#* / character study ( camina drummer. )
immobiliter · 4 months
dehya camina
being a part of and wanting to preserve their tribal culture, but doing so through building something better by working with the oppressive regime rather than tearing it down
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violinc · 2 years
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piraet-ed · 2 years
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atpiraet · 2 years
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atpiraetes · 3 years
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tagged by @lesbianblackphillip​
I know I’m vocal in like. Replies and messaging people, but I’m honestly too shy to tag anyone ever so. If we’re mutuals, I’m probably very interested in learning more about you but I’m too shy to tag, haha.
1. your name and then what you would have named yourself: My birth name is Sarah, but I actually go by my preferred name everywhere. It’s... not that common, so I’d rather not post it. But K is fine.
2. astrological signs: Capricorn sun, Sag rising, Aquarius moon.
3. when did you join tumblr and why? Joined once about... six, seven years ago? My friend told me I could learn from some super smart lesbians. I then got pulled into the seperatist community and left the moment I realized how honest to god toxic it was. Rejoined a few months back because Catradora became canon and all of my favorite fic writers were on Tumblr. Figured this was where fandom thrived and you know what? I was RIGHT.
4. top 5 fandoms: Xena Warrior Princess, Star Trek Voyager, The Expanse, Battlestar Galactica (the reboot), and Steven Universe
5. top 5 favorite films: 1) The Children’s Hour (1961) is a wonderful historical drama (sometimes noted as the best ever written for the big screen) starring Audrey Hepburn and Shirley McClain. It shows how being a lesbian was perceived in the early 60s and sided with the lesbians. 2) Iron Sky 3) The Hours 4) The Craft 5) Beaches
6. go to song for when you want to feel something: O Mistress Mine as done by Emilie Autumn or The Great Gig Up in the Sky by Pink Floyd
7. what’s your religion or faith if you have one: Born Jew. My dad always kept the Tao Te Ching on his nightstand, so I was raised with a sort of. Mix of Judaism and Taoism. Now I’m just... I don’t feel like whether a god exists or not is relevant. Or if a god ever did exist. I want to do good for the sake of doing good; hurting people just feels too awful. I look for guidance from the world and the people around me.
8. a song that makes you feel seen: Stress by Kim’s Big Ego
9. if you could have any career: Mission Specialist. Or maybe a marine ecologist that specialized in deep sea adventure science. Or pro skater.
11. what does your heart/soul yearn for: Adventure and love. Family.
12. if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: Awkward, creative, dreamer, well-intentioned.
13. favorite subjects in school: It was music theory. I also loved Film
14. where does your soul feel most at home: Corny as this sounds? With my partner. We could be anywhere.
15. top 5 fictional characters: Xena, Rose Solano, Carmilla (love me some vampires), Camina Drummer, Admiral Helena Cain
16. top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: AFIN :/ So many times. I cried so hard that I covered the mirrors in my home in shiva. I know there must have been other points during shows, but I honestly can’t remember them.
17. the earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: The sun. I get my energy from it. I wake up to watch the sun rise and immediately feel tired after it sets. The moon and stars are gorgeous, but I’m a sun girl.
18. favorite kind of weather: Somewhere in the low to mid eighties. Partially cloudy skies. A nice light wind.
19. top 3 characters you kin with: I think this term means characters you see yourself reflected in? Seven of Nine. We are like. The same. On so many levels. Then mix in a bit of Craig from Parks and Rec and add a dash of Malfoy from A Very Potter Musical. (Rolling on the ground and sexy posing when arguing or upset? Me.)
20. favorite medium of art: Haha actually? Poetry probably. Something about spinning words, making me wonder, transporting my heart to some place so, so far from the present moment. I also love digital art.
21. introvert/extrovert/ambivert: Ambivert. I NEED to be around people. Sometimes I go through periods of time where I need to be alone for a few days, though. Generally I’m pretty extroverted.
22. favorite literary quote: I can’t think of one. And I don’t feel like flipping through every book I have to find one.
