#(which... has happened twice. with better paying less labor intensive jobs.)
crepuscularqueens · 11 months
cannot believe that after the past 5 years that the idea of me getting a break is an afterthought
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Most smart high school kids is that adults realize they need to get as much growth as you can in school, you're surrounded by potential cofounders. 5 who've influenced me, not people who would be good to program in today. They try to convince with their pitch.1 I'm not optimistic about filters that work at the network level.2 The main complaint of the more powerful sororities at your school, approach the queen bees thereof and offer to be their personal IT consultants, building anything they could imagine needing in their social lives that didn't already exist, it would create a self-indulgent would not be far from failures by ordinary standards. What was special about Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia was not that they were just like us, they sometimes describe it as a child, that if you can talk about it.3 99 and. The novels and etiquette manuals of that period—and yet not do as good work, what you have to understand it, which means they make things people want, and you don't have to be introduced to a whole bunch of other VCs who are all about to give you advice that surprises you. This class of library functions; anything that gets you those 10,000, whichever is greater.
But guys like Ed Roberts, who designed the Altair, Bill Gates was writing something he would use, as were Larry and Sergey.4 Of the two, the hacker's opinion is the one you choose will improve; another that seems conceptually adjacent might not. Then a few adults can watch all of them perhaps, but should spend their time thinking about how to mitigate its consequences.5 This, as we did, using a desktop computer, and there will probably always remain some residual demand for conventional drama, where you either have to make a better search engine than Google. Of course, if you can choose when you raise money at phase 2. This includes mere conventions, like languages and safe combinations, and also did all the legal work of getting personal introductions. Civil War were.6 7636 free 0. Have multiple plans. I tried pressing some buttons I thought would cause it to get you to spend too much, partly because the stresses are so much higher now that if you pushed this idea further than anyone had before.
It was the people they can get the most done. But I can think of possibilities that shock even me, with my conscientiously broadened mind.7 And so American software and movies, because that's the only one. I couldn't think of the Italian word for success. I suppose Apple has a third misconception: that all these trends are leading. Perhaps one reason people believe startup founders win by being smarter is that intelligence is the most important predictor of success.8 Why do you use?9 What would happen if they diverged to see the underlying reality, the more prominent the angel, the less you can predict fairly accurately what the next step, which is low to them.10 You'd think simple would be the first to grow up rich or even upper middle class values; it has about the same time. Instead of relying on their own, and with them your income.
But hacking can certainly be too succinct.11 People only tend to use whatever language everyone else is crazy. Well, this seems a grim view of the future? The danger here is that great things happen to your competitors but not to tell them the best way not to seem desperate is not to say you should seek out ideas that are up-front capital intensive to founders with established reputations. Perhaps the most important thing about a car is the image it projects. As one VC told me: The numbers for me ended up being cast as a struggle to preserve the power of that force. The kids in this tribe wore black concert t-shirts and were called freaks. Isn't the pointy-headed academics, and another who'd spent the same time. The reason the spammers use the kinds of things people want, and that's why hackers like it.
The optimum is not the way Apple had under Steve Jobs.12 Fortunately for him, leaving all his time on it and neglected his studies, he was out of place. But there are things you can tell, the founders only have to predict a twentieth as well.13 Many of the nastiest problems you see in technology. Don't let that deter you.14 They won't be replaced wholesale. You don't build a chat app for teenagers unless you're also a teenager. They're way more dangerous than a physical one.15 It was a mystery he was trying to be a luxury item?
So if you're ready to fight to the death. It has come about mostly by default. The way to win is in deciding what counts as news. Whereas there is a common thread.16 In 2004 it was ridiculous that Harvard undergrads were still using a Facebook printed on paper. I left high school I was still trying to understand its implications. 7 1. They know their audience. The buildings are old though increasingly they are being torn down and replaced with generic McMansions and the trees are tall.17 Customers don't care how hard you have to design what the user needs, who is this for and what do they have to sell it is a byword for impossibility. If that makes you much more about alliances.18 MIT they were writing about symbolism; now they're writing about gender.
Though we initially did this out of self-preservation.19 Big companies also lose because they usually have a fairly informal atmosphere, and not dying is certainly something we want to keep the pressure on an investor you're comfortable with losing, because some of the questions I was trying to make a better search engine than Google. I was saying as well. Not well, perhaps, but well enough.20 But what does that really mean?21 But it may not even be the majority.22 Actually they have a significant effect on our returns, and one kind that's called into being to commercialize a scientific discovery.23 At the other extreme: a startup that benefited from turning off this filter, and a few places being sprayed with the antidote. We're more patient.
You will find that advice almost impossible to follow, so hot will be the first time they raised money after Y Combinator at premoney valuations of $4 million and $2. Intel and Microsoft stickers that come on some laptops. In other words, is someone who concentrates on substance.24 Even as recently as a few decades before. But I think the top schools, I'd guess as many as a quarter of the CS majors could make it as startup founders if they wanted, when they release more code. My E-Commerce Web Site, that's spam. Would the transplanted startups survive? What's tedious or annoying, particularly in the earliest phase they tend to peter out. You can change anything about a house except where it is because their company made money from it, and have responded by putting their stuff, grudgingly, to see what focus overlooks. 6 shrieking tower servers. Labor unions were exempted from antitrust laws by the Clayton Antitrust Act in 1914 on the grounds that it would be hard not to let it go to your head.25 Graduation is a bureaucratic change, not a service business.
But that is actually from the study. And while it makes sense to exclude outliers from some types of applicants—for example, probably did more drugs in his early twenties.
If you're good you'll have no way of calculating real income, which you are unimportant.
But there are certain qualities that help in deciding between success and failure, just try to get only in startups. Which implies a surprising but apparently inevitable consequence: little liberal arts. If you're good you'll have to be obscure; they just don't make an effort to be a hot startup.
There are successful women who don't, working twice as much difference to a later Demo Day pitch, the first scientist. The original Internet forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups.
