#(which in turn kind of hurts ganondorf because he's just putting into action the kind of king he's decided to be + being Good At People
gloriousmonsters · 10 months
this has no basis in anything but i can't shake the idea of ganondorf just being an incredibly reticent teenager (going along with my now-stuck headcanon of him being very isolated as a kid) who spent a ton of time just sort of observing people and absorbing information, who then around the age of stepping up to more active/public kingship was like 'okay I've done that stage, time to sink all those skill points i accumulated into charisma, manipulation and theatrics' which he views as a perfectly normal progression but seemed kind of sudden and bizarre from the outside. what I'm saying is that the original form of Nabooru's 'i don't know you any more, you are not the man I knew' was 'dude what the fuck weren't you an introvert'
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ganymedesclock · 5 years
Very great analysis on how bleak the cycle can be. What’s your take on how the cycle works regarding other villains, like Vaati, or Majora?
So I know you asked about the cycle in-universe, led here I would guess from this post, but there’s a noteworthy followup I made in that vein here, and that’s important context to how I feel about a lot of the Zelda rogues’ gallery.
Because the thing is, if you go looking for qualities to hate, you’ll always find them.
Ghirahim invades Link’s space in a way that feels- to me- very gay panic. He talks in luscious detail about wanting to do violence onto Link’s person. He threatens to run through his subordinates.
Zant creeps on Midna at a major part. And, Zant’s very easy for me to relate to and want to defend, because the big other thing used to make Zant seem “scary and off-putting” is his literal autistic meltdowns. They may not be called that by name, but Zant thrashing, bending weirdly, the noises he makes and slamming his head on the floor when frustrated and overwhelmed, as an autistic person, I recognize intimately. I can’t even say it’s that much of a caricature of stimming and meltdowns.
Vaati kidnaps “beautiful maidens”. We’re given plenty of reasons to hate them.
My beef is, a lot of these issues feel petty- not in their in-universe damage done, but petty in a writing sense. 
Hearing that Ghirahim controls the bokoblins through threat of force is basically meaningless. We can’t really be all up in arms that Ghirahim is threatening to stab bokoblins because in that cutscene alone we tear them apart en masse ourselves. We can have the excuse that they’re our Enemies, but they’re Ghirahim’s subordinates, but really, how much of an excuse is that? Yes, there’s a difference between stabbing enemies and stabbing allies, but The Legend of Zelda is not a work that has any kind of moral high ground to point fingers about dehumanizing people. We’re not even dignified a response from the Bokoblins. You could omit Ghirahim’s threat entirely and nothing about that scene’s weight or context would change.
Zant getting uncomfortably up in Midna’s space is just supposed to be a cruelty that make us feel more justified when Zant dies in a comparatively graphic and painful-looking manner. They are not used as meaningful characterizing moments. It doesn’t illustrate that Zant wields cultural power over Midna, because in their dynamic, both make clear that Midna was the favored one- she was chosen to rule- while criticizing Zelda, she alludes to having a life of luxury herself (since she’s projecting her own issues onto Zelda in that scene) while Zant at least perceives himself as having lived a tortured life and Midna doesn’t contradict him or call him a liar, merely insists that he was power hungry and that’s why “everyone” felt justified turning away from him.
It doesn’t indicate Zant really wants Midna because it seems to just exist as an opportunity to set up Zant attacking her for siding with the light world. It doesn’t even really indicate Midna’s character growth because she doesn’t seem to seriously consider Zant’s words and she never suggests in the past she might’ve gone along with him.
The thing about The Cycle and it’s cruelty is that it’s something that exists halfway in and halfway out of the fourth wall. Hyrule can’t stay at peace. It can’t be stable and happy. It has to be imperiled because they want to keep making games.
The villains in the Zelda series are created to fill a role. They’re boss fights. In that sense, they’re trophy bucks to be hunted down for our entertainment. You could arguably say the same thing about any video game boss, but, I would argue, a well-written game gives you reasons to find opposing this character meaningful.
The Zelda series does not do this.
The Zelda series mostly gives you some cheap heat excuses and a lot of vague words about how someone is Evil or Diabolical. Next time you fire up a Zelda game, just, stop and pay attention to the cutscenes and look at just how much of a given character’s crimes are: 1. vague, 2. only ever stated by other characters who already hate that character, 3. make no sense as a strategic move unless you intuit or assume a lot of information the game never tells you.
It’s really easy to assume in the average game that Ganondorf- or Vaati, or Skull Kid, or Zant, or Ghirahim- is running wild killing people and burning the countryside. But if you actually look at it, there doesn’t seem to be a clear thesis to who’s hurt and who isn’t.
Why do the Zora get frozen? Why is Valoo’s tail attacked? Why does Zant attack Hyrule’s light spirits but doesn’t seem to spread the twilight to Snowpeak or the Gerudo Desert when they’re seemingly unprotected?
So the end result is you get split one of two ways. You either trust the Experience of the game- that tells you the entire countryside is suffering because of Vaati- and thus, you come up with explanations and cruel attitudes Vaati has that clearly explain all of his behavior- or you don’t, and then you sit there going “man Ezlo I know you’re salty over being turned into a hat and all, but isn’t it a little fucked up that you’re this willing to talk about your underage orphan apprentice like maybe it was an inevitability he’d go mad with power and there’s nothing to do but forge a sword and kill him?”
The game wants you to assume there’s no way to talk down or negotiate with any of these people. It tells you that there will be Dire Consequences if this person’s actions are not stopped.
But Vaati’s a child who wants power and doesn’t even seem to have a clear thesis of what he’s doing with it besides that he just vaguely wants to be ‘in charge’. 
But Ghirahim seems to have never thought of himself as anything but an instrument and his parting comments to Link suggest that he is only, just, starting to actually feel any real standout emotion towards him beyond annoyance, and that emotion is not rage or revulsion but curiosity. He only really acts out of loyalty to an entity that on-screen, hurts him and literally dehumanizes him- turns him into an immobile object. Something we’re told is a tragedy when it happens to Fi.
But Zant talks at great length about how miserable he was, and Midna insinuates “everyone” hated him and thought he was shifty and untrustworthy, and in his own memories, he was sobbing alone and immediately latched onto and literally worshiped Ganondorf, for... telling him he was important and offering to give him power.
Much is made of Skull Kid’s loneliness and ultimately they’re just a kid, go easy on them, they were tempted by Majora- but we have no idea what Majora itself is, besides that they’re a mask, and in the entirety of Majora’s Mask, many discussions are made about how masks are the product of spirits filled with regret, and one must work with them to bring them peace- and Majora itself speaks in a childish manner.
Chancellor Cole, you can argue, even looks more like a “real evil” in that he’s a scheming bureaucrat who uses his position as a respected adult to talk over and endanger Zelda and Link, and even he’s thrown away by Malladus when the latter needs a free body.
The most in-universe explanation, going by just what Nintendo’s official lore tells us, is that Demise’s hatred seeks a suitable vessel, and Ganondorf is just its ‘favorite’, and it’ll happily latch onto anybody else in a position to screw over the heroes. But that raises a lot of questions and leaves a lot of things unaddressed.
So it comes down to a question of, what do we decide here that we trust? How many of these guys would stay enemies if we had any capacity to talk to them and understand their problems? So many of these guys feel like they’re trapped or hurting or miserable or just had a completely unspecified “hunger for power” because that sounds threatening, but the people who desperately want to feel strong are usually people who, for some reason or another, feel denied, repressed, or looked down on.
Basically, the characterization is vague, and mostly, we’re assured they’re evil by other people in the game. To me, this comes across untrustworthy, especially when, in effect, a lot of these characters talk or act like they were (or are shown to be) wronged somehow, and when the game seems to act as if your only options are “let them do whatever they want” and “kill them where they stand” with a clear insinuation that the murder is the right and proper choice.
Which is kinda the whole problem. The average Zelda game spends however much time it dedicates to the main villain, trying to tell you to kill them. This is at odds with Link as someone who engages with and helps a lot of people. And often “however much time it dedicates to the main villain” is not that much time at all! You’re often just, like. having a fun little happy adventure with a scattered handful of interjections of “so everything is the fault of this one guy, and, uh, you should stab them.”
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theheroesguild · 5 years
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A certain exhausted young Time Guardian trudged out of the half-wrecked Divine Order castle, eyes stinging from the fact that he was dripping wet from a tsunami wave from earlier, trying to wring out his shirt of excess saltwater as he did so. Slowly he surveyed the damage, the number of heroes requiring medical attention, and the sight of a couple of Pokemon trainers sending out their water types to help fish out Kaneki (as well as Akira) out of the shriveling ‘Kraken’ remains sinking beneath the tide.
Spade couldn’t help but groan. “ What a mess.” He muttered more to himself than for anyone else in his vicinity. Considering that his magic reserves were already running as fumes earlier, he needed some form of a fast recharge as soon as possible if he wanted to sort it all out before-
“Yes... It is.”
A pair of figures had appeared just beside the grumbling apprentice, apparently just in time to overhear; for better or worse, the Seer had finally made her return to the Order with Oko in tow. Admittedly, Spade startled in fright at her abrupt reappearance and then dread sank into his bones as she leveled what was clearly a disappointed gaze at the scene unfolded before her.
Oko was the only one who had a completely different reaction to everything from everybody else, his frown also looked disappointed, but for the wrong reasons. “You guys had a water balloon fight without us?”
The Seer shifted her focus toward Spade before she finally continued, her expression holding that same air of ambiguity that was no doubt quite familiar by now. “...I should have left better, more thorough countermeasures for you to use, making sure you were more prepared.” Then the goddess bowed her head, a solemn and often heard sorrow falling into her tone. “It was foolish and unjust of me to leave the potential for such an immense catastrophe on your shoulders. I should have known it would be too much.”
Considering what his expectations were, the words left her very first apprentice stunned for a moment. “What?” he blurted out after a moment of waiting for the Seer to continue speaking and getting none else. “You think this is all just… your own fault?”
“There is a reason why my work here requires constant, personal attention.” A hint of tired bitterness entered her tone, eyes narrowed. “Even after training for eons, I still make errors, sometimes quite grievous ones. I should not have expected such a short time of apprenticeship to prepare you for this level of… Volatility.” 
“But!” And with a conviction that surprised even himself- “...You wanna know what did at least happen thanks to Kaneki? Catching the bad guy who started this whole mess! So I made a mistake and he went a bit berserk because of it, but that’s my bad, not yours!” Spade went, his tone on the verge of shouting. 
Then the young Guardian hastily pulled his arms back down at his side, realizing way too late that he was wildly gesturing with them during the heated spiel.
Fortunately, the Seer seemed unphased by the outburst and maintained her calm demeanor. "And what did this victory cost?" she simply asked, the straightforward inquiry cutting deep into the tension.
Which was more than enough to defuse and deflate Spade, since even he didn’t think there was any sense of pride to be had about his performance as acting leader. “I’ll… gather up and get a count on who’s hurt.”
“Actually,” the goddess cut in before turning her attention to her other apprentice, “Oko, I would like for you to put your training into good use and tend to the injured. Spade will be showing me what has become of Kaneki; on the way, we can discuss the details of that ‘bad guy’ he mentioned. I suspect there is quite a bit to catch me up on.”
"Okay, Ms. Seer," Oko replied, tilting his head curiously at the request before wandering off to attempt his very best at completing the task given to him. (But luckily, he wouldn’t be unsupervised while doing so.)
