#(yes it's a kid's show but pretty much every piece of tf media does this in some way)
robotsprinkles · 1 year
I do like earthspark overall
but god I wish for once we could get a tf show (or just. anything) that doesn't do the "humans are better than Cybertronians at everything" bit.
In Earthspark's defense, it's not TFP.
MECH and Silas somehow being able to make an optimus clone and fight better than Optimus himself with it is idiotic on so many levels and I have no idea how they thought it was good writing.
(yeah sure Optimus has been fighting a war for four million years and 1v1s Megatron on the regular and knows the ins and outs of his body and has all the wisdom and knowledge and skill bestowed by the matrix but some jackass military prick who's at most got 50 years of combat experience controlling a second rate knockoff with what's basically an arcade control stick can kick his ass without trying)
okay before anyone gets pissy at me for saying Earthspark did the "humans are better than Cybertronians at everything" bit, I'm being mostly hyperbolic, and also: (this gets long and rambly so I'm putting it under a readmore")
I'm mostly saying Earthspark did the bit because GHOST and Mandroid were both unreasonably effective at defeating and capturing Cybertronians, on top of being able to mind control them.
(I really don't like humans being able to defeat Cybertronians on any consistent basis unless it's like. a motorcycle or minicon or micromaster getting hit by a bunch of HEAT rounds or 120mm sabot or a prolonged barrage of 20-30mm autocannon fire or specifically anti-Cybertronian weapons like inhibitors and mode locks and EM/EMP blasts and the like because then it just makes it seem like Cybertronian weaponry is on average about as effective as a nerf gun. but then you get the issue of "if humans have such effective anti-Cybertronian weapons that can incapacitate a Cybertronian in one shot why aren't the bots and cons using them instead of blasters that seem to do piss-all against anything that's not point blank")
I'm willing to give ES some leeway on the "can mind control Cybertronians despite that generally being something only people with powers or specific weapons for it can do (like Mindwipe and Bombshell and sometimes Soundwave and mnemosurgeons if you want to count them)" thing because GHOST did have Bombshell in custody and could prooobably have acquired cerebro-shells to study and experiment on. (though I don't remember if Mandroid ever had any time with Bombshell so. if he didn't then screw that, leeway lost). but also if cerebro-shells are as easy to reverse engineer as that you'd expect the Autobots to have already come up with a defense against them. Perpetual arms race and all that.
Personally, I'm not fond of humans being able to reverse-engineer Cybertronian tech and anatomy like it's nothing because I really don't care for the sci-fi trope of humans' thing being "we're so clever and smart and adaptive and so much better than all alien races at learning and improving". It's overdone and the positioning of humanity as special and/or unique that a lot of sci-fi does annoys the hell out of me
(Tangent time) as an example for why I think the "humans can reverse engineer any alien tech ever" trope is stupid and bad (sci-fi) writing: if an alien race had gravity manipulation tech that operated via graviton manipulation, (modern) humanity would flat out have no idea how it worked — even if this was a version modern humanity that universally accepted gravitons as real — unless they had the documentation from the aliens explaining that's how it worked, because "Unambiguous detection of individual gravitons, though not prohibited by any fundamental law, is impossible with any physically reasonable detector [...] a detector with the mass of Jupiter and 100% efficiency, placed in close orbit around a neutron star, would only be expected to observe one graviton every 10 years, even under the most favorable conditions. It would be impossible to discriminate these events from the background of neutrinos, since the dimensions of the required neutrino shield would ensure collapse into a black hole" (yes that's from wikipedia but it's also true (enough for the purposes of this dumb argument. if physicists want to tell me the ways this statement is wrong in any way please do I want to learn things)) (tangent over)
obviously Cybertronian anatomy doesn't function off anything similar to gravitons (in that canon has never said Cybertronian brains or sparks or anything contain or use unprovable or undetectable (to human) particles) (though you might be able to make an argument for Energon being something like that) (it generally seems human organisations' ability to detect Cybertronians is gained from Energon detecting tech given to them by Cybertronians so)
But. y'know. There's saying "1940s humanity could probably reverse engineer a Ferrari" and saying "13th century medieval Europe could definitely reverse engineer an F-35"
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elfdragon12 · 8 days
starscream fans will not like what i say, but someone needs to say this: out of all transformers characters, starscream is generally one of the best included, not only basically every tf media have him, but he gets de facto reinterpretations of his character and not just picking the personality of some other tf and calling it ''reinterpretation''. so for me who is fan of tfs who didnt get anything new for most a decade and when they get they are basically TF X with the name of TF Y, stars fan and their whining is so annoying, specially bcs most of time it's not even based on stars real character they are complaining and instead is why he isn't like the OOC Ao3 fanfictions they read. sorry for the rant and i love your blog and your opinions, have a good day
Everyone has their favorite and they like to see their favorite... But I don't quite get Starscream fans being... Surprised or shocked whenever it's revealed he's in a new story. He's in almost everything. Of course he's in the new thing, he is in the top 5 most marketable characters in the franchise out of over 1000. Soundwave doesn't even show up as frequently.