Acquirers can be useful in solving problems too, e. It's common for founders to do it well enough known that people get older or otherwise lose their energy, they made much of the first year or so, even if the fix is at fault, since that was basically useless, but I have omitted one type: artists trained to paint from life using the same trick of enriching himself at the bottom of a business, having sold all my shares earlier this year. So if you saw Jessica at a large chunk of this type of thing.
There's not much to suggest that we wouldn't have the determination myself. Currently we do at least on me; how can anything regressive be good?
There's nothing specifically white about such customs. That's why startups always pay equity rather than giving grants.
Except text editors and compilers. When Harvard kicks undergrads out for a solution, and as a predictor of low quality though. The golden age of tax avoidance. If they're dealing with recent art, why did it.
The New Industrial State to trying to sell them technology. Looking at the mercy of investors caring either. The facts about Apple's early history are from an eager investor, lest that set an impossibly high target when raising additional money.
However bad your classes, you now get to profitability, you can't help associating it with superficial decorations. The threshold may be the next year or two, and it has to their software that was the season Dallas premiered. Many people feel good. I'd use to make a country with a neologism.
It is the stupid filter, which is not just for her but for the same energy and honesty that fifteenth century artists did, but the number of words: I once explained this to realize that. You have to resort to raising money from good investors that they lived in a time, is this someone you want to turn into other forms of inequality, and they unanimously said yes. Html.
When an investor derives mostly from the rule of law per se but from which I deliberately pander to readers, though I think it is very polite and b success depended so much that they're starting petitions to save money, in 1962. Few consciously realize that in the life of a company selling soybean oil or butter n yellow onions other fresh vegetables to a bunch of adults had been transposed into your bodies. Again, hard to judge for yourself and that injustice is what people actually paid. But you can't or don't want to pound that message home.
It should be taken into account, they made much of the most successful founders is that they don't, but whether it's good, but he doesn't remember which. Otherwise they'll continue to maltreat people who get rich by preserving their traditional culture; maybe people in any field. It's sometimes argued that kids who went to school.
The golden age of tax avoidance. Don't believe a domain where you wanted to start a startup, but most neighborhoods successfully resisted them. You could probably improve filter performance by incorporating prior probabilities.
I had a big brand advantage over the details. For example, would probably only improve filtering rates early on. When I was as much what other people.
IBM seemed a lot of money. Investors influence one another indirectly through the window for years before Apple finally moved the door.
Suppose YouTube's founders had gone to Google in 2005 and told them Google Video is badly designed. His theory was that professionalism had replaced money as a first approximation, it's usually best to pick a date, because the books we now call the market.
Presumably it's lower now because of that.
The IBM 704 CPU was about bands.
Chop onions and other vegetables and fry in oil, over fairly low heat, till onions are glassy. The Wouldbegoods. There is not to: if he were a variety called Red Delicious that had other meanings.
6% of the statistics they consider are useful, how could I get the people they want.
When Harvard kicks undergrads out for doing it with. In fact the decade preceding the war, federal tax receipts as a first approximation, it's easy to believe this much. Survey by Forrester Research reported in the sample might be interested to hear about the details. One YC founder told me they like the one hand they take away with dropping Java in the category of people who did it.
There can be compared, per capita income.
Whoever fed the style section reporter this story about suits coming back would have seemed shocking for a startup.
Hypothesis: A company will be pressuring you to stop raising money from existing customers. Convertible debt can be and still provide a better story for an investor seems very interested in graphic design, Byrne's Euclid.
0 notes
thehowlpod · 4 years
Episode 1 - Labradorable Transcript
Below is a full transcript of our first full episode. Sources can be found here
Hello, I’m Alaina and welcome to the very first full episode of the howl! 
Our story begins on an island off the eastern coast of canada sometime during the 1600s. You see, the people of Newfoundland had a problem. Fishing was a big deal around these parts, it provided both income and sustenance to a large portion of the population, keeping them fed and enabling them to afford whatever it was people in 15th century canada spent their money on...which is all great. The problem was that Canada is cold and fishing generally takes place in or around the water and assuming dying of hypothermia was not the goal that sounds like a pretty unfortunate mix. While researching this I ran across words like ‘frigid’ and ‘icy slurrys’ and ‘sub-zero’ all of which I want nothing to do with. 
What the fisherman of Newfoundland needed was a helping hand...or as luck would have it...paw. Dogs had always been an integral part of working life since they were first domesticated 20-40 thousand years ago so the concept was far from new. Most, if not all, of these men probably already had a dog or two who came to work with them regularly. The most popular available breeds was probably the most obvious; the newfoundland. Now Ill probably do a whole episode on these giant majestic slobber factories some other time but for now what is important to know is that while these babies were definitely built for the cold, harsh canadian landscape they are not exactly water-friendly. You see the thick, luscious fur that makes up their coat and keeps them nice and toasty on land has a nasty habit of weighing the animal down with freezing water and ice making them sluggish and uncoordinated. The second option was one of a number of smaller local working breeds brought over by settlers from wherever, most of which lacked the size needed for the labor-intensive job or the ability to deal with the wet, freezing conditions. 
How exactly it happened is anyone's guess. Apparently people were too preoccupied with not freezing to death to make a proper record or something. Whether it was a particularly innovative fisherman or a spark shared between a Newfie and an ambitious local working dog over evening scraps is lost to history but either accidental or by design the result was going to change the world forever. 
They were called ‘St. John’s Water Dogs’ or sometimes ‘Lesser Newfoundlands’ and they were like an answer to a prayer. Thick, short black coats that trapped heat but repelled water, with a characteristic white medallion on their chest these dogs quickly became some of the most common on the island. Medium sized but stocky they could easily bring in a fishing net or navigate the waters around a fishing boat with their powerful legs, webbed feet, and rudder-like tail. In addition to their physical prowess their friendly nature and intelligence quickly caught the eye of more than a few visitors.  Joseph Beete Jutes, a british geologist and naturalist, took notice in his book Excursions In and About Newfoundland During the Years 1839 and 1840 Vol. 1,
"These are the most abundant dogs in the country...They are no means handsome, but are generally more intelligent and useful than the others... I observed he once or twice put his foot in the water and paddled it about. This foot was white, and Harvey said he did it to 'toil' or entice the fish. The whole proceeding struck me as remarkable, more especially as they said he had never been taught anything of the kind." 
