form of existence similar to the one by the waters of Nenuial.
Slowly, Celebrían began to clear her schedule. She attended all already-scheduled appointments and did not schedule any more. She gave notices of absence, warned her friends that she would be going away for a time. One did not depart like a thief fleeing justice, after all. She just had questions that desired answers.
The forest was indeed fair, though Celebrían did not think it noticeably fairer than any other forest she had ridden through. She came upon a small village of wooden houses, and inquired after her parents, trying not to feel too thoroughly out of place in her brocaded riding vest, surrounded by people who looked in naked curiosity at her bright silver hair. The locals spoke an amalgamation of Iathrim Sindarin and Nandorin that was difficult to decipher, but Celebrían was eventually able to get them to direct her towards the settlement where her parents would be waiting.
The path Celebrían followed took her deeper into the forest, where the trees were so dense that sunlight only shot through in strands as fine as spider silk, and the air was very still and strangely thick. Celebrían had the impression of many eyes following her; her skin prickled, and she reminded herself that there were supposed to be many Laiquendi survivors of drowned Ossiriand living in this forest as well. Rarely did they ever willingly make their presence known to strangers. Her horse did not seem disturbed, at least.
Eventually, Celebrían came upon the largest collection of houses she had yet seen in the forest, most of them constructed of stone, as opposed to the humbler wooden dwellings she had seen earlier. This must be it, Celebrían mused, as she crossed a bridge over a stream that served as the settlement’s western boundary. She dismounted and led her horse to a public stable, before continuing on foot.
This settlement, Celebrían guessed, was an old one, possibly predating Amdír’s arrival in Laurelindórenan. The sides of the houses were covered in ivy and moss so thick and soft that Celebrían wondered how it might have served as a cloak; it certainly looked strong enough to be woven into cloth. A Númenórean she had spoken with in Ost-in-Edhil had confided in her that many of her people believed that all the Eldar lived deep in the dense forests of Middle-Earth, lived ‘in tune with nature,’ though Celebrían was not entirely certain what that meant. She was at least glad that the Númenórean had gone to Ost-in-Edhil, instead of a community that would have just confirmed the stereotypes she’d been raised with.
She found her father first. Celeborn was sitting on the veranda of a house of middling size, reading a small book bound with leather painted blue. In the moments before he looked up and noticed her, Celebrían stilled, her eyes fixed upon him. Though she’d known of his discomfort, and gotten some sense of his greater ease here, the sight of him, clearly so much more comfortable here than he’d been in Ost-in-Edhil (when had he ever spent his leisure time out in public in Ost-in-Edhil?), it was… not entirely comfortable. Celebrían had helped build that city, too, and it had been as much home to her as the Nenuial settlement, her birthplace, had ever been. Silent reminders that it hadn’t entirely been home for her father weren’t welcome.
But these thoughts, grating as they might be, evaporated when Celeborn looked up to see her, and smiled widely. “Your mother thought you would come here,” he told her, as Celebrían stepped up into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his back. “I was starting to wonder if you wouldn’t just wait until autumn and spend the winter here instead.”
Celebrían blinked, her smile freezing, just a little. “Where is Mother? I wanted to speak with her.”
“North of here, I believe. She’s grown fond of walking the forest alone.”
It did not seem quite proper that, after coming all this way, Celebrían should go seeking her mother out instead of the other way around. It wasn’t quite inappropriate, but it didn’t feel entirely appropriate, either. Nonetheless, Celebrían started north, scanning the settlement and the trees beyond it for any sign of her mother. As she crossed over into forest, the air seemed to grow even more still than it had been earlier. A heady, nearly overpowering green smell rose in her nostrils.
Not long did Celebrían had to wander in search of Galadriel. Before long, a golden shine lanced her eyes, and she spied her mother’s bright hair, the golden all that was visible today, the silver muted, hidden. Unlike Celeborn, Galadriel realized immediately when she had fallen under scrutiny. She turned around and fixed her eyes on Celebrían’s face, seeming neither particularly surprised nor overwhelmed by her daughter’s arrival. She reached out a long hand and beckoned for Celebrían to step forwards.