“Attention everyone!” called out the Seer once each member of the Order had been attended to and Kaneki both stabilized and properly secured. “I do have a bit of an announcement, so please gather around!” Under normal circumstances, just shouting that out would never have been enough to garner attention-- but without any walls or, in fact, any manner of standing structure to obstruct the sound, her voice carried quite well across the flooded ruins. Gradually the weary lot grouped around her, some more reluctantly than others.
“Due to the current… Circumstances,” she explained with a vague gesture at the castle’s remains, “There will need to be substantial repairs-- physical and magical-- before the base here is safe and habitable again. In the meantime, our residence will be temporarily shifted to our alternate headquarters in Raeth. This is not expected to be an especially long process, but due to the risk of attack while the area is… Compromised… It will be safer to take refuge elsewhere until we can deem the structure suitable and secure.”
Some grumbling and whispering could be heard; clearly this was not a usual course of action. Someone even used the term ‘unprecedented.’ Clearly this was about a bit more than just making sure the castle was architecturally sound.
“Rooms, belongings, mission boards, and all other necessities will be available over there as well, along with the usual dining arrangements, training rooms, and lounges. I doubt it will be much different, in the long run,” she quietly assured the group. Some didn’t seem so easily convinced.
“But what about the BEACH?” demanded Selia furiously. “The Raeth HQ is so… Grungy, and in the mainland, too! No water for miles and the forest is filled with, you know… Werewolves and stuff!” There was some murmur of agreement.
“Man I sure hope I can bring my lab over there,” Sylvia muttered. “They’re really weird about science over there, and magic. And especially about magic and science together. How’m I supposed to work on an anti-gravity grenade in peace with folks claiming it’s witchcraft?”
“I know the move won’t be ideal, but I assure you it is very, very temporary,” the Seer insisted. “The HQ is quite secure there, we will not have to worry about any… Unexpected visitors.” So that was what this was about… The leak. The arrival, the troublemaker who had somehow slipped through the barrier… The group quieted a bit, perhaps not everyone was happy about it, but they’d just have to make do.
“In the meantime,” she added, “Please feel free to let me know if you would like to help with the repairs here as well; while the area will not be fully secure, we can use as many sets of hands as we can get. There is a great deal to be done, and the more sets of eyes we have, the less likely anything crucial will be missed. Perhaps we can even make it better than it was before.”
“Everyone else…” The Seer’s strain was showing slightly, though she brushed it away swiftly. “Just try to keep calm, and stay at ease. The Raeth HQ has many allies of ours, and I’m certain if everyone comes together, there will be plenty of ways to pass the time. We’ll be back to our normal operations before you know it.”
With a quick snap of his fingers after his magic was back to full capacity, Spade presented to the goddess a jar as they walked through the halls of the much more Victorian-styled castle, though its contents were impossible to examine through the glass with the naked eye.
“And here it is, our culprit,” said Spade. “I know it’s not much to look at like this, but as I’m sure you already know- keeping something that’s physically like the Ether involves blocking out everything from light, sound, air… Not a single atom of anything goes in or out.”
The Seer examined the jar contemplatively, giving a nod of understanding; it was hard to believe that there was such a small version of the Ether that it could be trapped within just this small jar, but she could tell her apprentice’s words were quite sincere. “The Ether itself was a shock when I first learned of it, and now there are even more branches of this being. This... For all that I can see, this was not something I was able to anticipate, as though blocked from my vision somehow.” Two fingers rubbed at her temples in frustration. “I cannot fathom what this means. It could be multiplying, or growing to such immense size that portions break off, or perhaps they are small enough fragments to slip under our radar all this time…”
She sighed. “I suppose there is no use in overthinking it for the time being. We will have to worry about that after more pressing matters are settled.” The pair had reached a staircase leading deep underneath the castle, lit by flickering torches. The whole area felt incredibly eerie; it was just what one would expect from some creepy dungeon.
“You’re right, but I think you might be interested in a couple of other details that Erwick can confirm.” her apprentice added. “Attacks like from his flames worked perfectly fine as usual, but there was also this shiny weak spot on it. Literally. Some kind of scar maybe?”
“A… scar?”
“Yeah. White and glowing. Like… Ganondorf’s, all the way back in Twilight Princess. And then they were hamming it up about trying to prove their worth to the rest of the Ether.”
If not for how serious the entire situation was, the sight would’ve been almost comedic. Spade continued on, “Honestly with how its plan went horribly right on trying to piss off Kaneki, I could see why this thing might actually be a bit of a bumbling idiot in the Ether’s view.”
“Interesting.” The Seer made a mental note of this; perhaps there was a bit more to her initial impression than she’d thought. “That behavior is rather unusual as well, the Ether does not seem to have much ambition aside from its… Destructive nature. Hm. I suppose we will have to keep on the lookout for other, similar phenomena.”
It was about then that the cell came into view… The bars looked like exactly the sort of solid steel that one would expect in some classic old dungeon, though they were nothing compared to the unseen energy field that would block any unsanctioned passage in or out. Inside, however, it was at least clean and tidy; there was also a bed and a bathroom for now. The Seer would have to check its occupant’s mental condition before deciding if any other furniture was safe to place inside…
“It seems he’s still out cold,” she commented quietly. “With the RC suppressants administered, at least his awakening won’t shake the foundations. I imagine I will still know nonetheless.” Considering the effect his aura had on her, there was no question of what she meant there.
“With luck… Hopefully, Kaneki will recover soon.”
The Seer wasn’t sure she believed her own words.
The sea breeze was so much stronger with most of the island demolished, rushing across the debris with a ragged howl. There was nothing to hold it back now, just like any of the countless fiendish creatures that could have launched their attacks on the rubble. But aside from that wind, it was quiet, most of those who’d come to make repairs working in relative silence. The atmosphere was heavy indeed, and none seemed daring enough to try and cut through it.
The Seer meanwhile was occupied by her own thoughts, and they were no gentler than the roaring tides.
She was certain the barrier had to be compromised in some way. That thing had gotten in somehow, after all; normally the field was able to protect against even the full might of the Ether pounding on its walls. It had rebuffed countless beasts, many much stronger than the little spectral scoundrel now in their custody.
So how had it gotten inside when so many others couldn’t?
Checking the magic was bearing no fruit, nor were the wards or, in fact, any of the other enchantments of varying types that were supposed to keep this place safe.
None of it made any sense.
Her initial guess was that Spade had accidentally changed a setting or altered the composition of the energy, or… Something. But whatever had caused the breach, it seemed to be back in place now-- even if the field itself was still temporarily down. The whole thing was making the Seer’s head spin… She was a being with visions of the future, knowledge of the unknown, all the multiverse crammed into what was once a mortal skull.
So why couldn’t she understand what was happening here?
Why hadn’t she been able to predict any of this?
How had she not even known about that tiny Ether’s existence?
There were too many questions and not enough answers. So, for the time being, she set herself back to the task of repairing the castle-- rebuilding walls, fixing tapestries, and retrieving broken tech. It wasn’t perfect, but at least keeping her mind busy would prevent any further over-thinking.
Everything would be back to normal soon. It had to be.
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midzelink · 5 years
fic rec masterpost
I finally have enough fics to start compiling them in one place!  Just a few notes before we get started:
This list will be updated in the future!  I’m putting everything under a cut, so I can add, edit, and remove things to my liking.
All fics are complete, unless otherwise noted.  
Feel free to send in your own suggestions for additions!
Some of these fics didn’t have proper author-ordained summaries, so I wrote some of them up myself, or edited them to be more summary-like.
No matter how good the plot, dialogue, or prose is, no fic containing explicit sexual content (read: smut) will make it onto this list.  Sorry!  I’m not into that sort of thing.
And now: to the fics!
(Re: the “relationship” segment - I’ve taken to using AO3′s tag system here, so a forward slash ( / ) indicates or hints at a romance, while an ampersand ( & ) is meant to be more familial or platonic.  And don’t worry - if there’s a slash between two characters who are children, there won’t be anything nasty in there.  They’re just kids!) 
twilight princess
title: Chiaroscuro
author: Xekstrin
words: 1,861
tags: Post-Canon, Drama, Bittersweet
relationship: Link/Midna, Link/Zelda, Midna/Zelda
summary: Zelda and Link learn how to talk to each other. They paint a picture of someone they miss.
notes: Don’t shy away from that weird title!  A beautiful depiction of Link and Zelda’s life after the broken mirror that involves them continuing to live their lives.  And not, y’know, wallowing in angst.
title: From the Shadows
author: Ophelia_Black
words: 59,438 (**ONGOING**)
tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Ending, Marriage of Convenience
relationship: Midna/Zelda
summary: The Shadow Invasion left wounds across both Hyrule and the Twilight Realm, and neither Zelda nor Midna are eager to face the task of binding them up. Old prejudices and weaknesses are laid bare, and the idea is posed of reuniting the two realms to prosper together. Is their plan a folly born of desperation, or the most revolutionary undertaking either kingdom has seen in centuries?
notes: After putting it off for a long, long while, I finally dipped into this bad boy, and man oh man, I was not disappointed.  There is so much attention to detail and care that has gone into breathing life into a world we get such a small glimpse of in the game, and Ophelia kicks ass at writing even the simplest of actions.  Did I mention Midna and Zelda are gonna get married?
title: Fairytales
author: UnderTwilight
words:  515
tags: Humor, Fluff
relationship: Link/Midna
summary: Link believes he has the solution the imp-sized problem his companion faces.
notes: Short, sweet, and not as incredibly out-of-character as so many other fics like it.  Worth a minute of your time.
title: not irreversible
author: Elendraug
words: 3,603
tags: Post-Canon, Happy Ending
relationship: Link/Midna
summary: The Mirror’s destruction was not inevitable, but destroyed it very much was.  He’ll find his way back to her.  No matter how long it takes.
notes: The very first Midlink fic I had the pleasure of reading, and still one of my favorites.  As of this writing, the only reunion story I’ve read that didn’t feel cheap and lazy.
title: Bartending 101
author: khaki knight
words: 2,538
tags: Post-Canon, Drama
relationship: Link/Midna, Link/Ilia (Implied One-Sided)
summary:  “A bartender is only ever as content as her customers…” In the aftermath of Twilight, Telma receives an unexpected guest in need of some guidance.
notes: What can I say?  I love me some Telma.  Is it because she’s a bartender?  That’s it, isn’t it?  I blame the DnD lover in me.
title: Seeing You
author:  KaeStela
words: 840
tags: Post-Canon, Bittersweet
relationship: Link/Midna
summary:  Maybe "see you later" can happen after all.
notes: Who knew that first-person could be written well after all?  This is the kind of stuff I live for.  Thematic, succinct, mute Link, happy but not “she found her way back after like a year and they got married and had babies” happy.  Simply beautiful. 
title: The Ever Under
author: AzarDarkstar
words: 2,031
tags: Alternate Ending, Drama
relationship: Link/Midna
summary:  In a world where Link followed Midna through the Mirror of Twilight, now shattered beyond repair, happy endings are what we make of them.
notes: This one hits hard.  That’s all I’ll say.
title: No Such Counsel
author: Guardian1
words: 2,753
tags: Post-Canon, Drama
relationship: Link/Midna, Link/Zelda (Implied One-Sided)
summary:  “Wolf or dog, what does it matter?” “Dogs, Princess–dogs wait forever!”
notes: Admittedly, I don’t much like the way Zelda is characterized here (TP Zelda is obviously a lesbian, and damn, leave poor Ashei alone!), but I’m including it because it’s written fairly well and the ending is humorous and clever.
