#(yeah ray flew all the way to new york to try to make their wedding about him are you surprised)
forcebookish · 7 months
idk about u guys but i'm still mourning nicksand
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bookworlders · 5 years
are you ever going to finish of corporate scandals?
yes! one day! but not today lol here’s a new percabeth au instead! it’s based off the movie The Wedding Date. 
Annabeth’s old camp buddies, Piper and Jason are getting married and the whole gang is reuniting for the celebration. Luke is her ex who broke her heart, and she refuses to show up alone to their wedding so she takes her roommate’s advice. She hires a fake boyfriend. 
part 1
Annabeth checked and rechecked the tickets in her hand. The 5:15PM Long Island Rail Road from Penn Station to Montauk. Platform 7. She had that info submitted to memory from the moment she bought the tickets. Her phone buzzed. Her hand flew to her jacket pocket. A boarding notification. She exhaled, glad it wasn’t the “Hey, this plan is crazy and so are you, I’m out!” text she had been expecting.
She whirled around, dragging her suitcase along with her. Oh gods, he was taller than she remembered. And much more handsome. “Hi.”
“Sorry I’m late, babe.”  grabbed her waist and kissed her.
“Honey, I’m home!” Rachel yelled, kicking off her red rainboots and dumping her keys on the dining table. Annabeth waved at her from the couch, motioning to her phone.
“Who is it?” Rachel asked, already stalking across their apartment to the kitchen to rummage for food.
“Piper,” Annabeth mouthed. She covered the receiver, “Rach, if you’re looking for the leftovers from yesterday, they’re long gone.”
“You bitch.” She swung open the refrigerator.
“What—No, of course I’m paying attention, Pipes—Yeah, got it, dress rehearsal is at seven, pictures on Sunday at ten.”
“Bridezilla come out yet?”
Annabeth rolled her eyes. Piper was the most laid-back bride in the world. She covered the receiver again, “More like Groomzilla.” Rachel laughed, as Piper continued to rattle off the list of appointments Jason had asked her to pass along to Annabeth. “Listen, Pipes, I have to go. Facetime me during your fitting tomorrow. Love you. See you soon. Bye.”
Annabeth tossed her phone on the coffee table before walking into their tiny, Manhattan-sized kitchen to join her roommate. “How was rehearsal?” Annabeth asked, leaning against the counter as Rachel scarfed down leftovers she managed to dig out of their fridge.
“Terrible. How was your day?”
“Also terrible.”
“Why? Remote wedding planning not working out?”
“No, the wedding is going to be perfect. I’m an awesome bridesmaid even though I’m across the country from them. It’s just, you know, certain people…”
“Yes, Luke. He’s going to be a groomsman now.”
“So now I won’t just have to bear seeing him at the wedding. He’s going to be there all weekend for all the wedding prep.”
“I’m sure Piper and Jason will know not to put you in a situation where make you have to interact.”
“Still! I haven’t seen him since he, you know. And this is the first time I’m going to see so many of our friends again since the breakup. There’s no way he’s not bringing a date. I can’t show my face! My pathetic, single face.”
“Then you bring a date! Show up with some hot arm candy and show him.”
“The wedding is next week! Where am I going to find a date?”
“Doesn’t matter as long as he’s hot.”
“Also, if I do somehow meet someone in the next week, I can’t bring them to a wedding. Wedding’s are not first date material. Wedding’s say, meet my parents, I want commitment! And we all know how guys feel about fucking commitment,” Annabeth spat out, “No guy would go to wedding as a first date.”
“He would if you paid him,” Rachel scoffed, “Or slept with him.”
Annabeth smacked her arm, “Stop joking! You know what, I’m tired of talking about this, it’s stressing me out.” Annabeth wrenched open the freezer and grabbed her emergency pint of half-baked Ben & Jerry’s. “How was rehearsal?”
“Lousy. I still can’t believe you’re going to miss my show.”
“I’m coming to opening night!”
“Yeah, but it’s an off-off-Broadway production of Romeo & Juliet I needed you to come every night to fill the house so at least we know for sure we’ll have an audience.”
