#(yes this is a pnf reference)
people who complain about milo murphy’s law upsetting the phineas and ferb timeline/continuity are the weakest link in the fandom imo. like are you just going to ignore how fractured and inconsistent the pnf timeline already is?
doofenshmirtz gets a different ending depending on which episode you watch — the owca files or doof 101. and both of those contradict all the holiday episodes that take place after the summer but still have doof being evil. they progress from having flip phones to smart phones over the course of one summer. perry is consistently referred to as male but also sweats milk and is believed to be able to lay an egg (yes trans but also inconsistent writing). candace is once mentioned to be allergic to dairy but is then shown eating it dozens of times, her favorite food is even grilled cheese. there is a giant forcefield protecting the galaxy from aliens but they somehow get through it in catu.
the timeline was never consistent in the first place. it’s an episodic cartoon. get over it.
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A messy sketch I may never finish. 🥲
Thought I’d share some duck art, considering I never upload much here.
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If you’re wondering, yes, it’s a PnF reference. 😭
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I just went through like... almost all of your posts. And loved all of them (mostly pnf and mml, haven't seen the other one yet).
But I came to ramble to you about a specific pnf character.
Stacy Hirano
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Like. She's Candaces' best friend, down for anything, and doesn't get mad (much) when Candace goes to bust her brothers. Loves hanging out with Phineas and Ferb. She dated Coltrane, a band member, who barely appears again (I think, I remember him in like, 3 episodes (it has been awhile since I've watched it.))
She binged Sherlock books in a night with Candace. Tries to help bust Phineas and Ferb with and for Candace. Becomes president of... someplace.
Canonically knows Perry is a secret agent. Has helped Vanessa out in that one Halloween episode.
Just. Stacy.
I noticed you going through my stuff today and taking a break from my long day to look at someone appreciating my stuff certainly helped make my day!
And yes. Stacy is AMAZING. She's honestly such a wild character in her own right and its kind of hidden behind the fact that while she is Candace's best friend, she's not quite a major character in her own right the way Phineas and Ferb's friends are, and that honestly the kids side of things tends to be a bit under appreciated to begin with. So she mostly exists as an auxiliary character to Candace, but Candace being well, Candace, that leaves a lot of room.
On first glance Stacy seems like she's just Candace's cooler best friend. There to provide contrast on what a normal teenage girl is. Stacy's generally more fashionable, more chilled out. She's Candace's straight man. But like any of the characters she has her own moments.
We may not have seen any Candace levels of stuff from Stacy. But Stacy is pretty capable herself. Being a good skater and a Disco Miniature Golf Queen, being able to keep up with Candace on some level in some of her escapades, and handle the obstacle course. But also her just accidentally surviving the pharmacist apocalypse. She's also rather smart, somehow becomes President of Uruguay, puts together an elaborate home entertainment system. Though that said its kind of anyone's guess what she knows on a given subject, horrendously bad at geography, but has been shown to enjoy documentaries, reading Sherlock Holmes and knows when hieroglyphs were deciphered. She is at least able to keep calm in situations that others may freak out in, such as when she got bit by a spider and when Doof broke into her house she was relatively calm about the whole thing. Also relatively calm about the whole being on a ship in turbulent water fighting a shark thing.
Stacy has been Candace's friend since they were 5. As in they've been friends longer than Ferb and Lawrence have been in Candace's life. And they will continue to be friends into the future, truly a lifelong friendship. While we have seen Stacy get upset with Candace before, for prioritizing her brothers and her boyfriend, Stacy all things. Stacy does generally get the short end of the stick, such as in Run Candace Run. I think Stacy provides a sort of frame of reference for Candace's new relationships, with Jeremy and Vanessa in particular. They are people she thinks are cool and wants to impress. Stacy already knows she's a disaster, but is one that Stacy appreciates.
I LOVE her and Jeremy's relationships, what little we get of it. Jeremy is madly in love with Candace and Stacy is her long suffering friend. Both care for her a LOT but it manifests very differently between the two of them, but also very much the same. Jeremy finds a lot of Candace's flaws cute and endearing, Stacy calls her out. Jeremy encourages her in a sort of overly saccharine sort of way. Stacy hypes her up in a more "you're better than this" sort of way. But both sort of tease her with the same sort of fondness. The comfortableness they display with each other is nice. In Nerds of a Feather they call each other to ask about Candace. In the Curse of Candace where Jeremy teases her about taking Candace to a movie, both fully aware of how Candace sometimes dials things up to 11. I also adore the CATU scene with the two of the, where Stacy teases Jeremy about LARPing. Stacy is also the one who told Jeremy about Candace being Queen of Mars which also implies they talk outside of Candace which I love.
