#(which was what the wildlife center said when we called about a bird who ran into our window and just sat there for hours)
emieclat · 1 year
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i don’t think i’ve ever picked up a bird before
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At last, my Big Bang fic!
When Roman and his friends go hiking, they expect to see some birds, some lizards, maybe a deer if they were lucky- not a hidden cave with a sleeping person inside, unable to be woken up by anyone. His friends decide to let the sleeping person stay put, but there’s some feeling Roman just can’t shake off. Red chapter one below, and the full fic on AO3, accompanied by amazing art by @littlebigmouse
taglist: @theimprobabledreamersworld @edupunkn00b @ts-storytime
AO3 link
art post
The tranquility of the forest was quickly interrupted by the banter of several people standing by a parked car, their faces illuminated by the pink-tinted full moon low on the horizon.
“Come at me, Mothman! I have a very juicy ass you would LOVE!”
“Remus, you IDIOT. Mothman lives in West Virginia!”
“Well what about the skunk ape, Virgil? Don't you want to see the Skunk Ape? SKUNK APE! SKUNK APE!” He chanted, his voice echoing in the parking lot.
“Remus, would you shut up?!” Roman shoved his brother. “We are actually going to try and find wildlife like deer and stuff, and that’s not going to happen if you keep shouting for cryptids to fuck you.”
The rest of the group sighed collectively at the antics of the twins, though Roman didn’t pay much attention to his friends’ groaning.
“Anyways,” Roman said louder than necessary. “Logan, you have the compass, right?”
“Of course. I also brought several yards of paracord, just in case. And also cereal bars, batteries, and water.”
“Thank you for being the responsible one,” Roman laughed. “Virgil, it’s your job to make sure that the entire state of Florida doesn’t find out that my brother is a monster fucker.”
Virgil groaned. “You know that’s going to be impossible.”
“Just punch him when you think he’s about to say something stupid.”
“Oh, like this?” Virgil smacked Remus in the arm.
“Ow!” Remus groaned.
“Well, I thought you were about to say something stupid.”
“Can we please just get on with our hiking-adventure-whatever you’re calling it?” Janus spoke up.
“Please.” Logan agreed.
“O-KAY! Into the woods!” Roman sang.
The five hikers walked down the small dirt path, the mud from last night’s storm splashing their ankles. The colors of the sunset were barely visible through the branches of the trees, which cast long shadows onto the ground and Roman still quietly humming all parts of the song by himself.
As Roman’s song ended, trailing off into the instrumental bits, Remus had finally shut up about various cryptids, and the only sounds were the squelching of mud sticking to their shoes and the occasional snap of a stick or crunch of a fallen leaf underfoot.
The May nights were cool and humid, so most days like this, Roman wore cheaper jeans and a hoodie that he was willing to throw away if it got too dirty or torn.
About half an hour into their adventure-hike, Logan silently passed around flashlights to everyone, which Roman gladly accepted. It had gotten dark quickly, to the point where Roman had been barely able to see his feet.
Suddenly, Virgil, who was in front, stopped.
“Deer,” he whispered, aiming his flashlight into the trees.
Roman followed the flashlight beam onto a huge buck, its pelt speckled with mud and antlers extending far beyond its ears.
“The inside spread is over twelve inches,” Logan whispered.
“That’s big, right?” Janus asked.
“Yes, it is. The largest recorded spread in the state of Florida was nineteen and a half inches.”
Roman knew that Remus was about to open his mouth and say something stupid, and apparently, so did Virgil, because Remus groaned again after he was hit in the shoulder, the rest of the group snickering.
The deer eventually ran away, and the group continued on until the dirt path ended.
“Hey, look at this!” Virgil waved the group over to where he was standing, shining his flashlight into a large opening in the side of a rockface.
Roman jogged over and looked into the cave- as far as the flashlight illuminated, he could see moss and other plants clinging to wet stone.
“I haven’t seen this before- I think I’d remember,” Janus commented.
“It must have been uncovered by erosion from the storm last night,” Logan added in.
“Let’s go in!” Roman and Remus said at the same time, grinning at each other. They might not agree on much, but when it came to deciding whether or not to explore a creepy-looking cave, the answer was always going to be yes.
“Don’t you think we should- never mind,” Virgil sighed as the twins started swinging their flashlights across the wet ground of the cave.
“Look at this!” Remus whisper-shouted to Roman, pointing out some kind of slime growing on a rock.
“That is disgusting, put it down or I’m not letting you in the car,” Roman said as Remus began to poke the slime.
Remus stuck his tongue out at his brother but reluctantly stopped poking the unfamiliar growth. Roman turned around to see that the rest of the group had followed them in.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Virgil asked worriedly. “I mean, this cave wasn’t here before, and we might be the first living things to step in here in maybe hundreds of years.”
“And this is how people find monster boyf- OW!” Virgil once again took it upon himself to hit Remus in the arm to stop him from talking about various cryptids in a non-child-friendly manner.
“Caves such as this one are particularly interesting because you never know what you might find- oh, look!” Logan pointed to another small opening at the back of the cave.
“I’m going to crawl through!” Roman declared after the group had spent a minute or so deciding what to do.
Roman got on his hands and knees and started to wedge himself through the opening, quite aware that he would likely have to put his clothes through more than one wash cycle to get the stains out. He bit down on the flashlight, illuminating what was in front of him, but only barely.
When there was finally room for Roman to stand, he turned and called through the opening, “I’m fine! You can come through, it’s safe!”
The second part of the cave was much wider than the first part, and Roman was able to stand without hunching over.
Swinging his flashlight across the ground, Roman suddenly gasped.
There was a man laying on the ground, hands folded across his chest, dressed in- were those robes?
“Guys…? You might want to see this…” Roman called out again, his voice shaking.
“Ro? Are you okay- HOLY SHIT!” Janus crawled through, his eyes wide with disbelief and perhaps a little fear.
Remus and Virgil came through next, Remus uncharacteristically silent, his mouth open in an ‘o.’
Logan was the last to crawl through, and he, like everyone else, stood silent, looking at the figure laying in the center of the cave, arms crossed over their chest and wings spread out- Roman rubbed his eyes. This couldn’t be real- he couldn’t have found some guy in a cave that hadn’t been touched in years!
Maybe they had gotten drunk or something and put on a very realistic-looking cosplay and then ran through the woods? Remus had done odder things, so it couldn’t be completely ruled out.
Janus slowly walked up to the figure, stepping over the silken blue robes and putting his hand on their neck, careful not to knock off the wire framed glasses.
“There’s a pulse, but it’s really faint.” Janus announced to the group. “They’re definitely not dead.” The hikers stepped closer to the sleeping person, forming a circle around them but careful to not touch the giant gray bird wings sprouting from their back. Roman noticed a strand of curly brown hair had fallen into their eyes, and resisted the urge to reach out and tuck the strand of hair behind their ear.
After a moment of silence, Roman spoke up. “Should we… try to wake them up? I mean, what else should we do?”
Roman was careful not to touch the sleeping person. Roman wouldn’t admit it, but he was afraid there would be some kind of horror movie scene- where as soon as he got close enough, they would sit up and try to murder him. Or something like that.
Logan crouched and tapped his phone, and the default alarm sound echoed through the cave. The person didn’t stir.
Virgil stepped up next, unscrewing the cap of his water bottle and pouring the contents onto their face. “Seriously? Nothing?” Virgil muttered.
“Let me try,” Janus said, grabbing the person’s shoulder and shaking them.
“Alright,” Remus said, stepping forward and rolling up his sleeve. He looked up at Roman, grinning, before bringing his arm down to the person’s face and slapping them on the cheek. Roman cringed at the echo it created, but there was still no reaction from them.