And yes, he is a character who's pretty much the same every time. Sure, I get wanting to see perhaps more lateral interpretations or writers allowing him to make decisions that don't revolve around absolving Megatron by making Starscream the big meanie (that's more a character development point). However! Consistency is also nice. Best of luck if you're a fan of someone like Prowl. Are you getting the original Budiansky bio or Sunbow Prowl? The ninja Beachcomber TFA version? The IDW1 version that's just Stakeout but without realizing he doesn't make a good leader of the team and passing it to someone else? (When I say most character reinterpretions are just a pre-existing character with a different name, I'm not kidding.) Maybe you're a Tracks fan like I am and get sad when writers only remember the vain part and not the "huge Earth lover" part. I feel bad for anyone who liked Getaway before James Roberts wrote More Than Meets the Eye.
Fanfiction can sometimes have amazing characterizations that change how you think about a character. Some fanfiction is so disconnected that you're not sure why it's tagged with a character they didn't seem to actually be interested in writing them.
I get liking a character, wanting to see them, and being put out when they're not written like you think they should be... But there does need to be some perspective. Starscream is in over 200 pieces of Transformers media and gets to keep his same basic personality traits throughout. That's worlds better than what many other fans get. Blaster hasn't been in a Transformers show or movie since the 80s and hasn't gotten much material in the comics for a long time. He's gotten a lot of toys in the past few years, but that's it.
I'm glad you like my blog and opinions! Thank you!
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xxtha-blog · 4 years
Tf albeist?
Shit what kinda shitty drama is happening this time-
Okay if you don't like drama or talks about stereotyping minorities in media, do not read further, but I'm basically just going to weigh in (tw ableism, Lgbtq+ related phobias and minority steryotypes)
In that order- just kidding, b first. Please don't send any hatred at them if you do find out who said it, that'll just make them think they're more right and other people are attacking them for it, but you can read Jakei's post apologizing to get some context if you'd like.
Someone headcanons characters as autistic if theyre emotionless then got upset Ink's a villain in Underverse because making someone emotionless a villain is harmful to autistic people so Jakei made a post apologizing, despite him neither being autistic, nor being a villain. There's your summary, I'm not going to tell you who said it a. Because they have me blocked and I'm sure they'd start something with me if they thought I was stalking their blog (my friend just showed me what they said after it kind of became a public talking point) and b. So no one harasses them.
Now, I'm not autistic, let's make that very clear, but considering they said it's also aphobic, and I am asexual, and the stereotypes they're getting upset at for both are pretty much the exact same, I feel I can weigh in/personally understand the situation enough to explain the following:
Ink is canonly not autistic and while I support people identifying that with him, the person who criticized Jakei seemed to only assigned it to him because they think all emotionless characters are autistic coded (they said Fresh must be too), which is literally just a stereotype a lot of autistic people do not like because genuine emotionlessness is very different from neurodivergence, lack of empathy, difficulty processing emotions, or not feeling romance or love for other people. So I think that in itself should render their ableist argument null and void because it can basically be instantly uno reversoed with a, but wait, you only came to that conclusion because of your own ableist stereotypes!
While I do recogonize there are stereotypes that frame these types people as cold, emotionless, or even dangerous, there's many problems with thinking Ink is falling into this:
1. Ink is not a villain, or even dangerous.
2. Ink is canonly not autistic. Ink in Underverse isn't following canon and once again, still isn't autistic, and saying he is autistic coded because he is emotionless is in itself a harmful stereotype because no one is emotionless in the way these characters are.
3. You cant call a piece of media problematic for containing a stereotype for a minority that you yourself assigned to the character solely because you connected that minority to them due to the stereotype.
Like, if they wanted even a fraction of ground to stand on then maybe, Ink being asexual and being portrayed as villain would have at least made sense because he's actually asexual
But even then I think that's complete bullshit, he's not a villain, he's certainly not being portrayed as a villain because he's emotionless, or asexual, or whatever the fuck. No one's going to look at that and go, ah yes asexual people are evil because Ink is!
