#) specify muse emoji or name
boroughshq · 30 days
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If you would like to take part, all you have to do is reblog this post! If you do participate, please make sure to check the notes and send out memes to other members who are participating as well. Memes can only be sent out through the weekend, but members are free to respond to any leftover memes they receive past the weekend! Below are our selection of memes. If there are any you do not want to partake in, please specify that in your reblog. Happy meme weekend! Activity Reminder: Answering memes count towards a total of one in-character interaction for activity, regardless of how many meme questions you respond to.
MEME WEEKEND: 8/23-8/25
Starter Prompts: Boroughs Meeting Starters
Headcanon Prompts: Shakespearean Character Ask Meme
Emoji Prompts: Ask muse how good they are at...
Connection Prompts: Anonymously put a name in my inbox and my muse will talk about them while under the influence 🍹
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noahsresources · 1 year
specify a name, or send the emoji/word alone for my muse to randomly choose a family member to talk about! if you can't see the emoji, send 'family'!
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Seduce, serenade, or steal from!
Send me ✨ along with three names (preferably characters my muse knows) and my muse has to play a game of "kiss, marry, kill" using "seduce, serenade, or steal from" instead!
(If the emoji is not visible on your device, feel free to specify the name of the event instead.)
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hymemena · 2 years
100 Gecs (2023 Album) 10,000 Gecs Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Drug use, drugs, death, religious themes, smoking, mental health, food, sensory problems, guns, weapons, threats, death threats, stalking, murder, abuse, injury, violence, insomnia, cursing
Dumbest Girl Alive
"If you think I'm stupid now, you should see me when I'm high."
"I'm smarter than I look."
"I'm the dumbest girl alive."
"Never ask me what I think."
"Money coming from my eyes."
"I'm so happy I could die!"
"Put emojis on my grave."
"Yeah, I'll fuckin' text you back."
"Yeah, I'll never go to Heaven."
"I've been smokin' since eleven."
"I got problems with my spending."
"Doing eight in a thirty."
"I'm never in a hurry."
"Everybody wanna party!"
"Wish that I was more discerning."
"Where's the water?"
"Today I'm feeling pitiful."
"I'm taking things too literal when it was hypothetical."
"Now, I'm whining over nothing."
Hollywood Baby
"What you crying about, Baby?"
"Did you get the payment?"
"We had an arrangement."
"Do you wanna party?"
"So go pitch your fit, no one gives a shit."
"I'm going crazy."
"Do you buckle under pressure?"
"You'll never make it in Hollywood, Baby."
Frog On The Floor
"Where'd he come from?"
"Nobody knows."
"He's been chillin' in the basement for a minute."
"It's time we move into the kitchen."
"Make him feel safe."
"Frog on the floor."
"Hey, yeah, I heard you met my friend the other weekend."
"He got on his front legs and did a keg stand."
"The party got real."
"He was chasing flies around."
"Give him some space, he's still workin' it out."
"He doesn't know what people think about."
"He gets the party jumping."
Doritos & Fritos
"Okay, I went to France."
"I went to Greece to get something to eat."
"I'm hard to please."
"Okay, I saw the beach."
"It's one hundred degrees."
"I'll swim in the ocean."
"The TV's tuned to cable."
"I'm sleeping when I'm able."
"The TV's on so loud it hurts my brain."
"I'm eating burritos."
"Jeez Louise, I'm weak in the knees."
"I'm joining the circus."
"I'm lying to strangers."
"I'm looking for danger!"
Billy Knows Jamie
"-Muse- got a gun."
"-Muse-'s gonna kill me, think I need to run."
"-Muse- is kinda scary when he's lookin' at you."
"I've heard it all before."
"He's like a movie star."
"They say he's so deranged."
"Bought mace to keep me safe."
"It's not enough to stay away."
"He knows my house and he knows my name."
"I'm in the closet scared."
"He's kicking down the door."
One Million Dollars
"One million dollars."
"I'm a marijuana addict."
"Fuck you!"
The Most Wanted Person In The United States
"I turned on the news."
"I turned on the news and it said that I was the number one most wanted person in the United States."
"Yeah, I'm a real killer."
"I just killed -muse- and then I ate his dinner."
"I took his car."
"I took his car and I crashed it in the river."
"I was born in the winter."
"Hot like the summer."
"Don't cry to me."
"Don't cry to me, I'm not your mother."
"Everybody shuts the fuck up when I'm passing."
"I'm laughing 'cause shit's so funny."
"Oh, is it hot like that?"
"Yeah, it's hot like that."
"Don't need to ask me."
I Got My Tooth Removed
"You were tough."
"You were unforgiving."
"Made me cry all the time."