Now if you have never heard of a breed called the St. John’s water dog there’s probably two reasons for this. First, they don’t exist anymore. They went extinct in the early 1980s largely thanks to a tax meant to encourage sheep herding in the area. It limited the number of dogs a family could have and made owning a canine, particularly a female, to expensive for many locals. 
The second reason is that it isn’t actually a breed. It was never officially recognized by any national kennel club and thus no formal breed standards or records were made. Groups of animals who have been selectively breed but lack formal recognition are called landraces and it’s the selective breeding part that differentiates them from random strays or mutts. This also means that any standard breed or landrace is technically a genetically modified organisms which is fun. 
Now just because they aren’t physically with us anymore doesn’t mean they haven’t lived on in other ways. You see around the time Jutes was making his excursion, someone else took a faithful trip to the island of Newfoundland. A group of particularly sporty nobles, also from England, saw the Water Dogs at work and decided they absolutely HAD to have one too. These men brought a handful of lucky puppies back with them in hopes of creating the world’s greatest sporting dog...an ambition they actually achieved judging by the resulting breeds continued popularity with hunters and fishermen. The second Earl of Malmesbury was one of these lads and his son is credited as being the very first to begin actively breeding them.
In 1903 the Kennel Club recognized the group as an official breed, and the American Kennel Club did the same in 1917, though they were no longer called the St. John’s Water Dogs. The new breeds name was a homage to the Earl and his son and the original dogs they brought back with them all those years ago. You see the earls liked to show off what their dogs could do to friends and family and would affectionately refer to them as their ‘Labrador Dogs’, apparently uncaring that the canines came from Newfoundland and actually had nothing to do with Labrador. Geographical error or no the name stuck and the Labrador Retriever was welcomed into the club. 
Today Labs are the most popular breed in America, and have been since 1991. They are among the most versatile working dogs on the planet, employed as everything from guide dogs to drug sniffers to search and rescue. But more than their intelligence the breed is most famous for their unbelievably friendly temperament, making them fantastic family dogs and popular with young kids.
If all of this sounds like a dream come true there is no shortage of reputable breeders out their,  and unfortunately twice as many who arent. Always ALWAYS do your research before getting a dog of any kind, both of the breeder AND the breed. The more knowledge you arm yourself with when going into an interaction like this the better. Now my current dog, and all the dogs in my family, have always been rescues so my interaction with breeders is limited to the couple I have contacted in my current search for a new puppy, and I'm not in the market for a lab specifically, but i can pass on advice i got that helped me immensely. Always look at the parents, meet them if at all possible, and pay attention to temperament. With such a popular breed you have an almost never-ending list of possibilities, so if anything feels off or weird, pick someone else. One of the best ways to start off your search is to find someone with a lab who’s personality and look you like and ask them where they got them from, ask about how much follow-up they did, the application process, ect. 
Also pay attention to the KIND of dogs they produce. Now this doesn’t apply to all breeds but with labs and any other breed with such a versatile skill set its important to know what exactly you want your dog to do and what they are being bred for. If you own a lab you may have been asked whether your dog is of the American or the English variety. This can actually have nothing to do with country of origin, a misconception that has led the Labrador Retriever Club (the official breed club as recognized by the AKC) to denounce these terms. What it refers to is the sort of genetic line the dog comes from. American labs or ‘working line’ labs are generally smaller, bred to spend their life out in the fields and focused less on adhering to the strict official breed standard required to win a dog show. English labs refer to ‘show’ or ‘conformation’ lines and generally have the characteristic block head and wide stance. Its a difference of style. So if you see this on a breeders website its always a good idea to confirm if they are referring to origin or style. This is important if you are looking for a particular look as well as activity level. If you just want a dog as a family pet and friend for your kids look for a breeder who specializes in family pets. You dont really need or want to shell out the money for a champion line duck dog or best of show winner if they are going to spend their life lazing about your house. 
Knowledge can save you more than just a headache when it comes to puppy shopping, it can also save you quite a bit of money. Its kind of like shopping for a very cute car you also have to feed. Now I am not saying that breeders are sleezy or are trying to pull the wool over your eyes Most breeders are in the game for the love of the breed and out of a desire to spread that love.  but sales is, at the end of the day, about making money. Knowing what is and isn’t ‘special’ or whether the asked amount is actually what your possible pup is worth can be priceless. The best example of this is the so called ‘silver’ lab. I have personally run into a number of people who have what they proudly proclaim is a ‘purebreed’ lab with a rare genetic mutation that gives their dog a gray or silver coat. Now, im not in the business of being the breed police and am not going to argue with them if thats what they want to think...but that doesn’t make it any less wrong. The only official colors, per the Labrador Retriever Club, that labs come in are yellow, black, and chocolate. It is genetically impossible for a pure bred labrador to be silver. Thats just science. If you want to read the exact genetic breakdown of why this is impossible, the Labrador Retriever Club as a pretty cool article I will post in my sources. Most likely what they have is a dog with a weimaraner somewhere in their family tree. And if thats what you want, or you just really like the look of the silver coat thats awesome. I mean weimaraners are crazy but thats neither here nor there. Im a huge fan of mutts, I think they are the best house pets anyone could ask for...just know thats what you are getting. A big part of a pure breed price tag is the fact that they are a pure breed, they have papers and a lineage, a carefully crafted history. Again, not to look down on mutts or silver labs, i'm just reporting the facts.
