#(which is the exact time I started BB HAHAHA)
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He fishes his jacket off the tile and deposits the earring into the pocket, leaves them both on the floor. Before he exits the bathroom, he studies his sterling reflection. He’s not who he once was. No Christ, no Jacob, no Jeremiah. And he shouldn’t be. Because he’s twenty-four karat, twinkling, not just otherworldly, unforgiving, untouchable, not just a god or a man—but a trophy at last.
actually, sometimes I really do feel bad for Harrison <3
#he's so baby here#very happy you think you're a trophy babe <3#all of BB has been genuine losses for harrison and#I think this is actually a brief but very genuine win#the funny thing is he actually looks WILD here#cowprint cowboy hat? check#fur coat? check#just smothered his entire face in silver pigment? check#mascara on his eyelids? check#but he's actually TRULY confident here haha#I'm happy he sees himself in that mess <3#from one chaotic 21-yr-old to another... get 'em!!!#also there are many greyson chance easter eggs here#(in the greyson chance special interest era again)#(which little known fact about me I was ENTRENCHED in as a 12-14 yr old lol)#and actually BB is a love letter to all of his music#putting little references here and there just because#end of feb and all of march were... astronomically difficult times for me#(which is the exact time I started BB HAHAHA)#and his music largely kept me going!#and YOU GUYS TOO!!!#anyway 'he's not who he once was' is a reference to the 'i don't want to be the man I was' lyric in “athena”#and the trophy bit i've already mentioned is a reference to the live version of “nobody”#where he goes 'i'm not the trophy you think i am'#which is actually not in the studio version#which to me is 80s pop vibes but in 2021 lol#ANYWAY the LIVE VERSION is a sad piano ballad of THAT#so anyway I love that the trophy line which is 'i'm not the trophy you think i am'#was cut from the studio version but is in the sad piano version lol#don't know how to more articulately describe harrison's psychology in BB except for... that
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purplesurveys · 4 months
Were you awake before 9am today?  Not quite. I woke up a few minutes past 9. No work today, so I got to sleep in :)
Do you have an alarm clock, or just use your phone to set an alarm?  I use my phone, but I'll be the first to admit that my alarms won't even wake me up sometimes. 90% of the time I kind of just have to count on myself to wake myself up near the time that I have to.
Do you own any shirts with wording on them?  I may have a few but generally I'm not a fan of text on my clothes.
^ If so, what does your favourite one look like?  It's not a statement shirt per se but I like my Se So Neon band shirt, because it has their tour dates at the back and I've always wanted a band shirt that has all their stops printed out hehehe.
What beverage do you prefer to drink in the mornings?  I need my coffee always otherwise I'd get super out of focus.
Tell me what some of your nearest & dearest like to eat for breakfast.  My dad likes to have either tapa or dried fish...or both, he has a huge appetite. Eggs with runny yolks also a must for him. My mom likes sardines and grilled eggplant. My sister's easy to please and would already be happy with just a cheesy omelette.
I've rarely had breakfast with Angela but if I had to take an intelligent guess, I'd think she's the type to like a Western breakfast, so she might be into bacon and eggs.
What colour was the last car you travelled in?  White.
Have you added any books to your shelves lately?  Yes, Angela and Hans got me Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 and The Midnight Library for Christmas. I haven't gotten started on either yet save for being around 20 pages in with the first book, but it's something I'm planning on getting to once I take my resignation breather.
Have you bought any new cosmetics or toiletries lately? Which?  I got BB cream and hair serum. The latter has been a fucking game changer and I can't believe it took me this long to start using one. I can almost hear my frizzy, thick hair whispering 'thank you' hahaha.
When was the last time you bought a new pair of shoes?  I got a pair of running shoes last December. I thought it would finally convince me to take up running but it hasn't done shit so far lmao. Maybe sometime this year.
^ What did they look like?  They're a pair of Adizeros with purple accents on them.
Do you own any sparkly accessories?  I love sparkly things, but no I don't have any.
