#(yet he still continues going around badmouthing silco?? and he never tried to make amends??)
jaegerbroshoe · 9 months
Okay so it seems like Vander betrayed Silco a long time before the bridge massacre. They both look much younger during the betrayal scene and Silco says he was about Deckard’s age when it happened, so probably when they were in their early to mid twenties? Vander looks at least in his thirties during the bridge scene.
But I’m just confused as to why Vander tried to kill Silco. If it was because Silco had plans beyond the Lanes (which Vander brings up as a bad point against Silco during their conversation) but Vander was satisfied with them having control of just the Lanes, why did did he go on to lead the protest at the bridge??
It also sounds like he made Silco an outcast in the Lanes (based on what both Vander and Benzo say)?? But I don’t get what Silco supposedly did for people to believe that he’s some monster who deserves to be cast out. Especially if they saw his eye afterwards, it’s clear he was the victim. And I don’t believe he used the same extreme tactics when he was younger for people to shun him, as he attributes the betrayal with having taught him that lesson. So the only thing that makes sense is that Vander made up some lie about their falling out. I doubt he disclosed that he tried to murder Silco first…
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