#(with Full Attention! not the uni attention) earlier! JESUS.
leatherbookmark · 2 years
i sincerely thank jane austen for introducing me to the shrimpiest emotion that is “darcy love what the fuck kinda proposal is this”. i have not known joy until that moment. he’s so fucking stressed. he’s squirming. he sat down on that fucking chair and inside my heart and soul i cheered like a football fan when he stood up after 5 seconds. it takes him like 4 times to finally start talking and for what? for what? to tell lizzie her family is cringe above everything else and he did his best to purge the Affection for her out of himself. absolute king. darcy girls i understand you completely. this man is a fucking gem. a diamond, a diamond of diamonds amongst men. a tragedy and comedy in one. and also colin firth. utterly fucking wonderful
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ohmystars-marvel · 3 years
So...you’re mine, huh? pt. 2
Pairing: Tony Stark x daughter!reader; Peter Parker x reader (eventually)
Word count: 1,798
Summary: When your mother passes, she wrote in her will if she passed when you were still a minor, guardianship would get passed to Tony Stark. You have no idea what their relationship was, despite both of them living their lives in the spotlight. However, for someone who lived in the spotlight, your mother held plenty of secrets.
A/N: So um.....surprise!!! It’s finally here!!!!! I’m sososoSO sorry ;_; life’s been kind of rough and since I’ve been in uni it’s been hard to actually get time for myself, but I’ve finally actually gotten the time to sit down and write it out. I’m sorry it’s not that long, but I promise I won’t ghost like that again, but without further ado, here’s chapter 2!
(Also credits to owner of gif)
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The funeral felt like everything was moving in slow motion. A couple of people came up to talk about (Y/M/N), and Tony noticed how whenever the people at the podium would give you a pitying glance in between their eulogies. The older man that was seating with you earlier isn’t sitting up front with you. He sits in a row behind you, leaving you all by yourself in the front. Tony also noticed how stoic you appeared to look. You sat with your head tall, your hair styled out of your face, tightly and professionally, evenly squared shoulders; the perfect sitting posture. 
A couple of people near him whispered about you. Some admired how composed you looked, just like your mother. Some whispered that you looked like you didn’t care that your mother passed, you just cared for the money that you were inheriting. Selfish brat someone whispered around Tony. 
She inherits all that her mother worked for without having to put any work ethic in
She isn’t going up to talk at her mother’s funeral? 
She does take after her mother after all..couldn’t give a care less that her parents died, why wouldn’t her daughter act the same way now? 
In Tony’s opinion, you didn’t look composed and neither looked like you didn’t care. You looked like a kid who was trying to hold it together in a room full of adults in order to be perceived as an adult. A child trying to act far more mature than their actual age.
When the funeral was over, people started getting up to either talk to you, or to talk to others around them. Disgusted with how people talked about you while a funeral was taking place, Tony walked over to talk to you instead. Besides, he felt that he needed to get to the bottom of how the hell (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) had a kid he knew nothing about. He also wanted to figure out whose kid you were. No kid should have to get through their only parent’s funeral alone.
When Tony walked over, you were finishing a conversation with one of the guests. Tony stuck his hand, reaching for a handshake. You accepted his handshake, and surprised him when it was a solid, firm one. Guess (Y/M/N) did teach you well.
“Ms. (Y/L/N). We haven’t had the chance to meet, and I wish it was under better circumstances. I’ve known your mother since we were children, and I know what a devastating loss it is now that she’s gone. I know you’re hearing this phrase more often than you’d like to right now, but please know when I say that if you ever need help, please do come to me. Stark Tower or Avengers Headquarters, you'll be accepted anywhere there.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stark. That’s very kind of you. I as well wish that we could’ve met under better circumstances. You’re kind of my hero, honestly. The advancements you��ve made with arc reactor technology is amazing.” (Y/N) admitted shyly, while sporting a small smile.
Tony analyzed your face. Jesus, it was like Tony was thrown back in time. I looked so much like your mother when she was much younger. That’s where the similarities stopped though. Your shy demeanor and politeness were honest reactions, no acting involved. Your eyes were also different from (Y/M/N)’s. (Y/M/N) looked at everyone like a certain degree of coldness, keeping people at a distance. Yours were gentle, inviting. There’s no way this kid can be hers. She’s nothing like her. 
“Mr. Stark,” you interrupted his thoughts, “I’m only telling a select group of people who actually knew my mother well. We told the public the coroners haven’t signed off yet. That, however, isn’t true, and we'll be doing a more private service. I want to give enough time for the press to leave, and for people who my mother claimed that ‘actually cared for her money, not her well-being to leave’. I’d like it if you were to join us.”