23. some of your favorite books: The Expanse series, Weaveworld by Clive Barker, The Black God’s Drums by Clark P Djeli, The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
24. if you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? The thing is? I’m content living in the Potomac River Valley. I also loved briefly living off of a fjord in Norway. I just love to travel. I move someplace and the wonder fades out. Not entirely but a lot. I start loving where I am and can see myself staying there forever. But it’s that known unknown, that desperate craving to know and experience and explore. I’m not ready to live anywhere in the world yet. I still want to live everywhere.
25. if you could live anywhere in the world when would it be? Proooooobably the 1980s? Or maybe do the 90s again? Just because it’s similar enough to now, but more freedom, dude.
26. if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: Haha. Man I don’t know. My favorite thing to do with music is to compose on paper, so maybe I’d master composition and conducting. Not quite an “instrument” but it something you can study at any music conservatory that specializes in performance.
27. if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: Since I was a child I’ve always felt an intense connection to Artemis (to the point where I’d lay in bed for hours and hours at night yearning for her to be real...) Not to be that lesbian but. You can’t fight who you are.
28. and lastly, favorite recent in your camera roll: Found these friends when I went on a walk the other day.
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This is a Drummer tweet
Studying more faces, I got tired of own mug so instead I picked one of the most kickass charactes from The Expanse, Camina Drummer!
Hers is the face of contempt and I love that so much
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Expanse Season 4 Recap: Ilus, the Ring Gates and the Cliffhanger Ending
Warning: contains spoilers for The Expanse season 4
At the beginning of The Expanse season four, the show’s characters stood at the crossroads of a brave and expansive new world, as did the cast and crew in their new home at Amazon. It was a marriage made in heaven. The Expanse was bigger, slicker, bolder, and grittier, but just as gloriously deep, rich and complex as ever. As season five gets ready to drop, let’s remind ourselves of the ups, downs, ins, outs, fights, smites and subterfuge of season four. We’ll start with the set-up and then look at each of the main locations/groups in turn, leading up to the season’s denouement and planet-busting cliffhanger. Major spoilers, obviously, ahead.
In the Beginning
Season three ended with the opening of the mysterious ring gates, and the 1300 habitable systems beyond them. Holden feared the beginning of ‘a blood-soaked gold rush’.
It’s a fear shared by UN Secretary General Chrisjen Avarasala (Shohreh Aghdashloo), who wants everyone to stay put. The UN’s stance is backed by the Martian Congressional Republic (MCR) and many of the Belters. The balance of peace and power in the Sol system is precarious, and a mass exodus could destabilise human civilisation. Besides, no one group wants any of the other groups to rush in and gain the upper hand.
A convoy of Belter ships rushes the blockade on the Sol side of the slow zone. The Barbapiccola, containing refugees from Ganymede, makes it through and enters one of the ring gates. The Belters settle on a planet there and begin mining lithium. They name the planet Ilus.
Two ships are dispatched in the settlers’ wake. The first is the Edward Israel, owned by a corporation called Royal Charter Energy (RCE), which already had a UN-and-Mars-backed mandate to conduct scientific studies beyond the ring gates. The second is the Rocinante. Avasarala wants Jim Holden (Steven Strait) and his team to bring their knowledge and experience of the protomolecule to bear on this strange new world, and also act as adjudicators. Officially, at least. It’s not really in Avasarala’s interests for the situation on Ilus to run smoothly.  
Life on Mars
Bobbie Draper (Frankie Adams) spent seasons two and three in a whirlwind of defections, double-dealings and divided loyalties thanks to the cold war (and almost total war) between Earth and Mars, and the revelation of Mars’ role in the development of protomolecule bio-soldiers. Season four finds her somewhat adrift, living on Mars with her younger brother, David, and working for a company that dismantles decommissioned warships. She’s generally having a hard time readjusting to civilian life.