She never did like going to someone if it was possible for them to come to her; that has not changed, at least. Being beckoned forwards, was such an indelible part of Celebrían’s life that she did it without thinking, though on this occasion she might have liked it a little better if she had been able to persuade herself not to, to see if her mother would eventually come to her instead. But by the time such a thought occurred to her, it was too late; she had already crossed half the distance between herself and her mother, and stopping short would not only have served nothing, but have made her seem childish as well.
As soon as Celebrían drew close to her mother, Galadriel broke the silence. That was another indelible part of Celebrían’s life, Galadriel speaking first, though this part she did not mind—it was easy to become overawed in Galadriel’s presence, and unsticking her mouth tended to work better if her mother spoke first. “How does the city fare?”
Easy. “Well.” Celebrían flicked her braid over one shoulder. “Construction of the bridges over the main streets have been completed. We’ve finally been able to properly establish trade relations with Eryn Galen, as well.”
At that, Galadriel’s eyes flickered slightly, a mixture of interest and frustration that was soon submerged by the stately calm she had perfected long before Celebrían was born. “Oh?” That trace of frustration surface in her voice, like the burned edges of a loaf of bread that had been left in the oven a little too long. “You have accomplished in a few years what I was unable to achieve in centuries. I did not think that Oropher and Duileth would ever be persuaded to open trade relations with a Ñoldorin land.”
Vividly did Celebrían recall the strained negotiations that had ended in failure, the bitter conversations that had accomplished nothing useful. Galadriel had had no luck with Eryn Galen, and Celebrían herself had wound up signing trade agreements in what felt like her own blood. But still, she found herself able to smile as she replied “Actually, I found them to be much more agreeable once I promised them a share of the ale we produced each year.”
Something unexpected happened: Galadriel stared. Celebrían tried to imagine the last time she had seen her mother stare, speechless, at someone, and failed. She supposed Celebrimbor’s feats of overworking himself might have garnered such a reaction, but she honestly couldn’t remember the last time. The times when Galadriel encountered something she had no ready reaction for were vanishingly rare.
But then, Galadriel laughed, laughed her high, musical laugh. Celebrían realized when her ears pricked at the sound that she had missed it; it was such a small thing that she would not have thought she would miss it, but she found now that she had. “I’d never thought to try that. I didn’t realize Oropher and Duileth would be so easily swayed if I had just plied them with alcohol.”
The laughter broke the stillness of the air, made it easier for Celebrían to speak, for her to ask, “Mother… I was surprised when you wrote to tell me that you would be living here. Laurelindórenan is a fair place, to be sure, but it hardly seems the sort of place where you would be happy. Why…”
Galadriel’s face grew pensive, mirth vanishing from her lips. “I cannot say for certain,” she murmured, looking about the dense trees with a frown. “I have only a feeling that I will be needed here, one day. This will be a place of great importance, and I will pour my spirit into it.”
Somehow, Celebrían doubted that this forest community, however lovely, would ever be as vital to Middle-Earth as Lindon or Eregion or even Eryn Galen, but she supposed its importance could grow in time. “I would have thought Ost-in-Edhil, and all of Eregion, would have been such a place,” Celebrían probed. “You poured so much energy into it.” Her mother’s foresight was strong, if not always precise, and her intuition even stronger. If Galadriel believed as much, then Celebrían doubted not that she would be needed here, some day. But to just abruptly move here from Ost-in-Edhil, to make her home here on impulse? The moment of foresight must have been a strong one—that, or it had been misinterpreted.
(Then again, Celebrían did herself get occasional flashes of insight. No visions, no prophetic dreams, but she seemed always to know ahead of time when breakfast would be served slightly overcooked, or when a distant clamor of explosions would echo from the house of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain. If her mother’s insight had been strangely particular this time, Celebrían could sympathize.)
Galadriel shook her head. “No. That place is for you and Telperinquar now; I know that much.” She stared over Celebrían’s head as she added, “My role there is done. I may visit, of course, but my words will have no more weight in that place.”
Something about those words, be it the slightly bitter note in Galadriel’s voice, or their sheer weight, made the hairs on Celebrían’s neck stand on end.
“I have seen something else more clearly, though.” Galadriel fixed her piercing gaze on Celebrían anew. “I have seen that you will dwell here, though only for a time.”