“Please, call me Tony. I’ll be there, Ms. (Y/L/N), don’t worry. Gives us all the chance to actually give your mother the goodbye that she deserves, don’t you think?”
You blinked at him, an expression of shock that briefly broke your composure. “Of course, Mr-” she caught herself when Tony smirked at her, and she smiled sheepishly. “sorry. Tony. It’s going to take me awhile. There’ll be an announcement that’ll be given for the burial service so please, stick around and chat. Please excuse me, I’ve got to greet the others who came as well. It was a real pleasure to meet you, Tony.” She bid him a small smile and left him standing by himself. 
When you left him, Tony went to grab himself a cup of water. While sipping on his water, the older man that sat next to you before the funeral approached Tony. 
“Mr. Stark, it’s a great pleasure to meet you. Though, I wish I would be meeting you right now at something like the Stark Expo.” 
Tony didn’t respond, but took another sip to avoid the small talk that the man was trying to achieve. The man cleared his throat. 
“Right then. Mr. Stark, I’m Philip Ashcraft, (Y/M/N)’s lawyer. Could we step out in the hallway and talk? (Y/M/N) left something important to you, and the both of us would very much rather have this conversation where someone can’t overhear.”
“You find a hallway during a private funeral? Let me guess, you wanna suggest the coat closet next? I mean I guess we can meet in there, but you have to promise no playing seven minutes of heaven-”
“Mr. Stark, please. It’s of the utmost importance.”
“Why don’t you take this up with my secretary, Mr. Ashcraft? They can schedule a meeting with you within this next week. After all, I am not in the mood to discuss business right now, considering that we’re currently at a funeral.” Tony took a sip of his water, raising an eyebrow at the lawyer.
“This isn’t something that can be pushed away! Mr. Stark, this is in regards to what (Y/M/N) has left for you, and her will states for you to receive her last wishes as soon as the funeral’s over.”
Tony sighed. “In case you haven’t noticed, (Y/M/N)’s funeral is not over. If whatever (Y/M/N) left for me is that important, then you can wait until after the burial service is over. That’s when the funeral is over and that’s when you will have my attention. Until then, kindly fuck off.”
The lawyer swallowed, clearly trying to keep his temper, and walked away, begrudgingly. Victorious, Tony walked away from the water pitcher and found himself an empty corner that no one else would bother him. Besides, he had some homework to start before (Y/M/N)’s burial service started. If he didn’t know anything about (Y/N) (Y/L/N)’s existence, then how much did the rest of the world know about you?
Tony pulled his phone out of pocket, and pulled it close to his face, pretending like he was taking a phone call. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. I need you to do something for me really quick.” 
“What do you need, boss?”
“Look for anything in regards to (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I don’t care if it’s newspaper clippings, science fair photos, or even a mugshot. Anything that just proves her existence.”
“Looking online now. I’ll check back in with you when my analysis online is complete.”
“Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Tony mumbled to himself. He put his phone back in his pocket and decided to wait out the thirty minutes by himself.
Tony watched as time passed and those that were clearly not invited or were exhausted from trying to butt into (Y/N)’s business left the room. Tony saw that besides himself, you, that asswipe of a lawyer, and approximately two other people were invited to the service. He noticed that the one who told him who you were wasn’t included in the group. For some reason, that didn’t sit well with him.
The burial service went by just as smoothly as the service given inside. Tony noticed that when you placed flowers on the headstone, your eyes were glassy. So this was the group you allowed yourself to be vulnerable with, not terribly vulnerable, but enough to know that this clearly affected you. When the service finished, the two others were conversing with you, one holding one of your hands as you wiped your eyes delicately, clearly still trying not to cry. That’s the time that the lawyer decided to act. He put a hand on your shoulder, and whispered something in your ear. You nodded and went back to listening. The lawyer made his way to Tony, and opened his mouth to speak, but Tony beat him to the punch.
“Alright, bug-a-boo, now we can talk.” 
“Do you mind if we talk inside, Mr. Stark? I am required to have your signature.”
Tony sighed and made an after you gesture with his hand. “Christ, what is it that (Y/M/N) left behind that is so goddamn important that you have to dump on me at a funeral and require me to sign?” 
Ashcraft clenched his jaw, and opened the door to the funeral home and stalked into the room where the public service was held, Tony close behind. Ashcraft unlocked his briefcase, which held an envelope that was thick with papers. He pushed it into Tony’s hand with plenty of force.