Do your pets have a specific type of food that they prefer?  Not so much a food preference issue, but Cooper in particular needs to have the exact. same. dish. as the one we've fed him ever since taking him in. Can't change even one component of it or change the proportion of the ingredients, because otherwise his #2s get majorly affected.
When was the last time you ate one of your favourite foods for dinner?  I had pizza last night.
What’s your favourite variety of apple?  I don't like apples.
Does anything you own have an image of a cat on it?  No.
Are you looking forward to anything within the next few days?  Not really. The next few things I'm excited for would be leaving the company, seeing Andi, and watching Miss Saigon on stage but all three things aren't happening until April.
How have you mostly been feeling today?  Relaxed. I haven't really felt this at ease since December. January was a big mental and emotional trainwreck, so I'm really grateful to have this feeling again. I spent the whole day just watching a Kdrama with my sister and playing a game on my phone, and sometimes such lazy days are just what you need.
Does anyone you know own a pocketwatch?  I don't think so.
Do you know what you’re going to have for breakfast tomorrow?  Coffee and my leftover baked potato.
How did you meet the last person you sent a message to on social media? At a college rally. I was really just supposed to mind my own business that day but they were wearing a wrestling t-shirt and my social battery couldn't resist, lol.
When you woke up today, did you have unread messages on any social platform?  I woke up with a dead phone because apparently I let my phone play videos all night long haha, but yeah when I charged it back to life I had a few notifications.
Do you watch any costume dramas? How about medical dramas?  None from either genre.
Which of your physical features do you receive the most compliments about?  My dimple and eyelashes.
Look around the room and name 5 random items.  A lamp, a physical journal, a guitar pick, a reed diffuser, and a wireless microphone.
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meghernandez · 6 years
Q and A’s
Anonymous said: hi meg! i am one of the people who continuously read your blog and is inspired by you. I'm a freshman in a premed course and tbh my section's really competitive. I want to excel too, but no matter how much I try everything seems wrong - it's like i can't. I wonder if this is still the "adjustment period" a lot of my seniors have been telling me and I have been using as an explanation to my current situation. I just wanted to ask how do you cope? how did you adjust well in college, and even in medschool. I just find myself not being able to cope with everything and Idk anyone better to ask this than you. One more question tho, how are you coping with feeling of being incompetent and how do you study tBH LOL. but that's all more power to you and i wish you'll be able to rest at times. Thank you! love lots, an avid supporter. UwU
My reply: I completely understand what you feel as I’ve been going back to that exact spot as you are now. I know premed courses are hard, or just college in general. It doesn’t help that med-people are competitive, it’s just in our nature as we tend to prove everyone why we deserve to be in this field. Maybe it is a part of your adjustment period. You know, I recently just became a 2nd year med student and my adjustment period just ended, literally about last week, when I realized that things are not going to be same as before because this another level hard as we are used to, right? Adjustment period varies on everyone, as for me it took me at least 3 months before my grades started going up again as it used to, and it wasn’t that easy.
You see, everyone takes their own pace to keep up with everything that going on. I don’t want to say the generic line to “do your best” because I believe that we always try to live up to our potential but it just isn’t enough, right?
My advice for you, as I recently just discovered and experienced this myself is maybe it’s time for you to change your routine, COMPLETELY and sacrifice. Maybe your old studying habits doesn’t compliment your situation now. What I did was I added more effort to my habits, which I’ve been unusually lax last year. I studied more on weekends, and that made me sacrifice Saturdays that were supposed to be a day with the ones I love and no acads. So, I guess you should sacrifice more of your time and allot that into studying. I know it sounds hard, but we gotta do what we gotta do, especially in our field wherein grades are everything.