“You won’t need me. Shakespeare always draw a crowd.”
“This is going to be the worst show I’ve directed ever. Grover got poison ivy, poison oak, and poison fern believe it or not, so I had to find an understudy last minute. I specifically told him not to hook up with his girlfriend in Central Park.”
“I’m sure it will be great.”
“Let’s just hope Juliet doesn’t get poison fern.”
Annabeth was the only one in a crowd of about seventeen who gave the cast a standing ovation, but she didn’t care. In this basement theater of a rec center in Washington Heights, seventeen was basically a full house.
“Great job!” Annabeth said, hugging her roommate and thrusting a bouquet of sunflowers, Rachel’s favorite, into her arms. She and a couple of the actors’ friends and family members had been invited to the ‘cast party’ after the show — aka pizza and soda in another room of the rec center.
“Thanks, Annabeth. You really liked it?” Rachel said, beaming as various crew members patted her on the back as they went to grab pizza.
“Yes! The decision to set the play in a post-apocalyptic, Game of Thrones¬¬-y Verona was so cool. And the actors were phenomenal. Even when that magician walked right onto the stage. The way they improvised—”
“It’s because it’s happened before! People also book birthday parties here and they get the rooms confused! During our tech rehearsal, a clown walked in!”
“Well, your show was amazing. I’m so proud,” Annabeth said, sincerely. “Your cast was great.” Over Rachel’s shoulder she spotted the actor who played Romeo talking with brown-haired woman and man with glasses and salt and pepper hair. “Especially Romeo.”
Rachel beamed, glancing over her shoulder at him, “I know right! Wasn’t he amazing? He’s the understudy!”
“No way,” Annabeth said. His performance had been captivating to say the least. His monologues as Romeo were enough to make Annabeth swoon.
“His name’s Percy,” Rachel lowered her voice, “I love Grover, but I’m almost bummed his poison ivy rash is almost cleared up.”
“How did you find him?”
“Our theater major alumni Facebook group. He’s a friend of Grover’s.”
“And he willingly memorized a lead part’s lines in a Shakespearean play in less than a week?” Annabeth asked, incredulous.
“You know actors, Annabeth, they’ll do anything for a gig. Especially a paid one.” Rachel said, “I have to go talk to my stage manager, go get pizza!”
Annabeth walked over to the table spread with food. Pizza, chips, various dips, soda, utensils and blue cookies? As Annabeth filled a red solo cup with lemonade, her eye wandered back to Romeo. The couple, his parents she assumed, had left, and he was now chatting with the actress who played Juliet.
He was so handsome. Actors always were. Tall, dark-haired, green-eyed. Dreamy. He definitely would still be taller than her in the stilettos the bridesmaids were wearing. If only she could roll up to the wedding with someone like him on her arm…
Annabeth shoved him away, “What are you doing?”
Percy looked at her, confused, “Um? I’m your…boyfriend?”
“We don’t have to start now. Not until we get to the wedding.” Annabeth straightened her blazer. She thrusted his ticket into his hands, and extended the handles of her rolling suitcase, “Come on, they’ve already started boarding.”
Percy followed her, smoothly taking her suitcase from her and loading it up the steps of the train for her. She shot him a look.
Percy lowered his voice, following her through the aisle of the train car, “Any of the other wedding guests could be on this same train, we don’t want to ruin this before it even starts.” Annabeth chose two seats at the back of the train car. She slid into the window seat. Percy lifted her suitcase and his oversized duffle bag into the overhead compartment with ease.
“It’s Thursday and the wedding isn’t until Sunday. The only people heading up there now are in the wedding party, mostly out-of-towners, and they all flew in this morning,” Annabeth said, curtly. She tried to remain cool even though she was feeling so flustered by him. She could barely even look him in the eye. She felt so embarrassed even though this was her damn idea.
“You look very nice.”
Annabeth flushed. “Thank you,” she muttered. Her hair was frizzy after commuting in the midsummer humidity straight from her office building to Penn Station, but she knew she looked good today. She smoothed imaginary wrinkles from her cream pencil skirt.