“The thing that (Y/M/N) is ‘dumping’ on you is her child. She left guardianship claims on (Y/N) to you, Mr. Stark” Ashcraft said bitterly.
Tony hurried to open the envelope. There’s no way. There’s no fucking way you actually left your kid to him. It’s gotta be some kind of a joke. At least, that was what Tony tried to convince himself before he found a handwritten will that was in your handwriting. The last sentence is what made his heart drop in his chest.
In the case of my passing before (Y/N) can legally care for herself, I leave guardianship rights to Anthony Edward Stark.
Tony’s phone buzzed in his pocket. F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s search had been completed, and only included one document. Tapping on the document, it opened into a scan of your birth certificate. What drew Tony’s attention was the name that was entered for the father’s name. Tony softly scoffed to himself.
“So...you’re mine huh?”
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Heya, could I ask for the ikevamp boys finding mc passed out at the table surrounded by work? Uni's been killing me lately. If all of them is too much then just Leonardo, Jean, Comte, Theo and Mozart? Thanks x
I cried five times while making this.
Dear Anon! Thanks sooo mush for the request. 😘I’m sorry for taking this looooong I also have a shit ton of work but HERE IT IS. I hope things get better for you and good luck!😘❤️❤️ I added a different type of uni to each of the guys just to make it interesting. @nad-zeta your daily dose of Theo. XD. Love you. Hope you enjoy! Ok here we go!
Ikevamp boys x an overworked mc
he just woke up from one of his naps and he decided he’s going to have a snack most probably mc
as he’s walking towards kitchen he spots you sleeping on one of the tables in the library surrounded by a huge pile of books, pens and papers
now he knew that you refused to give up on the uni you where going to when you came here but he’s still a bit surprised
he walks up to you and takes a peek at what you are studying 
more specifically some designs he came up with
*eyes emoji*
after the initial shock of finding out you where studying his work he smiles and picks you up and caries you to your bed
from that moment on he will always help you with whatever you are studying and always makes sure you take breaks
he was walking around socializing with the residents when he stumbled upon you snoozing on the dining table buried in a mountain of book
ha was aware of your studies and offered to let you off work completely
but you insisted on dedicating 4 days a week on housework
however this meant you had to study like crazy
when he saw you there he already knew what’s wrong
he panicked internally but calmly walked to your side
he didn’t insist one knowing what exactly you where studying but this was so convenient he just had to take a look
finance studies
well damn
finds it very amazing that you manege to work and study that at the same time
sighs and carefully picks you up and takes you to bed
after that he makes sure you get enough rest in between study sessions
he will spoil you a bit more and offer to help with your studies
ok so we know poor baby can’t read
he doesn’t get why you are so passionate about your university
what did you call your studies? Linguistics? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
he has no idea what you are talking about but he loves you and loves that you have a passion
when he sees you passed out in your room in a very uncomfortable position surrounded by books...
oh wait no panic you probably just fell asleep ‘cause you where tiered
wait tiered?
he will pick you up and take you to your room, makes sure you are tucked it
from that moment on he will make sure you get enough rest
precious little bean
on one hand he understands why you are so passionate about your studies on the other he is worried
one time you where working late into the night and he asked you to stop and you brought up the argument that he does the same
so he decided not to stop you
however when he finds you passed out in the gazebo...
he is panicked and scared and angry at himself for not realizing sooner
he hurries to your side when one of your books catches his eye
you are studying quantum physics?
say what?
ok he now has a whole lot of respect for you
he will gently shake you awake
“ Mmmhmm...I did my essay” “Y/N it’s me, wake up”
you immediately wake up
“ Don’t ever do that again. You scared me.”
Now you guys study together so cute
if he saw you just hanging off a table passed out he will have a heart attack
then he will realize that you are just sleeping and you are not dead so he will calm down a bit
he can’t resist the urge to take a look at what you are studying either
so you want a  politics degree
what you will do with it he has no idea. After all you are in a different time period, but he thinks  it’s good to have a goal
what he doesn’t think is good is over working your self
“nunuche wake up” “noooooooooo I won’t wake up unless you do what I do to wake you up”
so he will kiss you and you agree to wake up how adorable i  think i’m going to cry over my own work damn I’m weird  
If he ever see you looking even a little tiered he will steal you away and you will cuddle
Heart attack nr.2
oh no wait my bird is just sleeping
he’s not happy
ok let me rephrase that
he’s happy that you are happy but he’s not ok with the fact that you have overworked yourself and on top of that he’s beating himself up for not noticing earlier
he’s debating whether you’d be more pissed if he carried you to your room* or if he woke you up when something catches his attentive eye
you where studying to get a bachelor's degree in English whaaaaaat!
will go through your notes and
when he finds out you want to become a writer.....