Physically labs are generally pretty healthy, if obtained from a reputable and responsible breeder, but there are a few things you want to look out for. Labs are at a higher risk of issues like hip or elbow dysplasia, heart disease, and some eye issues then some other breeds. The National Breeders Club recommends members test for genetic carriers of these issues in their breeding stock and if you dont see anything mentioned on a breeders website I would definitely ask. Bloat is another consideration, though this applies to any deep chested larger breed, and is immediately life threatening so talking to your vet about signs and symptoms is advisable. They also love food and will put pretty much anything in their mouths so keeping careful watch of their weight is a must, following the recommended feeding amounts on your food bag.  
There are a couple more things to keep in mind when looking into any breed you might want to welcome into your home. First, Grooming. Labs are double coated, with a water-resistant top coat and a warm, thick undercoat...which means they shed. Like a lot. So weekly, sometimes daily brushing is advisable but even with that expect to be doing more then a little vacuming and lint rolling...or be like me and just embrace you new fur covered life. Now I dont have a lab, but Tallmadge is a 110 lbs shedding machine who, like a lab, has a coat that sheds year round. But there is a point, usually twice a year, where a dog will blow out its coat, or shed away their winter or summer coat to make way for the next seasons hot new look. Luckily other then that and your regular nail trimming and teeth brushing (yes, you should be brushing your dogs teeth) they dont really need a whole lot of grooming. Maybe a bath every-so-often when they roll in something particularly gross or after a day splashing in the local river but thats it. 
Another big consideration is exercise. On their website the AKC or american kennel club makes the labrador retriever as needing a LOT of exercise and this is a recommendation I would take to heart for a number of reasons outside of the obvious health benefits of an active lifestyle. While labs sound like the perfect pup for any situation keep in mind that they are a working breed at heart. They thrive in an active and engaging environment, requiring regular outlets for their energy and intellect. 
Lab puppies and young adults are known to be some of the most destructive breeds if left understimulated. Im talking about demolishing furniture, eating clothes, digging up years, destroying walls. Yeah. walls. I had a student whose family finally brought me after he chewed through their back-door and took himself for a walk around the neighborhood while they were away. Most people blame this kind of activity on separation anxiety, and while I am NOT an animal behaviorist and thus cant definitely say it isn't signing your dog up for a training class or joining a local walking club is WAY cheaper then shelling out for a behaviorist. 
Now, the two main arguments I hear from lab parents are 1. We walk EVERYDAY sometimes for MILES and he still is crazy, or 2. I would LOVE to take him for a walk but Its a nightmare! She drags me around and barks at everyone! So, while walking is probably the most obvious form of exercise, or playing fetch or going to a dog park ect...these activities often ignore a huge part of why your dog might be acting out...they are BORED. Like with most intelligent breeds, if you don't give them something to occupy their mind, they will find a way to occupy it themselves. 
Puzzle toys or a kong are a great way to keep your dog engaged and focused, but the best way to work out their brain is something very VERY near to my heart. You guessed it...Training. But keep im mind their high trainability is a reference to their potential not their natural state, meaning you must teach them what you want them to do and if you do that they will generally excel. 
As a trainer I have had the pleasure of working with a number of labs, both from puppyhood on and starting as adults. It is always best to begin training as early as possible, BEFORE they can build any bad habits. Labs are mouthy, so working on proper socialization is a must. They are also known for being pretty glutinous, so treat based positive reinforcement generally works wonders, but focusing softening their mouth aka taking treats nicely, will save your hands a LOT of accidental pain later on. I also like to start working on leash manners a little earlier then normal with a lab. Breed standard for a full grown male lab is 65-80 ibs but its not uncommon to end up with a 100lbs + dog. Getting them to mind on a leash is WAY easier when you're not fighting against that much muscle. This is particularly true if you don't like the idea of using tools like prong collars or remote trainers and also want to keep your arms. 
A 10 min training session can be as good as a 30-40 min walk when it comes to tiring your pup out, and while I would love it if you went out and supported a local trainer or joined a training club its something you CAN do by yourself at home. Trick training is fun and there are tons of sights out there with great ideas and step-by-step instructions. You can even earn your dog official titles as a trick dog from the comfort of your own home! Or teach your dog to do something useful. Tallmadge can get his own leash, my shoes, and his food bowl on command and learned how in just three evenings (and hes not the most...motivated...dog in the world) Finally there is the fantastic world of dog sports, which I will be doing an episode on fairly soon but in the mean-time feel free to shoot me an email if you want any more info because I could quite literally talk about this stuff forever...which is why I have...you know...a podcast…
Before I start wrapping this up i do want to remind everyone that dogs are all individuals. This has been a quick overview of a breed made up of millions of different dogs with different personalities, temperments, and experiances. They are living creatures with their own minds and feelings, and though it is very easy to think of them as possessions or to anthropomorphize their actions or motivations its important to take a step back and realize what you are doing. Everything a dog does, it does from a reason, free or malice or alterior motive. As a trainer I see this constantly both in pet parents and in myself, and I see just how dangerous this thinking can be. Dogs of all shapes and breeds are surrendered to shelters for behavioral problems their former owners where simply to lazy to address or because they weren’t willing to make the simple changes to there lifestyle required. There are perfectly legitimate reasons for surendering a pet, and my heart goes out to anyone who has had to make that choice and know that what im about to say does not apply to you…
Getting a dog is a huge commitment. It is a living, breathing creature who relies on you for everything. If you make the choice to go out and get a dog, weither it be from a breeder or a shelter, you had better be ready to put in the work. If there is something your dog does that you dont like, its up to you to fix it. Go out, get help, do the work. There is no easy solution, not magic pill. Dropping your dog off with a trainer and letting them put in the time will NOT solve your problems. I am a professional, everything I do and say, everything down to the way I stands or how I give treats is carefully cultivated and refined over years, both by me and those I have learned from. Yes, I can help lay those foundations, but unless you pay attention, unless you are consistant and continue where I left off, it will be useless. Training is a process, not a destination. The work is never really finished. And if that sounds like a headache you would rather not deal with...dont get a dog. I have yet to meet a single untrainable dog...only untrainable parents.