title: You
author: godtierGrammarian
words: 4,272
tags: Alternate Universe (Modern), Happy Ending
relationship: Link/Midna
summary:  When Link is eight, new neighbors move in across the street, and so begins the greatest adventure of his life.
notes: This fic was so damn good I made a FF.net account right after I read it for the first time just so I could review it.  Can you believe that?  Making a FF.net account in 2019?  I didn’t even think a modern AU could be good!
title: no matter how long it takes
author: Elendraug
words: 1,128
tags: Mid-Canon, Fluff
relationship: Colin/Ralis
summary:  Colin promises to watch over a sick Prince Ralis after he is brought to Kakariko.
notes: This is one of the first rarepairs I ended up getting swept up into around the time I first started this blog.  I am eternally grateful that even a single fic exists, and that is was written but the same person who wrote not irreversible, because that’s just damn good writing.  Anyways, Colin is a Young Gay, change my mind.
majora’s mask
title: King of the Fishing Hole
author: Ibijau
words: 4,281
tags: Alternate Universe, PTSD
relationship: Link & Ganondorf
summary: Ganondorf owns the Swamp Fishing Hole, a good way to stay near his aging mothers. It's quiet work. Until the moon starts falling, and an odd child comes visiting.
notes: Ganondorf is just A Dude in Termina - honestly, this is how the game should have been.  A real missed opportunity there.  This was such a fun and interesting read, so much so that it earns its spot as the first non-TP fic on this list!
minish cap
title: Stoneheart
author: Ophelia_Black
words: 6,675
tags: Canon Compliant, Angst with a Happy Ending
relationship: Link & Zelda
summary:  The prophetic visions and blind musings of Princess Zelda as she waits, sealed in stone, for a rescue that might never arrive.
notes: I’ve never given Minish Cap much more than a single playthrough without a spare thought, and this made me cry. You’d think a story told from the point of view of someone who has been turned to stone would be boring.  You’d think wrong.
title: Don’t Say That I Didn’t Love You
author: Ophelia_Black
words: 4,000
tags: Canon Compliant, Angst & Hurt/Comfort
relationship: Midna/Zelda, Link/Midna, Hilda/Zelda, Link/Marin
summary:  It’s hard to say goodbye. A series of 500 word drabbles, in which final farewells are said to Fi, Ezlo, Navi, Tatl, Midna, Aryll, Marin, and Princess Hilda.
notes: Like it says on the tin.  There’s not much I can say here, except, y’know, read it, because everything Ophelia puts to paper is pure gold.  Spoiler alert: the Link’s Awakening one hurts the most.
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There’s Power in Pain
CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH8 CH9 CH10
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
A farmer with a troubled past had found a fallen hero on a riverside and makes the decision to take him in. With Ganondorf gathering power by the minute, there is no time to delay in his defeat however there is a time and place for everything as well as a lesson to learn. Link will have to do the hardest thing he has ever done and that is wait until he is ready to defeat Ganondorf.
But will Link ever truly be ready to rely on help to do the impossible? To accept that even heroes need support even from the most unlikely of people?
Meanwhile, a group of thieves organize to steal the sacred sword of the Hero of Destiny for themselves.
Chapter 7: Helpless
Chapter 7 on AO3
“Horse, now.”
The demand was hushed and barely escaped her teeth. He was already strategizing what to do next when she spoke, taking charge of the situation. Usually, it was he who made the first move, who decided what had to be done. They both had their eyes trained on the monster, who stared back as the seconds passed by. Anticipation for the next move hung over the three and Annette was the first to bolt, spurring the action of the bublin to yank the reigns and surge forward on his boar.
Everything felt as if it were in slow motion. Link spun around to spot his sword hanging from the saddle of Epona, who was rearing back in panic. Ignoring the pain in his arm and chest, he lurched towards the sword, which flew from the saddle and to the rocky ground. This would be the best time to start wielding his sword with his right hand, learning from experience is always better. Snatching the sword up from the pebbles and dodging the mare’s flailing hooves, he slung the sword from its scabbard and let the scabbard fall to the ground in a clatter.
Wielding the sword clumsily in his right hand, he spun around to see the brunette halfway onto her horse and the boar closing in, almost to the bank, water trailing behind the beast in suspension. He didn’t have much time to be relieved that she had made it to the horse so that she could escape unharmed as the creature rode closer, too close for his own comfort. Picking up a rock in his injured hand, he did his best to throw the rock with any accuracy at the beast. Hitting its target, the rock caught the attention of both the boar and the bublin, which turned its attention towards Link.
Taking a deep breath to prepare himself, his eyes caught Annette’s, hoping to convey that he had this. Now on her horse, she realized in a moment that Link was not on his own stead for the first time and her eyes widened, the reigns dropping from her hands. Glancing over to the bublin, who turned its path towards him, she did exactly what he prayed she wouldn’t.
Swinging down from the horse, she stumbled to the side from the height and looked around in panic for something to help him with. He didn’t have time to yell out to her, to do anything to stop her or suade her from getting involved. The boar was charging fast and the bublin had drawn a club from its back, its red eyes gleamed down at him.
Readying his blade, he stepped to the side at the last second and the wind from the creature swept his hair and clothes around him in a flurry. Before the boar could properly turn in its slide through the loose pebbled ground, Link took his chance to lunge forward and strike at the bublin’s legs that dangled uselessly from the makeshift saddle. Hitting his mark, the monster howled in pain, black blood clung to the blade and sprayed out into the air like a putrid rain. The blood clung to his face and he recoiled, the boar rushing by so close to his left that he was certain the hairs brushed his shoulder as it flew by.
Swiping the blood from his eyes, his vision was restored just long enough to see the club in his peripheral and he was too late to react. The impact sent him to the ground flat on his back, his legs stuck in the air, the weight of his sword pulled his arm to the ground at his side. His world spun and his vision blurred. He willed himself to get to his feet, the breath he had lost was not yet returned. He managed to pull himself onto his elbows and catch sight of the red eyes of the enemy as it towered above him on its beast. Glowering down, the creature pulled it’s bow up and notched an arrow.
It was surreal, being vulnerable under the aim of one of these monsters again. He had been powerless to do anything about them for so long and for years he was strong enough to drive them out of his home, seldom seeing them again. Now, when he was supposed to be victorious, he found himself helpless again to protect himself or Annette, someone who had been innocent in this situation. He just hoped she would leave him and be safe if that arrow hit its mark. He couldn’t let a stranger be caught up because of him.
Once again, a stray arrow soared into view and pierced the bublin’s neck, sending him ragdolling off the boar and his bow with him.
Stunned, Link looked over his shoulder to see that Annette had taken his own bow and in some stroke of luck managed to make a perfect shot. Her hazel eyes were wild and full of fear and desperation, her own shock at her aim had stopped her in her tracks. Dropping the bow, she rushed over to Link, the boar weaving around them to flee from the scene blindly.
“You are so stupid! What were you thinking! We could have escaped but no! You had to go be a hero when you’re injured.” she choked out, her voice shaky and her face turned a few shades darker red. She grabbed his arm and pulled him up almost unsuccessfully until his legs decided to work again. Once on his feet, she snatched the sword from his hand roughly, looking past him to see the fallen bublin.
He wanted to argue, but no sound escaped him and he followed her closely, still dizzy from his walloping. She was panting, panicked and angry and desperate as she made her way to the monster, who gargled in its cries, its black blood bubbling up from its throat. Standing too close, the monster grabbed out at her and she swung the sword down on it in her startled state, the contact of the sword on the creature proved it was capable of doing its job. The creature’s form dissipated into black, swirling mist and dissolved into the air.
Annette dropped the sword, not prepared to see what it did, most likely expecting the blade to cut deep into its flesh as any normal sword would. She was still for a moment before she began to shake, visibly upset and the weight of the situation falling onto her. Link had seen this many times before, but never like this.
Where the bublin had been sealed away by the power of the sword, the now bent arrow lay on the ground,  the blood that would have covered it had disappeared like the rest of the monster. After an eternity of silence between the two and even in the nature around them, the woman’s small voice peeked out.
“You were almost… But I… and it-” she began, her voice faltering and cracking away into a soft whine. Her face scrunched up and she pulled her hands over her face, her resolve crumbling as a muffled sob escaped her hands.
Link was mortified on many levels, each weighing down on him and physically upsetting him. He felt as if his stomach was doing backflips. He was useless in protecting himself when he knew he wasn’t fit for it. He just hoped that Annette would leave, but she was too kind to just leave him so he directly put her in danger by not fleeing with her. He was certain that he could take it down and even if he didn’t he was still certain that he would be enough of a distraction for Annette to escape. But of course, he failed to account for the situation. Was he playing the hero? Being too reckless? Annette’s words had burned him but she was right. She had to take care of he failed to resolve and now she was a wreck and her soft sobs only pounded that into his head.
He didn’t know what to do and he was useless at comforting people, so he stood still and felt conflicted. Deciding that standing around wasn’t the answer, he resorted to doing something helpful. He crossed in front of the brunette and picked up the sword that she had dropped, the action of bending over was almost unbearable as his adrenaline began to wash away and the pain from his overexertion came rushing in. His body felt hot and his mind was foggy, but he pushed it aside. He also noticed that the white button-up shirt he borrowed was sprinkled with black bublin blood, another nail in his metaphorical regret coffin.
The fish that she had caught was well past damaged by the flaming arrow and so to make himself useful, he would try to catch another one for her. Annette peeked through her fingers, her glistening eyes ringed with red. Black was smudged around her under eyes from where her unobvious makeup had run down. Sniffling, she followed him as she wiped her puffy eyes with the back of her hand.
“What are you doing? Aren’t you hurting right now? We should leave.” She began, her voice altered by her stuffy nose and still shaking from her emotions. Link didn’t respond, afraid that his voice would give away his pain. He didn’t want to make the situation worse by giving her a reason to be concerned. He had done enough to turn her day sour and even now she was concerned for him, not the fact that she could have been shot with that flaming arrow if the bublin was a tad better at aiming.
He waded into the water, the farmer stopping at the water’s edge. Being as still as possible, in no time the ruckus that boar had made was forgotten by the life under the water. Slowly raising his sword, the tip of the blade pointed down, he brought the sword down onto a fish that was slightly larger than the one Annette had caught. The fish flopped and stilled even before he could slowly bend over to take it from the sword’s tip.
Raising the fish up with his injured arm throbbing in protest, he repeated what the brunette had before.
“Do you like grilled fish?”
Standing at the bay, Annette stared back halfheartedly, her demeanor still gloomy, yet catching a fish did get her to stop crying. Not the best form of comfort but still better than nothing. Her eyes still held moisture and were still red, but she looked to have calmed down and her shoulders slumped in exhaustion. Rubbing her arm, she looked at the water that lapped at her feet.
“Sorry for yelling earlier. You’re not dumb… completely. I was just scared and I haven’t seen anything like that in a while. I lost it a little so don’t think I’m a cry baby that you have to cheer up, but... thank you.” her words fell from her lips and the defensive nature was dimmed by her drained state.
Lowering the fish, much to the relief of his arm, he lowered his gaze too. His face heated up with embarrassment upon realizing that he had been thinking of her as somewhat weak for shedding her tears, somewhat innocent. Still, he wanted to make sure she was okay but assuming she was totally weak to the situation was unfair. It was her that saved him twice in a row, the second time being far more dangerous and daring. He wondered if he should call it stupid or brave. Nonetheless, he appreciated it more than he could say.
With no more words to be shared, the brunette waved him along and they packed up and mounted their horses after some considerable time to calm them.
The ride home was silent. There was no talking and no music. Just the sound of hooves and the tweeting of wayward birds.