“How the fuck did that not work?” Remus stared at the still-sleeping person.
“Heavy sleeper?” Roman suggested.
“Are we about to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved?”
“Underlying medical condition?”
“Alright, it’s your turn, Prince Charming. Go do a true love’s kiss on the guy. You never know,” Remus laughed.
“No way! I’m not touching that guy with my finger, let alone my mouth!” Roman protested as Remus tried to drag him over.
Another beat of silence passed before Virgil spoke up. “I think we should leave. This dude’s probably not okay, and I don’t want to have to call the police or paramedics. I don’t want to get involved in anything, whether this guy is just stoned or in a coma or whatever.”
“Yeah.” Roman said after a minute of consideration. “You’re right. I don’t want to get involved. We should just- I dunno, leave the guy here? Maybe check later to see if they’re okay? I mean, they’re not dead.”
Everyone nodded in agreement, and soon crawled back out the way they came. Roman exited last, and couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder at the sleeping figure. A small part of him wanted to stay behind, try and wake them up.
But Roman ignored that feeling and left the cave with the rest of his group.
Once the group srood back on the path, all a little shaken or confused from what they had just seen, Roman said, “let’s all just go back home. If we want to, we’ll come back next week or whenever to make sure the guy’s either okay or gone, but for now just leave it alone.”
Roman said the last part for himself, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that he was missing something. He shook his head and followed Logan and Janus, who had already started walking back to the parking lot through the wet grass and still-sticky mud. Even in the dim light, Roman could tell the two of them were holding hands. Roman opened his mouth to tease the two of them but thought better of it. They had all just seen something pretty weird in that cave (Roman was still trying to decide what he really saw), and Logan and Janus hadn’t announced that they were together, probably for the exact reason that Roman would tease them.
Oh well, there would be plenty of moments for teasing later. For now, Roman just focused on dragging his feet along the muddy path back to the car, though he kept glancing over his shoulder. He told himself that it was to keep an eye on Remus and Virgil and make sure they were still behind him, but the nagging feeling that he had forgotten something still lingered.
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22. Keigo Takami
          Theme: Warlock, soulmate 
          Kinks: Mutual intoxication, dry humping, cowgirl
You clutch your spellbook tight like how mothers hold onto their babies. It’s worn and weathered, and its black leather tells more of a story than how to cure warts with a bit of bacon grease. It’s probably as old as your line, and it traveled all the way down that family tree to you, a mere leaf. The pack on your shoulders was ladened down with food stock, a knife, quill feathers, bottles of ink, charms, clothes, and an extra pair of socks. You found yourself at the center of a family dispute. Marriage had been on the table. Two men that you wouldn’t be caught dead with at the harvest festival, let alone meet him at the altar. It wasn’t that they were ugly; you weren’t that shallow. It was their personalities that made you gag. One was a raging hot-head with the ego to match his fire-powered magic. The other was just as bad except add an inferiority complex and creepy blue eyes. Naturally, picking neither displeased your family so much that they were forced to fight and debate, which would be the better match.
Your opinion was a moot point.
An idea struck you in the middle of the night. You woke from a dream where you walked through a forest, and it was raining red feathers. This was the omen you waited for. Well, any excuse would have nice, but you couldn’t imagine the serendipitous coincidence of such a dream a few days before your parents would decide your fate…for you. By dawn, you already began to set your plan in motion. At midnight the following night, you secreted some things away in a large pack, snuck out, and hurried into the woods where they didn’t dare to follow you.
Within a couple of days, you couldn’t smell the smoke of chimneys or hear the cows and goats. Instead, you smelled damp earth and ripening wild apple trees and listened to the calls of various birds. Magpies, cuckoos, sparrows, and crows, you heard them all but no red feathers. You never saw a cardinal, which you hoped to mean that you were on the right path just as you interpreted your dream. Once or twice you took shelter beneath a conifer or the ruins of an ancient building to escape the rain, which it often did. You foraged where you could and slept on a pillow of moss. You were tired, but this was the sweetest price of freedom.
The forest wasn’t particularly cursed or haunted. There weren’t any wolves, and nobody had seen a bear roam through here in decades. You knew enough about the wildlife to leave enough alone. All you had to do was march through the woods and reach the next village on the other side before winter set in. Your family was too good for trekking through the woods and far too proud to ask someone on the other side of the woods for help. Soon, you’d be out of their hair.
You were trampling through the woods one afternoon. The earth and fallen leaves were sodden with a recent shower. You barely had enough time the night before to create a shelter for you with a spell you found in your family’s tome. It was rightfully yours by birth, and your mother had no interest or skill in magic at any rate. Your grandmother certainly approved when she helped you sneak it out of the house. Wherever you went in the world, you would find work. Witches and warlocks had been in high demand for some of their conjurations, and with your skills and knowledge as a healer, you could find a job easily enough. If not in the next village, then in the next one. Or maybe you would go far into one of those cities you heard so much about from passing travelers.
Your leather shoes were soaked through having trekked through the mud and rain puddles. It dampened your socks all the way to the marrow of your bones underneath. You could feel your toes begin to tingle. You looked around, hoping to find more ruins or a cave, for a place to build a fire. You looked at the trees, and your heart sank a little. All the branches around you looked too wet to be used as firewood. There were a handful of matches left in your pack, but you needed to save those for emergencies, not just because your toes were getting cold. You had to find shelter soon. The clouds had been gray all morning, and the rain was coming again. You sighed for the umpteenth time while looking at the sky.
A laughing brook ran out ahead of you. The width was big enough for you to jump across no problem. You thought that if there was a brook, it could turn into a stream. A stream meant a waterway, and where there was a waterway, there was bound to be people. People lived in houses. You followed the brook through its natural course. Just as you thought, the brook grew bigger and bigger in size. It turned into a stream, then a creek and finally a small river. It cut through a clearing in the forest. Your eyes traveled with it to a lovely two-story cottage. Attached to that cottage was a watermill that turned the water into frothing foam. A garden grew wild though somehow not choked by weeds. You stopped in your tracks.
No. That couldn’t be. Your eyes must be deceiving you.
In the garden grew all sorts of flowers and herbs, most of which were out of season. You saw lush leaves, blooms, and green foliage even from where you stood when you knew that they should have turned brown with the season. That was the first of your many mysterious and curious sights. You drew closer to the place and discovered that the cottage was no cottage. Wood turned into cobbled stones, and the humble appearance took on a new shape. It wasn’t the size of a castle, but it imitated its shape. There was a keep, a tower, and a courtyard that grew a variety of trees. The bricks were made of stones you never laid eyes on before. They seemed to glitter despite the dull sunlight. That was one thing that this mysterious place couldn’t change the weather.
You realized that the smoke billowing out of the chimney wasn’t gray but shimmering purple. Plumes of it belched into the sky before disappearing. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. You had to skulk about the courtyard to find the main entrance. It was a heavy ebony wood door with a green-blue Green Man’s face for an ornate knocker. You clutched the ring in your hand and banged on the door twice and stood on the stoop for probably ten minutes before the door swung open.
You didn’t know what or who you were expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this. Instead of a wizened old man with a flowing white beard or a velvet-clad seductress, it was a young man, not much older than you. He had golden eyes marked at two corners with black arrows. Blonde hair was swept back from his face and yet remained uncontrolled. The man rubbed the sleep from his eyes. You felt bad for waking him up from his nap (because how could he still be asleep at noon?).
“Excuse me, sir, I was wondering if you mind terribly granting me shelter. I’ve been traveling for days, and my boots are soaked all the way through. It’s going to rain soon, and I was hoping to mind somewhere safe to rest and stay clear out of it,” you said.
