#(yes I do have to force homework into my Rules-Free Imagination Land writing. I have to get a good grade in Referencing Old Lit or I'll die
see-arcane · 5 months
Your 'Ghouls are Deaths hunting dogs' idea reminds me of the one guy who, when accused of being a werewolf, said that werewolves were the hounds of God who battled witches and demons. Anne Rice (yes, she of vampire fame) wrote at least two books with a similar premise (wolven shapeshifters that can smell evil and hunt only the wicked. The books are called 'The Wolf Gift' and 'The Wolves of Midwinter' BTW.)
Vampires VS Werewolves has always been a tasty concept. I could especially see a grudge happening in the Dracula canon, considering how happy the Count is to make slavering puppets of ordinary wolves and muscle them into danger and violence against their will. I've seen it done well in tons of monster mashing media, but it's kind of lost its flavor to me as a 'gimme' of supernatural horror.
But it'd be very fun to abuse the werewolf foe assumption based on 1) A lupine profile in the head and 2) Being seen munching on a corpse...
Only for the observer to realize that's a canine (even jackal or hyena-ish) head on those misshapen shoulders and that corpse it's ripping apart isn't a fresh kill. It's full of maggots. Or worse.
Dead, but not done being sentient.
Rest in pieces, Count de Ville. 🍽
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✨ Djimmi the Great! & Child! Reader ✨
{ Hello, everyone! Here another request of AO3 (yes, I had so many). Even here the reader is a child. Actually, I find funny writing about child! Reader. Hope you will appreciate this story! }
❇️ Magical Friendship ❇️
Life was not easy for any human being, let alone a child.
This life did not frighten you, and you tried to extract the best out of every situation. Even if your worries were not comparable to those of an adult it did not mean you did not own your troubles. Be scolded for have not done your homework or crying because your parents did not want to buy you the new videogame you desired. These were your "problems”, but your parents were not so harsh, and they loved you a lot. Unluckily, they were not here now to comfort you but you were not afraid. You did not need anybody because you were a curious and courageous child. You have always dreamed of living an adventure. Perhaps this was the opportunity life has given you to experience the adventure you have craved for so long.
This place was enormous, mysterious and magical. Every creature that surrounded you was strange and fascinating. The same creatures you met in your dreams, maybe you were dreaming. The human mind generated the most bizarre images, and children’s minds created the craziest fantasies.
You did not know the name of this place and you named it as your "secret island". You were like the protagonists of a videogame and you could not wait to explore every centimetre of this place.
Everything seemed wonderful if you were not a lonely and lost child because you had no idea where you could go and do. You were starving and you had no place to go.
Days passed and perhaps this adventure was not as fun as you thought.
You tried to socialize with the locals, but they have denigrated and teased because you were a human being. You did not understand their behaviour. You ignored them and you went on your way. The only thing you wanted was a friend. Someone with whom you can talk and listen to your problems. No hero worked alone. You needed your shoulder, an assistant, a person that could guide you. You were still an inexperienced child and you could not go too far alone.
One day you were walking, your mind lost in distant thoughts. You were remembering your birthday one year ago. It would have been tomorrow and you would have spent it alone, it was sad. You remembered the day of your birthday with joy. Your cheerful friends surrounded you and sang "happy birthday to you", applauding and screaming your name. You were the star of that day and you could feel the affection of each of them embracing you. Your parents took pictures of you, laughed, and showered you with presents. Among all these gifts, there was also the videogame that you desired. You were the happiest child in the world.
The cake was delicious, the sky clear and blue and even the clouds that looked like cotton candy seemed content for you. Everything was perfect and you hoped that this birthday would be as wonderful as the past one. If you were not alone here. Of course, you could still have a happy birthday but it would not have been the same without your friends and parents.
Still distracted by your thoughts, you walked and walked without a specific destination. Until you stumbled into an object. You lost your balance and you fell on the cold ground but you were a strong child so you did not hurt yourself and you stood up promptly.  
A particular object, the object that made you fall, has caught your eye. It was a lamp. You have not noticed it before so you picked it up, analysing it. It seemed an ancient lamp and it was very dirty and scratched, it was golden and you were able to admire your reflection on its surface. This lamp was odd and peculiar. Since you were a child, you have not thought about the idea of selling it because it was made of gold and you had no money.