It gave Link plenty of time to let his thoughts linger over what he should have been able to do and to regret not being able to do more to help out.
CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH8 CH9 CH10
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silverblighted · 8 years
LoZ; #1 headcanon questions
@azuviia​ ; o; i love u
1: Favourite NSFW position and why:
LINK REALLY LIKES to eat the pussy ;) his #1. CREME DE LA CREME. Also Link's really into pinning girls into beds! He's such a giver though it's ridiculous, Link wont even pay attention to himself because he's so busy trying to do whatever he can, however he can, to please his girl. Will literally dive in at any chance he gets, though. 2: What is the best present your character can receive? Link likes things that are handmade just for him, but he's really happy to receive just about anything. That being said, Link really likes small, sweet gifts. A smaller moment/gift is much better to him than something huge. A small note in his lunch bag if he's going out to work on the field for the day, a cookie on a plate for him to wake up to in the morning on his nightstand, a cold glass of milk ready for him when he comes back from working on something. He also likes tools a lot, something handy, something practical. He's not really a frivolous person, so food, small gestures and something he can put to use is a good gift for him. 3: Does your character have a place you take inspiration from? What is some source material that helps you define your character and why? I think of Link a lot like Robin Hood, anyway. At least how I play him. Someone who is very honorable but almost dogmatically so – they don't turn back on what they think is right or wrong no matter what, and doing so would cause him great discomfort.  Link has 'basic' character traits in the game, but I would also like to think of him as very much the 'Hero' sort of person.  Bold, reckless, excitable – chomping at the bit to get things done. HOWEVER I also like to play Link as someone who really doesn't care too much about what his past lives have done – as in, he's not them. Link is Link now and whatever he's done previously is a different person. He doesn't believe that different life circumstances could create the same person time and time again, but sadly he's a little wrong.
He has always been defiant, but dutiful of his role. Not defiant in that he wont do it, but in that he believes himself to be Link – not just the Hero, but he is always Link before he is some figment placed there by legend.
4: What’s the best way to win an argument against your character?
Cry. Or something, anything. Link hates arguing a lot, he'd rather appease the other person than argue. However, Link can be VERY stubborn about a lot of things but he prefers not to argue when it comes to those things. When met with contention in a personal relationship Link more often than not will bite his tongue and keep his head down because he would rather not stir the pot. That being said, Link also will tell someone how it is if he thinks they need to hear it. Are you being particularly impudent and rude? He'll tell you plainly. Link is very honest and VERY forthright. 5: Deadly sins: Pick 2 Deadly Sins that best exemplify your character and why. Explain. (If there is not 2, pick one of the Heavenly Virtues instead and tell me about that, but please explain why they don’t fit the Sins!)
SORRY, Link has no sins. No – really, I don't think any of the 7DS really work for him because for the most part he's a pretty pure dude. SOOO. 2 Virtues he embodies? Kindness and diligence.
Link is kind to people at every chance he gets, almost to a fault. He will put himself in danger if he thinks he can save someone, even if it's something as small as 'this person stubbed his toe, I'll help him get home!' or something as big as 'Let me kill the dragon to save your life.' But when it comes to the dragon Link's going to also figure out of it's sentient or not, he's going to figure out the reasons why the dragon is trying to hurt someone and then he's going to deal with it accordingly.
Proper justice is very important to Link and very rarely does he believe that killing someone/something is the answer to the problem.  That being said, there are some instances when his emotions run higher than his sense of justice but that is rare and the remorse Link would feel from acting in such a way might consume him, even if it is for the greater good. Link does not LIKE having to kill Ganondorf, and often times the guilt he feels after doing it is so consuming that it feels like he wont recover from it. While he does not feel 'grief' for having to do his duty, he definitely wishes there was another way.
Diligence? This dude doesn't stop going. Link is always ready to do something at any point of the day. He does not like lazing around, he does not like sitting on his hands and waiting for the rest of the world to come to him – he goes out after it. Whether it's something small scale, like working on his ranch and trying to make a hefty profit and a bountiful harvest for himself and his family, and his customers, or it's trying to save the world from literal evil, Link is going to be the first person who volunteers to do something.
He'll never wait for someone else to come up with a solution – Link will jump into action before he's even thought out a situation entirely. This is probably bad and it gets him in a lot of trouble sometimes, but he doesn't care. To act is better than to do nothing at all and he hates when he finds himself in a situation where he must hesitate. Hesitation is something he will beat himself up on for days. If there is a situation in which he believes he could have done something to make a difference and he did not take that opportunity it might literally haunt him.
1: Favourite NSFW position and why: rofl Nova likes being on top. A lot. But she's not there to dominate she's there for the great view and the easy accessibility to kisses that it offers. If not on top she really likes spooning – anything that will offer her a lot of access to her partner and lets them access her quite easily. She's pretty primal in bed so she likes to feel them all over her, to consume and also be consumed by. 2: What is the best present your character can receive?
Presents are new to Nova, but she likes shiny things! Jewelry, because she thinks it looks nice. Fancy clothing! Pretty stuff that she normally wouldn't have had in her life she thinks are amazing! A ring? For her? How nice! Basically anything that's not a necessity is a great gift for her and while she would appreciate something practical, she just completely loves the idea of having something nice, something that someone picked out just for her.
3: Does your character have a place you take inspiration from? What is some source material that helps you define your character and why?
I try to think, actually, of Link when I write Nova. Not because she's like Link at all, but because she's... I don't know. Link is a hero, but Nova is literally courage. I think they'd be more similar if Link was not the Hero  -she's more selfish than that, she's willing to do some not so savory things to protect what she holds dear and while that might sit uncomfortably with her, Nova is never without morals. There are things she absolutely wont do, but I wouldn't consider her a Hero by any means. So I think a lot about how they relate to each other and what the differences are between them.
Aesthetically I think of Nova sort of like a druid. Very into nature, she can not exactly speak to animals but she can understand them and ask them to help her easily. Her power though is coming from a place of light moreso than nature and i'm not sure why I did that, but I rather like it! I'd like to think that Courage is the application of energy, the forthright nature of it. Power is brutal and strong, Wisdom is cunning and clever, but Courage is like taking the best part of you and not backing down from something no matter how much it might overwhelm you. The thing that links Link and Nova is the fact that they don't give up fighting, and would fight to the very death if they had to, especially if it was in protection of someone or something they hold dear.
4: What’s the best way to win an argument against your character?
She despises arguing, so she avoids it, but the best way to win in an argument with Nova is to literally be as petty as possible. Mention stuff she can't possibly counter, make her feel bad, make her feel guilty and you've won. There is a limit to this, as it can get to the point where she will put her foot down and will then turn the tables on you for trying to manipulate her, but up until that point you can easily manipulate her. 5: Deadly sins: Pick 2 Deadly Sins that best exemplify your character and why. Explain. (If there is not 2, pick one of the Heavenly Virtues instead and tell me about that, but please explain why they don’t fit the Sins!)
Envy and Wrath
Envy – Nova just wants to be... Nova. She hates the fact that she's been put on some wild path of destiny and absolutely abhors that. I think that's the one thing that has linked her to Wisdom, is that they both hate the cycles with a passion and she wishes she could fix them. Her envy does not really extend so much to those around her, as she's pretty much only interacting with Gerudo, Ganondorf, Link and Ilithyia, but she is envious of people who have 'normal' lives, untouched by the goddesses.
She wishes she could have just been human once and had her life, and the same for her sisters. She wishes that they were not bound to the cycles as Ganondorf, Zelda and Link are, but she can understand  that many of reasons for what has happened to them is because of that. She understands it and nothing makes her more frustrated and sad than this fact – all she wants is to just be on her own path, but even now she believes that for some reason everything is happening for a reason and with the goddesses' hand involved. It's frustrating to her and she feels like sometimes they're all on the other side of a looking glass, looking in on how life is supposed to be, while they're part of some cosmic entity that's working around the outside of humanity.
Wrath – As kind and sweet as Nova is, which she is, she is very susceptible to her temper and making irrational decisions/actions because of this. Extending further than just fighting – She will kill if necessary, despite the fact that that feeling haunts her.
She is also quite stubborn, her temper flaring when it comes to the goddesses, and she will impudently fight against what she views as the 'injustice' of her own circumstances, but also the horrible circumstances of those around her. (Ganondorf's, her sister's make her the most angry and frustrated, even more so than her own.) All of this puts a slight edge to her happiness.
Basically she can be vicious when provoked to the point that her emotions get the better of her and she feels the need to do WHATEVER she can to defeat her adversary.
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jumpchain-drop · 4 years
Chapter 4.20: 8.47 Years
Year 9, day 172: The full set of twenty Power Gems has been assembled! I must get in contact with L’ourse immediately for another trip to the World of the Ocean King!
Year 9, day 175: So, here’s a revelation I wasn’t quite expecting.
Spirit Island is a pretty unassuming island. Small, one cave. Easily missed if we didn’t know what to look for – which we did, from a Gossip Stone on Mercay. Twig and I entered the cave alone.
Inside was this beautiful spring. It had some lovely luminescence going on, the sort of otherworldly beautiful glow that I’ve seen from the fairy fountains around the Great Sea. So it probably made sense that I could hear the same kind of voice.
“Greetings, traveler from another world.”
“Uh, hi.” Not even eight and a half years have sharpened my bluntness in social situations. Even after “learning” Tetra was a princess, I just shrugged it off. “I heard this is where Twig here needs to go to unlock his full power.”
“I see… I am the servant of the goddess of spirits that dwells in this spring. Do you have the Spirit Gems needed to grasp that which you seek?”
“I do,” I said, pulling the twenty red gems from my delivery bag and holding them up.
“You are indeed capable. I see why a servant spirit would follow you. With these twenty Power Gems, your spirit’s true strength shall be awakened. Come, Spirit of Power. With these gems, search yourself for the full depths of your power.”
Twig fluttered until he was hovering above the surface of the water, and the Power Gems floated out of my hands and circled around him, bobbing slowly. Ripples formed on the water, moving inward to a point below him.
“Hmm,” I heard the voice suddenly say. “This explains many things, and yet almost nothing...”
“What is it?” I asked.
“This spirit… It is very similar to one that was here some years ago, but oh so notably different.”
“What…?” Twig said. “Could you tell me more? Something… Something about this world has been bothering me, some inkling of familiarity I can’t quite grasp...”
“I believe I can help soothe those worries, Spirit of Power...” And so she began her tale.
“Long ago, this world was a land known as Termina. The realm of a fallen kingdom, it was destroyed when its moon was pulled to earth by a spirit of evil known as Majora’s Mask. The guardians of that land were dormant and could not save them, and so when they awakened from the impact they beat down on the Mask, driving it into the ground and stopping its destruction, but in the process burying the land beneath the sea and leaving only ocean behind, the mountains turned to islands. Saddened by how their actions led to this tragedy, they sacrificed their lives. Their blood revived many of the fallen into new life, and they repopulated the world, while their power came together to form a new being, a new guardian deity you know as the Ocean King.
Peace reigned for long after that, but it would eventually break. Majora’s Mask, still embedded in the seafloor, eroded and broke, releasing the dark malevolence it contained. It took on the form that came to be known as Bellum and started seeking life force to fully restore its power, including attacking the Ocean King. I suspect you know the story from there: a hero from another world came and defeated Bellum, restoring the Ocean King’s power and bringing peace back to this world.