Like, we have a fandom that makes horrific murderers gay buddies that kiss each other every other day. There is a harmful stereotype in media where the gay characters are villains. But I, a gay person, don't find people making Killer and Nightmare make out, or putting together a bad sans poly, offensive or harmful because a. it's just a fandom. We have so many iterations of everything that it's very very clear no one's doing that *because* they think gay people are evil. Fuck, I would like to see Killer and Nightmare make out, I think Killer is a gay icon. And b. It's very clear no one's going to see that and go AHA I KNEW IT
That's ridiculous.
And Jakei didn't even make Ink autistic!!!! Like, maybe, MAYBE if he genuinely was, they'd have a point. I'd still think it was completely reaching because again he's not a villain, but still, at least then, there would actually be SOME basis for this argument. But they've literally based the entire argument on THEIR headcanon.
They've made a problem that does not exist
A harmful depiction no one saw before they said anything because it wasn't there.
And are demanding an apology because they basically created an attack against their community themselves.
And I think it's ridiculous.
this isn't about whether stereotypes against autistic people exist or are harmful or not, because they do and they are! And I deeplty sympathize with that and believe it should always be a lens in which one can criticize media! But their argument lacks either of its main points being true. Ink is neither autistic nor is Ink a villain and saying he is then demanding an apology for it is just causing more problems than the actual depiction in Underverse.
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 21 - The PTSD is strong with this one & we need more braincells
Hello hello! Welcome to the commentary. How’s everyone? I’m frozen solid because it’s mid-June in Spain and yet we had 11°C yesterday. Fucking awesome!
Can I just take a second to appreciate how much this big strong powerful men emote? I mean, I know this isn’t western media where the tough guy can’t show emotions, and I don’t know that eastern media has the same hangups about men emoting but just... it’s so refreshing.
Huaisang bb you’re so sweet.
Oh, oh the PTSD is strong with this one.
Also, bless both JC and NHS, they absolutely noticed WWX flinch and, in their own ways, went and steamrolled over it so WWX wouldn’t feel scrutinised.
How do y’all think the guards go deliver bad news to WRH? Like do they paper-rock-scissor it? Draw straws?
NMJ did you have to?
And once again I wonder what would’ve happened if JFM had let sect leader Yao kick it.
Ughvhfnevus it’s this clown. Same as with Su She, if you see a bunch of screaming it’s just me not wanting to listen to Jin ZiXun.
The Nies: let’s throw a banquet to honour WWX’s return
Every asshole there: *gossips about WWX while in the room with him*
Once again I wish I could transmigrate (and speak mandarin lol) and just start delivering tongue lashings.
Listen, I have no idea how to play Guqin, but I did play the guitar for years and even from here I can see how much YiBo’s hands don’t match the melody. Nothing against him but why does this always happen? I know they got classes, so was the music not written by that time or something? Because one thing is not hitting the correct notes, another is plucking slow notes when the tempo is much faster.
JC: Since yours and LWJ’s unhappy separation...
My dumbass: do you mean breakup? *eyebrow waggle*
You will pry my “JC knows his brother is pinning after LWJ, he probably doesn’t want to know anything else” hc out of my cold dead hands thankyouverymuch.
WWX: *spouts a bunch of misdirection to avoid giving JC a straight answer*
JC: Bull-fucking-shit.
Should I count how many times WWX PTSDs all over the place or would you like me to leave your hearts intact? That’s two so far.
Ok ok, I feel that, if someone with a bit less trauma and a bit of insight (NHS maybe?) had seen the bit where ChenQing fucking hurts Shijie thing would’ve gone differently. I mean, yes, LWJ keeps warning WWX that this shit is gonna fuck him up, but as I said in my previous commentary LWJ also has the communication skills of a hermit crab so that wouldn’t work, and JC would be too wound up and WWX too busy trying to conceal his lack of golden core for that conversation to go anywhere. But if someone who WWX knows is a good egg (I’m not gonna say trusts bc paranoia) had sat him down and told him “your new instrument that you use for your new form of cultivation just hurt the person you love most please be careful when you use it.” I think it would’ve worked wonders towards his health overall.
I know Shijie says it’s like Zidian, but she’s not working with the fact that this thing is made for and by the Dark Side of the Force and I’m sorry but I can’t help but see ChenQing as a bit of a horrocrux almost. Or like, if you like me think the Burial Mounds is an Entity, something that’s a bit more sentient that it lets on.