His hair was messier and curlier than it was the night of the play, contrary to his Romeo’s gelled down locks. He looked so relaxed and cool in a button down with the sleeves rolled up and navy shorts.
“Okay,” Percy said, shifting towards her as the other passengers began to fill up the remaining seats. “Debrief me. What’s my job? Where am I from? How did we meet?”
Annabeth stared at him. “You’re Percy, an actor from New York. We met at my roommate’s show.” Duh?
“Come on, no cool backstory for me to try method acting?”
“No, the most convincing lies are closest to the truth,” Annabeth replied, “And I need this to be convincing.”
“I want a challenge.”
“Isn’t pretending to be my boyfriend enough of a challenge?”
Percy grinned, “Shouldn’t be that hard.”
Annabeth flushed again, “Then why exactly am I paying you $2,000?”
“Like you said, I’m convincing,”
“Please have your tickets out. Next stop is Babylon.”
Annabeth looked out her window as the platform fell away into the darkness of the tunnels. The train gained speed and made its way out of Manhattan.
When Annabeth awoke, the LIRR train was no longer underground, but racing through the tracks of Long Island. The train ride to Montauk was three hours long so the last rays of sun had just disappeared.
Annabeth glanced over at Percy, also was dozing away, head tilted back and mouth fully open. He really was so attractive. Tan, chiseled face with a jaw some women would murder for, but he still had a boyish softness to his expression, especially when he slept.
“Next stop, Montauk.”
Annabeth nudged him. Percy blinked groggily and cracked a goofy grin when he saw her looking at him.
“You drool in your sleep.”
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misssophiachase · 6 years
Mini Prompt: this random guy is really drunk and just sang an entire ballad directly to me at a karaoke bar and now I’m really flustered cuz he’s super cute.
Thanks nonnie : ) Sorry Itook so long to get to this. Great prompt, hope you like it! As usual, I tooksome liberties.
Your Song
“Can we please get out ofhere?” Katherine groaned, rubbing her temples slowly. “This supposed singing isgiving me a headache.” 
“No, I think that’s allthe tequila slammers finally catching up with you, Kat,” Bonnie offered.Katherine gave her a dirty look which plainly meant she didn’t appreciate thesuggestion.
“Why did the bride insiston dragging us to this hell hole anyway?” She whined. “Last time I checked abachelorette party is run by the bridesmaids.”
“Try telling Lexi that,”Caroline said, gesturing towards the feather boa wearing bride-to-be dancingwith her groom-to-be. They were fairly certain it wasn’t a coincidence they’dended up in this dive of a bar listening to drunken idiots pretending theycould sing. “She’s a control freak.”
“Takes one to know one,”Kat quipped, earning a poked out tongue for her trouble. 
“I have to give her pointsfor circumventing Kol’s strip club plans though,” Bonnie chuckled, choosing toignore their usual bickering. The paired couple had delighted in each other’smisery since they met days earlier.
“He certainly lookspissed,” Katherine laughed, her headache momentarily forgotten. “I can’tsay I’m upset given all the grief he’s caused the bridal party this week.” 
“Not to mention thehostility from the best man, hey Care?”
The four girls hadattended school together in Virginia and made a pact they’d all be each other’sbridesmaids no matter where they were situated. College and life had split themup geographically but their friendship remained as strong as ever.  
Lucien and Lexi had beendating for three years, so his subsequent proposal came as no shock to anyone.Now, here they were nine months later in some untoward karaoke bar on StatenIsland of all places. 
Caroline wouldn’t haveminded being there so much if his arrogant, best man Klaus Mikaelson wasn’tpresent. She could feel his over inflated ego suffocating her from here.
They’d met thirteen monthsearlier when Caroline was visiting Lexi in New York and Klaushad immediately and shamelessly tried to pick her up. With a roll of herblue eyes she’d told him in no uncertain terms his advances were unwanted.