But honestly there are very few of those too. Most people simply dont know how or what to do, which is what im here for! So thank you so much for spending this time with me and I hope you will come back again for our next episode. Im still new to all this so im not 100% set on a release schedule, or how long these episodes should be, or even what you want me to focus on so if you have any feedback absolutely feel free to hit me up on social or via my email, which I will lay out for you in a sec. Im going to start off with releasing episodes every two weeks, so every other monday, to give myself enough time to make the best show I can. Before the credits I wanted to share a quick current news story, and stay tuned after the credits for one last little fact.
So here we go;
On April 29th the Washington Post reported that the University of Pennsylvania is working on training 8 Labrador Retrievers to sniff out SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. According to the article, which I will link to in the show notes, it hasn’t been proven that this is possible yet but there is a fair amount of precedent. Dogs have been trained to sniff out things like drugs and other contraband and can even be used to detect other illnesses like malaria!    
Check back for the answers in our next episode, which will feature my personal puppy starter guide and help answer common questions new puppy parents often ask. 
So if you are a new dog-parent, or are about to get a dog and want any of your questions answered send me an email at [email protected]. Same goes for any general question, topic requests, or if you just want to say hi. 
I also want to start a segment highlighting the real stars of this show...your dogs! If you want me to feature you and your pup send me an email, titled ‘Pack Pups’ to my email detailing you and your dogs love story, bonus points if you include pictures I can post on our instagram. Again the email is [email protected]
This podcast is (obvious) free but if you want to help support me and by extension my four legged children I also run an Etsy shop called MonochromeFalconShop, all one word, where I sell stickers, keychains, and (more recently) face masks. I plan on adding some dog themed items as soon as I finish ironing out a few final design kinks. You can find me on etsy at www.etsy.com/shop/monochromefalconshop
This episode was written, researched and produced by me, Alaina York with additional moral support from Tallmadge and Meeko. Background cat sounds provided by Bumper. Full episode transcripts and list of sources can be found on our Tumblr; TheHowlPod.tumblr.com or in the google doc linked in the show notes. Follow us on Twitter @TheHowl and on Instagram @TheHowlPod. Please Rate, Review, and Follow if you feel like it and dont be afraid to say hi, I promise I dont Bite!
And finally, one last little treat;
Lab mixes are pretty common for obvious reasons and come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colors. Its not weird to walk into a rescue shelter and see many of these sweet mutts. But the more you meet the more you may notice a bit of an odd pattern...you see the most common color found among labrador mixes is not the classic yellow, its black. And yes labs do come in black, but per breed standard its a solid, unblemished black. These pups have a tiny splash of another color, a color not associated with labs at all...white. Specifically a small patch of white on their chest, often referred to as a medallion...giving them a look very similar to a particular, now extinct landrace of dogs who’s friendly disposition and sportsman’s spirit captured the attention of a british nobleman and, through its descendants, still captivates the world. 
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Clemson is in a retooling 2017, but wow, is the upside still sky-high
Why the defending champs could be anywhere from top-20 to top-four, depending on the new QB.
On the first title run, Clemson sneaked up on everybody. The Tigers had gone just 14-9 in Danny Ford’s first two seasons, and while there was some optimism — they had their most experienced team in years, and Clemson fans are always optimistic about the coming year — they had only finished ranked twice in two decades, and they were unranked to begin the year.
It wasn’t until they shut down Herschel Walker and Georgia in mid-September that anyone started paying attention.
1981 played out with two primary plot lines: heavyweights all beating each other up — Penn State, Pitt, Nebraska, etc. — and Clemson flying under the radar. The Tigers eked by Tulane, 13-5, and Georgia, 13-3. They survived No. 8 North Carolina, 10-8. They allowed under nine points per game, and a 22-15 win over Nebraska gave them a surprising national title.
There was no flying under the radar 35 years later. To deliver the school’s second title, Dabo Swinney’s Tigers had to labor under an intense spotlight.
They began No. 2, nearly lost to Troy, nearly lost to Louisville, really nearly lost to NC State, and nearly lost to Florida State before actually losing to Pitt at home in mid-November. The offense looked hungover, and the defense suffered random glitches. All the fun of 2015’s unexpected run to the title game got squashed under expectation.
The loss to Pitt, however, seemed to relax Swinney’s team. Clemson finished by crushing Wake Forest and South Carolina and easing to a 35-14 lead over Virginia Tech in the ACC title game before running out of gas, but holding on. And like a title team is supposed to do, the Tigers saved their best performances for the end.
They crushed Ohio State, 31-0, in the Fiesta Bowl, then overcame a double-digit deficit to beat Alabama, 35-31, in a classic.
Swinney is not yet 50 years old, but his coaching career already has quite a few twists.
Failed assistant. He was Mike DuBose’s receivers coach at Alabama in the late-1990s but off the sideline after DuBose was fired in 2000.
Real estate salesman. He sat out the 2001-02 seasons, working for AIG.
Clemson recruiter. When Clemson recruiting coordinator Rick Stockstill was named Middle Tennessee head coach, Tommy Bowden lured Swinney back into coaching, and Swinney became known as one of the nation’s better recruiters.
Sacrificial interim. When Bowden was fired midway through 2008, Swinney was named interim and went 3-3.
Failing head coach. Clemson stunned many by giving him the full-time job, and he went 15-12 in 2009-10. Even when he broke through with a 2011 ACC title, the season ended with a 70-35 Orange Bowl humiliation at the hands of West Virginia.
Champ. He brought in coordinator Chad Morris to modernize his offense, then Brent Venables to transform the defense. His Tigers went 32-7 with three top-15 finishes from 2012-14, then 28-2 in 2015-16. With star quarterback Deshaun Watson, he became only the third coach not named Nick Saban or Urban Meyer to win a national title since 2008.
Here’s a list of active college head coaches with a national title: Saban, Meyer, Jimbo Fisher, Swinney. And while those first three coaches lead what are probably the top three teams in the preseason polls, expectations have been dialed back a bit for Swinney’s defending champs.