Next is, know how to comfort yourself. Sometimes, we tend to exert everything we’ve got but still end up disappointing ourselves. This is a must if you want to cope because it is inevitable, life is just like that, makes us feel pathetic despite doing our best. Bb girl, trust me when I say that you don’t want your life to revolve around acads. Learn how to go around these struggles, so when your face is flat on the floor, you’ll know how to get back up, and motivated to do better. DON’T LET FAILURES DISCOURAGE YOU, I used to get sad about failures but I realized that it should be a fuel to my motivation to do better the next time around. Just know how to help yourself, and things will fall right into place, especially at times when you feel incompetent because at the end of the day all we have is ourselves, and knowing how to embrace our failures, that I think makes us a better person, even stronger.
As for my study habits, I made a post about this but I’ll point out important ones: Try to read the topic 2 to 3 times, not just the night before the exam.
Listen during lectures, and do not get preoccupied with your notes, just listen and then take down notes that are important. Even if it’s a minor subject, or an easy topic, ALWAYS, ALWAYS LISTEN.
If you have time, study the same lecture you had on the same night. 
Read books. Or read the topics in advance so that when you come to the lecture itself, you’re already aware of some of the aspects, and then you’ll understand and learn along the way. I’m emphasizing on the word read, not study. Just read, as if it’s a leisure, not as if you’re studying for the exam. Advance readings doesn’t have to be “serious”, it’s just important so that you’re familiarized with the topic.
Jot down important points in an index card (I swear by this!)
Lastly, sleep when you’re sleepy, especially if caffeine no longer works.
I hope these helped. Just stay strong and keep everything balanced. You don’t have to be at the top of everything just know your limits and then start from there! Hope to see you in our field soon!
Anonymous said:You wore braces before right? I'm just curious, hindi ka ba nagreretainers? Talaga bang masakit siya or sa case ko lang? hehehehe
My reply: Yes, I used to wear braces before and I HATED IT. I do wear retainers now, pero tinatanggal ko siya before hahaha. Ang hirap kasi kumain! But I rarely do now. Masakit siya talaga!! Parang iniipit ‘yung teeth mo or ewan ko ba, hahaha. Pero first few days lang ‘yan, then you’ll get used to it. Until kailangan nanaman i-adjust huhu. Kailangan natin tiisin, or else masasayang ‘yung pagpapakahirap for years because of braces huhu
Anonymous said: Can you show us your make up routine? Or what products you use? Love your look, always! 😍
My reply:  I will make a post about my routine when my schedule is cleared up, haha probably after midterms, which is about 2 weeks away from now!
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falseq0d · 4 years
11.10.2020 // 2:16 AM
hi baby. baka curious ka lang about what happened to me the past few days that we didn’t talk that much because you’re still in the recovery process. so i’ll give you an update hehe
hmmm, so far wala namang bago sa mga nangyari sa akin nakaraang araw. remember when i said na gagawa ako rrl? here’s the story. my rrl got rejected. and medyo nainis ako that time kasi ang tagal ko ring nagbasa ng related literatures. pero mali rin naman kasi gawa ko. i included the methodology sa rrl eh diba it’s not supposed to be there. pero medyo okay na rin kasi at least hindi na ako mahihirapan sa methodology na part kasi nakahanap na ako ng various resources about that, and i read all about it na. i included it kasi sabi ng leader namin kasama raw. basta medyo nagka conflict pa about this kasi sabi nung research adviser namin na hindi na raw need. tapos sabi naman nung research prof namin, kailangan daw iinclude yung methods sa rrl but give an insight about the method that will be used. and then ayun bb naresolve naman kasi nagusap yung res. adviser and prof ko, friends kasi sila. 
edi after nung first revision ng rrl, kinakabahan kaming lahat sa magiging comment nung res. adviser namin bb. kasi yung first pass namin, sabi nya ulitin daw lahat kasi hindi raw maayos. magulo raw yung flow ganyan kasi walang headings and sub-headings. BUT GUESS WHAT BABY! nung pinasa na namin yung revised rrl namin sa res. adviser namin, he liked it! he even said that ang ganda raw ng gawa tapos kitang kita raw yung kagalingan namin sa writing. kaya ayun baby sobrang saya ko kagabi about that. may part kasi sakin na medyo ineexpect na hindi ulit tatanggapin ni sir? di kasi namin alam yung standard niya eh. di namin mabasa. pero mataas standards niya kasi ang goal niya nga is ma-publish yung paper. 