I don't think it's unfair to say that Candace isn't as good a friend to Stacy as vice versa, but I think this just has to do with the framing of the show, where Stacy doesn't have any huge wants. But when we DO see Stacy want something: for instance a trophy, Candace does so without hesitation even if she doesn't have the complete context. Also, Candace never holds it against Stacy for failing to do what she wants. I think it is also sort of sweet that by the end of the show that Stacy will just do her own thing if she can't get Candace to do what she wants, even in a normal friendship that's a sign of not being a priority.
With Stacy finding out about Perry's secret identity she really has found herself in a position to understand all sides of the mysterious force. We haven't really seen it come to fruition, but Stacy knows a lot. And I think this is great. Now, mind you, I am a firm believer that all of the teens are quite close to cracking the situation open, Candace I believe knows subconsciously, Vanessa just has to actually be invited over to the Flynn-Fletcher's once, and to a lesser extent Jeremy has taught guitar lessons to Doof and Monogram.
I've seen the idea of Stacy being like another older sister to the Flynn-Fletcher boys floating around and I buy it. Stacy is very often Candace's extra set of hands, attempting to bust Candace's brothers on her behalf. Stacy accompanied the Flynn-Fletcher's to England, and was Candace's Tree House Fight buddy. Stacy being an older sister herself also means Stacy GETS it, maybe she doesn't get Candace's exact situation. But she gets the "overly talented younger siblings who admire you for some reason even if all their attempts to get your approval really just makes you feel bad" thing.
Also besides knowing Perry's secret, the fact that she is Ginger's sister has allowed us to see more of Ginger outside of the Fireside Girls, which kind of puts her in a position of having a sort of connection to both the Fireside Girl plots, the Candace plots, and the Perry plots. No direct connection to the boys plots, but the fireside and Candace plots both intersect enough. She's kind of in a position to get to understand the whole mysterious force situation better than anyone else, aside from Perry, which I think might be interesting.
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milodangermurphyblog · 10 months
Ok I am positive at this point that Pnf and MML (probably Hamster and Gretel, too) are a timeless series. Like how Ducktales is a timeless series - while it can references points in time, it doesn’t necessarily have a set timeline - but it still has moments before others and what not.
Yes, I know that Ducktales 2017 is a reboot and that gives a better excuse, but while rewatching Pnf and MML, It’s fairly obvious that we’re not really supposed to be focusing on what happens before/after, or how the logic is there (and yes again, a big plot line in S1 of MML was time travel, and they say years a lot, but we’ll get back to that). The focus is on the fun the characters are having, and messages within the story.
Like how I’ve seen people complain that S2 of MML ruined the PnF timeline, even tho the PnF timeline ruins itself multiple times, due to the fact that as the show ages, it updates it’s in-show materials with real life time, like how Candace has a flip phone in S1, but an IPhone in CATU. Or how Zack said it was 2016 in his flashback, it’s all just because they’re keeping up with the modern age, and less about the actually timeline part of the lore. (I have no excuse for the Perry meeting Doof in MML thing tho. I’d like to just think of that as a transition from different times, instead of them meeting when Milo and Melissa met, bc that makes no sense)
I’m also fairly positive that the episodes of both shows don’t exactly always go in order. Both of them are just,, episodic shows meant to entertain. Don’t get me wrong, I love deeply analyzing stuff and digging too deep into cartoons, but it being timeless just makes the most sense.
And if I’m wrong about MML being a timeless series, then PnF definitely is.
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so. phinbella and byler.
thinking about this post where it compares byler and phinbella from phineas and ferb along with more important points and,,,
and the more i think about it, the more i get confident. bc im now realizing how.. alike the two pairings actually are, especially now that its official that will ripped off the bandaid and decided to move on.
yes im making a long-ass parallel analysis involving stranger things and phineas and ferb. dont talk to me
so in PnF, phineas and isabella are established as childhood best friends first, who clearly love each other. in how the episodes are set up, we always see isabella's pov and never get a glimpse of phineas'. mike and phineas are the same in regards to both being clearly intelligent leaders but oblivious as fuck when it comes to emotions or feelings. (lol though the difference between isabella and will is that isabella was BLATANTLY obvious and phineas' obliviousness was supposed to be played off as a joke bc of how dense he is)
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but even if phineas is dense, he always, always showed signs of caring about isabella. some examples of what he did for her was building an entire haunted house to cure her hiccups, giving her an extravagant surprise birthday party, and even making a giant ice cream sundae to help cure her tonsilitis.