Speaking of reputations and NHS being a good egg, I have oh-so-many ideas (I won’t say plot bunnies because I can’t write for shit) in which NHS for Reasons (time-travel? Letter from the future? His massive brain?) realises just how much damage WWX is doing to his public image. And he might be a sheltered dandy, but he saw what being the son of a sex worker did to Meng Yao despite how hard he worked (I’m assuming he doesn’t know about the whole betrayal business). This is way fucking worse, like hell is he going to let one of his best friends paint a target on his back. So he pulls back his sleeves, engages his slytherin brain and proceeds to lay down a plan to throughly destroy WWX’s reputation as a powerful genius.
I’m guessing LWJ and JC protest, and maybe WWX, and NHS just hits them with “do you want him respected or alive?” And they shut tf up. He glues himself to WWX, and brings up as many instances in which their behaviour can be compared as he can (we got drunk and punished at cloud recesses, we slept in class, we skipped to go fishing, I don’t carry my sword either). And, because assholes be assholes, people like Sect Leader Yao or Clown Cousin are quick to start spouting their own derogatory bullshit and thus WWX the untamed powerful prodigy dies a fiery death. Now he’s just a mouthy kid with a quick mind that “does tricks instead of battle” (I’ll never get bored of using that Thor quote). I also like to think that people who personally know WWX and are not pieces of shit go give NHS a tongue lashing for messing with what they thought was his friend, NHS takes that as a test of good eggness and bring them into the plan. Soon the whole Cloud Recesses class is swearing up, down, left, right and centre that all the shit WWX has ever successfully pulled is just an insane amount of luck and quick thinking.
I don’t know how would they work him into the battlefield (disguise? Mask?) to unleash his demonic cultivation but that’s Plot and I don’t do that.
Also, because I’m a terrible human being I want to say that people assume LWJ is on “pretty but useless” WWX like white on rice because *insert derogatory comment about being good in bed and sexual favours*. Because y’all know the assholes here are Like That. And WWX is horrified because holy fucking shit he’s gonna drag LWJ’s reputation down, he can’t have people thinking HGJ is ok with having him as a concubine pretty much. But before he can act LWJ politely all but confirms that yeah, he’s tapping that, y’all wish you were but he doesn’t share and none of y’all are good enough for his Wei Ying anyway. CUE FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE I AM INDEED TRASH FOR THAT TROPE.
Muahahahaha y’all thought I was gonna devolve into my personal hcs and not include my fave trope? Shouldn’t y’all know me better by now?
(Btw I like this bit ^ so I might polish it a little and post it separately as well, just a warning if you find yourself reading an eerily similar post by me)
WuJi is playing and LWJ is pining so much. Also, if LWJ did not just realise that, just like Yu the Great, WWX had no other option but tame resentful energy I’ll eat my blanket.
I refuse to believe Jiang Yanli didn’t become the unofficial war camp therapist/sounding board/only sane person/everyone’s mum/I just need a hug and a corner to cry in peace. There are not enough fics about Shijie being her gentle BAMF self while in the camp and it’s a pity. My crops are dying y’all!
Also, I will fight anyone who scoffs at Shijie being the epitome of the “gentle woman who cooks and waits for the men to come back from war”. Look at her mum, do you think it is easy for a kid (she was a kid in the flashback when WWX ran away) to see that day in and day out, to have that as a “role model” and decide that she was not going to be like her mum? That she didn’t like what she saw in her so she was going to be kind and gentle? And do you think it is easy for a person barely in their twenties to deal with years of verbal and psychological abuse for again, being gentle and kind, and not grow a hard shell of bitterness to protect themselves? And to keep being gentle and kind while at war, with your parents dead and your siblings unraveling before your very eyes? Shijie is so fucking strong and I love her.
Hey look, the White Walkers!
“Resentful energy is just energy” ok, valid. But my dude, you’ve got black ghost smoke coming out of you and can hear people screaming in your head. I’m not saying it is evil, like someone’s uptight set in his ways arrogant uncle; but it sure as shit ain’t healthy.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH (that’s a Clown Cousin scream btw)
...are those crows eating that man alive? Yikes on bikes.
(Assume my comment about YiBo’s Guqin playing also goes for Xiao Zhan and his flute. I can’t play the flute but the tempo doesn’t match his fingers)
I’m just gonna say it, I think 3zun (well, 2zun as of now) suspect shit went down badly for WWX, that’s two questions by both of them in a very soft conciliatory tone. They are genuinely interested/worried about the topic, and don’t seem to come off as chiding or judgemental. I mean WWX is a weirdo irreverent kid and they’re sect leaders, they outrank him so much it’s ridiculous. I’m also counting the fact that both their baby brothers like him towards them being so kind. But I also think WWX just triggers all their big brother instincts the second he walks in.