"You were mean, such an asshole."
"I had to say goodbye."
"I don't wanna talk about it ever again."
"My head's like a ton of bricks."
"This dumb bitch still learns new tricks."
"I woke up and was down horrendous."
"I think I need to see a dentist."
"Praying to a fuckin' God I'll never be."
"If it's gonna fix itself, I guess it's just as well."
"It doesn't hurt me every day so I just let it get away."
"I'll deal with it another day."
"I guess that day just never came."
"I don't know what to do."
"My cheek swelled up twice its size."
"Playing Operation with a safety pin."
"Looking up home remedies."
"I'm staring at the ceiling, counting seconds 'til I get to sleep."
"That shit didn't work."
"I promised you, honest, tried my hardest."
"Back once again."
"You'll never really know."
"You'll never really know anything about me."
"No, you'll never really know anything."
"When we were together I tried to tell you."
"I used to tap dance when I was in choir."
"I broke my arm when my -parent- crashed a go-kart."
"I tried on your lipstick, I thought I looked pretty."
"You're always so busy."
"You're always so busy so you never hear me."
"Do I sound like a joke when I'm talking to you?"
"I take it back."
"You say so many things."
"I'll laugh too fucking hard."
"You probably think I'm so mean."
"I don't even know you."
"I guess it's such an easy game."
"Could you explain it all away?"
"OK, bet, I forget."
"I don't think I'll pretend it's cool."
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Hello rotomblr!
It's the Drayster here, but my friends who are other Draytons call me cloak guy! We're all technically named Drayton, except for one of us. We use nicknames to be less confusing.
Ever wonder what kind of chaos would come from multiple Draytons existing near each other? Well wonder no more! We're in the "dimension travel is an everyday technology" part of the multiverse!
We'll interact with any type of rotomblr blog! And we're fine with things like pelipper mail, magic anon, and pretty much anything else. It's all allowed unless we someday have reason to disallow it. No nsfw asks please! Not just because most of us are minors but also because that stuff's nasty! Although we're fine with mentions of blood.
Right now, there are 5 of us including myself. We will make ourselves known by emojis. Here's a quick list!
-🦉Cloak guy.
//More info about the Draytons and some other stuff under the keep reading. //This is a multi-muse blog. If you don't specify who an ask is for, I am most likely going to default to cloak guy //I'm new to rotomblr and also still low on social skills. And I don't always understand english(sorry it's my first language) I'm trying my best please be patient with me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There are summaries of them lower in this post, but I have a google doc with more detailed info on them.(https://docs.google.com/document/d/11mhs4SmrGA_7B4OI8gOK1dh1KStY15JW9ZSXN9YKBXM/edit?usp=sharing) When I get more than 4 Draytons, they'll be listed there too. Whatever isn't revealed in my google doc has to be slowly revealed by activity. Unlockable content in a video game from talking with the characters.
Technically they're all still named Drayton, but since they all hang out with each other in whatever universe they happen to go to, they have nicknames for each other. I might also have other characters show up occasionally. They will be represented by the same emojis as the Draytons depending on whose universe they're from.
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Teehee funny whiteboard drawing.
Cloak guy 🦉(image) Sassy and something of a jerk a lot of the time but he will help people who mean anything to him. He tries to keep any helpfulness secret if he can. He has his reputation as a horrible monster to uphold after all. He has plenty of enemies he intentionally made around the multiverse and sometimes he has another scar that wasn't there before. Doesn't know how to shut up sometimes. Commonly subjects people to his long-winded "nonsense rants" in which he noisily gives a speech without planning any of the words beforehand to hear what ends up coming out for his own amusement.
Beast 🦊(image) Very chill, extremely friendly. Nearly impossible to upset him at all. Possibly numb to emotions. Maybe. Rarely does his face show anything but a blank stare. Thinks math is fun (ew) and has a photographic memory to a seemingly impossible degree.
Bat 🦇 (image) An apocalypse almost-survivor who has died at least once yet lives on because cloak guy did something. Bat is basically a vampire. Anything other than blood, bones, or raw flesh are toxic to him. He feels guilty that he has to eat at the expense of others. There are folks who care about him and offer their wrist for him to get a small drink from but if he's in one of his moods, he'll even refuse that. Actually the most mentally stable one here but you wouldn't believe it if you knew his backstory.
Wizard 🐛(image) Snobby rich high elf who's at the top of his class in magic school even though he's doing nothing just because he has a rare and powerful form of magic with various unique abilities. One of those abilities lets him freely shapeshift and his favorite transformation is a giant centipede.