The man in the doorway stared and stared and stared. After a while, he had to blink or go blind.
“What did you say your name was?” His voice made you tremble.
Not out of fear, though. There was something in his voice that sent a playful tingle down your spine. You furrowed your brows.
“I-I didn’t give you my name,” you said, curious.
“Why don’t you come on in and warm yourself by the fire? We can exchange introductions over some tea?” The man in the doorway pulled the door open wide enough for you to enter.
If you thought his house was big on the outside, it was much bigger on the inside. Or it would have been if the space wasn’t taken up by trinkets, tools, and books. Towers of books reached the vaulted ceilings. You picked up the front of your skirts to give your legs room to keep up with him. He was a little shorter than you, but he walked a lot faster. His parlor was, so far, the cleanest space in his home you’d seen. At least, by comparison, the parlor was spacious, and you could comfortably sit down in the large armchair by the fire. You set your bag down and plopped right into the chair. Your feet would be singing your praises if they had mouths and sentience. You warmed your feet by the fire while your host left to make tea.
He returned after a long while with a serving tray. Jasmine filled the parlor as he poured two cups. Taking the seat across from you, he sipped from his cup.
“I’m Keigo Takami,” he said.
Politely, you returned, “Y/N L/N.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/N, if I have permission to call you that?”
“You do.” You grinned into your teacup.
“What brings you all the way out here in the middle of the woods? Get lost on the way to the next town?” Keigo asked.
“Not exactly.” You swallowed some tea and continued. “Escaping an unwanted arranged marriage.”
Keigo didn’t seem surprised. His golden eyes softened, and he nodded. It was as if he understood your situation.
“My old man wanted me to be a foot soldier. I told him ‘no.’ He didn’t take it too kindly. Locked me up in a tower until I ‘came to see the error in my ways.’ And look where I am now!” Keigo gestured around the room.
While cluttered beyond imagination, the parlor held expensive treasures and gadgets. Clocks, sundials, colorful glass vases, feathers…Feathers?
Your eyes snapped to a red streak dashing in front of the stained glass window in the hall. It was followed by another, third, and a fourth. A red feather floated on the air as if pulled by an invisible string into the parlor. A few more followed. The feathers went to work dusting, wiping, and putting books on the shelves. Some of them pulled off your boots, strung your socks up on the mantle to dry, and pulled on a fresh pair that were soft as sheepskin. Your eyes followed the red feathers wherever they traveled. Keigo wore a small smile while watching you marvel at the feathers. However, you were following them with your eyes for a reason different than the one he was thinking about.
“I just thought I’d tidy up a little. It’s been a while since I’ve had company. They’re a pet project of mine. It took me a while to get the enchantment just right,” said Keigo.
One of the feathers fell into your lap. You picked it up like it was a delicate spider-web.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
Keigo showed you the rest of his house: the kitchen, dining room, second parlor, library, observatory, and the guest bedrooms. You sat down to dinner with him to discuss some sort of arrangement. You felt terrible taking up his space and mucking up his lovely floors.
“What if I worked for you? That way, I can get some training, you’ll have an extra hand around, and we won’t have to be lonely come winter. I know I’m just a village girl who ran away from home, but I know things. And I’m a fast learner,” you explained over a pot of stew.
“I work with a lot of hoity-toity rich folk for commissions. That won’t be a problem, will it?”  
You shook your head. “No, sir. Not at all.”
“Don’t call me ‘sir.’ Makes me feel old,” said Keigo. “It does get frustrating having nobody to talk to all the way out here. You seem real eager to learn, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t take up an apprentice.”
You clinked your glasses of wine together to solidify your spoken contract. You stared at the red feathers again as they swooped in to take care of the dinner table. Keigo caught you standing frozen as your eyes flickered this way and that to follow them.
“I apologize if this sounds rude but, did you have a lot of magic where you came from?” Asked Keigo.
“Well, yes, but—” You bit your lower lip. “You’re going to think it’s silly.”
Keigo smiled and turned his head towards the doorway. “Come with me. I want to show you something.”
You tore your eyes away from the marvelous red feathers and followed him out into the hallway. Without turning back to speak to you, Keigo said, “And bring your spellbook with you.”
           You ran back to the parlor and found your spellbook on an end table where you found it. Keigo came, found you, and led you to the observatory. The glass dome showed the brightest stars. The moon was in her full glory.
           “I’ve noticed how you’ve been staring at my feathers. Is there any particular reason why? Trying to discover how to do it yourself?”
           “No, nothing like that!” You said as you shook your head again. “Before…before I left home, I had this weird dream. You see, I remember in that dream I was walking through a forest and all of a sudden it started raining red feathers. I didn’t know what it meant, not that I do now. I think that I was led here by something.”
           “Let me see your book,” said Keigo.
           You were more than hesitant to hand it over. You didn’t like your family, never had, but this was still your family’s spellbook. It was an heirloom. Your hands shook a bit when you held it out for Keigo to take. Someone of his magical caliber would know the weight of a family’s spellbook and would respect its secrets, wouldn’t he? Your heart started beating louder as if Keigo was rifling through your personal belongings.
           Keigo pried open the cover and pulled out a gray and brown feather, and closed the book. He set it gently on a table and kept the feather. Your brows furrowed; you never saw that before.
           “You see, Y/N, I had a strange dream too. A few weeks ago, I dreamt that I was also walking through the woods. I saw a young woman in a green cloak just like yours hand me a book. Inside was a feather just like this.”
           You were acutely aware that you still held onto one of Keigo’s red feathers. A shiver ran down your spine as Keigo slowly closed the gap separating you. His golden eyes looked straight into yours. An alchemical experiment was taking place in his eyes. You could see all sorts of emotions congealing and mixing in there. You were too dizzy to distinguish one from another. Keigo took your hand that held his red feather in the one where he carried the gray feather. He clasped your fingers between his. You felt his blood race in the center of his palm.
           “Do you believe in soulmates, Y/N? Because I don’t know how else to explain this.”
           “I…don’t know,” you answered honestly.
           “Can I kiss you?”
           Keigo pressed his mouth against yours, hands still clasped together. His free hand found your waist, and his thumb began to draw infinite circles on top of your bodice. You kissed before (not that your parents would ever know), so this shouldn’t have been anything new. But the way Keigo moved his lips against yours and how his tongue slowly teased you, it felt like being kissed for the very first time. Your hand moved to caress the back of his neck, which brought your bodies a lot closer.
           Suddenly, you were falling. You landed on a pile of pillows that weren’t there before. Keigo landed on top of you, shedding his outer coat. He went back to kissing you without missing a beat. Your fingers deftly unlaced the front of your bodice and let Keigo peel it away. You weren’t a virgin anymore, but that didn’t stop the goosebumps from arising in your skin when he touched you, kissed your skin, or teased you with his adept tongue. Calloused hands moved under your skirt to remove your bloomers and a couple layers of petticoats. Keigo nestled between your thighs, gently humping you. Your face darkened while he continued and played with your clit. Your back arched like a bow as you came for the first time that evening.
           Keigo leaned above you, smiling like a triumphant demon of seduction. The illusion sold a lot better if he wasn’t panting slightly or dripping with sweat. A wooden box carried by a team of feathers wandered into the room. They set the box in Keigo’s hands. He opened the lid and turned to you.
           “Want to try an experiment with me?” He asked.
           “What kind of an experiment?”
You were just coming down from your high when Keigo took out the contents of the box and set it aside. In his hand, he held two large, dark orange flowers.
“This is Epifagus Aboreum. You pull the flower from the stem and suck on end. I’ve heard that it produces a very ‘relaxed’ state of being. Do you want to try it with me?”