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he also has instances where he just says shit friends arent Supposed to Say to Each Other
(hmm...who else do we see showing their friend a lot more attention and care that goes.. beyond platonic territory?)
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phineas and mike are the same in the way they show a special kind of love to isabella and will. yes, they still both care about the others in their group, but other people can vouch they wouldn't do the things they did for anyone else other than their respective best friends. in core, it is romantic, even if the person doesnt know it is.
and as for the comparison between isabella and will, theyre devoted and head over heels in love with their best friends, but are terrified of how the other will think. they both also had moments where they pushed their own feelings aside for the good of the other and for their happiness, even if it means that isabella and will dont get what they want because they love them way too much.
anyway im mostly talking about mike and phineas here bc of the solidarity with their mind being full of rocks
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so moving on to the episode where phinbella got together.
this episode was considered a miracle because we finally got to see both phineas and isabella's pov. isabella moved on during jhs and became more distant due to her planning for college and other volunteer work.
but even after everything, despite trying to forget phineas, it only took her seeing one photo of him for all of that effort to be in vain because she realizes that 10 years of friendship is too much to just 'get over'.
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sound familiar on whose arc that's similar to? that's right, will. if we’re referring to the script, will is in the process of deciding to move on in s4 and keep his distance, accepting the fact he lost mike to el; when we as the viewers know he didnt. he's too caught up in his own insecurities to realize mike values him a lot, hence the bedroom scene between him and mike. will is gonna realize eventually that no matter how much he tries, he cannot let go of mike so easily considering their years of history.
as for phineas, its revealed he genuinely did not know that isabella loved him despite all the hints she gave to him. and its only after she left and became more distant during summer that phineas realizes how much he valued her, and even confirmed he started having feelings for her during high school. it also took other people to say it to his face that isabella had a giant crush on him for him to finally look for her and confess before she goes off to college.
again, another parallel! theyre both oblivious as fuck!
mike is confirmed by finn and the duffers that mike knows jack shit about what will feels. the script that was released showed us absolutely no insight on mike's thoughts, which is already telling on itself.
and in the end, phineas and isabella chased each other, talked, and finally admitted their feelings for one another and got together.
it leaves us the good kind of ambiguity that if mike is clueless, it doesnt mean he'll react to will negatively. thats the reason the possibility of mike finding out will lied about the painting is SO important because it's the end all be all moment for both of them. the ‘Oh.’ moment. so if mike and will just talk, then everything falls into place. they will have THE heart to heart.
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so in conclusion, if we think about it this way and compared them both a bit more on how will 'ripped off the bandaid', it doesnt immediately mean its over. because like people said, will decided to move on, but that is not an utmost guarantee that the boy will. 10 years of feelings is not something you can forget or move past from. and lastly, we know nothing about mike's pov and how he's gonna take it if he does find out.
this realization also hit me harder on how fucking romantic coded byler is because of how many parallels we can pick up from these two alone. we have the perfect setup of person A falling in love and giving up. now, we're just missing person B’s realisation, then chasing A. finally they talk, probably kiss, and for once be on the same page.
this shit aint over, guys. byler is endgame.
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frenziedcrescendo · 10 months
I'm suddenly thinking about Pikminstuck. Yes. That's right. John, Jade, Rose, and Dave, the four bravest explorers of planet Skaia, and the last hope of its people. Traveling to CTL-413, their supposed foraging trip becomes a fight of survival, as Dave, along with the Cosmic Drive Key he carries, got captured by.. something. Still haven't a in universe replacement for plasm wraith.
In yet another turns of events, the beta kids calls for help, once again stranded on the planet, and rising to the challange are 12 members of the Alternia rescue corps. Well, 11, since Eridan, the new recruit, missed the memo and didn't turn up in time. Their landing turned catastrophe, as per usual, and it's now Eridan's duty to set off to CTL-413 alone, and recover his crewmates.
"What About The Copious Human And Troll Life Signals Across The Expedition Sites"
"yeah yeah fine no departin till wwe find everyone"
Oh by the way, the name CTL-413 is not random. Since PNF-404 reference to http 404, Page Not Found, this one reference to 413, and its respective http error, Content Too Large.
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myreygn · 7 months
If youre referring to me, Dexters Laboratory is one of the first made original Cartoon Network shows that involved Dexter making things in his lab. Things ranging from weird little inventions to giant mechs and to this day people make the joke of asking how big his lab is to fit in a two story house. He did what PnF do but in the 90s and on his own. Also Dee Dee was a good sister and didnt tell on him. She just wanted to spend time with him in his lab.
yes i was, thank you for explaining. there's barely any 90s shows i've heard of let alone watched but this sounds really cute, i might look into it ^^
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palizinhas · 4 years
Really tempted to write a short fic where Roxas tries to come up with a perfect date for Lea and Isa because one of them screwed up and they are fighting, and Roxas doesn’t really like Isa but he doesn’t want Lea sulking, but he doesn’t really know how romance works and comes up with a ridiculous plan.