Voidray🐀(image) Voidray is his real name instead of a nickname. A tiny weak imp with too much anger for his size. Imagine something like a really vicious chihuahua dog. He has venom he can inject using either his claws or his teeth. Can temporarily turn into an ink creature to become stronger and to match the size of the average Drayton.
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18+ no minors please this is an NSFW blog with mature topics discussed,any ageless,blank blogs will be blocked.Sorry not sorry!
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Mun is 40, she/her
Asks and DM's are always open, feel free to ask me anything 
I have 5 muses right now that I can currently RP with (Bio for them will follow) so when sending asks or dms please specify who you're interested in rp'ing with.
I do work (I hate it there) and will try and respond appropriately, so if it seems like it's taking a while for me to reply or answer and ask just feel free to let me know (sometimes notifications get buried too) Do not get mad and or angry
SFW and NSFW are fine and depending on what it is either send it in an ask, or I can be tagged in it. Try to keep the spicer stuff for asks.
No hate, rudeness, homophobia,racism, transphobia or misogyny I will block you and not feel bad about it, again sorry not sorry
If you want to plot something, have an idea for a story line? Send me a DM and we can come up with something
If you want to remain an anon please assign yourself and emoji
Dark/violent story lines can be done just discuss them in DM's first, and both parties have to agree on things.
Limits: scat, watersports,feet, age play and pet play (if you're unsure if something is a limit of mine please ask first)
Story lines will be separate unless both parties agree on it
Do not bring drama,hate,trash talking,ultimatums. No jealousy towards role play partners, not lying and no spamming. Just be smart about things, I do have a life outside of Tumblr but I will try my hardest to reply and answer asks I just ask that everyone be courteous and decent. I will not tolerate any of this and you will be blocked.
Muse list after read more
Dean Winchester
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“I’m Dean Winchester, I’m an Aquarius, like long walks on the beach and frisky women. Me and my brother Sammy hunt the things that go bump in the night, yeah that’s right we’re hunters. Family business and all. There isn’t anything I won’t do to protect my brother, even if it means sacrificing myself. My car Baby is the best Sammy and I  have a lot of memories in it and it's been in some tough situations but it’s always dependable unlike most people, oh and I love pie and classic rock. Remember driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cake hole. So if you think you have a ghost problem or maybe some ghoul stuff give me a call”
Lloyd Hansen
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“Hello Sunshine! I don’t know why I need to say anything about myself. I should be pretty well known by now, but sure let me tell you about my favorite subject…me. I used to work for the CIA but then I decided why not freelance and be my own boss, which means my own rules. I’m sure everyone wants to know why I left the CIA, well it’s simple. I like doing things in lets say non ethical, non legal ways and that ruffled some feathers I guess, too bad for them I guess. Sent me to do a job to get some flash drive and had the biggest thorn in my ass….Court Gentry, dickhead messed up my hand and well that was my torture and shooting hand. Need something dealt with Sunshine you know how to find me”
Ransom Drysdale
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“I don’t like you and I can guarantee you won’t like me,but you’ll probably love my money, well my family's money. I’ve been called many names, some of my favorite Trust Fund prick, asshole, jerk and many more, but what’s funny is everyone once you find out you have money everyone has their grubby hands out. I’m probably the most interesting, fascinating person you will ever meet and I will make your dull little life exciting. The only person I care about is me, myself and I, and when I found out my grandfather was cutting me out of his will, well I couldn’t let that happen could I did what I had too. And what was that you ask, you didn’t ask? Well too bad I’m telling you anyway, nothing short of murder (twice, wow I know) and I tried to frame the help. Just a normal day when you have money, so if I’m bored I might want to talk depends on my mood.
Rebecca Allen
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Rebecca Allen was a woman with a bright future, that all changed the day she became Pandora Celestia. The day was ordinary until it wasn’t, the explosion should have killed her but instead it turned her into something more. As she lay close to death the terrigen mist enveloped her,keeping death away and giving her powers beyond her knowledge. Visions, terrible and horrible, are always destined to come true. She was able to peer inside of people’s minds and sway them to her will, and after enough practice could hone her powers into a physical weapon.
And thus Pandora Celestia was born, the powers she wielded terrified her and every time she feared she would lose control and either she would be destroyed or the power would over take her. Eventually she learned to hide her powers hoping that one day she could learn to control them and use them for good. Trying to help those she can, she's always vigilant to not over use her powers but to do everything she can to help anyone who needs it.