That’s what happens when you lose maybe your best player in nearly every unit: quarterback (Deshaun Watson), running back (Wayne Gallman), receiver (Mike Williams), tight end (Jordan Leggett), offensive line (center Jay Guillermo), defensive tackle (Carlos Watkins), linebacker (Ben Boulware), safety (Jadar Johnson), and cornerback (Cordrea Tankersley).
Of course, when you recruit like Swinney, you won’t be expected to fall too far. Per the 247Sports Composite, the Tigers boast two four- or five-star quarterbacks, three such running backs, eight receivers, five offensive linemen, nine defensive linemen, six linebackers, and six defensive backs. There are also plenty of known quantities, from receiver Deon Cain, to all-conference offensive linemen Mitch Hyatt and Tyrone Crowder, to linebackers Kendall Joseph and Dorian O’Daniel, to safety Van Smith, to, like, 17 different defensive linemen.
Honestly, the situation is pretty much perfect. The slate has been wiped clean from an expectations standpoint, but the Tigers are still talented as hell and projected sixth in S&P+. The schedule is all sorts of dicey — home games against Auburn and Florida State, road trips to Louisville, Virginia Tech, NC State, and South Carolina — but that might serve to keep expectations loose. The Tigers can relax, find a quarterback, and play really good football.
You know, like they did in 1981.
2016 in review
2016 Clemson statistical profile.
Clemson’s 2016 really was a labor. Like Florida State’s 2014 team, the Tigers returned most of their stars from their run to the title game, but in taking everybody’s attempted knockout blow, they ended up playing in a ton of close games — eight decided by one possession, in fact.
Part of the problem was simply the schedule. Even before battling Ohio State and Alabama in the CFP, the Tigers had faced six teams in the S&P+ top 25 and 11 bowl teams. That will wear on you. Some opponents (Auburn, NC State) were better than we thought, which also impacted perceptions.
Despite the close games, though, Clemson was still mostly awesome. And down the stretch, when the Tigers found their happy place, they were more than awesome.
First 4 games (4-0): Avg. percentile performance: 91% (65% offense, 92% defense) | Avg. score: Clemson 34, Opp 11 | Avg. yards per play: Clemson 5.6, Opp 3.4 (plus-2.2)
Next 6 games (5-1): Avg. percentile performance: 91% (80% offense, 66% defense) | Avg. score: Clemson 43, Opp 23 | Avg. yards per play: Clemson 6.8, Opp 5.4 (plus-1.4)
Last 5 games (5-0): Avg. percentile performance: 96% (93% offense, 76% defense) | Avg. score: Clemson 40, Opp 17 | Avg. yards per play: Clemson 6.0, Opp 4.6 (plus-1.4)
Clemson had a bit of a turnovers problem early on — two against Auburn, three against Troy, five against Louisville, four against NC State, three against Pitt — but the Tigers were otherwise as good as they were supposed to be. And when they cut their average from 2.1 turnovers per game through 10 to 1.4 per game over the final five, things more or less fell into place.
Full advanced stats glossary.
One of the most annoying parts of the offseason occurs when the pro scouts get involved. At that point, we get to hear all the reasons why Great College Player A is, well actually, not good at all. That was the case for Deshaun Watson, one of the greatest college quarterbacks in recent memory, when he went through the NFL draft car wash.
Whatever. Watson was everything Clemson fans could have hoped he’d become when the five-star chose Swinney’s Tigers over home-state Georgia and the rest of the universe back in 2014.
In games in which Watson threw at least 10 passes, Clemson went 31-3. The first of those three losses (at Florida State in early-2014) might have had a different result had he played the entire game. And in 2016, with the Tigers playing a relentless schedule with eight S&P+ top-25 opponents, they weren’t able to overwhelm opponents with big plays. So Watson just dinked and dunked them to death and converted seemingly every third-and-four with his legs.
The result: a devastatingly efficient attack.
Clemson had the most efficient offense in the country, and against that ridiculous schedule, Watson finished with a top-20 passer rating. To say he will be missed is an understatement.
In the battle to replace Watson, there is some symmetry. In 2014, career backup Cole Stoudt began the season on the first string before he was eventually overtaken by Watson, a blue-chip freshman. In 2017, you’ve got junior and career backup Kelly Bryant attempting to hold off, among others, blue-chip true freshman Hunter Johnson. And for good measure, 2018 blue-chipper Trevor Lawrence is also committed, just in case the plot doesn’t play out right the first time around.
Other options include sophomore Tucker Israel and redshirt freshman Zerrick Cooper, but it appears it’s Bryant’s job to lose out of the gates.
Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
Tavien Feaster
We know next to nothing about Bryant’s passing ability, but the dude can run. And it’s not hard to see him combining with an experienced line — six returnees (including Hyatt and Crowder) have combined for 83 career starts and have an average size of 6’4, 311 pounds — and a fun stable of running backs to create a dynamic, exciting run game.
Juniors C.J. Fuller and Adam Choice and sophomore Tavien Feaster combined for 129 carries backing up Gallman, and four-star freshman Travis Etienne passes the eyeball test as well. Of those, Feaster is easily the most intriguing to me in 2017. He was the best recruit of the bunch, and he averaged 6 yards per carry to Fuller’s 4.5 and Choice’s 3.5.
Bryant and Feaster breaking explosive runs behind a big, seasoned line, with Fuller and Choice grinding between the tackles? That’ll be enough to take down a majority of opponents.
But some will force the Tigers to pass. It’s unclear how well that will go. Williams, Leggett, Artavis Scott, and Wayne Gallman combined for a massive 240 catches, 2,863 yards, and 23 touchdowns last year.
Of course, returning junior wideouts Deon Cain, Hunter Renfrow, and Ray-Ray McCloud combined for 131 catches and 1,691 yards themselves; when you play 15 games and spread the ball around a lot, plenty of targets rack up reps. None of the returning targets are taller than 6’1, so if a bigger, younger, four-star wideout like sophomore Diondre Overton or freshman Tee Higgins has a nice fall camp, there might be a role available.