hmm ano pa ba. ah okay. si casper, dinala ko sa vet nung isang araw. nung november 7 to be exact bb. kasi yun yung schedule ng deworming niya. akala ko naman bb through injection ‘yun, hindi pala. pinainom lang sakanya yung gamot. tapos bb may health card na si casper! may vaccine schedule siya sa 14 (for parvovirus) and sa 21 (for ecto and endoparasite). 1.9kgs nga pala siya bb. parang mabigat na rin bb kasi after ko siya buhatin sa right arm ko nang matagal, medyo nangangalay konti arms ko after that eh. tapos binilhan ko rin siya nung dehydrogenase powder. para raw hindi ma-dehydrate si casper after nung deworming. mataas daw kasi tendency na madehydrate or manlata ang dog after deworming. tapos bb medyo naiinis ako konti kasi ang dami niya mag wiwi! is it normal bb? ganto rin ba sila wowo? hahahaha. minsan maiinis ka kasi kung kailan after mo mag-mop, kikita mo may bagong pupu and wiwi na naman. minsan nga feel ko kayang makapuno ni casper ng 500mL na bote sa dami ng iniihi niya eh. tas bb ang magandang side lang dito, araw araw namamop bahay namin HAHAHA. dati kasi twice a week lang. ngayon araw araw na talaga. dalawang technique ginagawa namin bb. yung first mop, with zonrox. yung second mop, yung pampabango ng tiles. 
tapos so far, these past few days nakapagtake na ako ng 4 or 5 quizzes? i’m not so sure pero right now while i’m typing this, i’m in the mood to study. okay naman quizzes ko pero hindi ako satisfied sa scores. gotta bounce back hehe. tas bb alam mo ba kasi may finafollow ako na med student sa tiktok. eh naka 200k subs na siya. ang regalo nya sa followers nya, gdrive link. sa gdrive link na yun compiled mga med books na gamit nya and trans (WHICH I LOVE).
kagabi naman bb, nanood ako ng 2 chick flick na movies. baka kwento ko sa panibagong blod pero di ko pa sure. pero ano, john tucker must die tsaka mamma mia pinanood ko hehehe.
tapos bb may napanood ako sa tiktok na kapag pala kunwari nag cheat day ka ngayon, dapat wala kang gawin anything about it. like kailangan i-control mo lang talaga na yung araw lang na yun yung cheat day ka. tapos kinabukasan, kumain ka the way how you normally eat. hindi ka raw dapat magperform ng extreme exercise ganun kasi water weight lang daw yun. tas bb magwoworkout na ulit ako (weh HAHAHA) kasi feeling ko nagiging buff na naman ako. ilang months na rin kasi ako nahinto sa workout diba. 
and bb! natouch ako sa mga friends ko. kasi nga diba may ginagawa ako para pandagdag sa pambayad sa hospital bills mo, sabi nila isusupport daw nila. kaya sana talaga maraming mag-donate huhu.
anddddd ayun baby diba i told you na baka magrestart ako ng body clock? well actually kanina im so close. gising ako until 6:30 am eh. kaso bb nung kumain ako bigla akong inantok amputa panira ng plano HAHAHA
tapos baby wala na nga pala dito si ate nikki sa bulacan. bumalik na siya ulit sa makati kasi she’s busy preparing for her wedding. ang hectic pala ‘pag ikakasal bb ‘no. kaya siya bumalik sa bahay nila bb kasi every week pala makikipagmeet siya with their wedding coordinator. eh sobrang hassle nun bb kasi if dito siya sa bulacan manggagaling, pupunta siya manila tapos antipolo. imagine yung gastos nun. eh last time kinwento nya sakin nagastos nya nung nagpunta sya antipolo (dun kasi nakatira awoj nya) naka 1k daw siya. balikan. eh mahirap na kasi may pandemic pa diba bb. 