You nodded.
You and Keigo carefully removed the flower from their stems. You watched Keigo suckle the end of the flower, which looked like a horn to blow into. You did the same. There seemed to be no effect at first. Not for long, however. In ten minutes, you and Keigo were back at peeling each other’s clothes off. Skin never felt so alive under your hands. You could feel his heart racing. Mouths pressed together again. Licking and nipping at each other while you rolled around on the pillows. Keigo’s hands palmed your breasts while you rubbed his shoulder with one hand and stroked his cock with the other. Your head felt heavy and light at the same time. The stars shining through the glass dome appeared brighter and more clear. Candles flickered with a multitude of colors, shifting, changing, morphing.
“Oh, Keigo,�� you moaned as the man suckled on your neck, making sure to leave a love bite.
“Do you feel good?”
“Mhmm, yes.” You hummed.
           “Wanna continue?”
           Keigo shifted you onto your side and lifted one leg over his shoulder. The blunt head of his cock brushed against the wet seam of your cunt. He slipped twice, unable to get it in the right way. The third time proved the charm as he slid inside your walls without much more effort. Your cunt fluttered around him. From this angle, you could see everything he did to you.
           His first thrusts were sloppy as if he couldn’t figure out what angle to pound you with. Keigo quickly got the hang of it and rutted against you, fast and hard. You weren’t aware of how loud you were. His body moving on top of and inside you created new sensations you couldn’t understand while under the influence of the flower-drug. Stars burst in front of your eyes with each stroke of his cock. There was no beginning or end. It was just the two of you. You clawed at the pillows as you tried to find purchase. Your mind was going blank.
           “You feel so good, baby bird. Fuck, where have you been all my life?”
           “O-Over the brook and through the woods. At grandma’s house.”
           This made him chuckle, though it didn’t stop his rough treatment of you. Keigo’s grip was bruising, but you don’t feel any pain. There was no cause of complaint when he was burying himself deep inside of you. You couldn’t tell if it was just him or if the flower-drug made him thicker. His veiny ridges created the right amount of friction against your inner walls.
           You were both panting like dogs in heat. You moved your hips against him, and his calloused fingers tweaked your clit.
           “Me too, baby. I’m gonna cum...so hard.”
           Keigo was an honest man. After what seemed like hours of him railing you, Keigo groaned loudly. He shoved his cock all the way in until the blunt head brushed along your cervix. You didn’t have time to climax first before he was releasing all he heads straight into your womb. Warmth spread throughout your body. The drug, Keigo’s cock, and the cum painting your insides white were all enough to have your eyes roll into the back of your skull. You came shortly after.
           The room was spinning so much after coming so hard that you couldn’t move a muscle. Apparently, Keigo wasn’t better. He was still inside your body when he rolled over and laid you on top of his chest. His cock remained buried deep, all the way in, when conscious hit you both.
           When you awoke, you still lay on top of Keigo. You looked down to find you had been inside. Even though he was still asleep and limp within the confines of your pussy, that ddin’t stop the naughty grin across your face. You were awake and fully alert. No drugs in your system could prevent you from feeling Keigo unhindered. You moved your hips up and down, impaling yourself on his cock. You braced your hands on his hips to help steady yourself.
           Keigo stirred when he felt himself grow hard and feel the moist walls of your cunt, sucking him in. He rubbed his eyes, then laid back to enjoy the view. Your breasts bounced seductively in front of him as you rode him just as hard as he rode you the night before. Keigo couldn’t resist palming each breast in his hands and play with your nipples. Your hair swayed with each of your movements like a warrior-queen riding her powerful stead.
           He heard footsteps climbing up the stairs, but he was too lazy and felt too good to make you stop. Whoever it was, they were about to get an eyeful of your ass, and easily you took his cock. Keigo wore nothing but a smirk. Your eyes were heavy-lidded while you concentrated on riding him. You couldn’t hear a thing other than the wet clap of flesh against flesh.
           A tall, feminine figure approached. Her white bunny ears grazed the top doorway before she stopped dead. Your back was turned to her, so you did not see her. Keigo looked past your form and gave her a curious look. You were too busy to notice him. His friend quickly disappeared rather than wait in the doorway for him to finish with you. Keigo snapped his hips upwards to meet your every downward thrust. He teased your clit to ensure a speedy climax. Keigo filled you up again and let you scream to the high heavens. You held his hands as you came around him one more time. Keigo pulled out gently and pulled a couple blankets literally out of thin air to cover you with. While he dressed, once more, you drifted to sleep. Keigo gave one last look at you from the doorway and smiled to himself. He quickly turned into the hallway to find his friend. The sooner he figured out what she wanted, the sooner Keigo could return and spend all of his time with you and learning everything there was to know about you.
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pjnuzlockes · 4 years
EHED: Chapter 1
Remember when I said I was gonna update on Wednesdays? Me neither
They’d cover more ground if they split up. After asking pokemon along Route 1, Brinley reported that the Rockets had been last seen along Route 22, and Gary decided to push on ahead. 
Anything to distract him from the pain.
Route 1 was a very long path, a meadowy area that separated Pallet Town and Viridian City. It was dotted with tall trees that the Pidgey line nested in. Along the dirt path worn down by years of travel were holes dug out by Rattata. A few insects buzzed along and Pidgey swooped down to catch them. 
No clouds blocked the sun. Light breeze. Perfect weather for Finley to sunbathe. 
Oscar, on the other hand, was already sweating. About an hour into the walk, he needed a moment to rest. “Oh, Arceus, why does it have to be so hot?” he complained, sliding down the tree he leaned against.
“Oh, come on!” Finley said. He laughed. “It’s not that bad! Just get yourself an enormous plant on your back and you’ll feel great!”
Finley pulled a vineful of grass and tossed it in Oscar’s general direction. It drifted uselessly in the opposite direction. “Hey, we should look for a teammate. Quit your griping and go catch something.”
“Can’t. Don’t have any pokeballs.”
As though summoned, several pokeballs materialized just above Oscar and bounced off his head. Mew appeared a second later, snickering.
Oscar tried to catch the balls as they rolled away.
Finley stopped one and laughed again. “So, were you just waiting for an opportunity to do that?”
“Yep,” Mew said. “Got these from Viridian. Figured you guys might want to expand your team a little. Also, here’s some potions.” She tossed them to Oscar, who actually managed to catch this time. “Don’t worry about how I got these.”
Finley and Oscar exchanged glances.
“I wasn’t worried until you said that,” Oscar said. “Did you do this to Gary too?”
Mew furrowed her brow. Then she gasped. “Oh, crap, I forgot! Go catch some pokemon, I should probably help Gary out.” And with that, she was gone.
“... ‘Kay.”
Getting bonked on the head by a pokegod that then vanished to go harass his best friend should have bothered Oscar more. Something about it should have, at some point, stopped him and told him “Hey, this whole situation is kind of messed up.” But, whatever Bullshit Alarm Oscar had ever been equipped with had long since been stamped out. Instead, he shoved all the items but one pokeball, did a series of dramatic poses holding it with Finley, and collected himself. 
“Okay,” Finley said. He cleared his throat. “Since you have the active researcher license, you can really catch whatever you want, but you’ll still only get one shot for each line. How do we wanna do this? Planning has never really been our strong suit.” And on top of that, they’d only really be able to catch one pokemon per area because of wildlife conservation laws. There were some exceptions, but Finley doubted they’d ever encounter them.
Like they’d ever run into a shiny with their luck.
“Well, since that is the case. I was thinking, I’ll really only aim for a Pikachu in Viridian Forest, other than that, I’ll just see what happens.”
“Okay, so we’re going to face the Rockets with whoever we happen to run into along the way. Great.”