David gets embroiled in the criminal underworld, helping a gang to prepare illicit sense-enhancement drugs. Bobbie takes exception to this, so goes looking for the gang. She finds and beats down some of its members, in the process smashing up one of their labs and damaging their inventory. Her brother is kidnapped and forced to work off the debt incurred by the damage. Bobbie pleads for her brother’s release, a request to which the leader of the gang is willing to acquiesce, but only for a price: Bobbie has to leave a door unlocked at work so the gang can steal some military equipment. Reluctantly, she complies. When Bobby’s conscience gets the better of her she tries to report the gang to the police, only to discover that the high-ranking policeman who comes to log her report is the gang leader himself, Esai Martin (Paul Schulze). She later quits her job when her supervisor seems keener on getting in on the lucrative illegal action than in pursuing justice. Eventually she’s arrested for her part in the gang’s crime, and is only saved from prosecution when she agrees to accept Esai’s offer to work for his gang. Esai is motivated in his criminality by the pressing need to make enough money to secure passage off Mars and start a new life elsewhere with his family. He knows that the ring-gates, and the life and fecundity beyond them, have rendered Mars’ terraforming initiatives pointless, thereby dooming the planet to stagnation and, very possibly, extinction.  
Esai and his gang are later involved in the theft of another piece of Martian military tech, which is handed over to a team of Belters, who summarily execute the gang before retreating off-world. Bobbie witnesses this happening.  
Avasarala, Earth, and The OPA
The Outer Planets Alliance (OPA) faction represented by Camina Drummer (Cara Gee) and Klaes Ashford (David Strathairn) allies with the UN. They re-brand and re-purpose the Behemoth as Medina station, setting themselves up as gate-keepers of the rings, helping to enforce the UN blockade.  It’s hoped that this will grant them a place at the table and influence over the new galactic order.
Not all Belters are on board with this new paradigm, perceiving it as selling out; a capitulation to those who would still demean and exploit them.  Marco Inaros (Keon Alexander) is the most vocal and militant voice of opposition. Marco is Naomi Nagata’s (Dominique Tipper) ex-beau and father of their child, Filip (Jasai Chase Owens), and while these days he styles himself a freedom fighter, it wasn’t always thus. When he was with Naomi, he tricked her into writing code that he claimed would merely disable other ships, allowing their faction to come to the rescue and extort payment for their time and trouble. However, Marco used the code to overload the reactor of a docked ship, killing hundreds of people. When the distraught and guilt-ridden Naomi left the faction she was prevented from taking their son, Filip.
Marco is apprehended by Drummer and Ashford for his part in capturing the UNN colony ship Soujourner and executing its crew. While aboard the Behemoth, Marco tries to win Ashford over to his world view, reminding him that the Belt will suffer a terminal decline of profit and influence owing to the exodus, and, besides, very few Belters, due to their space-bound physiology, will be able to take advantage of the brave new worlds beyond the ring gates. The heads of the various OPA factions assemble to decide whether or not Marco should be spaced (ejected into space sans suit) for breaking the fragile truce between the inner and outer planets. It’s Drummer who breaks the tie, reasoning that killing Marco would make him a martyr, and propel into action those factions loyal to his cause.
On Earth, Avasarala faces a leadership challenge from Nancy Gao (Lily Gao) who, in contrast to the incumbent, is a fierce advocate for embracing the change, opportunity and adventure that the ring gates represent. Avasarala’s campaign takes its toll on her ethics and her personal life, especially her marriage. She resorts to smears against Gao, and isn’t above attempting to use the problems on Ilus to her advantage. 
Read more
The Expanse Season 6: How Will the Story End?
By Michael Ahr
The Expanse’s Cas Anvar Won’t Be in Season 6
By Kayti Burt
OPA bigwig Fred Johnson (Chad L. Coleman) reveals Marco’s location to Avasarala, who wastes no time in dispatching a team of marines to the Pizzouza spacecraft to extract him. Marco, however, isn’t on board, and the resulting firefight between marines and Belters results in grave loss of life. The fallout critically damages Avasarala’s image, reputation and election chances, and moreover plays right into Marco’s hands. 
Fred Johnson visits the Behemoth, receiving from Drummer both a punch in the face and news of her resignation. Ashford vows to track down and kill Marco and wants Drummer to accompany him, but she declines on the grounds that she’s sick of politics and its machinations.