tapos bb may chika pa ako sayo about kay lola. chika ko na ba dito? sige chika ko na rin para isang bagsakan. sabi ni ate nikki si lola raw nagpahirap ng 45k cash on hand sa kapitbahay namin? kasi magpapagawa raw ng garahe tas may other need pa. eh wala bb nagulat lang kaming lahat kasi cash on hand ‘yun eh. tapos sinabi yun ni ate nikki kay tita thelo, nainis daw si tita thelo. kasi gets naman nya na need tumulong ganto ganyan pero yung ganun sobrang kalaki raw na pera parang hindi tama. parang masyado raw galante si lola ganun. eh yung mga perang binibigay kay lola pinaghirapan yun ng mga anak nya na i-earn tas ganun ganun lang. kaya hindi mo raw malaman kung nagyayabang lang si lola or what eh. tapos sabi ni mommy, may time raw nun na sinabi ni lola kay ate nikki na wag na wag daw magtatangka mga anak nya na tanungin kung san nya dinadala mga pera na binibigay sakanya amp. ayun lang naman ang chika minute bb. 
and speaking of lola, naiyak ako dun sa advertisement ng disney for christmas. panoorin mo sa twitter bb, pero baka malungkot ka. wag na hahahaha tama na iyak bb. pero basta kaya ako naiyak bb kasi ang main feature nung ad na yun yung Filipino christmas. tapos may mag lola dun. kaya after nun i immediately called lola on the phone eh, told her that we’ll accompany her sa pagkain starting tomorrow. tapos alam mo ba bb nung isang araw kita ko yung sadness sa eyes niya when i told her na di ako makakasabay sakanya kumain kasi may ginagawa akong research paper. kaya minsan bb di ko alam kung maiinis ba ako kay lola or what eh. kasi nakakaawa din na mag-isa siya ganun bb. pero sabi naman ni mommy na baka si tita marnie (mom ni ate nikki) yung pumalit. pero ang mangyayari, kunwari uuwi sila tita thelo, syempre kasabay sya dun. tas magsstay sya dito until umuwi ulit sila tita thelo. tas sasama sya ulit pag aalis na sila tita thelo ganon. parang cycle. di rin naman kasi pwede na mag-stay dito ng as in continuous si tita kasi mag-aaway sila ni tito. 
hmmm i think ayan lang ang update ko sa’yo bb. sorry sobrang haba :( baka ma-information overload ka or mahirapan ka sa pagbasa. pero if feel mo na masyado na mahaba, balikan mo na lang para di ka mahirapan i-digest yung info. 
pagaling ka baby! ginagawa ko lahat para makatulong ako sayo kahit papano pero sorry kasi natatagalan :( 
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sequoiann · 7 years
❧ y.jh | assassin!au
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pairing; seventeen jeonghan x reader
genre; bulletpointed, assassin!jeonghan, fluff, mentions of blood
collab with; @kpop–fics
notes; @lunarjihoon here’s the assassin au for jeonghan !! i got noticed by you omg ///honored honored honored i luv you lots too bb !!!
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the trickster of the team 
like, he could fool around with everybody  
and some people get annoyed sometimes like jEoNghAn be serious for once
the pros of jeonghan being a lying ass
he! is! experienced! as hell !!!
like he can tell who is lying lol
and can see through everyone’s telltales
like some members could be lying about,,, anything 
he WILL detect lies 
there was once
his team had accepted a new member who was really good at barehanded fighting
and they almost sent that new member for a major mission thingy bc he really wanted to do it ?? for some odd reason ??
but jeonghan just whacked that guy’s ass out of the team bc he found out that he was a spy from another rival’s team
and jeonghan instantly became recognized as an ace member of the team
ok so
one time
both you & jeonghan were dispatched to the same mission
and you are aware that you were going to have to go against him
since his bunch of men weren’t the most… secretive ones 
their security on their mission plans aren’t very well protected, you would say
that was the reason your boss sent you out tbh
your boss knew that you would be able to get the job done
so basically
you just,,,
snitched the documents while jeonghan was sneaking around and looking for the exact same ones you got HAHAHA
and he was about to freaking shoot you bc oh my god how dare you ???? go against ??? the almighty ????? yoon jeonghan ???? mE ????