Oscar shrugged. “You did say we suck at planning.”
“I did.”
“Not as bad as you suck at throwing grass. You’re literally a grass type!” Oscar grabbed some grass and tossed it at Finley. Just like before, it floated away on the wind.
“Oh god, you’re worse than I am.”
Oscar snorted. Some movement above them caught his attention.
A couple Pidgeys. They landed in the grass and pecked at the ground. One stopped, cocked his head at Oscar, then returned to pecking.
“Psst, Finley, go talk to them,” Oscar whispered. There was no telling if they were able to speak Kantonian- though that was relatively common on routes closer to towns. Best to have someone else do the talking, just in case.
Finley crept forward. “Uh, excuse me? Do either of you wanna join our team?” He asked, in perfect Kantonian and completely misunderstanding Oscar’s intentions.
One Pidgey flew away, but the one that had looked at Oscar stayed. He studied Finley for a moment. He looked tired. “What’s the team for?”
“Well, it’s, it’s pretty dangerous. We’re, uh. Going to take on the League and fight the Rockets.” That probably didn’t sound particularly inviting.
“Just the two of you?” The Pidgey gestured back to Oscar, who was watching while rubbing one arm.
“Uh. Hopefully not,” Finley admitted. “We haven’t really thought that hard about it.”
The Pidgey just stared back. He looked even more tired than before.
“We don’t really know what we’re going to do. But that’s why we’re asking. Better to ask then just lob a pokeball at you, right?”
The Pidgey took a deep breath. “I see.” He flew over to Oscar and landed on his shoulder. “Name’s Charlie. I’m joining the team. Someone’s gotta make sure y’all don’t get yourselves killed.”
Oscar tapped the pokeball on his forehead. Charlie didn’t resist.
“Welcome to the team, Charlie!” Oscar smiled. He sent the little bird back out. No use keeping him cooped up in the ball all day. Plus, it was more fun with a crowd. It made it feel less like Brinley and Gary were off somewhere far away.
The rest of the walk to Viridian went by quicker. Keeping up with Finley and Charlie’s well being in battle distracted Oscar enough from the heat that he almost celebrated when what had to have been the twentieth Rattata launched itself at them.
At least the team was getting good experience. Bit by bit.
Viridian City was a small haven before the twisting, winding roads of Viridian Forest. Named for the shade of the flora, the area was absolutely bursting with greenery. Every house had a garden and community buildings were packed with potted and hanging plants inside. Oscar couldn’t help but smile at a particularly vibrant pecha plant as he walked to the Pokemon Center counter.
After a quick rest (and restock at the Mart), Charlie spoke up. “We should head north to Route 2 first. Then come back for scoping out Route 22. We won’t be able to go far, but we should try to recruit as much as possible.”
Oscar nodded, done playing with a fern planted next to the road. “We may be able to meet up with Gary and Brinley soon, too.”
“Let’s not get too far into Route 2. Don’t really wanna run into any Weedles just yet,” Finley added. “We’re not quite ready for that. Even if I’m part poison type, I’m still not resistant to Weedle poison. And you and I both remember what happened last time we had a run in with a Kakuna nest.” He looked pointedly at Oscar.
Oscar laughed. “We were fine.”
“No Weedles for Oscar,” Charlie said. He had the feeling he would have to make a lot of rules like this.
“What about a Rattata?” Oscar pointed ahead where one sat, grooming herself. “Hey! Wanna join our team and help us beat up Team Rocket?” he called.
“Shh! Not so loud! What if a Rocket was nearby?” Charlie hissed, exasperated.
The Rattata ran to them. “You’re fighting Team Rocket?” Hopeful. Eager. “They took my friends. The whole nest hasn’t seen them since. We don’t even know if they’re okay.” She looked Oscar right in the eye. “Catch me. I wanna join your team.”
Oscar obliged, and let her back out. “Well that was easy. What’s your name?”
“Vivi, do you wanna help me destroy our best friends in battle?” 
Route 22 was rather different than the previous areas. It was more rocky, the grasses scraggly where they once were lush. Not to say that the route was devoid of life, it was simply where the terrain became more mountainous. Plenty of pokemon made the area their home, mostly the more rugged lines that didn’t rely on grasses as much for cover. 
A lake had formed toward the center of the route, making what would have otherwise been a short walk to Victory Road more difficult. Old paved roads were cracked and in need of repair, but hadn’t been made a priority over the repairs needed in cities and towns. It was generally assumed that trainers that went out to Route 22 could handle themselves.
“We’ll go no further than this first patch of grass,” Oscar said. He ducked as a troop of Mankeys jumped from the tall rocks overhead. 
Charlie returned from his quick scouting. “Doesn’t look like Team Rocket’s here. Your friend must’ve chased them off.”
One of the Mankeys stopped. She watched for a moment, then grabbed a rock and launched it at Oscar, nailing him in the head. “HEY TRAINER!!”
Oscar yelped and Finley jumped into a defensive position.
“Leave him alone!” Finley growled.
“DO YOU GUYS NEED A MANKEY?” she shouted.
“Oh my god, we can hear you just fine,” Vivi muttered.
“If I catch you, will you agree not to throw another rock at my face?” Oscar rubbed his forehead. He made a face at the small smear of blood on his hand. 
Oscar chucked a pokeball at her, which she promptly burst out of. “Hey!” 
The Mankey laughed. “OKAY, TRY AGAIN.” Another pokeball, which she burst out of again, laughing. “OKAY, OKAY, I’LL STOP. FOR REAL THIS TIME.” To her credit, she actually stayed put and allowed herself to be caught.
“Stop shouting,” Oscar said as he ignored the voice inside him saying to keep her in the ball.
“I do what I want,” she said, quieter now. “The name’s Reggie. What I want is- I wanna tag along.”
“Um, okay.”
“Hey, Oscar. I like the new style!” a familiar voice said.
“Gary!” Finley cheered.
Brinley smiled brightly. “I see you guys are getting quite the team. Did Mew give you supplies too?”
“Yeah, seriously, how’d you catch so many pokemon already?” Gary added. He pointed to the Pidgey on his shoulder. “I was only just able to catch Melody here like an hour ago.”
“She stopped by earlier this afternoon,” Oscar said. “Guess she got sidetracked.”
Vivi, Charlie, and Reggie exchanged confused looks.
“Maybe we just had bad luck. Wanna battle?” Gary asked. “We wanna see how well we’re doing with our training.”
“You’re on!”
The first round was bird versus bird. Charlie was faster and just a smidge stronger. Several well timed gusts later and Melody was defeated. 
Next up was Brinley. Reggie jumped at the opportunity to fight someone who didn’t have the advantage.
“Be careful Reggie. No throwing rocks,” Oscar chided. 
“You got it, boss!” she agreed, kicking Brinley in the legs and knocking her over. 
Brinley retaliated with a scratch across Reggie’s face. It hardly left a mark.
“Sorry, kiddo. We Mankeys have pretty tough skin,” Reggie said, kicking again.
This time, Brinley fell onto her back and held up one hand. “Alright, I give. You kick hard.” No need putting herself and Gary in danger when the outcome was clear.
“Well,” Gary said, tossing some coins to Oscar as though he’d been expecting this. “That was anticlimactic. Looks like you got yourself some pretty tough teammates!” He bent down and helped Brinley up. “We’ll totally get you later.”
“We look forward to it,” Oscar said. He and Gary fist bumped. “Next loser buys lunch?”
“Next loser buys lunch.”
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danieldaymiad-blog · 5 years
Research Questions about the Urban Ecology Center
While working at the UEC I had some Questions in mind for how this facility actually works and the importance of each activity. As being there for a while I learned some more refined answers for these questions which eventual became refined them selves. 