(art from Pinterest)
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Cassandra Pendragon “Cassie”
Age: 200+ (long life from powerful witchcraft and being a shifter)
Cassandra Pendragon or Cassie as was called by friends, came from a long line of witches going all the way back to King Authur. She was rather proud of that aspect of her family tree, it gave her some credibility in case her skills were ever questioned. And it wasn’t often that her skills were questioned, but mistakes could be made. Speaking of mistakes, the other half of her family was what most people in the witch/magic community deemed “Undesirable” ; it was always thought that being a shifter made magic weak. Cassie on the other hand found that to not be the case, in fact she felt her magic was stronger for it. When she shifted her magic complimented her form, she became what she called a mystic wolf.
Abilities: Powerful spells and hexes, the ability to turn into a wolf or cat
Once witches and shifters alike found out about her she was shunned by both groups, witches feared the amount of power she had, and shifters didn’t normally trust witches so this made them even more wary. After taking various odd jobs, one went south and a witch and shifter were killed.Cassie received the blame and was hunted, always on the run she did what she had to in order to survive. She wasn’t against killing but it was only done if there was no other option. While on the run she realized she could turn into a simple house cat. Being a house cat was great to gather information and hide. Deciding she needs to set her name right she sets out to find the real killers so she can go back to her “normal life”
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Ophelia Deathholme
Age: 40
Abilities: Can resurrect the dead, can communicate with the dead and has the abilities of the dead she encounters.
(dividers made by @saradika-graphics) (art from Pinterest)
Necromancy the practice of communicating with the dead in order to predict the future, that was at least the actual definition of the word.To Ophelia Deathholme it was more than just the plot to a book or movie it was part of her job, she used her talents to raise the dead working as a coroner for the police. The dead needed a voice, someone to get them justice, to help their families move on, to help the departed to move on. Initially she was met with skepticism. People thought she was taking advantage of the families by giving them “false” hope, that changed when she brought back a young woman who had been brutally murdered.
The family and officers were in the room and Ophelia kept trying to tell them all that her story wasn’t over, after being told numerous times to just do her job she took matters into her own hands. Normally the bigger the sacrifice the bigger the return, since all Ophelia needed was the young woman to speak she just used a small amount of her own blood. Speaking the words she knew too well the young woman sat up staring at Ophelia, the family was shocked and one of the cops passed out. Ophelia looked at the woman, her voice soft “Who killed you?” The young woman swallowed hard and paused as if trying to figure out the answer. 
Everyone watched as the woman began to point, suddenly the lights went out and movement could be heard. Suddenly screaming broke out, then nothing, Ophelia backed up until she was touching the dead woman. She felt a whisper in her ear “He will find you little necromancy he wants your power by any means necessary.” Swallowing hard Ophelia the lights turned on and she was shocked at what she saw, everyone in the room was dead and arranged to spell her first name.
The young woman looks at her family sadly before turning back to Ophelia “He has been watching you, watching your power grow until the time is right. He will come for you and try and tempt you, do not allow him to. He will destroy the world and you will be his tool” The young woman coughs hard and smiles “Thank you for giving me justice, my father killed me in a fit of anger and now I can rest” The young woman motions Ophelia to move closer “We the dead wish to help you, we shall lend you our gifts for you will need them.” The air changes and Ophelia gasps as she feels power flowing into her, falling to the floor she passes out.
Waking hours later she feels strangely refreshed,standing she cries out in pain. Finally standing she makes her way to a sink and looks in the mirror at a large jagged wound across her face.
“Great just great” “I recommend cleansing the wound and then applying butterfly bandages to the wound” Looking Ophelia sees a young nurse, quickly realizing that she was a ghost. The ghost smiles and bows and walks over to Ophelia and walks into her, her eyes roll back into her head as she begins taking care of her wounds. Once finished the ghost leaves Ophelia’s body and bows again before leaving, gasping as she sits on the floor, realizing that now not only can she raise the dead  but they can use their skills to help her. Realizing she has this power she uses it to still help the dead but now must figure out who has been watching her and why.
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mewtwoandme · 2 years
Ok so here's how things are gonna be for this coming week:
Since I'll be on a bit of an art break due to moving, I have a few character/muse games lined up to still keep things somewhat busy on here, including a Spook-tober one lol. Also I've decided Blu will be included in the games! ^^
Rules are the same as before. Send the emoji of the question you want to ask and my muses will answer, just make sure you name which character you're asking (and if you can't find certain emojis you can also just send the ask). Also if you send emojis/asks to either Amber or Blu, make sure you specify the age you want them to be for your question (examples: Young, Teen, Adult)
So as of right now, let the games begin!
🍁 favorite season?
🌦 favorite weather?
⚽️ enjoy sports?
🧗 ever done anything risky for the heck of it?
🏖 ideal vacation place?
🤬 how easily angered are you?
🎉 favorite holiday?
🍣 enjoy seafood?
🥠 where do you see yourself 3 years from now?
🔮 do you often get deja vu?