The most logical thing to do in this situation was to rub it. Everyone knew that these kinds of lamps were magical so the only solution was to rub it. You were a kid but you were not stupid.  An adult would have threw it away without even touch it or they would have sold it because adults had not that kind of imagination. They were so practical and they did not believe in magic. This place was so different from your home. Here, everything was possible. Logic and rationality made no sense here.
Without thinking twice, you took the golden lamp and you started cleaning it up with the bottom of your sweater. You rubbed with all your energy but nothing happened. You focused even more until your face became red because you were putting a lot of effort in it. Maybe it was useless and it was a normal lamp.
You did not give up and you believed in yourself and in your dreams. You could do it!
After that, the miracle happened and a bright light came out of the mysterious object and you were blinded and confused. A colourful smoke surrounded you but it was not a normal smoke and it smelled good. You found yourself covered in glitter and stardust and you laughed because it was something wonderful. When the glittering fog disappeared, you were able to see again and you noticed a strange figure in front of you. You were not a stupid child and you have already imagined who he was. Yes, you were a very clever and curious child.
It was the genie. The famous genie of the lamp and you were the lucky kid who has evocated him. You could not believe in such wonder.
The man was giant and luminous that you needed covering your eyes for not being blinded. You felt like a little ant compared to him but you were just a human child. Even the genie was surprised and he would have never believed a little human like you could evocate him.
The ancient legends said that these mystical creatures could be found only in special and enigmatic places called Dungeons that were situated in the middle of the desert. Only the bravest adventurers would be capable to find these extraordinary monuments and few were the ones who would be able to escape from their horrible traps and adversity because these were dangerous and nefarious places. You have not fought terrible monsters or won difficult challenges since you found this lamp by mistake.
It seemed that someone has thrown away his lamp and now the poor genie was confused but amused seeing his new owner. You were a real lucky and smart kid but maybe you deserved his help more than anyone else did. The genie’s smile went wide open.
“Who we got here?” he asked smirking.
You were paralyzed and it was a miracle if you have not already peed in your pants since you were still a kid so you could not contain your fear a lot. This man was still a magical giant and he could tear you to pieces with ease using one of his big hands.
Seeing you so scared, the genie laughed loudly holding his own belly because your fear was senseless and funny. You were his little master so he could not hurt you. It was the supreme rule. You have evocated him and now he was your loyal servant. No need to be afraid.
“Have no fear, little human. I won’t hurt you!” his smile got bigger as he talked. It seemed all his body became bigger or maybe it was only your sick imagination.
“I-I’m not afraid…” you did not seem very convincible and you did not believe in your own words.
“Your legs show otherwise.” The genie laughed, and he pointed his fat finger at you. Your legs were trembling as leaves during the cold winter. Then, your body got lighter and you started floating in the air like a helium balloon. Your moves were chaotic and you were about to fall but a mysterious force made you lift as if you were a real balloon. He laughed again. You understood he was such a pranker genie.
It was not a horrible feeling and you felt as light as a feather. You were flying free like a bird out of its cage and it was grand. You swam in the air laughing and screaming of joy. The magical man flew with you until the two of you reached the vast blue sky. The clouds welcomed you in their soft embrace.
An enormous splint appeared in his big hand and then he stabbed the clouds and they became sweet and delicious cotton candy.  Your eyes shined as he offered to you the big stick of cotton candy clouds and you accepted it with pleasure.  It was delightful and you have never eaten clouds. Of course, they really tasted like cotton candy.
“Hey, kiddo! You’ve not already told me your name!” then you remembered you were not alone and you were too distracted by the sweet clouds. You revealed your name and it was not a mystery anymore. The genie smiled at you even if he has never stopped smiling in his teasing way.
“Oh, nice to meet you, little master. My name is Djimmi. Djimmi the Great!” and then he exploded in a louder laugh and all the clouds around him evaporated suddenly.
“M-master?” you repeated and it was strange he called you master.
“Yes, you’re my new master, little one! Yes, it’s weird even for me. You are the littlest master I’ve ever had” and he laughed again as if he heard the most hilarious joke of his existence.