but you were fast
like really fast
like really really really fast
that was your specialty
fast and swift and stealthy!!
you disappeared really quick with the documents and jeonghan later got blamed for not succeeding in the mission 
so jeonghan’s preeetty damn pissed @ you lmao
and ever since that plot-twisting, history-changing, tables-turning event
jeonghan became vvv determined to accomplish more missions to make up for the mistake 
it wasn’t really his fault but he was just
sO fiLLED wiTH vEnGeAnCE
so his boss was glad ofc
like ha i mean
jeonghan voluntarily completing tasks?
definitely not something that was common : )
and so, jeonghan was put on the mission to steal a blueprint that another company possessed 
by coincidence, you had to too
your company really needed those blueprints so off you go !!
it was not an easy start tho
you were still working with snipers from the damn stone age 
you were pretty sure the thing was about to fall apart 
you got so frustrated bc thispieceofshitwasmakingsomuchclankingnoises
you were pretty sure you looked ,,,,, kinda ,,,,,,, suspicious ,,,,,
so you dumped that shit aside 
you still had mini hand gun hidden on you so all’s safe yo
you entered the building disguised as a janitor 
you tied & locked the real janitor up in the storeroom aha
the collection of uniforms you have as an assassin was no joke tbh
but hey
who knew janitors could get in everywhere without being questioned
everyone just side glances you 
and at the corner of your eyes 
you saw another janitor 
and a million question marks just erupted from your confused head bc ????? i just locked you up ????? wha ???
you were afraid to get recognized so you quickly hid 
and apparently the other one hid too 
why would she
you stare at her for a while and you ,,, realize ,,,
ok no that’s not happening
you’re y/n
the strong, independent woman
but you were still confused
but when that male janitor raised his head to look at you
and you literally flew to the office 
cause you realized you had competition
it was the same guy as before oh lorD why you do dis to me
jeonghan ran too, although he didn’t recognize you yet
and he ran obnoxiously loud.
like wtf jeonghan are you an assassin or a freaking rubbish truck
you were so scared you were gonna get caught before you got there
but you managed to get to the white, bulletproof glass office first and you slammed the damn door in his face and locked it
jeonghan knew it wouldn’t be of use to shoot the glass so he didn’t, and just disappeared elsewhere
you didn’t know where and didn’t have time to care
your janitor cap was over your head and covering your face well so good job, janitor costume!
a guard was in the room obviously ,,, and he was much bigger in size than you were
but no one would leave the blueprint alone
it’s safeguarded 24/7
so he punched you square in the face,,, even though you had tried to defend yourself 
you thought your nose caved in oh my god
you quickly retrieved yourself and pulled out your gun, shooting him twice in both his knees
he fell and groaned and screamed and blood was just everywhere
i mean, it was a common sight to you. 
he pulled out his walkie-talkie and mumbled a few unclear words of “the office, i need backup!” 
but you snatched the walkie-talkie out of his hands and stomped on it
and it lost connection
you quickly found the blueprints which were in a locked safe
and the guard had the key dangling from his pocket so 
you just,,,, took it 
and your face was throbbing from the punch tht you received and you were aware that you were bleeding
and just at this moment, jeonghan jumps in through the window
you clutch the file of blueprints and try to leave through where you came from
but jeonghan just pulls you back from your collar and when you jerked back,, yoUR CAP FELL
you come face to face with jeonghan before you could comprehend what just happened
and you two just stared at each other for a few seconds 
jeonghan literally grabs your arm and twISTS it professionally and you yelped & dropped the fuckin file bc IT HURTS BRO
he picks it up with his free hand while is other hand was still holding your hand in its half-twisted position
and you kick him in his stomach but he wasn’t really affected by it
but you manage to untwist your arm and twist HIS arm 
and you were pretty strong so you two just
like really.