Research Question 1: Whats the benefits of being outside in the city? 
I learned about understanding this question when I stepped in the UEC’s outside activities. People my age spend a lot of time inside on days that aren’t so sunny and perfect. Because of the technological world we live in today we spend more time inside then what we would have seen over 50 years ago. I know that when friends and I try to have a nice day we now try to spend the day outside to really soak up the day and make memories out of it. However being inside the city it makes it hard to really realize the nature of the world that surrounds us.Being in the city we have towering building around us, noisy busses and transportation. The fast life of a upcoming business world that engulfing the US, city by city. After spending time inside the UEC you can notice the lovely nature that you are hear to more or less protect. I noticed this especially when I was on the morning bird walks around the UEC. Most of the facility is surrounded by trees and nature so this place takes you out of the corrupted city and more into a appreciation of the nature inside the vast city. Each event outside usually varies people types of people that come to the activity. Some are kids my age wanting to do something outside and appreciate the community others could vary to more older citizens that also just wanna appreciate the little things and give back what they can to the facility that treats them well and gives them acknowledgment. What I felt each day was very similar to working out, a sense of relief and elevation of being distressed in the community.  
Research Question 2: What benefits are there for snakes in Milwaukee?
I started to think about this question when I was on the website looking at volunteer opportunity and saw “Snake Survey” after learning a little bit online of what that might entail I realized why really is the importance of snakes for the UEC to have a program about snakes? Before in the summer when I spent time in Tennessee I learned to keep my distance from snakes because the snakes there were usually poisonous and very deadly. So for there to be an activity there that enforces hands on participation of being with snakes was a little out-landish. When we went on these events you would flip pallets over and grab the snakes resting under there with quickness and gentleness, a combination that was hard to grasp. These snakes that rested under there were not deadly in any mean, they were quite harmless and much like garden snakes. Why understanding the time and effort of keeping data and track of the population of the snakes in the area I began to reflect on the time that I lived in River West Milwaukee. I lived in this 2 floor house on Booth street and after a couple months living there my roommate and I realized that we had a problem with mice in our house. After some research I learned that much of the River West community suffers from these rodent infestation and that mouse removal is a problem in Milwaukee. After spending quite some time talking to the leaders of the programs they said that the snake population in Milwaukee is slowly decreasing and that’s why they spend so much time that they can on trying to give these snakes a sanctuary for understanding snakes. If we try to support and not victimize snakes like I did in Tennessee then maybe we can get rid of this mice infestiaation that terrorizes River West.  
Research Question 3: Why is it important for understanding the ecosystem?
As we all keep growing in this city there is going to be more of a population influx percentage for people living in the cities compared to living in more rural areas. With this development we notice more developments for unusual ecosystems where the percentage of wildlife to human growth is fluctuating. With more buildings going up there is a reaction of less naturalistic wildlife beings tampered with, thus creating an effect of evolution that we aren’t necessary ready for. The UEC spends their time focusing on these issues in the city of Milwaukee, with this understanding we can try to shape the minds of the citizens in this city and make them realize the outcome of the community. This often reminds me of the future city of Singapore. I recently found a documentary reflecting on how the Singapore community tries to elevate them selves to be a self-sustainable environment not only for the people but also for the nature/wildlife inside/around them. One architect there talks about how the structure that they try to make go up, rather than around and how to maximize the area in which they are building upon. They focus on building structures that also feature garden space in unique appealing ways as-well with being efficient for the environment. They make structure that we designed perfectly so that airflow can breeze right past them creating a natural current that doesn't effect the ecosystem around or in the city.  
Research Question 4: Why is it important to get rid of Invasive plants/weeds?
One of the programs featured at the UEC is called ROOTS. ROOTS is about walking to their flower garden of natural flowers that are native to the Wisconsin area. While you are there you get a briefing and a walk around the massive garden that they have there and you are informed of which plants are invasive and harmful to the actual native plants. 
An "invasive species" is defined as a species that is  Non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration; and, Whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. (Executive Order 13112).  -https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/invasives/index.shtml 
Realizing that there are plants outside of your area that could be affecting your health is a scary phenomenon. There were about 8 different plants in there garden alone that were identified as invasive species. Most times when these species are transferred it can be by foot, by pollination spread through air or by planes and transportation. A couples years back I learned from a professor at MIAD that he has had some encounters with people in Wisconsin that don’t understand the detrimental affect that invasive species have. He ran into someone who on there property they purposely planted and were preserving the purple loosestrife. This plant produces plenty of seeds and pollen to affect nearby communities and encouraging this Invasive species is not ok. 
Research Question 5: Can reflecting on the current situation of you community be beneficial?
Like I mentioned before I believe that we are living in a society that the progression of keeping up with the population is getting out of hand. The world is changing in a way that we haven’t seen before and progressing in a future world filled with technology and vast forms of transportation from A to B. With MIAd having programs with Interior design and Industrial design I feel that we are thinking about these problems in our classes today. How can we change the world in a way that coexist with nature around us vs trying to abolish the nature in our communities. We are growing in a world were the attention to how we are effecting our ecosystems are becoming more prevalent. With pollution destroying our health and air quality and how the deforestation of the world is slowly effecting our Oxygen and carbonation in the air quality. 
Stephan Hawking predicted that - “By the year 2600, the world’s population would be standing shoulder to shoulder and the electricity consumption would make the Earth glow red-hot,” 
Obviously that anyone who is reading this including me, this will not be a problem for us because we are probably not going to around by the year 2600 but this to is a scary phenomenon, which we need to be addressing now and have some set understanding for how future generations will tackle this. Now some people realize that aren’t going to be around much longer to care about how the environment is and they keep on destroying it. This is a very ignorant approach for our society. There isn’t any clear set paths that will help in full as-well as the task aren’t going to be easy. But if we can try to realize each personal view for how we treat the society we live in, and understand how we can approach a better environmental living day to day then thats the steps we need to take action. 
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vitaevandal · 7 years
Brave New World
Category: Fan Fiction Fandom: Divergent Pairing: Eric/OFC Rating: PG-13 (language), eventually M Genres: Drama, romance, humor, angst, slow burn, some fluff Disclaimer: This a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line.
A/N: This is based on a request from and discussions with @frecklefaceb and @clublulu333. It was requested as a one-shot but I had an idea that a one-shot wouldn’t do justice, so this is shaping up to be a longer fic. Here goes.
Summary: When disaster strikes the City and leaves it in ruins, Eric, one of the few survivors, must evacuate Dauntless. He finds himself in the unknown world beyond the wall, which seems to have suffered the same fate. unsure of what has become of the City he called home. Everything Eric knows has been stripped away, and he is forced to forge surprising new relationships. Will Eric ever make it back home to Dauntless? Is there even a home to go back to?
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Chapter 1 - Good Morning Sunshine
It had been two days, and Eric still wasn’t accustomed to being woken by harsh sunlight bleeding through his eyelids. He’d tried closing the blinds to darken the room, but he discovered that leaving the windows open to let in a breeze was the only way to alleviate the infernal morning heat. Beads of sweat had already formed on his face, as the temperature was drastically lower at night, requiring a layer of blankets that ended up suffocating him as the sun rose and began roasting him in the bedroom like a turkey in an oven. Not that he’d ever seen a turkey in person, Dauntless wasn’t exactly overrun by wildlife, but he’d learned about the absurd custom of Thanksgiving during his days in Erudite and seen enough pictures of the deformed birds to wonder why anyone would want to eat something that looked like it had a ballsack hanging off of its face. For the first time he realized how much he’d taken the climate-controlled caverns of Dauntless for granted.