Spirits span the boundaries between worlds, so I am aware you are probably seeing many parallels. Indeed, Termina, and this World of the Ocean King, are a shadow world – a distorted reflection of the land of Hyrule and the Great Sea. Many things that exist there have a counterpart of similar appearance and role within this world.”
“Are you saying that...” I said, “...that Twig is the reflection of the Spirit of Power that helped Link during his adventure here?”
“It is more accurate to say that Leaf, said Spirit of Power, is the reflection of this spirit.”
“I-I’ve heard those stories,” Twig said. “Link had three spirits help him. But if I’m the counterpart to one of them… where are the other two?”
“...Unfortunately, I must be the one to break the news to you… The Spirits of Courage and Wisdom known as Skye and Nym that initially accompanied you in your service were returned to the goddess of spirits in Hyrule’s destruction.”
I could easily guess what “returned” was a euphemism for.
“Wait, they were in Hyrule when the ocean fell on it?!” Twig shouted. “That… That’s terrible! How…?!”
“I am only a servant. While I am aware of the Great Sea, I cannot know that fine a detail.”
Somehow, I can tell Twig drooped from hearing this. “Then… why was I spared…?”
“Twig...” I started, but he kept going before I could continue.
“No… I know why… Because he used me… I remember now… I got some feeling of it when I was trapped in the Forsaken Fortress, but it’s clearer now... When Ganondorf made his escape from Hyrule to the surface, he… he put me in a lantern and used my light to guide his path… and once he got there, he just left me to drift... His piece of the Triforce overwhelmed me… That’s why I couldn’t remember until now… That and the shame...”
“Twig, don’t you start taking blame for anything Ganondorf did,” I commanded. “He was a monster with a capital M, a demon king with a capital DK. He exploited everyone around him for his own benefit. You’re a victim here. You’re not responsible for anything he did. Do you understand that?”
“You’ve helped my team fight off darkness every day since we met. You’ve been one of the most helpful people I’ve known, and the idea of you beating yourself up hurts me. Don’t go getting down on me just because the big bad exploited you; it’s not your fault. And if it’s not that… I never knew Skye or Nym, but deep down, you probably do. Even if they’re not here now, I don’t think they would have wanted you to mope around and despair when there was dark ass to kick in the world. No one wants that. The Rito need saving, Twig, and we need your help doing it.”
A few moments passed before… “...Yeah… Yeah, they wouldn’t… I’m going to miss them, now that I remember them… but I’m going to keep going. For them, for the world. We’re going to give Anita what for. Let’s do this!”
“That’s the spirit!”
Oh thank god that worked, I was just letting my mouth run for the most part.
The Power Gems glowed brightly, and a large drop of water fell from the center of the ripples and upwards into Twig. He shone brightly enough I had to cover my eyes.
“It is done,” the servant in the spring announced. “The true power of the Spirit of Power is now fully awakened.”
“Naskema,” Twig said, flying back to me as the Power Gems pooled at my feet. “I’m going to work as hard as I can to help you and your team.”
“Happy to hear it, but don’t forget: you’re part of the team too.”
I think he smiled. I couldn’t see it, but an exploration team leader learns how to tell such things.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
the legend of zelda ocarina of time n64
the legend of zelda ocarina of time n64
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time cheats & more for Nintendo64 (N64)
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Get the updated and latest The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo64 (N64). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo64 cheats we have available for The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time.
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Also Known As: Ocarina of Time: The Legend of Zelda and Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Genre: Role-Playing, First-Person Action RPG Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: November 23, 1998
How To Get Epona
Although it has already been submitted hot to get Epona, I had a hard time following the instructions provided. Here is a more explanatory set of instructions: To get Epona the horse, shown when you start the game and it says press start, you have to go to Lon Lon Ranch as young Link after Talon has gone home. Talk to Malon, who is in the field. She teaches you Epona’s Song. Now return as older Link and you learn that Ingo, the angry farmhand, has taken over the ranch. Talk to him by the horse field and pay him 10 rupees to ride a horse. Ride a regular horse. Talk to him by stopping your horse by him and using Z. Challenge him to a race, he will bet 50 rupees. You will lose because your horse stinks. Now become young Link and walk up the drawbridge chain and wait or make it night with the Sun’s Song. Get the 60 rupees and go into the courtyard of the castle and come back out and get the rupees again. Repeat until your money is maxed out. Go to the ranch as older Link and this time play Epona’s song to make her come. Race Ingo, and hit A until all your carrots are gone then stop pressing it until they come back. Epona is naturally better than all the other horses, but it takes practice to beat Ingo. Get past him by passing between him and the fence. Use your carrots. When he comes on the fence side, block him by moving to the fence. When he goes out in the field, go diagonally and block him so you get ahead of him. When you win he throws a fit and bets the horse (Epona). This time it is harder. Do what I said above, with more emphasis on the blocking part. When you beat him this time he gets mad because now Ganondorf will hate him because he had promised him Epona. He locks you in the field by locking the gate by the house and barn, and says you will not leave the ranch until you give Epona back. Do a half-lap and use carrots to hop the fence (it is easy). You now have Epona and she will come if you play Epona’s Song in Hyrule Field. She helps you get the Big Poes for an empty bottle.
When you use a bomb on a gossip stone (one-eyed rock), after a while, it will fly in the sky and eventually, the stone will blow up.
Hurting Epona
While you are riding Epona, take out your bow and shoot her on the neck and she will make a loud nay.
Looooong Dive
This doesn’t have anything to do with the progression of the game, but it’s fun anyway. As adult link go to the Gerodos cannion after the bridge has been rebuilt. Walk out to the middle of the bridge, turn away from the waterfall(faceing the waterfall makes a shorter dive) and run of the edge. Don’t roll or it won’t work, just run off the edge of the bridge and link will do a very very long dive down to the river. This won’t work with link wearing his hover boots either, that with just end up having you listening to link scream half the way down.(Thats embarrising to hear a warrior scream his lungs out, but its fun too :)heh heh heh) After the dive the water current should take link to lake hylia. (Ain’t that the longest swan dive you’ve ever seen!!)
Get To The Bottom Of The Well
As you notice, the well is dried up as adult Link but he cannot get in it. But there is a way in. Have the song of storms handy. Turn into kid link. Go to the windmill and yep, play the song of storms for the man. The windmill will go out of control and the water will dry up in the so called wet well. Than when you climb down the well as Kid link you will notice an entrance at the bottom of the well. You are now in the umm.place where you can find the hover boots!
Get 20 Rupees
As a child/adult go into the room right next to the gate to the market on the inside. The should be a Gaurd/Old guy in there. The pot to the right of the window closest to the door has a red ruppee! (worth 20!). Repeat if neccessary.
Angry Guard In Castle
Enter the Princess’s castle and go to the yard where you speak to her. On the Opposite side of the Mario pictures, there will be another window. Hit it with the slingshot and a guard will pop out by the window. He will yell at you then throw a bomb at you so run fast before it blows up.
Turning Smoke
To make smoke turn you have to go to the volcano using the “ballad of fire”. Once there press the TOP C button to look around but instead look up and start turning in circles so the smoke coming from the two big rocks will start turning.
Make Link Moonwalk
To make Link do a little number from Micheal Jackson, enter a room or place in which you cannot look around with C+Up (like the stable in Lon Lon Ranch) and equip the Iron Boots (these can be found in the Ice Cavern) and press and hold Z. Walk backwards and watch Link move! You don’t have to do it, but it’s pretty funny.
Repaired Signs
When you cut a sign with your sword, play Zelda’s Lullaby on your Ocarina. Doesn’t matter which ocarina!
Make Link Run/Walk Like An Idiot
To make Link do this, keep pressing the Z button repeatidly and he will walk stupid.
Secret Suprise
This code is kind of wierd, but I think you’ll like it. If you put ZELDA as your name you get a “SECRET SURPRISE”. It’s different for every game cartrage.
Gossip Stone’s Tricks
Dim's Fire: Use Dim's Fire and it will spin like a tornado.Special Arrows: They will be the same of Dim's Fire.Megaton Hammer: It get's it flaten.All Swords: It just bounce's up and down.LongShot: When you hit it it will shake, and boggie.Bomb: This is the best one. Hit it with a bomb and it will count down and will launch in the air, There goes appolo 14
Over 100 Gold Skultulas
You must have: Bombs, Boomerang, And the Song of Storms to do this trick. – In order to get as many gold skultullas as you want, you should go to the tree right next to where you first met Talon. Then you play the song of storms. A hole will open and you can jump down.You will see that parts of the wall are able to be bombed, so bomb the walls, and behind one of them is a gold skulltula get right up next to the teleporter so you have it as close as you can behind you. once you kill the gold skultulla, Z-target the coin, then throw your boomerang at it, as it comes back, do a back-flip into the teleporter, you will get the coin. if you go back down there, the skulltula will still be there, You can do this as many times as you want.
Hidden Pictures
Go to where Zelda is met for the first time. Then, look into the window on his left, as you enter. Pictures of Yoshi, Princess Toadstool, Mario, Bowser and Luigi can now be seen. Look from different angles to see them all. Throw something into the window with Mario to receive 20 rupees. Throwing something into the other window will result in a lit bomb being thrown back at Link.
Probably the hardest, but most useful. Do a backflip, then in mid-backflip pull out a bomb and press R to drop it. It should be far enough away so that the action icon does not say “grab”. Near the end of the bombs fuse, about 1/2 a second after it starts flashing rapidly, mash the A button. You will roll and you should “grab” the bomb but not actually grab it. If you timed it right it will blow up when you get up and you will superslide. Notes:superslides can usually clip into.
Mega Faceplant
You can use either adult or kid Link for this. First, go to Gerudo Valley. Right next to the bridge at the entrance there is a huge trench. Have Link run up and swan dive off the edge. At the bottom there is a platform with a cow on it. Push forward on the joystick to aim right for the platform. I think you can guess what happens next. Make sure you have a lot of health, because this is very harmful to Link’s anime face. This is fun to do when you have beaten the game and have nothing else to do. Get free milk from the cow that is down there by playing Epona’s song right next to it.
Hidden Tunics
When your a adult go to gorons tunics is in the the gorgons city throw a bomb on the little gorgon ask him about the dragon he will give you a fire proof tunic. When your an adult go to ice cavern get the blue fire defrost the king zora and give you a infinite breath underwater.
Another Tip About The Deku Club
Another way to get the deku club is when you are going down hill, pull out a deku stick and get close to a wall. Hold Z so you side-step and then press a so you jump to the side. Then press the deku stick button while you are in the air and the deku stick will strike the wall. You should end up holding a broken-in-half deku stick.The deku stick is more powerful than the kokiri sword, but, it has drawbacks. Whenever you make a deku club, you must have at least 2 deku sticks. When it gets broken in half, it counts it as destroying the deku stick, and you lose one. So if you have only one deku stick when you make a deku club, then it will say you have no deku sticks left and you wont be able to strike with it. Also, you cannot use your shield when you have a deku club. So basically its the same as adult link’s biggoron’s sword but with less range.
Water Temple Treasure
In the Water Temple, there is a room with atreasure chest protected by a water spout. To stopthe water spout, you can hit the switch in theroom, but, a glitchy way of getting the treasureis to keep running into the front of the treasurechest when the water spout is on and keep pressingA. You should be able to open the chest withoutneeding to hit the switch.
Torch Money
As young link go to the castle. Get past all the guards except for the two guarding the gate. Take out the slingshot and shoot the torches above the drawbridge to get a red ruby (note that this will not open the drawbridge).
Fire Arrow
When you beat WATER temple go to the platform by the tree. Aim your bow at the sun and shoot. Then go get the fire arrow.