🔪 Do you hate anyone? If so what is the first initial of their name(s)?
🍽 favorite restaurant?
💎 something precious that you own?
🍩 favorite sweet?
☕️ coffee or tea?
🥤favorite soft drink?
🌌 favorite constellation?
🌙 day or night person?
🧖‍♀️ favorite method of self care?
⏰️ what time do you usually go to bed and wake up?
🛀 do you sing in the shower?
🥡prefer home cooked meals or take-out?
🎮 favorite passtime activity?
😱 do you have any phobias?
Have fun! XD
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
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↳ This list will include memes I’m always accepting, temporarily accepting, prefer to be asked before being sent, and so on. Each meme will have the meme’s name, link, and if it’s an “ic” or “ooc” meme. Also, when sending an ask, it’s appreciated if you specify where it’s from! Bonus points if you include the link. If you see a meme but it doesn’t link to anywhere it’s likely because I had plans to reblog that meme soon but just haven’t yet.
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Always Accepting ;;
↳ For these memes I’m always accepting them and you will always be allowed to send them. I’m also always accepting unprompted asks, both IC and OOC ones.
↦ Muse Relationship Dynamics — OOC
↦ relationship meme — OOC
↦ first meeting prompts except that they’re not super generic — IC
↦  &. 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. — IC
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Temporarily Accepting ;;
↳ For these memes I’m only accepting them as long as they’re listed here. Once removed I’ll no longer be accepting them.
↦ (     *     VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET   ! — OOC
↦ 🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥 — OOC
↦ send emojies for what kind of dynamics you want to plot  — OOC
↦ Uncomfortable Headcanons — OOC
↦ romance & relationship headcanons! — OOC
↦  more random dialogue prompts. — IC
↦ Late Night Wanderings Sentence Starters — IC
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Ask before sending ;;
↳ For these memes I prefer to be asked privately usually before having them sent. Typically this is because they’re things like specific holiday / season memes that are out of season or just because that’s what I personally prefer. You can send them without asking if you’d like but I cannot guarantee I’ll answer them.
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Not Accepting ;;
↳ Any memes you don’t see listed above that are found in my memes tags are no longer being accepted. They will not be listed here and I request that you do not send in asks for memes not listed above.
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❌ which of the three would you cull to safe the other two
Calcharo leaned back with an air of indifferent nonchalance, barely suppressing the smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Oh, honestly, I wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep over who gets culled. Yue, Six, Ayesha—whichever one it is, it makes no difference to me. I’m perfectly indifferent to the whole affair. They’re just names to me, not worth any real concern or emotion. So, go ahead and choose, I couldn’t care less.”
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the-witching-ash · 3 months
Richie + every Sinday emoji?
Sinday Sunday
(Answering in vague crossover terms 😅)
🍏 Preference for top or bottom/Submissive or dominant.
Mostly prefers to top, but depending on his partner he can absolutely switch & bottom/be more submissive because he loves when he gets the chance.
🍎 Favorite type, looks and personality wise? Please specify the trait.
🍐 Get up and shower after or bask in the afterglow all sticky and wet?
Personally, after he’s topped he mostly prefers to just get up and shower, if he’s been bottoming he likes the afterglow a little more and just laying in bed for a while.
🍊 Monogamous? Open relationship? Polyamorous?
Completely closed in relationships, but while he doesn’t *usually* think of polyamory as an option for himself, if something ended up gradually happening (aka Firsthusbands) he’ll open up to it after serious talks.
🍋 Deep and slow? Hard and fast? What’s your character’s preference?
Hard and Fast can be fun if there’s little time/that’s the vibe he and his partner are going for, but he prefers deep and slow and really focusing on his partner.
🍌 Favorite sex position? Or name one and my muse will give their thoughts.
Missionary, with his partner’s legs over his shoulders. (Or vise versa, if he’s subbing.)
🍉 What’s your character’s favorite kink?
Praise, Cockwarming (giving or receiving), size kink, blindfolding*
*More specifically to him, especially if a storm is happening and he and his partner are trying to distract him from his anxiety during storms by having sex.
🍇 How active in bed is your character? Do they like to lie there and take it or do they like to get the most bang for their buck?
Very active, as often as possible he likes to get the most out of sex. (Sometimes the best way a partner can het him to be still is tying his hands to the bed post 😅👀)
🍓 Kissing during sex, yes or no?
Yes absolutely
🫐 Clothes off or on during sex?
Off, but if depending on the circumstances they need to keep most of their clothes on then yes.
🍈 Lingerie? Yes or no? Or specify the lingerie piece.