But at least the walls of the still unfamiliar home provided some shade and insulation. When he first stepped out of the pod, he felt nearly blinded by what seemed like death rays from the sky. Following immediately was the dry, sweltering heat that literally took his breath away. Disorientation had taken hold of him as he had cracked his eyes open to slits, slowly adjusting to the brightness. The vast expanse of hard-packed, cracked earth and sparse dottings of queer plant life told him he had landed somewhere out west, according to his geography lessons. Everything looked...dead. As dead as he knew almost every living thing in his former home most likely was.
He turned slowly and was surprised to find himself facing a small collection of five closely set houses, all bland and identical save for their color. A subdivision, he believed this was called, though why anyone would choose this fucking wasteland as home baffled him. Every single one of them looked deserted, windows dark, vehicles absent from driveways, not a soul in sight. He supposed they could be holed up inside, but he thought it more likely that the occupants had had enough warning of the impending disaster to pack up their necessities and attempt to flee to safety. He wished Dauntless had had that much of a warning, though he wasn’t sure even that would’ve changed the outcome.
The blaring of the alarm was almost, but not quite, enough to drown out the panicked screams throughout the compound. He heard the distant thumps and crashes of various structures crumbling in the distance, getting closer by the second as he stood in the control room. The outer walls and ceilings, closest to the surface, were the first to go; everything else was falling like dominos in their wake. He was trying to assess the magnitude of the situation through the camera feeds, but they disappeared almost before he could catch a glimpse as they too fell victim to the destruction. Though he didn’t need to see to know it was pure chaos.
Of course there were disaster plans in place, but they encompassed things like earthquakes and attacks from the factionless; nothing like what was happening now. As drills had taught them, people scrambled to get inside doorways and to the armory, where the construction was more fortified, but even those were collapsing under the force of this unknown attack. Those that kept their cool and followed the action plan were ironically the first to go, having gathered in clusters to the supposedly more stable areas and subsequently buried en masse. Eric watched the rest of his faction scurry around in mindless terror like headless chickens, many of them flocking to the Pit seeking safety in numbers, and he had time to think, “So much for being brave and prepared.” He sneered in disgust, thinking that if these people were what his beloved faction were made up of, perhaps they deserved to die. He thought he chose only the best of the best for Dauntless, but clearly when the going really got tough, very few measured up.
Eric had the invaluable talent of keeping his cool in even the most calamitous of situations, an essential quality to being an effective Leader, so while he certainly didn’t lack the courage to run headlong into the melee and attempt to rescue his moronic faction members, logic always prevailed for him, and not only were there protocols in place he was trained to follow, he recognized immediately that any rescue attempts were futile. He had to put the faction at large first even if it cost lives. The sacrifice of the few for the survival of the many, unfortunately.
And so, the faction leaders and their lieutenants were the priority. If the City were to fall, the most qualified should be the ones to survive in order to rebuild. Therefore, these chosen few were the only ones aware of the outside world beyond the City walls, and provided the means to escape to it in the event of the annihilation of the City. He fled to the appointed evacuation point, knowing that despite its reinforcements even that would only hold for minutes, and stepped into his assigned pod. He didn’t know the science behind it, that was Erudite’s department - was it some kind of teleportation device, or form of air travel? - but he didn’t have time to question whether he would survive the journey. Nor would he have any way of knowing if the other faction leaders had escaped. There was no deliberation really - to remain here was certain death.
The moment he stepped inside, the steel door shut forcefully behind him. A female robotic voice intoned, “Evacuation initiated,” he felt a gentle lurch as the pod ascended through the pneumatic chamber, and the last Eric knew was total darkness.
Eric climbed out of bed and donned the same clothes he’d been wearing since his arrival in this hellhole: fitted black t-shirt, black cargo pants, and black combat boots. His nose immediately wrinkled at the distinct odor emanating from his unwashed clothes and sweat-grimed body, but thus far he had come across no clothes in the closets that would fit his large frame, so he was stuck with what he had. He trudged wearily downstairs, his desire for coffee so strong it was practically an ache, and began to consider his plan of action for the day.
He had spent the first day scouring the houses for any necessary supplies he could immediately think of: food, clothing, weapons, and, since he had quickly ascertained that the electricity and plumbing were no longer functioning, bottled water and batteries. He collected his findings in the center house he had chosen at random to take up residence in, knowing he would think of more potentially useful items but would make a list later; for the time being he was still slightly overwhelmed by shock. Today he thought he might try the remaining vehicles in the garages to see if any of them were running, hoping to further explore the surrounding terrain. But what if he couldn’t find the keys? Could he hotwire a car? The garage doors operated on electricity; could he figure out how to open them manually? There had always been generators in Dauntless. Eric was an intelligent guy, but it’s not like they taught Survival Skills for the Apocalypse in school. He took a deep breath and said to himself, “One step at a time.”
Eric jumped as he suddenly heard the sound of rustling coming from what he thought was the kitchen. He pulled his gun from his holster and descended the stairs carefully; bursting into the kitchen, he drew his gun, and yelled, “Don’t move!”
The sight of the girl standing in front of the open cabinet actually at first almost made him laugh. She wore an oversized, obnoxiously flowery sundress, floppy straw hat, and yellow galoshes, and a white stripe ran down the length of her nose. She looked like a drunken Amity refugee. “Who the fuck are you?” he demanded.
For a moment she continued to rummage through the cabinet’s contents, seemingly unconcerned with the gun pointed at her head. Then she turned to face Eric and briefly eyed him up and down, taking in his attire and piercings. She snorted and said, “The end of the world hits and you decided to raid Hot Topic? Great, I’m sure you’ll be loads of help.”
Eric strode forward and grabbed her by the arm. “What do you think you’re doing?”
She had resumed her inventory of the cabinets, replying, “I’m checking the empty houses for supplies, what does it look like I’m doing?”
His mouth had fallen slightly open at her brazenness. “Well obviously this house isn’t fucking empty, so stop going through my shit!”
She turned to him again, hands on her hips, and retorted, “Technically this isn’t your shit, it belonged to the person that used to live here, so as far as I’m concerned it’s fair game.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart,” he snarled. “More like every man for himself. I don’t care where you go, just get the fuck out of this house.”
She sighed, wriggling out of his grasp. “I don’t know how long you’ve been around here, but I’ve been out here for almost a week, and near as I can tell, we’re the only two living people for miles. Hell, we’re the last two living people on the planet for all I know. So either we work together, or we die.”
She grabbed his hand and shook it enthusiastically. “I’m Madeline, but I go by Maddy. Welcome to the neighborhood.” She smiled brightly. “I’m sure we’ll be the best of friends!”
Eric groaned and began to wonder if he wouldn’t be better off dead after all.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Birdies To Raptors: How This Colombian Went From Golf To Ornithology
Birdies To Raptors: How This Colombian Went From Golf To Ornithology
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Ana María Morales Cañizares works to preserve the Ornate Hawk-eagle, Spizaetus ornatus, among other … [+] raptor species.
Colombian conservationist Ana María Morales was on her way to a pro-golf career, but found her true passion: birds of prey –also known as raptors– which she now helps to conserve on Colombia’s pacific coast.
Morales, who now works with the Fundación Aguilas de los Andes (FADA or Eagles of the Andes Foundation) which runs the only rehabilitation center for birds of prey in Colombia, was born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia and started playing golf as a little girl.
Then, in her third semester of studying undergraduate veterinary science, she got a scholarship to a college in the US to play golf and study wildlife biology.
“I was a student-athlete, I was focused on golf more than my major, which I kinda regret because I could’ve done so much more if I had better advice when it came to wildlife science,” Morales said.