“Oh, golly! Really?!” you could not contain your enthusiasm and you started twirling around like a crazy acrobat in the air. If it was a dream, you did not want to wake up!
“Anyway, kiddo. How you got here?” asked the genie.
“Oh? I don’t know!” this is a question you have never asked to yourself until now, “Don’t you know why I am here?” you asked to him.
“Uhm, nope! We are just met…” he shook his shoulders.
“But you’re a genie. You should know everything!” you opened your arms still floating in the air.
“Ah, probably!” he snorted, “Knowing everything about everything would be very boring!” it appeared as an excuse but maybe he was right and life would be very grey if everything was granted.
“Yes, maybe you’re right! You nodded.
“Of course. I’m a genie, I’m always right!” and he laughed like crazy while the two of you were landing on the soft ground safe and sound.
“Hey! Now can I ask for my three wishes?” your eyes shined like two diamonds and your smile got wide. The genie found you so cute and you were a very exuberant child.
“Oh, kiddo! You go so far, eh? I suppose, times have changed” and he sighed.
Once people were more curious, they appeared terrified in front of his majestic figure, he was usually the one who had to explain rules and all, while this child already knew everything and you did not appear so scared. Yes, you were very scared at first but now you were so relaxed and enthusiast while an adult would still question himself about the logic of this surreal situation. Actually, Djimmi has known many humans in his career and they were weird but, most of all, they were all hungry for power and money. They just wanted to satisfy their greed and ego and at the end, they found themselves in the abyss of the loneliness and desperation.
While he was still lost in his thoughts, you were just observing him with curiosity and only the sound of the surrounding nature was audible.
Actually, you had no idea what you wanted to ask him and you did not want to waste this opportunity. You were a little confused but you could still have fun with your new friend. You were not alone, at least.
“What can I ask?” you had no idea about what you desired.
“Whatever you want, kiddo. But any question about love or death. They cause always trouble!” he said even if this was a rule you already knew. You were a cultured child and you have watched so many movies and cartoons so you knew everything about it. Hollywood could be very useful sometimes.
“Oh, no… Anything of it!” these things made you nervous. You were too young for love or for thinking about death. It was crazy!
“Oh, cool, kiddo! We can get along. That’s fine!” Djimmi nodded, crossing his arms on his big torso.
Your wishes were not so many. You wanted to live a great adventure with your friends and exploring every corner of this place. Since you were here, you have felt very alone and sad because nobody wanted to be your friend and this was awful. This was your first wish.
“I want to have a friend.” The genie looked at you with a confused expression.
“Is this your first wish?” he asked.
“Yes, it’s very important for me” your voice was low and you looked down. Djimmi smiled and his heart got softer.
“You don’t need magic for it. I mean, you can have all the friends you want.” He answered, confused.
“No, it’s not easy. Anyone wants to be my friend here. I’ve tried so much but it’s hard!” you sighed.
“Don’t be dumb, kiddo! You are very smart and funny! I don’t know you very well but I guess you’re even smarter than my ex masters that were very egocentric and weird…” and he did not remember his ex-masters with enthusiasm. Your smile still did not appear on your face.
“All the other children avoid me! They say I’m gross!” you kept your tears.
“Ah, it’s not true! You’re not gross! They’re very rude! Don’t listen to them, kiddo! Actually, you have a friend!” the genie smiled genuinely. This time his smile was not mocking or sinister but it was sincere and warm.
“Really?” you asked.
“Of course. It’s me! Djimmi the great. I may say the greatest is your friend. See? You have a friend and it’s even a genie. You can’t ask for better!” he winked and laughed and you laughed with him.
It was true and you were the one who found him so you could define yourself the luckiest child of the world. Your smile came back and Djimmi could not be more content seeing it.
“So you would go on the adventure with me!?” you asked with joy.
“Oh, of course! And where do we go?” the genie twirled around and he seemed more enthusiast than you were.
“Everywhere!” you clapped your hands jumping around him.
At the end, it was not so difficult to find a friend and it was already in front of you.
The two of you started a super adventure together and you had not even a time of boredom or sadness because everything was amazing. Even all the children who have mocked you were jealous of you because they did not have a genie as a friend but you were gentle and smart enough to forgive them. You became the leader of the kids and everyone gave you the respect and the friendship that you deserved.
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