#* gsfm: accepted npc
goldensocietyfm · 10 months
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"Beware the man who faces you unarmed. If in his eyes you are not the target, then you can be sure you are the weapon." - Olivie Blake
CHIONE SHELTON (she/her), who looks a lot like REBECCA FERGUSON (ACTRESS), was born on AUGUST 11TH, 1847, which makes her 176 YEARS OLD.
She currently works as MEMBER for the GOLDEN CIRCLE.
She lives in the BURROWS, in an apartment.
The cold is not your friend. Winter isn't in general, and it's coming closer and lasting longer as the years go by. Some of them pass as fast as light, some of them crawl and groan and stick with you longer than you want them to. Time is similar to the cold - gnawing and clawing at your bones any chance it gets. Just like now, as you're is waiting for her colleagues to arrive. They're taking their time. Becoming a member of the Golden Circle wasn't exactly the thing you had in your mind when you started your education at the Academy. You were nineteen when your powers finally revealed themself. The pain and agony you went through in fear of witchcraft is nothing to the pain and agony the ten years of education gifted to you. To this day, the magic tends to feel like poison in your veins, making you sick to your stomach. In a way, Darina has helped fixing you. Not that you need to be fixed - you're perfectly fine the way you are, or so they tell you. But that's the thing with Mentalists; The voices are not your friend; The feelings are not your friend; Your mind is not your friend; blah, blah. You're sure that every Mentalist becomes quite aware of that fact the moment the magic takes over their body for the first time. Everyone you once knew is long gone. Except for the magic, of course, and time, your two steady friends. The only steady friends at that. "Incredible.", you mutter to yourself, "You'd think they were so bored with their life by now, that they'd make it on time. "That's the thing with illusionists.", Darina exclaimed as she entered the room, looking right at you, "We think that time is an illusion, and therefore relative. Meaning: We can't be late."
Chione has a love-hate relationship with peace, as well as with being introverted. Like many other Mentalists, headaches when she nears other Magicians are not uncommon, which often leaves her a little grumpy. Not really liking London's rain adds to that. She mostly keeps to herself, her public appearances are even rarer than her publicly shown smiles. Chione doesn't tell much about her private life, mostly keeping to Darin if she leaves her safe havens. The two of them have been something along the lines of friends ever since Chione joined the Golden Circle. If to be bribed, it would work best with hot rice cakes, her ultimate favorite she's picked out throughout all her years on earth.
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goldensocietyfm · 1 year
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"you're him, i don't wanna hear it, you're him. and you, you're you, you be you, but not in front of her. you're him, you're you". - joe pantoliano
RUFUS RYAN (he/him), who looks a lot like DENZEL WASHINGTON (ACTOR), was born on November 3rd, 1878, which makes him 145 YEARS OLD.
He currently works as THE COMMANDER for the MILE (Magical International Law Enforcement).
He lives close to the MILE Headquarters, in a house.
"Cadets! A-tten-tion!" The sound of about fifty boots hitting the ground at the same time as the MILE Academy Cadets all shifted into position, and the impact of it sent shivers down Rufus' spine. Years later, he still liked to remember this moment. Especially when August 1st rolled around, the day the new cadets got initiated, and now that he had worked himself up to the role of The Commander, he got to lead the procedure every year. The year his son got initiated, he had almost shed a singular tear, but his will not to cry in front of the whole Academy had been too strong to let it slip. He did cry bitter tears over his glass of whiskey then, though, when he was back in his house and all alone again, sitting on the porch, watching the night sky. His son had long left the house, but it felt especially lonely then, now that he was finally and completely going his own way. Growing up, Rufus knew cold loving words of a father and loving ones of a mother, nothing he especially distasted. His parents were incredibly proud of him the day he officially became Commander, threw a big party even, and his son, they loved even more. When he got injured during a mission, his mother even moved in with him for a while, helped him out and took care of him the best she could. Thankful for her actions, he gifted his parents a house, which they still live in to this day. The dark side never tempted him, not really - there were dark moments and moments he isn't exactly proud of, but he stayed true to his true self, kept his beliefs and principles. As an Empath and with the ability to feel and control other's emotions, he's respected and feared. Though he rarely uses these powers in a bad way, only to defend himself - seeing that the Rebels still exist and still try their best to destroy the gorgeous world the Magicians have built over the years, so he does his best to fight against them. Other than that, he spends his free time golfing, enjoys his five PM tea on his porch and eats over at his neighbor's house (a 80-year-old human lady, that makes the best lasagna in town).
It's not that he hates the Members of the Golden Circle and the rare-sighted Illusionary, it's just that he doesn't exactly likes most of them. Working with those bizarre creatures for years and years makes you mad at some point (and while he's quite bizarre himself), they have started to get on his nerves a long time ago. What annoys him even more, though, is the horrible London weather. He has spent many years of his life on sunny beaches, especially in the Eighties, and the constant rain makes his shoulder hurt more (or so he thinks). At least the food is immaculate - staying true to his London self, Rufus loves fish and chips and the daily tea, as well as cookies and everything else sugary and baked. Rufus has a sweet spot for classic literature and jazz music, as well as his old record player and the collection of records in his basement.
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