Well, that was simple enough to respond to. “Not now,” Celebrían remarked, fighting the urge to stare west towards the Hithaeglir—and home. “For now, it’s my city, and I intend to make the most of it!”
She knew where she was rooted to, and it wasn’t here. Perhaps Galadriel was correct, and Celebrían would live here, for a time. But not yet. Not yet. And though she would never say it aloud, she found that she rather liked being out from under her mother's shadow.
Hithaeglir—the Misty Mountains (Sindarin); the mountain range separating Eriador and Rhovanion, the largest mountain range in Middle-Earth; first raised by Morgoth to hinder Oromë in his hunting of Morgoth’s creatures Kasari—a common name for the Dwarves among the Ñoldor, adapted from the Khuzdul Khazâd (singular: Kasar) (Quenya) Laurelindórenan—‘Valley of Singing Gold’ (Quenya); a Quenya name of the forest valley that would later become known as Lothlórien Gwaith-i-Mírdain—‘People of the Jewel-Smiths’ (Sindarin); a brotherhood of craftsmen in Eregion, headed by Celebrimbor. Their headquarters was in Ost-in-Edhil, the capital of Eregion. Iathrim—the Sindar of Doriath Laiquendi—the Quenya form of the Sindarin ‘Laegrim’, the Green-Elves of Ossiriand (singular: Laiquendë) (Quenya); the division of the Nandor who followed Denethor, son of Lenwë; the name ‘Laegrim’ was imposed upon them by the Sindar, because of the lush forests of their land, because of their especial love for the forests and waters of their land, and because the Laegrim often dressed in green as camouflage Eldar—‘People of the Stars’ (Quenya); a name first given to the Elves by Oromë when he found them by Cuiviénen, but later came to refer only to those who answered the summons to Aman and set out on the March, with those who chose to remain by Cuiviénen coming to be known as the Avari; the Eldar were composed of these groups: the Vanyar, Ñoldor (those among them who chose to go to Aman), and the Teleri (including their divisions: the Lindar, Falmari, Sindar and Nandor). Eryn Galen—an Elven forest realm in Rhovanion, ruled first by Oropher, then by his son, Thranduil; known in Westron as Greenwood the Great
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buffyfan145 · 1 year
FOF was back today with their latest season 2 "Rings of Power" scoops and we got multiple ones on Sauron and even Haladriel!!! :D I'm really excited too after seeing them but putting behind a cut for major spoilers.
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So these scoops center on Sauron and who FOF is calling "the original form". However, it's actually more the Annatar form and since they don't know the name the show is using they're using that or the actor. So for this post I'm just saying Sauron or Annatar.
The first one is that Sauron goes to Eregion as Annatar and has multiple scenes with the elves especially Celebrimbor.
Second, Annatar has also shared scenes with Galadriel, Celeborn (this must be after he's been rescued), Elrond, and Selina Lo's character.
Third, Annatar has also been on the battle sets in black and gold armor. This seems to indicate that the Annatar scenes are happening in the 2nd half of season 2 and that he'll likely pretend to be fighting with them against Adar similar to what he did as Halbrand in season 1.
Fourth, there's a big, dramatic scene with Annatar/Sauron, Galadriel, and Celeborn that is said to be important. Many of us, including myself, think this is when Sauron reveals who he truly is to them and likely switches back to the Halbrand form and Charlie Vickers taking back over the role to switch sides in the battle and lead into season 3. Remember Charlie is still a series regular where this Annatar form is only a recurring guest star and most shows/movies who have a shapeshifter stick with the main form they started with, which is Charlie. We also know Charlie's filmed a lot too, especially in the first half of the season. Morfydd also said she filmed more with Charlie too. This also is likely where we get either the reveal to Celeborn that Halbrand/Sauron tried to get Galadriel to join his side and everything they went through. Unless Galadriel has told Celeborn and the others it is possible she never did. Very curious how this is going to go down.
Then finally in a reply to a fan asking if this new Annatar actor had a chemistry test with Morfydd Clark FOF said as far as they know he didn't. This is very interesting to me as Morfydd did with both Charlie and Calam Lynch and again points to Sauron switching back to Halbrand during the battle as I can't see that scene playing out without it and revealing to everyone that Annatar is Sauron/Halbrand.