Oh there’s a thought, Shijie, Wen Qing, NMJ and LXC take a look at everyone’s shitty parents and just decide to adopt everyone.
What happened at Yiling was a traumatised teenager (is WWX even 20?) PTSDing all over the place with the Dark Side of the Force whispering in his ear and an all powerful trinket at his disposal. Not saying I approve of all the torture and murder but he clearly isn’t revelling in them.
That is some outstanding bit of big-brothering on LXC’s side and I love it. Also, my dumbass just realised LWJ probably wasn’t quoting WWX when he was being punished (what is white what is black?) I think he was quoting his big brother. Which is magnitudes deep too, but in a different direction and I might love that scene even more.
Ok fuck it, I’m gonna tangent. So I had a terrible boyfriend when I was 15-18. He alienated me from my friends, sunk my self-esteem to the molten core of the earth, tried to convince me my parents were abusive and encouraged (aka threatened manipulated and cajoled) the slow tanking of my high school marks. I have A Problem when I see media where someone latches onto their significant other and everything they are shifts towards that person. Now, love, true genuine love, is powerful, and I believe it can be the catalyst for shifting your world-view for the better. I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t have a problem with people sticking with their romantic partner if it is clear their previous “family” is so much shit. I don’t have a problem with LWJ coming out of his shell and defying corrupt precepts because his love for WWX made them see they were wrong, or getting sassy and unrepentant during his punishment (I have a problem with the punishment bc that’s abuse but...). But I do side-eye WangXian being the only thing in their orbit. People need people, and WangXian have other good people around them. So I kind of love that yes, WWX showed him the system was corrupt, but it is the words of his brother he is sticking by to the defy said system.
Let’s go back to our scheduled slew of held pinning glances shall we?
LXC after That awkward run-in: WangJi I wasn’t gone that long, what the fuck did you two oblivious pining idiots do?
(LXC has “bitching” tea sessions with Shijie and you can’t convince me otherwise)
LWJ: *is being dramatic and not knocking on WWX’s door*
Me: oh my god you fucking idiot
Shijie: *walks in*
Me: oh thank god someone with a braincell.
Ah yes, there we go triggering WWX’s paranoia again. Why would he get a break.
@ LWJ: bitch wtf was that? I know you’re shit at talking but have you thought about writing it down? Letters anyone? It worked for mr. Darcy.
(Yes LWJ is mr darcy and now I want an au where LWJ writes WWX letters and just pours everything in them, WWX finds them, any everything is sunshine and rainbows)
While this bullshit fight/misunderstanding is all on LWJ’s shoulders, I’m also going to scream at WWX. Because yes, he is in PTSD hell, but he trusted LWJ before, and yet he can’t get past his perceived notion of LWJ’s character (and his own inadequacies) to trust him again and ask for help. Plus, you know, he thinks he doesn’t deserve he’ll bc *waves hand at WWX’s trauma conga line*
These episodes can’t be good for my BP.
Thanks for reading!
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oceanbreaks · 6 years
Tumblr media
            T A S K    T H R E E   :   Q U E S T I O N N A I R E
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ 001. GENERAL.
does your character have any nicknames ? nope and she’ll knife emoji if u try.
when was your character born ? may 21st, 1989.
where was your character born ? valdez, colorado.
is your character allergic to anything ? nope, feck off allergies.
does your character have any illnesses ? no physical illnesses, prob a lot of undiagnosed mental shite.
what is your character’s mbti type ?  istj, the logisticisnannandjg 
what is your character’s economic status ? lower class.
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ 002. APPEARANCE.
what is the color of your character’s eyes ? chocolatey brown, yom.
what is the color and texture of your character’s hair ? flat and lifeless like her.
how tall is your character ? five seven we stan.
what is your character’s body type ? string bean.
does your character have any scars ? anyways …
what is your character’s post prominent feature ? her entire face she’s beautiful ok ):  
does your character have any body modifications ? nope, nothing. plain jane.
what is your character’s clothing style ? loose fitting tops, tight fitting bottoms. plain colours b/c [ jake peralta vc ] ya boring.
what does your character’s voice sound like ? unnervingly calm.
what does your character smells like ? ragrets.
what are some unique mannerisms ( talking with their hands, accents, talking fast, etc ) your character has ? unlike bobby she just doesn’t move , she stares a lot.