Leading into rokushi reenacting the most brilliant dialogue ever written.
Roxas: So, do I know romance or what?
Xion: What.
Roxas: I said, do I know romance or-
Xion: I heard you.
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steam-draws · 3 years
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♪ “You’re the one who sets the bar, the Hairdo King, the Fashion Czar.
You’re fabulous!” ♪
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forgottenpnffacts · 3 years
doesnt doof say what zodiac sign he is in the show?? or did i imagine that (I feel like they said someone’s zodiac in the show)
He doesn’t technically (we do know his birthday episode “Raging Bully” takes place at the beginning of the summer, though), but he does say what sign he either dislikes or is incompatible with! Also, Monogram and Carl do say theirs!
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polyhedr0n · 3 years
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hi....... i madea grumpsona. they're Baby. and their name is Mindty Ticklebud. ft. Filbo
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Question!! Since doof is off model in the new movie,does that mean that the screenshots with other characters in them aren't very good references as well? Like, is everyone off model?
Yes, I wouldn’t use CATU as a reference source because everyone goes off-model a lot (with some characters consistently being off-model). 
I would say the most egregious examples of characters being off-model aside from Doof (good LORD do his facial proportions, head shape, general body, and hair get messed up a lot + SmallHands!Doof will forever haunt me + the bottoms of his shoes aren’t black) in CATU are: Candace (oddly meaty arms/legs + short arms + occasionally blobby head shape), Baljeet (his arms fluctuate between too long or too short + at one point they made him way shorter than Phineas when they’re supposed to be around the same height???), and Vanessa (WHY is her skin tone suddenly pink when she’s always had Doof’s skin tone????). 
The other characters seem okay for most scenes (Perry looked awful in the first D.E.I. scene, but was mostly fine for the rest of the movie), though they (with the exception of Buford) periodically suffer from Puffy/Small Hand Syndrome and their wrists/forearms are all meatier than normal. Out of everyone, i’d say Buford was the most consistently on-model.
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wildshadowartblog · 2 years
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Art made 10th January 2022
already posted this a bit ago on my main but here it is again for categorization sake. Introducing Jane and Jason Sawyer, my new phineas and ferb OCs that im gonna insert into the main cast in a fic (or atleast in my head) because cringe culture is dead and i killed it
Jason ends up with Coltrane and Jane, in the future, ends up with Adyson after getting over her crush on Django because that boy is very much gay. 
Their beagle, Bailey, is of course an owca agent, and has a pair of unhinged twins for her nemesis.
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Perry comes from a long line of crime fighting platypuses (platypi? platypeople?)
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Second day in a row that I hear something rather large scramble across my roof..........which isn’t that concerning, but it’s weird that it happened twice
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So this is a purely self-indulgent crossover that I have been rotating in my mind for some time: PNF + Justice League! 
long post so under cut
So the premise is that in The Beak episode, the beak suit never lost and the boys keep being part-time superheroes, and eventually get tracked down and inducted into the league. Everything goes well, but the beak is a deeply weird individual. He refers to himself as “we” and “us”. He talks to himself a lot. He takes a second or two longer than normal to answer questions (he’s checking in with Ferb).
 Martian Manhunter is the first person to put it together, mostly because from the moment he meets them, he can tell that there are two distinct minds. He confronts them about it (“do you have two brains?” “Yes. Yes we do”) and decides that it is not his secret to share.
 The Beak keeps pulling out blueprints to Phineas and Ferb's past projects when applicable, and the league is confused as to why anyone would build these things. Emergency meetings keep getting called about stuff like “there is a skyscraper and a herd of cows on the moon” and The Beak keeps admitting to it being their fault and everyone is a little terrified because this guy built a giant skyscraper on the moon in a few hours because he was bored… what would he do if he was angry?
 Maybe they go on a space mission and run into the wall around the galaxy and the beak is like “Oh yeah, that's the tower, it's a sentient death trap maker we made!” and everyone is like “It's the WHAT you made for WHY?”
What's great is the layering of the secrets. The league goes from “this guy is weird” to “hang on this guy is two people” to “these are two weird people” to “these are two children” to “ok so these are really weird children, and there are at least 3-10 other very weird hypercompetent children helping them” 
In my head, this is also a human Perry and agent Heinz and Vanessa AU, cause i think that would be fun.
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