Omg fanboy mode: activate
“ I didn’t know I had such an effect on you Luv”
you: say wut? Arthur I became writer because I wanted to
Now you two run around n the corridors smiling like dorks and narrating random events when your free and he writes next to you when you study   ( to keep and eye on you. He loves you so much)
* if that doesn’t apply to you I’m sorry. I try to write from another persons prospective, but a lot of my writing is based of my reactions to a situation or my personality. In this case I’d be pissed if he left my stuff there or went into my room ( it’s my sanctuary ok my disaster). And waking me up oh no bitch run. But on a serious note don’t be mad if it doesn’t fit your description, and if it didn’t and you want me to change something feel free to let me know. Ok next victim:
to say he’s pissed is an understatement
he’s pissed at you for taking it to far but he’s pissed at himself a lot little more for not noticing sooner
like his bff he’ll also be contemplating taking you to bed rather then yelling you awake like witch one will end up in a bigger slap
then he notices what you are studying
when you are done with this you are literally going to get an art degree
Theo ex. has stopped working
he is getting emotional on the inside
 will gently take you to bed and tuck you in
he’ll pat your head “ Creative Hondjie”. He has such a gentle smile on his face god I can picture it I’m crying
from then on when you have a project he will help criticize you and he will help you progress with your art
 will be keeping an eye on you 25/7 yes 25 this guy will create a time loop if it meant that you had more time to do the things you love (ahem Theo) xd  no
all in all he will be just a little softer with you, but only you. And will also deny it if somebody points it out
Let’s all just sit down, take a moment and appreciate Vincent
He will see you passed out and he will PANIC
he will rush up to you and make sure you are ok
also waking you up in the process
he will ask what you are studying
“sooo you want to become a chef”
Pffffffff we all know poor baby is parallel with cooking
like he will burn water
is super supportive tho gee who would have thought
this boy is an angel and will help you cook
Jesus I hope Comte has fire insurance
you have a lot of fun with him and he will actually end up learning a few things form you.
will make sure you never overwork yourself again
this dork almost stepped on you
you had passed out under you window , ‘cause you had been studying on the floor
and this guy came waltzing in through the window
“Toshiko-san? Toshikooooo shit”
*cricket sounds* yup
he will squat down next to you and poke your cheek
“ what are you doing on the floor?” you: “what are you doing in my room?”
you two of you will laugh about it and he will ask you what you are studying
you proudly shove your text book under his nose
“ well well Toshiko-san want’s to take care of small animals?”
you: Yes, like Isaac
he’s not really fazed by you falling asleep but  will make sure you don’t overwork and if he sees you getting tired he will crack a few terrible jokes to lighten your mood and then he will proceed to steel you away
ok now clean freak here is going to be worried
not panicked just worried
uhum Wolf you keep telling yourself that
you where studying in the music room while Wolf was playing
suddenly he heard a thump
he stopped and looked around only to find you passed out on the table
seems like the all-nighter combined with the music led you to fall asleep
he’s frozen for a hot second until he realizes you are just sleeping
he will slowly walk up to you and poke you with a broom ‘cause he doesn’t want to touch you
he will go up to you and gently attempt to shake you awake when he notices what your studying
 you where studying music
“Marry me?”
he will wake you up and question you about it
from that moment on he actually helps you a little when you don’t get something and you study in the music room at all times because” it’s noisy outside”
we know you just care about her Mozart
he flicks your forehead
that’s it. Thant’s the canon
no I’m kidding he knows how much you study and is worried about you even before you pass out
and when you do that’s it
he scoops you up and takes you to your bed
he only flicks your forehead when you wake up
yeah you get an ear full from him
he asks what you are studying and tell him you want a degree in history
ok suddenly he’s not mad at you
from that moment on he always makes sure you are not over working
he actually shows you his notebook and you find it fascinating 
now you both collectively stalk the residents
y’all aren’t ready for this
when he sees you passed out in the garden he’s ready to pull out a gun and kill anyone and everyone who dared harm you
then he realizes you’re actually sleeping and he calms down a bit ( he’ll keep the gun tho shhhhh don’t tell Comte)
he will gently pat your hair and just look at you
when you wake up he will ask you what you are studying
you are a complete blushing mess when you tell him you want to become an actress
he’s shooketh and also really happy at the same time
now he takes you with him to the theater and he gives you a role to play and he watches while you practice
he’s also super attentive and will never let you overwork yourself again
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe everyone! 😘😘😘
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