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ 003. FAMILY.
does your character have any siblings ? nope, sad.
what are the names of your character’s parents ? are they still alive ? her father’s mizz keisha and her mother is named winona, she’s still kicking probably to her dismay.
does your character have any children ? god no.
does your character have a spouse ? nope.
who is your character’s favorite family member ? her grandma, she’d so anything for her.
did they ever live with their family ? if so, how old were they when they left home ? lives with her gma, iconic duo.
does your character want to have children ? or do they want more, if they already have them ? she thinks she’d be a terrible mother so no probably not.
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ 004. FAVORITES.
season: winter, cold like her smol heart.
curse word: doesn’t really curse, but sometimes fuck feels good.
food: eh.
book: she hasn’t read since she was a kid, maybe like to kill a mockingbird or some other curriculum shit.
artist: she rly likes any edm or house music that she can jus kinda be out of it to.
animal: fish probably, she rly wants some but hasn’t gotten around to getting any.
tv show: whatever’s on when she gets home, usually some sort of late night show.
movie: doesn’t care for movies that much but nic spark rom coms do get to her.
social media: nope.
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ 005. PERSONALITY.
is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted ? street smart because she had to be, but still definitely not the fastest.
what does your character want from a partner ? what do they think and feel of sex ? to feel safe, support. a home in a sense. but not clingy because sometime she just gotta brood on her own uk , it be like that . she changes her mind about how she feels abt sex like ten times a day so.
what are your character’s weaknesses ? she’s literally just one big weakness, and she knows it , so ig that’s a strength. check & mate.
how well does your character accept / own up to their own mistakes ? how do they deal with the mistakes of others ? owns up, but never wants to talk abt it again, and extends the same courtesy to those who fuck up.
is your character pragmatic ? responsible ? reckless?  i looked up the definition of pragmatic, ye thats definitely her.
how is your character’s imagination ? daydreaming a lot ? worried most of the time ? idk if she daydreams or if she’s just out of it half the time but wey hey.
is your character aware of who they are ? of their strengths and weaknesses ? yeah very aware, she can go with the tide that way.
how they react when facing a stranger’s suffering ?what about the suffering of their loved ones ? with awkwardness and sympathy that never quite translates right . it doesn’t matter who you are .
how do they feel about their physical body ? ’tis what it is, she doesn’t have any qualms with it.
what do other people think your character’s worst quality is ? that she’s bland af , dry chicken.
is your character an introvert or an extrovert ? introvert.
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ 006. EXPERIENCES.
has your character ever been arrested ? nearly, didn’t get her tho ; p
has your character ever cheated on a partner ? well maybe but thas prolly only b/c the ‘ what are we ’ talk was never had and thus , miscommunication ensued.
has your character ever been cheated on by a partner? lack of communication rly is the silent killer.
has your character ever been in love ? how did it turn out ? eh , maybe not.
has your character ever had sex ? what was their first time like ? yeah it was fine , at some college party w/e.
what was your character’s first party like ? can’t remember it.
who was your character’s first love ? redacted cos i’m too tired to head canon.
what is their best childhood memory ? what about the worst ? knitting with her grandma, fuckin loser. and just u know parent tingz xd
what’s the most terrible thing that ever happened to your character ? when ya girl accidentally killedt her dad, that shit hunted.
what are some past occupations your character has had, if any ? grocery store, save-a-lots , always in our hearts.
what are their most embarrassing memory ? unreciprocated crushes in college sad , she’s so pretty who wld ever.
have they ever done charity work ? the grocery store once partnered with a charity that took five dollars off her pay check every month so…
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ 007. QUIRKS.
does your character drink ? do they take drugs ? yes, and rarely.
what is your character’s most prized possession ? probably some piece of jewelry her grandma gave her.
what are three things you can always find in your character’s wallet / purse ? chapstick, old receipts, forms of contraception for the escorts just in cases.
what are your character’s bad habits ? biting nails, scratching at her skin, tugging at her hair uk the drill, the fun stuff.
is your character a night owl or early bird ? both, yet still manages to sleep an abhorrent amount.
do they prefer crunchy or smooth peanut butter ? smooth tf.
do they prefer netflix or hulu ? neither.
do they prefer cats or dogs ? dogs.
are they left handed, right handed or ambidextrous ? right handed, basic bitch.
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ 008. RANDOM.
did your character like school ? what was their favorite subject ? they liked school for friends and to get away from home, but academically ? hah .
is your character good at their job ? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
what is your character’s dream job ? to be a dancer on broadway or some shit.
what is your character afraid of ? what keeps them up at night ? that she never gonna stop feeling this way ):
what did your character’s childhood home look like ? was it in valdez ? it was, but it was sketch . not nice at all . probably had asbestos.
what is your character’s level of comfort with technology ? it’s aight, she likes social media, or like scrolling thru and hating her like uk.
what is a talent your character thinks they have but is very wrong about ? pimping probably djhfgkfg she’s not awful , but she’s not as cut out for it as she thinks she is .
what is a talent your character actually has ? dancing, talented bean.
what does your character’s home look like ? her grandma’s home is small but cozy, lots of throw blankets.