Yes (he could be convinced to wear more masculine lingerie 👀)
🍒 Would your character join a threesome if given a chance
If giving the chance and he was really close to who was asking - he’d maybe consider, tbd if he’d actually go through with it if it wasn’t his own polyamorous relationship.
🍑 Your character’s Penis size?
8 inches, thick
🥭 Preference for body part? Name the body part.
His partner having pretty eyes, but also ass ass ass
🍍 Does your character like to roleplay? If so, what? Or suggest a role play and my muse will weight in on if they would participate.
He doesn’t really like role play, no
🥥 Does your character prefer condoms or bareback?
After having been with his significant other for awhile and he can trust there’s little risk of std (and knowing his female partners are at least on birth control if their not actively trying for a pregnancy) he prefers bareback
🥝 Your character’s most private sexual fantasy? Or describe yours and my muse will weight in on if they would participate.
🍭 How sexually active is your character?
Advarage enough with his partner, but he doesn’t need/expect sex to keep a relationship going either)
🧁 When did your character lose their virginity?
Varies depending on canon/crossover 😅
🍦 Kinks your character would participate in? Name the kink.
Praise, cockwarming, shibarai, sensation play, spanking, nipple play, free use, tentatively interested in exploring breeding (giving and receiving), body worship, over stimulation, thigh riding, lingere, cum play, *possibly* lactation
🍬 Kinks your character would not participate in? Name the kink
Anything involving urine/shit, scat/vomit, age play, mommy/daddy kink, pet play
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dtchloedecker · 9 months
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//So, most of my drafts are done and I have nothing to do AND I don't get Christmas this year, so if you wouldn't mind, PLEASE send me some memes.
//Instead of reblogging said memes and blowing up your dash, I'm going to put links to each meme all in one post.
send “🌿🍒” (or “mistletoe”) for my muse’s reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse  ♡
Send me  🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) …
Put a rumor you heard about my muse in my ask and they'll confirm or deny it.
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
Send 💀 for my muses biggest fear regarding your muse. Send ‘fear’ if you can’t see the emoji
Send two names to find out which one my muse would rather fuck. Specify muse for multis!
Put 'wow' in my ask box and I'll reply with...
FUCKED  UP  KISSING  MEME  bc  who  needs  soft  kisses  when  you  can  have  This   ! (   send  me   ‘    💔  ’   to  generate  the  angsty  way  that  our  muses  kiss.  feel  free  to  specify  a  number  or  who  is  kissing  who  if  you’d  like.   )
send fuck, marry, or kill depending on what your muse would do to mine. alternatively, send “⭐” and my muse will answer if they would fuck, marry, or kill yours.  ( feel free to replace fuck with kiss if it's not appropriate! )
Feel free to also send some to Buffy, Hayley, and Angel.
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//So, most of my drafts are done and I have nothing to do AND I don't get Christmas this year, so if you wouldn't mind, PLEASE send me some memes.
//Instead of reblogging said memes and blowing up your dash, I'm going to put links to each meme all in one post.
send “🌿🍒” (or “mistletoe”) for my muse’s reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse  ♡
Send me  🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) …
Put a rumor you heard about my muse in my ask and they'll confirm or deny it.
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
Send 💀 for my muses biggest fear regarding your muse. Send ‘fear’ if you can’t see the emoji
Send me one pro and one con you could see with having sex with my character.
Send two names to find out which one my muse would rather fuck. Specify muse for multis!
Put 'wow' in my ask box and I'll reply with...
FUCKED  UP  KISSING  MEME  bc  who  needs  soft  kisses  when  you  can  have  This   ! (   send  me   ‘    💔  ’   to  generate  the  angsty  way  that  our  muses  kiss.  feel  free  to  specify  a  number  or  who  is  kissing  who  if  you’d  like.   )
send fuck, marry, or kill depending on what your muse would do to mine. alternatively, send “⭐” and my muse will answer if they would fuck, marry, or kill yours.  ( feel free to replace fuck with kiss if it's not appropriate! )
Feel free to also send some to Buffy, Hayley, and/or Chloe.
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//So, most of my drafts are done and I have nothing to do AND I don't get Christmas this year, so if you wouldn't mind, PLEASE send me some memes.
//Instead of reblogging said memes and blowing up your dash, I'm going to put links to each meme all in one post.
send “🌿🍒” (or “mistletoe”) for my muse’s reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse  ♡
Send me  🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) …
Put a rumor you heard about my muse in my ask and they'll confirm or deny it.
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
Send 💀 for my muses biggest fear regarding your muse. Send ‘fear’ if you can’t see the emoji
Send me one pro and one con you could see with having sex with my character.
Send two names to find out which one my muse would rather fuck. Specify muse for multis!