and you won. 
you pulled a whole bookshelf down onto him and escaped
jeonghan was delayed so !!! 
but he alive don’t worry
but the next few weeks 
no matter which mission you had accepted or been tasked to do
from taking out the major of a city to stealing a jar of nutella 
he would be there 
competing to be faster 
like honey i’m not letting those two incidents juSt enD thErE
yes this man holds grudges
in the span of one month 
you had gotten used to his company 
everywhere you were, 
he’d be there. 
and then attempting to fuckin’ murder you.
ok not really but ya’know.
this day, he wasn’t there 
and that made you subconsciously sad
you mentally chided yourself like
get yourself tgt, y/n. he’s your rival what are u doing 
but he really wasn’t there
he didn’t appear for the next 6 missions or so
and you got worried.
like genuinely worried. 
and you oddly started failing more missions that you did before like you couldn’t focus omgfdskjhl
you did better even with jeonghan competing with you wtf
you got scolded a lot by your team but that didn’t really matter to you.
so this once
you were on a usual mission in the middle of the night
you would usually be able to handle that number but your limbs suddenly weren’t coordinating to fight back
and suddenly
this ,,, black hooded figure ,,,, just joined into the mess and the guards were all down a minute later.
you were sitting slouched on the floor, panting, bleeding. 
that hooded figure turned to you and pulled down his mask and pushed back his hood
he was panting too, and when you saw him, you just,,,,
broke out in a smile.
he smiled too asdfghjkl
“did you miss me?” 
you rolled your eyes like pfft miss you? what nonsense
but deeeeeep down inside
like really deep down
you did
he knelt down in front of you and kind of just ,,, stared at you ,,, even though you were aware that you looked like a hot mess
“i thought you said you were good at fighting,” he chuckled, although internally he was upset to see you in such a state
you laughed. “i am.” 
he shakes his head and helps you up and you start questioning him
“where were you for the past 9 missions?” 
he smirked like 
“ hey you counted ”
but he doesn’t answer your question
mostly because he can’t 
bc he was assigned to kill you 
he just 
couldn’t bring himself to it 
that lead to him avoiding you
he wanted to keep up this little rivalry 
and honestly 
so did you 
but jeonghan got kicked out of his team bc of his “incompetence” 
basically, bc he kept letting you win
he would’ve been killed honestly 
but his brotherhood with his team was stronger than you’d think
so they trusted him to keep their society a secret and had let him off
and he ended up joining yours
so yes, everyone else can imagine what happened
you two became partners :”) 
and it was the best thing ever
you both just looked after each other and everything felt safer 
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365 Days of Good Shit
I’ve been super busy with moving back to my parents house and dealing with my semester withdrawal, leave of absence, school fees/refunds, etc etc and I haven’t been able to keep up with my 365 Days of Good Shit thing so I’m going to attempt to catch up now. My memory is a bit spotty so I’m going through my text messages and Tumblr/FB text posts, here goes:
Feb. 27
spotted Bellamy Young during my Criminal Minds binge, was overwhelmed by my own gay
Feb. 28
Rewatched The Portland Trip (from The West Wing)
Mar. 1
was FINALLY able to turn in my paperwork to withdraw from the semester
Mar. 2
Petition to withdraw from the semester was approved
Canceled my dorm housing contract and was only charged a $100 processing fee and NOT the processing fee + rent for the 30 days AFTER my move out date
Watched Get Out with my bb Ariel, WE FUCKING LOVED IT
Mar. 3
Early birthday present: tickets to see a live recording of a West Wing Weekly episode in May
Mar. 4
Signed up to transcribe The US Poet Laureate for The West Wing Weekly
Mar. 5
Published a West Wing vignette fic focusing on Ryan Pierce (which apparently was the first ever fic on AO3 tagged “Ryan Pierce” hahahaha)
Watched the first episode of Feud, ‘twas good even if I I did roll my eyes every time Susan Sarandon opened her mouth
Rewatched Shibboleth from The West Wing
Mar. 6
Watched The Last Man on Earth, they killed off Drumpf’s entire administration and I cackled
Hung out with Arieeeeeeeel
Mar. 7
got some writing done
watched Golden Girls
Mar. 8
Published another chapter of Shiva in the White House, ‘twas super gay.