There was no denying hewas gorgeous with those crimson lips and dimples but it was also clear toCaroline that Klaus knew it. She had no desire to be just another conquest.When she arrived for the festivities five days earlier, Caroline had expectedhim to make another pass at her but he’d been decidedly hostile. Given theywere partners; Caroline wasn’t quite so sure how things would fare from there.
“Caroline,hello?” Bonnie interrupted.  
“I’m here.”
“Sure you are,” Katobserved. “Why don’t you two just fuck in the dodgy bathrooms and get it over anddone with?”
“Excuse me?”
“This little dance you’vebeen playing with each other this week is foreplay,” she drawled. “Andbetween you and me it’s exhausting and a little arousing to watch, I’m notgonna lie.”  
“And here I thoughtdrooling over Elijah in his suit was arousing enough for you Kitty Kat,”Caroline shot back. She was trying to ignore him but she could feel Klaus’ gazetrained on her, causing more than a few shivers to course through her body.They’d shared plenty of looks but his seemed unwavering tonight.
Before she could reply,the song finished and the tone deaf guy singing “My Heart Will Go On” exitedstage left, thank god. 
“Evening everyone,” ahusky but very familiar voice uttered into the microphone. Her eyes flew to thestage, her worst fears realised. There he was in all his glory, given the wolfwhistles from just about every woman and gay male in the room, Klaus Mikaelsonhad definitely made an amazing first impression. The telling smirk on hisface was enough for Caroline to scowl at his brazen vanity. “This song’s for myfavourite Maid-of-Honour.”
She was surprised he’dbeen so open with his dedication but given the slight slur in his voice and the glassy expressionhe wore, Caroline knew the alcohol was talking. The music began, she immediatelyrecognized the well-known Elton John ballad, surprisingly anxious for hisability to pull it off.
“It’s a little bit funny this feeling inside. I’m not one ofthose who can easily hide.”
Her initial anxieties had been realised. Klaus Mikaelson mayhave been gorgeous, successful and annoyingly intelligent but he couldn’t carrya tune to save his life. Initially she felt smug given his huge ego but as hiswoeful rendition continued, his gaze trained solely on her, she actually felt bad anda little too eager to get up on stage and muzzle him.
The initially accepting crowd was beginning to show their feelings vocally as his singing only worsened with every note. Caroline never imagined she’d everfeel sorry for Klaus Mikaelson but given the way his eyes were focused on her as he sang so terribly, she decided to rescue him. If anyone asked, she’d blame it on the alcohol even if she wasn’t that drunk. 
She grabbed the spare microphone not trying to meet his gaze as she prepared to sing the next line with him. The fact it was incredibly personal didn’t help but she was only here to get him out of a bind. Well, that’s what she kept telling herself. 
“I hope you don’t mind, that I put down in words. How wonderful life is while you’re in the world.”
The song continued to play and, looking back on it afterwards, Caroline remembered it as an out of body experience. She’d even managed to block out his terrible singing, which was saying a lot. 
As the crowd started to applaud during the closing notes, Caroline could barely concentrate as his blue eyes devoured her. Suddenly, Caroline knew Kat was right. She should fuck this idiot and do it right now to get it out of her system. She was momentarily questioning the untoward bathroom facilities but attempted to push those thoughts aside. 
“Meet me in the bathroom,” she hissed.
“For what exactly, love?” She rolled her eyes sarcastically before responding.
“You wanna fuck, fine.” She mumbled, her finger playing with the shell of his ear. “I don’t need any unwanted distractions for this wedding, Mikaelson.”
“Number one, I don’t fuck in dirty toilets on Staten Island and I’m pretty sure you don’t either,” he said authoritatively. “And number two, did you ever think that I actually liked you, Forbes?”
“Oh yeah, sure,” she scoffed. “Your man whore reputation kind of ruins that theory.”
“Man whore?” He teased. “I hate to ruin your view of me but there’s been no one since we first met.”
“What? That was like…”
“The ninth of July last year,” he interrupted. “I know.”
“You’re drunk…”
“But surprisingly I can still remember the date we first met, love,” he murmured. “I’m actually not that drunk.”
