#*   IC.
the-mocking-robin · 2 days
He can be mad at me later.
Then I can delete whatever weird killer AI he's decided is gonna save the world.
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wingherc · 16 days
「𓆄」 When the invites for the party had come out, Hawks had sent a text Aerith's way, effectively inviting her to go with him. With her acceptance of his invitation, he suggested with the nature of it being a masked ball, that they try to find each other! And while they'd at least coordinated a color palette, neither one knew what the other would be wearing, so it kept it fresh.
And, with Hawks' late arrival, when he was in proximity of the manner, he could already hear the atmosphere of the party through one of his feathers. Sooo, maybe he had an added perk, but, he wouldn't find her right away just to even out the playing field. Even so much as to moving farther away when he was mingling with some other party goers.
After being at the party for about thirty-ish minutes, he decided the jig was up, and it's when she was being invited for a dance, is an arm thrown around her.
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"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you." A playful laugh escaped him as he guided her away from the crowd. "You haven't been here long, have you?"
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mystalwartheart · 5 months
"I saw you out there, fighting for your life." Kelpie hissed out. They was stalking after the women. Not knowing if she was part of the BSAA or any of the groups that were hunting them.
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Jill spins on her heels to find the source of the voice addressing her, and sees someone standing before her. They look human, but not...exactly, and it's clear by their physical condition they've been through hell themselves. She's cautious, sizing the stranger up, but not yet reaching for her weapon.
"You've been watching me," Jill observes plainly and calmly. Evidently, there are other actors at play here. She wonders if the stranger might be an undercover operative, or a B.O.W. sent to kill her by Los Illuminados, the KGB or some remnant of the Spencer family or Umbrella Corporation, but she's never seen a B.O.W. display such obvious sapience before: Typically they're uncontrollable shambling monstrosities, or soldiers programed to obey orders without question with no free will of their own.
She decides to take a chance, slowly beginning to raise her hands, but not keeping them far from her holster.
"May I ask who you are, and why you're following me?" Jill asks carefully and politely.
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dragonskxn · 6 months
"It's only spring, but it's still sweltering out. I wish I could swim and take a dip in the lake to cool off...but I...ah... don't know how to. Maybe I could just sit in the shallows."
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gravesung · 25 days
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❝ NOW, NOW — THERE'S NO need to get so worked up. ❞
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wuhei-archived · 1 month
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" no more kisses for moze. if anyone tries to kiss me, i will stab you. "
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aworldadrifft · 2 months
Accursed Mirror (Open Starter)
Where had his mirror gone and ended up?
The last time the Startouched Elf had bothered to actually check, the mirror that gave a window into his prison was in the possession of a Dragon.
Curiosity, and perhaps some vague hope for something interesting, however, had driven him to...well. Activate the mirror's powers.
Hiding just enough out of sight to listen for any....reactions.
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vierandancer · 3 months
After everything that had gone on with Garlean Empire, Meiko had felt her stomach sink at the rumors of another mysterious magitek machine accompanying an equally mysterious man in black.
"Not fuckin' the day," she muttered as she made her way out into Thanalan. Despite the potential danger of yet another Asican making trouble, however, she hadn't reached for her Linkpearl to alert the others. Not even her brother. She would, of course, if the rumors proved true...but people were sometimes blind. Or paranoid. Or stupid (herself included). And if it truly were a threat worth investigating, someone would've come running into town screaming already. So, hopefully...
It wasn't all that hard to spot the strange magitek vehicle from a distance, but she nearly missed the lad curled up in front of it looking like how she oft did after too many firewaters. Perhaps that was why she didn't draw her weapons as she approached, albeit cautiously.
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"Y...You all right, lad?"
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ildotore · 4 months
why does everyone hate me.... is it because i'm so submissive and breedable and my omega scent attracts all the powerful alphas uwu
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mielmoto · 3 months
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" women with deep voices can, like, truly just say anything to me. they could ask me to do truly heinous things and I simply would. without question. "
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the-mocking-robin · 2 days
Challenging the billionaires of the world (all ten of you) to just. Give people money.
No legal papers. No conditions.
Just give people money.
Or volunteer or higher taxes.
Both are ideal.
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wingherc · 27 days
「𓆄」 He had plenty of help around the agency today, and once he'd had everyone started on their patrols and various other clerical duties to attend to, Hawks had dipped for the day. Though, he made sure he was still reachable by phone if it came down to it.
Aerith had tasked him with cleaning up some flower patches in Archimedes, and while they were working parallel for the day, their final patch being the one that they'd both finish together. The thing he was looking forward to most, actually.
It'd taken a couple of hours to get to that point. And, admittedly, he was getting impatient, but, he couldn't rush unless he'd like to risk getting chided by Aerith. Who might whack him upside the head with her basket for being sloppy.
So, when they meet up, he's the first to warmly greet the woman.
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"Fancy meeting you here!" As if this wasn't planned. "Come here often, dove?" Fortunately, their baskets looked to be similar in size, with the preened flowers that have wilted, so he's confident in saying he did it correctly.
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ultimatelifefcrm · 6 months
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"How can you call this a roll when it's clearly a ravioli?" Calm down, sophocles, it's a snack item.
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dragonskxn · 9 months
"I feel like either kissing someone or mauling them. Maybe both."
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gravesung · 21 days
@hvnlygojo liked x for a starter.
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❝ AHH... I CAN'T BELIEVE i lost. ❞ it was a dumb bet, but not unusual for them — who can take down more curses in a minute — and really, he's lying. suguru can easily believe he lost. as much as the two boys like to tout that they are the strongest together, he isn't any more deluded than anyone else. suguru shoves his hands in his pockets and heaves a long sigh, though the smile on his face betrays how little he actually laments the situation.
how could he? the summer sunset paints a warm orange glow over the grounds, the night is young, and he walks beside his best friend. ❝ alright, i'm a man of my word. one favor, as promised. cashing in now or later, satoru? ❞
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mystalwartheart · 4 months
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Jill is in her office going over some paperwork.
Every so often she seems to make some kind of note with her pen, or turns to her computer and types out a quick string of characters. She is totally focused on the task at hand.
It looks awfully important.
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