Free Goron Tunic
After you have grown-up inside the Goron’s cave there will be a little goron rolling in place of the bigger one. The only thing is that if you get close to him he will turn around. what you have to do is make sure he is in the small cavern near the north wall. Then pull out a bomb then thow it behind him so that when he turns around he will get hit by the explosion and stop. Talk to him about the dragon then the gorons. After you finish talking he will give you the Tunic and the shop will open.
Free Milk
After you learn Epona’s song go to a cow and play the song. The cow will tell you she can produce lots of milk and give you free milk instead of paying for it from Talon.
Get Super Cocos Easy
At Lon-Lon Ranch as a kid, go to the room were Talon is sleeping. Before you talk to him, pick up all the chickens and throw them into the corner near the stairs where they cant get out. Once the room is clear of all the chickens, wake up Talon and play the game. Now the only chickens in the big area of the room are the super cocos.
Hide And Seek
To find the Chickens the girl asks for look here: Next to the pen, Bash the crate in the corner, By the guard on the mountain, by the entrance, beside the ‘spiders’ house. To get the last ones, grab a chicken and go to the ledge near the windmill. Jump off and Glide to the gate. It may take a few tries but it works. Throw the chickens over the fence and climb the ladder to the top. Grab the chicken and glide down into the pen. Don’t forget to get the chickens you threw over! Get all the chickens in the pen and the girl will give you a bottle. Do it over and over again to get a purple rupee: which is 50 rupees. Good Luck!
R2D2 Apperance
In the bombbucha bowling alley, look up using c,up youll see R2D2 has found an interesting job.
Quick Rupees
When you are saving the carpenters from the gerudos you might have notice that in one of the rooms there is a boiling pot of red liquid. If you jump into the middle of it you’ll get 20 rupees easily. But dont stay in too long or the liquid will start to hurt you. The only way to get out of the pot is to either hook shot or back flip.
Embarrissing Gerudo Fact
When your a kid get the mask of truth and got to the temple of time. When you first get to the first screen before the screen where u can enter the temple, there are 4 gossip stones. Put the mask of truth on and talk to the gossip stone all the way to the right to learn a funny but embarrissing fact about gerudos.
Kill Enemies In The Sacred Forest Meadow
The best way to kill the enemies in the Sacred Forest Meadow is to shot it with the hookshot. They will die and then you can get past them. If they see you though, they will charge at you and knock you over so be careful.
The Kokiri Sword
If you are starting the game you need a sword and a shield to get past Mido. To get the sword you need to leave your house, talk to the girl, then walk up the ramp. Turn toward your house the with Z targeting look to the right of your house. There you will see something that looks like a fence. Find a way up to the fence. Then go all the way back to the wall. There you will see a tunnel. Walk up to it. Look at your direction icon. If it says enter then press the A button. But if it doesn’t then walk a bit closer to the tunnel until it does. Then crawl through the tunnel. You will reach a turn-off. you can go 4 ways. You want to go out into the middle and watch the path to your left. Wait until a boulder goes by then follow it. The first corner you turn into will be filled with tall grass. When you get to the end of that runway then I would turn to the right and wait for another boulder to go by. Then follow it. You will come to another turn-off. This time turn to the right. Then use Z targeting to straighten out your view. You will see a big chest. Walk up to it and look at your direction icon on the top of the screen. if it says open then press the A button and open it. But if it doesn’t then walk closer to the chest. Keep walking closer until the direction icon says open. Inside of the chest you will find the Kokiri Sword. To equip it press the START button and go to the equiptment screen and move the cursor to the picture of the Kokiri Sword. Then press the A button. After you have done that you will be able to use the sword by pressing the B button.
Secret Heart Piece
To get a heart piece go to the wall that leads to the fishing hut, play the song of storms over by the tree ans then around the wall you willneed to set a bomb. A hole will appear and then go in it to find a heart piece
Secret Room In Fire Temple
After you get the longshot go back to the fire temple. In the maze with the rolling boulders a place will have a block you cannot climb. Play the scarecrow’s song and Pi’erre will sprout up. Hook onto him and you will be at the secret room!
Get The Biggest Bomb Bag!
Go to goron city as a child. On one of the floors there will be a giant rolling Goron. When you bomb him he says “Why did you stop my roll? No one can! Now watch me roll!” and than keeps rolling. But if you bomb him 10 times without leaving the platform to get more bombs or something the goron will say something like “Aaaa MAN!!! I FEEL SO GOOD! YOU CAN HAVE THIS, I DONT NEED IT!” and he will give you the biggest bomb bag.
Cookin Up A Storm
To get the song of storms become adult link. Go to where the organ-man (Guy running the windmill) lives. He will say something like “Grrr. seven years ago a troublesome kid played a song and screwed up this whole windmill!” Take out your ocarina and he will teach you the song of storms!!! If you use this song, sometimes the ground will open up a secret grotto!
Use A Sheild Without Really Using It
To do this you need the Deku Shield and a Hylian Sheild.
1.Get your Deku Sheild out and hold R.2.Pause the game while holding on R and select the Hylian Sheild and unpause the game while holding on R.
Then Link will pretend to use a sheild and the Hylian Sheild will be on his back!
Get Bombchus In Haunted Wasteland
When you enter the Haunted Wastelands, cross the sand pit and follow the first few flags. Soon enough you will show up to a sign that says all who wander the desert, see me. Equip your Hover Boots and go to the bridge where the sign points to. Float across the bridge onto the magic carpet with some guy. Speak to him and he will offer you something dangerous for 200 rupees. When you buy the item, its a bombchu.
Turn Any Item Into A Bottle
Find a place were there are bugs and take out one of your bottles. Go to catch it and when he is halfway through the swipe hit start. Pute anotheritem that you don’t won’t to the c button were the bottle is. Hit start again. He will catch the bugs and the c were the other item is will turn into a bottle. The only downfall is you cant get the item back!!!
Swimming Chickens
To make chickens swim you must go to Zora’s river while your a kid then there will be a chicken near the entrance. Hit the chicken until it gets mad and makes other chickens go after you, jump in the river and swim against it(not with itand keep on pressing B while doing it to stay in place)keep on swimming and pretty soon the chickens will start swimmingNote:Try not to get hit from the chickens
Forward Backflip
To do a forward backflip you must have the hover boots.
1. Put on your hover boots or if you don't have them get them at the shadow temple.2. While running quickly hold Z, press back on the joystick, and press the A button.
To make it more fancy you try and take out your sword while doing the forward backflip. It may not help you beat the game but it looks cool.
Beat Morpha In Under A Minute
First, go into the inner platforms to set her off. then, immediately go into a corner and longshot her. IMMEDIATELY go around behind her and keep slashing. That way, Morpha can’t escape, and you can beat her in about 30 seconds. This may take a few tries.
Get Stone Of Agony
This hint is very and easy. The Stone of Agony is an object that-when you use your rumble pack-shakes, near secrets. To get the Stone of Agony, kill exactly 20 or 21 gold skutullas,warp to Death Mountain Crater by playing the Bolero of Fire, run down to Kakariko Village and enter the house of skutullas, and talk to the next cured person. He will thank you and give you the Stone of Agony.
Extra Deku Sticks
When you get the skull mask, go to the lost woods. Then go to the Forest Stage. Put on your mask and walk to the center of the room. Deku Shrubs will pop out and surround you. Walk to the right. Eventually, a big pne will wake up and offer you more sticks.
Find Hidden Treasure Chest!
As child Link, go to Zora’s Domain. Go to where the King Zora is and light a Duke Stick. Run down the steps and light the torch at the end of the steps. Now, after you have done that light up another duke stick and run down by the shop and light that torch. The with the duke stick still lit run throught the water (don’t get in the deep water) and light the two torches then hurry behind the waterfall and light those two torches. If you have done this correctly and fast enough you will find a hidden treasure chest with a heart piece in it.
Secret Hole
Go to Links forest villige and go up to the entrance to the lost woods. Go to the gossip stone near the entrance. Play the song of storms and a hole should appear.
How To Catch A Huge Lunker
This Hint work’s better if it has the sinking lure. To get the biggest fish there is in the pond cast the lure by the 3 stick’s or the log. If you angle this fish it will take maybe more than 5 minutes. Once you get it up it looks small but when it show’s a close up picture it’s the size of the whole SCREEN. And when you weigh your fish don’t expect to be in a bigger tank or fit it in there. This is true.
Make The Gossip Stone In To A Tornado
This is a pretty cool trick, if you have Dim’s Fire go by a Gossip Stone and use Dim’s Fire next to it. It will spin, Flat down, then spin HIGH in the air. NOTE: I think you need to slash it first.
More Red Rupees
Go to Hyrule castle town, and before you go in walk up the chain, and play the sun song. When the gate goes up, walk acroos the vertical gate and recieve 3 or 4 red rupees!
Breaking A Roof
First you must have bombs and the song of storms to do this. Go in a hole where it has a one eyed rock. Then put a bomb near a one-eyed rock then wait until it turns red and then let it crash into the roof.
Stealing The Fishing Guys Hat
Go to the fishing pond in lake Hylia(You must be an adult to do this). When he askes you if you want to go fishing say yes. Take your rod an cast it at him. This may take a couple of tries. You should be in the middle of the desk and the wall when you cast. If you do this right then will hook his hat on your line and uncover his bald head. He will start yelling at you. Cast your line out into the water and reel it in. The hat will fall off and he will be bald for the rest of the game. Will this help you on your quest? No, but it is so much fun to do.
Secret Money
Go to Kakoriko Village and then go to the tree at the entrance. Take 10 steps away from the tree going east. Now after that place a bomb on the ground where you stopped and a hole will appear with a chest that has 200 ruppees.
Easy Fairies
Play Zelda’s lullaby in front of a gossip stone and a fairy will come out.
Free Money
Go to Zelda’s court and look to the right. There should be a window with the Mario characters in it. If you shoot it you will get a free 20 rupees.
How To Get To Dodongo In Dodongo’s Caverns.
Ok, Frist you need Bombs, Then you need to go to the top level (In Dodongo Caverns.) Jump on the statue head and the place a bomb in one eye then the other eye. Finally place a bomb (On) his nose, Then after the bomb(s) explode his mouth will open. Go to the next room.
Golden Scale
To get the golden scale, become an adult and then go fishing. Catch a fish that is at least 15 pounds. Keep it then talk to the guy at the counter ask him to weigh your fish then he will give it to you.