“So, that singing…”
“Unfortunately it’s the same drunk or sober, sweetheart. Some singing lessons wouldn’t go astray, if you’d be so kind?”
“I have rules,” she insisted. Rather than being upset, his crimson lips curved into a sly smile. “But my panties are off limits, for now.”
“That’s okay, I prefer commando anyway,” he growled, licking his lips. 
“You’re teasing me.”
“I am but my preferences remain the same.” His eyebrows were raised now and all she wanted was for him to rip her La Perla, sheer, black panties off in that moment. He didn’t though and it would take another month for him to do so. 
“I can’t promise anything on the wedding day.”
“If only I was Superman with x-ray vision.”
“Probably a good thing given it’s not our day.” They held each other’s gaze, the intensity between them only building.   
���So, I’ll see you at the altar then?”
“See you then…”
Apparently the toilets at the Plaza were much more savoury post-wedding. Call them cliche but turns out the best man and maid-of-honour actually fell in love. 
Some said it was their indiscretions in the bathroom but it was actually the time she saved him from sudden death during karaoke. It made a great, and decidedly G rated story, for their children anyway. 
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HEY LOVELY, I just love your fics and had to make a prompt...So yeah 😂 It's Betty's bachelorette party (and secretly from Jughead, in the same place) and after a mess at the nightclub, the gang ends up in jail.
You’re the sweetest, thank you so much! That prompt definitely didn’t end how I expected, hope you like it :) 
The music was pounding in Betty’s ears as she made her waythrough the crowded club, pulling at the skin tight burgundy dress Veronica hasinsisted she wear, checking to see if it still covered her modesty. She liftedher hand to shield her eyes from the flashing lights as she tried to keep herbest friend in sight as she slipped easily through the mess of people. 
“Slow down, V!” she shouted to be heard, lunging forward tobarely land a tap on the girl’s shoulder. Veronica turned, body swayingslightly to the music, a seductive smile permanently on her face. 
“We’ve got to find the bar!” Veronica called back, not pausingto listen to Betty’s protests before turning back around and continuing on hermission. 
When they’d finally all made it - Veronica, Polly, Josie, andCheryl - and were holding mandatory shots, Veronica lifted hers in the airpreparing to make a toast.
“To Betty Cooper and her last night of freedom,” she proclaimed,tapping her glass against the others and knocking it back, keeping an eye onBetty over the rim to make sure she did the same. Betty winced as the liquidburned her throat, hoping to god that Veronica would let her stick to cocktailsfor the rest of the night. She didn’t like the words Veronica had used but shekept her mouth shut. Jughead wasn’t holding her captive, if anything being withhim made her feel freer than she’d ever been in her life. After graduationthey’d barely waited a day before getting out of Riverdale and heading to NewYork. Their first apartment had been almost unlivable, tiny rooms andquestionable stains, but Jughead had reassured her that is was perfect, that itwas all they needed if they were in this together. He’d made her fall apart,that first night, on the mattress that still didn’t have a bed frame and theworld had dissolved around them. He was right, possessions didn’t matter. 
It hadn’t been an easy road, and they’d had their fair share offights, both headstrong and unerringly stubborn, but she’d never been worried,knowing that they’d always come back to one another - ok, she was worried oncewhen Jughead had stormed out and not come back until the early hours of themorning, but she had made him regret it so strongly, grasping at him like hewas the very air she breathed that he’d never dare do it again. 
Which is how they were here, simple ring on Betty’s fingerglistening in the strobes as she perched on the bar stool at the bacheloretteparty Veronica had insisted on throwing her, Archie jumping at the chance tokidnap Jughead for the night too. 
Jughead. She so wished he was here right now.
“Promise me you’ll try and enjoy yourself,” he’d told her,tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You know Veronica won’tgive up until you do,” he finished with a smirk. She smiled, toying with thebuttons on the front of his shirt.
“Ok. And you too, even though I’d much prefer to spend the nighthere, with you,” she murmured, leaning in to capture his lips in a teasingkiss, swiping her tongue across his bottom lip, eliciting a groan.
“Go, you menace,” he chastised, lightly squeezing her behind andmaking her squeal.