Ashford’s pursuit of Marco through the Belt leads him to a Martian naval officer, who reveals under interrogation the existence of a conspiracy involving Martians and Belters. When Ashford finally tracks down Marco, on an abandoned asteroid mine in the belt (from which there are also some asteroids missing) he’s prevented from killing him by the appearance Marco’s and Naomi’s son Filip, who emerges from the shadows to tip the balance of power in his father’s favour. Ashford is spaced, but before he dies he broadcasts a secret recording that incriminates Marco and will alert whomever receives the transmission to the conspiracy – even if Ashford never learned its exact purpose or shape.
On Earth, Avasarala is defeated by Nancy Gao. Avasarala dictates a conciliatory message to Nancy Gao, which ends thusly: “As for policy and the direction you’re taking the earth and all her peoples. Well, we disagree. One of us is wrong. I think it’s you… but I hope it’s me.”
Ilus/New Terra
When the Rocinante arrives on Ilus – or New Terra, as the UN would have it – there is already palpable tension and mistrust between the Belters and the crew of the Edward Israel. The RCE’s shuttle was downed on its way from orbit, resulting in deaths and injuries. Survivors of the crash include the group’s leader, the merciless Adolphus Murtry Burn Gorman); RCE security officer Chandra Wei (Jess Salgueiro); and exo-biologist Dr Elvi Okoye (Lyndie Greenwood). Violence is halted when everyone is swarmed by alien bugs, soon confirmed as protomolecule-based.
The planet is home to large structures that were built by the long-dead beings responsible for the protomolecule. Proto-Miller (Thomas Jane) appears to Holden and makes him go to one of the ruined structures to remove a root that’s blocking a connection. This turns on the structure and, it would appear, the entire planet, shaking loose forks of promethean lightning from the dark, oppressive clouds. Holden fires a torpedo at another of the structures when it too appears to activate.
Amos (Wes Chatham) and Murtry play detective for a time, discovering that the planet’s landing pad was blown up deliberately. In the ensuing stand-off between the Belters and the RCE group, Murtry shoots and kills one of the Belters. This violent act kills the potential bromance between Amos and Murtry. Both men are killers, but Amos, despite his shallow affect, follows a more honourable code of ethics, one that puts him at irreconcilable loggerheads with the ruthless Murtry. Amos is taken into custody while Naomi – still having trouble adjusting to terra firma, despite the help of acclimation drugs – helps a Belter woman named Lucia (Rosa Gilmore) escape the RCE’s clutches. She’s being pursued by the RCE because they know she was involved in blowing up the landing pad. Lucia explains to Naomi that it was only supposed to be an act of sabotage to buy the Belters more time. When it became clear that this act of sabotage would coincide with the arrival of the RCE’s shuttle, Lucia tried to abort the action, but was prevented from doing so by her co-conspirators. Holden and Alex (Cas Anvar) come to Naomi and Lucia’s aid as they’re hunted across the encampment, bringing some of the Rocinante’s firepower to bear. Alex takes Lucia and Naomi into orbit aboard the Rocinante, leaving Holden behind to plead with the two factions to evacuate the unpredictable, proto-molecule-soaked planet, with a little time left over to punch Murtry in the face and demand Amos’s release.
Neither faction wants to abandon the planet, or their claim to the lithium, but soon the planet itself renders Holden’s exhortations irrelevant. An island explodes, precipitating a shockwave and tsunami that threatens their survival. Worse still, the fall-out has somehow rendered the fusion drives on the orbiting spacecraft useless. There’s no prospect of escape or rescue. Everyone has to flee for refuge in one of the alien ruins.
Structures, slugs and synthesised drugs
Once inside, the survivors split into two factions, RCE on one side, Belters on the other, with Holden and Amos somewhere in the middle. They quickly discover that the structure is teeming with countless thousands of neurotoxic alien slugs and hostile micro-organisms. Everyone except Holden starts to go blind after being infected by the micro-organisms. Many others succumb to the fatal touch of the slugs. Murtry, becoming more unstable by the moment, reveals to his group his true objective on Ilus/New Terra. It isn’t the lithium he’s after, but the proto-molecule tech. He also wants to kill Holden and Amos.
Above the planet, Alex and Naomi devise a plan to tether the Rocinante to the Barbapiccola to prevent its decaying orbit from dragging it down onto the planet’s surface. Murtry keeps things interesting by ordering the Edward Israel to fire on the Rocinante.