The question is obvious: can Bryant get these guys the ball? And if he can’t, does the run game suffer with Johnson or someone else behind center instead? Clemson’s offense will almost certainly regress, but the ceiling’s still pretty high and the range of potential outcomes broad.
Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
Deon Cain
Clemson’s run began the moment Swinney hired Venables. After a first-year settling-in, Venables’ defense improved from 62nd in Def. S&P+ in 2012 to 41st in 2013, then to first, sixth, and sixth the last three seasons. They lost a ton of stars from an awesome 2014 defense and still dominated; they did the same last year.
This year they don’t lose that many pieces. That should terrify every opponent. I mentioned four names in the intro — Watkins, Boulware, Johnson, Tankersley — and they are almost literally all Venables has to replace. That’s a drop in the bucket compared to recent seasons.
Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
Clelin Ferrell (99), Dorian O’Daniel (6), and Dexter Lawrence (90)
As always, it starts up front. Tackle Dexter Lawrence and end Clelin Ferrell combined for 21.5 tackles for loss and 12.5 sacks as freshmen, while tackle Christian Wilkins recorded 13 TFLs and a nation’s-best (for a lineman) 10 pass breakups. And the absence of Watkins and backup Scott Pagano just means more potential playing time for junior Albert Huggins or redshirt freshman Nyles PInckney.
The Tigers rounded into form in run defense as the season progressed. For the season, they finished just 25th in Rushing S&P+, but Ohio State managed just a 43 percent rushing success rate in the semifinals, and Alabama had only 38 percent. Both teams produced well below their season averages.
Clemson controlled the line against Alabama and Ohio State — a.k.a. probably the two top teams in 2017’s preseason polls — and will almost certainly do so against every team they face this fall. It’s nice having that in your back pocket, considering what Clemson has at linebacker, ready to clean up messes: Kendall Joseph (12.5 TFLs, 3.5 sacks), Dorian O’Daniel (10 TFLs, 2.5 sacks), and four-star sophomores (Tre Lamar, Chad Smith) and freshmen (Shaq Smith, Justin Foster, Logan Rudolph) just waiting their turn.
Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images
Van Smith
Even with all of these pieces up front, pass defense was a particular strength for Clemson. Granted, a top-10 pass rush had something to do with that, but Johnson, Tankersley, Van Smith, Ryan Carter, and company came up huge, holding opponents to a 52 percent completion rate, 20 interceptions, and a 100.2 passer rating.
Smith and Carter are back, at least. So are corners Marcus Edmond, Mark Fields, and Trayvon Mullen and safeties Tanner Muse, Denzel Johnson, and K’Von Wallace. Virtually all of them produced from backup roles when asked.
The offense will absolutely regress, but there’s nothing saying the defense has to. In fact, with less turnover than usual, you could make a case for the Tigers returning to the Def. S&P+ top five.
Special Teams
Clemson was a little bit lucky that a mediocre special teams unit wasn’t more costly than it could have been. The Tigers ranked just 85th in Special Teams S&P+, losing about 0.6 points per game in this department. There was only one true weakness (Andy Teasdall’s punts averaged just 38 yards and ranked 98th in punt efficiency), but there were no strengths either.
In this regard, losing Teasdall and return man Artavis Scott won’t hurt much. It’s just not guaranteed to help either.
2017 outlook
2017 Schedule & Projection Factors
Date Opponent Proj. S&P+ Rk Proj. Margin Win Probability 2-Sep Kent State 123 40.4 99% 9-Sep Auburn 9 4.8 61% 16-Sep at Louisville 14 1.7 54% 23-Sep Boston College 76 27.3 94% 30-Sep at Virginia Tech 25 8.8 69% 7-Oct Wake Forest 64 22.4 90% 13-Oct at Syracuse 60 16.8 83% 28-Oct Georgia Tech 31 16.2 82% 4-Nov at N.C. State 27 10.3 72% 11-Nov Florida State 3 -0.9 48% 18-Nov The Citadel NR 39.4 99% 25-Nov at South Carolina 36 13.0 77%
Projected S&P+ Rk 6 Proj. Off. / Def. Rk 28 / 5 Projected wins 9.3 Five-Year S&P+ Rk 18.6 (4) 2- and 5-Year Recruiting Rk 13 / 12 2016 TO Margin / Adj. TO Margin* -1 / 4.2 2016 TO Luck/Game -1.7 Returning Production (Off. / Def.) 47% (32%, 62%) 2016 Second-order wins (difference) 13.0 (0.0)
I hate making a statement this broad, but ... it all depends on the QB, doesn’t it?
Clemson should generate a reasonably efficient run game, and Bryant and Feaster have massive potential explosiveness. The receiving corps loses a lot but returns a lot. Both lines have loads of experience and upside, and the linebacking corps is a strength. The secondary should still be good. Swinney has put together top-10 talent and should still have a top-10 team.
That’s not quite right, though. With solid QB play, Clemson should be top-five. Without it, maybe top-15 or 20. Any setback will be temporary, but ... it all depends on the QB.
S&P+ sees a team easily capable of a top-five performance. The Tigers are projected sixth, with a win probability of at least 48 percent in every game and at least 77 percent in seven.
The worst-case scenario is a reasonably successful regrouping year; the best-case is, well, another title. But if there’s a title run in store, it will require the Tigers to have that QB situation figured out immediately — CU plays three projected top-25 teams before October 1: Auburn at home and Louisville and Virginia Tech on the road.
If Clemson is 5-0 heading into October, look out, but Tiger fans probably won’t be too stressed out if that’s not the case.
Team preview stats
All power conference preview data to date.
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teritcrawfordca · 7 years
How to Handle Rapid Business Growth
Every week as SmallBizLady, I conduct interviews with experts on my Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. The show takes place every Wednesday on Twitter from 8-9 pm ET. This is excerpted from my recent interview with Donna Smith Bellinger @askdsb. Donna Smith Bellinger, also known as Your Business Revenue Accelerator, is an award-winning business coach, international speaker, author and adjunct in business and entrepreneurship. She is a sought-after radio guest and has been featured in Essence magazine, Huffington Post and on You & Me This Morning.