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fraggle-batches · 7 years
Because these are fun
1:Full name: Not comfortable sharing that
2:Zodiac sign: Libra 
3:3 fears: ladders, loneliness
4:3 things I love: my cats and boyfriend and laptop and dogs
5:4 turn on’s: tattoos, good hair, smoking, choking, hickeys
6:4 turn off’s: trump supporters
7:My best friend: my boyfriend
8:Sexual orientation: pansexual
9:My best first date: went to a concert (styg, stray from the path, knocked loose), was soo much fun, and also my first concert with a s/o
10:How tall am I: 5′7
11:What do I miss: my nana, being confident in myself and those around me
12:What time was I born? like 5:30 am 
13:Favorite color? grey
14:Do I have a crush? on my boyfriend, and cole sprouse
15:Favorite quote? “
16:Favorite place? Algonquin park
17:Favorite food? Pizza
18:Do I use sarcasm? Never
19:What am I listening to right now? Flaked Season 2 on Netflix
20:First thing I notice in new person? Shoes, hair, actions
21:Shoe size? Women’s 9.5, Mens 8.5
22:Eye color? Shit brown :))
23:Hair color? Naturally: Brown, Currently: Blonde, Previously: Pink
24: Favorite style of clothing? Uhm idk like casual/skate/dude clothes
25:Ever done a prank call? When I was like 11, but i grew tf up
26:What color of underwear I’m wearing now? I’m not..
27:Meaning behind my URL? Lord of the Rings (on a comedy video)
28:Favorite movie? ^
29:Favorite song? 
30:Favorite band? Don’t know, either The Wonder Years, Pink Floyd, The Tragically Hip
31:How I feel right now? Kinda shitty
32:Someone I love. Aaron
33:My current relationship status. In a relationship, one year at the end of the month.
34:My relationship with my parents. Was pretty fucked up for a while, I got kicked out and shit but now we’re civil and they buy me stuff to suck up for the shit they put me through/
35:Favorite holiday. 
36:Tattoos and piercing I have. I have my nose pierced, three 18g holes p/ear and one 10mm hole p ear.
37:Tattoos and piercing I want. I want to get a second nose piercing, maybe a septum, and my 10mm holes are going up to 22mm as we speak, I also intend to get an assload of tattoos when I’m no longer broke.
38:The reason I joined Tumblr. Joined it when I was like 12.. so I don’t know, just because it was ANOTHER form of social media for me to have.
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other? I hate him because he’s a rapist piece of shit and I’m sure he doesn’t even think of me so.
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? No.
41:Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? Idek who the last person I texted was.
42:When did I last hold hands? Last night
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Depends what my hairs like, if it’s good, then 15 mins, if it’s shit then 35mins.
44:Have I shaved my legs in the past three days? Yeah
45: Where am I right now? On the couch at my boyfriends grandparents.
46:If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Maybe my boyfriend, maybe a nurse 
47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOUD
48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad? No
49:Am I excited for anything? I’m going to see Roger Waters in October and I’m moving in 1-3 months.
50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? My boyfriend.
51:How often do I wear a fake smile? Often.
52:When was the last time I hugged someone? Earlier today I think
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I’d fucking leave him and move alone and go back to fucking instead of dating (other people obv)
54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Maybe
55:What is something I disliked about today? Got into a couple pissing matches with the boy.
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Gord Downie
57:What do I think about most? The amount of debt I’m in
58:What’s my strangest talent? Licking my nose maybe?
59:Do I have any strange phobias? I don’t know..
60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind all the way
61:What was the last lie I told? “I don’t want anything to eat rn”
62:Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? NEITHER
63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts: no. Spirits: Yes. Aliens: no, Extra-terrestrial life on another planet potentially in a different solar system: Yes.
64:Do I believe in magic? No
65:Do I believe in luck? I don’t know
66:What’s the weather like right now? Shitty, cloudy, cold, and dark
67:What was the last book I’ve read? The Handbook of Human Sexuality
68:Do I like the smell of gasoline? Uhh yeah
69:Do I have any nicknames? -----
70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Probably when I fractured my skull as a kid. Or the two times I broke my clavicle in the SAME spot like 3 years apart lmao.