Went to A Day Without Women rally outside the San Jose City Hall.
Had some fucking good tacos for dinner.
My leave of absence was approved
This wasn’t necessarily a good think but it was kind of hilarious that on my last night living on campus there was a fire drill. Took the opportunity to go to Starbucks to get something warm to drink.
Mar. 9
Moved back to my parents’ house... kind of mixed feelings about this but overall this is definitely a good thing right now
My Mom told me that we’re possibly descended from a 15th/16th century friar... I know... we have no idea how the fuck that happened if it’s true. Also turns out I have a many many many times great Uncle who had an Italian father and Spanish mother, was named Guido, and was eventually governor general of the Philippines. Some wild wild shit. 
Mar. 10
Rewatched Galileo, was super gay for CJ and was also overwhelmed by Josh
Had frickin delicious ice cream in a waffle cone... and by waffle cone I mean an actual waffle rolled into a cone
Started binging Santa Clarita Diet with my sister
Mar. 11
Family. History. Drama. Found out that one of my great-great grandmothers had a twin sister and at birth they were given THE EXACT SAME NAME, she eventually changed her name as an adult. I was so pleased to find this out from my mom because I use the name she chose for herself as my pen name and if I ever do change my name so that I can go by a gender neutral nickname I’m going with her name/my pen name.
Rewatched Noel, one of my all-time favorite West Wing episodes, and survived
Mar. 12
rewatched The Leadership Breakfast episode of The West Wing
Mar. 13
FAMILY HISTORY MADNESS my Mom informed me that she discovered that my paternal grandfather was married to someone other than my grandmother, at this point we don’t know if this was a first wife that passed away (or divorced which is highly unlikely) before he married my grandmother OR he was a bigamist (which is possible when considering other shit my grandfather did, including cheating on my grandmother and having four kids with “the other woman”). This counts as good shit because I basically LIVE for family history drama.
Mar. 14
Introduced my nephew to Empire Strikes Back
1 year anniversary of my Facebook friendship with my boo Robin
Rewatched The Drop In from TWW
Mar. 15
My university finally contacted me about how much of my housing payment they were going to refund
The West Wing Weekly retweeted one of my tweeeeeets (I’m guessing Hrishi retweeted it because he liked it before it was retweeted)
Social media was full off Ides of March nonsense and that made me so damn happy
Mar. 16
Had a blast during the Drive in Mob tweet-a-long, I was extra gay and someone told me I was delightful which I appreciated because I was a fucking delight during that tweet-a-long hahaha
found some fun fanfic notes while while organizing and deleting stuff on my phone (also found some angsty as fuck stuff)
Mar. 17
Went to my nephew’s taekwondo class so I got to watch him being mindblowingly adorable looking like a smol earthbender as he outshouted everyone in his class hahahaha
The skirts I ordered for my bridesmaid outfit finally arrived
St. Patrick’s Day tradition of rewatching Waking Ned Devine continued
Mar. 18
Signed up for some really cool EdX classes
Mar. 19
Vince Rodriguez III liked one of my tweeeeeeets
FINALLY finished rewatching and taking notes for the film Indochine which I’m writing a paper on (for a class I was given an extension on). I’m so fucking in love with Catherine Deneuve and it was fun writing snarky notes.
Mar. 20
Reintroduced my nephew to Fantasia 2000 (we hadn’t watched it together since he was like 3 maybe?). He was NOT a fan of Pines of Rome, surrealism is not his thing, he couldn’t keep his eyes off the screen during Rhapsody in Blue, and he really enjoyed the Carnival of the Animals, Pomp and Circumstance, and Firebird segments
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