Defeating Ganondorf And Ganon
Before you go face Ganondorf, make sure you have everything, all weapons (especially the Light Arrow, which you can get at the Temple of Time when you save all the Sages), all 100 Gold Skulltulas, all Gold Skulltula gifts, all Heart Pieces, and all the Great Fariy gifts. REALLY make sure you have the Great Fariy gift of double defense (which is near Ganon’s Castle). With your for bottles, make sure you have two fariys and two bottles of blue potion. When you have destroyed the sage barriers protecting Ganondorf’s Tower, go in, dodge the flaming Keese, and go to the first door, and defeat the two Lizofoes. Go through the door after defeating them, up the stairs and through the next door. You’ll see a chest with the Boss Key in it, and to get it, you’ll need to defeat the two Stalfoes. Go through the next door, up the stairs, and through another door with two Iron Knuckles. If you want to hurt them real quick, use a Bombchu. When they’re defeated, just go through a few more doors and use the Boss Key. When you reach the last door, a cartoon will show Ganondorf playing the organ with Princess Zelda as his prisoner, and Triforce symbols coming on Zelda’s and Link’s hands, and Ganondorf taking Zelda’s Triforce of Wisdom, adding it to his Triforce of Power. Before Ganondorf starts talking, Link’s Triforce of Courage will refill his health and magic. When the game introduces Ganondorf, immeditly run to the outside, because Ganondorf will hit the floor and the blocks will fall and he’ll create a pillar for himself. You won’t be able to use Navi’s Z-Targeting for a while. When he starts to use an energy ball, draw your sword and repel it to send it back to him. After a few games of tennis (as I like to call it), the ball will hit Ganondorf, and he’ll be stinned for a few seconds. Quickly draw out your bow and transform your arrows into Light Arrows, and fire one at Ganondorf. When he is hit, Navi can use Z-targeting again and you can use your Longshot on Ganondorf to pull yourself to him, or use your Hover Boots (I’d recomend the Longshot), and attack Ganondorf with your sword. When Ganondorf is about to get up (you’ll know when you see the Light Arrow’s dust goes away), use your Longshot on the stain-glass window to get away from him. If you don’t get away, he’ll hit the pillar and some of the blocks will fall away. If Ganondorf’s about to make a portal where he’ll use a few energy balls, just use a Light Arrow since it takes him a while to use it. Do all that I’ve told you how to get at Ganondorf a few times and you’ll soon win. If you run out of life or magic, drop down the pillar, and break the jars for them. When you beat Ganondorf, all your health and magic will be filled up again, and Princess Zelda will be free. But, with his last breath, Ganondorf tries to bring down the tower. You and Zelda have three (3) minutes to get out. Zelda will unlock doors and you’ll fight monsters. After about two or three doors, Zelda will be trapped in a ring of fire, and to extinguish it, you’ll have to defeat two Stalfoes. DON’T USE YOUR MAGIC! SAVE IT! When they’re defeated, Zelda will give you hearts if you lost any, or if you didn’t, she’ll give you rupees. After a while, you’ll go over the bridge that led you to the beginning of the tower, and you’ll see a ReDead. Dodge it, and Zelda will open the last door. After the tower falls, you and Zelda hear a loud BOOM. Go over to the pile of stones, and a ring of fire will separate you from Zelda, creating an arena. Ganondorf will come out of the pile, and the Triforce of Power will change him into a monster, and he will now be Ganon. Ganon has two big swords, and when Link raises the Master Sword to block one, the Master Sword will fly out of his grasp, next to Zelda. This time Navi will be able to help you. To start the battle, cast Nayru’s Love to form a protective shield. Roll under Ganon’s legs. His tail is his weak point, so slash at it with the Biggoron Sword. If you don’t have the sword, use the Megaton Hammer. Keep doing this a few times. After a while, Ganon will fall, and the fire will go away. By then, Nayru’s Love will end. Run to Zelda and get the Master Sword. Make sure the Master Sword is your sword to use. When the Master Sword is ready, run back to Ganon. The ring of fire will come back, and you have time to slash at Ganon’s tail. Ganon will be much faster, so to get to his tail, fire Light Arrows at his face. He’ll be blind for a while, and you can then use the Master Sword on his tail. If you run out of magic, use a blue potion, or have Ganon slash a t a pillar to get faries or magic jars. Keep fighting Ganon and soon he’ll will fall. Zelda will use her magic to hold Ganon down and tell you to use your sword. The Master Sword will glow with the power to bring Ganon down, and all you have to do is use the sword on his face. Ganon will act wild and Zelda will call to the six Sages, and they’ll suck Ganon into the Evil Realm. A cartoon will show Link and Zelda in the clouds, and Zelda will tell Link to put the Master Sword back at the Temple of Time and close the Door of Time. Link will give the Ocarina to Zelda, and after he is taken away, you’ll see a cartoon of everyone celebrating at the Lon Lon Ranch, and see the five Sages you rescued. And finally, it’ll show Link as a boy again, Navi parting with him, and Link going to the castle to see the young Princess Zelda looking for Ganondorf, and thankfull Link is alive. Congratulations! You beat the game!
Easy Way To Beat Ganon
To beat Ganon without using any Light Arrows, just lock onto him with Z and then back under his legs and use the Megaton Hammer, Biggorons Sword (best one), or Master Sword and jump attack his tail. You can only defeat Ganon after you get the Master Sword back and use the method above to take care of him once and for all.
Get All The Money You Can Hold
If you’re short on money, but have all 100 Gold Skulltulas, go to Kakariko Village and go to the House of Skulltula. Talk to the father, and he’ll give you a Huge Rupee (worth 200 Rupees). Leave and go back in the house. Talk to the father, and he’ll give you another one. You can do this as many times as you want, he’ll never run out of Huge Rupees!
Drawbridge Money
During the day, in Hyrule field, walk up to the drawbridge to the castle village and walk up the chain. Wait until night and there will be red rupees, and you can even enter the village at night this way.
Easy Way To Beat Mirror Link
An easy way to beat Mirror Link is just to use your Megnaton Hammer. It will great damage to Mirror Link and he won’t able to mimic your attack.
Beat Barinade More Easily
First, stun Barinade with your boomerang. destroy all of his jellyfish except one, because if you destroy all of them, he will cultivate more and become faster. stun him again and go to his center and keep slashing, while using the boomerang on him about every 3-5 seconds, so he doesn’t become unstunned and if worked right, he makes a good way for link to get some exercise with no worries.
Deku Club
To get the Deku Club go to Koriki forest and then go to the Gossip Stone near the entrance to the Lost woods. Go to the ledge near the Gossip Stone and then turn around facing the stone. Take out a Deku Stick and hit against the stone and you will bounce back. If you did this right you will grab on to the ledge. Climb back up and you will be holding half of a Deku Stick. It is more powerfull then your sword and it will never break if you hit it on something. NOTE: If you change items and take out a Deku Stick again, you have to do this process again from the start.
Get Fourth Bottle
Kill 10 big poe’s and sell them to the guy at the market. (This only works as an adult)
Find Holes Easier
At most ring of rocks, if you bomb the middle of them or play song of storms a hole should appear (I found about 5 gold skulltulas and secrets this way). You have a 3/5 chance of the hole appearing.
Cheat In The Chest Game
In the chest game, use the lens of truth to cheat in the game.
Graveyard /Dampe
When your racing Dampe the 2nd time, near the end of the race use your new Longshot to grab the torch over the big hole. You’ll win the race and get a heart piece!
Illegal Sinking Lure Made Legal
Once you get the sinking lure, go up to the counter and talk to the guy. Chose “lets talk about somthing” and he will talk about lures and he will make the sinking lure legal.
Wooden Club
Buy a deku stick. (if you already have one thats fine.) Pull it out and jump off any cliff and break the the deku stick on the down. You should now have a stick that is even more powerful than the kokiri sword.
Items On Epona
Do the swordless link code. After that, when you have no sword, get on epona and you can use most of your items! Press the ocarina button to get off. NOTE: This does not work on the cart with the award winner thing on it.
Big Red Fairy
Go to a one eyed rock and play THE SONG OF STORMS and you should get a big fairy.
Fast Cash
If you shoot any enemy with a light arrow you will get 50 rupees.
Sinking Lure
First you must go to Lake Hylia and go to the fishing pond. Go fishing for twenty rupees and walk on the log sticking out of the water. The sinking lure should be on there but you can’t see it. If you’ve done this once the location of it will change. If it did the search the grass in the pond or by the crack in the wall. Note: this might only work with adult Link.
Swordless Link
You must have beaten the game at least once. After you gave beat it at least once go back and fight gannondorf and beat him. After you are done doing the running you must fight ganon. Right after he knocks the sword out of your hand save the game and reset it. Go back to your file that you were on and Link should be in Ganon’s castle and he will be swordless!!! Note: I think it takes the gold cartrigde but I haven’t tried it without it.
Extra Rupees
In Koriki Forest, the starting town, go by the shop and jump on the blocks that lead to it to get 5 rupees. Enter in the shop, come back out, and jump on the blocks again to collect more money. There is a door to the right before entering the market. Enter to find some vases and boxes that contain rupees. After collecting the money, exit, then re-enter the room. Search the vases and boxes again to collect the rupees again. When first entering Hyrule Castle, there is a door that resembles the background. Enter and smash all the pots to collect about fifty rupees. Leave the room and return to collect all the rupees again. After collecting all the chickens in Kakariko village for the first time, keep repeating that process to collect 50 rubies each time. Shoot the signs in Gerudo Fortress with a little moon on them with your hookshot for 20 rupees. Go to the front of the marketplace during the day. Walk up to the chains holding the drawbridge all the way to the top. Then, turn and jump off. As Link falls, 20 rupees may be collected. Walk over the other side and repeat for even more rupees.
Bombs Away
When your young Link go to zedla’s courtyard. When you walk in there are 2 windows. One on your left and the other on the right. In one it has pictures of Mario characters, the doesn’t. The dosen’t have the pictures, take your sling-shot and shot into it. If you did it right should appear says something and throws a bomb at you. This doesn’t doing anything to help you, but it’s pretty funny.
Extra Bottles!
As child Link, go to a puddle in a hole or a pool containing a fish, make sure you have at least one bottle. Get to where you are close to the fish and use your bottle to catch the fish. Quickly, pause it and switch the bottle out with something else near useless, a.k.a, deku nuts and farhores wind, ect.when you come out of it, you should have a new bottle with a fish in it!NOTE: You can’t get the object you replace the bottle with back and don’t use things adult Link can’t use!
Rocket Power!
This is nothing big, but it’s fun to do. First you go and find one of those stones with a picture of an eye that tell you the time if you hit it. Once you do that place a bomb next to them and wait a while after the bomb explodes, then the stone should blast into the air and blow up.