Morales says after graduating in 2011, she spent two year playing golf competitively, including 4 tournaments in Florida in 2013, but ran out of money and ended up doing a masters while joining the golf coaching team of her college.
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“That last year of my Masters in, 2014 to 2015, I got involved in wildlife rehab and that’s when everything clicked, and I finally found what really made me happy: raptors.”
At this time, she interned with the Raptor Education Group Inc in Wisconsin, learning about rehabilitation, education, and raptor training.
After working with them for a year, she came back to Colombia to work with FADA.
“We help raptors that have been trafficked, kept as pets, and/or that have been shot at,” she said, “We do mostly rehabilitation of birds of prey, but we also work in education and research, all of this to help mitigate the human-raptor conflict and help in the conservation of birds of prey of Colombia.”
She says her current main project is with four people, from three different institutions, working towards the conservation of raptors in a reserve called Jardín Botánico del Pacífico, in the Chocó region of Colombia.
“We want to monitor an occupied Ornate hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatus) nest as well as to look for other raptor nests and this monitoring is going to allow us to study the diet as well as reproductive behaviors and development of the chick,” she said.
Morales says she also wants to make this conservation project sustainable by involving the community as guides for bird watching or even scientific tourism at the reserve. 
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Ana María Morales installing nest boxes for owls in Southern Colombia
Ana María Morales
She says the organisation’s flagship species is the Black-and-chestnut eagle (Spizaetus isidori) but they aim to mitigate human conflict with all raptor species.
“As the agriculture frontier advances so does the deforestation which brings the raptors closer to human settlements increasing the chances of them preying on domestic animals which fuels the conflict,” she said, “This is especially true with the Black-and-chestnut eagle but it is also true for other raptor species like the Harpy eagle.”
Morales says that since the Black-and-chestnut eagle is considered endangered (EN) by the IUCN, and no population studies have been done, the team needs to keep on working hard to save each individual they can.
Morales says that her story shows there is no one correct path in STEM
“As you can see my career in STEM has not been planned at all even though I’m a planner, but in this aspect I have just gone with the flow and it has allowed me to to network in a way that I have been able to develop certain projects I want to work on,” she said, adding that pursuing her passion means supporting herself a day job while working on different projects.
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Ana María Morales Cañizares assessing a juvenile black-and-chestnut eagle
Another Colombian woman who is studying the country’s unique biodiversity is entomologist Diana Obregon.
MORE FROM FORBESHow Did This Colombian Use Drones To Solve A Bee Mystery?By Andrew Wight
Obregon, a PhD student at Cornell University, has been trying to find out the role pesticides play in the decline of the bees that pollinate Lulo Solanum quitoense fruits (known as lulo), which is iconic in Colombia.
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davidsilvercloud · 7 years
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Terry David Silvercloud (Butch), Vancouver Visual Artist and Photographer who is deeply into particle physics and cosmology.  I know my Quarks from each other and things like Neutrinos and Muons are the stuff I think about.  I think a lot about Relativity... for instance, a Muon has a life so short, it barely exists at all.  I think and write about this kind of stuff... http://ElectronSpeed.Tumblr.com
So long as I'm above ground, you may come directly to this site at
and to my Photo Cloud at...
My name is 'Butch'  
Saturday, 7 October, 2017.  Cloudy bright and cool in Vncouver this morning.  I was born in 1944 and didn't see a TV until I was about 5 years old.  It was a tiny screen, black and white, on a TV in a hotel lobby.  My family was poor but we had the first TV on our block, in 1952 and I, vaguely, recall the Queen's coronation on TV.  I mention this because of what I observe going on around me these days.  When I'm on the train, each day, I see 50%, or more, of the people with faces buried in their smart phones.  I find it quite annoying that those types often have no awareness of what is going on around them, block doors and standing room on the trains and busses, or block the sidewalk... meandering down the middle and blocking/bumping into the other people on the sidewalk.
I'm a physicist and grew up with technology (I knew how radio and TV worked when I was 13) so I don't have the user fascination that seems to have overcome our modern world.  I like the internet but realize how time consuming and distracting it can be so I limit myself to 1-2 hours a day of internet time.  I don't have time to FOLLOW people I don't know so I don't use FACEBOOK, TWITTER or similar sites, and I don't own, nor use, a smart phone.  If you text me, you have just walked out of my life.  I will no longer answer your number or know you... like, get out of my life.  If you're too f**king lazy to phone me and talk to me, I really don't want to know you.  Good bye and good riddance.
MINDFULNESS... we hear about 'mindfulness' quite a bit, lately.  What is it?  Well... there are a lot of authors and speakers trying to tell you, and most of them have no credentials, at all, but the general idea of 'mindfulness' is AWARENESS of the moment and of the situation.  Seems easy enough but it's tricky.  It involves, not just the physical environment and situation, but having knowledge and awareness of what one is seeing, hearing and feeling.  While some might think that meditation is being mindful, that is not correct.  Mindfulness is not removing things from your mind but taking it all in, all at once... ALL of it... being TOTALLY AWARE, ALL AT ONCE, ALL OF THE TIME.  It's tricky.  Great leaders tend to be mindful people.
Some people are more, naturally, mindful.  That seems to have to do with background... how one grew up, in what kind of situation... i.e. 'mindfulness' requires intelligence and some guidance.  The less you know the less mindful you are capable of being... you don't know what you don't know and your ignorance can, quite easily, kill you.
If one is aware that the world, about them, contains dangers, then one is more likely to be on guard for the dangers.  The trick is dangers, of which, one is not aware... i.e. ignorance.
Where I live, there is a small murder of crows who live in my 'hood and they, sometimes, gather on the wires behind my apartment.  There can be a dozen of them, so it's more like the extended local crow family.  Crows are very social birds who regularly mate for life and look after their offspring as Pigeons do... for two years.
I enjoy the local crows and they know who I am... I've lived here for 7 years.   Anyhow, this morning I heard the people, who live in the apartment above me, banging on their window and shooing the crows away.  These people are the problem with the planet... the epitome of the kind of assholes who are destroying the planet.  Local wildlife is an annoyance to them.  Animals should be in forests where they belong and birds shoud be in fields somewhere... so long as they aren't blocking the view and making bird noises close to where one lives.
I can say, because of what they did, without any shadow of any kind of doubt, that the people who live above me are not mindful and are the kinds of idiot moron boneheads with whom I want NOTHING to do in my ENTIRE life.  The very act of bing mean to birds is enough to tell me I don't want to know them, their family, their friends, nor their little dog, too.  I despise such people.
I mention this because not a day goes by where I don't encounter such people... at least one of them... might be part of living in a larger city and taking public transit every day.  I try to be nice to everyone and just keep to myself.
I don't much like this planet  because it is FULL of idiot, bonehead morons who are not the least bit mindful of their life, nor the planet.  If they have a brain it is not functioning.  Generally, most people act 'nice' when they are in public, but the private person is not the public person.  There are a lot of mean, selfish, self centered, idiot assholes out there who call themselves human.  It is why I keep to myself.  You must prove you are worthy of my company and I don't wait up.  Here ends my rant for today.
Yesterday I saw a little yappy dog get hit by a truck.  It came, quite literally, an inch of its life and closer... the truck driver was about to drive FORWARD to get off the dog when I yelled to stop and go BACKWARDS.  The little yapper was pretty horribly damaged but alive.  I felt very badly for the dog, and the owner who was about to face an enormous vet bill.  The poor driver was in shock but it wasn't his fault.  The dog ran across the street to its owner and was not on a leash... it ran out into a quiet street at the wrong moment... just as a truck was coming down the street.  Life never claimed to be fair... or, as Homer Simpson said "I wish God were alive to see this".
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