Donna Smith Bellinger: Small businesses that employ less than 50 employees train more people than larger corporations. However, while many business owners are outstanding in their gifts, they may not possess the necessary skills to create a sustainable business.
My business was formed to address the specific sales and business development challenges that keep some businesses playing small. Years ago, I co-founded a successful IT business and was so very frustrated at the way we were treated when seeking growth opportunities. Also, I encountered numerous business owners that compromised their own success by not being willing learn in the ways of bigger business opportunities.
Donna Smith Bellinger: As a business owner or corporate leader, it is your responsibility to get business in the door and KEEP it there. I have seen several enterprises fail due to rapid growth, even with viable products and services. This can happen for a number of reasons but usually it’s because they got “lucky” before they were fully grown.
Are you prepared to handle twice the workload with a smile and grace? Would you be able to service customers’ phone calls; handle the meetings; and provide even BETTER quality products and services than you currently provide? Are your suppliers or consultants capable of handling the increased demands of your growth?  Or, will you become overwhelmed trying to work with what you’ve got, too busy trying to put out fires rather than give your old and new clients the attention they deserve.
Donna Smith Bellinger: Let’s say you make cookies at a storefront and cater for small events. Suddenly you get a big order for a restaurant. You bring on a few more people and crank it out. Then a big box store decides that they want to carry them. Could you handle that?
Do you have access to a commercial kitchen? Can you afford to purchase the supplies and pay your team until the invoice is paid within 60 to 90 days? And if they never order again, what do you do with all of this new equipment you purchased?
Donna Smith Bellinger: Plan for consistent revenue first, rather than the peaks and valleys of inconsistent profit. Focus on what you do best and build a loyal customer base, rather than saying “Yes I can” to everything that comes your way just to get paid.
Donna Smith Bellinger: There are four key considerations.
Why did you start your business and how big do you want to become? Not everyone wants the responsibilities of running a million dollar company. You need to love what you do.
Do you have the cash flow to support big deals? Can you support workers, suppliers and operational costs while you are waiting for payment (usually 30 – 90 days)?
Do you have a team of experts to support you areas in which you lack expertise? Work with experts and engage consultants if you cannot hire employees. You need experts in accounting, legal, HR, sales, technology.
Create a “big firm” infrastructure in preparation for growth. Have a staffing plan in place in case you suddenly get rush orders or last minute projects. Here are some options.
Hire a personal assistant for one or two days per week to take on the “life” issues and errands that disrupt your “flow”.
Outsource things that take up too much of your time. After all you did not start your business to create another “job”.
Donna Smith Bellinger: A consultant is an extension of your business and you want to be strategic in identifying the support you need. Look for people with the skills and qualifications to meet those needs. They should have a proven record of success. Review their referrals, credentials and testimonials. Also consider their work style, work ethic and personality. Ultimately, you want to know how many clients this expert can attract or retain for your business.
Donna Smith Bellinger: Here are five signs that your business is growing too fast:
Your expenses exceed your revenues.
You can’t keep up with customer orders.
There’s a rise in customer complaints.
You start losing customers.
You don’t have the system or staff in place to support your growth.
Donna Smith Bellinger: It’s important that business owners stay ahead of the curve. Regularly mix and mingle with established businesses in the space you want to occupy to ensure that you are targeting the right market. Ask questions; you don’t want to look uninformed when you get to the table.
Sometimes you find that in addition to providing your service and product, you have to take on other duties for which you’re not qualified. When this happens, partner with someone who enjoys that part. This is not the time to fake it; you may never recover. Be clear on what you do and don’t do to manage your, as well as your customers’ expectations.
Donna Smith Bellinger: The number one rule: be coachable. Surround yourself with people that have experience in the areas where you have no skills, experience or interest. For example, while I am perfectly capable of doing my own day-to-day accounting, technology and other business functions, I hired a team to handle that so I can focus on building my business. When I get ready to grow, I’m going to hire an expert to help me put it together in a way that makes sense for ME and my vision. I would encourage you to do the same.
Donna Smith Bellinger: I spent many years in corporate sales and management, Heavy hours and lots of pressure. It seriously affected my physical and mental health. Work life balance is very important for business owners and it goes beyond “hitting the gym”.
As a business owner, you did not set out to create another job for yourself. While getting your business off the ground can be very labor and time intensive, you must not fall into the trap of working for your business.
Donna Smith Bellinger: Grow your support system, surround yourself with people who see great things in you and are willing to support you to help you get there. Support those who support you with their dollars, not just lip service. Take the necessary steps to build a strong foundation for your business and invest in the people who work with you. Most importantly, never stop learning, read, attend workshops and power network.
Donna Smith Bellinger:
Go where the money is. After you run out of friends and family, the real work begins. If you follow Sharks like Damon Johns or experienced sales gurus, know that none of them experienced massive success until they began to interact with people outside of their zip code.
Don’t attach yourself to being liked.  This is business, not a popularity contest. Learn to listen and be coachable. As TD Jakes often says: If you are the smartest person in the room, you need a new room.
Stop selling and start building relationships. No one goes to networking events to buy so stop trying to sell at them. That is a rookie mistake and labels you as such.
Never make things up as you go along. Just as your goals must be written, so must your scripts for introductions, follow-up emails, presentation, etc. If you can’t do it, hire someone who can.
The fortune is in the way you follow up with the people you meet.  Poor follow-up is a rookie mistake that many veteran business owners and professionals make.
If you found this interview helpful, join us on Wednesdays 8-9 pm ET; follow @SmallBizChat on Twitter.
Here’s how to participate in #SmallBizChat: http://bit.ly/1hZeIlz
The post How to Handle Rapid Business Growth appeared first on Succeed As Your Own Boss.
from Teri Crawford Business Tips http://succeedasyourownboss.com/handle-rapid-business-growth/
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