The exo-biologist Dr Okoye works out – just in the nick of time – that Holden is immune to the micro-organisms because of the anti-cancer medication he’s been taking ever since he and Miller were exposed to radiation on Eros. She synthesises a cure, and the effects are reversed. In time, the waters recede enough for the survivors to leave the structure.
Meanwhile, proto-Miller again appears to Holden. The ‘real’ Miller is now battling with the protomolecule for control of the Miller ‘avatar’. In a moment of lucidity, Miller explains to Holden that the hat-wearing Miller he’s been dealing with is The Investigator, whose mission was to bring Holden and a dose of active protomolecule through the ring gates to activate the structures on Ilus. Miller, however, has identified a place on the planet where the protomolecule can’t go, where in fact all trace of it can be destroyed.       
Holden heads off in search of this weak spot. He’s led to a portal which transports him to another structure elsewhere on the planet, swiftly followed by Murtry and Chandra (with whom Amos had a brief ‘romance’), who are intent on killing him. Amos and Okoye follow. Amos fatally shoots Chandra, then Murtry shoots and disables Amos. Meanwhile, Okoye and Holden find a mysterious circular rift that Miller refers to as ‘the bullet’. While Holden rushes to aid Amos and incapacitate Murtry, Okoye stays behind to help Miller with ‘the bullet’. Miller merges with items strewn around the room to give him the corporeal form necessary to enter and plug the rift. His self-sacrifice not only saves Okoye, who is almost swallowed by the phenomenon, but returns everything to normal. All vestiges of the protomolecule are removed, the planet is ‘deactivated’ and fusion engines can function once more. The Belters and some of the RCE scientists decide to stay behind on Ilus. In orbit, Holden ejects the only piece of protomolecule that’s still aboard the Rocinante into Ilus’ sun. Murtry is a prisoner aboard the Rocinante, but the crew decides to let Lucia go.    
The Beginning of the End
Bobbie reaches out to Avasarala to tell her about the criminal conspiracy between Martian and Belter criminals/terrorists. Ashford’s message, which lends weight to this intel, is out there in the ether somewhere, but no one has yet detected it. Bobbie and Avasarala are now working together.
It was Filip who was with the team of Belters on Mars that stole the piece of military tech before eliminating Esai’s gang. The hardware taken was stealth tech, which we discover that Marco Inaros has used to cloak eight asteroids that are currently hurtling their way towards Earth.  
It’s going to be fascinating and harrowing in equal measure to see what a few million tonnes of space-rock will do to the tentative peace that’s barely holding the Sol system together, and how the various factions will make peace – or war – with the atrocity to come.
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Roll on season five.
The post The Expanse Season 4 Recap: Ilus, the Ring Gates and the Cliffhanger Ending appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ly85ts
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immobiliter · 9 months
A link to this is going on her page too, but here is a complete bio for Camina's ME au for anyone uninitiated to her canon. These are also the basic details that take her up to her canon introduction in s2 of the Expanse; I have noted ideas below it for where I envision her ending up, but I am very much open to tweaking that on a case by case basis depending on what I plot with her.
Born 2152 on Gargarin Station in the Sol System, five years before the First Contact War and three years after the discovery of Prothean artefacts on Mars / Charon Relay ( station became known as Jump Zero as it was the base for attempts at faster-than-light travel before the discovery and development of mass effect field technology ).
Following the development of this technology and expansion of space stations and colonies across the Sol system and beyond, Gargarin Station became somewhat redundant, with governmental and Alliance funding being cut. This created a diaspora of the spacers on board, with Camina joining up, along with many of them, to an OPA-style ( the main "terrorist" belter group within the Expanse, known as the Outer Planets Alliance ) branch of Cerberus.
A young and capable spacer as she was, Camina firstly ran with a cell of Cerberus that was led by Anderson Dawes on board the Citadel. Anderson Dawes was one of the many spacers made redundant at Gargarin by the development of mass effect field technology and channelled his frustration into his cell. This was a group disillusioned with C-Sec, the Alliance's handling of the situation on Gargarin Station and the conditions of humans (along with some other species) who had just moved into the station following the end of the First Contact War and peace with the galactic community. This erupted as many violent and terrorist incidents on the station, which helped contribute to the image of Cerberus as a xenophobic, anti-alien institution.