71:Do I spend money or save it? I’m a compulsive spender
72:Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Yep
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? I don’t think so
74:Favorite animal? Elephant maybe
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Same thing as I’m doing now basically... fuck all
76:What do I think Satan’s last name is? He doesn’t have one/exist
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? I believe by Stevie Wonder
78:How can you win my heart? Be a decent person and show the fucking world that I’m yours and you’re mine.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? “fuck all you cunts from my hometown”
80:What is my favorite word? cunt
81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr? nah
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? “stop polluting, kill trump, learn how to give a girl good head, end world hunger, adopt dont shop, support everyone regardless, cherish each other”
83:Do I have any relatives in jail? I don’t think so, but maybe
84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? To be able to like pause life and be the only one who isn’t paused but I don’t age on pause so it’s chill. Or to turn off my bad emotions whenever I want
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? I don’t know, I;m pretty open
86:What is my current desktop picture? My dog 
87:Had sex? Daily
88:Bought condoms? Hate them, but yeah
89:Gotten pregnant? No
90:Failed a class? Yeah
91:Kissed a boy? Yeah
92:Kissed a girl? Yeah
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Yeah
94:Had job? Yeah
95:Left the house without my wallet? The worst!!
96:Bullied someone on the Internet? No... well maybe this one stupid piece of shit that raped my friend, posted her nude pics on a porn website and harasses her to this day. But I think that’s with warrant to bully so idc
97:Had sex in public? In a few places...
98:Played on a sports team? Other than school, no
99:Smoked weed? Daily
100:Did drugs? some
101:Smoked cigarettes? Yep
102:Drank alcohol? Yep
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Used to be 
104:Been overweight? Currently am
105:Been underweight? Yep
106:Been to a wedding? Yep
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Most of the time
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yep
109:Been outside my home country? Yep
110:Gotten my heart broken? Sort of
111:Been to a professional sports game? No
112:Broken a bone? Skull, elbow, clavicle x 2, wrist x3, most of my toes, both my thumbs, my left ring finger, my ankle, and foot.
113:Cut myself? Used to
114:Been to prom? Fuck prom
115:Been in airplane? Yep
 116: Fly by helicopter? No
117:What concerts have I been to? To name a few (not even close to 1/4 of them: The wonder Years x4, Moose Blood x2, Neck Deep, Real Friends x3, Modern Baseball x3, Knocked Loose, Stick to Your Guns, etc...
118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Yep
119:Learned another language? Started to learn german, dropped it. Spoke some french but I’m rusty.
120:Wore make up? Most days
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18? Way before I was 18
122:Had oral sex? Yeah
123:Dyed my hair? Every few months for the last like 4-5 years
124:Voted in a presidential election? Not yet.. 2019 here I come
125:Rode in an ambulance? No
126:Had a surgery? Small one
127:Met someone famous? A few people.. Dan Campbell from the Wonder Years being one of them
128:Stalked someone on a social network? In an innocent-ish “what the fuck is my boyfriend doing liking your slutty pics” stalking
129:Peed outside? Yep
130:Been fishing? Yep
131:Helped with charity? Yep
132:Been rejected by a crush? No
133:Broken a mirror? Yep
134:What do I want for birthday? A camera
135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 2-3. Nora, Avalyn, and idk maybe Declan, Jax, Quinn?
136:Was I named after anyone? No
137:Do I like my handwriting? Sometimes
138:What was my favorite toy as a child? Pogs, Pokemon Cards, Idk I mostly read books
139:Favorite TV Show? Shameless is lit
140:Where do I want to live when older? I don;t know yet, used to be Alaska but the US is fucked rn
141:Play any musical instrument? A little piano, tried guitar
142:One of my scars, how did I get it? one on my hand is shaped like a dick.. i stuck my hand in a fire to get a cigarette that dropped when i was drunk and burned the fuck outta my hand, when it scarred the center got prominent, and dick shaped
143:Favorite pizza topping? Bacon
144:Am I afraid of the dark? No
145:Am I afraid of heights? A little
146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Yeah, I’ve been caught sneaking out and smoking pot and getting drunk when I was supposedly studying or having a quiet movie night in
147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? All the time
148:What I’m really bad at. Life, keeping my temper in check
149:What my greatest achievements are. I graduated high school, and got into college and university
150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me. “fat homewrecking bitch”.. but it wasn’t the truth
151:What I’d do if I won in a lottery. Pay off my debt and adopt a load of animals in need
152:What do I like about myself? I got some nice eyelashes, and a nice rack
153:My closest Tumblr friend. ------
154:Something I fantasies about. Cole Sprouse 
155:Any question you’d like -------
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