Put 'wow' in my ask box and I'll reply with...
FUCKED  UP  KISSING  MEME  bc  who  needs  soft  kisses  when  you  can  have  This   ! (   send  me   ‘    💔  ’   to  generate  the  angsty  way  that  our  muses  kiss.  feel  free  to  specify  a  number  or  who  is  kissing  who  if  you’d  like.   )
send fuck, marry, or kill depending on what your muse would do to mine. alternatively, send “⭐” and my muse will answer if they would fuck, marry, or kill yours.  ( feel free to replace fuck with kiss if it's not appropriate! )
Feel free to also send some to Buffy, Angel, and Chloe.
0 notes
sacredshadow · 10 months
About this blog
Hi! This is SacredShadow, a roleplay blog for the RuneScape characters Azzanadra and Sliske. I do not own these characters, they belong to Jagex, which I have no association with apart from absolutely loving RuneScape. This is a sideblog for fanfics, HCs, stuff like that. My main is @stellarana, check out that but be ready for weird stuff.
On this blog I will try to post at least once a week, but sometimes things take longer to write than expected. Posts will be things like fanfics and stuff, the kind of things you would usually find on a roleplay blog. Anything nsfw will be tagged as such and will have one of those ‘keep reading’ things.
Please submit asks and I will get back to as many of them as possible. Asks will be answered for both Azzanadra and Sliske unless you specify who you are asking.
Roleplay memes and things like that: I will probably some of those, make sure you include what meme it is (all of them will stay open, you can ask for them any amount of time after I post them, but some of the ones with alphabets or emojis will be confusing for me if I don’t know which one you are referring to. So pls tell me what meme it is at the start of the ask for all of them) and who you’re asking (if you don’t put who you’re asking I will either do from both or choose which one). For the kind with the format “my muse does something to your muse” then I will do that interaction happening between Azzanadra and Sliske, unless you are another roleplay blog (or you list another character to include like Wahisietel or someone). You DON’T need to be a roleplay blog for any of the memes.
Credits: name suggested by @serpentbun, images for profile and banner thing (not sure what that’s called, hopefully you know what I’m talking about) are from the RuneScape wiki.
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electrifying-elessa · 10 months
🍁🥧Blog Information🥧🍁
Hello, welcome to my Pokéblr Blog! I am Professor Aelius, but you can just call me Elessa or Ellie. Would you like some warm, Cinnamon Apple Cidar and a freshly baked Combee Honey Crumble? I haven't finished preparing today's lesson, so feel free to browse for a spell~
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About Mod: I am 22 years old, and my name is Feylix. I go by she/her or they/them pronouns, im not picky on pronouns. My main blog is @solarfeylix, but be warned, that blog is a hot mess, lol. It's full of random posts that may or may not make sense, so be aware of that. My other roleplay blog (still a WIP, but has a wider variety of fandom content and OCs is @feylixs-stuff
General Info & Rules
•This blog is run by my sona, Elessa. All replies, posts, and more will be in-character for this blog. However, replies that are addressed to the moderator of this blog will be answered in "(( ))" format. This goes for posts as well, even roleplay posts.
•Owner of this blog is 21+, as such, I ask that you please keep that in mind for roleplay responses, asks, etc.
•NSFW asks, roleplay responses, submissions, etc, are not welcome on this blog. I don't care if you post it (nsfw content) publically (as long as it does not pertain to my character, obviously), but if you post it for me to see personally (via DM, ask, roleplay reply, etc) you will be blocked.
▪︎Please respect my boundaries and be respectful, kind and positive. I'm new to tumblr RP, but I've done muses and similar concepts to character blogs on other sites such as quotev and wattpad in the past. I'm more experienced with playing a character behind a screen than roleplaying on a public-ish platform. Do not rush my responses, and please specify if it's a roleplay starter or not. At the current, I have no roleplay starters or Prompts, so that will have to be on those who send asks and replies for now.
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Some OOC Notes🐿🌰
▪︎I am not a real educational professor or ranger of any kind. This is a fan sideblog run by my pokémon OC. Please do not take anything posted or reblogged on this blog as solid advice in any way, shape, or form; especially if you, for some reason, feel it's "real life advice." All of this is centered around pokémon (i am not affiliated with Nintendo in any way, and please do not regard me as such) and its universe, so there won't be -much- non-canon information outside of my OCs interactions with Canon Characters (if any).
▪︎If any references are used, the links to the websites will be found at the bottom of each post, if any are used at all.
▪︎Please do not ask invasive questions about my personal or private life. This blog is -only- for my main OC/Sona, Elessa, and any questions must be about her and whatnot.