“B…” Veronica said in warning, ducking her head to stare intoBetty’s zoned out eyes. 
“Sorry! Sorry, I’m here I promise,” she chirped, standing upfrom her seat. Veronica slung an understanding arm around her shoulders. 
“Not long now,” she promised, understanding her friend’sexcitement. Betty bit her lip, smiling, as the butterflies soared in herstomach. She accepted the second shot despite herself and threw it back, tryingnot to taste it as much this time. 
A few drinks later and Betty was a lot more relaxed. She vaguelyfelt someone dancing too close behind her but she didn’t bother turning tolook, enjoying the way her limbs felt light and buzzing. 
“Archie?!” Veronica suddenly screeched. “That sneaky gingerfox, what is he doing here?” Betty followed her gaze to where her other bestfriend was leaning casually against the bar, laughing with someone. Juggie! Herheart skipped as his piercing baby blues found hers the minute she saw him. Shecould feel the flush in her cheeks deepening as he fixed her with his stare. Afamiliar feeling settled in her stomach as she appraised him from afar. Hisbroad shoulders, lean frame, loose shirt hiding what she knew was just waitingfor her beneath. Deep eyes, dark hair, that one curl… in the back of her mindshe knew it was partly the alcohol but she wanted him, now. His intense gazewas still on her, and she felt it throughout her entire body to the tips of hertoes. Suddenly he was storming towards her looking… pissed. Her eyebrows knittogether as she watched him march through the crowd.
“Juggie…?” He barely stopped to acknowledge her as he blewpast, instead reaching for the person who’d been dancing behind her that shehad barely taken notice of. 
“Hey,pal. Would you mind not grinding on my fiance?” Hegrowled, and Betty couldn’t help but shiver appreciatively. His eyes werefire. 
“Hey buddy, I didn’t see her complaining,” the stranger repliedcockily. Big mistake. Jughead saw red as he lunged for the guy, substantiallytaller and more well-built than himself. Jughead got in a good hit before hewas thrown backwards, barely keeping his balance as he fought the manoff. 
Out of the corner of her eye Betty saw the guy’s friend starttowards them, ready to make it two on one. Before she could even open her mouthto warn him Archie flew in from her left, tackling the guy to the ground andholding him down, legs on either side of his chest. 
“Hey!” A new voice reached her ears. A girl, all boobs andtanned skin, marched up to her. “Were you tryin’ to steal my man?” sheaccused, jabbing a finger in Betty’s face. 
“Excuse me, bitch,” Veronica pitched in from herright. “Check your facts!” The girl turned red as she reached forVeronica, fingers shaped like claws. Veronica was faster, though, pullingsharply on her hair. 
Betty didn’t know where to turn, there was a large circleforming round them now. Her eyes spun to find Jughead, finding him strugglingto hold his own. Her adrenaline spiked and before she knew it she was hurtlingtowards the guy, jumping on his back, arms gripping his neck. The new weightflung him off balance, giving Jughead enough time to knock him to theground. 
“Thanks, sunshine,” he breathed, chest heaving inexertion. 
The next few minutes were a blur of bouncers and blue and redlights. Physical violence and public disturbance. The gang of four satforlornly on the jail cell bench, their night ending in a way furthest fromtheir imaginations. 
“Polly should be here soon,” Betty announced after her phonecall. She sat by her finance, all traces of alcohol buzz faded from hersystem. “That better have faded by the wedding,” she groaned, runninggentle fingers along the bruise starting to form on Jughead’s cheekbone,brushing her lips against it. He had the good sense to look sheepish. 
“Sorry, Betts,” he mumbled as she just shook her head, leaningit on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her, tucking her closer to hisside as the early morning rays started to pour in.
“Well, I promised you a nightto remember,” Veronica piped up, shrugging when three pairs of eyes turned tolook at her disapprovingly. “What?!”
Betty huffed out a laugh,tucking her face into Jughead’s neck. “Definitely one to tell the grandkids,”she mumbled sleepily, lips turning up into a smile as she felt him laughbeneath her.
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