So I'm even more excited to see how this all plays out.
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buffyfan145 · 9 months
Hello! Could you make a post of all the saurondriel spoilers for season two? I tried looking for spoilers and could only find Sauron and Galadriel spoilers separately, but not shippy spoilers!
Sure!!! 😀 There has been a lot about each character separately but some that seem to indicate their stories are still interconnected. Curious if we'll get anything from FOF on Christmas Eve with their latest batch but this is up to date as of December 2023 including from both Morfydd and Charlie in their interviews too. Hopefully with the new year coming we'll be getting more as the s2 promotion finally starts.
Morfydd mentioned in an interview back in the spring when she got an award at the CannesSeries event that she did film more scenes with Charlie as well as the other villains (likely Adar, Ameila Kenworthy's character that's been confirmed as a villain, etc). She had been asked about season 1 and all her scenes with him and then teased that for season 2 as well as her learning her new powers due to her ring Nenya.
Which also leads us to wonder if they'll have scenes together in the dreamscapes since they are apart for most of the season. FOF was asked on their Discord server if Morfydd and Charlie filmed together but they don't know for sure. All they knew was that they didn't on the outdoor sets (which would be the outdoors of Eregion, Mordor, Numenor, etc.) But they have a lot of indoor sets and the show likely kept this much under wraps so it doesn't leak out if they share scenes together. Same thing happened for some scenes in season 1 too.
There are also flashbacks scenes filmed too. Charlie talked about this when season 1 ended and they had just started filming season 2 leading most of us to think the season premiere will have flashbacks to Sauron's past and lead up to how he took on the Halbrand form. If this is the case there likely will be scenes from season 1 shown from his POV and maybe even scenes we didn't see in season 1 which Galadriel is also in.
The elves do rescue Celeborn (Calam) at some point and he and Galadriel are reunited. Not sure yet when this happens or where Celeborn has been this whole time. Also there's rumors Amelia's character and Halbrand/Sauron had a past relationship and she might also be with Sam's version of Adar now too, so there's a chance there could be a love pentagon between these 5 characters. LOL Amelia had a chemistry test with both Charlie and Sam, and Calam had one with Morfydd. Chemistry tests are done for all sorts of relationships now but even just a decade ago it was only for romantic relationships so there's a chance it was for that. Morfydd and Charlie did for s1 and the Haladriel ship happened so could be similar here.
Sauron is away from Eregion most of the season, as he recruits the dwarves and men, but he will go back in what FOF is calling his "original form" but it will be played by another actor and is the show's version of Annatar (possibly with a new name as the show likely can't use it with rights issues) for about eps 6-8 of s2. Charlie's talked about this in interviews and says we "the audience" will know the whole time it's him and that "we're in on his plans" now too.
While in Eregion this Annatar actor did film scenes with Galadriel, Celeborn (as he was back by this point), Elrond, Celebrimbor, and other elf actors. FOF also revealed there's a big moment too between Annatar, Galadriel, and Celeborn during the Battle of Eregion which a lot are speculating it's the reveal he's Sauron and possibly switches back to Halbrand then and Celeborn realizes what happened between Haladriel (as so far from what Charlie and Morfydd and FOF has gotten Galadriel doesn't tell anyone that Halbrand is Sauron before this).
Then during the Battle of Eregion, which is in both episode 2.7 and 8/the season 2 finale, Galadriel gets taken captive by Adar and is injured. It seems like they're doing similar to what happens to her daughter in the 3rd Age and that she will be separated from Celeborn in a cliffhanger ending, and possibly taken by Halbrand/Sauron to Mordor. There's been rumors that Adar will get killed off in the finale so him injuring Galadriel might be part of it as Halbrand/Sauron might've ordered him to take her but not injure.
There's also been teasing from FOF that Halbrand/Sauron might make the One Ring in the finale too and if he takes Galadriel that she will be there to witness this happen and it sets up season 3. This would change a lot from the books so I'm not sure how some fans will take it (and of course the purists will be upset) but I like this idea and it further intertwines their characters. FOF is also teasing this might be one of their scoops on Christmas Eve so again I'll update if there's more.
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