▪︎There will be no anon asks on this blog. If you choose to be hateful, negative, derogatory, or attempt to push me out of a Fandom I love, you will be reported and blocked. Keep in mind I don't tolerate negativity.
▪︎NO.CRITICISM. if I write something you don't fancy or favor, you can choose to not view it. For extra long posts I ALWAYS have a read more. My tags are extra specific nowadays, so please, please refer to my tags before reading posts with cuts. I'm not asking for criticism, and as such, it's not needed. I will write what I wanna write that makes me happy and that will be it.
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Companion Characters🍗🥓
--Companion Characters are extra, side OCs that may answer or respond to things as well on this blog. They do not have full character sheets, but are described in this section. You can interact with them by using the initials or emoji that correspond to their character!🥞
🍭 (SB)Saffron Brioche: 24 years old, They/Them pronouns. They are a Sous-Chef that often accompanies Elessa on her travels. They are a very extroverted, happy, and generous person; and love to share their creations with others. They tend to have a stubborn attitude when it comes to changes within recipes, but always becomes willing to trying new things in the end. Saffron is 6'2", and weighs almost 205 pounds. They have an oval shaped body type, and have yellow-Green hair & Hazel eyes. They tend to crush on whoever they meet; and do not discriminate against gender (they have an attraction towards all genders of human lol). They have thick, hairy arms and legs, and maintain a hiker style beard. They prefer their hair long and in a bun. They are typically seen wearing a traditional chef's or butler outfit. (Is currently single). They are olive in complexion.
🍬(CT)Crispin Tartemann: 32 years old, Herbal Researcher, she/her pronouns. Crispin is good friends with Elessa, and though they don't often travel together, they help each other out from time to time with research notes and understanding more about pokémons natural environments. Crispin helps to develop medicine for both man and pokémon, as well. She goes from region to region discovering new and exciting fruits and veggies, herbs and fungi that have amazing healing properties. She is very studious, kind, and all around a friend everyone must have around. She's a great listener and doesn't judge people on outward appearance. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She often wears her heart on her sleeve. She's a round woman in body type, standing at 5'3". She has short, bright, sea foam green hair, and brown eyes. She has ivory skin and freckles dotting her entire body.
🍪(CB)Carmella Brazendoh: 21 Years Old, She/Her/They/Them, Apprentice Researcher. She follows Elessa around during her research expeditions, so that she can someday do what Elessa does. Carmella can be seen as stubborn, but has a fire in her heart unmatched in most others. She's very talented in pokémon communications, and enjoys being around pokémon rather than people. She is 5'1" and has a triangular build. She has long, ash green hair with deep, green eyes. Her skin is darker olive in tone.
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Ending Words
I hope you enjoy the content posted on this blog. Currently, there is an Autumn theme in place that will change December 14, 2023, when the release of Indigo Disc (S/V DLC) drops.
If you'd like to see the current events, and information about Elessa, you can view those down below by clinking the links ^^
Happy Autumn 🍮☕️!!
The Event Tabloid || Elessa's 'Official' Staff File
((NOTE: ALL gifs came from Tumblr's search bar. If you can't see the Gif credit, in order it is: elianicarvalho, anessenceofautumn, kristinasmi, akanebulah, & assassin1513. this post is non-rebloggable and blazable, so if you'd like to see their content you can search the names into the search and they might pop up. Idk. It's tumblr gifs lol.))
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writermuses · 1 year
Send a muse + an emoji
🍏 Preference for top or bottom/Submissive or dominant.
🍎 Favorite type, looks and personality wise? Please specify the trait.
🍐 Get up and shower after or bask in the afterglow all sticky and wet?
🍊 Monogamous? Open relationship? Polyamorous?
🍋 Deep and slow? Hard and fast? What’s your character’s preference?
🍌 Favorite sex position? Or name one and my muse will give their thoughts.
🍉 What’s your character’s favorite kink?
🍇 How active in bed is your character? Do they like to lie there and take it or do they like to get the most bang for their buck?
🍓 Kissing during sex, yes or no?
🫐 Clothes off or on during sex?
🍈 Lingerie? Yes or no? Or specify the lingerie piece.
🍒 Would your character join a threesome if given a chance?
🍑 Your character’s Penis size?
🥭 Preference for body part? Name the body part.
🍍 Does your character like to roleplay? If so, what? Or suggest a role play and my muse will weight in on if they would participate.
🥥 Does your character prefer condoms or bareback?
🥝 Your character’s most private sexual fantasy? Or describe yours and my muse will weight in on if they would participate.
🍭 How sexually active is your character?
🧁 When did your character lose their virginity?
🍦 Kinks your character would participate in? Name the kink.
🍬 Kinks your character would not participate in? Name the kink.
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