Dawes was eventually run off the Citadel and retreated to Ceres Station in the Asteroid Belt of the Sol System. Here, he all but ruled the station, too influential for station and Alliance officials to completely subdue, and the violent clashes between the groups continued. Dawes fought for the welfare of the spacers who toiled at the station for meagre air and water rations when compared to their overseers, and wanted better equality and representation within the Systems Alliance for those spacers without money, power or familial history within the institution. He wanted these collective spacers to fight back not just across the station, but across colonies and space stations all over the galaxy.
Camina did not see violence as the solution, and it was the arrival of Fred Johnson to Ceres Station, an ex-Alliance soldier in disgrace, that finally gave her an out. Fred was a Captain in the Alliance who not only fought in the First Contact War but went on to help police the space around Arcturus Station from pirates. But he became notorious when Anderson Station, another space station within the Asteroid Belt, was overrun by insurgents and Fred led the charge to retake the station. His team massacred 173 armed insurgents and over a thousand civilians. The civilian casualties were brushed under the carpet by the Alliance and he was universally lauded for his actions — but amongst the human spacers growing discontented on Ceres, the Citadel and throughout the populated galaxy, he became known as the Butcher of Anderson Station.
Horrified and guilty for his actions, Fred resigned from the Alliance and publicly apologised for his actions on Anderson Station. Withdrawing underground, he ended up on Ceres where he was recruited into Cerberus by Anderson Dawes, and saw a means to make amends for his actions and improve welfare for humans and other species all over the galaxy.
He and Camina soon left Ceres Station and headed for Terminus, where they intended to found their own branch of Cerberus — one that did not resort to violence, but wished to work alongside the Alliance to improve things for all. There, they arrived at Tycho Station, a ship manufacturing and engineering headquarters in the Terminus Systems. Fred's charisma and leadership skills eventually earned him the title of chief of operations, with Camina taking on the role of his second in command. While outwardly the station was known for being one of the most productive and reliable ship repair yards in all of Terminus, Fred was secretly funding both Cerberus and the Alliance, trying to maintain respect and influence with both so that he could one day broker a resolution between them.
Important Notes:
There are several paths that Camina can take depending on choices made in ME2/how the narrative plays out.
She can either remain with Cerberus post-ME2, in which case she joins forces with ex-space pirate and Cerberus member Klaes Ashford to captain the Behemoth, a human-spacer marvel of a ship that the Illusive Man intends to use in his pursuit of controlling the Reapers. She and Ashford can be recruited as war assets to stop the Reapers instead of following through with the Illusive Man's plan.
Or she can be persuaded that Cerberus is fundamentally broken and detach herself from politics completely, branching off to become the captain of a space pirate fleet. She can again be recruited as a war asset in ME3.
Camina is a belter within her home canon, meaning that she grew up in the vacuum of space and has never stepped foot on a planet ( the most equivalent to spacers within the ME world ). Belters have their own culture and their own language, known as langue belter or belter creole. It's not only made up of its own words and phrases, but also sign language that made communication between people wearing vac suits a lot easier than the spoken word.
Within the world of ME, humanity's exploration and colonisation of the stars happened at a much more accelerated pace than within the Expanse, but I like to think that an equivalent-esque language and culture has sprung up among spacers over the decades. Camina doesn't use as many words and phrases as she does in her canon, but I will scatter them in from time to time.
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immobiliter · 10 months
but also while we're at it, "i never loved you because you were fighters, i loved you because you were builders" and the moment between camina and maya in ep1 of the telltale game on top of the artemis when maya sees io in the distance and is captivated by the moon's beauty, while camina looks at it and cannot help but think of the way earth exploits io's resources and doesn't give anything to the belt. camina then seeing one of io's many volcanoes erupting later in the episode and immediately thinking of maya and how much she'd want to see it :))))
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immobiliter · 1 year
why  do  you  hurt?