Hints, Tips, And Tricks
Finding SariaTo find Saria, go to the Lost Woods and move in the following directions: Right, Left, Right, Left, Center, Left, Right.Finding the Giant's KnifeGo to Goron City as young Link. On one of the floors is a wall that appears questionable. Blow it up, then keep destroying the other walls behind it. Talk to the big may to learn that he is working on a weapon. Return as older Link to receive the Giant's Knife.Finding Nayru's LoveNayru's Love is a protective barrier that helps Link withstand damage. It can be found by blowing up the crack between the two palm trees in Desert Colossus.Finding a bag that holds 40 seedsGo to the Lost Woods. After entering, turn right and continue forward to a ledge with a fence and ladder to the left. A metal circular object will be suspended from a tree at this location. Shoot it three times exactly in the center with the slingshot and to receive the bag. A "100" will flash when your shot hits the center. You must score "100" three times in a row.Finding Gold SkulltulasHunt only at night because that is the time that the Gold Skulltulas appear. Some appear while Link is a child and some appear while he is an adult. A few appear during both these times. The Skulltulas like dirt patches, where the magic beans may be planted. Use a bottle of bugs to surface the spiders. Nine of the ten spots contain a Skulltula. Some like to hide in trees, so check them with a roll attack. It is wise to check most trees because most all of them have a good prize such as bombs or rupees if not a gold Skulltula. The Skulltulas can be in slingshot range many times, but require a boomerang to retrieve the token. They also love to hide in crates, so use the roll attack to break them.Getting Gold SkulltulasCapture a bug in a bottle and drop them on some soft soil, where Link would put some Magic Beans. Then, a Gold Skulltula will appear. Kill it and get your new found token. This works on all of them except the soft soil spot right next to the man that sells the Magic Beans.Getting the Biggest QuiverEnter the archery game as an adult after getting the Gerudo Membership Card. It costs 20 rupees to play, but is worth it. Play the first time and get 1,000 points and to receive a Heart Container. Play the game a second time and get 1,500 points and to receive the Biggest Quiver, which holds up to fifty arrows. When starting the archery game, aim for the bullseye and fire to get 100 points each time. Also shoot at the target at the end. When you come around the end target, aim for the clay jars. Shoot them to collect 100 points per jar. Keep getting 100's on the targets and successfully shoot all the clay jars to get the required 1,500 points for the Biggest Quiver.Unlimited moneyGo to the Lost Woods and find the Skull Kid who is alone as adult Link. Then, lock onto and kill him, and he will give you 200 rupees. Enter a door, return, and repeat the process to collect an unlimited amount of money.Money from treesRun at a tree as young Link and press A to roll and slam into it. Then, a skulltula or some rupees will usually fall out.Breaking open boxesTo break open a regular brown wooden box, just run at it and press A. Link will roll and smash open the box. This is useful when finding all the chickens and to get a Skulltula in the Marketplace room with the pots.Easiest and ultimate ruby collectionGo to the drawbridge in front of the marketplace during the day and run up to the top of one of the chains. Wait for night to arrive (or play the Sun's Song). Carefully run across the bridge to collect three red rubies worth an easy 60 rupees. Play the Sun's Song again to lower the drawbridge. Go into the market and come back out again to repeat the trick.Rupees with Bunny MaskAfter completing the Forest Temple, return to the Temple of Time. Drop the Master Sword back into the stone to change back to Young Link. Go to the mask shop and make sure Link can borrow the Bunny Mask. Link should also have the Giant's Wallet (that holds 500 rupees) for this trick to be most effective. Thirty Gold Skulltulas should also have been collected, and Link should have talked to one of the kids in the house in Kakariko Village that has the curse on them to get the wallet. Buy as much as possible with the current amount of rupees. Go to Hyrule Field and run to the right, towards Lon Lon Ranch. Run until a man running around like an idiot comes into view. Follow him until he sits down and gets tired. Wear on the Bunny Mask and talk to him. He will ask for the mask and fill Link's wallet with rupees.Purple rupeesKill any enemy with the light arrows to receive a purple rupee.Illegal Fishing Lure (Sinking Lure)Use the following steps to get a better fishing lure that can catch more fish. As an adult, walk to the log that is sticking out in the pond. Walk around on it awhile to find a sinking lure, that can catch fish almost every time. Note: The lure may only be used once, and if used to catch a record weight fish, the counterman will not give Link a prize. The sign on the tank will also be marked with "With illegal fishing lure." Get Fire and Ice arrowsAfter completing the water temple, go to Lake Hylia. Play the Sun Song at plaque near the warp point (serenade of water) to make the sun rise. As soon as this happens, shoot the sun with an arrow and fire arrows will appear. To get ice arrows, complete the Geurdo training center.Free Lon Lon MilkApproach any cow with an empty bottle and play Epona's Song. The song will remind the cow of the pasture, and will give Link free milk.Ocarina flats and sharpsHold R and press one of the Ocarina playing buttons to make a sharp note, or Z to make a flat.Fix a broken signAfter slashing a sign and breaking it, play Zelda's Lulluby while standing in front of the pieces.Chicken attackAs in previous games in the series, if Link approaches a chicken and hurts it in some way, it will call for others to attack. The attack can be stopped by entering a door or leaving the area.Kill the Rolling GoronTo kill the giant rolling Goron in Goron City, bomb him around ten times. After the ninth bombing, he will grunt and the other Goron's will run out to kill you.Gossip Stone blast offDrop a bomb near a Gossip Stone to have it blast off into space.Stretch a Gossip StoneHit a Gossip Stone with the hammer.Before opening the Door Of TimeAfter collecting the 3 Spiritual Stones, Navi will urge Link to go to the castle. Before doing so, try to collect all the hearts and the Gold Skulltula tokens and get the master sword. Gandorf will take the Triforce and turn Link into a adult making half the heart pieces and Gold Skulltulas inaccessible.Free FairiesPlay Zelda's Lullaby in front of a Gossip Stone and they will give you a free Fairy. Play the Song of Storms in front of a Gossip Stone and it will give you a Big Fairy. Get a butterfly to land on a Deku stick and it will turn into a Fairy. Slowly walk towards the butterfly with a Deku Stick out; this requires patience. Play the Song of Storms near a soft patch of soil with a Magic Bean planted. It will grow and produce three regular Fairies.Malon's obstacle courseReturn to Lon Lon Ranch after getting Talon to go back home (by waking him up with the Cucco the girl in Kakariko Village gives Link). Complete Malon's obstacle course as an adult (talk to her while on Epona) in under fifty seconds. If successful, she'll give Link a cow. It will be at his house in Kokiri Forest. Use it to get Lon Lon Milk by playing Epona's Song in front of the cow.Easy way past the GeurdoTo knock out a Geurdo thief, simply shoot her with an arrow. To freeze her, use the hookshot or longshot.Ending bonusSuccessfully complete the game and wait at the "The End" screen. Eventually, the Scarecrow's Song will begin playing with different instruments.Frozen Zora's DomainZora's Domain will be frozen when playing as an adult. There is no way to thaw it.Getting Biggoron's SwordUse the following long trading sequence as an adult to get Biggoron's Sword. Go to the lady that gave young Link the empty bottle, when her Cuccos were rescued. She will give Link a Pocket Cucco egg. Wait for the egg to hatch, then bring it to Talon in Kakariko Village. Bring the Cucco back to the lady, to receive Cojiro, the Blue Cucco. Go to the Lost Woods, then turn right at the entrance. Give Cojiro to the man to receive an Odd Mushroom, which will spoil if too much time is wasted. Rush to the Potion shop in Kakariko Village, then go left into the room. Run into the shop to the right, then give the Mushroom to the lady at that location. She will give Link an Odd Potion. Hurry back to the Lost Woods. The man will be gone, but a Kokiri will be here. Give the Potion to her to receive the Poacher's Saw. Ride the horse to Gerudo Valley. There is a broken bridge here, so whip Epona to jump it. Give the saw to the carpenter that is outside to receive Biggoron's Broken Sword. Go to the top of Death Mountain, then walk to the right. Biggoron will appear, rubbing his eyes. He has an eye infection and will give link a Prescription. Bring the Prescription to King Zora after he has been unfrozen to receive the Eyeball frog, an ingredient for the Eyedrops. Hurry to the Lakeside Laboratory at Lake Hylia and give the Eyeball Frog to the Old Man. He will give Link the Eyedrops. Hurry back up to the Death Mountain Summit and ive the Eyedrops to Biggoron. After using them, he will give Link a Claim Check. Wait three days (play the Sun's Song six times to quickly pass the time), give him back the Claim Check to receive Biggoron's Sword. This weapon is twice as powerful as the Master Sword, and will not break like the Giant's Knife. Note: If Link is late during any of the time-sensitive parts of the trade, the game will restart back at the person you need to give the item to, and will cost you ten rupees, but will allow another try. Ocarina songs may not be used to teleport to a location during the trade.
Trading All The Masks
Fox MaskRoyal Guard at the edge of Kakariko Village on the way up to Death Mountain. Skull MaskIn the Lost Forest. Enter the forest and move to the left. Hop on the tree stump while wearing the mask and play Saria's Song. The Skull Kid will then ask Link for the mask. Spooky MaskSell it to the boy in the Graveyard in Kakariko Village. Bunny MaskSell it to the man running around in the Hyrule Field by Lon Lon Ranch. Mask of TruthWith this mask Link can talk to the "Gossip Stones" that have the eye on them. They will reveal helpful hints throughout the game.
Great Fairy Locations
Great fairy of powerThis Great fairy gives Link the "spin slash" attack. She is located at Death Mountain, outside the crater to the left of the entrance, behind a bomb-able wall.Great fairy of wisdomThis Great fairy doubles Link's magic meter. She is located inside the Death Mountain crater. Face the entrance to Goron City (inside the crater). A bridge will be to the right. Use the megaton hammer (obtained after passing the Fire Temple) to destroy the rocks blocking the entrance. Bombs will have no effect. Great fairy of courageThis Great fairy doubles adult Link's defensive powers. She is located near Ganon's castle. Obtain the Golden Gauntlets inside Ganon's castle. Use them to lift the column that is blocking the entrance, which is to the right, when facing Ganon's tower. Great fairy of magicThis Great fairy is located at the same spot as the Great fairy of courage when Link is a child. Use a bomb to open the entrance. She will give Link a new spell, "Din's Fire". Great fairy of magicThis Great fairy is located behind Zora's fountain, when Link is a child. Move all the way behind the fountain to find a piece of land. Then, destroy the wall behind it. She will give Link a new spell, "Ferore's Wind".Great fairy of magicThis great fairy is located between the two palm trees at the desert colossus. Use a bomb at the crack on the wall. She will give Link the "Nayru's Love" spell.
Skulltula Prizes
Visit the Skulltula house in Kakario village after collecting every ten Gold Skulltulas to receive the corresponding prize:Number of Skulltula Tokens - Prize for that amount10 Skulltulas - Adult's Wallet (holds 200 rupees)20 Skulltulas - Stone of Agony (find hidden holes)30 Skulltulas - Giant's Wallet (holds 500 rupees)40 Skulltulas - Bombchu50 Skulltulas - Piece of Heart100 Skulltulas - Huge rupee
Fairy Fountain Locations
After getting the Goron's Bracelet and the Bomb Bag, search Hyrule Field for suspicious looking boulders for a fairy fountain. In the same tomb where a Hylian Shield is found, destroy the wall to find a fairy fountain. On the way to Zora's Domain, move along the green shores of Zora'a River. Bomb a boulder at this location to discover a fairy fountain beneath it. When leaving the Sacred Forest meadow, a ladder will appear on a hedge. This leads to a clearing that contains a boulder. A fairy fountain is under the boulder. In the watery paradise of Zora's Domain, play the Song of Storms to open a hole in a platform. The hole leads to a fountain below. In the dry desert after playing the Song of Storms, a hole will open up in the ground that will lead to a fairy fountain.
Songs On Ocarina Of Time
Song Of Time- On your Ocarina, press c right, A, c down c right, A, c down and you played the Song Of Time. Zelda’s Lullabye- c left, c up, c right, c left, c up, c right and you played Zelda’s Lullaby. Saria’s Song- c down, c right, c left, c down, c right, c left, band you played Saria’s Song. Song Of Storms- A, c down, c up, A c down, c up and you played the Song Of Storms. Song Of Sun- c right, c down, c up, c right, c down, c up and you played the Song Of Sun. Epona’s Song- c up, c left, c right, c up, c left, c right and you played Epona’s Song.
Never Ending Arrows
Enter “Hopkin” as a new file. Then, beat the Forest Temple.
The Scarecrow’s Song
If your having trouble finding a scarecrows�s song, then here is the one I usually have: A, C right, C down, A, C right, C down, A, C down.
Infinite Money
Start a new game. Your name must be “morup” forthis code to work. Once your name is “morup” finda Gold Rupee and this code will take place.
Currently we have no unlockables for The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Infinit Sword Glitch
The infinit sword glitch is really cool. First go to a sign that cannot be broken. Then take out your sword and hold r. Now press b and a at the same time and if you did it right, you will be reading the sign and your sword should have a really cool glow. NOTE:if you press a or b while this glitch is on you’ll have to do the glitch all over again.
When your a kid and about to get the master sword you might notice that before you get in the big room, that the walls are close together and there is darkness covering the ceiling but when you get in the walls spread further a part and the darkness goes away.
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