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because you have made mistakes you cannot swallow     mistakes come back to you like echoes in an empty cave. you have been trying since you started but does trying count? is trying good enough? every night it visits you, the pain that you have caused with your clumsy hands and venom-tongue. life careens onward, onward, with the moon hung in the sky and the sun the day after, but you walk backwards on this path so you can keep sight of what you did. the destruction still feels fresh. it still feels like fire, where you burned them. fire is supposed to be warm. it burned them, and it will swallow you. blow out the candle. let it rest. some things are better left behind in the dark.
tagged by :  @mysticwrit​ <3 tagging :   if you see this, you are tagged
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immobiliter · 2 years
i’m just thinking today about camina drummer growing up on ceres station in a culture where survival and violence went hand in hand. how she was recruited into the OPA and became known as anderson dawes’ attack dog, where she would carry out his dirty work and do so without complaint or without a thought as to whether what she did was moral or right. thinking about how violence and hardship and strength became the way in which she defined herself and her identity until she escaped to join fred johnson. thinking about how, despite her own conditioning, she loves fred and klaes ashford and naomi nagata and her polyamorous belter family precisely because they are not like her. because they want to build, not destroy. because they are not like so many belters who are also conditioned into thinking that violence is the only answer to the injustice they face. because, in fred and klaes’ case in particular, they wish to resolve the fundamental injustice created by earth and mars with words, not weapons. 
just thinking about how camina drummer, fearsome right hand to fred johnson turned pirate queen, who marco’s crew has to explicitly disarm when she boards his ship because they know about her infamous temper, loves dreamers and builders and idealists and wants all belters to be able to break out of the conditioning that she faced herself, and how now that she’s the president of the transport union, she can work towards exactly that :’ )
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immobiliter · 2 years
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖙.
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𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖘  .
full name.  camina drummer nicknames / aliases.  drummer  /  captain drummer size. 5'5". age.   34. zodiac.   tbd. spoken languages.   belter creole, which is a mix of a range of different dialects and languages and is spoken predominantly in the asteroid belt,  english 
𝖕𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖘  .
hair colour.   jet black. eye colour.   brown. body type.   slim/skinny. dominant hand.   right. posture.   tense, but assertive. drummer always draws herself up taller than she is physically and can stare down anyone, no matter their height scars.   she has the scar left over from being shot in her lower abdomen, and the scars at the base of her spine from having it crushed after the behemoth entered the ring gate. tattoos.   the most noticeable ( and only visible ) one is on the left side of her neck most noticeable features.   the heavy eyeliner & tightly braided hair
𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖉  .
place of birth.   ceres station, asteroid belt. siblings.  none. parents.   whoever they are, they are almost certainly deceased.
𝖆𝖉𝖚𝖑𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊  .
occupation.   commanding officer on board tycho station and, later, captain of the behemoth and then her own fleet of pirate ships. current residence(s).   the dewalt, asteroid belt. close friends.   her polyamorous belter fam, naomi nagata, klaes ashford and fred johnson & jim holden only sometimes. relationship status.  complicated, but certainly not monogamous. financial status.   since joining fred on tycho, drummer never really had to worry about money per se, but financial status in the belt is more about the possession of water and oxygen than currency. driver’s license.   she can pilot a spaceship, but she’s never stepped foot on a planet so driving a car is out of the question. criminal record.   she’s a part of the OPA which is recognised by earth and mars as a terrorist organisation, so yes lmao.
𝖘𝖊𝖝 & 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊  .
sexual orientation.   demisexual. preferred sexual role.  tbd turn-ons.  anyone who is kind, merciful, and possesses the softness that she has had to repress for so long turn-offs.  most men, particularly ambitious ones with big ideas who aren’t actually interested in the welfare of the belt and those who call it home.
𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖚𝖘  .  
hobbies to pass time.   physical exercise and sports, dancing. mental illnesses.   tbd. i’m not sure drummer can be defined in that way, it’s more that she’s just been shaped by the harshness of her upbringing in the belt
tagged by: @mercysought​ <3 tagging: @couragedrawn ( pick any one of your girls ), @imbricare ( since i’m doing this for drummer you should do this for naomi <3 ), @jericholeader​ / @mindoirdaughter​ ( whoever you’d prefer to fill this out for! ) & anyone else who would like to do this!
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immobiliter · 2 years
@imbricare​ asked: LOTTIE talk to me about Camina's feelings and reaction when she first hears about Fred Johnson's death
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yesssss okay so I am kinda sad that we never saw Camina react to Fred Johnson’s death when he was so clearly a major part of her life up until she takes command of the Behemoth; while we never get any detailed explanation about why Camina left Anderson Dawes and Ceres Station to build Tycho with Fred, Camina makes her animosity towards Dawes very clear and states on several occasions that she chose to leave Ceres to build Tycho with Fred because she ‘saw something different’ in him. she sees him as a more moderate voice in the Belt, someone who is less eager to jump to violence as a first response, and this plays into the whole idea that Camina is drawn to those kinds of people. 'i didn’t love you because you were fighters, i loved you because you were builders’ will i ever be over this line? nope, because it explains all of Camina’s close relationships and the people she puts her loyalty in
sure, she and Fred have their differences and after she leaves Tycho for the Behemoth/Medina Station she begins to develop independently from him in her dynamic with Ashford, but as recently as s4 when she and the other Belter faction leaders are deliberating on Marco’s fate, she is still there representing Fred and Tycho Station. in s5, after finding the data core Ashford left hidden in his ship, she immediately sends it to Fred hoping that he’ll be able to use it to stop Marco. her loyalty to him never really wavers, even when she disagrees with or disapproves of something he’s done
however, considering that Fred’s death comes not long after Ashford’s, I don’t necessarily think that it would come as a surprise to Camina, sadly. she knows that Fred represents those moderate voices in the Belt that Marco ultimately needs to eradicate in order to sway any undecided Belter factions to his side, and Fred is also an Earther as well as one of the OPA leaders who agreed upon the armistice with the Inners following the events at the Ring Gates. Marco needs to destabilise all of this to force that confrontation with the Inners and unite the Belters behind him. while Fred’s death would only add to Camina’s anger at Marco and her personal desire for revenge, I think deep down she’d know that Fred’s card was already marked --- plus she loses so much in s5 that Fred’s death is just yet another loss to add to the list
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immobiliter · 2 years
i’m just thinking about how rightly sceptical and distrustful Camina was of Klaes Ashford when he first stepped aboard the Behemoth, fully believing that he was either colluding with Dawes to force her out of command and therefore increase the influence of Dawes’ faction of the OPA on the station, or that he had seen an opportunity for himself to seize command from her. and Camina’s journey in the latter part of s3 going into s4, realising that Ashford was being entirely a man of his word when he said that he was happy to be her first officer, that despite being a notorious belter pirate and left hand of Dawes he’d actually seen the opportunity that the ring gates had given the OPA and the belt to present a united front and force the Inners to take them seriously as a system-wide power, and Camina beginning to believe in the notion of a united belter state herself, is so fascinating to witness. 
because before this, Camina didn’t hold any such ambitions for the Belt. she was simply aligned with Fred Johnson in the belief that, through what they were doing on Tycho Station and how they could subtly influence Inner politics as a result, they could better the lives of her people on a smaller, personal level ( which is also what she goes back to doing when she joins up with the crew of the Dewalt in s5 ). she was and continued to be very committed to the nomadic, tribe-like nature of Belter culture and the fact that they are born and bred in the vacuum of space, not made for planet/land dwelling, which later causes her crisis of confidence in what she and Ashford were doing during s4 when they are policing the Ring Gates on the Inners’ behalf. she’s also worked alongside the likes of Anderson Dawes, whose influence over the OPA I think she views as an ego-trip and not as selfless as it outwardly appears, and it’s very clear she harbours a lot of anger and bitterness towards him. 
it’s the sharp contrast of Dawes’ methods and attitude vs. Ashford’s that really broadens her outlook: it’s his rational optimism and desire to stand firm with the Inners but also build bridges with them that influences so much of Camina’s character going forward ( symbolised by that speech and the fact that Camina goes from deriding Ashford’s OPA uniform to wearing it herself in s4 ), and I just have so many feelings about it
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